#a man came in the other day talking abt how i could be the manager someday if i keep at it and i genuinely dread that future
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a summary (with some colorful commentary) of great rivalries: bret hart and shawn michaels
-i have to mention that bret is wearing a black button down that’s open enough for you to see his chest and shawn’s button down has no sleeves.
-bret’s hair has lightened up to a nice honey brown here. it looks good.
- bret and jim liked working with rockers from the start because they were fast and had great athleticism
- shawn thanked bret for being nice abt his past as a rocker.
- the rockers bad behavior was often excused because they were great in ring performers.
-shawn comes off as very anxious to me. i don’t know if it’s because of bret or having to speak about his past behavior but he’s fidgeting a lot.
- shawn always looks to bret when he’s talking but bret looks at jim ross almost the entire time. he glances to shawn here and there.
- bret remembers EVERYTHING. im so sorry but i take his word over shawn’s any time.
- bret: “shawn and marty had that sexy boy kind of look”
- shawn said that the rockers and hart foundation were a good pair up because hart foundation didn’t down them for being small like the other guys did
- bret could do a verbal telling of the history of wwf from 84-95 seriously. his memory is impeccable.
- bret being so upset abt the rope breaking during the rockers vs hart foundation title match — telling the ref and everybody to stop the match so they could fix it
- the match went to hell and bret said it was the first time he was lost in a match — bret was so sick about the rope 😭
- bret and shawn had the first ladder match in wwe history plus fun fact it was bret who brought ladder matches to wwe bc they did them in stampede wrestling
- bret was camera shy when he was starting out in wwf
- the way shawn looks at bret when he’s talking aww he’s locked in
- from 80s to early 90s — bret said it transition from the dinosaurs to the mammals
- bret always gives shawn props on how good he was in this interview which is nice bc i guess shawn really needs to hear that specifically from bret
- before wwf — shawn was taught to destroy rivals and be cutthroat but wwf was more obsessed with how big you are — the bigger you are in size, the more status
- shawn and bret got along from day 1
- it was curt (hennig), bret and shawn as a little trio back in the early 90s
- bret said him, curt and shawn used to play baseball with an axe handle when they had down time 🥺
- bret considered shawn one of his besties, shawn visited his kids (early 90s) — i posted an interview excerpt about this from bret
- it’s scary that back then wrestlers were all drug addicts to varying degrees — bret and shawn have lost so many friendships over drug use and death wow
- bret often went to bat for shawn to upper management— always put in a good word for him to vince
- bret said shawn was one of the best athletes to come into wrestling
- bret always wanted to pass the torch to shawn. it was always in his plans.
- i think maybe shawn was so pissed with bret because he wanted to be bret’s equal in the business and not the guy who’s running behind him to get the baton?
- shawn and bret drew close to each other because they shared a common value: no matter the crowd and circumstance, work as hard as you can
- shawn: “people would be surprised at how many events there were where it was shawn and bret celebrating together”
- while bret was winning belts, shawn was struggling with drug issues — then the kliq formed
- iron man match — bret and shawn were still friends but drifting slowly
- bret liked kevin nash and thought he supported him during his tenure at wwf
- shawn turned babyface and came in bret’s babyface lane — a spark of friction here
- bret felt that him being champion meant nothing to wwf, felt he was a placeholder for someone else to get the belt and felt disrespected because he’s turning out classic matches and getting nothing for it - yet shawn put out less work and gets handed the belt — animosity kinda started there — bret felt upper management wasn’t treating him right even though bret thought he was more over than he ever was
- so bret sorta left
- bret didn’t feel like shawn was interested in sharing the wealth, wanted to keep it for the kliq — told bret he had plans to basically only work w the kliq — shawn doesn’t remember this convo allegedly but doesn’t doubt he said this
- shawn: the futurist — the business needed to get edgier — he’s kinda tony stark coded to me
- bret: the traditionalist — VERY steve rogers coded like i can’t make this shit up 😭
- bret felt he was the leader of the locker room — most wrestlers voiced their concerns to him — bret the den mother
- what kinda pisses me off is i feel like bret never got to be the super megastar that he should’ve been like the rock, stone cold, hulk hogan, john cena were — he should’ve been THE quintessential 90s superstar wrestler (he probably was and since i wasn’t born yet i just dont know)
- hitman fans are an oppressed group. they were always screwing over his character 😭
- bret and shawn choreographed the iron man match together— bret’s so happy abt this match because it went perfectly. went exactly the way they planned.
- shawn called bret the next day or so to thank him
- the 2 min overtime was a work — we should all know that
- shawn’s attitude after the iron man match — pushing earl away when he’s clipping the belt, no handshake was a work
- shawn told earl to get bret the hell out of the ring — bret didn’t have a problem with this, just felt it was a speed thing — just something that came out to get things moving and keep time
- after the match — owen called bret and said the locker room really thinks you and shawn hate each other bc you didn’t shake hands — bret loved this heat because it would create good money for the both of them
- shawn and bret had a convo abt their heat being a work
- bret was proud of shawn’s champion run in 96 — thought he did a good job
- bret planned to throw jabs at shawn when he returned in oct 96 as a work so he could play the bitter and disgraced ex champ who’s coming back to get what’s his
- clip of a fan calling bret a pretty boy (i agree)
- i swear shawn never finishes a sentence. real.
- shawn’s wild asf for saying “stu hart is dead and walked around calgary as if he’s still alive” in 97. im sorry if i were bret id wanna beat his ass any chance i got too 😭
- i think their worked heat turned into a shoot (using all the terminology) in summer 97 bc of their promos — they were talking too much shit about each other it started to get kinda real
- bret negotiated the biggest contract in wcw at the time
- shawn and his “knee injury” — no one believed it and im sorry i dont either 😭 — bret was upset bc he thought shawn was being selfish and putting more work onto the guys to carry the company while he does backflips in his shorts and loafers
- my theory is shawn faked this knee injury to get out of dropping the belt to bret at wrestlemania xiii — probably felt pissed about him having the biggest contract, hailed for saving wwf ratings, being able to take a long ass break (even though technically bret’s previous contract ended) and come back to be top of the card
- but its okay because bret vs stone cold at wrestlemania xiii is a classic — my second favorite bret match — i think him and shawn’s iron man match is my all time fave
- bret said something about shawn’s parents being embarrassed about the playgirl shoot — this set shawn off
- shawn said for some reason he really wanted bret’s pat on the back, his validation and affirmation
- bret thought him and shawn were always on the same page about their fake heat
- bret felt shafted by shawn for the wrestlemania switch, felt shawn let the company down
- all the things bret ever said about shawn was strictly about his character
- bret and shawn would work out what they were gonna say about each other (in 97) and shawn would be like “great 😄👍🏼” but then bret would come back into the locker room and shawn would be like “😢” while everyone was like “great work bret! 😁” — shawn smiles and laughs as bret says this
- bret thought the “pat on the back” that shawn was looking for was incoming, all he wanted to do was build up shawn and make him even bigger than he was. bret knew his time was coming to an end and always had plans for shawn to be his successor but bret admits that he was way too realistic with the heat and it ruined his and shawn’s relationship
- shawn felt that him and his character were one, attacking shawn michaels the wrestler, the kayfabe was attacking shawn the person
- bret didn’t like shawn’s stripping in the ring as a babyface then him bringing kids in the ring to dance with him — bret felt it was wrong — they had a light disagreement here
- shawn didn’t have the capacity at the time to put his feelings aside for business because he felt insecure about his public perception
- bret just wanted to get money with shawn, he feels horrible for damaging the trust between them — didn’t understand how much heat he had with shawn until the sunny days promo
- bret probably wouldn’t care too much about the sunny days comment if his kids and family weren’t asking him if he’s cheating w sunny
- i think the actual start of the real beef was “bret’s announcement” promo where shawn sweet chin musics bret into his wheelchair —- bret went on too long because he couldn’t hear his cue in his headset due to the noise of the crowd so he made them go off air and shawn didn’t get to do the kick before the cameras cut. shawn was LIVID about this bc he felt bret did it on purpose to humiliate him and be able to berate him live with shawn not being able to retaliate.
- shawn says him and bret would have convos where bret would say “just trust me” but felt bret had it out for him and this promo was proof so now shawn was talking the gloves off and refusing to respect bret —- then he did the sunny days promo
- “the cat fight in hartford” as bret calls it came after the sunny days promo
- apparently after all this, they were still on decent terms. (also random fun fact that was not told in this interview: the costume ladies stopped making bret’s ring attire because he beat up shawn in hartford). bret was told him and shawn had a wrestlemania spot (xiv im guessing shawn says he didn’t know that) so he told shawn he had no problem putting him over. shawn said “thank you and i appreciate that but i would never do the same for you”— neidhart and ken shamrock were there
- bret says the next day, he goes to tulsa, ok tv tapings (its crazy that he remembers such details) and vince says bret you have to drop the belt in montreal to shawn but bret tells vince what shawn said about not putting him over
- vince said im gonna get shawn and you’ll repeat what you just said, vince finds him and just says “im gonna put the belt on you shawn” and shawn starts acting fake and praises bret
- so bret did not want to put shawn over because he disrespected him
- one thing that people always get wrong about the lead up to the screwjob that pisses me off is that they think bret had a huge vendetta against shawn and didn’t want to drop to him or anyone, wanted to carry the belt to wcw and he didn’t wanna lose in canada EVER and that bret was being a difficult bitch in the midst of this when bret has said time and time again this was not true:
1. bret had no problem dropping the belt to shawn initially. he was happy to do it but shawn telling bret he wouldn’t put him over is what ruined it.
2. bret had no intention of bringing the belt to wcw ever. he and vince went over many ways that he could drop the belt — on raw, the next in your house, ss. it was never an issue. and he said he would’ve dropped it to ANYONE. so no the screwjob was not a “business decision” like triple h, stone cold and undertaker claim. i could get that it was supposed to be business as in they needed to start the attitude era and shawn was supposed to be the face of the company for that and needed the belt but stone cold could’ve gotten it and have a stone cold vs shawn match and spend more time beefing up dx. drop to undertaker — shawn vs undertaker again in a rematch after that in your house hell in a cell. there were ways. plus the way they went about it kinda breached bret’s contract but thats another post (i could really do a montreal screwjob post if anyone is interested because i know basically EVERY public detail about it now).
3. “ooh bret just didn’t wanna lose in canada!!” okay is that so bad? that’s his biggest audience and home country. plus they don’t run that many shows there anyway so why can’t we let bret have that? also bret said he would’ve dropped the belt in ottawa and where is that? okay then.
-triple h having a say in this decision is very weird to me. hunter said “fuck bret not wanting to drop the belt to shawn. if he doesn’t wanna do business, we’ll do it for him” he egged on the double cross. im also confused as to why shawn and triple h are in the management room like they’re execs and why are we going over finishes without the second party of the match? thats not how its supposed to be done.
-for bret, it was all about respect. for shawn, it was about validation. i just don’t get why it was so important to get it from bret. maybe because bret’s a vet? he knows the business in and out, has played almost every role central to pro wrestling, from a wrestling royalty family — possibly bret not validating shawn felt like a burial of his talent? like the expert who has seen almost all the greats can’t recognize that same greatness in him which makes him feel like he’s not as good as he thinks he is?
-if im hearing this correctly, shawn didn’t know how the double cross was going to go. he knew it was going to happen but not exactly how.
-bret and shawn had a final heart to heart the day of or hours before the screwjob, talking about their problems, how they were fucked up in their connection and trying to reestablish some trust going into the SS match — shawn starts crying a bit here because he feels so guilty about his involvement in the screwjob
-shawn felt he had a huge weight on lap with the decision to carry out the screwjob or change the finish— he said he did what he was told because he felt like a little soldier for the company (for vince)
-shawn said this was easily one of the lowest points in his career
-vince wanted to take full responsibility for the screwjob but shawn is ?? abt that bc shawn is gonna be the one in the locker room and the matches so who’s really gonna feel the heat?
-bret didn’t punch or rough up shawn after the screwjob because he didn’t know if shawn was really involved or not and would feel bad if he physically hurt him while he was innocent. bret said he would feel bad about it for the rest of his life.
-bret had 275 days in his contract for 97 but did 310 days
-bret was devastated about this double cross — bret holds back tears after he says this
-bret felt more betrayed by shawn than vince. he said if it were the other way around and they wanted bret to screw shawn, “there would be nothing they do or say to get me to do that”
- bret categorizes himself as “one of the boys” not a “company guy”
-even after everything, bret still had respect for shawn
-i understand why bret was so absolutely pissed about the double cross because 300 days for 14 years — sick, hurt, missing family, leaving on christmas just for them to say fuck you and get the fuck out
-side note: bret tells shawn canada doesn’t hate you because of the screwjob but because you dry humped the flag
-not to be extra but there’s an interlude here where wwe sums up their lives post screwjob and bret’s section is just absolutely devastating (becsuse his life after really was) — owen’s death, his concussion, his mom died, davey boy died, his stroke, his dad dies after (thats a LOT of trauma over the span of 6 years) while shawn’s section is just like yeah he broke his back but had an amazing, spectacular, spiritually fulfilling journey where like fine wine he got better with time like alright…
-bret says he was so angry about everything related to wwe that he felt like “parachuting in[to raw] with a machine gun”. he wondered how he could arrange it 😭
-tyson kidd told bret that shawn still feels bad about what happened (i think this was 2009?) and wanted to call bret to talk. bret told tyson to give shawn his number. bret waited for shawn to call for a year and asked tyson why he hadn’t.
-the big motivator for bret to reach out to shawn was the wrestlemania xxv match with shawn and undertaker— bret was so proud of him and undertaker and wanted to call shawn to congratulate him.
-shawn didn’t call bret because he was scared (shawn says this so bluntly). he wanted to make up with bret so badly that he couldn’t handle bret being closed off to reconciliation.
-the make up in the ring was very genuine.
-shawn is very torn up about the fact that he didn’t have the ability back then to…not be an asshole. he wished he was a better person and he got a little worked up and choked up about the fact that he was not. it devastates him that his poor decisions and emotional stability ruined his connection with bret.
-shawn also says with the utmost conviction: “for whatever reason, i just wanted bret hart to like me”
- there’s a very cute clip here from the interview day (theyre in some other room) where bret makes some joke, shawn laughs and grabs bret’s arm while bret smiles 😊
-clip of bret and shawn strolling the dock, just chatting
-bret on forgiving shawn: “it pulled this weight off of shawn. it set him free which in turn set me free”
-clip of bret showing shawn something on his phone
-shawn is just so happy to have made up with bret. you could tell he missed him.
-the final line of the interview from jim ross is “hope lives. thank you.” the drama of it all.
#sorry it took so long 😭#i would definitely recommend watching it if you can#i wish they did more interviews together#but i get it babyface and heels can’t be seen being friends outside the ring#i wonder if they’re buddies now like they used to be#like give us a selfie every one in a while grandpas 😭#hartbreak#bret hitman hart#bret hart#shawn michaels#jan chats#also excuse my montreal screwjob mini rant but i hate when people fuck up the details and make it seem like bret was the asshole in it#he did nothing wrong before during or after idc!!
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The Beforus Ancestors
honestly, i didnt like how the drawings turned out. i searched for references for the ancestors but i didnt manage to draw them the way i wanted to. most of the designs are okay, though i still feel like some of them are missing something, like colors.
more info abt them ↓
The Treasure Huntress (aka. Beforan Aradia) She was a very skilled adventurer and loved finding historic artifacts. She had a special taste for East Beforan art and culture. During her adventures, she met a violetblooded sea dweller who also had a fascination for history and dedicated his life to study and learn more about it. Together, they traveled along each other with the goal of learning more about the history of their planet, and eventually, they developed feelings for each other. However, the warmblooded girl was pale, while the coolblooded boy was red. The unspoken tension between each other lead to a fight, which ended in surprise on both sides over the admittance of feelings. Not wanting to disappoint each other, they agreed to just stay friends.
The Guardian (Beforan Tavros) He he stood up for the rights of trolls in special needs, and by that, he was also heavily against culling (as in the Beforan meaning of culling), saying that nobody should be treated that way (as helpless and fragile, making them too dependant) and by doing that, they would be "hiding the truth of the world from the children" by basically being way too overprotective. He was a farm boy, living in the country sides with his moirail, who mainly took care of the stables. Their farm was open to public visits, and one day, a certain coolblooded visitor has caught his attention. He wished to re-encounter with the man someday. One day, he has suffered a very sudden mutation that made him sprout wings, with him finally being able to realize his dream of traveling the world to spread the word about the dangers of culling and the rights of trolls in special needs.
(please correct me if I got the wrong meaning of Beforan culling, as I will talk about it again)
Radiical Psygamer (Beforan Sollux) He was, perhaps, the greatest programmer that Beforus has ever seen. With his magnificent skills, he was responsible for massively improving trolls’ technology and has contributed to the creation of a few robots and helped with the coding of various popular games. He was, however, a terrible teacher, given his introversion and general social awkwardness. He was a big figure in the world of console games and was the first to actively encourage girls to play games too.
The Unculled (Beforan Karkat) Because of his rare candy red blood, no lusus wanted to raise him, leaving him there all alone. One day, he was found by a purpleblooded man who took him to his hive in hopes that someone would pick him. They waited, and waited, and waited… but no lusus came. Tired of waiting, the big troll decided to raise the grub himself. Because of his caretaker, the mutantblooded grew up to be loud, tough and intimidating, but had a big, friendly heart and cared for his loved ones a lot.
Sharpeye Furrline (Beforan Nepeta) She was a very skilled huntress. According to herself, she only killed what she ate, and if she didn’t eat, killing them would be mean. She could hunt creatures from a very small size to ones that were the double of her own. One day, while hunting for her dinner, she has killed a creature that was going to become a Lusus of a small wriggler. Therefore, she has accidentally unlocked the rage of a coolblooded troll. Terrified, she knew she couldn’t fight back, so she ran as fast as she could, far away from that beach. No one knows what happened to her.
The Seamstress (Beforan Kanaya) A rare jadeblood with a rare taste for fashion. She became known for her dresses with odd patterns, inspired by the landscapes around her. She also traveled in search of different sights and, consequently, more ideas for dresses. Her works have eventually caught the attention of the Empress, who offered her a job as her official seamstress.
The Attorney (Beforan Terezi) She was a blind woman who did not allow her disability to hold her back. She fought back against Beforus’ culling policy and became a excellent lawyer. Dedicating herself to fight against crime and bring justice to maintain the order and peacefulness of her planet, she chased a mischievous pirate lady who seemed to cause trouble everywhere she passed. She was The Unculled’s matesprit.
Arachnid Cap8tain (Beforan Vriska) A troublemaker who caused mischief together with her pirate crew. She considered The Attorney her rival, as she was the only one who insisted in chasing her and never gave up on her quest to capture the spider pirate. A completely platonic rivalry. She held a special interest for snooker and said that the Ball 8 was actually “her lucky ball”.
The Horseman (Beforan Equius) A STRONG man who really liked horses. He lived in a farm with his moirail and was responsible for taking care of the stables. Because of his interest, they ended up having way too many horses, which resulted in them having to build a larger stable for all of them. He loved every single one of them and took great care of each one. He said he occasionally had dreams where he was half a man and half a horse (basically a centaur), which is the origin of his title.
The Clownish Caretaker (Beforan Gamzee) He rescued lususless grubs and wrigglers with an absent lusus and took care of them temporarily, until a new lusus came to become their official guardian. Despite being tall, lanky and overall intimidating, he was a very sweet and cheerful man, and loved entertaining others. Just like others, he was also heavily against culling and said that “every motherfucker should know and be able to defend themselves.” One day, a lusus was coming to his hive to pick up a grub, but it was killed by Shapeye Furrline. The man never felt so much rage before. The pure platonic hate he held towards the woman was bigger than the amount of hate he thought he could feel. Despite that, and contrary to popular belief, he did not chase the lady and took him quite some time to calm down. He was responsible for raising The Unculled and made sure to treat him properly.
The Historian (Beforan Eridan) A seadweller with a huge fascination for history, he dedicated his life to learn more about the mysteries of his world. He read diares and looked for accurate informations, instead of believing in telltale stories. He studied ancient walls and occasionally collected some artifacts, purely for research reasons, and that’s when he met The Treasure Huntress. They decided to travel together, and it did not take long for him to become flushed for her. Unfortunately, she did not return the feelings, instead being pale for him. They agreed to stay friends, but very deep inside, he was still a bit disappointed.
Her Glorious Imperialist (Beforan Feferi) The ruler of Beforus. She was a very kind and sweet woman, undoubtedly one of the best rules Beforus has ever seen. She treated her people with fairness, yet despise that, she was pro-culling, saying that some should not face the dangers of the world. After offering a job for The Seamstress, she and the jadeblood grew close. Despite being the one in charge of the planet, she decided to take care of Arachnid Cap8tain herself, and being a seadweller, it wasn’t hard to find her. She still congratulated The Attorney for her efforts in chasing the troublemaker pirate.
#mareys dump#homestuck#hom3stuck#beta trolls#beforus#beforus ancestors#aradia megido#tavros nitram#sollux captor#karkat vantas#nepeta leijon#kanaya maryam#terezi pyrope#vriska serket#equius zahhak#gamzee makara#eridan ampora#feferi peixes
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the atsumu hny was super cute !!! loved It sm !! I hope you had an amazing new year's celebration!! was jus wondering if you could write something w samu or maybe Kita Shinsuke (24) rice farmer ? btw inarizaki #1 forever 💯
high school sweethearts. kita shinsuke x fem!reader
+ tags & warnings; fluff for a change of scenery & reader has a kid
+ a/n; I READ THIS AND WENT INSANE OMG I COULD TALK ABT KITA SHINSUKE (24) RICE FARMER FOR EVER. Fun little piece of lea slut4msby lore, when I first watched season 4 I had not read the manga yet and when Kita first came on screen i went insane. Also Kita and I are legally married?? My friends through a fake wedding for me because I was so in love with this man. And pls keep the Inarizaki reqs/asks/anything coming bc i am INSANE about inarizaki (i am normal i swear) <3
You couldn’t help peer out the window of your shared home with your husband. He was outside with your 5 year old son, playing some volleyball. Your son had never taken a liking to sports until your husband began cleaning out his old stuff, stumbling upon his jersey from his high school years. He would never admit and you would never bring it up but he did get emotional looking back at these days.The days where he led one of the greatest teams, not on the main roster, but he was still aware of the impact he had on the boys. He wasn’t the worst player but nothing notable, however Shinsuke had the power to put anyone at ease and you loved that about him.
Shinsuke never showed much self-confidence when the two of you had met in your first year. It’s not that he didn't have the confidence he just never felt the need to show it, and you appreciated that about him. You appreciate how no matter what Shinsuke was straight the point, you appreciated his need for routine, which has really helped your home life. You appreciate how he loves, how he cares for others. Kita Shinsuke was the perfect man.
However, despite how lucky you feel to have Shinsuke in your life. He feels even more lucky for you, he knows you are his soulmate from the day he met you in the first year. He felt as if all the work he had ever done paid off, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. At the beginning it was just a hallway class, the girl from class 1-6. Having your classes next to each other & both being in advanced classes meant the both of you would have recurring meetings. The next thing he knows, Aran had recruited you as the volleyball clubs manager as the team wouldn’t shut up about not having one. Shinsuke then began spending everyday with you, which turned to every waking second he was with you whenever he could be. He was your best friend, right?
That’s what you had thought. You would have never admitted your crush on Kita that began growing. However his admiration for you began sprouting. He loved the way you smiled, how you got along with everyone, took care of yourself and others, how you tie your shoelaces, how you set out your notebook, how you played with your hair when you were nervous and how you didn’t seem to fear anything. Unlike him. Kita had put his feelings behind him, until he decided it was now or never, graduation. It was cliche, Shinsuke knew that. He had gotten you a bouquet of flowers, you had mentioned your favourite flowers in a passing conversation the second week of the second year. A useless piece of information, Shinsuke remembered that. Why wouldn’t he? He loved you. That day to Kita’s surprise, you said yes. You agreed to be his girlfriend.
Now, almost 10 years later. Shinsuke was your husband. Those flowers he had given you on graduation day you had pressed, they stayed on display in your kitchen, as well as a photo of you and Shinsuke the day your son was born. Now Shinsuke spent his days as a rice farmer instead of a volleyball player. However seeing him playing with your son reminded you of the man you fell in love with.
You snapped out of a trance when your son called out to you, “Mum! Look! Dad taught me how to play volleyball like he used to.” You couldn’t help but smile, “He said I was really
good! Mum, can I start playing volleyball! I wanna be like dad!.”
You turn towards Shinsuke, he looked so amused at the scenario. You jokingly roll your eyes at him, “of course you can baby!” You said planting a kiss on your son's forehead. “How about for now you and daddy go get cleaned up?”
“Okay!” Your son responds with a toothy smile, before your son begins pulling your husband down the hallway.
You felt like the luckiest woman alive.
#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu drabbles#haikyuu angst#hq x reader#hq#haikyuu#inarizaki#kita shinsuke#shinsuke kita#kita x reader#haikyuu fluff#hq fluff#kita shinsuke x reader#shinsuke kita x reader
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hii!!! i love ur work!!! i was just wondering if u could do a part 2 of the hobie x reader where they have no strings attached when they were both reallyyyyy horny
(if u could, could they be like uhh either reader or Hobie somehow is close to getting a relationship [or is acc just going to answer someone asking one of them out and wants to be exclusive] and is talking to the other abt it and it could change their little f buddies relationship or something maybe angsty?? maybe fluff?? or maybe like yeah no congrats lets do this one last time until you break up)
thank u v much!!!
No Strings Attached Pt. 2
Hobie x Fem!Reader
(Hobie and Reader are obviously adults in this fic.)
TW/CW: NSFW, Smut, PiV sex, counter sex, condom usage, safe sex, wee bit of angst, feelings, a whole lotta feelings(?), marijuana/pot usage (bro nobody can convince me Hobie seriously doesn't smoke it), some alcohol, bad date
A/N: Spoiler alert: Strings got attached. A bit shorter than the first chapter, but I like it like this
You and Hobie had agreed to be "friends with benefits" on the account that the biggest rule was it wouldn't affect your friendship, that you wouldn't lose each other due to petty bullshit.
And it was a system that worked. Mostly.
Hobie couldn't deny the twinge of... of something inside him when he saw some loser bloke try to rizz you up with cheap pickup lines. He would crush it by downing a cheap shot of whatever liquor he had, and remind himself that you could do whatever--or whoever--you wanted.
In the end he never had to worry, though. Whenever you needed that "itch" scratched, you two would hook up. Most of the time in his flat, or yours, sometimes he'd park his van somewhere and you two would do it there.
One time you two were in the middle of something and some coppers started pounding on the van doors. You two were quick to make sure they knew they were interrupting something, and peel out before they asked too many questions.
Man, the look on their faces when you swung the door open while only dressed in your panties and one of Hobie's almost-too-tight tank tops was priceless...
You two were hooking up more and more often, the relief and euphoria of just having rounds of backbreaking sex was almost enough to distract you from everything that occurred during the day.
Right now you were bent over your kitchen counter, Hobie's long, nimble hands gripping your hips as though his life depending upon it as he stuffed his cock into you at an earth-shattering pace.
"Gh--fuck." You groaned, wiping the drool from the corner of your mouth. "God--fucking--damn it." You bite out after each punishing thrust, stuffing you full in a way that only he has been able to manage this far.
"Ey? What's what?" Hobie chuckled breathlessly as his hips smack into your ass, sending the skin ripping as he fucked into you. "Got somethin' t' say, luv?"
The moment he angled his hips at just the right angle, your body went rigid, your gummy walls crushing down around him as you came around his cock, squeezing him tight as he kept pushing and pulling into your hot cunt.
You buried your face in your arms as they folded on the counter, whimpering as Hobie gritted his teeth and pounded into you at a less coordinated, frantic pace, instead focusing on his own release and need to cum, now.
God damn was Hobie a good lay. He was probably one of the better sexual partners you've ever had, always making sure you cum before he does, taking the time to learn what makes you tick; taking you apart with every swipe and stroke of his fingers and cock.
You wondered how in the fuck Hobie hadn't gotten a girlfriend. Had half the women in the city known how endowed and how well-versed he was in sex, he'd had every eligible bachelorette (and not) breaking down his door to have a chance for a romp in the sheets with him.
You felt Hobie slam up into you in a way that knocked air from your lungs in a choking gasp, eyes rolling back as you felt the condom swell with his cum as he fucked you through his high.
"Fuckin' shit." You sigh, laughing softly as you relax as the last few waves of his orgasm ebbed.
"Mmm... Now what were you sayin' earlier?" Hobie laughed, swatting your ass playfully.
"Ugh. Don't do that!" You laugh at him over your shoulder.
"Mmm, fine fine." He said, cock still sheathed inside you as he put his hands up dismissively. "Now what is it?"
"Oh, right. I have a date tonight."
You'd gotten all dolled up, your best dress, nice comfy heels, makeup... The works.
Your dress was a deem emerald green plunge, v-neck that revealed the right amount of cleavage; the hem of the dress ended just above your knees, a slit cut up to mid-thigh, revealing the sheer stockings you wore that hugged your thigh.
You had been asked out by a man who looked far too out of his element in the punk pub you both met in, but he seemed charming and relatively well-mannered. Better than half the drunk idiots who hit on you when you went out.
And being brought to a four-star restaurant? Yeah, you were an idiot to say no to that. You weren't shallow, but hey, you've never gone anywhere this fancy before.
And he seemed nice, you really hoped that maybe, just maybe, you could have a sincere relationship with him. Like, as in, keys to the flat, boyfriend material kind of relationship.
Yeah. You were wrong.
An hour into the date and you were tempted to slip an SOS to the waiter to distract him long enough for you to slip away from Garrett (your date).
He was arrogant, a snobbish prude who, upon inspecting your dress, crinkled his nose and said he expected someone as "refined" as you to dress more conservatively. He also said that women should not be involved with such "heavy" music such as punk, rock, or metal; which happened to be some of your favorite genres.
Garrett had also admitted that the last woman he was with wasn't forthright about her previous "dalliances" in bed. That she was "used goods" and couldn't "satisfy his needs" in a way that a woman lacking would be able to do.
Translation: he was so shit in bed he wanted a woman who had no experience to compare his miserable excuse of a forty-second orgasm, bean dick to.
A misogynistic prick who had a virgin fetish.
Yeahhhh... No.
You finally got sick of it, standing up and splashing your chocolate martini all down his expensive suit, the brown liquid staining the white of his button-up.
"Blood hell, are you insane--?!" Garret spat at you, standing up to glare at you.
"I'm fucking my best friend." You say, flipping him the bird after slapping a wad of notes on the table for the poor wait staff. "So you can take your weak ass dick and fetishes to some club where women can point and laugh at you, since you think women who have "given themselves" to men before you are disgusting."
Your heels clicked as you spoke over your shoulder, "And you can lose my number."
The whole restaurant went quiet, aghast and amazed, breaking out into excitable murmurs about the scene that unfolded.
The staff gossiped about it for days.
"Bloody hell!" Hobie laughed as he slapped his knee as you retold the story. "Wish I coulda seen that bloke's face!"
"Ugh, I was so close to skewering his eye with a champagne flute." You sigh, taking a drag of the joint in-between your lips, puffing the smoke out of your nose with practiced ease.
"Ah, if ya did that I'd have to bust you free from the goddamn cops." Hobie snorted derisively as you passed him the joint.
"My hero!" You say, clasping your hand under your chin and batting your eyelashes theatrically.
Hobie laughed, choking on the smoke as he puffed the joint. "You li'le shit! Don't make me laugh while I'm smoking!"
You giggle and kick your feet at him as his spindly hand swats at you.
Once your laughter dies down, you lay your legs across his lap, and you both fall into a comfortable silence, smoking and drinking as you watch the television.
His thumb caresses soothing circles into your ankles, your heels long discarded and tossed by his door.
Surprisingly, to his credit... Hobie didn't slide his hand up your thigh and under your dress like you anticipated he'd do. He kept his hands low, massaging you.
And you stayed like that, for almost two hours until he spoke up as the credits began to roll, your name tumbling out of his lips awkwardly.
"Yeah?" You say, stretching and arching your back as you reclined on the couch.
"Shoot me if this is crazy." Hobie said, rubbing the back of his neck, looking somewhere else in the flat.
You blinked at him, sitting up like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on you.
Was Hobie Brown nervous?
"I know you said when we started this you didn't want anything serious..."
He held his hands up to stop you so he could continue, "But hear me out. We get along great, we've got a shitton of great chemistry. You're funny as shit, and a badass..."
You lean forward, tucking your knees underneath you.
"You're fuckin' smart as hell, got no business bein' around me, but--"
"Hobie!" You snap, leaning into his face.
His eyes go wide and lock with yours, his thick, full lips opening and closing as he struggles to find the words to speak.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"
He awkwardly looked to the side, and you gripped his jaw with your hand, jerking his face to look at yours once more.
"Hobie. Again. Are you ask--"
You weren't sure what knocked you off more, the fact he interrupted you with such a matter-of-fact answer, or the fact you knew he was serious. And Hobie was rarely serious about much in his life.
But this?
You lean back, blinking at him, looking at your hands as you dropped them in your lap.
The seconds tick by at an agonizingly slow pace as you carefully make your decisions, pick your words like a farmer selects the best, ripest crop from the vine.
But at the same time... Maybe the decision had been made for the two of you all along?
A grin slowly creeps up your face and you look back at him. "Fuck it. Why not?"
What was it Miguel said? Canon events, and all that?
#🌙 answered#hobie brown x reader#hobie x reader#hobie brown x you#hobie brown#hobie spiderverse#atsv hobie
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thinkin abt working w gene takovic & being generally shit at the job and he gets tired of reader slacking off and decides to give reader a little motivation to do better ……….
workplace harassment but if it was epic 😌
my immediate thought was "reader comes into work high and gets disciplined" so im adding intox to this hope that's ok :3
warning: intox, possibly dubcon? (you're high and he's your superior)
You hated your fucking job.
I mean, it wasn't horrible. It was just a run of the mill food service position at the Cinnabon in the mall. Standing for 8 hours, shitty customers, all the glitz and glamour you could expect, but hey, free cinnamon rolls was a nice perk. It's not like you were planning to make a career out of this anyway. You could afford to dick around on the clock from time to time. Plus, y'all were short-staffed anyway, so what were they gonna do, fire you?
Well, today, you had pushed your luck too far.
It was supposed to be a busy day, some huge sale happening in the mall, and that meant a bunch of entitled pricks needing their cream cheese frosted insulin bombs. You didn't want to risk strangling the first boomer that yelled at you, so you figured why not pop a few edibles before your shift?
Big mistake. You realized that when you clocked in.
One of your coworkers called out, and another was coming in late. That meant it was just you and your manager Gene tackling the first few hours. He wasn't horrible to work with, but a skeleton crew was no one's idea of a good time. Let alone the fact that you'd be stupid high in about an hour and there'd be no one else to cover your ass.
When they kicked in, it didn't take long for him to notice. You were staring at the register blankly for maybe 5 minutes, but it felt like eons in food service time. Once your other coworker came in, Gene took you into his office to reprimand you, making sure to lock the door before he slumped down at his desk.
"Look, kid. I get it. I don't wanna be here either, but you can't be doing that. Not only is it against the law, but it's dangerous. If you're spacing out like that you could cut or burn yourself, and-"
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You ever talk to your cat and wonder if they can understand a goddamn word you're saying? That was basically this. You were just staring at how his nipples poked through his officially licensed Cinnabon® polo shirt. He was kinda cute, for a sad old man. Wait, fired? Did he just say fired? You snap out of it and make eye contact with him.
Gene sighed. "You haven't been listening to me, have you?"
You shook your head.
"I said, corporate has kind of a zero-tolerance policy for drug use on the job. I'm supposed to fire you, but," He got up from his chair and approached you, stroking your cheek with a pensive look on his face, no doubt a dumb, ditsy look on yours. "you're a good kid. I'd like to see you do better. I'm hoping there's another way we can work this out. Call it positive reinforcement, yeah?"
You nodded. Positive reinforcement. Sure, whatever.
He smiled. "Good boy."
You whined. Oh fuck, that felt nice to hear. He could tell.
Before you knew it, you were on your knees in front of him, servicing his cock with your mouth, messily. Drool was seeping out from your lips, pooling onto what you hoped was the floor and not your shirt. The weed was making this far more intense than you'd ever imagined. His taste was addicting. However deep you could take him just wasn't enough. You ran your tongue all over him, his head, his shaft, his balls. God, it was so fucking good. Shit, you were probably enjoying this more than he was.
That's not to say Gene wasn't enjoying it. He threw his head back and sighed. He rested his hand on your scalp and ruffled your hair, making you whimper around him. "That's a good boy."
Positive reinforcement indeed.
#anon#ask#saul goodman#jimmy mcgill#gene takovic#saul goodman x reader#jimmy mcgill x reader#gene takovic x reader#saul goodman smut#jimmy mcgill smut#gene takovic smut#brbabcs#breaking bad#breaking bad x reader#bcs#bcs x reader#better call saul x reader#brba x reader#intox kink#better call saul smut#breaking bad smut#saul goodman imagine#jimmy mcgill imagine#gene takovic imagine#breaking bad imagine#better call saul imagine
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soldier lee seunghwan
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/81425012f106c4bccb6ea9a4017dfbd8/4086d91544d277f0-7f/s540x810/b0db4979b2c42b737872ab67e30bfd425a9ba0ec.jpg)
「seunghwan x gn!reader」
genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst & suggestiveness
warnings: dirty jokes, war mentions, food, basically it. oh yeah not proofread at all honestly
summary: quality time w the love of ur life seunghwan! (kinda)
a/n: im back w… something (definitely not the best) . its not the seunghwan fic i made u guys do a poll abt i ditched that one bc it just didn’t turn out how i wanted. anyways enjoy and pls reblog or like so i dont procrastinate on writing😁
Im free nowwww
Got ur fav ramen w me hehehe
You quickly turned off your phone and headed out of your apartment door. You make your way towards the familiar dance studio down the road that had become a part of your daily routine. Visiting there almost every single day all because of one reason: lee seunghwan.
When seunghwan came back home just after getting eliminated… it was hard, to say the least. If it had been any other time for any other reason, you would’ve been happy about seunghwan being back home. More movies, more dates, more cuddles, more kisses. But this time? Oh it physically pained your heart to see him walk through your front door with drooped shoulders and a torn expression. He trudged in as if he was a traumatised soldier coming back from war. Except you guess it kind of was like that for him. War. Fighting his hardest just to prove himself worthy. But also like war, things don’t always go your way. Sometimes the borders that you had built and the weapons you had prepared go shattering apart and you’re forced to shrink back down to where you started.
And you saw that happening to seunghwan many times. It hurt to see the love of your life in such a state, but you knew how bad it was for him as well. you remember the times he worked multiple jobs just to afford a small dance studio to continue practicing for another survival show. Or every single time a company turned him down for who knows what reasons they had up their little asses. And even all the rants and breakdowns he has almost once every week. You were always there, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Things have changed a little now. He got more popular, and his growth was amazing. Companies had actually started to give him offers and he even held fan meetings! Because of this though, he was feeling a little mixed up. With the amount of support he was getting now, was it really worth it to go enlist so soon? That was a big topic in your conversations lately, the number of times you’d talked about it must be countless. Regardless of the decision he makes though you knew, your arms would be open and ready to welcome him anytime.
Knock knock knock
You heard quick shuffling of feet getting closer and the door sprang open almost immediately after your third knock. Not even a second later large sweaty arms indulge you into the broad chest of its owner. “oh oh be careful the ramen might spill,” you reminded the boy in front of you.
“who cares? I don’t. if that spills I could just eat you instead?” he replies with a disgustingly beautiful smirk. You stared blankly at him, “you’re so gross hwan, I would never let you do that to me especially not in the state you’re in right now. I don’t taste that good anyways.” At this point your hug had been broken apart and you walked past him to put away your food against the mirror across the room. Not giving any attention to the boy behind you and what he was doing. “hey- “ you were cut off by bright eyes staring deep into you, his hunched body making your proximity to him almost as close as it could possibly get. Nose tips pressed against one another, lips slightly brushing together, and breaths mirroring each other. Gosh were you in love with this man. “hwan... what are you doing…” you somehow managed to utter out. He chuckles a little, “I can always double check how you taste anytime you want you know,” he teases.
There were a few seconds of silence and once you processed those words into your brain, you instantly pulled away from the slightly intimate position you were in.
“oh hell no hwan. Get your horny ass out of here, the only thing you’re gonna be doing right now is eating and showering. Now come here before the ramen gets cold.”
An annoyed groan fills the room.
#lee seunghwan#lee seunghwan imagines#seunghwan imagines#boys planet#boys planet x reader#boys planet imagines#i love him#sorry for the shit writing
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Me sneaking into your asks with this drabble:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/95920c3cdd2585efbb297b6805f64af1/8c52085423dcf825-83/s540x810/272af56512d03d014a3f1dac2d1587a5f5e8bd05.jpg)
Disclaimer: I have yet to get a good grasp of Moze's character so this might be a bit OOC and on your side as well (sorry). I did my best. Also, this was inspired by the post you made abt telling Moze your tasks for the day | 600+ words (not proofread)
In Moze's eyes, you reminded him of a dog catching a case of the zoomies.
You were quite literally everywhere. He'd find you talking to someone one moment before you're rushing off to do something else entirely the next. It seemed like you had quite a lot on your plate as of recently. Tasks, things you wanted to do, and so much more spinning around that mind of yours. You've told him a bit of your plans so he has a general idea. But seeing you juggling all of those tasks at once makes both admiration and concern bloom in his chest.
One time, Moze found you carrying a box filled with items. It would've been amusing to him how comical it was that the items piled so high— he could barely see you behind it. However, he did worry right after given how you almost tripped over something. He managed to catch you and the items before both came crashing all over the floor.
He insisted on helping you carry the items to wherever its destination was. It took a bit of pursuasion on his side. Convincing you that it truly wasn't a bother to him at all, and that he'd be very much glad to be of assistance to you.
"I need to get these delivered first. Then go stop by the shop to buy some things. After that…" You go on to ramble about the things you had to do to help get a better vision on what else you had to do. "Oh, no… I messed up." The smile on your face dropping at the thought that had slipped your mind until that moment. "I forgot to invite Jiaoqiu to dinner with the others—"
"It's tomorrow evening, right? He knows. I mentioned it last time when I spoke to him." Moze says with a calm tone.
You blink at him, slightly caught off-guard by the man beside you. Though it's immediately replaced with relief and gratitude. The smile on your face already back, lighting up your features once more. Infectious as always, it makes the corners of his lips tug upwards as well. A small part of him feels quite proud to have been able to help you ease your worries even by a bit.
And this is when you start noticing it.
Did you mention that you're running out of a certain skincare product, but you can't find the time to stop by the store to buy it? Moze conveniently has to stop by near the store and buys it for you. Did you also mention that you wanted to do a certain task but keep forgetting about it? He gently reminds you about it via message or verbal if he's nearby. Did you also happen to mention that you've been meaning to try out a certain desert from a cafe, but the schedule simply doesn't seem to allow you? No fear, he passes by the store to buy you the treat.
Moze doesn't see you as someone incapable of handling things by yourself. To him, he simply sees it as a way to show his care. If making a quick stop somewhere, sending you a small reminder of something you had to do that day, or even helping you out with the tasks you need to accomplish, makes you smile? Gives you a chance to take a break? Let you worry less about the things you need to do? It's worth it in his eyes.
He does his best to avoid making you feel like you're bothering or troubling him (you really aren't). Most of the time, he does them discrcetly and casually. Partially, since he's also scared that you'll think he's weird or a creep for acting like that.
Please don't think of him badly.
Moze truly means well.
#🐦⬛🐕 .#彡 cy!#彡 inbox.#彡 cherishing.#excuse me cy 🥹🥹🥹 you wrote a drabble based off a vague little post i made about moze 🥺🥺 HOW WILL I EVER THANK YOU 🥺🥺 that is so sweet ?! ?!#600+ words ?!?! CY !!!!!! THANK YOU ?!?????!!!!!! IM IN SHOCK /pos IM STARING AT MY SCREEN LIKE 🥹🥹🥹🥹 YOURE SO KIND YOURE SO SO SO KIND !!!!#‘you reminded him of a dog catching a case of the zoomies’ HANSNDJDN i want to be his dog 🙂↕️🙂↕️ and !! i have to say — the energy rush a#him is so real T T HE IS JUST SO FUN HES SO SWEET HES so awesome he’s so lovable — zoomies is inevitable with mr shadow guard of the yaoqin#im smiling so hard at the ‘you were quite literally everywhere’ AAAAAEEEE there is much to explore !!! THIS IS SO CUTE THOUGH IM SO 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺#THE CARRYING THE BOX SCENE ?!???!???? this reminds me of one of previous jobs i had ajanskdkxk YOU DONT REALLY NEED TO SEE . YOU CAN PEER#AROUND THE BOX — BUT MOZE SEEING ME IN SUCH A STATE IS SO EMBARRASSING/pos omg he caught me x0x IM BRIGHT RED AT THIS THOUGHT SHSNJDCJ also#cy !!! i will say that i love your writing and you put down your thoughts ….. this is such a cute read and my heart is so soft reading this#truly truly thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write something as sweet as this for me ?!?! i am so blown away and so#thankful AND SO EMOTIONAL AND SO HAPPY oh )))): thank you thank you thank you thank you cy!!!! i adore you infinitely 🥹🥹🥹🤍🤍🤍#NOOOOO HE DOESNT NEED TO HELP ME CARRY IT ALL THE WAY THERE 🥹🥹🥹 SURELY SUCH A THING IS NOT IN HIS JOB DESCRIPTION#even if it was i would feel bad !!! T T oh my god please cy this image of him insistently that he’ll help is making me so red /pos he’s so#sweet ))): OH MY GOD AND THE RAMBLING SJSNSNDKXKKS IM REALLY SO RED AND FLUSTERED READING FHIS SKNSNDNX HES LISTENING TO IT 😭😭😭 HE IS#PERCEIVING ME 😭😭😭😭 but i do think my nervous chatter would activate in his presence — oh cy that would be so awful — to talk and talk and#talk his ear off :’) OMG OMG HE ALREADY TOLD JIAOQIU 😭😭😭 SAVIOR MOZE life saver moze i am indebted !!! TWICE NOW . THE BOX AND NOW THIS#him feeling proud ?! 🥹🥹 there is much more for him to feel proud about ! for example — how resilient he is / how strong he is / how kind he#is / how … i should not continue HIM KNOWING WHAT SKINCARE PRODUCTS I USE ????????? AND CHECKING WHEN IT RUNS LOW ??? ))))))): AND THE REMI#REMINDERS * MEAN SO MUCH TO ME OH CY ))): YOU ARE TOO TOO TOO KIND IM SO HONORED TO HAVE RECEIVED SUCH A GIFT insjdjxnj ))): cy !!!!!!!!!!#THE DESSERT …. I LOVE CINNAMON OR LEMON DESSERTS …… oh he is ))): he is too kind )): YOU!! ARE TOO KIND CY !!!!!! I WILL SOB INTO MY HANDS#BECAUSE THIS IS MAKING ME SO HAPPY AND )))): !!!! omg ))):#HE IS SO SWEET . HE MEANS WELL ???? I LOVE HIM I LOVE YOU I LOVE HIM I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU BOTH !!!!! i think i would genuinely burst into#tears thinking about him doing anything for me to :’) ease up some days :’) IM JUST :’) this is so thoughtful and so :’) im so incoherent a#and these tags are so messy — im just so happy and have read this like ten times over !! and go -> 🥹🥹 each and every time#thank you cy !!! ): from the very bottom of my heart!!!! you are such a skilled writer and you have such a kind heart#i saw your post about drabbles for friends and oh — im hugging you so tight — thank you for being so sweet to everyone ): i adore you so mu
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I just read the fault in our stars and here's what I think
I'm probably gonna make 2 posts abt this book bcs I love it sm. this first one won't focus on the romance and more of like- the surroundings, specially Hazel's favorite book, AIA. I read the book at school so yeah that embarassed me bcs I was crying when the teacher came in.
Before I dive into AIA, I want to really talk about the surroundings of the book, the other people yk, aside from Augustus and Hazel. The book, aside from the romance, shows how people respond to other people with cancer, I mean, how they manage it. We see it with Hazel's mother and father, with Augustus' family as well as Monica(Isaac's ex). They all responded differently to their loved one's having cancer, and they treat it differently too. But I won't focus on that, I want to focus on how it affects them, and apply it to real life situations. The book doesn't really hide the fact that everyone around them feels bad for them, and that their parents are sad about it. And it's a good detail because the book is a romance book, but it deals so much with the "losing someone" concept. I love how you feel butterflies in your stomach yet heartwrecking pain at the same time. because the sadness in it, the way Hazel just accepted her fate, the way Augustus accepted his, and Isaac too. They never had hope from the start but their families and the people around them did. It's easy to have hope when you're not the one struggling.
But thats the thing. Hazel accepted her fate easily. but Augustus? She could not.
In Augustus' story, Hazel is part of the other people. She's his collateral damage. Hazel feared being the time bomb for Augustus but it turns out Augustus was the real one.
Its devastating to read the parts where Augustus was slowly succumbing to his cancer. Because the chapters were suddenly so short, Every time I flipped the book I got scared bcs it chapter got faster and faster. shorter and shorter. Then the devastating "Augustus Waters died"
Everyone was affected by Augustus' conditiion, everyone was collateral damage, their emotions were side effects. MAN I CAN'T DO THIS RN IM CRYING ILL POST AGAIN SOME OTHER DAY
#the fault in our stars#augustus waters#hazel grace#the fault in our stars spoilers#fuck u john green u made me cry
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A/N ; extremely self indulgent cause' erm!! obviously. that's my s/i. Mackarel's my friend's s/i doe!! also I'm gonna make a few parts of this because I wanna write abt them a LOT hehehhehe
Sinny was pretty much a nobody - like nobody. she exist and there she was she supposed? her parents doesn't much exist but yet she seems to have mutated genes in which makes her wings black.. those pure white Skypiean wings were ruined and due to that she was isolated and was put as a weirdo. name calling and all sorts of rumors, her house is placed most furthest away from all the others so that she can avoid others but she was also kind of forced to live there.
she have no friends, none. she was just simply alone and have to try and manage everything herself and it was quite troublesome. no one was there to teach her anything and she have to learn everything herself.
yet oddly enough, Enel have always have an eye on her. he was interested in her - her appearances were weird in itself but there was something else.. so oddly intriguing. he couldn't put his finger on it but he likes to watch her through his mantra seeing the little things she do on a daily basic.
it gets boring, though. she repeated the same process over and over - even the food were the same thing over and over! sure, maybe there's some change of menus but it always consist of the same, omelette, fried egg, and some salad on an occasion. but he couldn't pull his eyes off of her.
until one day, Sinny was randomly chosen to be the sacrifice. they all didn't have to participate but no one wanted her here. so she takes her away all along to get grabbed and then send to a sacrificial altar. she thought this was the end of everything until another person came by. a red head, with wings as ears. he was odd -
like her
a sense of familiarity hits like a train, she couldn't help despite being on the same dangerous spot but gets so happy to see another was chosen for a ritual -- sounds depressing but at the moment she was truly happy, she never knew the guy existed!
they started talking. but who knows, the sound of those two talking may have been heard by the pair of ears from the god as a lightning was strike in front of them catching both of their attention as Enel stood in front of them. both of them cower and grabbed each other like plushies - not out of closeness but purely out of fear.
Enel sees how they look, and they looked funny. introducing himself as the kami that rules Skypiea. yet upon staring at them more closely he could felt a sense of home. homesickness? he wasn't so sure, it feels like a distant memory that he can't grasp upon- but why would that matter? the people he have his eyes on was right in front of his eyes! and he wasn't going to let his priests take them [by killing them]! he'll take them all to himself.
upon the sudden traveling and the grabbing of the man that was known to be cruel and merciless as known as Kami Enel - they were now at his temple. there was many much more servants around, dropping them both at the clouds like floor.
" welcome to your new home! I wasn't expecting to see you so I didn't prepare much-- but that would be fine by the both of you, right? YAHAHAHAHA! "
the laugh of the man who calls himself god -- the god in question that they've always known as the merciless god was .. giving them both mercy? they couldn't believe their hearing and their sights. what will happen to them now?
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Shards of Glass, A Memory Recalled
No this isn't abt Arcaea this is yet again ANOTHER OC ONE SHOT I'M GONNA LOSE MY SHIT
TW: Description of being stabbed in the abdomen, implied murder.
Kaito has always felt uneasy—or even uncomfortable—when he's around glass shards. Whether the shards of glass originated from a broken window, or a broken vase, or anything else, he'd always feel an odd sense of discomfort whenever he sees them.
A few days ago, a few children who were playing outside nearby his house accidentally threw a ball into the house, breaking the window of his room in the process. Kaito was quick to deal with this matter, having a person fix the window and pay them for it. However, it did come at the cost of his sanity.
Seeing those broken pieces of glass scattered on the floor and on his bed made him uneasy.
It felt like he was going to be stabbed in any moment now.
He felt like he might puke at the sight, so he had to quickly clean the mess up before he lost his mind.
The piercing glass on his abdomen hurts.
After the window was fixed, he could finally rest easy on his bed. However, he always did wondered why he felt so weird around glass shards. It's a reoccurring thing from when he was little. He never really pinpointed on the reasoning behind this.
He could feel his consciousness slipping away as the other man before him rushed to him and caressed him in his arms.
And here Kaito is now, defending a friend...with glass shards? Why? What happened?
Earlier, Kaito and Eijiro ran into a bunch of bad guys. They're apparently thieves who are somewhat interested in whatever Kaito owns. Obviously Eijiro isn't happy about this, and fought them to the best of his ability. However, Eijiro didn't realize that he was fighting only one of the bad guys, since the other one was quick to threaten Kaito.
With a broken glass piece too.
That reawakened some fear in Kaito, because obviously this fear has been with him ever since he was younger for some reason. Seeing the sight of a shard of glass made Hikaru felt weak. He couldn't fight back. He could only feel so much despair.
Eijiro lost the fight, and now he's all bruised and battered here and there. Kaito won't allow that. He won't allow a bunch of stupid thieves to just rob him and get away with it. He won't let that fucking happen.
And then, a light blinded their sights for a split second, before revealing that it was Hikaru who was the source of the light. He managed to beat the thieves with the glass shards.
Such an odd new power.
Kurayami would like to know about it.
"How....how did you managed to do that?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know...those new powers you got."
Kaito fell silent at Eijiro's question. He didn't know how to explain it without seeming—or sounding like a crazy person. Sighing, Kaito then explained everything.
"....I had a past life."
"B-believe or not, it's true! I can recall that I was the same there, but I just go by the name Hikaru. I think I remember the vivid memory of me fighting with someone who I think is you. You ended up killing me, though."
It was Eijiro's turn to be silent now. Everything is a bit hard to process, but especially the fact that he murdered his own friend in his past life.
"Are you fucking crazy, right now? I would never murder you!"
"I really am not! I think we weren't friends back then, and then we have our clashing differences. Remember when we first talked to each other and you ranted to me about how jealous of me you are?"
"Yeah! That! We never talked to each other back then to the point where we barely knew each other. You were jealous of me and I was unaware of your existence. That's what led to that fight."
"Jealousy, huh..."
Even more silence came between them as the two ponder on the situation now. Now that they know the truth of their past lives...what are they going to do with their friendship now?
"We can still be friends if you want. Our past lives are called past lives for a reason, y'know?"
"Huh, well I guess you're right."
Eijiro then jumped onto Kaito and hugged him tightly, catching the boy with strawberry blonde hair off-guard. "What?" "Whatever I did to you back then, I'm so fucking sorry! I was jealous, like what you said, right?"
Kaito—no, Hikaru simply smiled at that. "Haha, no need to be sorry. The past is in the past, leave it behind." He then hugged Eijiro—or should I say Yuuki—back with the same gentle, warm, and kind embrace he always gave to others who needed it.
Hikaru knew that he had to be the light in other people's lives.
Especially Yuuki's life.
#arthesias writing#arthesias ocs#writing#original characters#original character#ocs#oc#oc one shot#oc writing#oc story#the student council member who loves to help: kaito (ndfm)#the anti social whos a bit too dependant: eijiro (ndfm)
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this hoe looks sad girlie needs a grave to lay in atp Yeah!! the Jaiden Animation video is on yt, she's a lovely creator with fun videos Idk abt voice recordings? I mean I could send the other animatic my team did for the competition (if not through post then maybe dms), it has my voice acing there The Toucan sings the Girl from Ipanema when he's dallying w/ his wife (she sings it horribly though) Think I either heard it from TikTok or just some random video, but idk i liked the song either way I've heard there was a whole group wanting to kill animals out there, just for the sake of entertainment... It doesn't seem as bad as where I'm at I'd hope? Worst I see is roadkill.. Biggest thing Ive ever seen dead is the front half of a deer left on the road, while the backside of it is absolutely mutilated :( The silent letter thing can happen in English, but the only example I can personally think of is Pterodactyl I have watched 18 hrs of tlou cutscenes. NO REGRETS, THAT SHIT WAS GOLDEN. If anything I live laugh Dina, like sure, Ellie + Abby are cool, nice, neat but I'd be more willing to try and talk to Dina than the both of them (she and her voice/face actor? are so pretty omg) As a cat, idk just be chill w/ me and ill let you pet me all you want maybe id be an asshole and hog all of their attention and affection Me neither man.. Think I saw smth of gorillas or monkeys breaking glass, and people don't seem to have much of a reaction than to like, back away or record the situation Damn?? That's a life Im not willing to live There were these families who had whole ass tigers or lions as family pets in their homes, idk how they managed to keep a bond with such life-threatening cats I don't exactly draw every day, but just enough to keep my skills up from time to time Favorite drawing is hard tbh, there's alot of stuff I made that i like I guess my favorite ones is where they invoked some kinda feeling while I was making them, like some demon possesed me somehow The valeria drawing below was one of em, 1st time I had somewhat less harsh lighting
There is!! I remember seeing a video of some ghibli zoetrope from the museum, it was so badass Howls moving castle is my FAVORITE, I could froth over the mouth at Howl's character designs, and all of the silly little side characters But the music/soundtrack of the movie is my absolute favorite If I ever have a wedding I wanna dance to it in some fancy ass ballgown giggling and kicking at my feet I remember having my 1st proper sleepover, I couldn't really eat what they served bc I hated the texture sm and I felt so guilty Favorite food is hard tbh, I mean I could say icecream but eventually I'd need a break from favorite foods Agreed, least I can do as just some person in the world is to try and boycott stuff, or just share fundraisers and stuff I hate those scams that try and guilt trip you into sharing their shit, there was like 9 or so asks with the same pfp of a man in a neon yellow shirt, telling their really tragic story and begging people to donate to them.. WHEN THEIR ACCOUNT WAS MADE AN HOUR AGO Born and raised indeed 🦅 When I lived there it wasn't bad, apparently my parents were in some financial shit, and accidentally lived in a black community But unlike them, I didn't really care abt it, I had a fun time just living my life and interacting w/ my next door neighbors There was an old lady w/ a dog named Chico, I think? They were both rlly sweet, I hope they're okay nowadays <3 And there was a family who lived next to us, me and my brother had fun hanging out w/ em Nothing stood out to me more when we brought these sticky ball things, and one of them broke I drank the water out of it and it tasted like ass Man maybe like a few months ago I came out to my dad abt it, and he knew already... Im guessing my mother does too I think I have a relative in my family whose also lesbian, think she's an aunt or smth, but I only remember meeting her when I was tiny
@vivgst new thread <3 (I have the cut so it won't be a pain to scroll lol)
I've never watched Death Note, but I guess Ill just say L is my favorite since we share a name (technically) Honestly? my answer is simple w/ what animal Id be Almost ANY cat (not the flatfaced or folded ear ones though they can have some bad health issues :( ) Like if you're a domestic cat, you have the stuff to survive both in the wild, or in someone's house. You have super scenes of smell, night vision, claws, sharp teeth, AND probably enough smarts to not get eaten by dogs or smth. On the other hand with humans, at least 70% of the population would adore you, and maybe even take you in to pamper you. It would be very easy to get them to do your bidding since you'd be just some animal, and perhaps put above your caretaker's needs. Pets? Affection? Just act all adorable and stuff and they'll give it to you, cling on to them and they'll say they're your human now. On the other hand (or paw) there's the wild cats!! Still very cute. Still very cool. Now your defenses are upped by a ton, and people still find you cute. Though with how shitty environmental conditions are, and with the bigger cats slowly going to extinction :( , I may or may not just stick to domestic cats But hypothetically.. It would be neat to be either a snow leopard, tiger, or a jaguar. I love snow leopards for their big fluffy tails, and it would be cool to be able to roam through snow and stuff, but that seems to get a little boring from time to time. Love tigers for their stripes, I don't think they can roar..?? But that doesn't change anything. Think Tigers and Jaguars are both pretty efficient in survival, but I'd pick Jaguar just for their athletics and HUGE bite force (least from my 1st search). Or maybe, maybe not because there's an outfit/skin or two of Valeria's that are based on jaguars.. (or leopards, but ill go w/ jaguars) im obsessed w/ this woman man hdwhadwjadawnk OH ALSO ON THE TOPIC OF BIRDS??? AS FUN AS IT WOULD BE TO BE A MALE BIRD AND SHAKE YOUR COLORFUL BUM AROUND, THERE WAS A WHOLE ASS WAR W/ EMUS AND AUSTRALIA Honestly who wouldn't wanna be a relative of a dinosaur, but smaller and just as fucking scary Also for vacation.... I don't like going on vacation. I just like being in my sad little room, on the internet or drawing my ass off But, Id love to visit Japan and see their Ghibli Studio museum, it's so cool... Or even just go to a few hotels or smth here and there, I love their stellar technology, I love how everything is so cute or neat there, oh and I especially LOVE the social rules there, I'm a goody-two-shoes at heart and perfectly agree with being "nice"... Like yeah sure I may not like you or the opposite, but at least we can co-exist without biting our heads off (unlike the fucking us) and japan seems open to their culture being explored by others, so I'd totally love to (respectfully) participate in some traditions here and there OR I could visit Europe. Like not even a specific country? Just Europe. Cuz the US is like really fucking big, and a country like France is apparently as big as Texas. And it would be cool to take a week trip just exploring cultures and stuff (well everything except food, I'm a terrible picky eater ugh) Vacation in the US scares me tho, I'm fine where I'm at rn Maybe id be a little open to going to canada.. but bc of how they're treating the Palestine genoside rn maybe like later in life if they redeem themselves, but like the us? Fuck them too I think crocodiles r cute, but I wouldn't wanna go near one :3 Most of my relatives are either in the Philippines or Maryland, I barely know abt them now Never thought I'd be the one to be the gay cousin, ngl
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1H ⇢ describe your style
easiest way to describe wld be emo LOL. im usually wearing one of two dark zip up hoodies with a black band/graphic t shirt + black jeans + blood splatter print belt + converse.
3H ⇢ what are some of the topics you like to talk about the most?
mcr - favorite band ever of all time. i could sit around and recount moments from the tour that i remember witnessing live (via livestream) forever. i desperately need to talk at someone with a very base level knowledge of mcr abt the swarm tour because there is just so much. having so many mcr mutuals its kind of like the "experts overestimate the average persons familiarity with their field" picture. i need to tell someone about the pancake machine. i need to tell someone about meta man and the absolute madness that followed. i need to review every gerard outfit. i NEED to talk about watching the wwwyf day 2 stream and how crazy it felt to be seeing that shit. GERARD WEARING THE BAT BUCKLE?? THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT DONT EVEN KNOW. they dont even know about franks hair piece. this is common knowledge around here
um i could also very easily talk and talk abt the mcr concerts i went to. for example mcrla2 was a magical experience that almost didnt happen because the person that said i could totally go with them tried to canceled on me like two days before i was supposed to fly down. it was a whole thing.
also another fun story is that my old manager (who is a long time fan of mcr. like she saw them at warped tour) saw them at i think aftershock and when she came back she complained about them playing too much stuff from "their new album" and later found out that she was talking about DANGER DAYS. lol
sunny!!!!! - my favorite tv show!!!!! i am blessed enough 2 live with someone who loves this show as much as i do because we get to watch it all the time. just last night i logged watching reynolds vs reynolds: the cereal defense for the 12th time. there are so many things i have been meaning to watch for so long but i just love these guys so much. I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT MAC AND CHARLIE. dont even get me started. or do. IF AAANYONE EVER WANTS SUNNY RECS ALSO.... there are definitely a handful of episodes that i feel are enjoyable (if sunny is ur kind of humor) without too much background knowledge of the characters. or any other kind of recommendations or stuff someone wld want to see.. edits, fics, FANART, omg. i love fan content for this show so very much
#sorry i went all in on this because i have time to just stand here and type#and by band shirt i mean mcr. not like i dont own other band tees but id say like 70% of my shirts are mcr. no exaggeration#i was going to add another section abt spvtw but this is getting to be pretty long LOL#TY ASHA :D i love to talk about my favorite things even though i am always so worried abt how i come across when doing so LOL#asks
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Hi! could you add me (@shaded-echoes-recs) to your tasm!peter (and andrew garfield if you have one) taglist? Also, could you do an AG x reader where famous!r (an actress, singer-songwriter as well but mostly an actress) ends up accidentally outing her crush on AG in an interview (ex tonight show) and it turns out her most recent single (abt crushing on someone who doesn't know her) was about him and then they end up working on a film together & shes embarrased but he likes her and they date?pls!
The Slip-up | A.G.
📝 Title: The Slip-up (x actress/singer-songwriter!reader)
📚 Requested: Yes/No
✍ Summary: Let's face it, even celebrities have celebrity crushes. But what if you had accidentally let slip your little crush on Andrew Garfield in an interview? | 2.6k
Love knows no bounds and even celebrities have celebrity crushes.
And to say that you simply adored and admired Andrew Garfield would be the understatement of the century.
You were literally one of his biggest fans.
And after a quiet Monday morning, one of your biggest dreams had come true.
“Good morning, I am speaking to Y/N L/N, right?” A voice said as soon as you picked up the call.
“Yep.” You answered nonchalantly, stirring your coffee, you hadn’t auditioned for anything so far so you didn't know what this call was for, “This is she.”
“So, I’m Lin-Manuel Miranda.” The voice introduced, “Since you’re this amazing actress and singer-songwriter and you were highly recommended by one of our cast members - I was wondering if you’d be interested in starring in a romance musical?”
You nearly spewed out your coffee, not believing in the slightest that the director of Tick, Tick… Boom! was casting you, “That would literally be a dream come true! Thank you so much for this opportunity! And is it okay if I also get to know who highly recommended me so that I could thank them too?”
“Um,” Lin trailed off for a bit, as if talking to someone else on the other end of the line, “for now, the person wishes to remain anonymous - but, I’m sure you’ll get to know them really well once we start the shooting.”
“Okay then,” you smiled, “Thank you, again, so much for this wonderful opportunity and I can’t wait to start.”
The next day, your manager delivered the script to your house and you swear that you could’ve fainted once you took a look at the cast list.
Immediately picking up your phone and ringing up your manager, you asked, “Please reassure me that you didn’t by any chance give me the wrong script.”
You could practically hear her smile as she answered, “Now when I have done that to you? I’m guessing that you’re over the moon with who your co-star, or rather leading man, is?”
You couldn’t stop the heat that rose up to grace your cheeks, “Maybe?”
She chuckled, “C’mon, like you don’t gush on about him all the time, especially when we’re alone.”
“Fine.” You giggled, “This is literally the best day of my life.”
A beat of silence followed before you spoke up, “You anticipated this call didn’t you?”
Another laugh came, “Let’s just say that I had an inkling as to how you would react.”
“Oh and remember that you have to head to the recording studio later today to record your new single.” She reminded.
“Yep. I don’t have anything else today, so I won’t forget that.” You said.
“How’re you feeling?” Your makeup artist asked as she put the finishing touches on your look for your interview.
You shrugged, taking a deep breath, “Well, it’s always nerve wracking before a show or an interview, you just kind of forget it once you’re already doing it.”
You were then brought backstage, where you waited for your cue to enter the studio.
“Now let us welcome an amazing actress and singer-songwriter, Y/N L/N!” Jimmy announced to the already buzzing crowd.
You smiled as you walked onstage.
“Nice to be back, Jimmy!” You smiled as you gave the host a hug and took a seat.
“We definitely have a lot to catch up on.” Jimmy smiled, “But, first things first. We just have to talk about your latest single, Heart’s Desire.”
“Of course.” You chuckled, “You can ask me anything.”
“So, first of all, I’m guessing that Heart’s Desire is about crushing, or rather having feelings, for someone who doesn’t know about you.” Jimmy said.
You nodded, “Yes, it is.”
“And with the line Even if I just met you on a tv screen | you never fail to make my heart beam, were you going for anything specific? What exactly is the story behind your single?”
“Well,” You smiled, “specifically, it is about having a celebrity crush. I mean, I’m pretty sure a majority of the world’s population at least had one celebrity crush in their life. So, I just wanted to convey that feeling in the song. Especially since I took inspiration from my own celebrity crush, Andrew Garfield-”
You suddenly stopped, eyes widening as a hand flew to your mouth at the realization of what you had just admitted to live television.
Jimmy laughed as the crowd went wild.
“This is so much better than I’ve ever thought.” Jimmy chuckled, “I’m pretty sure that this is trending as we speak and as soon as commercials roll around the fan edits will be flying all over the place.”
“This is so mortifying.” You muttered, hiding your face in your hands to try and contain the heat in your cheeks.
“Well, you can’t blame me. I didn’t pull that out of you, you said it on your own free will.” Jimmy joked.
You sighed, giving a small smile, “Thank goodness Andrew doesn’t have social media then - hopefully he doesn’t see these through his secret accounts.”
The host flashed a teasing grin, acting as if he was just thinking out loud, “You know, maybe I could get Andrew here in about 3 to 4 weeks. Yeah, that seems like a good idea, it’s been quite some time.”
You jokingly glared at him causing the audience to howl with laughter, “Don’t you even dare Jimmy. I swear, I’ll come to haunt you for the rest of your life after I die from embarrassment.”
“C’mon it’ll be fun. But, to move on to my next question, rumor has it that you’ll be working on a new movie with him.”
“Am I dreaming?” You asked your manager as you pulled up to the shooting location.
“No.” She chuckled as she handed the script over to you, “You’ve been rereading the cast list every single day for the last two weeks - if this was a dream, I’m sure you would’ve woken up by now.”
“Good point.” You shrugged, taking a deep breath before opening the car door and stepping out, “Wish me luck!”
“Just make sure not to fangirl too much and don’t gush poetically about his eyes and you’ll do fine.” She teased before you stepped into the studio.
“Do I gush poetically about his eyes?” You asked yourself before heading to the room where the chemistry read would be conducted.
You felt your heart skip a beat as you looked up to see that, aside from you, Andrew was the only one in the room.
He gave you that dreamy smile that always managed to make you melt into a puddle of goo, “Hi.”
“Hi.” You said quietly, returning the smile, “Where’s everyone?”
Andrew shrugged, patting the space next to him on the couch, “Lin might’ve texted our managers that he’ll be running a bit late because something came up.”
As you sat down, a small ding came from your phone, checking it you saw the text from your manager.
You’re welcome. Remember, avoid gushing about him - do it when you’re dating. 😉
“Looks like she thought it was a good idea to tell me now.” You chuckled, sliding your phone back in your pocket, “So, if you knew that Lin was going to be late - why are you here this early?”
“Just thought it would calm down some nerves.” He said, running a hand through his hair, “Especially since I’ll be working alongside the great Y/N L/N.”
You weren’t able to hide the surprised look that suddenly overtook you, “You know me?”
Andrew flashed another smile, his cheeks being painted with a tint of pink but you assumed that it was just the heat of summer, “Of course I do. I mean, who wouldn’t? You’re not just an amazing actress but also a brilliant singer-songwriter.”
You looked away in an attempt to contain the rising heat in your cheeks, “Thanks. I mean, not that you’re not such a wonderful actor yourself because you are.”
Before your co-star could reply, the door suddenly swung open as Lin walked in,
“Sorry I’m late, shall we start?”
“And cut!” Lin shouted as the scene came to an end, “Brilliant as always Andrew and Y/N, take a 5 and we’ll film scene 46 next.”
“Scene 46 right?” Andrew asked as he flipped through the script.
You nodded, reading the script over his shoulder, “What scene do they want us to do next?”
Andrew felt his heart beating faster as he answered, “The kissing scene.”
“The kissing scene?” You repeated, feeling the butterflies come alive in your stomach.
“Yeah.” He said before turning to face you, “Why? You’re scared that you won’t be able to stop kissing me afterwards?”
You smiled, ignoring the possibility of your cheeks showing just how flustered you were, “Me? No way. Maybe what you’re trying to say, Garfield, is that you won’t be able to stop kissing me.”
He takes a step closer to you, giving a shy smile, “Then I have a proposition for you.”
“And that is?” You asked.
“Why don’t we test that theory out? And come to think of it, we can hit two birds with one stone - we can already practice the scene and test the theory at the same time.” Andrew suggested despite the own nerves he was feeling.
You took a deep breath, licking your lips before you answered quietly, “Sure why not?”
Andrew slowly leaned, his breath almost tickling your cheek, closing your eyes as your heart beated in anticipation - your dreams were about to come true.
But before anything else could happen, the speakers suddenly turned on as the voice of your director echoed through the room, “Now, where is Y/N and Andrew - wherever you two are please head to the set. We still have more scenes to film, and unfortunately, 5 hours may not be enough.”
The two of you looked at each other, both you and Andrew’s cheeks starting to turn red.
“I think we better head there now.” You muttered quietly.
Andrew nodded, walking out of the room with you.
“You know that paparazzi will have something to say about this right?” You smiled, as you and Andrew stepped out of the car that brought you to the location of your premiere.
He shrugged, “The paparazzi always have something to say about everything. So what, if we came in the same car together for the premiere. One, it saves the earth from a whole ton of pollution. Two, it’s fun. And three, it’s none of their business.”
“Actually, they literally get paid for it.”
“Still don’t care.”
As soon as the two of you entered the building, you were met with flashes from the various cameras.
Walking across the red carpet, Andrew suddenly placed an arm around your waist making you smile despite the nerves in your stomach.
“Are you two dating?” One of the many reporters and journalists asked in the midst of the flashing lights.
“No.” The two of you said at the same time, causing you two to look at each other and laugh.
Another question was then shouted, “Then why did you come in the same car together?”
“To save the earth from pollution.” Andrew answered before the two of you walked deeper into the room.
“And it's none of your business.” You whispered so that only your co-star could hear, causing him to laugh even harder than last time.
You thought you were going to spend the day just aimlessly scrolling through Netflix until Andrew called.
Like you wouldn’t let him wreck your plans.
“Do you have anything important scheduled for today?” He asked as soon as you answered the call.
“No. Why?” You asked, turning off the tv and throwing the remote on the coffee table.
“Well, Jimmy Fallon invited me again on the show, most likely for an interview. And I was wondering if you could come with me. You can just stay backstage if you want. Then afterwards, we head out for dinner?”
This made you smile, “Are you asking me out on a date, Garfield?”
He chuckled, “I think. Maybe. Yes. Yes, I am.”
“What time will I pick you up then?”
“I’ll pick you up at five.”
Four hours later, you were watching Andrew’s interview with Jimmy while backstage.
“A little birdie told me that you brought Y/N along and she’s backstage.” Jimmy smiled.
Andrew nodded, “That little birdie is right then.”
“Why don’t we bring her up here then.”
Next thing you knew, you were being asked to walk on stage.
“Hi!” You greeted Jimmy as you gave him a hug.
“How did you get out?” Andrew asked, giving you a smile as you sat down beside him, “You’re my hostage and I specifically locked the door so you wouldn’t get out.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, “Well, I’m sorry if you did such an amazing job at kidnapping and holding me captive.”
“Isn’t this adorable.” Jimmy cooed, “Oh, wait, and that reminds me. Andrew, did you happen to see our last interview with Y/N a few weeks ago.”
You glared at the host, “Don’t you even dare.”
Andrew shook his head, “I remember putting it in my watch later list but I haven’t watched it yet.”
“Well, then, play the clip.”
The moment Jimmy had said that, the screen behind you suddenly flashed - showing the clip of you accidentally confessing your feelings for Andrew.
You swear you could’ve died from embarrassment.
“So, any reactions to that Andrew?” Jimmy asked.
Andrew looked at before asking, “You want my honest opinion?”
“Yes please.”
“Well,” He then said, giving you a smile, “honestly, this is practically a dream come true for me. I mean, I have been utterly in love with this woman ever since I saw her in her first movie When the Clouds Cover the Sky and I have been one of her biggest fans ever since. Like, if she has a new movie - I would literally be clearing my whole schedule just to watch it. Honestly, I was almost literally bouncing off the walls when she agreed to do the film we’re working on now.”
“Really?” You asked quietly.
Andrew nodded, squeezing your hand, “Really. Really.”
A realization suddenly struck you, “You were the one who ‘highly recommended’ me for the film to Lin? Didn’t you?”
Andrew grinned, giving a chuckle, “Guilty as charged.”
Jimmy clapped his hands together, “Once again, my match making skills have paid off. Unfortunately, we’re all out of time. Thank you two for coming on to the show and hopefully we’ll have you back again soon, together.”
Andrew reached for your hand as the two of you walked out of the studio, “So, is the dinner still on or we’ll just head back to my place?”
You playfully rolled your eyes at him, “Take me out to dinner first, Garfield. Then we’ll go back to your place and see what happens.”
He grinned, turning you to face him and before you could say anything else, he cupped your face in his hands and connected your lips together.
“Wow.” You whispered, opening your eyes to look up at him.
“How was it?” He asked.
“I know. I know.”
“So, does this mean you’re my girlfriend now?” He smirked.
“Well, you have to ask to know the answer.”
Jokingly rolling his eyes at you, he asked, “Fine, will you be my girlfriend, Y/N Y/M/N L/N.”
You gave him a teasing smile, “I’ll think about it. Give me a day or two.”
“Of course it's a yes! After everything that happened in the last 10 minutes, do you really expect me to say no?”
Taglist (Peter and Andrew):
@beloved-bucky, @hunnybunimdun, @andrewgarfield2022, @jasmin7813, @andrewgarfieldsbae, @spxiiee, @shaded-echoes-recs
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Von Kaiser Headcanon Post
Been wanting to share all my Kaiser headcanons and also just kinda wanted a place to put them so I could look at them when needed. However, here is somewhat of a masterpost for all my Kaiser headcanons, and the backstory I wrote for him.
I should explain that my canon for the Punch-Out!! lore is the timeline being in somewhat modern day but with the early 2000s/late 90s aesthetic.
Putting a TW bc there are some heavy topics, as well as I'll be putting everything under a cut because there's a lot, enjoy!
TW: mentions of abuse, war, alcohol, and violence
So, firstly, I'd like to put down that I do have a Punch-Out!! oc who is one of Kaiser's closest friends, however, I will most likely not talk abt him in this post, as this is just pertaining to Kaiser only.
Anyways, lets start with his backstory that I have written up!
-Kaiser was an only child born from a somewhat uneasy marriage. Kaiser was raised fairly strictly by both his father and mother and never really got along too well with others, he has always been a bit rowdy and overly confident which was most likely his way of dealing with the beatings and verbal harassment he received from, primarily, his father. He was taught this was to build character and make him stronger and become a good man in the future. However, this has pretty obviously done the opposite. Von Kaiser was fairly young when his father entered the war and soon after he was forced to do all the jobs his father had done at home. The war lasted about 5 years and by the end of it, his mother and him had received the news that Kaiser's father had died. His mother became incredibly strict and even more aggressive and careless than his father had been. He was trained to become a passionate soldier of a person. To value serving others, to respect authority and be willing to take punishment and pain for the good of the country, for the good of his family. Kaiser was about 17 when he had gotten a job and realized how little his social skills had improved. He had an incredibly hard time completing tasks and talking to others and oftentimes came off as rude, loud, brass and aggressive. No matter how hard he tried he never managed to make many friends. As he began his early 20s Germany had gotten into another war and he was expected to serve. He was proud to be of use to his country and was hungry to be on the battlefield. But as we all know, war isn't playful and is hardly ever fair. Kaiser was returned home, one of the lucky ones, but he was not the same man as before. He struggled more than ever to keep conversations, make connections and complete basic social tasks. His eyes had gone foggy, his body beyond tired and his mind more than clouded. Even so he powered on. He was incredibly grateful to be alive, he shouldn't have been acting so immature and childish, what is this worry that fogged his mind? It’s simply cowardice, it was pathetic for a man like him to be behaving in such a way. Disgusting even. All these horribly damaging ideas rang in his head, he had been told them from strangers, from acquaintances and especially from his mother. A man cannot cope like this, so he turned to alcohol to numb his thoughts. Although it had never grown into addiction, he still drank heavily during this time. 10 years of this pain, of this mental anguish poisoning not only his emotions toward himself but toward his mother. Even so, he could never stand up to that woman. She had the power to make him collapse and beg for forgiveness, cry for hours and endure the beatings she’d give him. This furthered his ptsd, he hadn’t ever been diagnosed until much later but it was clear he was suffering. As years went on, he managed to find work and was fairly well off. A former soldier had pointed him toward the military academy and suggested he work as a boxing instructor for the children at the base. He agreed, eager to help children become as disciplined and well taught as him! He was an encouraging teacher, though fairly strict. He found joy in his work for once, and was happy to do this for years. Soon after, his own skills were noticed by many and he was frequently told to try out for the WVBA. Kaiser was excited and cocky, ready to show off his skills and ride to the top. However, despite his training he only managed to secure a spot as #2 in the Minor Circuit. This initially bothered him, but he soon realized it gave him the ability to continue teaching the boxing course at the academy. He moved to Berlin shortly before joining the WVBA and has grown distant from his mother. -
There it is! I have more headcanons going into this, but I wanna explain a few points in his backstory.
-Kaiser's real name is Hans Braun.
-His mother and father had married fairly early in their lives, early 20s, and had Kaiser a year after that. Although Kaiser is in his 40s, his mother is only in her 60s.
-Kaiser was diagnosed with PTSD far into his life, I'd say when he was in his mid/late 30s. He has learned many healthy coping mechanisms, but sometimes he struggles, of course.
-Really doesn't mind being in the rank he is now. he's happy for doing all he can and is excited that this gives him more time to teach his students. He loves finding purpose in teaching these children about self defense than his professional career.
-Due to his personality and such, it was a bit hard for him to make friends in the WVBA, though Soda and Disco Kid/the rest of the Minor Circuit have always been very kind to him, moreso Soda.
Now onto other headcanons that don't have a place in his backstory.
-Kaiser is autistic. He was diagnosed after his PTSD diagnosis and he struggled at first with learning and coming to terms with it, but now he's relatively okay with it. Still learning.
-Some art illustrating his stimming traits and such, most are based off in-game animations from his Wii appearence. His special interests are wwii russian and german tanks, as well as, combat boots. (reminder to not infantalize him by calling his stimming 'cute' hes a grown man after all)
-Kaiser is Aro/Ace. Uses he/him pronouns. He has never really shown any interest in romantic or sexual relationships with anyone, and prefers to keep it that way. He likes training a fair bit more.
-Genuinely cares for all of his boxing students and will happily pay out of pocket for any supplies or tools needed for classes. He understands students could be dealign with anything and is understanding to all's trials. Is very accomodating.
-He can cook. Barely. Same goes for singing. His cooking ability was stoked by his students, so now he makes them fresh soups in the winter and refreshing salads in the summer. Though he can sing fairly okay in some instances, he doesn't ever really enjoy it.
-Reads a quite a lot, loves literature especially historical nonfiction. Enjoys information based texts rather than personal accounts.
-Isn't good at using the internet, but has a good grasp on using his dinky little phone, isn't too active on social media or anything.
This should be it for now, I will add anything that I find interesting to add or talk about, feel free to ask questions abt all this too!! Thank you for reading I know I wrote a lot, I'm hoping to do something like this for other boxers I love!!
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Summary - spencer wants to figure out what's wrong with you, only to be reminded what day it is and he remembers why you've been so distant.
TW: talk abt: rape, recovery, therapy, case stuff; mention of: drug addiction, rape, miscarriage, being shot, death lol
WC - 4,283
!DISCLAIMER! - i am in no way trying to romanticize recovery from a traumatic event or being upset/depressed/anxious. this is kinda my way of getting through my own issues, so please don't think that's what i'm trying to do in any way. i also don’t know how i feel abt this ending since i wrote it so long ago but oh well!
i just realized there are a few spoilers so i'll put *asterisks* around them. those parts are just explaining how the reader's always there for the team.
you had always been the rock in spencer's life.
mentally, at least.
when he had nobody there for him when he was going through his addiction with dilaudid, there you were. you helped him through it when everybody else on the team acted as if they never noticed.
you were the one that encouraged him to get help, and pushed him to follow through. you made sure he ate and talked to someone when he had his urges again, even if it wasn't you.
you let him come over and cry about what had happened, and how unfair his life was. you consoled him and would tell him how nothing was his fault. how he didn't deserve anything bad in his life.
*and when emily 'died', he went to your house every day. you held him as he felt himself falling apart from losing her. you didn't even worry about yourself needing to be consoled, because spencer needed you to be there for him.
*when she came back you were the one to convince him to forgive her. you talked sense into him. you reminded him how much he pleaded to have her back, and then he did. so he managed to forgive her... because of you and your logic.
*and you weren't just there for spencer. while, yes, you made a special effort to be there for him, you were there for everyone on the team.
*when derek was arrested back in chicago and the team found out about his past, you were the one he leaned on for comfort. you and penelope. you let him cry on your shoulder and yell at you about how twisted a man would have to be to do something so cruel to a child.
*when jj was kidnapped and beaten to a miscarriage, you were the first she told. you didn't say anything. you knew there was nothing you could say that would relinquish the pain of losing a child. so you let her cry. you let her hug you for what felt like hours. you let her grief her unborn baby for as long as she needed.
*when penelope was shot, nobody cared to check up on her after the fact except you. you went to her apartment for weeks just to make sure she was okay. eventually, she was able to let loose all of her frustrations on you, and you took it like a champ. she ranted about how she just wanted to be loved by someone attractive and how unfair and cruel the world is, in spite of how much good she tries to bring into it.
*when hotch lost hailey, you took care of his files. you offered to watch henry and let hotch cry to you about losing her a few times once you broke past his tough exterior. you even cried with him and jack. you made them dinner whenever you could, and helped him look for good nannies to help care for jack.
*when rossi lost carolyn, you went to her grave with him on many occasions. you brought him his favorite scotch, which was very pricey, and his favorite cigars, also very pricey, and tried your best to recreate 'the rossi special' upon his directions. it helped him feel in control of something when he needed it.
*and when emily came back from the dead, you helped walk her through her own grief. she lost herself, and buried her emotions. you helped her dig up her old self, and grow into an even better woman. you even took care of her cat when penelope couldn't manage. you helped emily grieve her own death when she wanted to deny it ever happened, and she was forever grateful for you.*
you had become like the team's built-in therapist when something bad happened, and you loved it that way. you loved being the one the team went to when they needed it. it made you feel as though you had a purpose, which was something you desperately needed.
but when you went through your own trauma almost a year ago, you refused help from anyone. you knew you should've asked someone for help, or at least someone to cry or talk to when you needed to.
the team had been working on a case for longer than expected, 8 days now, and everyone was really frustrated. you had released the profile 7 days ago, and there was still no new information. it was as if the unsub had gone dormant, and you all couldn't bear that thought.
when the team released earlier than normal from the precinct and you all went to the hotel you had been staying at, you decided to get a drink from the bar quickly. you went alone, wanting to review a few of the case files during the process and not needing a distraction.
you ordered a jack and coke, and opened the case files to begin rereading them, seeing if you had missed anything.
victims were kept for 24 hours, filmed, raped, restrained, cut in pieces, and thrown in the trash like garbage. it was absolutely disgusting, and the worst you had seen in a while. the victims were low-risk and most of them had a place of authority.
the unsub had been profiled to be someone who was bossed around by a woman, narcissistic and egotistical, wanted to feel more power and authority.
the problem is, that profile was most people living in the area. even penelope couldn't dwindle down the suspects.
and alas, you had missed nothing. nothing new appeared or caught your eye. you gulped down the rest of your drink and paid for it before packing up your things to head upstairs. you tossed the file back into your bag and began the trek to the elevator.
you were interrupted by something hitting the top of your head, rendering you unconscious.
the team had woken up, and after waiting around for half an hour, spencer realized something was wrong. he had morgan bust into your room, only to find the bed unslept in. you were missing. and the worst part... you fit the unsubs type.
spencer felt his heart drop at the realization he had taken you. and it seemed as though there was no trail as to where you had gone. penelope checked the cameras, only to find that they were hacked right after you left the bar, and then they resumed after you were taken.
at least they had a time frame.
later that day, after everyone hasting to figure something, anything out, spencer had gotten an email. he opened it and expected it to be relentless spam, only to realize it was a live feed video. a video of you. he instantly called penelope in hopes that she could trace it.
she said she could, but it would take some time because the amount of routers it had been going through.
while they were waiting, you noticed you were alone. you knew who the unsub was too, thanks to his baffling stupidity and narcissism that lead him to believe he wouldn't get caught.
"officer johnson! it's officer johnson!" you looked around the camera for a second, noticing something moving. "he-he here," you cried out. "i love you," you said to the camera to nobody in particular, but someone in mind.
you were terrified. spencer could see it in your eyes. he could see the tears you tried not to shed. you didn't want to please him, but you couldn't help but feel the absolute horror and fear coursing through your body at a relentless pace.
"hi there, missus fbi," he teased, finally walking into the frame with a ski mask over his face, clearly not aware that we knew his identity.
spencer told garcia who he was, and she began her digging. officer johnson's great grandparents had owned a farm that was since then refurbished. it was an hour away.
officer johnson had known that you two had chemistry. that's why he sent the email to spencer. he saw the longing glares, the 'innocent' touches, the smiles you would give each other, the longing looks you shared. he wanted to torment him.
so when he began undressing you and you turned your face away from the camera in hopes of sparing some of your own dignity, spencer felt his heart breaking for you. it broke even more when he heard the yelps, and screams, and please, and "no!'s" you elicited during the act.
they caught him before he cut you, but not before he finished the first part of his plan. your skirt was ripped, and your shirt was practically in two pieces. spencer had given you his jacket to cover yourself as much as you could.
you stayed silent the ride back. you didn't even let spencer hold you like you normally would after a tough case. you were ashamed. embarrassed. you felt worthless. you felt pathetic. you felt stupid. you felt helpless. you felt like you were drowning. you felt like you were without a life raft.
you knew you could talk to the team about it, but you felt so disgusted by the thought of what happened to you that you only talked about it in your therapy sessions.
hotch had given you two months off. he wanted you to grieve, and go to therapy, and try to cope with everything that had happened.
and you did try to do that. you tried your hardest to get over it and move past it, but nothing helped. not the journaling. not the talking. not the crying. nothing was working.
spencer gave you a little space at first, but he then decided to try to help you as you had helped him. he went over to your house almost every day, and sat outside your door after you wouldn't let him in.
you knew he was there... you sat on the other side.
"i-i know that you probably don't want to see anyone right now. and i'm uh, i'm sure you feel alone right now, or like you can't talk to anyone," spencer sniffled. "but pl-please just uhm, just know that i'm here when you want to talk about it. i'm here to listen to you when you need me to. i-i don't want you to be alone during this time, y/n. please, just let me in," he begged.
that was normally what he would say almost every night he went to your house. he would sit outside for hours after he would ask you to let him in without fail. until one day you let him in.
spencer felt so much relief when you opened the door, only for it to be smashed when he noticed your eyes looked red and puffy, your cheeks were stained with the tears you had been crying for so long. your cheeks were sunken in, and there were dark circles underneath your eyes that were once full of life and happiness. your eyes no longer had that gorgeous sparkle in them.
spencer vowed he would get them back.
as much as spencer wanted to wrap his arms around you in that moment, to comfort you and tell you that he was there, he wanted you to make the first move. he wanted to tell you how strong you were and how proud of you he was for getting through that. he wanted to tell you how much he loved you.
he wanted you to make the first touch, because he didn't want to further upset you. he didn't want to trigger a repressed memory, or bring back the feelings of what had happened.
but spencer's touch was nothing like the officer's. spencer's touch was soft and gentle. spencer's touch was feather-light and endearing. spencer's touch was love and home. the officer's was brittle, and rough, and repulsive.
"hug me?" you sniffled as your eyes welled with tears again as they had been for the past three weeks.
"of course," spencer slowly wrapped his arms around your shoulders as yours found his torso.
he walked inside with you still in his arms and slowly shut the door. without breaking from the hug, you both walked to the couch and sat down.
you didn't say anything. you just needed spencer to keep hugging you, so he did. he did whatever you wanted, needed, from him. eventually, you fell asleep in his embrace on the couch.
when spencer looked down at you, now sleeping against his chest, he couldn't bring his heart to remove himself from you. so like any whipped man would do, he carefully picked you up bridal styled and carried you to your room. he took his shoes off as well as his sweater vest before cuddling back up next to you.
as if it was a reflex, you cuddled up into his chest when he neared you again and got underneath the covers. spencer slept the best he did in months with you. and you slept without officer johnson in your dreams for the first time since that day.
ever since then, spencer had been making sure you were eating and drinking. he took you to your therapy sessions and stayed over most nights you had asked and he was able to.
they had a few cases during the two months, so every moment he could, spencer was with you. he coaxed you back to your normal-ish self. he watched as that glimmer in your eye began to slowly grow brighter everyday. he watched as your smile came back, and your tears didn't come so frequently.
the first time he had heard you laugh again, spencer had thought he was dreaming. he wished he had recorded that moment. he was more grateful than he's ever been in his life that he had an eidetic memory, because that sound would forever be engraved in his brain.
when you returned to work, you clung to spencer. he had become your tether to reality, and hope. he had become your rock during the recovery.
over the months, everyone slowly began to forget what had even happened. things went on as usual, and the team forgot the traumatic experience you had gone through. even spencer might've let the experience get lost in his brain.
so when it became 11 months and 3 weeks since the abduction, you began to distance yourself once again.
you politely declined going out with the team a couple days before the anniversary, something you never did. you insisted that you were just especially worn out from the case you had just been on.
spencer had to finish files given to him by derek anyway, so he didn't get to witness the encounter.
once the day of the anniversary came upon you, you found yourself feeling sick to your stomach. you couldn't help the tears that would fall from your face every so often. you knew why you felt this way, but you wanted to push past it.
you had gone into the office wearing a pantsuit and blazer, wanting to avoid the normal office skirt you happened to be wearing the day it happened. you stayed at your desk and quietly did your case files. you didn't even greet spencer as you would every day. you gave him a kind smile, but you would normally give him a hug, or at the very least an eager wave upon his arrival.
spencer just assumed it was one of those days where you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. it wasn't spencer's fault he thought this. he didn't even look at his calendar to check what day it was. he just knew they had paperwork.
but he did have this day marked in his calendar. he had it marked so he would remember to be extra kind to you, and do your files for you, and come to your place with your favorite wine and takeout. he wanted to help you through the one year anniversary, but he forgot to check his stupid calendar.
you thought he didn't care. you thought the man who you loved, and the man who helped you through everything that had happened had had enough of your complaining and grievances. so, you didn't tell him about it. you didn't bother him with the terrible thoughts clouding your mind because you thought it'd burden him.
so when you finished all of your case files early, you asked hotch if you could leave early, at 2:00, because you had things to tend to. he allowed you to do so, but this rose a flag for spencer.
he saw you exit without saying goodbye to him, something you hadn't done the entirety of knowing him. you had always told everyone to have a nice night and to be safe before leaving, but not today.
finally, he looked at his phone for the first time all day, only to feel like the worst person in the world to realize what day it was. spencer felt absolutely horrible at this revelation and ran into hotch's office as quick as he could after packing his things.
"hotch!" he exclaimed upon opening his office door.
"go. she was practically in tears," hotch informed him. "and reid," spencer stopped in his tracks to turn and look at the stern man, "please make sure she's okay." spencer gave him a soft grin and a nod before turning around and bolting out of the office.
you had gotten home and immediately burst into tears. you shut the door with your back, and slid down it. you had never understood why people had done that in movies until now. you just couldn't wait to break any longer, so you settled for your front door.
you held back no wail, or scream as you cried in front of your door, your knees pulled up to your chest as you held them tightly.
you wondered why you had to go through that. you wanted to know what kind of karma there was for someone who had always tried to do the right thing to be hurt... and for nobody to even care. nobody wanted to console you, or to make sure you were alright.
you had checked up on everyone on every anniversary of their struggles. whether it be a death, abduction, anything, you had been there for every single anniversary or reminder. and nobody was there for you.
nobody was there for you to hug, or to lean on, or to cry to, or to scream at, or to rant to. nobody was there. nobody loved you enough to care about that.
but then you had to remind yourself that they all had lives.
but the person who is your life didn't even care.
spencer didn't care.
and that's why you truly lost it.
he acted like it was just another day. he acted like it wasn't the anniversary of the day you thought you were going to die. the day you wanted to die. the day you felt your most low, and humiliated. the day you lost all hope. and he didn't remember.
if the man with an eidetic memory didn't remember, it must be extremely insignificant. so therefore, you must be extremely insignificant.
spencer raced to your house. he wanted to be there for you today, and he failed. he felt like a failure as a friend. he hated himself for not being there for you when he knew you would need him. he knew how you clung to him in your time of need. you thought he was worthy enough to hold onto when you needed someone, and spencer felt elated at that.
but now he wasn't there for you. and you needed him.
he had quickly stopped by the store and your favorite takeout place to get the things you'd want. he got your wine, chocolate, food, flowers, and a teddy bear that had a sweater vest on him - you've always loved his sweater vests.
when he got to the steps of your house, he felt his heart drop. as he walked closer he heard the wails of your crying right by the door. he could sense the heartache from the edge of your porch, and felt himself feel even worse, which he didn't think was possible.
he instantly ran to the door and knocked profusely. you sniffled one last time, feeling embarrassed that someone had heard you crying your heart out. you had figured one of your neighbors heard you and wanted to tell you to keep it down, so you wiped your tears and the stray mascara from underneath your eyes and opened the door, keeping your eyes lowered in embarrassment.
"y/n," spencer announced sadly, a tear falling down his face. you looked up in confusion from hearing his voice. you noticed his tear and reached up to wipe it away on instinct.
"why're you crying? are you okay?" you asked, forgetting all of your own problems at the sight of spencer crying. spencer let out a small chuckle at your concern.
"i'm alright, aside from the fact that i'm a terrible friend," he admitted as his smile quickly faded upon seeing your stained cheeks. "i brought your favorites," he offered, holding the bag of goodies in one hand and the takeout in another.
"y-you... why?" you asked, wanting to make sure you weren't misreading the situation for him trying to comfort you.
"why?" he asked in disbelief. "because it's the anniversary. i can't tell you how sorry i am, y/n. i swear i marked it on my calendar and planned for us to take off so i could take care of you. i-i just woke up late and never bothered to even check my phone. i kn-know it's no excuse... but i am so, so, so sorry," he rambled out, already tearing up.
you grabbed his arm gently and pulled him inside before you started crying in front of your neighbors. you took the bags from his hands and placed them on your coffee table.
"i thought you just didn't care," you shrugged as you took a seat on the couch, prompting him to sit beside you.
"y/n..." he sighed as he realized how terrible he screwed up. "i will always care about this. i will always care about you. don't ever think differently. i'm just incredibly... dumb sometimes. i can't believe i made you think that," he trailed on. "i will never not care about you, y/n. i swear it. i will always, always care about you. i will always love you," he froze as he realized what he just revealed. your eyes widened, and squinted, and roamed his face, trying to figure out if he meant the words he had just sped out. "i truly do, y/n. i i’m in love with you and i'm so sorry i made it seem otherwise."
it took you a second to absorb everything that he had said.
"you too," you solemnly admitted. "i’m in love with you too. and i could forgive you... for almost forgetting," you gave him a small smile.
"i'm glad you could forgive me. i don't know what i'd do if you didn't," he relished. "you actually love me?" you nodded with a small smile.
"i have for a while," you turned your head to the bags on the table.
"oh! right!" he said, reaching for the gifts. "i got your favorite takeout, your favorite wine, your favorite chocolates, flowers, and..." he trailed on as he revealed each item. "i saw this teddy, and i couldn't resist," he smiled.
you took the bear, taking in its appearance. it had a light blue, navy, and white diamond pattern sweater vest and brown shoes on. it looked like spencer, just teddy bear form. you smiled widely at the sentiment.
"it's you," you grinned as you took it in your arms, hugging it tightly as you saw spencer nodded with a smile mirroring that of your own. "i love it," you chuckled.
"i would understand, the fur is really soft," he relished in the thought.
"i don't think he'd be as good of a cuddler as the real thing, though," you grimaced. "but he'll do for when i don't have you here i guess," you shrugged with a smile.
"i plan on being here as long as you'll let me," he said softly.
"always," you grinned, setting down the teddy bear and trading him for the real spencer reid.
"always," he repeated, taking you in his arms and squeezing you tightly as if you'd float away at any moment. "now let's dig into this food while you talk about your feelings, if you want that is," he said after releasing you from the hug.
"i think i want to," you nodded. "and spence?" he turned from getting the food out of the bag to look at you for a second. "thank you for being my rock through all of this."
"i'll always be your rock, y/n."
@averyhotchner @greenprisca @muffin-cup
#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid#spencer reid imagine#spencer#spencer x y/n#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid angst
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gna be out of pocket & make ur life difficult by requesting for smth extremely specific 😋 so jay and reader have been dating for a few months but one day she jst ups and leaves bc the rs got tough (fights? + she feels bad abt herself) thn she finds him after a few months, have sex with him even tho he asks her to stop, but he doesn’t stop her when she’s undoing his pants. thn when they’re doing it she begs him to “take me back i’ll be better” sorry if it’s a lot, it’s ok if udw to write it
Challenge accepted 😜
To say that you were comfortable in your relationship would be an understatement. The last time you wore heels or make up was when you and Jay had your first date. You noticed he appreciated your inner values more than your appearance so you stopped putting in so much effort. What you didn’t anticipate was the fact that Jay would compare you to his friends’ girlfriends and every time he did, you came up short.
No matter how subtly he tried to encourage you to dress up for date night or his willingness to go shopping with you, your answer was always the same.
“There’s no need for that!”
So it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you that Jay’s eyes started to wander. First it was female acquaintances whom he didn’t see that often anymore, then it was strangers that passed by on the streets or a woman in a cafe who was particularly well dressed.
You noticed the fact that he was looking but reassured yourself that as long as he was ‘just’ looking it was okay with you.
Soon though, his interest in all females except you, started bothering you. You seriously asked yourself if you had to appeal to him and fight for his attention even though you have been together for months.
And that’s when the fights began, that’s when the accusations began. Harsh words were thrown around and in the end the pressure and guilt was too much for you to handle. One day you just packed your belongings and left while Jay was at work. When he returned home, he noticed your stuff was gone. The fact that he didn’t try to contact you, confirmed your decision to leave and made you feel less guilty about it.
But fate had always been cruel to you and so you bumped into him months later at a mutual friend’s birthday party. You acknowledged each other’s presence but avoided getting too close.
His gaze lingered on you throughout the night and his scent filled your nostrils. When you turned around he suddenly stood in front of you, asking you to talk someplace quiet.
You immediately got the hint and let your hands rest on his chest as you crammed into the tiny pantry.
“Stop! What are you doing?”
Refusing to admit you were wrong, you started unbuttoning his pants, sure that the reason he wanted to talk to you in private was that he missed you like you missed him, craved you like you craved him.
“Please.” You begged him. You missed everything about this man, but especially the sex. Although you had some dates after your split and even one or two one-night stands, nothing could compare to how Jay made you feel.
“We shouldn’t.” He said, but he wasn’t very convincing since he was also unbuttoning your blouse at the same time.
You clumsily fumbled with your arms around his neck, jumping onto his lap, until you found a comfortable position and maintained eye contact while Jay spread you, gaining access to your core.
“Take me back. I’ll be better!” You managed to utter in between moans, your eyes fixated on the beads of sweat forming on Jay’s forehead. He looked at you questioningly, but didn’t reply.
It was only when you were getting dressed again that he cleared his throat, grabbing you by the shoulders.
“You should think about what you really want.”
“I want you!” Came your rapid response.
He chuckled, suggesting you could meet for coffee the next day, knowing that the both of you needed time to confirm your feelings for each other.
#jay park#more soju please#park jaybum#park jaebum#park jaebeom#anon ask#ask me anything#asks open#send me asks#ask request#ask response#anon request
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