#a starborn coemancer fic
silurisanguine · 7 months
Sensory prompt #3!
Serene x Pirate au Sam(you can ignore it if you want but you know how I love himb)
The whistle of a tea-kettle
Frozen in fear
Oh this is good and um may have helped me write a section of the Pirate verse . And since it's Sunday, i'm killing two birds with one stone...
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"So...You want us to go to Akila...cos you think something is there? I’m guessing one of them artifacts ?" "Bingo. In every universe there is an artifact in the Empty Nest." Sam's eyes narrowed at the mention of that place. He rubbed his hand over his beard, deep in thought. "I vaguely recollect a place called that. Something ol' Solomon mentioned in his journals that dad kept locked up tight from me. But I remember taking a peak once. There was something weird about the place...bout how no Ashta would go within a mile of it, I think." "Exactly, the artifact's energy keeps all animals away" Seren replied with a nod. "and Terrormorphs are animals too, so I'm thinking it will be one place we'll be able to land." "Well I'll be. Thing is darlin, Terrormorphs may be animals, but they ain't natural and the ones down there will be with the Bonded." Sam shuddered at the mention of something she'd never heard of, which made Seren wonder what the hell he was on about. The digital whistle of the kettle made Sam jump, almost spilling his whisky and he inwardly swore as he got up to make Seren the tea she'd asked for. "Bonded?" Seren asked confused as Sam brought the tea over to her. "Only once have I ever been frozen in fear and that was when I saw one of those freaks look right at me when I was scouting out a abandoned building on Kreet and legged it when I saw them. Dead in the eyes, souless...Wait? You don't know what a Bonded is?"
Since it's snippet sunday, tagging the Coemancer crew as always. Plus anyone else who'd like to share their WIP.
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atonalginger · 7 months
The Navigation Table
This is a short fic starring Starborn!Sam and Lila that you can find on ao3 by clicking here!
It's rated E for explicit sexual material because it's just a quick smut scene that takes place at some point in act 3 of Starborn Saga, though this fic can be enjoyed as a standalone.
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silent-moons-camp · 8 months
OC Introduction
Tagged by @silurisanguine from the Coemancer Crew - thank you!
Introducing: Kanan McCarthy
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Fandom: Starfield
Role: Spacefarer, Captain
Full Name: Kanan McCarthy
Nicknames: Cowpoke, Kane (really only ever referred to as such by their twin sister)
Pronouns: They/them, not strict on pronouns though.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation and Titles: Freestar Militia Infantry (formerly), Shaw Gang Outlaw (formerly), Argos Extractors Miner (formerly), Smuggler and general criminal (currently), Constellation Member (currently)
Birthday and Age: At the beginning of the game (May 7th, 2330) Kanan is 37. They turn 38 shortly after. They were born on May 27th, 2292 in Akila City.
Physical Description: Kanan stands at exactly six feet tall (about 183 cm). They are physically active and as such have a sort of athletic build.
Clothing Style: Kanan wears masculine leaning clothing and mostly sticks to more "wild west" themed apparel. They are often seen in their signature red poncho and cowboy hat.
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As I don't want to spoil things, I'll keep this vague. Kanan was born and raised on Akila in Freestar space. Them and their family lived on the McCarthy Homestead just outside Akila City walls.
Kanan took part in the Colony War at a young age, having gotten caught up in the war propaganda. As such, they lied about their age in order to fight for the Freestar Collective. The Colony War took a huge toll on both Kanan and the McCarthy family as a whole.
Kanan went to college after the war and earned a bachelor's degree in engineering, having majored in engineering and minored in astronomy. They fell into a life of crime afterward, having joined the Shaw Gang for some time and then branching out on their own.
As seen in my fic titled The Man in Red, Kanan joined Argos Extractors about a year before the story of Starfield after encountering an odd bounty hunter in the Red Mile who wanted them alive.
They joined Constellation after encountering the Artifact on Vectera, and their story is currently being written in my fic titled Event Horizon.
Combat and Skills
Preferred fighting style: Kanan prefers mid to close range combat with guns, though they are not against getting very close and engaging in close quarters combat with melee weapons or hand-to-hand.
Favorite Weapon(s): Kanan carries a modified razorback revolver named "Penumbra." Kanan also carries around and prefers shotguns, but also keeps a sniper rifle handy as well as small blades.
Special Skills: Like any wild west gunslinger, Kanan is highly skilled at using pistols. They also use Starborn abilities (although they are not Starborn themself). Kanan is charismatic and knows just the right buttons to push when it comes to enemies, but also which words to choose when trying to de-escalate a situation. As they went to college for engineering, Kanan is well versed in various means of engineering, which includes spaceship building and design, outpost construction, weapon handling and management, and spacesuit technology. They are an excellent pilot as well, capable of coming out on top in even the most dangerous dogfights.
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Family: Kanan's father is James McCarthy, a former Freestar Ranger and former member of the First Cavalry mech division. Their mother is Charlotte McCarthy, a scientist and astronomer. They had an older brother named Owen who was also apart of the First Cavalry mech division during the Colony War. He was killed in the later years of the Battle of Niira. Lastly, Kanan is a twin; their twin sister is named Senya, a ronin by trade who currently lives with and takes care of their father at the McCarthy Homestead.
Kanan would later consider Constellation as their own "found family."
Love interest: Sarah Morgan. Before Sarah, Kanan rarely ever had any serious relationships out of fear of commitment. Instead, they often wandered from lover to lover and held many "friends with benefits" type relationships. One night stands are not uncommon for Kanan, though their more promiscuous behavior settles down once they end up in a serious relationship with Sarah.
Best Friend(s): Kanan is very close with all the members of Constellation, but finds a close friendship in both Andreja and Matteo.
Positive traits: Passionate, caring, ambitious, loyal
Negative traits: Stubborn, tends to isolate, reckless, greedy
Likes: Nature, animals, astronomy, books, Old Earth relics, exploration
Dislikes: Most governments and politicians, corruption, spacers, high-horse attitudes, cops, Neon
Fears: Being lonely forever, losing their family (both found and blood family), losing those they care about, another war
Guilty Pleasure(s): Smutty novels, Old Earth spaghetti western movies, whiskey
Hobbies: Playing guitar, exploring, reading, collecting Old Earth trinkets and relics, listening to music, cleaning weapons and armor, building spaceships, and somehow managing to herd ashta.
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therealgchu · 6 months
WIP Wednesday - Seven Days
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hey, look at me with a post! tagging the coemancer crew this time since i'm actually posting! @silurisanguine, @atonalginger, @eridanidreams, @toxiclizardwrites, @aro-pancake, @bearlytolerant, @order-of-the-eye, @fangbangerghoul, and whoever else i may be missing.
so, my main fic is on a bit of a hiatus while i wait for my thinky-blob to process some stuff.
in the meantime, i started writing a new one. it's a short, 7 chapter series called Seven Days. it's a stand-alone piece, not necessarily tied to my main fic. however, since starfield is all about (spoilers?), it gives you an amazing playground in which to play.
this story has been floating in my mind for about a month. and it was just recently that she demanded her story told. i don't know why, but as i was trying to bang out what to do with my current chapter, she rose up and said, WRITE ME. so i am.
the first chapter will go up on friday. i warn in advance that this is a pretty dark story. no fluffy, warm and fuzzy in this one.
Seven Days - Day One
“You’ve made a big mistake,” the blond yelled, getting ready to charge the Starborn. The Starborn grav dashed and closed the gap before the blond had a chance to even unholster the laser pistol at her hip. The Starborn withdrew their revolver, the one they specifically modded for this purpose and held it inches from the blond’s face.
The woman held her hands up, “Why are you doing this? Who are you?” she demanded. Her voice triggered a memory in the Starborn’s mind of another blond woman’s last order to them so many lifetimes ago. You need to grieve. You need to stop. This isn’t what he would have wanted. The memory flashed by in a blink of an eye. The Starborn then cocked their head in a quizzical fashion. “I am done with you ordering everyone around, Sarah Morgan,” they said flatly, and pulled the trigger. The revolver’s explosive round obliterated the woman’s face, shattering her skull into fragments.
“NOOOOO!” a man screamed from the direction of the garden, as he came charging into the room. The Starborn turned to see him run towards them, and their vision swam, almost graying out from the shock. Not him, never him. Why was he even here? In all of the universes they’d been to, he was never here on this day, which is why they always picked it to raid the Lodge for the artifacts. So why was he here now? They instinctively released an anti-gravity field, which stopped the man dead in his tracks, floating but unharmed, as he continued to yell and swear at the Starborn.
Several pirates reported that the hostages were safely locked away, and no one was harmed more than necessary. They nodded and instructed three to remain with them, and the rest were free to loot as desired, and reminded them that all of the rooms had safes. “When the anti-grav field dissipates, I want him taken. If you have to, knock him out, but do not harm him any more than that. If you do, you will answer to me,” they instructed, as a tiny ball of plasma started forming in their hand as punctuation. The pirates nodded fearfully, and did as they were ordered. The man tried to make a break for it when his feet touched the ground, but he wasn’t a match for three against one. One of the pirates knocked the man out cold with the butt of his rifle. “Take him and throw him in the brig. If you have to, drug him,” they ordered.
The Starborn grabbed the artifacts, turned on their heel and strode out of the Lodge.
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silurisanguine · 11 months
Backstory of Seren (Coe) Jones - Spacefarer and starborn
I dont think i've ever properly introduced the character of my new on going Starfield Coemancer fic. So here she is with a little bio of her og universe.
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(backstory to her creation. Yes, she is loosely based on my appearance, or rather how i looked when i was her given age in game. She is to me a descendent of the Jones bloodline, probably my brother's side of the family as i aint ever having kids. )
Seren Coe /Jones (Takes the surname Coe after marrying Sam)
Background - Industrialist Traits - Freestar native, Empath, kids stuff.
Bio - 30 years old as of events of Starfield.
Born 12 sept 2300 Akila City. Parents lived in a moderate home in Midtown close to the Core.
Moved in 2305 to new Atlantis when she was 5.
Seren was bullied whilst she was on NA for being Akilan, making her loathe her time there and was glad when her family moved back to Freestar space in 2308 (age 8) settling back in Akila, but in a more modest home in midtown due to the war and losing money having to leave new Atlantis suddenly.
She never fully realised the war was the reason they moved but soon understood when her father had to be almost a full time online professor as all the universities in Freestar closed during the war as many teachers went to fight. Her father didnt fight as he was considered a vital asset. Her mom did lots of jobs to help support them both for the three years the war went on for
She mostly learned online but went to the local school on Akila, where she became almost obsessed with Solomon Coe and the creation of the Freestar Collective, though she was scared of the Coe kid, who to her caused mayhem around town and got away with it. Even if she thought he was kinda cute. His father scared her more, though his mum was always nice to her parents when they met at the school gates. (Yep she knew of the hellion that was the young Sam Coe, but only by reputation.)
High school she was schooled online, with a lot of help from her father. Her mom also taught her the fine art of diplomacy and business sense. in 2316, At 16 her father finally got a new job at New Atlantis University and they moved there again. Seren was older now and could handle any bullying, but decided to stick to online schooling in order to graduate with the people she'd learnt with.
She graduated top of her class and took business studies, piloting and ship design classes as she wanted to help support her family and dreamt of setting up a secure passenger transport business for people who couldn't afford their own ships, but wanted to visit other planets without bothering with tours. A direct shuttle/ transport system. Something very lacking in the systems. But her parents weren't rich and she realised any entrepreneur she'd read about all had a helping hand from wealthy parents, so the debt of her classes started piling up, and she started taking small jobs for courier companies, but refused to take the shadier jobs. Things just cruised along like this for years. Always being passed up for promotion because she refused to play ball.
She felt trapped in her job, hating the fact all her skills were being wasted because she didn't have the money or name to start anything, and that's when she decided enough was enough as she was sick of hiding the underhanded dealings of the company she worked for.
She became a whistleblower to a very dangerous deal going down in UC territory that would have affected FS too, she had to go into protective custody and become a miner, as part of her cover. She was able to let her parents know she'd find them, once the UC could clear her name. Years pass and she moved from mining company to mining company under the alias Dusty (as in Dusty Springfield, one of her father's favourite old Earth singers), eventually setting up with Argos.
The day the UC finally told her, her name was clear. That the company she worked for were dust and everyone was in prison, was the day she was told by Lin to collect that anomaly.
Below some more pics of my girl, inc her wedding day, the new family Coe and a pic of the entire Constellation team together.
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atonalginger · 6 months
Snippet Sunday
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my snippets on Wed and Sun appear to be during into memory hour with Goose and Cooper *shrugs* It's what I got and I guess that just means I'm not spoiling the plot :)
I know a lot of folks have had a lot going on so I'm going to just generally tag The Coemancer Crew and anyone who might have a snippet of work that they wish to share. Pressure free invite for all :)
My snippet this week is in Goose's POV and contains references to plot from Starborn Saga that could be considered spoilers for that fic.
“Thanks for the assist back there,” Cooper said as he leaned against the wall, his hands fumbling with an militia battlemeal pack, looking exhausted from the hike to the facility and fights through the converted research facility.
“Anytime, Rodeo,” Goose leaned on the callsign in a teasing manner.
Cooper smirked as he flicked his glance to Goose briefly before popping some of his food into his mouth. As he chewed he wagged a finger at Goose and once he worked through the tough jerky like meat and swallowed he said, “could have been worse. Other names pitched were Icarus, Hawkeye, and Apollo.”
Others saw it too? Goose wondered as he felt his cheeks go warm. It was the third time since leaving the Key that talking with this hotshot lieutenant had made him go flush and he hated it. Why couldn’t he handle working with this guy like all the other Freestar that came to the Key? “At least one of those sounds cursed.”
“Yeah, our CO agreed with you,” Cooper laughed, “he scrapped Icarus before they even voted. I personally vetoed Apollo and he backed me up. I couldn’t carry that reminder, flying my dad’s ship was enough.”
“Your dad was a pilot too?” Goose asked.
Cooper nodded while he tapped the remainder of the freeze dried food into his mouth, chewing thoroughly before answering, “His call sign was Zeus. He led a squad known as the Olympians and piloted the Stormherald until the UC decided to hit the Valo system. He sent the ship home and worked from a battleship called the FC Olympus. Command thought they were cute, I suppose.”
Goose stared slack jawed as Cooper went on, his mind rushing back to Palvo. Suddenly he was 12 again, being dragged onto a shuttle by a woman in the militia the others called Demeter. She’d told him the shuttle would take him to the Olympus and from there to the Cheyenne system but as the shuttle closed in on the battleship it was bombarded by one of the UC battleships in the system and their pilot was forced to grav jump away, taking everyone to the Kryx system to shake the sharks. The FC Olympus was shot down over Palvo, pock marking the surface with wreckage.
Cooper went on, either not noticing Goose’s shock or ignoring it, “Apollo was pitched as a way of honoring my old man, Apollo was Zeus’s son after all, but I couldn’t bear that weight. Plus it felt disrespectful to the Apollo who died on Palvo with the others. Those callsigns should be retired. Command hasn’t because they say if they retired every callsign of a dead pilot or operative they’d eventually run out of options but it just felt wrong.”
“I agree,” Goose said softly, collecting his thoughts, “that team are heroes to scores of survivors and the Militia should honor their memory more than it has. Maybe they wouldn’t have struggled for so long with recruitment and morale if they did more to remember the sacrifices soldier’s have made.”
“You’ll get no argument from me there,” Cooper tucked his empty tin back into his pack, “it shouldn’t have taken Commander Shepard dying on Akila for leadership to finally wake up to what needed to happen for our systems to have a chance. And that they capitalized on it for recruiting purposes felt dirty. Every time I met a fresh recruit saying they signed on after hearing about all that…” he let out a heavy sigh.
Goose closed his eyes and turned away, not wanting the handsome hotshot to see him upset as he fought to collect himself. He could hear Fury’s screams, the roar of the terrormorph. He could smell the foul monster and the copper tinged scent of blood. Feel the burning pain of the claw puncture and the ache in his muscles from being thrown. He needed a distraction, anything to pull him away from that nightmare, “Why Rodeo, though? Or Hawkeye for that matter?”
“Hawkeye was because I had the best marksmanship scores of the squad and could hit a pinpoint target in flight simulations. It wasn’t popular with the squad though. Rodeo was my CO’s idea. Something about me being able to handle the roughest rides and tame the wildest of situations. And the fact that I kept finding myself in those wild situations to begin with,” Cooper shrugged, “working with me is like watching a rodeo, he said.”
“I can see that,” Goose cracked a smile and looked back to the pilot, “certainly handled yourself well when those reinforcements poured in.”
“Only ‘cause I had help,” Cooper tipped an invisible adventurer’s hat at Goose and winked.
Knock it off, Goose thought as his cheeks, neck, and ears heated up.
“Why Goose?” Cooper asked, “doesn’t seem very pirate-y.”
“My ma used to call me Goose,” he rubbed the back of his neck and looked away, “when the shuttle I was on docked with the Key all those years ago all us kids were told to not use our real names. Our stay was supposed to be temporary and they didn’t want any crews hunting us down. When we didn’t leave I just kept using it.”
“And what’s your name name?” Cooper asked, “Or am I overreaching?”
“Eh,” Goose shrugged, “not overreaching but I don’t know you well enough to share. My given name is for family.”
Cooper smiled, “That’s fair.”
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