#aauuuguuhhh. some people don't know that Marina calling octoling society oppressive just Is Not There in original japanese
shiverhohojiro · 7 days
Some people out there do not think about how Marina still had DJ Octavio stickers on her laptop (in Octo Expansion) and her big fucking DJ rig with Acht (Side Order)... have not stopped to think about the DJ Octavio mem cake and Eight's sincerest apology for leaving, possibly the very first thoughts and impressions they have when remembering him... some people have not gotten the elevator dialogue of Marina and Acht talking about him like some silly old man figure (who Pearl then is like damn, you guys have crazy old men down there, too? about. which, considering she knows Craig Cuttlefish, is likely supposed to be a direct Vibe Comparison). Some people probably focus on Pearl's "hey isn't this your ex-boss who sucked?" line when getting his palette and ignore that Marina immediately defends him and also apologizes to him, and ignore the fact that Pearl has this impression of him but also doesn't seem to recognize when Marina and Acht are talking about him, meaning there's things about him and his relationship with Marina she doesn't know. Some people ignore that Marina drew him cutesy style in her notes.
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