the-kipsabian · 6 years
NATEMARE- AAA- Okay so i wanna know just how generally Natemare would interact with people? Especially like Nate’s friends and such. Also what he does in general to try to cause ruckus among the school grounds? A daily night for the Natemare basically eHENSJS
➭ if/when natemare interacts with people, its always with like a really sassy or sarcastic manner. he talks and acts like everything is a joke to him, and in general hes just like. suuuper pretty about everything. like said before, its like regular nate but turned up to eleven. there are specific lines that he doesnt cross tho (as while natemare is here to wreck havoc and make everyone uncomfortable, since he begun as a defense mechanism for nate he was never meant to be the bully he was defending nate against), so he doesnt touch up stuff like specific personality traits or anything like that that nate knows would be really hurtful to others. its much more about the external things that people like and maaaaaybe touching up a little on the physical things too that he picks and makes fun of for the most part. and just being a general dick tbh
➭ when it comes to close friends tho, well.. its basically the same as with people in general, but everything he says and does is much more personalized. if there is a thing that nate knows they like, natemare is most likely going to be making fun of it to negate every positive thing nate has ever expressed towards it. for few examples;➭ the whole thing with ayu tbh. he knows nate likes him, theres a chance ayu might like him back, so natemare is just gonna take the ball and run with it so far its invisible tbh. to the point where it literally hurts every party involved cause yes he would make a “confession” to ayu that nate likes him but at the same time frame it to sound like its all a big prank and nate is just kidding with him➭ with kit, nate is the bff that cares about everything they do and passionately wants to be involved - stuff like mads’ birthday and their d&d sessions. (he doesnt know about the importance of october until afterwards so him just being a general douche about everything isnt cause of that tho) so when the time for those comes, natemare would be there to just generally ruin the fun for everyone, be it with leaving a wreck of a messy room behind him or just making todays campaign unenjoyable for everyone with his ridiculous decision➭ with fife, its about making fun of the things she cherishes the most - her friends and what they mean to her. he would poke fun at her friendship bracelets and just in general keep telling her things arent gonna work out➭ when it comes to mads (who im. still thinking is ultimately the one that gets first targeted by natemare tbh as it starts with the mess that is her birthday party and eventually the first personalized “attack” by natemare), he gets real with her about her dreams and her writing. that goes through just about as well as you can imagine➭ then theres stuff like his other friends. like with jared hes gonna poke fun about how he smells and the sparkles and how hes. actually not the most popular guy at school. unfortunately fellow bandmates jirard and satch also face this side of him cause “you think youre good singers but the truth is you aint” and just in general makes fun of them being somewhat of nerds. whoever loses the school election gets poked for it and whoever wins gets poked for it cause “politics in here dont matter anyways look at you wasting your time”. and so forth honestly
➭ as for how generally natemare raises hell, it goes down multiple ways depending on the day/night, really; in general hes just unpleasant to everyone, pokes his head into other peoples business constantly, shares bad “honest” opinions about topics that. arent even his deal tbh. hes loud and rash, probably yells a lot out of turn. put any teacher in front of him and he’ll verbally fight them until hes thrown out of the room➭ physically he just. loves making a mess. breaking things a lot (he especially has a habit of ripping apart books/notebooks and breaking pens as its been established that those are usually other peoples property and people care about them tbh). if theres stuff on the table, well give him like a minute and it might not be there anymore. food or drinks anywhere? okay well he’ll drink everything and start a food fight with himself tbh. he just likes throwing stuff around a room a lot so everything is a mess➭ he also. climbs on everything? like nate has a habit of climbing up to higher places just because, and natemare does the same but he’ll. climb on literally everything. on and over everything. im also. just imagining that he sits on tables a lot, no matter where he is or whats happening. if he needs to be still for a moment, and theres a table, you can count that hes sitting on it
➭ its very usual that by the end of the night (aka the point where he locks himself in his dorm room and passes out for the night to wake up back as nate the following morning feeling almost like he has a hangover cause oh my god hes feeling so awful and so tired what ever) at least one person has gotten their feelings real hurt by natemare, someone has had their stuff either broken or stolen (often times its both tbh), and at least one class or dorm room is a huge mess. on worst nights this is also a thing thats winded up to eleven, but one of each is like the bare minimum you can expect when natemare is around for the night
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