#accelerate your business
suga-kookiemonster · 2 years
I just saw omg 😵‍💫😣 and the way he used to be my wife this my wife that every two seconds ?!?!!? Men are trash for real 😭
honestly! men truly ain’t SHIT smh. what is up with these men making “loving” their wives their brand, especially knowing they’re just as much of a dog as all their friends. and with his employee, too?! AND got two whole kids?? tired of all the 🧢, men are all trash and this is why i’m single lol
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kajmasterclass · 13 days
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rickgoodman · 2 months
Dr. Rick Goodman: 90 Day Business Growth Accelerator Program
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mate4tech · 5 months
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alienzil · 2 months
Nanny Danny
“That is a whole ass baby,” was the only thought running through Lex Luthor’s head when the scientist proudly showed him the tube containing Project KR. It was not remotely the sort of thing he would normally think and most definitely not what he had expected to be thinking the first time he saw the clone.
He’d been pleased when he’d read the reports indicating the success of KR after years of failures. Lex had poured millions of dollars and literally his own blood into ensuring a clone of the alien could be made, one that would be under his total control instead of the unknown aspirations of Superman.  He’d wanted to see the fruits of his labors personally but this…
It. No, not an it. He scrunched his tiny face and smacked his lips and…did he smirk? Was that HIS SMIRK on that baby’s face?! No. No. Babies this small didn’t smile or smirk. They passed gas and their sleep deprived and addled parents mistook it for an intelligent response. He’d heard enough inane conversations in the Lexcorp office about the various progeny of his employees to pick up on that but still. This child had Kryptonian DNA, not to mention his own contribution. Surely, he was far more advanced than the dribbling potato shaped lump of an infant whose pictures he’d been forced to smile and nod over when Mark from accounting had rudely shoved them in his face at the last quarterly budget meeting. Yes, that was definitely a smirk. His, that was his smirk.
“So as you can see its growth is well within expected parameters and we’re planning to start phase one of accelerating the maturation process tomorrow once the testing is do-”
“Take him out.”
“Sir? The testing can all be accomplished while it remains in the tube. There’s no need to-”
“I said, take him out. The project is cancelled.”
“What?! Mr. Luthor you can’t!”
“I think you’ll find I can. Now get me my son.”
Two years later
“Call them again”
“Sir, I’ve called them seven times. They won’t answer.”
“Then call another agency!”
“There isn’t another agency, Sir”
Lex glared at his assistant who stared back at him impassively. Mercy stood by the door staring off into the distance and pretending she didn’t notice him being bested by his own secretary.
He stopped himself from shouting again and took a deep breath before asking, “Then what, exactly, do you propose I do Mrs. Anderson? Adjust my entire schedule around naptimes? Find a toddler size lab coat and safety goggles and bring my son with me to tour the new clean energy project on Thursday? Perhaps buy a tiny business suit while I’m at it for the next board meeting?”
“I’m not suggesting anything of the sort, Mr. Luthor. I’m telling you that no childcare agency in Metropolis will return my calls anymore. Most won’t even answer.  You’ve gone through 27 nannies in the last 3 months. You need someone better suited to your son’s…special needs.”
Lex snorted. “Special needs might be a bit of understatement. He can lift a car over his head and his favorite word right now is No.”
He sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Thank you for…clarifying the situation, Marjorie. If there’s nothing else, you can leave.”
His secretary didn’t move. She looked at him like she was waiting for something and now that he was paying attention, he saw she was holding a file.  “Did you have a suggestion?”
Looking pleased with herself she responded, “Actually, yes, I did.”
She set the file on his desk and flipped it open. He looked down at the first page and raised an eyebrow, “What am I looking at here?”
“This,” she responded pulling out the top set of papers and spreading them out, “is the employee file and background check for Daniel J. Fenton, an intern that started in our engineering department about 4 months ago. He has one sibling, two parents and several close friends he regularly meets with. His current supervisor has nothing but good things to say about him and reports he gets along well with all his coworkers.”
She set out the next set of papers, neatly arranging them on the desk to be easily seen. “These are newspaper articles and screenshots of social media posts regarding a small town vigilante locally known as Phantom. The same small town, Mr. Fenton is from coincidentally. Also coincidentally, Phantom made his first appearance only a few weeks after Mr. Fenton was involved in a minor accident in his parent’s home laboratory when he was 14, the medical records for the incident are included.”
“Hmm,” Lex said observing several photos of Phantom and a younger Fenton arranged in order of similar poses and facial expressions and printed out side by side.
“Finally,” she said handing him the last set of papers directly, “this would be a report from the lab Mr. Fenton works in from an incident that happened yesterday. A test with a new protype went wrong and started a fire. Everyone evacuated per protocol when the alarms went off but one of the other interns was working on a programming issue off to the side of the lab while wearing headphones and didn’t hear the alarm or notice the fire. Mr. Fenton noticed his absence and returned to the lab to get him out.” She stopped talking and let him look at the last several pages in the file, a series of photographs of the lab.
“Is this ice?”
“Yes, it is. It’s several inches thick and covers half of the lab. It completely put out the fire leaving minimal damage.”
“This machine was moved?”
“It was. It was very close to the flames and would have required replacement if exposed to extreme heat or cold. That particular piece of equipment also weighs several thousand pounds and was bolted to the floor.”
Lex read through everything in detail then clasped his hands under his chin and stared at the photo of Daniel Fenton for several moments before turning back to his waiting secretary.
“Have HR send Mr. Fenton up. I’d like to offer him a promotion.”
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Accelerate Your Business Growth with the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi
Accelerate Your Business Growth with the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi
Introduction: In the bustling city of Delhi, businesses face fierce competition and the need to stand out in the digital space has become more critical than ever. This is where a trusted digital marketing agency can make all the difference. If you're looking to propel your business forward, increase online visibility, and drive tangible results, the top-rated Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi is here to help. With our expertise as a leading digital marketing company in Delhi, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to boost your brand's online presence and maximize your business growth potential.
Why Choose Our Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi? When it comes to digital marketing services, we take pride in being the preferred agency for businesses in Delhi. Here are the reasons why you should choose us:
Proven Expertise: As a leading digital marketing agency in Delhi, we have a track record of delivering successful results for our clients. Our team of skilled professionals stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends, strategies, and algorithm updates to ensure your business stays ahead of the competition.
Tailored Solutions: We understand that each business has unique goals and requirements. Our digital marketing strategies are customized to align with your specific objectives, target audience, and industry. Whether you need to generate leads, increase website traffic, or enhance brand awareness, we have the right solutions for you.
Comprehensive Services: As a full-service Best digital marketing company in Delhi, we offer a wide range of services to cover all aspects of your online presence. From search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to social media management and content marketing, our expertise spans across the entire digital marketing spectrum.
Data-Driven Approach: We base our strategies on data and analytics to ensure optimal results. By closely monitoring campaign performance and analyzing key metrics, we identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions to maximize your return on investment (ROI).
Transparent Reporting: We believe in transparency and keeping our clients informed every step of the way. Our agency provides regular reports detailing the progress of your campaigns, key performance indicators, and insights. This allows you to gauge the effectiveness of our efforts and make informed business decisions.
How Our Digital Marketing Company in Delhi Can Help You:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Our SEO experts conduct in-depth keyword research, optimize your website's on-page elements, and build high-quality backlinks to improve your organic search rankings. By increasing your visibility on search engines, we drive targeted traffic to your website and boost your online presence.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Our digital marketing agency in Delhi specializes in creating and managing highly effective PPC campaigns. We identify the right keywords, optimize your ad copy, and target the right audience to maximize your ad spend and generate high-quality leads for your business.
Social Media Management: We develop and execute comprehensive social media strategies to enhance your brand's presence on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Our experts create engaging content, manage your social media accounts, and leverage analytics to drive meaningful engagement and build a loyal customer base.
Content Marketing: Our agency helps you establish thought leadership and engage with your target audience through compelling content. From blog posts and articles to infographics and videos, we create valuable content that educates, entertains, and drives traffic to your website.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): We analyze user behavior on your website and identify areas for improvement to enhance your conversion rates. By optimizing your website's design, user experience, and calls-to-action, we help you turn more visitors into customers.
Conclusion: As businesses in Delhi navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, partnering with a reliable digital marketing agency is crucial
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visualcontenting · 1 year
Instagram Post Insights: 6 Essential Tips that Actually Work to Accelerate Your Growth
Instagram Post Insights: 6 Essential Tips that Actually Work to Accelerate Your Growth #instagrammarketing
Introduction Are you looking to accelerate your Instagram growth? Knowing your Instagram post insights is essential for leveraging your followers into customer action. Instagram post insights are crucial for measuring performance, understanding audience engagement, and ultimately driving your growth. With the right tips and strategies, you can maximize the potential of your account and make it an…
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snapdragons mean i'm sorry
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summary: you own a flower shop down the street from Wade and Althea, and now Logan's apartment. You and Logan had grown quite close, until you hear him complaining about you through the door. A week later, he shows up at the shop, groveling wc: 2.0 k a/n: sorry about the delay with this one, things have been a bit crazy! I really enjoyed writing for worst!Logan, I think I'm considering a part two for this as well. This fic is based on this request! warnings: lots of hurt and comfort, reader uses she/her pronouns, confused and groveling Logan, Wade being a meddler, slight spoilers for the end of Deadpool and Wolverine
You were two seconds away from chucking the bouquet that you were working on clear across the room. Instead, you gently set the flowers down on your workbench and tightened your pony tail. Heaving a sigh, you snatched the broom out of it’s place leaning up against the doorway and made you way to the front of store. 
Usually, being surrounded by all of your flowers and specially curated knickknacks brought you a sense of peace. But so far today you’d broken two vases and stabbed your thumb on rose thorns maybe more than you’d ever done in your entire life. 
Being friends with a superhero (singular) was much less stressful than you’d thought it would be. Wade would stop in to the shop around once a week to buy flowers for Vanessa, always with a quick joke or two before being on his way. It wasn’t until he’d saved you from an attempted mugging a few years back that you’d really become close. And you’d been there for a lot. Through his break up with Vanessa, when he was nonstop moaning about how deeply he hated selling lightly used cars, and whenever he needed a second opinion about a new hair system he was perched on a second stool that now had permanent residence behind the counter, right next to yours. 
Being friends with superheroes (plural) was bringing a new host of issues. Namely, an accelerated heart rate and trouble forming your words in front of Wade’s new roommate. Wade had warned you that his new acquisition was prickly when he’d stopped over to invite you to the Welcome Home Pizza Party Palooza, according to the hand drawn invitation he’d proudly presented you. He’d lured you in with promises of meeting his new dog before dropping the bomb that there was an introduction to his roommate included in the package deal. You’d already agreed, and Wade was too busy rambling about how you were being moved up to from side character status for you to intercede with a made up reason you could no longer attend. 
You historically didn’t do well with meeting new people, and someone who was likely to snap at you at some point throughout the evening, by Wade’s estimations, was an even bigger hurdle. Even though you had worked yourself up enough to feel slightly sick to your stomach, you’d arrived at the party, armed with flowers for the new roommate and a mini bouquet of dog treats for Mary Puppins. Wade and Al’s apartment was full of familiar faces when you’d arrived. You were caught up in a conversation with Peter and Yukio for a few minutes before they’d asked about the flowers all but forgotten in your hands. You admitted they were a welcome home present, and Peter kindly pointed out where Logan was standing across the room. You’d thanked him, and made your way across the room. 
When you reached him in the kitchen, you stood quietly behind him, working up the courage to make your presence known. Ultimately, it was unnecessary, because he quickly turned around and greeted you with a crinkly-eyed smile that made your heart flutter against your better judgement. You’d shyly handed over the flowers, stuttering through the explanation of owning the shop down the street and apologizing preemptively if he didn’t like them, expecting a strong rebuttal. He certainly looked like the type of man to rebuff the offer of flowers in fear of appearing unmanly or some other nonsense. Instead, he took the flowers from you gently, thanking you. He turned away, searching through the cabinets before pulling out a novelty beer stein decorated with My Little Pony characters with a huff. Logan made quick work of depositing the bouquet in the beer stein, but he frowned at his work, clearly unhappy with the vase options. “So you’re the florist that he’s obsessed with.” 
You smiled to yourself, glad to hear that Wade wasn’t only kind to your face. “Are you kidding me?” Speak of the devil. Wade slung an arm around your shoulders, depositing your typical drink of choice in your hand. “More like worship the ground you walk on. I may be Marvel Jesus but I’m your disciple. The things she can do with a chrysanthemum.” He moaned in a way you had never heard someone while talking about a flower, of all things.
Logan shook his head, but before either of you could respond, Wade noticed Vanessa coming through the door and was at her side in an instant. You’d stood with him in the kitchen for a few moments, silent but comfortable. It wasn’t long before Althea had called everyone to the table, where you took your usual seat next to Althea and Vanessa. The evening had been comfortable and you couldn’t help but notice how naturally Logan and his daughter Laura fit into your strange little family. 
The next day, you’d stopped by their apartment armed with another bouquet, this one beautifully arranged in one of your favorite vases you kept in stock. You couldn’t shake the image of how disappointed Logan had looked with his options the previous night. Al had ushered you inside quickly, letting you know that the rest of the roommates had left her in the name of picking up some necessities for Logan. You’d dropped the vase on the kitchen counter, ruffled Mary Puppins’ hair and saw yourself out. 
Logan had come by to thank you at the store, startling you where you were working in the back. You’d fumbled one of your vases, sending it crashing to the ground. Logan was quick to usher you onto a stool, locating a broom and making quick work of the glass. You’d insisted you could take care of it, but he’d shot your down insisting that he would heal right up if he managed to cut himself and he didn’t feel like a trip to the ER. It should have stung, but there was a lightness to his voice and a twinkle in his eyes that instead had you fighting down the hear rising to your cheeks. 
After a few weeks, it was routine for you to stop by a couple nights a week after work, armed with a fresh set of flowers for the vase and some take out. Logan very well could have taken some home with him, as often as he was stopping by, but somehow you’d always get to talking and forget to bundle some up for him. He was immensely helpful around the shop, able to reach things on high shelves and move heavy pallets you would get in much more easily than you were able to. Wade’s stool had quickly become Logan’s but you didn’t much mind. 
Your hand had settled on the doorknob to their apartment, when two familiar voices faded in through the closed door. It was instinct to pause, you hand’t really meant to snoop. But the words hurt all the same. “I really am fond of her, but she could really stand to let up on how often she’s hanging around me.” Your heart started to hammer, frozen in the hallway. 
“I hear you peanut,” Wade was quick to respond. “Cling-ville USA, population her, amiright?” 
“Fuck off, you’ve been obsessed with her as long as I’ve known you.” Your heart sunk. Isn’t that what Logan had said, the first night you met? Wade was obsessed with you? As quietly as you could, you dropped your hand from the doorknob and backed away down the hall, hoping that their conversation was loud enough to drown out the sound of your retreating footsteps. You’d retreated down the hallway, quickly shooting Wade a text that you weren’t feeling well and wouldn’t be able to make it. 
You hadn’t seen them since. You knew it shouldn’t have mattered, but it stung. You’d moved their stool into the far back corner of the shop because as silly as it sounded, it made you sad to look at him. Thankfully, there had been a steady stream of customers to keep you busy for a while. But now, you were dead and your thoughts were drifting when the bell on the front door rang. You sent a silent thank you to the universe and rushed out to the front of the store. But the customer waiting for you was the only one you were reluctant to see. 
You hated to admit it, but the image of Logan standing in the middle of your showroom, shoulders slumped and one of the most regretful looks you’d ever seen on anyone was almost enough for you to forgive him on sight. Close but no cigar, one could say.   
“Hey, sweetheart” he said sheepishly, hands shoved into this pockets. 
If this is how he was going to play it, so be it. “Hey, Lo. Where’ve you been?”
“Laura needed some help at the mansion, and they roped us into a mission. Meant to call but,” he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. “Got a bit busy.” You nodded, doing your best to remember that you were mad at him. Stopped by for some flowers, if you have a minute.”
You nodded curtly, shocked that he wasn’t bringing up the obvious tension. He wasn’t one to beat around the bush. “What kind are you looking for?” 
“Eh, whatever you think says ‘Sorry, I fucked up’ the best” he shrugged, making his way behind the counter. 
“Who else did you piss off?” You asked, arranging a few more pieces of greenery into the bouquet he had requested. Even if you were frustrated and moody, you couldn’t bring yourself to make something you weren’t proud of. 
“Where’s my seat sweetheart?” He asked, before taking a pause. “What do you mean who else?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. 
“What do you mean ‘where’s my seat’?” You mocked, doing a poor imitation of his gruff voice. 
“Okay, you’ve gotta catch me up here, sweetheart because I clearly missed something.” 
“Wouldn’t wanna cling on too hard, are you sure you want me to do that?” You snarked, dropping the bouquet on the table and storming over to him, poking your finger into his chest. “I heard the both of you complaining about me last week.” 
Logan’s hand wrapped around yours, drawing it closer to his chest. “I was coming in here to apologize for being gone for a week. But I’m happy to double the order to make up for the confusion. If my math is right, bub, you overheard me complaining about that fucking dog insisting on sleeping on my bed. Even after I told Wade to keep her out of my room.” 
“You love her.” 
“Yeah, you know me too well sweetheart.” 
You smiled up at him, soaking in the warmth of having him this close, when something clicks in your head. “Are you telling me that you waltzed in here and asked me to make my own apology flowers?” If you hadn’t already decided he was off the hook, the way his mouth turned down into a little pout would have sealed the deal. 
He hesitates for a few moments, eyes glancing around the shop seemingly in search of an answer. “Didn’t want to give the business to someone else.” He shrugged, bashfully.  
Against your better judgement, a few giggles slipped past your lips, which had been firmly pressed together. A few more, and then you were laughing so hard you were having trouble breathing. You leaned your head against his chest, taking measured deep breaths to curve the laughter “I can’t believe this,” you gasped, wiping a few tears away that had spilled onto your cheeks.  You grinned up at him through the tears, taking in the way his eyes warmed when he smiled. 
“Could have been worse,” he shrugged, mischief making his eyes sparkle. “Could have gone with Wade’s suggestion.”
“I have to know.” 
He slipped both his arms around you, pulling you in close. “Wanted me to jump out of a cake.” 
You snuggled in close, leaning your head on his chest. “I would like to see it.” 
“Then we’ll have to see what we can do about that.” 
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skytrustit6 · 1 year
Accelerate your Business Growth with Inbound Marketing
Accelerate your Business Growth with Inbound Marketing
Every efficient digital marketing strategy combines inbound and outbound marketing to engage and convert leads. Inbound marketing is all about creating reasons for customers to join your company. This article will help you understand inbound marketing in depth.
What is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound marketing is one of the prominent digital marketing strategies used by innovative and successful businesses to attract and build long-term customer relationships by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. With the focus on quality over quantity, ‘content’ holds a major place in inbound marketing; it enhances brand awareness and creates a customer experience that increases visibility in a way that people don’t feel ‘sold’ to.
As per the inbound marketing definition, it is much more than just creating good content. Many costly and highly regulated industries like financial services, recruitment, healthcare, education, and manufacturing benefit largely from inbound marketing. Some of the common inbound marketing content types include videos, blog posts, research, infographics, social media, Slideshare, e-books and white papers, news articles, and webinars. However, the variation, style, and intensity of each differ.
Unlike traditional outbound strategies, inbound marketing is all about creating reasons for customers to join your company. This inbound online marketing strategy involves four stages –
Attract – Drawing people with client-friendly content and experiences that establish you as a trusted company with whom they would want to engage.
Engage – Providing valuable solutions to users’ pain points and helping them reach their goals so they feel delighted to buy services from you and tend to convert.
Close – It’s not necessary that every converted user will reach the close page. Automated emails or any other automation technique is a great way to remind users of their abandoned carts and reach the close page.
Delight – Empower your customers with the required help and support, so they feel satisfied with their purchase.
Inbound Marketing VS Outbound Marketing
Every efficient digital marketing strategy combines inbound and outbound marketing to engage and convert leads. But are you aware of the differences between them? Let’s find out.
Inbound marketing focuses on using the ‘pull’ approach to bring customers and attract brand visibility. On the other hand, outbound marketing uses the ‘push’ approach and proactively reaches out to customers to drive leads and sales.
Inbound marketing targets digital content to specific audiences to educate or entertain them. While outbound marketing captures customers’ attention by selling non-digital content.
Inbound marketing uses a multi-channel approach and works within a short time frame for implementation and results. Whereas outbound marketing works within a longer time frame for results and implementation and takes a more linear approach.
If you are looking for an interactive and cost-effective marketing style, prefer inbound. Outbound marketing, on the other hand, is likely to be expensive and involves just one-way communication.
Types of content included in inbound marketing are – E-books, SEO, webinars, blogs, social media posts, whitepapers, etc., and outbound marketing includes print and media ads, billboards, direct mail, TV ads, etc.
Fundamentals of Inbound Marketing
There are five fundamentals of inbound marketing that help marketers plan strategies to establish long-term relations with customers.
Buyer Personas – These represent your choice of ideal audience and their requirements based on your data and insights. These insights contain information regarding behaviors, goals, demographics, and motivations. Knowing about buyer personas helps in easy targeting and better conversions.
Buyer’s Journey – It is the entire journey a person experiences till making a purchase. A buyer’s journey involves three stages: Awareness, consideration, and decision. The awareness stage starts when a customer visualizes and starts researching their problem. When the problem is analyzed, and customers start finding the best possible solutions, it is called the consideration stage. Lastly, the decision stage occurs when the customer has identified the best solution. This stage involves strong communication with the client for guidance in the decision-making process.
Goals – It is essential to set goals before the launch of any campaign in the inbound marketing industry. It gives a working baseline, and the objectives help accelerate company growth in the changing environments and measure performance accordingly.
Clients or customers – Your clients or customers are your actual audience with whom you want to establish long-term relations. It is essential to have a robust contact database. It includes people in your email or newsletter list along with partners.
Content – Content is the king in inbound marketing. The content is based on the buyer personas, the buyer’s journey, and your list of clients. If your content solves your clients’ problems, there are chances of higher conversions.
Inbound Marketing Funnel
The inbound marketing funnel is an easy depiction of the different tools, strategies, and content types used to attract and engage customers at different stages. The leading online marketing agency, SkyTrust IT Solutions, ensures to follow the funnel for effectiveness. Some of its key terms are – Top of the funnel (ToFu), Middle of the funnel (MoFu), and Bottom of the funnel (BoFu).
ToFu (Awareness stage) – It is classified as the ‘Learner’s stage,’ where you attract visitors using various strategies. Here, people are researching multiple solutions to their problems, and the best way to shine here is by focusing on relevant keywords, social media posts, pages, and blogs.
MoFu (Consideration stage) – It is the ‘Shoppers stage,’ accounting for around 10% of the total website traffic. Here, shoppers are not decided about purchasing, they search for specific information about products or solutions. Converting visitors at this stage requires effective call-to-actions, case studies, landing pages, forms, and contacts.
BoFu (Decision stage) – Less than 5% of people fall in the ‘Buyer’s stage.’ The customer is ready to sign up, order, and spend money on your services or products. The focus is to convert them using product demos, consultations, moment opportunities, etc.
Inbound Marketing Strategies to Drive Business Growth
Below is a list of inbound digital marketing tips and strategies that can help accelerate your business growth.
Create a target persona – Initial part is to create compelling content that helps you understand your customer’s demands. Check your meta or other social platforms insights for general know-how of who is interested in your products and services.
Run a survey – The best way to know your target audience is through a survey. It can be a simple form sent through the mail that helps you know about your target customer’s pain points, so you can create content that provides solutions to their problems.
Spread the word – Once you have your customer’s insights and their problems, identify the audience who would be interested in your content and contact them for in-depth information. You can have a small 10-minute video or audio call with them to explain how your services or products can reduce their problems. This is one of the best digital marketing tactics to inform customers about your inbound marketing efforts.
Create engaging content – The quality of your content should be engaging enough to trigger your customer’s pain points. Creating generic articles and videos might not lead you to success. Instead, focus on customer-centric content quality.
Headline that creates an impact – Crafting an enticing headline that appeals to your customers is the best strategy to draw new customers and increase convertible leads.
Make it visual – As a leading content marketing agency, it is essential to maintain a balance of written as well as visual content for inbound marketing. Instead of just including large blocks of text, you should make it more visible by inserting relevant images, videos, infographics, etc.
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sunrizef1 · 3 months
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Soulmate!Sargeant!Reader
Warnings: None, one curse word, not edited yay
Authors Note: Lmao the poll didn’t ask for this one but it was almost done so… here you go 😭
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: Everyone’s born with a certain number of words. What happens when Charles runs out during a race and only his soulmate can get them back.
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Everyone was born with a certain number of words. Usually, you got enough words to last you well into your adulthood, although the more talkative children ran out some time in high school. When you ran out of words, your voice completely disappeared, as well as your soulmates. You couldn’t say anything no matter how hard you tried. The only way to get your words back was to find your soulmate. When you do finally meet them, as soon as you touch, you both have an infinite amount of words.
The only problem with this system was the fact that there wasn’t some kind of constant counter in your vision that you could see at all times. No, instead, there was a small tattoo somewhere on your body that ticked down as you spoke. People often forgot to check and see how many words they have left, running out and taking both their own and their soulmates voices away. The wonderfully mean part about the tattoos, though, was that they moved into a perfectly visible spot when they ran out, moving to match where your soulmate had theirs.
Charles’ tattoo was behind his ear. He often got caught up and forgot to check, considering he had to have someone else help him see it. With the week he’d been having with Ferrari, he hadn’t even thought about it in days. At the start of the week, he would’ve sworn he had thousands of words left.
He really might’ve, but with the amount of meetings and interviews he’d suffered through in the lead up to Sunday, his words dwindled quickly.
Not that he knew, his hair was just long enough to cover the tattoo for anyone passing by and he was too busy to even consider it.
Charles was starting from pole. A miracle considering how shit the car had been performing. He slid the helmet on as he entered the car, effectively covering his tattoo.
He was then out on the track, lining up and slamming his foot down on the accelerator as the lights flicked green.
It was smooth enough for a while, though Max was on his tail from the very beginning, Charles having to ask for constant updates about the Red Bull.
“Ten laps left” his engineers voice crackles over the radio as Charles passes the starting line, his car roaring down the straight.
“Thank you,” Charles replies, glancing in his mirror to see Max about a second behind him still.
“How do the tires feel?” His engineer asks. Charles opens his mouth to reply but no words come out, “Charles?”
Charles try’s to speak again but all he gets is silence, his words dying in his throat. His engineer, though, assumes there’s issues with the radio, informing Fred Vassuer with a grave face.
Charles tries his best to continue the race without being able to speak. His engineer continues to talk to him, continuing to not get a response. Everytime his engineer asks him to reply, Charles gets more and more frustrated, the lack of communication pissing him off to no end.
Somewhere in the last few laps of the race, Max passes him, taking advantage of the frazzled Ferrari. Groans echo throughout the garage, the near perfect race now being ruined in the dying moments.
As Charles finishes his final lap, pulling his car into the second place spot, he can’t wipe the frown off his face. Even as he steps out of the car to the cheers of Ferrari fans above him, he practically throws the steering wheel down, knowing more than anyone that he should’ve won that race.
He slides his helmet off, wincing as Max pats him on the back. Charles sets the helmet down, not eager to talk to his disappointed team. He moves his sleeves up frantically, searching for the tattoo that would explain his lack of words. If it was still behind his ear, he’d know that his soulmate was the one to run out of words and he’d have a lot of choice words for them when he found them.
But lo and behold, the bright red zero sits on his wrist, practically mocking him. He’d used all his words and he hadn’t even thought to check before he started the race. He rolls his eyes, finally moving over to his team who all looked at him with questioning looks. He holds up his wrist, showing off the Ferrari red zero.
His team shares looks between them, groans ringing throughout the group. Charles nods, not looking forward to the next race that was only two weeks away.
You, on the other hand, were absolutely pissed. You had been in the middle of a presentation in front of your entire college class when your voice suddenly stopped short. Your word counter was on your wrist. It had always been perfectly visible and you had even been staring straight at it when it suddenly changed from 21,897 to an annoying little zero. You had rolled your eyes, quickly holding up your wrist toward your professor who beckoned you toward him. He grabbed ahold of your wrist, examining the tattoo for a few seconds. Luckily, this teacher liked you, quickly waving you off to go sit back down with a mutter of emailing you after class.
As you laid in bed later that night, fingers moving rapidly over your phone screen as you FaceTimed your brother, you were still fuming. He had FaceTimed you after you’d informed him of your dilemma, his smug face trying his hardest not to laugh. Everytime he spoke, you’d text back quickly as a response.
They took away my captaincy you sent him, watching as his eyebrows furrow. He’d known how hard you’d worked to get a spot on the University’s soccer team, even becoming a captain as a junior.
“What, why?” Your brother replies. In another world, he was attending the school right along with you, attending parties and being the Florida frat boy you’d assume he was when you looked at him.
I can’t talk to anyone, can’t do my job you reply, nails tapping loudly against the screen, they said it was “temporary” 🙄
You watch as Logan reads the texts, eyes squinting slightly. You weren’t entirely sure where he was. Although, from the looks of it, you assumed he was in the paddock somewhere, considering the fireproofs hugging his skin.
“Why were you in class on a Sunday?” Logan asks suddenly and you roll your eyes at that being the only question he had.
I’m not usually
We came in today to do presentations
Logan hums, having no idea if that was common or not, as he’d never even been close to going to college. He’d been to your campus a few times whenever he was back in Florida but that was usually to go to your games or a frat party.
“You know what would make you feel better?” Logan asks, noticing the frown on your face. You glance up toward his grinning face to see what he had to say, “You know we’re in Miami the weekend after next, right? You should come.”
You immediately start to type into your phone but Logan speaks up instead, “If I never check my texts you never said no.”
You roll your eyes, texting more aggressively. Logan laughs at the sound but is quick to rebuke the claims you’re no doubt sending into his messages, “It’s not that far of a drive, come on! You’ll have fun and I’ll get to see you again, it’s been a while. I miss you.”
You pause at his last point, erasing the refusal you’d been typing. You take a second before sending a short message. He was right though, it had been a while. Your family lived in Fort Lauderdale and it was a pretty long drive to the University of Florida.
The drives five hours
“Oh shit, is it?” He asks, eyes wide. You can see the disappointment on his face, sensing your incoming refusal, “I didn’t know it was that far. You don’t have to-”
You’re picking me up
Logan cheers as he reads your final message and you roll your eyes, not fighting the grin that makes its way onto your face. It’d be nice to see your brother again. With the relinquishing as your duties as captain, you’d have a lot more free time on the weekends. You were also pretty sure you’d be asked to sit out of a couple games due to your inability to speak so you really had all the time in the world. Why not spend it with your older brother.
You bask in your brothers glee, noticing the happiness emanating from him as he animatedly plans your Miami Grand Prix weekend.
Ferrari, on the other hand, was having a terrible time.
They had been searching overtime for a solution to their “Charles can’t speak” problem. For the time being, they had Ollie stepping in for the upcoming Miami Grand Prix, as Charles couldn’t continue to race in his… “condition”.
Ollie had raced the entirety of the previous weekend and Charles wasn’t sure how much more he could take of being on the sidelines before he just fucked back off to Monaco.
The team wasn’t entirely sure how to find someone’s soulmate but they sure were trying. Charles had already been introduced to at least 100 different women since his words had disappeared. He was getting more and more annoyed by the day.
The worst part was that he wasn’t sure he’d ever find his soulmate. There was always the possibility that he’d never get to meet her and never get his words back. His stomach turned at the thought, knowing that he’d never get to race again if that happened. Everything he’d worked for and spent his life dreaming about would be stripped away because of a girl he didn’t know.
He knew it wasn’t her fault, wherever she was. He should’ve been paying more attention to his number as it ticked closer and closer to zero. The tattoo had moved, he knew he was the one to run out. What he hadn’t even considered was that he’d taken some poor girls voice away. He’d been so wrapped up in his own job that he hadn’t thought about the fact that some random girl just couldn’t speak anymore and it wasn’t even because of something she did.
Despite his inability to speak, he was still expected to be in the paddock, as he was basically the face of the team. So there he was, sitting grumpily in his chair with his sunglasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. Media day had been hell. He’d still gotten interviewed, his sign language coming off a bit angrier than usual.
Due to how many people never meet their soulmates before they run out of words, sign language was taught in most schools. You’d think it’d be harder to tell someone was angry through sign language but Charles was managing to convey that just fine.
After two weeks of not speaking, Charles’ attitude was at an all-time low. The bright red zero sat on his wrist, practically mocking him. The sprint race had just ended, Ollie managing p7. Charles was, of course, proud of him but he was also filled with jealousy that Ollie got to be the one in his seat when it was all he wanted to do.
Ollie, as well, was starting to reach the end of the rope, not having expected to be cast into a full-time seat so suddenly.
As Ollie pulled back into the garage, Charles darted from his seat, not able to watch the pure elation on the younger man’s face. His feet carried him through to the paddock, workers from different teams mingling and discussing the race.
Charles wandered aimlessly, everywhere he looked a reminder of the life he might be losing.
Logan had finished p6 and you were thrilled. Not a much better way to start a home race (at least for a Williams). You found yourself trying to cheer, although no sound came out.
Lily had gone off to congratulate Alex, who’d finished just one place above Logan in fifth. When Logan had introduced you to Lily, you’d quickly noticed the green infinity sign on her hand, signaling that she’d met her soulmate. You couldn’t help the jealousy that spread through you as you watch her hug Alex.
After Lilys departure, you were left alone to wait for Logan to come back into the garage. You’d seen several celebrities mingling around the paddock, averting your eyes whenever anyone looked in your direction.
You’d usually be all up for meeting people, especially someone you looked up to but with your lack of words, meeting anyone would probably be a disaster and you don’t think you’d ever get over it if you embarrassed yourself in front of any of these people.
You don’t have to wait long as Logan comes back into the garage pretty quickly. He’s quick to exit his car, cheering and celebrating with his team. A small smile breaks onto your face as you watch him, happy to see him happier than he’d ever been with the team before.
He’s zipping down his race suit as he walks over to meet you, hair messy as he pulls his helmet off as well.
You mouth a quick “good job” to him and he wraps his arms around you, infecting you with his gross sweat.
You try to lean back but he hugs you tighter, swaying slightly with a laugh. When he does eventually pull away, you make a face at him, attempting to wipe his sweat off your arms. He laughs, ruffling your hair and walking toward the exit.
“Come on, im gonna go shower before quali later and we can go get lunch,” he says, nodding toward the paddock behind him. You nod, moving closer to follow him out.
As you and Logan walk along, he points out the different hospitalities and employees, identifying everyone he knew. At one point, Lewis Hamilton sprints past, a dog hot on his heels.
“Roscoe,” Logan says, eyes still locked on Lewis’ retreating figure.
You quirk your head with a questioning look. Logan’s quick to clarify, “The dog. His names Roscoe.”
At that, you smile, glancing over your shoulder at the dog again. You look back as Logan starts to explain something in front of you again, hand moving out to point at the Aston Martin hospitality.
As you both start to get close to Williams, Logan’s eyes lock on someone a bit away. He lights up, smirking as he turns to you, “That’s Charles Leclerc, Ferrari driver. He can’t speak either, you know?”
You nod blankly, having no idea what Logan was yapping about. Logan looks back to Charles with a grin, “Maybe I should introduce you two, you’d already have something in common.”
You’re shaking your head, not wanting to experience the awkward situation of not being able to talk to someone who can’t talk either, your idiot brother having to be the bridge between you two. It didn’t help that Charles was incredibly attractive. But Logan doesn’t listen to your protests, grabbing your arm to drag you toward the driver, his hand already moving to cup his mouth as he shouts, “Charles!”
Charles had managed to wander all the way over to the Williams hospitality, his thoughts elsewhere as he dragged his feet over the pavement. He was just considering leaving the paddock when he hears someone shouting his name, causing him to look their way.
He’s met with Logan, still in his race suit, dragging a girl behind him. Charles recognized you as Logan’s sister, he’d seen you around the paddock a few times but he’d never actually met you, not often being involved with anything Williams related.
Logan stops short in front of Charles, pulling you to his side. Charles has to stop himself from wincing at the pure joy on the American man’s face, aware that he’d just gotten points in the sprint. Charles bitterly thinks he’d wished it’d been him instead.
“Charles! This is my sister, y/n,” Logan explains, glee practically melting off of him, “She’s visiting from college for the weekend and I’m dragging her along to meet people.”
Charles nods, trying to force a smile onto his face. He briefly wonders if Logan knew he had no words and decided to introduce them anyway.
But when you don’t speak either, Charles glances down at your wrist, spotting the zero on it. He grimaces, knowing that not much could come from this interaction if neither of you could speak.
He nods respectfully in your direction, being met with a soft smile in response. If it had been any other weekend, Charles would’ve been able to appreciate how pretty you looked but he was instead plagued with thoughts about his soulmate instead.
Charles signals to Logan that he was going to go back to Ferrari and Logan nods, turning to step away as someone shouts his name. Charles steps forward to get past you just as you turn to see who was yelling for your brother, causing you to collide with Charles, his phone falling out of his hand.
You swing back around at the noise, leaning down to collect Charles’ phone for him. You’re quick to hand his phone back to him, his hand brushing yours as you pass it off. In your flustered state you don’t even think as you mumble a rushed apology to him.
You both pause, eyes locked onto each others for a second. You glance down at your wrist, catching the green infinity sign sat on your wrist. Charles looks down as well, his other hand reaching to wipe gently at the skin, as if the symbol would wash away and reveal it was a trick.
You’re the first to open your mouth again, tentative speech pouring out of your mouth, “Hi?”
You seem almost relieved to hear the word, taking a sharp breath as you hear it. Charles has to withhold the grin on his face as he speaks as well.
When you hear him speak, you grin widely, laughing loudly out of pure joy. Charles laughs as well, the realization that he’d just met his soulmate crashing through him.
“I think I’m your soulmate,” you manage through your laugh, smiling warmly at the Ferrari driver, a light blush on your cheeks.
“I think you are,” Charles replies, eyes softening as he looks at you. You stand in front of him for a few moments, seeming to be debating something in your head. He’s about to ask you about it when you step forward, arms wrapping around his neck to bring him into a hug. Charles pauses before he melts into the hug, never-felt-before joy pulsing through him.
You pull away, still smiling as you pull your phone out of your pocket. You open your contacts, opening a new one and titling it “Charles ❤️” before you turn your phone to him.
He takes it gently, typing in his number and sending himself a text before he hands the phone back to you. You stand and smile at each other for a few moments before Charles opens his mouth to speak.
“Do you wanna get dinner?” he asks, a hand coming up to scratch nervously at the back of his neck, “After qualifying?”
You light up, excitement filling your face, “I’d love to, Charles.”
That’s when Logan decides to come back, unceremoniously swinging an arm over your shoulder, “I’m back! You ready to go? I’m starving.”
Logan’s already turned you around by the time he finished his sentence, steering you both toward his room. You glance over your shoulder to smile at Charles, waving goodbye slightly. Charles grins back, nodding in response.
“Where do you wanna go for lunch?” Logan continues to speak loudly, his voice echoing as you walk away.
Charles watches as you shrug your shoulders, “I don’t know.”
Logan’s head snaps toward you, eyebrows furrowed, “You’re speaking!”
You smirk, nodding your head at your brother.
Logan ponders this for a second with a smile before something comes to his head and his grin drops, “Wait you met your soulmate?! Who did you meet in that minute I was gone?! Y/N?”
You shake your head, crossing your arms as you walk away, Logan still frozen to his spot, “Y/N?! Wait!”
You stop in order for him to catch up, punching his shoulder lightly as he walks up, “You’re such an idiot.”
Logan gasps dramatically at your words, finally walking out of Charles’ earshot. Charles gazes after you as you walk away, a warm smile gracing his features. He pulls open his phone to see the text he sent from yours, quickly tapping to save your contact.
“Y/N ❤️”
@casperlikej @evie-119
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skytrustit011 · 1 year
Accelerate your Business Growth with Inbound Marketing
Accelerate your Business Growth with Inbound Marketing
Every efficient digital marketing strategy combines inbound and outbound marketing to engage and convert leads. Inbound marketing is all about creating reasons for customers to join your company. This article will help you understand inbound marketing in depth.
What is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound marketing is one of the prominent digital marketing strategies used by innovative and successful businesses to attract and build long-term customer relationships by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. With the focus on quality over quantity, ‘content’ holds a major place in inbound marketing; it enhances brand awareness and creates a customer experience that increases visibility in a way that people don’t feel ‘sold’ to.
As per the inbound marketing definition, it is much more than just creating good content. Many costly and highly regulated industries like financial services, recruitment, healthcare, education, and manufacturing benefit largely from inbound marketing. Some of the common inbound marketing content types include videos, blog posts, research, infographics, social media, Slideshare, e-books and white papers, news articles, and webinars. However, the variation, style, and intensity of each differ.
Unlike traditional outbound strategies, inbound marketing is all about creating reasons for customers to join your company. This inbound online marketing strategy involves four stages –
Attract – Drawing people with client-friendly content and experiences that establish you as a trusted company with whom they would want to engage.
Engage – Providing valuable solutions to users’ pain points and helping them reach their goals so they feel delighted to buy services from you and tend to convert.
Close – It’s not necessary that every converted user will reach the close page. Automated emails or any other automation technique is a great way to remind users of their abandoned carts and reach the close page.
Delight – Empower your customers with the required help and support, so they feel satisfied with their purchase.
Inbound Marketing VS Outbound Marketing
Every efficient digital marketing strategy combines inbound and outbound marketing to engage and convert leads. But are you aware of the differences between them? Let’s find out.
Inbound marketing focuses on using the ‘pull’ approach to bring customers and attract brand visibility. On the other hand, outbound marketing uses the ‘push’ approach and proactively reaches out to customers to drive leads and sales.
Inbound marketing targets digital content to specific audiences to educate or entertain them. While outbound marketing captures customers’ attention by selling non-digital content.
Inbound marketing uses a multi-channel approach and works within a short time frame for implementation and results. Whereas outbound marketing works within a longer time frame for results and implementation and takes a more linear approach.
If you are looking for an interactive and cost-effective marketing style, prefer inbound. Outbound marketing, on the other hand, is likely to be expensive and involves just one-way communication.
Types of content included in inbound marketing are – E-books, SEO, webinars, blogs, social media posts, whitepapers, etc., and outbound marketing includes print and media ads, billboards, direct mail, TV ads, etc.
Fundamentals of Inbound Marketing
There are five fundamentals of inbound marketing that help marketers plan strategies to establish long-term relations with customers.
Buyer Personas – These represent your choice of ideal audience and their requirements based on your data and insights. These insights contain information regarding behaviors, goals, demographics, and motivations. Knowing about buyer personas helps in easy targeting and better conversions.
Buyer’s Journey – It is the entire journey a person experiences till making a purchase. A buyer’s journey involves three stages: Awareness, consideration, and decision. The awareness stage starts when a customer visualizes and starts researching their problem. When the problem is analyzed, and customers start finding the best possible solutions, it is called the consideration stage. Lastly, the decision stage occurs when the customer has identified the best solution. This stage involves strong communication with the client for guidance in the decision-making process.
Goals – It is essential to set goals before the launch of any campaign in the inbound marketing industry. It gives a working baseline, and the objectives help accelerate company growth in the changing environments and measure performance accordingly.
Clients or customers – Your clients or customers are your actual audience with whom you want to establish long-term relations. It is essential to have a robust contact database. It includes people in your email or newsletter list along with partners.
Content – Content is the king in inbound marketing. The content is based on the buyer personas, the buyer’s journey, and your list of clients. If your content solves your clients’ problems, there are chances of higher conversions.
Inbound Marketing Funnel
The inbound marketing funnel is an easy depiction of the different tools, strategies, and content types used to attract and engage customers at different stages. The leading online marketing agency, SkyTrust IT Solutions, ensures to follow the funnel for effectiveness. Some of its key terms are – Top of the funnel (ToFu), Middle of the funnel (MoFu), and Bottom of the funnel (BoFu).
ToFu (Awareness stage) – It is classified as the ‘Learner’s stage,’ where you attract visitors using various strategies. Here, people are researching multiple solutions to their problems, and the best way to shine here is by focusing on relevant keywords, social media posts, pages, and blogs.
MoFu (Consideration stage) – It is the ‘Shoppers stage,’ accounting for around 10% of the total website traffic. Here, shoppers are not decided about purchasing, they search for specific information about products or solutions. Converting visitors at this stage requires effective call-to-actions, case studies, landing pages, forms, and contacts.
BoFu (Decision stage) – Less than 5% of people fall in the ‘Buyer’s stage.’ The customer is ready to sign up, order, and spend money on your services or products. The focus is to convert them using product demos, consultations, moment opportunities, etc.
Inbound Marketing Strategies to Drive Business Growth
Below is a list of inbound digital marketing tips and strategies that can help accelerate your business growth.
Create a target persona – Initial part is to create compelling content that helps you understand your customer’s demands. Check your meta or other social platforms insights for general know-how of who is interested in your products and services.
Run a survey – The best way to know your target audience is through a survey. It can be a simple form sent through the mail that helps you know about your target customer’s pain points, so you can create content that provides solutions to their problems.
Spread the word – Once you have your customer’s insights and their problems, identify the audience who would be interested in your content and contact them for in-depth information. You can have a small 10-minute video or audio call with them to explain how your services or products can reduce their problems. This is one of the best digital marketing tactics to inform customers about your inbound marketing efforts.
Create engaging content – The quality of your content should be engaging enough to trigger your customer’s pain points. Creating generic articles and videos might not lead you to success. Instead, focus on customer-centric content quality.
Headline that creates an impact – Crafting an enticing headline that appeals to your customers is the best strategy to draw new customers and increase convertible leads.
Make it visual – As a leading content marketing agency, it is essential to maintain a balance of written as well as visual content for inbound marketing. Instead of just including large blocks of text, you should make it more visible by inserting relevant images, videos, infographics, etc.
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propertyofwicked · 3 months
based on this request ✧ my inbox is open for requests (or if u just want a chat!) ✧
warnings - smut! MDNI!! unprotected, praising, sorta soft!dom, light choking, hand/arm/vein kink (honestly idk) - NOT PROOF READ
sorry for the inactivity i have been busy with moving out :( but im back!!
masterlist the playlist
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she couldn’t help it; her eyes were drawn to them every time. lando’s arms were mesmerizing, each vein a winding path that her thoughts followed into daydreams she’d never dare voice. it started innocently enough, just a fleeting glance when he’d push his sleeves up, revealing the intricate map on his forearms. but it quickly became an obsession, her mind wandering to places she struggled to pull it back from, especially when he was near.
lando noticed. he noticed the way her breath would catch, how she’d flush and her eyes would glaze over slightly whenever he leaned in close. he’d always had a playful side, and this newfound power he had over her reactions was too tempting to resist.
so, he began to tease her, subtly at first. leaning on the counter beside her, stretching out his arms so the veins popped against his skin, he’d pretend to look for something just out of reach, giving her an eyeful. he loved the way her cheeks would turn pink, and how she’d suddenly find something very interesting to focus on elsewhere.
they were alone in the kitchen, her preparing dinner while he looked for a snack. lando sauntered over, resting his forearms on the island countertop right in front of her. she tried to concentrate on chopping vegetables, but he made it impossible. he leaned in further, his breath warm on her neck, and she felt the familiar heat rush to her face.
“need any help?” he asked, his voice low and teasing.
she shook her head, trying to keep her eyes on the cutting board. “no, i’ve got it.”
but lando wasn’t one to give up easily. he shifted closer, so close that she could feel his body heat, his veins standing out prominently against his tanned skin. he reached out to steady her hand, and she nearly dropped the knife.
“careful,” he murmured, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand, his arms bracketing her against the counter, “wouldn’t want you to get hurt.”
“lando…” she started, swallowing hard, but her voice betrayed her, breathy and unsteady.
“yeah?” he smirked.
she turned to look at him, her resolve crumbling under his gaze. “you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”
“maybe. i just love seeing you blush,” his replied, grin widening.
her face heated further, but she couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips.
“you’re impossible.”
“maybe,” he repeated, leaning in to kiss her cheek, right where the blush was brightest. “but you love it.”
he trailed his kisses across her skin, pecking her lips quickly before cascading down her jaw and neck.
“so, why do you like my arms?” he asked her coyly, though not truly expected a response.
“i think they’re pretty,” she replied quickly, “but i also like the way your veins run along them,” she added, a hesitant finger moving to trace a line from the back of his hand leading up his forearm.
the room fell into complete silence, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of slightly accelerated breathing. lando’s gaze ceased to leave hers as his hands moved closer to her, wrapping around her waist tightly - her brain worked hard to decipher what lando was thinking, however it didn’t need to work too hard as his hips pushed up into hers.
her eyes closed, leaning into the touch of his fingers following the path of her arms, along the skin of her neck till his hand held her jaw, his thumb tracing across her parted lips.
“i feel the same way about your lips,” lando announced, dipping his head to press short kisses along her cheek till they met her lips. he kissed her softly, nipping at her lower lip as she deepened the kiss, her hands moving to tug at the soft curls at the base of his head, “- always look so soft. so tempting. ‘love when they’re wrapped around me,” he added, stepping back slightly and taking her face in his hands as though he needed a better look at her.
she loved his attention, feeling lightheaded any time he touched her so delicately. he moved closer to her once more, kissing her with such intensity till she was pushed up against the counter, back arching into his embrace.
“jump,” he told her, holding onto her tightly as she jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist for him to move them both to the bedroom. her eyes dropped, focusing intently on the way his arms flexed as he carried her, the veins running along his arms seemingly standing out more as they moved into the orange sunlight shining through the windows. he loved the effect he hand on her, knowing she would do anything he said filled him with a sense of power.
he placed her on the edge of the bed, peeling the t-shirt from her body before letting her lean back to rest on her arms, her eyes looking up at him. his body moved to hover above hers, propping himself up as his hands travelled down her body, his lips kissing every inch of uncovered skin till he was knelt in front of her, tugging at her shorts momentarily before removing them fully, her underwear in tow.
“you’re so beautiful,” lando murmured against her thigh, trailing kisses along the skin till he reached her heat.
“lan please,” she whimpered, desperate to feel him all over her, tired of waiting. her broken voice went straight to his cock, straining against his trousers as his hands moved to grip the underside of her thigh, pushing them up to grant him full access.
“needy,” he replied, though he ran two fingers through her folds, feeling how her body responded to him.
“but you love it,” she breathed out, laughing lightly at their full circle moment.
“i do,” he conceded, trailing his fingers down until they reached her entrance, pushing in slowly whilst his tongue found its way to her clit. he started off gentle, allowing her to believe he was taking it slow - however he quickly shattered her delusion by gripping at her thigh harder and eating her like a man starved. he alternated from flicking his tongue over her clit and taking her fully into his mouth, sucking at her sensitivity, his fingers setting an unrelentless pace, twisting inside of her, sporadically connecting with the spot that had her back arching from the bed and her hands reaching to clutch at the curls atop his head. lando grunted into her at the feeling, the vibrations sending shockwaves through her body that had her crashing around him, her legs tightening around his head.
“fuck,” she mumbled, sitting back up on her arms to look down at him, though he wasn’t done. her eyes settled on his arms once more as he pulled his fingers from her, and grabbed at her legs, pushing them back up as his tongue made to clean up the mess she had made. lando crawled back up her body, his form above her was almost intimidating, his pupils darkened with lust as her hands reached out to trace the veins on his arms once more.
his head dropped, kissing and nipping lightly at her neck as she reached to tug at the hem of his shirt, pulling it quickly from his body before he rejoined his lips to her skin.
“such a good girl,” he told her, looking down on her as he stood in front of her. her face was red, and her chest still heaved - though he didn’t have long to look before she was pushing herself up fully, hands reaching out to toy with the zip of his trousers. though she didn’t undo them as he expected - no, she began to palm his bulge through the material, looking at him with a coy smile as she feigned innocence.
“don’t tease,” he warned her, taking her hands in his and directing her fingers to his zip, but she continued to grip his clothed cock. his hands took hers again, pulling them away from him and holding them above her head as he continued to free himself with one hand, “- what did i just say?”
“don’t tease,” she answered him, still smiling sweetly.
“and yet you continued to tease,” he prodded, using the grip on her wrists to push her back to lie on the bed. lando reached for his belt, stripping it from his belt loops and using it to tie her wrists up above her head.
“too tight?” he asked her, watching for any sign that she was uncomfortable, but instead he was met with a shake of her head to which he pressed a short kiss to her lips.
the rest of his clothes soon joined the pile amassing on the floor, and he was standing over her, cock in his hand as he ran the length through her folds. she whined out, desperate to feel him but he silenced her pleas with a kiss, his lips caressing hers gently as he pushed into her slowly. he was taking time to enjoy the moment, trying to memorise every little detail about her - the way she felt, her lips, the way she responded to him. it was something he would never get tired of, something he never wished to forget.
his thrusts suddenly grew erratic, hips slamming into hers quickly, punishingly.
“taking me so well,” lando grunted, his mouth nipping at the skin of her neck as he felt his own pleasure taking over, "look so pretty like this, making a mess on my cock as i fuck you stupid," he added, his praise and the tightening grip that kept her wrists above her making her brain short circuit. her head rolled to the side, eyes staring intently at the arm that held hers, enamoured by the way his muscles flexed with every jut of his hips.
lando bit back the urge to tell her to look at him - usually, he wanted to see her face when he fucked her, but right now, he was obsessed with the way she looked at him, taking in the sight of him working her to a finish. he felt her tighten around his length with every thrust, squirming beneath him as she got closer and letting out strings of pathetic moans that increased in volume and incoherence. he wanted to drag the moment out for as long as he could, thoroughly enjoying the way she surrendered herself to him completely all because his veins were noticeable.
“you look so hot like this,” she told him, panting.
“me? you should see what you look like baby,” lando replied, though slightly distracted by her hips rolling up into his, matching the pace of his thrusts as though she was begging for relief - begging him to bring her to her climax. she looked completely ruined, mascara running down her face lightly as tears pricked in her eyes, her lip gloss smudged - and he was the reason. it awoke something primal within him, an animalistic desire.
“you wanna cum again? huh?” he asked her, slowing the rocking of his hips, choosing to slam his cock deep into her harshly, before slowly pulling out. over and over again.
“please, don’t stop. please,” she uttered, choking on her words slowly as he bottomed out inside of her again. this time, he didn’t pull out. instead, he rolled his hips into hers, the tip of his cock pushing harshly into her spongy walls, teasing her sensitivity. the pleasure was overwhelming, coursing through them, consuming every fibre of his being as her vision began to darken, only able to see starts spinning through her mind.
the knot in her stomach tightened, threatening to snap at any moment, her chest arching as she attempted to pull her hips back, desperately trying to recreate his thrusting motions. lando soon got the hint, resuming his ruthless pace as he slammed back into her. her hands opened and closed, unable to move but overcome with desire to grip at something, anything.
“f-fuck please. please,” she begged.
“i know, angel, i know,” he comforted, feeling her tighten around his length as the two got closer and closer to relief, “doing so good f’me, baby. such a good girl.”
she moaned out his name, mewling loudly in appreciation of the tenderness in his voice, but she needed more. he knew she needed more, but he couldn’t reach her clit without losing his balance and toppling over. so, his mouth found her neck once more, sweet kisses pressed along her flesh until he reached her nipple, his tongue drawing circles around it before taking it into his mouth, cheeks hollowing as he sucked at the flesh. her head dropped to the side again, staring intently at the arm that kept her caged to the bed.
still, she needed more. he manoeuvred himself lightly, pressing his entire body weight on the arm keeping her trapped beneath him, hips still snapping into hers, the tip of his cock intruding her cervix with every thrust. lando’s free hand trailed her body, settling gently on her neck, his fingers digging into the skin of her airway lightly.
“this ok?” he checked, knowing it was usually fine but still needing her reassurance. she nodded rapidly, her hips raising and rolling into his in a sign of approval. if he tried, he could feel her veins pumping blood beneath his fingers - she truly was the perfect woman for him, knowing how much she trusted him flooded his own veins with a strange sense of relief, love and comfort.
"cum for me, c'mon. i want to feel you making a mess on my cock."
his command was all she needed to be consumed by pleasure, the combination of his dirty words, his punishing thrusts and the pressure he exerted on her throat finally pushing her over the edge. her whole body trembled beneath him, pleasure coursing through her body, her legs flinching with every wave.
lando’s movements became more erratic and yet sloppy as he chased his own high, his grip on her neck softening as his mind went blank with his own desire to finish.
“fuck, angel. so good,” he grunted, flows of incoherent praises tumbling from his lips as he let go of her wrist, pushing back to stand and grabbing her thighs to pull her closer to the edge of the bed. he pulled her hips up from the bed, holding her legs tightly around his waist as he thrusted into her relentlessly, using her body to reach his own high. she looked up at him with half-closed, unfocused eyes, lost in the pleasure that still swam around her brain. he looked even better, eyes fully closed, head thrown back and his mouth parted as he moaned out for her.
she felt overstimulated, mentally and physically. her walls tightened around him trying to offset the slight sting and fatigue - the feeling sent him into overdrive. lando came quickly with a grunt of pleasure, emptying his load inside of her and allowing her sporadic tightening to milk him dry, painting her walls in a pearly white liquid. his balance faltered for a moment as his entire body jutted, dropping her body back on the bed harshly and pulling his length from her. he joined her soon after, laying his entire bodyweight on her as he panted, struggling to catch his breath.
“that was hot,” she told him, freeing her hands from their restraint as she moved to stroke his back, her nails softly tracing along his skin.
“feral. it was feral."
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kajmasterclass · 1 year
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rickgoodman · 1 year
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solis-ventures · 2 years
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dreamofjoys · 1 year
Synopsis: The dragons have decided to stake their claim on you by making you the mother of their children. They take turns to lay their eggs in you.
Characters involved(NOT separated): Malleus (TWST) x Zhongli (Genshin) x Neuvillette (Genshin) x DanHeng (HSR) x DanFeng (HSR) x Fem reader
C/W: Poly relationship, dark content, SMUT (spicy level -99), oviposition, knotting, masturbation, creampie, blowjob
A/N: I wanna write more oviposition for every dragon ppl but it's too time consuming. So i said fuck it and make them all in one shot. I badly wanted to include Danfeng so hehehehhehehehehhee also, it's short.
"Is she okay?" Zhongli murmurs, placing his forefinger on his chin, tilting his head slightly while staring at your fucked out expression. He was confused why you were staring up at the ceiling with your mouth open wide, as if his rock hard dick wasn't nestled inside your pussy. "She will be fine, Im going to give her a treat." Danfeng taps his dick lightly on your lips, and you obediently took his whole length inside your mouth, sucking it like an ice cream popsicle.
"If she can still suck you off like that, I guess she is fine." Malleus groans, the sight of another man fucking your throat while your pussy greedily sucking onto a dragon's dick was so hot, he fist onto his dick faster, feeling himself climax as his cum starts spurting out. He aims it at your body, wanting to paint you in white by the end of this session.
You didn't know how you got into this situation, but somehow your dragon boyfriends have decided to come into an agreement to claim you properly, in a dragon way. And really, what are dragons famous for? Laying eggs inside their non dragon partner! And now, you find yourself laying on your shared bed naked along with your boyfriends. Zhongli is currently the one egging you while you were giving Danfeng a blowjob. DanHeng, Malleus and Neuvillette were busy masturbating themself, waiting for their turn to fuck you.
"Hnnngh, ah-" Your body shakes, feeling Zhongli's dick getting bigger and bigger inside while something small and hard was pushing through your vaginal walls, and into your womb. You tried moving away, but find yourself unable to do so... it's almost as if you had become one with Zhongli!
"Sweetie, are you trying to move away from Zhongli?" Neuvillette whispers into your ear, feeling a little bad for your situation. "He is knotting you right now, that's why he feels big. It's to prevent the female from escaping while we lay our eggs inside you. Bear with us, alright?" Neuvillette kisses your cheek, and you watch as he starts creaming around his hand while you swallowed down the cum that Danfeng had dumped in you.
"Im done, Danheng, you are next." The archon finally pulls out, and you whined at the loss but was quickly replaced with Danheng's thick and slender girth. "Im sorry Y/N, I'll make it haah quick." Danheng apologises, also feeling a little bad. But can he really make it quick when your walls are squeezing so unbelievably tight around him? Now he knows why Zhongli was taking his time to egg you. Neuvillette switches position with Danfeng, deep throating you with his cum coated dick. You gave him kitten licks on his girth, using your small hands to fondle on his balls while Neuvillette throws his head, once again groaning while he cums down your throat.
"Mhmmm, let me try this on her." Malleus interjects, latching his lips onto your nipples while he sucks onto them like how you would do to Neuvillette's dick. "Holy shit, she just came-" Danheng gasped, feeling your pussy milk around his cock. He was trying to be quick and push his egg in faster, but the sheer tightness and warmth around his dick had his head spinning and heart beat accelerating into madness. Your pussy feels like a personal cocksleeve.
You were sure that your back is going to break with how much you are arching them off, your moans were all swallowed down by Neuvillette's dick, drools leaking down from the side of your mouth since the man refuses to give you a break. You look at Zhongli and Danfeng who were busy masturbating themselves at the sight of your dishevelled state, seemingly cumming whenever they see your belly getting larger and larger with their eggs.
So spread your legs wider and open your mouth bigger. Your dragon boyfriends desperately wants to see your womb filled to the brim with their eggs.
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