#aaaw she's so cute I love this new set
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averinna · 8 months ago
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Idol! Tiara
0 notes
ericsonclan · 5 years ago
What to Expect When Rats Are Expecting
Summary: Louis comes into the diner with some very exciting news.
Read on A03: 
“Guess who’s pregnant?” Louis asked with a grin as he entered the kitchen.
Aasim and Ruby looked up from their conversation. “Is it Clementine?” Aasim asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Congratulations!” Ruby exclaimed, her face lighting up.
“What? No! God, no! It’s the rats!”
Aasim and Ruby met his statement with a blank stare.
“You know, the Ericson rats? Shitsticks, Sonata and Sonuva? The ones Violet and I adopted on our road trip!”
“Now that you mention it, I do recall something about Ericson rodents,” Aasim replied, looking rather put off at the idea.
“Exactly! Anyway, when we adopted them we thought they were all girls since they were in one big aquarium tank together, but looks like Sonuva’s a boy after all! Which, now that I think of it, makes his name more fitting…”
“Aaaw, how fun!” Ruby’s smile was as warm as ever. “Baby critters are just the cutest! How soon are they expecting?”
“Well, according to the all-knowing power of Google, pregnancies in rats start to show at around two weeks, so we should have teeny tiny babies by next week! That’s why I’m taking names now,”
Louis whipped out one of the notepads used by Ericson’s waitresses, his pen already poised above it. “How many adorable rat babies would you each like to adopt? We’re expecting to have up to 24 total, so don’t be shy if you want more than one!”
“None,” Aasim answered, his eyes full of disdain. “Rats are nothing more than disease vectors and I don’t want them anywhere near my apartment,”
Louis gripped his chest in shock, letting out an indignant gasp. “I’ll have you know that my girls – and boy – are the cleanest rats you’ll ever lay eyes on. You should be honored if they deigned to walk across your chest with their perfect pink paws!”
“Now, Aasim, there’s no need to be rude,” Ruby chided, placing a hand upon his chest. She turned back to Louis. “Sorry, but I can’t take any either. My apartment super doesn’t allow ‘em,”
“That’s a shame. If things were different, you could have adopted a whole brood and introduced them to Aasim, melting his cold, dead heart with their whiskered cuteness. Well…” Louis sighed. “I’m off then. Gotta find somebody who’s willing to take a few of the rat babies. As much as I’d love to set up hamster tunnels throughout my entire apartment for them all to roam freely, Clem said no, so off to my next target!” With that Louis spun around and barreled through the kitchen doors. “Hey Brody, guess who’s pregnant! No, not Clem!”
It was about a week and a half later when Aasim found Louis in the staff room, working away on some administrative work on his laptop. Aasim pulled up a chair beside him, deciding to wait till Louis had finished whatever he was working on before bringing up budget questions.
“Hey, Aasim,” Louis looked up from his work. “What’s up in your life this week?”
“Nothing much. The usual weekly concerns. You must have your hands full with all those rats though. Did you ever find someone to take the babies?”
“Oh, that. Turns out Sonata and Shitsticks weren’t pregnant at all, I was just overfeeding them. Oh, and Sonuva’s a girl too! Vi and I took them all to the vet and confirmed it,”
“Really?” Aasim felt slightly peeved at the nonchalance with which Louis had revealed this turn of events. “You couldn’t have just gone to the vet from the moment you thought they were pregnant instead of pressuring all of the staff to take the expected rat babies off your hands?”
Louis shrugged. “There wasn’t a need at the time. It’s too bad really. I was excited to be a granddaddy, and at the tender age of 22,” he let out a wistful sigh. “Oh well. At least this way our three girls get to live together in peace rather than Sonuva being all on his own. Her own. It’s gonna take me a few days before I get used to Sonuva being a girl again. Anyway, if you ever find yourself craving a rodent friend, let me know. Vi and I can point you right in the direction of the pet sanctuary we got our gals from. Adopt a rat, save a life!”
“Thanks, but I think I’m good. Do you have time to look over some budget reports?”
“Can we do it over lunch? Ruby and Omar have been working on this rabbit stew today, and the smell has been taunting me. What say we both grab a bowl then talk?”
“You’ll never see me turn down Ruby’s cooking. Let’s go,”
They rose from the table together to go grab lunch.
Aasim chuckled. “So next time you bust into the kitchen saying someone’s pregnant, we shouldn’t assume it’s Clementine?”
“Dude!” Louis hissed. “Keep it down! Clem almost had my ass when she heard I’d made people think she was the one expecting!”
“A fair response,”
“I know, I know. Someday though…” Louis froze as he saw the surprised look in Aasim’s eyes. “Shit. Don’t tell Clem I said that. God, I’ve got to learn to filter myself more,”
“I think you’re about 22 years too late in that endeavor,”
“Ha ha,” Louis quipped dryly. “C’mon, let’s grab the stew while it’s still hot,”
Aasim watched Louis as he followed him into the kitchen. To think that a talk about rat preganancy could reveal so much… It made sense though. The way Louis smiled whenever he was with Clementine it was a wonder the fool hadn’t proposed already. To marry so young though, and with a risky business venture just starting out…
“You boys here for the stew?” Ruby asked, her face ruddy from the steam. “I already set aside some bowls. Go ahead and dig in,”
“Thanks, Ruby! You’re the best!” Louis eagerly snatched up his own serving.
Aasim caught himself staring at Ruby as she went back to stirring the soup, a few stray wisps of hair curling around and framing her face beautifully. On second thought, maybe Louis wasn’t such a fool after all… He looked away sheepishly as she noticed his gaze.
“C’mon, Aasim! It’s back to work we go!”
“Coming!” These sorts of thoughts were too much for Aasim. Better to return to the land of numbers and figures with a nourishing bowl of stew to accompany him. These matters would sort themselves out someday, but that would surely take longer than the gestation period of a rat.
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kingkrisofarendelle · 5 years ago
The boy with the reindeer
This was inspired by an ask from @frozenbassist which was a headcanon prompt if Anna had met Kristoff before Hans
Rating: K
Words: 4,516
Summary: It's one of the few times young Princess Anna of Arendelle was allowed to go out of the castle and while she's looking around she meets a boy with his reindeer who seem to be what Anna had been looking for in her life, friends.
It was a warm and sunny day in Arendelle, the birds were singing and the kids were laughing and playing under the warmth of the sun. It was such a beautiful day that the youngest princess of Arendelle couldn't help, but notice it and long to experience it herself.
She run towards her parents in hopes that they would let her spend the day outside of the castle. They wouldn't let her out of the castle regularly as she was still too young to go out to the dangers of the outside world, at least that's what she had been told, and even when they did let her it would never be without their trusty steward Kai to look after the ginger princess.
"Mama, papa!!!" the princess cried out of the other side of the passageway grabbing her parents' attention
"What is it, dear?" her father asked her as the young girl was jumping up and down excitedly
"It's such a beautiful day outside and I was wondering if I could go out and enjoy that day" she said with her hopes up.
"I'm sorry dear, but you're too young to go outside on your own" he replied with a soft voice hoping she'd understand
"Too young?!" the princess yelled annoyed that she couldn't go out for at least once in a while. Everything was fine a few years ago and then things suddenly changed, not only that but her sister, whom she loved so much, was also avoiding her as if she had done anything. "I'm twelve years old, I think I'm mature enough to be going out of the castle once in a while" she protested, she was so tired of being alone and staying inside of the castle, all she did was talking to the paintings in the painting room, read every single book she'd find at the library that peeked her interest and try to start a small talk with the servants, she didn't even spend much time with her parents, they'd either be busy with their royal duties or they'd be busy with Elsa doing whatever they did with her, they never told her what they were doing with her.
"Agnaar... " the queen whispered to him as she set her hand on his shoulder "she's alone and at a day as beautiful as this it's a pity not to let her enjoy it"
"Fine" he sighed smiling at his wife "you can go out for today"
"YES!!!" the ginger cheered
"But, Kai will look after you" he added
"Oh, OK!" she was about to protest but she knew it was the only way for her to go out.
The princess was excitedly strolling along the streets of Arendelle with Kai behind, she found it quite annoying that she had to wait for him once in a while. It wasn't that she didn't like him, on the contrary she quite liked him as he was one of the only people in the castle she'd talk with when she felt bored, but today she wanted to enjoy the day as much as she could without having to wait the plump steward.
She decided that she had to get rid of him somehow, just so that she could spend the day on her own and then meet him again to go home.
Then it hit her, she saw a small shop that was selling pastries and such which was flooded with customers and so she thought of the perfect plan.
"Uhm... Kai? " she called him trying to act innocently
"What is it your majesty?" he replied to the kid
"I would love to have some Krumkake with chocolate from that pastry shop" she said pointing at the store
"Are you sure you want some from that store?" he said trying to change her mind "It seems rather crowded. Wouldn't it be better if we had the royal cooks back at the castle to make it for you? A tastier one?"
"I'm quite hungry right now and the one they sell looks very delicious" the ginger responded pouting her lips to convince him
"Fine" he sighed, he just couldn't say no to her "Let's go"
"I can't come, I'm.... uh... afraid of crowded spaces" she lied
"Alright, stay where you are and wait for me" he compromised
"Thank you Kai! Don't worry about me!" she said with a wide smile
Once Kai was nowhere to be seen, Anna rushed towards the left with curiosity ruling over her body, wondering where to go first.
As she kept wandering and wandering she saw something that had caught her attention, it was a reindeer. The reindeer, that looked like being in his middle teens, was not alone, he was accompanied by a boy and an old and worn out sled packed with ice that was slowly melting.
The boy wasn't a boy to be exact, he seemed to be about 15 years old. He had a mop of long shaggy blonde hair, honey brown eyes, a big blushy nose, a few pimples were accompanying his freckles on his cheeks and a light stubble on his chin. He was quite taller than the princess and his soft but still built body was covered in a baggy worn out dark Grey leather tunik and pair of pants, a Prussian blue sweater that was obviously too small to cover the entirety of his arms, a pair of thick gloves and a pair of boots.
"Uhm... Excuse me kind sir" the princess heard the boy say at a passing citizen "Would you be interested in..."
"Get out of my way kid" the citizen interrupted the boy pushing it so that he could leave
"Uhm... Excuse ma'am" he then went to a passing middle aged woman
"Absolutely not" she cut him before he could even reach the middle of the sentence
Anna saw the poor boy being rejected again and again by passing people and even some of them would call him names such as "beggar", "tramp" and "riffraff". His honey brown eyes were about to start filling with tears until she reached out to him.
"Hello" she came to him feeling sympathy for him
"Uh... Hello" he said back wiping the tears off his chubby cheeks "Would you be interested in some ice? It's freshly cut from the frozen lake near the north mountain. It goes great with lemonade, if you want to keep it cold" he asked forming an awkward smile
The ginger chuckled
"I'd love to, but I don't have any money on me now" she said
"Oh." the blonde breathed out "it's ok"
"But, my servant Kai has and when he comes I'll make sure to get some ice" she added cheerfully
"Servant?" he repeated questioning what she meant
"Well he's technically a steward" she added "I'm Anna by the way"
The boy noticed the white hairstreak on the girl's left braid which looked awfully familiar, until he remembered.
"It's you!" he said, he remembered that girl from the day he saw grand Pabbie curing her seven years ago, the day he was adopted.
"Yes, it's me, Princess Anna of Arendelle"
"Princess?" the boy repeated surprised at his luck, both him and his reindeer kneeled before her "Your majesty"
"Oh get up!" the princess said chuckling at the two of them "I just want to know who you are" she added helping them stand up
"Sorry about that" the boy apologized putting his hand behind his head embarrassed at what he did "I'm Kristoff Bjorgman, of nowhere to be exact, heh, and this is my best friend Sven"
The reindeer hopped in front of her, his small tail shaking as if he was a dog.
"Aaaw, you're so cute" she said as she petted the reindeer "I'm glad to meet you Christopher!" she got back to the boy stretching her hand in front of him to shake it
"Uh... it's Kristoff actually" he corrected her his cheeks blushing even more now
"You're right. I'm glad to meet you Kristoff!" she corrected herself
"So you're selling ice, that's a pretty tough business" the ginger pointed out
"Yeah, but it's not as tough as harvesting ice" he added chuckling and his voice cracking a bit
"Wait what? You took that ice yourself?!" she exclaimed
"Yeah! It's very enjoyable to be honest!" he answered her question as he was preparing the sled with the melting ice for a ride
"How do you do that?"
"It's simple. I wake up early in the morning and go to the frozen lake and then using these tools" he explained showing her the interior of a satchel which was filled with axes and other weird tools Anna had never seen in her life "I cut and pick the ice"
"Wow! What do your parents do while you do all this?" she asked questioning how some parents would let their kids do such hard work
"Well, my parents are dead so I have to take care for myself" he replied slightly bothered
"Oh! I'm- I'm really sorry about that" Anna's expression darkened feeling so bad for reminding him that
"It's alright" he said back "There are still others who provide me a place to stay and take care of me when I'm not working"
"Yeah, they're like family to me and Sven"
The two of them kept walking around the town talking and talking, sharing their thoughts and their lives. Talking to Kristoff was such a fresh and nice experience for Anna, she had finally someone to express her feelings to and have fun with and it wasn't because he was employed to do so, he was there because he wanted to be there with her, he cared about her.
That experience was new for Kristoff too, back in the orphanage, before he had run away, the kids there hadn't been treating him well and most people would treat him even worse whenever he'd try to sell ice. It felt nice for him to have someone other than a reindeer to talk to.
The two kids were lying at the grassy ground of a hill, the sky was getting a nice orange hue as the night was getting closer. They were now cloud gazing guessing the shapes the clouds were taking.
"PRINCESS ANNA!!!" a familiar voice was heard.
It was Kai! He ran towards them holding a box which Anna assumed was filled with krumkakes
"Kai!" the princess cried back at him
"Where have you been your majesty? Your parents have been worrying so much!" he let the princess know
"Wait what? Mom and dad know that I'm missing?" she asked with cold sweat falling off her forehead
"Yes, your majesty. They came to see how you've been doing and they saw that you were missing" the plump man explained
"Oh no! I'm in so much trouble" the princess exclaimed
"They didn't know you were here!" Kristoff breathed out his voice cracking due to the shock "I'm really sorry about that sir! I didn't know they didn't know!" he had started panicking
"Don't worry about it child" Kai relieved the blonde "You're not in trouble"
"Calm down Kristoff" the princess told him "I would never let my friend get in trouble because of me"
"Friend?" Kristoff thought to himself getting red like a tomato. He had a friend! He felt so happy that there was a person in the world other than Sven and his family that genuinely cared about him.
"Now let's go your majesty, before your parents become even more worried" the man reminded the young princess
"Yes you're right" the princess admitted "but, before we go, could we get Kristoff's entire stock of ice please" she added pointing at the the three ice blocks that were left out of the six they originally were "they go great with lemonade after all" she added winking at the blonde
"Wait what?" Kristoff exclaimed as both him and Sven were flabbergasted to hear that.
"You heard me right" the ginger responded
"Alright your majesty. Young man would you mind following us to the castle to give us the ice" the large man asked the boy
"Uuuuhhh… OK, I guess" he replied back
"Good" Kai added
The sun was no longer to be seen, Kai and the two kids arrived at the castle gates. Three servants got there and took the ice blocks leaving the three alone with a reindeer and an empty sled.
"Let's go to your parents your majesty, they must be dying of worry now" the steward said to the ginger princess
"Yes, let's go" she agreed with him
"Kristoff!" she cried as the blonde and his reindeer were about to go back home "We should hang out again! Meet me tomorrow at the docks!"
"Sure!" Kristoff replied immediately his face lit up with happiness and then turned to his way. Before the blonde could reach ten steps on his way, the princess grabbed him from his shoulders and gave him a kiss on his cheek. The boy couldn't help but blush at this action
"See you tomorrow" she added
Kai smiled at the two of them, he was happy to see her making friends.
The gates closed and the blonde was still there with his hand touching the cheek the princess kissed
"See you tomorrow" he repeated
"Come in" responded the king at the sound of the door knocking
"She's here, your majesty" the plump steward announced to the king and queen who were standing in their bedroom waiting for the arrival of their youngest daughter
"Bring her to us" he said sternly
The ginger got in the room
"Anna!" the queen cried and then rushed to her daughter hugging her tightly
"Thank you for your service Kai, you may go now, we have something to discuss privately" the king said to the man
"Your majesty, if I can add something…"
"No you cannot, you should go now" he interrupted him before he could even finish his sentence
"If you say so" he replied and left
By the moment the kid was out of her mother's hug she looked at her father who didn't look very happy to see her.
"How could you do this to us?" he spoke to the child, a mixture of emotions filling him, relief, worry and… anger
"I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to worry you" the freckled girl tried to explain herself "I was just having fun with a boy"
"A boy?" he asked, the situation getting even more serious
"Yeah, Kristoff." she confirmed "He's a really nice boy, he was a lot of fun to talk to"
"Well I'm glad you had fun today" the king said "because you're not leaving the castle again"
"What!" the princess yelled furiously
"Agnaar…" the brunette queen tried to calm down her husband knowing things were getting out of hand
"You heard me right" he replied upping his tone "You're not leaving the castle until the gates open to the world"
"But, I have arranged to meet him again tomorrow!!!" she protested tears starting to fill her blue eyes
"I guess he'll have to wait for nothing then" he said back his anger growing more and more
"That's unfair!!!" the ginger cried "I'm all alone doing nothing at this castle every single day and when I finally find someone who truly cares about me and I have fun with, you come and ruin it!!!"
"That boy may have been nice to you, but what if he was different! What if he wanted to harm you!" the king yelled back
"So now you care about my safety!! I've given myself so many bruises and scars doing things on my own, while you were spending all your time with Elsa!!!" she yelled, she was never this angry and sad before, she didn't even hold a grudge at her older sister or her parents for spending more time together, she knew there was a reason for it, but this time she was angry, sad and extremely irritated that she couldn't even have her own friend because of the overprotectiveness of her parents.
The king and queen gasped as their youngest daughter left the room angry. The queen was in tears seeing how this situation turned out and the feeling of realization hit Agnaar like a frying pan on his face. He didn't mean to hurt his daughter, he just wanted to keep her safe from the dangers of the outside world, he already almost lost her once, he couldn't lose her for good this time.
Meanwhile in the other side of the kingdom, Kristoff was walking towards an empty valley filled with rocks with moss over them scattered all around, he was still smiling after all that had happened that day, Sven understood how ecstatic Kristoff felt with all that had happened.
As the two friends approached the valley, the rocks that lay over there started shaking and rolling in front of them. They were trolls! Kristoff's family to be exact.
"Kristoff's home!" the female and probably most vocal troll cried joyfully as she threw herself on the pudgy boy
"I'm back Momma!" the boy cried back to his adoptive mother, trying to keep holding her
"You seem quite happy today son!" Bulda's husband and Kristoff's adoptive father said as he approached him
"Yeah" the boy replied still thinking about the ginger
"I see you sold all of the ice you cut, well done!" his troll father congratulated him "You got nicely paid as well!" he added pointing at a pouch the kid was holding"
"What? Oh yeah, I did" he had completely forgotten about his payment for his service, but he did remember how the princess grabbed it from the steward's hands and gave it to him with no second thoughts. There were a handful of gold coins inside of the pouch, they were enough for Kristoff and Sven to spend the week without even working and eating like royals!
"My boy sold out his entire stock, I'm so proud!" the troll mother cried with tears of joy at the success of her eldest son. Bulda may have just adopted Kristoff, but to her he was like her actual son, she loved him dearly and so did he too.
Moments later at Kristoff's custom made bed, which even though it was more or less a big wide rock coated with moss and a patched blanket and a pillow made out of an old sweater of his was still a lot more comfortable than the one he used to sleep on in the orphanage, the blonde lay there with his loyal reindeer friend.
"Are we going to see her tomorrow?" Kristoff asked himself in Sven's voice which was cracking trying to sound different
"Of course we are!" he answered "We're even going to skip work Tomorrow! Good night Sven" he added excitedly
"Goodnight Kristoff" he said back with his voice cracking again when he said his name
Anna spent the whole day inside of her room still extremely pissed off at her parents. She would not speak to anyone, even when her parents tried to talk to her about the day before she refused to even open her door at them. The only person that got to speak with the princess was Kai, he was the only one she felt like she could trust, she tried convincing him to help her go out of the castle to meet the boy, but they both couldn't do that, the trouble would be huge for both of them, especially Kai. The ginger could do nothing but stare at the view of Arendelle from her window while drinking some lemonade with the ice the blonde had cut, it was her only way to be with him.
Meanwhile, Kristoff was standing along with Sven at the docks just like the girl said, waiting her with excitement in his eyes for her to come. Unfortunately for him though the princess never showed up. He waited for hours at the same spot until the moon showed up and the citizens were going inside their warm and cozy houses. The reindeer nudged his best friend, who he then realized was in tears. The blonde was heartbroken, tears were falling from his honey brown eyes to his chubby freckled cheeks. She said she would come, how could she not be there. Was he at the wrong place? No, he remembered that this is where she told him to meet her. Maybe she forgot? Yeah, that's probably it.
The boy wiped off the tears off his face and went with his friend to the castle. Once he reached the gates, he knocked and a royal guard guard appeared, he was taller and buffer than him with a thick mustache.
"What do you want kid?" he said with a deep stern voice
"Uhm… I was supposed to meet the princess a few hours ago… Can I go see her?" his voice cracked like crazy as he tried to ask the man that question
"Is this some kind of a joke?!" the guard raised his voice as anger filled him "The princess doesn't care about any peasants! Now get out of here or I'll put you in the dungeons!! Riffraff!"
The reindeer nudged his friend once again and this time it was worse. Kristoff had already started crying, his heart broke into even more pieces and hugged tightly Sven, she didn't care about him, she was nice to him the day before not because she cared about him, but because she pitied him. The boy was devastated, once again he was alone in this world with his feelings, he was sobbing and the young deer tried to show his support as much as he could.
"Let's go home Sven" he cried wiping off his tears in an unsuccessful attempt to stop crying
The deer carried the boy taking him home, he hated seeing him in such condition.
As the years were passing the princess grew up in the same environment as she did before and she'd never leave the castle which kept making her desire to meet other people and go out of the castle even bigger. As for the boy, he grew up to be a man and as he got more experienced and skilled in his job, he got to make a living with the money he'd earn, it wasn't much but it was just enough for him and Sven to survive the night, people though were still the same jerks they were as when he was a kid, resulting in him eventually growing very wary of people, he didn't trust them at all, the only ones Kristoff could trust were Sven and his troll family.
One day the princess was finally out of the castle, she wasn't out for fun though, she was lookin for her older sister Elsa who had run away and accidentally setting Arendelle in an eternal winter. She was all alone at night, her horse had left her side and hope had started fading until she saw a wooden cabin in front of her that turned out to be a store called "Wandering Oaken's trading post" which also had a sauna.
As the ginger was getting closer a man was thrown right in front of her.
"HEY" she yelled at the driver of the sled. "Can't you see?!"
"Sorry ma'am, the next time someone kicks me out of his store so barbarically I'll make sure to land somewhere else" the man apologized sarcastically
Something about him seemed awfully familiar to her as she saw him stand up to his feet. He was rather tall with a strong built body that still looked a little soft, he had long blonde shaggy hair that was whitened because of the snow, honey brown eyes, a big nose that was red from the cold and chubby freckled cheeks. Wait a moment! It was him! The boy she met years ago!
"It's you!" the princess gasped surprised
"Yes, it's me and… you are?" he responded not knowing how to respond to that taking off his beanie and trying to get rid of the snow on it
"It's me! Anna! From the docks! I bought your entire stock of ice that day! And you are… uh… Christopher!" she cried joyfully at seeing her old friend
"It's Kristoff" he corrected her still trying to remove the snow from his uniform
"Yeah, you're right, again" she chuckled reminiscent of the first time she made that mistake was "So how have you been?"
"Could have been better" he replied unenthusiastically wiping off the snow on his hair
"What happened?" she asked
"Nothing really. Just the owner of that store being a huge jerk! All I wanted was some gear and carrots for me and Sven, but apparently because it's July, even though it's practically freezing here, the winter stock prices don't apply!" he complained "and what do you want here, in those clothes" he added with a stern tone
"I'm looking for my sister, she's kinda the source of this winter" the ginger explained
"Uh huh" the blonde replied uninterested
"What happened to you?" she asked frustrated "you weren't like this when we met. You were a lot nicer"
"People change princess, that's just how life works" he answered turning his back approaching a sled with a reindeer attached to it
The next day the two of them had journeyed towards the north mountain where Anna's sister was and after Elsa accidentally hitting with her magic Anna on her heart, Kristoff knew he had to take her to grand Pabbie, he could save her just like he did before. The blonde and the ginger had gotten closer throughout those series of events, it was just like the time they first met, but Anna felt guilty for what had happened to him. She heard him singing with his reindeer about how awful people are and reindeers are better and she saw herself partly responsible for that, she promised him that they would meet again, but she never appeared and it broke his heart, she knew it and couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Kristoff?" she called him gently
"Yeah?" the blonde replied
"I'm really sorry for not meeting you at the docks just like I told you" she apologized her voice was full with regret. "my parents grounded me after I came back and they wouldn't let me go out of the castle again. I should have at least had someone to let you know about, but I didn't and I probably broke your heart and I feel horrible and…."
"Hey hey, it's ok" the blonde tried to calm her down as he placed his hands on her shoulders "at least I now know why you didn't show up"
"Thanks Kristoff" she said hugging him as an extra apology
Kristoff felt so relieved after learning all this and most of all he felt happy, she did care about him after all, and another feeling approached him, a new one, something that he didn't feel often. Could it be love?
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ryouverua · 6 years ago
Maki Harukawa FTE - (Kaede #2)
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This. This was the line that really got me thinking about theories about the nature of this game and some of the truths behind it (some of which weren’t completely off-base, tbh). It’s so interesting to see it with hindsight and knowing how it fits into the greater narrative! Considering what she’s hiding at this point, I wonder what set her off on this particular thought process? Was it looking at some of the others...?
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That’s actually a really interesting side of her. It comes up a few times, that she would rather focus on being productive than wallowing in emotions. There’s good and bad about that - the ability to compartmentalize is helpful in terms of problem-solving in a terrible situation, but it does backfire in those situations where she doesn’t take the time to sit with her own feelings. It’s also a good contrast to Shuichi, who often gets paralyzed but is also able to be incredibly honest with himself as a result?
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Step 1 - don’t get chased off by Maki again, or cause her to leave in a huff.
Nailed step 1.
but that’s kaede’s lie isn’t it?
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except I actually screwed up the gift-giving lmao
I think Maki is the one person that I have consistently screwed up with lmao
but we are nothing if not persistent
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p-please....... please let us hang out with you.....
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She is pretty smart - I remember getting that impression initially, too. It’s that intelligence and calculated way of thinking that hid her impulsive side so well. 8′)
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About that...
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Kaede, we just finally got her to speak to us - don’t mess this up please. oTL
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“Who wants to know and do they have any family or friends who will miss them if they ‘disappear’ -”
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She is really, really being careful about playing down her past here.
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Do, uh, do you say that as someone who has been to camp, or are you comparing your orphanage experience to something you’ve also never done?
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............... Okay yeah actually, it does sound exactly like camp.
I mean, your exposure to bears (which, real or mechanical or AI, really ought to be avoided outright) seems to have been delayed but other than that -
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Ka - Kaede. I know you’re trying to get close to Maki, but that’s a bit... basic.
But man it’s cute how quickly Kaede is trying to find an inroad to Maki’s heart! For better or worse, she thinks the best way is to talk about her talent. I mean, it makes sense. For Kaede, piano is her life, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s been pretty apparent that she has a lot of trouble putting herself in others’ shoes, so the idea that Maki wouldn’t find the same sort of pleasure talking about her ‘talent’ seems to be hard for her to wrap her head around?
At the same time, the whole reason they’re considered Ultimates is because their talents should be what their lives revolve around, so...
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alskdfj Kaede
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It is endearing in some ways, though. It’s kind of funny that Shuichi ends up thinking of her as a completely selfless person, because a lot of what he liked about her was born from her self-centered outlook? And I don’t mean that in a bad way, even though when you hear ‘selfless’ vs ‘self-centered’, the latter always seems to come across as inherently bad. When she looked at Shuichi, she was always very forceful about how she saw him and kind of... steamrolled over all of his insecurities, in a way? She thought his talent was invaluable, she used it to help herself and everyone else, and every time she caught him in his self-deprecating talk, she almost bullied him out of it. And so here too, with Maki who is a lot more subtle about her issues, Kaede is again being very forceful with her positive outlook. She’s a bit clumsy, but her heart is in the right place.
But yeah, here’s another example of Kaede needing to approach the others from a concept she can understand with middling results.
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Maki is always pretty fast to find a negative in a positive, huh. 8′) It’s all about obligation here. She refuses to betray whether she liked taking care of them or not, just that ‘it’s the way it had to be’.
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Wait when did we get to this topic - I actually thought I lost a screenshot for a second??
I guess it went from ‘we had to hang out with the younger kids’ to ‘there wasn’t much for us to entertain them with though’?
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‘Jobs’, huh.
That does make me wonder... how old was Maki when she got her first ‘job’? Did she ever get to go to high school?
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Ooooh, I see. Okay, the transition was a little clumsy, but this is where they wanted it to lead to!
Aaaw, Kaede.... once again she’s being a bit forceful oh hey Kaito parallel is that you but it’s all coming from a good place.
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“You don’t know what a piano is?”
Kaede is going to be the death of me asdlfkj
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I cannot believe Maki didn’t jump on Kaede implying Maki didn’t know what a piano was. I cannot believe it.
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especially because Maki knows she doesn’t exactly live there anymore cough cough
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She really does have trouble seeing the good in anything....
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Okay with all that talk earlier I actually thought I might have been reaching but then Kaede goes ahead and brings up ‘selfish help’ lmao
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“Wow, maybe I do have a weak spot for positive and bright personalities. Well, whatever. Surely I’ll only have to worry about this girl right here. What are the chances of there being two people like this trapped in this damn school with me?”
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it’s okay kaede she likes annoying people it’s been proven
hacker voice: i’m in
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Kaede really wants to get to know Maki, huh?
Though, um, Kaede... did you not notice? She never actually said she would talk to the teacher for you. 8′) Very well played, Maki.
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“Wow you’re annoying.”
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She doesn’t think there’s anything about her for kids to like....
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Okay hey, that’s not fair! That’s not what happened! She came up with excuses as to why Kaede couldn’t come, or why it wouldn’t work out... but she never actually said no. Mind you, she didn’t agree to talk to the teacher about it, but she never directly turned her down either. I guess it’s written that way so a new player wouldn’t realize this was the last FTE you could get with her...
But I do see why people would like them together though - it really is similar to Momoharu in a lot of ways, with Maki struggling to see the positives in anything - even being reluctant to see them - and Kaede being there to point them out for her and to try and help her love herself. The game does seem to be hinting that things may have gone a similar way with Kaede if she had lived? This really does bring up a lot of interesting questions about how the game could have continued on, huh...
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grs-the-neighborhood · 6 years ago
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Name: Essence O'Lantern 
Gender: Female 
Age: 18 
 Orientation: Bi 
 Species: Mischief spirit
 Alignment: Neutral 
Parents: Demongo And Jack'O Lantern
 Personality: flirty, manipulative, mischievous, Does-not-play-well-with-others, lazy, Tom-boyish, crude, foul mouthed.
 - one of the seeds from jack’s pumpkin head that was infused with some of demongo’s essence. the seed blossomed into a large pumpkin flower that was what brought Essence into the world. 
-is more like a eldritch spirit then a demon.
  - Similar to  Demongo, her powers involve draining Essence. However, while demongo stole the essence of warriors he defeated to later control, Essence can not enslave another person. Rather, she feeds off of essence similar to a vampire or succubus. As a mischief spirit, she is a being that thrives on chaos. so she often uses her abilities to scare folks to feed off of the fear she creates as fear has traces of chaotic energy. However, for a easier, much more chaotic fix, she targets thugs, villains, and other more dangerous targets if it means she gets to keep her powers flowing. She approaches a thug or villain by flirting, and once she has them alone she feeds. 
 -draining essence simply keeps her powers activated. besides draining essence, she can levitate, teleport, rapid heal, mildly alter reality (basically, she will make you see sh*t to create fear. but this in turn drains her, wich is why she prefers going after thugs and villains). If she does not feed properly, she can be wounded greatly as her body will be unable to heal itself. Soshe is not immortal what so ever.
 -Is neutral because 1) she ain’t a goody goody. and 2) she likes feeding off of villains the most. 3) being a “villain” turns things into a job and “ruins her fun”. 
 - she would not disrupt anything major in the series, she would stand as a nuisance if anything. causing issues for the heroes, and creep'n on the villains. - she can eat normal food. she loves anything spicey.
 -if she were to be voiced by any one, Nicki Minaj would be her voice. That laugh of her’s is just perfect.~ -despite her tendency to use others, and act like a Turd. She is a Daddys’ girl. -she dislikes aku. for obvious reasons. www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxFxRX… 
Intro story  (mild cussing involved) _________________________ Kingsley walked down the hallway talking with Cheyenne who was scrolling through her phone. “ Hey, did you hear about the gang found by the cops last night?” Kingsley looked at her. “ no? why? what happened?” “They were all found ranting like madmen. supposedly they kept saying "the shadows are alive” or some crap. they must have been tweaked the f-out on something. the police never saw anything one that freaked out before.“"that is weird. I still don’t get how folks can keep hitting stuff like that. messes with the brain.” He brushes shoulders with Renee. “watch it loser!” “sorry” Kingsley and Renee exchange glances as Cheyenne gave Renee a glare. she was not the only one, Across the hall Alex glared at Renee. She stomped her foot. “grrrrrr why won’t Kingsley notice me!? I am way better then that stupid mortal!” the demon seethed with anger, but a cool breathy breeze went on the back of her neck. she shuttered and turned around, seeing nothing. she shrugged and went to step forwards but a large, eerie shadow stood over her, multiple eyes staring down at her. a hand reached forwards but she backed away screeching like a majestic  fucking eagle as she ran around it and into Kingsley. “KINSGLEY HELP! there is a ominous shadow out to grab me!” she pointed to were the figure was, but nothing was in the now well lit area. Cheyenne scoffed.“you are going nuts ya weirdo. now hurry up, class is starting soon, and I’ll be damned if I am late for your arse.” she closed her locker, and they head off into class. The bell rang and the teacher entered the room. “settle down ya brats. we are about to begin. But first I would like to introduce our new student, Ms. Essence O'Lantern. the door creaked open and a Pumpkin head peaked through the door, eerie glowing eyes and mouth, followed by a tall, lanky body with sharp fingered hands. A mischievous giggle came from her."Hi everyone, I hope I am not too late for the fun~”“you are new, just don’t let it happen again.” the teacher grunted. one of the jocks raised his hand.“ hey teach, are you sure a farmer won’t be mad his scarecrow is missing?” the rest of the class laughed, as Kingsley, and Cheyenne exchanged glances. Essence’s eyes seemed to spark up a moment but then stopped. that wide grin of hers never falling. “if I am a scarecrow, then you must be the prized Pig.~” “ooooo~” the boy shut his mouth and looked away blushing as the strange girl went to her seat in the back of the class.she gave a creepy smirk at Alex as she passed and sat.Alex gave her a glare as she tried to keep her focus upfront and on the boring ramblings of their inferior teacher. The bell rang later on in the day, and lunchtime has begun. Cheyenne and Kingsley head into the lunch room.as they sat down, they noticed the Jock from before was not sitting up at Renee’s table.Renee seemed to have noticed to as she glanced at the empty seat and shared a look with Kingsley who shrugged. The lunchroom door opened and Essence stepped in, her usual large smirk on her face as she proudly struts down the isles of tables and sits at an empty one far in the back.she sets an old fashioned, metal lunch-pail on the table and digs in. Surrounding students casting odd glances at her as she ate, not caring about the words they would mutter. the Jock too, soon entered the Cafeteria.He looked pail, dark circles under his eyes, and worn. He nervously glanced around, and his eyes fell on Essence. The tall, lanky demoness winked seductively at him and pressed a finger to her mouth in a “sh” like motion. he gulped and sat down in his usual spot.He refused to answer his friends when they asked them what was wrong and refused to eat.As the day progressed, Other students began to become more and more wary of the new girl.She was creepy, her sense of humor dark, and whenever a kid got hurt in gym, her laugh would ring out loud in twisted glee. Alex had shifted into his male form, and was keeping a close eye on the new being. He did not like sharing his turf with another being. When the final bell rang, the halls flooded with students, anxious to get out and enjoy their Friday. Alex leaned against the wall and waited.As less students were in the halls he finally saw Essence go to her locker.As Her slender hand placed her books away, she was slammed against the lockers near her, Alex glaring at her.“Oh darl'n, if ya wanted to play you could have just asked~” the Tall demon cooed  smirking at Alex in glee. Alex Scowled.“ As if I would want to be caught dead with a filthy, lower-class scum like you!” “ooh Alex why do you have to be so mean.” she pouts for a moment. “how’d yo-” Essence suddenly grabbed his wrist and pushes him off of her, and ends up slamming him into the lockers across the hall.she pins both hands above his head.“my my, for being the son of such a high class demon, you sure are easy to push~”“let go of me!"Alex struggled, face tinted red."aaaw you are cute when you blush. As much as I would like to play, I have business to attend to."she throws him to the ground and gathers her items as she closes her own locker. "Fare well, Son of Aku~” Alex looked up, but she was gone in an instant.  He did not even see her through the glass front doors.He got up, dusted himself off and headed home with a scowl. Essence entered an old, run down house on a hill. A man stood at the stove, his back towards her.“Hello pumkin, How was your first day of school?” “hehe it was, interesting. those little humans are fun to scare~” the man turned, a mischievous smile matching his daughter’s spread wide across his own pumpkin face.“that’s my girl”. Essence giggled and hugged him tight. “I missed you SO much, and I missed your yummy stew~"Jack chuckled and kissed her forehead."I know sugar bean, thank you for coming for me.”~“hehe, as if I’ll let my old man get stuck in the netherworld by some dorky skeleton~"she smirked as she playfully snatched her dad’s hat."hey, you lil shit!"he chuckled and grabbed his hat back."set your stuff down, Dinner is almost ready.” “k Dad, just got to do something first~” she lazily floated up the stairs, and set her back down in her bed.She crept to another room and gently opened the door. Laying inside the bed, was a JET black demon. what once was a head full of flames, was now barely a wispy plum of smoke, his blue eyes were closed in a deep slumber.A few, old scars littered his body as he slept. Essence walked over to the bed, and took hold of Demongo’s hand .“Hey papa, I’m back…"there was silence, only the gentle breathing of the other demon.for the first time, Essence’s smirk vanished to a sorrowful expression. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she kissed his hand.” It’s been so long…..I wish I could hear your voice, I wish I can feel your embrace again.Dad has not been the same since you been in your coma. He needs you….I need you….we love you so much….we miss you..“she took in a shaky breath as she laid her fore head to his.” I promise….I will make things right….I will make you better, even if I must give away every ounce of my own essence..to save you.“ she gently caressed his face and took hold of his chin.She slowly opened his mouth, and opened her own. The essence of the gang and jock she drained poured from her, and into him.her knees buckle and she panted on the ground. the large, old scars shrink slightly on demongo as the younger demon stood up. "I’ll see you soon, Papa.” she kissed demongo’s forehead and left the room to eat dinner with her other parent. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Demongo: samurai jack Jack O'Lantern: Grimm adventures of Billy and Mandy
 Essence:    Belong to oXGoldFinchXo / @chi-chi-tianshi
Reason: She made a contract with Janaya.
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dnnfy · 5 years ago
@sweetestlamb Oh, so you’re still a months-old baby in the kdrama world, aaaw. Lol. Don’t worry babe, I’ve got you covered. Provided you a list below. Altho be warned, this is going to be long. And most are romcoms. Hope you like those.
Some disclaimers: List is based on my personal preferences, so YMMV. But I pride myself as a seasoned (read: old) kdrama watcher (since 2005!) whose interests have waned in recent years bc of kdramas’ repetition and predictability, and only watch truly good dramas nowadays. Also, since I dont watch a lot these days, i may have missed some noteworthy ones. Hope others chime in with their recs!
(Long) List under the cut:
First off, KSH dramas! He’s got plenty of good and cute ones. At the top are these:
1. My Love from Another Star (2014) – arguably the one that shot him to stardom
2. Producers (2015) – cute, adorkable, hapless KSH.  If you want to see him in a new light, then this show is the way to go. This show is experimental of sorts for the kdrama industry, their first (and sadly the last, for now) try on the mockumentary set-up. Think “The Office/Parks and Rec got married to KDramas” lol. I think you would also appreciate the world more if you’ve watched Korean variety and music shows. The star cameos are also a hoot, and poked fun at their public images.
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Recent ones:
3. Hyena (2020) – Sexy, cheeky, and cunning. Joo Ji Hoon and Kim Hyesoo lit the screen up. This drama may even entice you to write a few fics to fill in some scenes lol.
4. Catch the Ghost (2019) – Not the most popular drama out there but I have a soft spot for Kim Seonho and his dimples so what the hell. This has good story, and really really good chemistry between Kim Seonho and Moon Geunyeong.
5. When the Camellia Blooms (2019) – winsome and wholesome. Like your usual warm Christmas movies but for 16hrs lol.
6. Age of Youth/ Hello Twenties (Seasons 1 and 2) - ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ (genre: Slice-of-life!!! growing-up; friendship)
7. Melo is My Nature/ Be Melodramatic (2019) – aged up Age of Youth (the latter was in college setting). The lead girls/friendship are adorable.
8. Extraordinary You (2019) – just cute and fun take on sentient (?) comic book characters. Lead girl/actress is super funny and charming.
9. Strong Girl Do Bong Soon (2017) / Oh My Ghost (2015) – super cute female lead /actress (you’re sensing a pattern here, lol). But these are enjoyable as well don’t worry.
10. Jealousy Incarnate / Don’t Dare to Dream (2016) – same director as IOTNBO. So if you loved the visual storytelling in IOTNBO, there’s plenty here as well. 
11. Hello Monster / I Remember (2015) – A look into how psychopaths became to be one? By nurture or nature. Good watch, and the lead psychopaths (no spoilers) are equally hot and creepy as well lol.
12. Splash Splash Love (2015) – a 2 episoder you’d wish would have 50 episodes more.
13. Healer (2014) – multi-generational conflict done really really good. Truly picks up after ep3 or 4 (at least for me). Juri’s Mom is also in this and she’s hilarious.
14. A Witch’s Love (2014) – Baby Park Seo Joon’s first lead. His most adorable, as well
15. Queen Inhyun’s Man (2012) – time traveling past-era scholar meets a modern-day actress. My description sucks but the drama’s execution is A++++++.
16. Dream High (2011) – another KSH drama, but most actors in this drama are idols, so their acting are still on the green side. This was a cute watch tho. Especially if you like musical dramas. KSH has a great singing voice!
17. The Greatest Love (2011) – a really really good romcom. Well acted and well written.
18. City Hunter (2011) – Thriller –romcom drama. arguably the only good Lee Min Ho drama lol. This has the trifecta of acting, directing, and writing. The musical scores are ❤️ .
19. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (2010) – mythical thousand-year old gumiho (9-tailed fox/woman) got released from prison, latched onto a guy for unlimited beef (lol), and fell in love. Super cute. Dimples galore.
20. Sungkyunkwan Scandal (2010) – a saguek (historical) college genderbender drama (lol). You’ll love this just for the eyecandy alone. But the story, music, and directing are addicting as well.  Also, the launch pad to stardom of Yoo Ah in and Song Joongki. They also spawned a lot of fics about them back then as well. I mean, look:
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21. Coffee Prince (2007) – THE GONG YOO DRAMA OF ALL GONG YOO DRAMAS. Watch and you will thank me 
22. What’s up Fox (2006) – Noona-dongseng romance done really good.
23. My Name is Kim Sam Soon (2005) – this is a 2000s drama so back then, they still think jerks/assholes are super romantic (lol) but you’ll love the drama for the female lead alone 
24. My Girl (2005) – super cute romcom of a pretend sibling relationship that escalated to romance *gasp*
Appreciative that GT and MY have said "I love you" to each other through their actions (running to save each other from unknown dangers) and unconventional words (I'll never leave you until you die--proposal much?), ergo making it easier for me to include declarations of love moving forward in my fics-quiet ones at the break of dawn, loud ones in the midst of a fight, reluctant ones pressed into sleep-warn skin. I love that they're clearly in love and I can write about it and believe it. 🥰🥰
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Domestic MoonMun fic coming soon! I already have some ideas but comment any cute domestic things you'd like to see the babes doing! Maybe I'll include it 😊
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Hi~ If you are still taking requests, would you mind doing one about Elizabeth and Jumin's Mc become very close? And when Mc gets pregnant, she is very protective of her belly, scratching anyone who touch it? Thank you~ ^-^
Hello hello! Thank you for your request, it’s very cute! ^^ I hope you like it, it’s kind of long I think so hopefully it’s okay lol 
Mc and Elizabeth got to spend quite a bit of time together, since Jumin always had to go to work, and it would usually be just the two of them alone in the penthouse.
Elizabeth is very affectionate, friendly and curious and would always follow Mc around and meow for her attention. Elizabeth would always try and get attention from Mc either by always sitting on the counter trying to see what she is doing, sitting on Mc’s lap when she tried to read, or sitting on Mc’s keyboard when she tried to work. Either way, Mc loved spending time with Elizabeth, enjoying her lying on her lap as she purred happily while she pet her.
Hell, even some days Mc would play with Elizabeth by running around the penthouse and then hiding in random places, with Elizabeth prancing not far behind and eagerly looking for her, meowing. It wouldn’t be too long till Elizabeth would find Mc and immediately want attention, Mc would giggle and then go find somewhere to hide again, it was always humorous.
Sometimes Jumin would see their antics when looking at the security tapes and would chuckle to himself, so that’s what the two are up to while he’s away? Cute.
Elizabeth would always with Mc no matter what, insisting on cuddling her as she watched tv, read, worked on the computer, everything.
So one day, Elizabeth seemed to be reacting to Mc differently. She would purr and give her a look like she knew something, and would cuddle up against her but especially around the tummy. Though Elizabeth was always affectionate Mc did notice something was different, she carried on as usual until she felt sudden nausea, running to the bathroom to throw up.
That was weird, Mc thought, Jumin went over to her to see if she was alright, and called the doctor when he found that Mc had thrown up. Mc of course insisted it might be nothing, but Jumin would have her see the doctor anyway.
Mc continued to have the nausea in the mornings, and always needed to go and throw up. Jumin would hold up her hair and rub her back in worry, this seemed frequent but only in the mornings, he also noticed Mc started to feel grossed out by certain foods but also to the smell of coffee. He figured it was linked to the nausea.
Elizabeth meanwhile, sensed what was really going on almost immediately, since pets can sense a change in body chemistry as well as behaviour and posture.
Soon enough Mc found out she was expecting!! She eagerly called Jumin and told him the exciting news, she was laughing in happiness and smiling so brightly, she already had the tender soft look in her eye, the look of motherly love. It was not long before Jumin arrived and she immediately went to him and hugged him, he spinned her around as she did and they both were just so happy, laughing. When he stopped the spin and lowered her down they rested their foreheads against each other as they looked into each other’s eyes, this was the happiest moment of their lives and they were sharing this moment with each other.
Jumin stayed at home and dotted on Mc, always wrapping her up in blankets and cuddling her to him, stroking her hair and of course immediately updating staff and heightening up security, he also had a nutritionist set up the best diet plan for an expecting mom and would make sure everything is perfect.
Of course, Jumin learnt quickly that you cannot control what an expecting mother eats, Mc’s odd cravings always took him by surprise.
Elizabeth, meanwhile, was always by Mc’s side, cuddling her and purring. Elizabeth would always lie over Mc’s belly or place her paw there, even Jumin had to get permission from her to place his hand over Mc’s belly as well.
So Mc had both Jumin and Elizabeth fawning over her now.
Soon the rest of RFA knew, Zen was almost knocked off his feet at the news, in complete shock but soon became like an overprotective mom and lectured Jumin that he better take good care of Mc or else, but otherwise was very happy for them. Yoosung was also shocked but very happy and congratulated them, finding it so cute and romantic that they’re starting a family now, seriously he was like weeping that’s how happy he was for them. Seven, oh gees, he was also very surprised but VERY excited, he was already planning what fun things he and the child would do together and how he would be the super fun uncle to make up for Jumin’s boringness, of course he was joking but seriously he wanted to play space rocket game and just pretend he was a space rocket taking the kid around, the rest had to tell him to calm down but either way he congratulated them. Jaehae was also shocked at the news since, to be honest, the rest of the members were still getting used to Jumin having emotions and falling in love with someone but now they’re expecting?! Everything was progressing so much now, but she was very happy for Mc and told her that she’s always here for girl talk, even if she doesn’t know much about it.
V, actually visited them to congratulate them himself, and he actually spent the whole day hanging out with them while he and Jumin laughed about their childhood as he V shared some stories about how Jumin used to be like, and would tease Jumin on how he sometimes is the same now. He told them he was very happy for them and praised Jumin that he had come a long way from since he was a boy, when it came to love and family and also with showing his emotions.
Jumin was pleased to spend time with his childhood friend like this, like he used to all those years ago, it almost felt V was a bit more like his old self for a while. V soon bed farewell and gave his well wishes to the expecting couple.
As the pregnancy progressed, the RFA threw Mc a baby shower, of course Seven insisted on decorating everything and everything was over the top, he even added some space decorations here and there with stars, the members apologized on his behalf but mc didn’t mind at all.
Elizabeth was with them and Zen voiced his concerns if it was sanitary to have an animal around Mc when she was pregnant, what if the furball gives her something? What if the fur makes her sick, what if the baby has an allergy to cats but they just dont know it yet?
Of course, he voiced all this well staying to the far side of the room, staying far away from Elizabeth.
Mc apologized that Zen has to deal with his allergies now, she suggested that maybe Elizabeth best stay in the other room but she supposed Jumin thought it’d be funnier to let her do as she pleased. Jaehae and Yoosung had a bit of war flashbacks when it came to looking after Elizabeth since her and her fur were such a handful, Jaehae helped take some of the fur off Mc as she sat on the couch with Elizabeth cuddled against her round belly really affectionately.
“Aaw, it seems Elizabeth is just as excited about the baby, Mc, maybe she considers the baby hers as well?” Yoosung joked, finding it so so cute, he knew animals would know exactly what’s going on since they can pick up the scent if something has changed, and they become very protective and affectionate over the pregnant person, this happened for a number of reasons but he knows that they can smell the change thanks to the hormone changes. Yeah, him studying animals to become a vet was coming in handy.
Of course, Seven came along, bee lining to them when saw Elizabeth. “Oh, Mc, congratulations! I hope you like the decorations, don’t worry I plan to be the fun one with the little one, we can play all sorts of games! Also to make up for Jumin’s dullness. What? I’m joking I’m joking of course~” He laughed nervously as Jaehae shook her head at him, yoosung also looking unimpressed at him, typical Seven. “Aaaw my precious Elly, looks like you’re going to be the second mom!” he cooed to the cat, who watched him like a hawk, visibly guarding Mc’s belly from him.
“Can I touch her belly~? Please, pretty please??” Seven asked the cat, jokingly reaching towards Mc’s belly before being swatted away by Elizabeth, he laughed since he didn’t intend on actually doing so, yoosung laughing awkwardly too. “It seems Elizabeth will make an excellent guardian, she knows who to keep away.” Jaehae commented, amused as she pushed up her glasses.
Of course Mc was okay if anyone wanted to touch her belly but
If any of the others wanted to touch Mc’s belly they’d have to go through Elizabeth first, Yoosung sat next to Mc and let Elizabeth sniff his hand thoroughly, testing if he was a threat or not. He scratched behind her ear which made Elizabeth purr fondly, she seemed to remember him when he took care of her and therefore she considered trust worthy enough, though she still watched that he was gentle when he did touch Mc’s belly.
Yoosung in the mean time was blushing since omw this was surreal! Seven whined how come yoosung get’s Elly’s blessing.
Elizabeth didn’t hesitate allowing Jaehae to feel Mc’s belly, since she trusted another female and of course, was well acquainted with Jaehae due to her having to look after Elizabeth so many times in the past.
But Zen stayed on the far side of the room, even as he congratulated Mc and how she was glowing. Seven decided to continue to tease Elly, slowly bring his hands toward Mc’s belly and quickly jerking it away when Elly lashed out her paw at him, he kneeled down so he was at Elly’s level and made his fingers crawl on the sofa as if he was sneakily trying to get passed her. Elly’s tails flicked as she watched his hands like a hawk, swatting at it if it got to close, he always jerked his hand back and then tried again, but eventually Elizabeth walked forward to him at started swatting at his head until he backed off.
“Good job Elizabeth.” Jumin said as he walked up to Mc and kissed her on the forehead, looking at Seven who was acting as if he was broken hearted, “Why doesn’t she trust me~?!” he sobbed, but they all told him he knew why which he chuckled and feigned innocence.
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ryouverua · 6 years ago
Angie Yonaga FTE - (Kaede #2)
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hello? hello? hello? hello? hello? hello?
i can do this all day
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Ah, we finally got through to Miss Sunshine!
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Whoa, so this is interesting.
As recommended, I did this FTE on the second day because Kaede’s lab was officially open and apparently that’s needed to do this one. That also means that Monokuma is back and the timeline motive is back on. This makes this one of the rare times where we really see Angie admitting worry/stress, even if it’s said in a carefree way...? She did talk about praying a lot when bodies started dropping, but always with a big smile on her face, and she even had a line about ‘meeting Atua’ at one point and how she was at peace with dying. So to catch her in a rare moment where she’s actually showing a crack in her cheerful demeanor...
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.... Aaaaand she’s back. 8′)
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“What’s a little blood-letting between friends, eh Kaede? Come on now!”
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despite her weird tendencies I do find her hella adorable even after all this time
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her voice actor is so cute a a a a a ah
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T... That isn’t the face that someone who has a problem....
But also you know, we kind of have a shared problem? Considering that the timeline is back on - no? Oh, okay.
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..... That doesn’t sound like a problem to me. But I’m super into it!
Wait, how exactly does that work? Maybe they’re going to choose a song for Kaede to play and Angie will make something inspired by that or?
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if this hasn’t inspired some bizarre-yet-awesome Angie/Kaede fusion-inspired art or lovechild fanart I will be severely disappointed
But come on, I can think of some ways, like I said earlier! Play a few songs and in that time Angie can come up with paintings or sketches based on that... it could be really fun! Arts kids gotta stick together in times like these!
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..... Oh.
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Kaede, she clearly just wants to hang out with you! You’re probably one of the people she feels drawn to full pun intended as another creative person!
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H-How cute is it that she wants to hang out with Kaede without the intent of proselytizing her though?! Please say there are lots of friendship fanworks with the two of them...
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Angie is so extra damn
But... she really wants to hang out with Kaede that much, huh? It sucks that she can’t be honest with everyone around her and take ownership of her own feelings.
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She is definitely lonely and definitely wants to hang out with you, Kaede!!!
Fml now I’m sad we didn’t get to see how far an Angie x Kaede friendship could have gone. Again, I get the feeling that she wants to hang out with Kaede as a friend and not as a potential follower?
or a ship. i’m down with testing a new ship.
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Phrasing -
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Come on, paint or draw at the same time! This is totally an artist hangout session!
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Don’t you dare play Clair de Lune, game.
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“But, like, no pressure or anything.”
w h a t does that even mean Angie -
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..... Hallelujah???
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Ooh, I’m actually really excited to see where this goes! And hell, we’ve got Kaede playing piano for someone aside from Shuichi - that’s rare! And even then Kaede wasn’t technically playing it s oooooo
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It is so interesting to see her inner monologue while she’s ‘using her talent’. We’ve never actually gotten a chance to do that before, by someone who genuinely enjoys their talent? I mean, we obvious got to see Shuichi going over evidence and participating in the trial, but it was always in a very serious setting?
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How interesting that she calls the piano her partner...
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Oh, Kaede even starts smiling as she loses herself in her talent! She really did love playing the piano in such a wholesome way...
I still think Angie should try and draw or paint or something while Kaede’s playing, but maybe that’s just me.
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Aaaaaw!!! Kaede, you did it!!!
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How tired was she if she fell asleep??? I guess you could assume that most of the students would have trouble sleeping here considering their situation but???
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oh hey Kaede is complimenting girls again to the shock of nobody
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.... A-Angie please say you aren’t about to ruin the moment -
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Kaede your music is too powerful -
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Ye eeeeeah... this really does seem to showcase how Angie isn’t willing or able to show negative emotions, huh? She really does just sugarcoat everything. Reminds me of someone else who has trouble showing their true feelings with lies....
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Translation: I really loved your music, and you’re not the reason I had a nightmare. Here’s a convenient reason that I ended up having an upsetting dream, and it actually wasn’t me being upset at all, but just me being a vessel for Atua again! So you don’t have to worry about me at all.
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Kaede you’re getting caught up in her narrative -
but also yeah um Angie Atua needs to be a bit more careful this isn’t a great impression we’re all getting here
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but also??? Agreed. Please. ..... oh wait no f u ck -
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YES!!! That’s what I’m saying! This is such a good partnership, in all sorts of ways! It works!
And Angie wouldn’t be able to steamroller Kaede like she did with Himiko and the others. I think the two of them becoming friends or something more would be really interesting!
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Which is more than okay because Angie needs someone like that. The moment you start accepting Atua in the way she wants you to - in the ‘Angie is the vessel for Atua’ sense - there’s going to be a power imbalance. If they can get to the point where Angie is willing to speak for herself, then maybe Kaede can make some allowances. Aaaw, art kids hanging out together! This was so nice.
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