#abel tbt.
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ch1maeras · 1 year ago
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⸺  ❝  𝗢𝗛  𝗛𝗘'𝗦  𝗚𝗢𝗧  𝗝𝗢𝗞𝗘𝗦  ;  𝗔𝗟𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧  ,  𝗜  𝗦𝗘𝗘  𝗬𝗢𝗨  ,  ❞  the  chimera  titters  ,  a  playful  smack  delivered  to  the  nearest  bicep  as  she  steps  up  to  abel's  chest  -  which  is  about  all  that  she  can  reach  .  her  chin  tilts  exponentially  upward  ,  countenance  scrunched  as  her  best  feigned  pout  punctuates  the  folding  of  petite  forelimbs  .
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hardly  a  moment  passes  before  her  resolve  disappears  ,  giggles  bubbling  from  slender  lips  as  the  starkness  of  their  contrast  in  height  truly  rears  its  head  .  ❝  okay  ,  alright  .  .  .  you  may  have  won  this  one  .  .  .  but  please  don't  make  me  get  a  ladder  .  ❞
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crownshattered-arch · 2 years ago
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@stardroprepublic inquired: "Bring marshmallows, we'll make s'mores." [sebastian and abel]
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⁕| Meant To Be Yours Lyrics |⁕
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Robin had been trying to get Sebastian to go camping for nearly his whole life at this point, but he always refused. Why would he want to subject himself to the harshness of the outside world?? Staying inside his room was safe and secure. He had no interest in dealing with bugs or animals or weather in general.
Yet here he was, finally being dragged into going on a camping trip. Why the hell did he agree to this?? Most likely because it was Abel who asked him, and Sebastian could never say no to that man. It was hard to turn down Abigail, but something about Abel made it impossible for the noirette to say no to him. Maybe it was due to the fact that he was too damn attractive...
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"Yeah, yeah, whatever..." he muttered out as he listened to the taller man's excited gushing. It was clear why Sebastian was so dismissive--anyone from a mile away could tell that he didn't want to do this. But it was for Abel, and he couldn't turn that man down, so here he was. "I'll bring some marshmallows..." Why did he agree to do this.??
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 years ago
like it's MY fault my love language is acts of service and all i know how to do is kill
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essencefluxed · 3 months ago
[ 2:52PM Abel -> Lightfeather ]: I'll swing by at 7pm to pick you up for dinner.
[ 2:52PM Abel -> Lightfeather ]: Please be ready, I don't wish to miss our reservation.
[ 2:59PM Ezreal ✨💚🫰 -> Stupid Sexy Sleep Paralysis Demon ]: oh, yeah! I’ll totally be ready—
[ 3:05PM Ezreal ✨💚🫰 -> Stupid Sexy Sleep Paralysis Demon ]: atleast you gave me a lot more warning then you did last time, man
[ 3:07PM Ezreal ✨💚🫰 -> Stupid Sexy Sleep Paralysis Demon ]: promise we won’t find little Gundam pieces in my hair this time—
[ 3:08PM Ezreal ✨💚🫰 -> Stupid Sexy Sleep Paralysis Demon ]: ANWYAY, YEAH 7pm, I’ll be ready!! Where are we going again? Do I gotta dress nice for this?
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crownshattered · 1 year ago
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@stardroprepublic inquired: Excuse him, he's just gonna hoist Sebastian over his shoulder and tot him away. Another argument between his sister and their father had gotten a little explosive and he could feel the man's thought process of having a word with pierre vibrating off of him. He would've grabbed his sister too but he was pretty sure she would put up a bigger fight. [lmfao From Abe to Sebastian. @stardroprepublic ]
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⁕| Unprompted |⁕
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Holy shit.
Sebastian’s eyes widened when he was suddenly picked up like he weighed practically nothing and carefully slung over the purple-haired man’s shoulder. He supposed Abel would have to be pretty strong to help carry the supplies Pierre received in the general store and help stock the shelves, but this was ridiculous. He was a grown-ass man being picked up like he was Jas.
Maybe he would have put up more of a fight if the room wasn’t already so tense after an argument with the twins and their dad… Or maybe Sebastian was just too flustered to react. Regardless, he wordlessly let himself be picked up and carried away.
This is fine.
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sunlessea · 2 years ago
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he looks dreadful, honestly. pages is only amicable enough to stop short of telling him as much to his face, but there's a coy ambivalence to its expression even shrouded as it may be that can likely be sensed in the way it watches him, wholly unimpressed. one can only play the card of woeing oneself when they have earned it and they, it would seem, are truly a disappointment. hardly a single flutter of its dead heart to be spared for him, even when he makes to reach for it. oh, it does catch it. but it ignores the gesture, so half-hearted and uninspired even that is.
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"unmuddle. these stories aren't fit to be published, let alone contemplicated." it tsks at him, reaching out in turn to smack his hand down with a concentrated flick of its metal claw. there's a smile 'pon its lips, but it doesn't reach its eyes. "perhaps you should put the effort of these theatricacies into your writing rather than ravenous ravings. what maiden do you hope to sway with such soulless words? you are like the artisan. you feel nothing. you both lack love." it is spiteful today, critiques indeed harsh, but it is watching him. "you'll capture no londoner's heart with your lackadaisical romance. no woman or man will fall at your feet. if we sought soulless stories, we would fantasream our own."
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from stories to censorship to playing a part in its inglorious game, it's a miracle at all there is even a draft 'pon its desk to review. however poorly written, his stories were only occasionally exceptional, after all, had he been lucky. or inspired—overcome almost in a frenzy of sorts ... but it's been a long while, and longer still he's felt quite so ragged. he thinks there's like to be bags under his lifeless eyes, somehow, where there shouldn't be, just like their weak heart racing 'gainst every word it spoke, be it kind or something meant to crucify. they offer it instead a smile, subdued and shameless still. it'll bear its words in mind.
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" 'fraid it must be the turn of the season. " they're muttering—though not for the sake of embarrassment, nor humiliation. oh, not at all : in fact, despite it's harsh critique and even harsher stares, they're quite confident indeed ; and more inspired than ever. bold, not sheepish, despite the way he holds himself. he resigns himself to shifting his weight on his heels, to keep himself steady. " i've felt so ... muddled as of late. like the words won't form, let alone flow. like they're ... " up, he brings a hand, like he wants to reach out to it, but stops just short of letting it curl against the master's wrist. not yet—it wouldn't stand for it, he's sure. his brow furrows, frustrated only with himself. were it he were a better actor, he thinks he'd fake lovelorn tears just to make a point. " ...slipping through my fingers, just out of reach. "
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bunjovibunny · 1 year ago
TBT to when Bun Jovi and Abel were playing outside in the rain and didn't want to come back inside. Here is a soaked bun and pup.
P.S. this was a year ago. We dried them off and they survived just fine <3
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roshi83 · 9 months ago
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#tbt Abel Diaz
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crownshattered-moved · 2 years ago
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@stardroprepublic​​ inquired: “The food is not burnt. It’s—slightly toasted.”. (Sebastian and Abel. @my sdv sideblog ;3)
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Stages of Relationships—No Longer Accepting
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Sashimi was Sebastian’s favorite food. That was no secret to anyone in his little friend group, and on some special--and other times simply random--occasions, one of them actually brought the dish to him. He always appreciated it, even though the cooking skills of his friends were lacking at best. But this honestly had to be the worst attempt he had seen yet.
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Sebastian stared at the purple-haired man for a moment before taking his fork and attempting to stab off a piece of the meat--the fork couldn’t even pierce through the black exterior. ‘Slightly toasted’ his ass, even Sam could cook better than Abel. However... The attempt did not go unnoticed by Sebastian, nonetheless. He still appreciated that Abel would even try to make his favorite dish. “I’m not gonna eat this, since I honestly think it might kill me, but...” He offered a small smile to the taller male. “...Thanks. I appreciate the effort a whole lot. Really.”
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sunsbled-archive · 3 years ago
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nothing will ever be funnier to me than the fact this woman literally made sure to look as harmless as possible to trick people so she could kick their ass. and then that oaf not only saw right through that and went "you're super strong, huh?" when they first met.
he also literally asked her to teach him how to fight so she could kick his ass and then proceeded to fall in love with a tiny murder machine who can and will kick everyone's ass
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sangreluxuria-moved · 3 years ago
me holding out my biblical parallels rn 😃😃
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compatiissante · 4 years ago
@vaiile​  liked
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"does 'sharkboy and lavagirl' exist in the twilight universe, and if so, does everyone just look from sharkboy to jacob and just be like ‘bruh what the fuck’?”  what a question to show up with- it’s almost as if it hasn’t been god knows how long since the last time they’ve seen each other.
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jestlam · 5 years ago
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Little Beast,  Richard Siken   /   TDKR  #3 Let Us Believe In The Beginning Of A Cold Season,  F.  Farrokhzad   /   BATMAN  #40 On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous,  Ocean Vuong   /   The Killing Joke Little Beast,   Richard Siken   /   TDKR  Animated Film Genesis  4:1–16   /   Cain and Abel,  Frans Floris,  Batman:  HUSH Violently Happy,  BJORK   /   Batman #49
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fandomismyspirit · 6 years ago
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📷 jarpad
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blvdied · 5 years ago
when r u going to join the stweet fightew tournament
wite now
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jihoney · 5 years ago
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