#aaaaand I FINISHED THE MEME!!! can't believe it
diaz-fox · 2 years
Ummmm I really wanna know more about your WIP 90s romance but horse divorce is calling my name.... Am I allowed the greed of asking about both? 👀
you absolutely are allowed and i'm so glad you asked 👀
i'll get to horse divorce first bc i have more written for this than the ronance one so far but basically i saw a tweet ages ago (i can't remember the account for the life of me bc i just saw it in passing) about steve not being able to pronounce hors-d'oeuvres and saying 'horse divorce' instead which ??? i really disagreed with because that boy probably grew up listening to his rich mother yelling at caterers about hors-d'ouevres and probably had to attend events and shit just to save face so he definitely would know how to pronounce it imo. but eddie on the other hand... the boy has never seen or heard of hors-d'oeuvres in his life
so it kinda blossomed into this idea of a oneshot of established steddie and steve's parents show their faces for the first time in ages because they have some event to attend and they want steve to go with them so they can allude people to believe they're a solid, loving family unit just to save face and give off a good impression to all those rich fancy assholes that will be there. so steve (rightfully) gets annoyed abt it and eddie (bless him) offers to go with him 'as friends' even tho it's way out of his comfort zone to be around all those snobby rich people that would typically look down on him but he wants to be there for his boyfriend for moral support so he can suck it up for one night for steve's sake
so anyway they get to this function and eddie's looking at this fancy menu and cant pronounce half the shit that's on there and steve's just so enamoured with him because he's clearly making so much effort and he just says 'fuck it' and kisses him in front of everyone and ofc his parents are horrified
So instead he ducks a hand underneath the table and realises just how anxious Eddie is when he rests his hand on his thigh and feels his leg bouncing, clearly jittery and nervous. His fingers dig into Eddie's thigh gently, comfortingly, and within ten seconds he feels the tense muscles under his hand relax, sees Eddie's tongue go back into his mouth from where it's poking out between his lips, sees the crease between his brows start to flatten and ease out.
"Steve?" Eddie whispers after a minute or so, finally tearing nervous eyes away from the menu to lean in close, lowering his voice so only Steve can hear. "What the fuck is a horse divorce?"
For a moment, Steve doesn't have a fucking clue what Eddie's talking about until he jabs a finger at the elegant cursive printed across the menu in his hands.
Steve's eyes lift from the menu to Eddie's face, his expression soft and entirely enamoured when he realises what Eddie had been trying to say. 
"What?" Eddie asks, eyes immediately widening in panic. He's been on edge since he got here and it makes Steve's heart ache with adoration, even more so now when he can see the cogs turning in his boyfriend's beautiful head as he tries to figure out what dumb thing he said. "Why are you looking at me like that? What did I do?"
Eddie blinks owlishly. "Whore what?"
aaaaand for the 90s ronance fic, i literally have only written two sentences for it so i don't really have a snippet to share for this but the basic premise is running with maya's idea of a stobin spin-off where they move to nyc and just go to loads of clubs and have fun and then they run into nancy in a queer club with a couple of her emerson friends and it's like that one spider-man meme where nancy, robin and steve are all pointing at each other bc gay
but i'm planning to turn this into a multichap if i ever get round to finishing it and it's v ronance centric and explores a lot of lgbt history in the nineties and has grungy robin being a bit freer and more accepting of herself and nancy having really grown into herself outside of her comphet relationships and it's just been super exciting to plan out (and hopefully will be just as exciting to write!)
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lol okay, hi.
i know ive been memeing about it tonight but i have some actual serious thoughts & feelings about Pulp Musicals rn so I'm going to ramble!
⚠️ This will contain spoilers for the first episode, The Great Moon Hoax !
Okay so one of my favorite, favorite songs in this episode is "John's Choice." (I will be listening to it on loop while I make this post.)
I love the whole song but I absolutely adore the part when Herschel is telling the crowd that the story is true. He adopts the phrasing that is familiar and easily recognizable after the "Great Astronomical Discoveries," we've heard, but now we hear it from his perspective, and my god it doesn't seem like it would do much but the shift in pronouns (he to I, his to my, etc) is SO impactful! (Especially when you're listening for the first time and you're expecting him to reveal the hoax like he'd said he was going to!) It gave me major chills the first time I heard it, and I still get chills every time. Every time.
Another bit that makes me go insane is when we get the line "I pointed it at the moon, our companion," and then the chorus/ensemble chimes in with "Always there, watching us, from Eden to Edinburgh. As we grow..." and then Herschel picks it up again with "As she glows," and he keeps going. But here it's the ensemble that gets me.
In "Great Astronomical Discoveries, Pt. 1" it's just Samuel and Rose singing those lines. Now, we're hearing the crowd singing them, and I think that's really cool and interesting. To me, it really reflects how it's a story that's grown and been passed around a lot, that people have been talking about it and telling each other. The crowd chiming in is like when someone interrupts to finish a story they already know by heart, or when people start singing along to a beloved song that's being played by a stranger in the street.
The crowd that's gathered at The Sun already know this story, and they start singing with Herschel because they already know all the words. It's not just his story—it has become theirs, too. And that just does something in my brain. Like.. it shows how much this story about the moon means to everyone, how important it is. (As Margaret says: "So many people have nothing to believe in...") They're so happy that Herschel is saying it's all real that they can't help but tell the story with him. And the way they whoop and cheer when he says it's true? That's beautiful.
...aaaaand also pretty tragic and heartbreaking if you think about the fact that we all know it really IS a hoax, haha oops, but we'll just not think about that right now, okay? okay. 😅
Of course, I can't ramble about my favorite things in this song without a huge shoutout to Curt Mega for his amazing singing. He puts so much feeling into this song in his roles as Benjamin and John. As Benjamin, we get to hear his vindication, frustration, and impatience, as well as his anger when his plan backfires. As John, singing about his made-up telescope, we can hear so much passion. Herschel's really trying to sell the story now, and I'd say he does a damn good job of it. (Sorry Benjamin!)
Basically, this song really lets Curt show off, and I am so grateful for that because my ears and my brain have been blessed. Thank you Matt, thank you Curt. 🙏🖤
now that I'm done rambling for the time being, I am currently in the middle of an art project that I'm hoping to finish tonight, so I'm gonna try and get back to that. If anybody else wants to add their thoughts, I welcome it!!! please, come experience brainrot with me!!!! :D
someday I'd love to make more posts like this (but hopefully better and more organized) so we'll see if that actually happens lol. I love this show so much. I wanna talk/write about it. 😍
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tombralderarchive · 7 years
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20 years of Tomb Raider♡ ► [10/11/2015] A dangerous and dark organisation called Trinity have followed the events that happened on Yamatai’s island and covered up Lara’s statements on the matter, discrediting them. With a changed vision of the world, and with the help of his deceased father’s old tapes, Lara sets her new adventure in the search of the Lost City of Kitezh with the hope of not only clear her progenitor’s defiled name, but also to understand that her new beliefs are not just a delusion as she is told.
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littletinydoom · 2 years
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I was tagged by my pal @letsoulswander to do this 9 books you're going to read this year meme, but since i read very slowly and at unpredictable intervals, this is more of a "next nine books i intend to read" without any sort of time frame put on it..... The first two are books I have half finished and want to finish soon before I move on to anything new: I read Chilling Effect by Valerie Valdes last year, it was SO good and i'm enjoying Prime Deceptions arguably even more (because we get to keep the gang together for more of the story and I LOVE a good old fashioned rag tag group of misfits...) This one I'm kind of reading together with @sillymedoingsillythings and she is graciously waiting for me to get a little farther before she continues it. She is very patient. <3 I reread Howl's Movie Castle last year (earlier this year? unclear.) and I loved it so much i decided to keep going with it. I started rereading Castle In The Air a few weeks ago when I was in a rotten mood and wanted a pick-me-up. It helped and I read about 1/3 of it in one afternoon (a lot for me). Also it probably helps a lot that this time I won't be skimming through a bunch wondering just WHEN this will become the HMC sequel I was promised 😂
I signed up for Dracula Daily so I'm very excited to read Dracula in little bite sized bits from May to November! I feel like it's going to give me a little infusion of Halloween Vibes to get me through the summer! I believe Fault Tolerance is coming out in August now? Can't read that till I finish Prime Deceptions. Same situation. Can't do House Of Many Ways until I finish Castle In The Air.
I got Light From Uncommon Stars as a Christmas gift and I'm VERY excited to read it. Based on the synopsis it sounds like it's tailor made for me! I feel like I've been unusually flush with delightful new books and authors lately but I will always make time for my beloved Discworld books! Eric is on of the ones I haven't read yet and there's going to be a new audiobook of it soon. My internal rulebook states that I must read the book first before I can have the audiobook so here it is on the list. My aforementioned pal is currently reading Unnatural Magic and from what I have heard of it it sounds AWESOME so I am very happy getting in line for it. I love all the Discworld sub-series' equally. But. Sam Vimes is my most special boy so the Watch books are the ones I tend to covet and save....Jingo has been sitting on my bedside table for over a year. Like....In Case of Emergency Break Glass. Ok that's that! If you read this far down: wow thanks. If not: fair. Please do hmu if you want to chat about books or if you have any recs (or want any recs from me!). I shall tag @sillymedoingsillythings @cricketnationrise @souldagger aaaaand genuinely anyone else that feels like doing this. For real, I'd love it if a bunch of people did it and tagged me so I can cheat off you and get some more good ideas!
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