#a lot of my friends will start saying girlie then realize it's me and replace it with gamer
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Aside from “whore” what’s the male equivalent of “girlie”
#ADDICTED to saying girlie#a lot of my friends will start saying girlie then realize it's me and replace it with gamer#which is SO GOOD#but I need an equivalent#boyie ain't shit
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happy loner - mark estapa

summary: you and mark met at a party and had this intense connection
warnings: underage drinking, drunk you, anxiety thoughts, swearing, creepy guy
a/n: this is the first time i write something so please don’t be mean. also english is not my first language so forgive me for any mistakes.
special mention to my bestie @owenpwr for always supporting and helping me. love you sunshine <3
!!! this is purely fictional, nothing here is related to reality !!!
it was a friday night when lizzie, your only friend till the present, texted you saying there was a cool party happening and you should totally go with her. your first instinct was to say no of course, because you’re not exactly a party person - i mean going once in a while it’s nice, and when you’re with your friends is always super fun, but you were alone now, you didn’t know anybody besides lizzie since you had just moved to Michigan for college. you met her in class as you’re both majoring in design. she was gentle and kind to you when you were pretty lost about, well, everything.
now, 2 weeks after the classes started, she decided it was time for you to meet new people, get along, have fun! you could hear her excited voice in your head. lizzie was a lovable, happy, extroverted person, you liked how she made you feel lighten and how you had an easy bonding.
you were feeling kinda sad about the whole adaptation. your anxiety was worse than usual, but you were trying to stay positive, it wouldn’t be like this forever right? it was just the start, things will get better.
that’s why you said yes.
as you both arrived at the party, she started saying that she would introduce you to her other friends. don’t worry.
you met her friends, they were nice and polite to you since the moment you stepped into the house, but you were still feeling displaced. you were all at some corner talking and dancing in a group. they would talk about things they lived, moments together, people they knew, and for as much as you tried to fit in, you didn’t know what to say most of the time, these were things you weren’t part of. so, drinking would make this a lot easier.
as you started drinking you could already feel the anxiety and the worryness going away, being replaced by joy. you still didn’t know how to get along with lizzies friends but now you didn't care, you’d laugh and smile and agree with whatever they were saying. you were even dancing a little on your own enjoying the night.
that’s when you realized there were a few pretty boys there, they were all together a bit far from you and your almost friends. one in particular got your full attention. he had kinda dark blonde hair, was tall, brown eyes, super cute. you could tell he was having fun, laughing and talking to his friends.
you would look once in a while admiring him, maybe even flirting due your current state. when he noticed you staring and looked at you too, you would deflect your eyes felling just a bit shy.
mark was intrigued, was that girl really flirting with him? or some of his friends? it was probably his friends right? but who is she? he never saw you around, and he was sure he wouldn’t forget your image easily.
“hey nol, do you know that girl over there? black dress,” he asked nolan, who was just on his side.
“oh wow, no,” nolan answered with a fascinated face. “who is that? hey thom, do you know that girl?” pointed out to you, who was smiling at something someone said while swinging your body to this is what you came for by rihanna playing in the background.
“hmm no i don’t, how does someone that beautiful exists?” he said, also mesmerized.
“i don’t know man but she was looking over here and-“ mark tried to explain
“uhhh marke,” nolan said in a girly voice, as he and thom started cracking up teasing mark. he rolled his eyes but still laughed about his friends tomfoolery
“man if a girl like that was flirting with me i wouldn’t be here talking to you two losers,” thom continued.
“oh shut up, she probably wasn’t flirting with me” mark snapped thoms shoulder.
“c’mon marks, don’t play dumb. if she was looking over you, just talk to her” nolan tried to encourage his friend.
“yeah man, do you want me to introduce you two? i can try,” thomas suggested.
“no, not you bordeleau, when you talk to girls they usually end up with you,” nolan shaked his finger in thoms face making him raise his hands as if he was offended.
“it’s not my fault i’m irresistible,” he joked as both boys shoved him.
“SO it’s simple marky mark, just go over there, say hi and the worst it can happen is she cutting you off,” thomas tried one more time.
“i’ll think about it,” mark was already feeling done about that conversation.
“if you don’t go i will” nolan teased him although it wasn’t a complete lie.
as the boys talked, you decided to get more drinks in the kitchen. it was actually the first time you were leaving that corner where lizzie and her friends were and you end up calling the attention of other people too without realizing it.
“hi, do we know each other?” a random guy said smiling at you while you were serving your drink.
“no, we don’t,” you smiled back politely.
“i’m mathew, you can call me mat,” he said, smirking as his eyes traveled all over your body. ew.
“i’m y/n,” you replied as you walked out of the room because you knew where this was going and you were already trying to cut things off.
mark saw you heading to the kitchen and thought it was a good opportunity to maybe talk to you in a “quieter” place. as he was approaching the room he heard a feminine voice
“dude, let me go,” you said to the mat guy who was holding your wrist as you tried to leave.
“hey man what the fuck, let her go,” mark said agressively.
“ i just wanna talk c'mon,” mat was peeved.
“you don’t have to touch me to talk!” you were already getting as angry as you were scared.
“i’m warning you man, let her go now,” mark threaten him making him take his hands of you.
“jesus, so dramatic! whatever” he exasperated, leaving the room.
you unfortunately were already used to this kind of situation as most women on the planet but still sucked.
“what a jerk!” you said looking to marks direction, holding your wrist to your chest with your arm, since you had your drink in the other hand.
“yeah such an idiot. are you ok? did he hurt you?” he was worried looking to your wrist.
“no, i’m ok, it’s just a little red, will pass soon, thank you,” you gave him a small smile.
“it's the least i can do,” he smiled back softly.
“if you hadn't showed up i was about to get my pepper spray,” you joked even tho was the truth.
“really? you have pepper spray?”
“yeah, when you are alone in a new place you need to have ways to protect yourself,” you shrugged.
“have you used sometime?”
“not yet,” you smiled bittered letting out a sigh, “but there is a first time for everything.”
“i hope you don’t have to.” and he meant it.
“me too,” you gave him a sheepish smile but in comfort with his concern. “i’m y/n”
“i’m mark,” he smiled at you. damn, so pretty.
“well bye mark, thanks again,” you waved as you left the kitchen.
“yeah don't worry,” he waved back.
you walked back to the corner you once were, and you realized none of lizzie's friends nor her were there, so you decided to search around for them. you couldn’t find anyone, even though you were wearing your contact lenses your vision still was a little bad and things would get worse at night. screw you, myopia.
you texted lizzie to know where she went and she replied saying she was with a boy upstairs. you didn’t want to disturb her, especially in this situation. so since you were pretty much alone, you walked outside the house, because it was less crowded, with your drink looking for some place to sit. as you found a chair, you stayed there looking at the sky and the stars just enjoying the music in the background. you don’t know how much time passed exactly but when you got up you felt dizzy and everything around you was snipping. yep, you’re drunk.
as you tried to walk back into the house, you were feeling brave so you thought it was a good idea to talk to mark again.. when you finally saw him, he was talking to some blonde, beautiful girl and you didn’t want to disturb that either. now, lonely than ever, you wanted to drink more since there's nothing else to do apparently.
stumbling in your own feet, you manage to get to the kitchen god knows how. mark on the other hand was pretty sober and paying a lot of attention on you, noticing your difficulty to get there, deciding to follow you just to check if you were ok.
“hey y/n,” he said
“markzy hiiiiii” you answered very happy as you tried to serve another cup of whatever that liquid was.
“you’re ok?” he asked smiling at your currently state.
“yeah yeah i’m fine, totally fine, super fine,” you were spilling the liquid more off the cup than inside it.
he held the bottle from your hands saying “i think you're done drinking for today huh?”
“ah no marks, please, just one more,” you looked over him with puppy eyes.
“you seem pretty drunk, i don’t think it’s good if you keep drinking,” he suggested gently, due that delicate situation.
“i’m not drunk! look i can make a 4 with my legs.” and you tried to, you really did, but as one of your feet got off the floor, everything spinned even more, making you almost fall. mark was fast and held you as you started laughing. just one more of your drunk moods.
“sit here, i’ll get you some water,” he said, taking you up by your waist and putting you on the counter. you were trying to get your heels off your feet as he walked to the fridge, but it seemed such a hard task at this moment. he hands one bottle to you letting another on your side. then he leans to take your heels off to put them on the floor and end up between your legs in the process. you were feeling a little embarrassed for all the things he was doing for you.
“thank you, but you don’t have to do this you know, i’m ok,” you said to him.
“i know, but i’m glad to help,” he smiled, leaning his hand on the counter just beside your thigh to rest his body. you watched his movements like it was in slow motion and even though he was in a “safe” distance, he still was between your legs. you two gazed at each other for some seconds and you could feel your cheeks starting to burn.
“stop looking at me like that,” you said bashfully.
“like what?” he played innocent smirking a bit.
“stooop,” you laughed as you lightly pushed his shoulder.
“okok sorry. so, you’re here with someone? any friends?” he continued, changing the topic.
“yeah i’m here with lizzie” you answered drinking your water.
“who’s lizzie?”
“my friend, my only friend actually.”
“right,” he smiled at your genuine answer like he would know who lizzie was. “why she’s not with you?”
“oh she’s busy, with a guy you know,” you lifted your eyebrows like a kid in puberty. he bursted into laughter
“ok then, how are you getting home?”
“hmm i don't know, maybe i’ll get an uber, or i’ll walk there.”
“you live in the dorms?”
“no, i live, hmmm where do i live? it’s near the dorms you know, there’s a building really close, summer something the name, that’s where i live,” you were very confused of your currently location.
“and you’re planning on walking over there all by yourself in the middle of the night?” he said concerned.
“yeah i mean it’s not that far i think, it’s just right there” you pointed out to some random direction that was for sure not the way to your building and the dorms. as funny as the situation was, mark was truly worried about your safety. he would never let you go alone drunk like this. he knew where your apartment was because he knew the dorms.
“i’ll take you home”
“you don’t have too, it’s ok really,” you said, finishing the first bottle of water.
“it wasn’t exactly a question. it’s not good for you to be alone like this,” he answered giving to you the second bottle of water.
“fiiiiine. i just need to pee first, you’re almost drowning me with all this water,” you joked as he helped you get down the counter to go to the bathroom.
he walked with you till there and as you went inside to pee, he quickly walked to eddy just to say he was leaving. he came back to where you were, putting your arm around his waist as he did the same to help you walk without you falling.
when you both were inside the car, you asked if you could stay there, parked for a while just because you were feeling very nauseated. he agreed saying you both could leave when you feel better. so you realized you were in a car with a total stranger.
“how do i know you’re not a psycho?” you asked him.
“i’m not,” he laughed.
“that’s exactly what a psycho would say,” you looked suspiciously at him.
“how do i know YOU are not a psycho?” he got along.
“oh i am! i’m crazy for sure, you should be careful,” you joked.
“calling 911 right now.”
“yeah. i might just steal your car, i’m needing one.”
“how would you steal my car?”
“i’d just grab your keys and run.”
“but we’re both inside it. besides you're pretty small, i would catch you up.”
“nah ah. i’m smaller so i’m faster, you couldn’t take me,” you said pretending to be serious
“oh right flash, you’re faster, ok” he laughed.
you continued talking to each other for like an hour or maybe more without noticing it. the conversation just flowed so naturally and nicely that it seemed like you knew each other your whole lives. it was the first time you had such a deep, genuine connection with someone like that and it was really weird in a good way.
after your stomach felt better, he drove you to your house. you were feeling way less drunk at this point.
you walked at your door with him by your side carrying your shoes. as you unlocked the door and entered your apartment, he stayed outside looking at you not sure if he should go in too.
“you can come in” you smiled at his clumsy manner on your way to close the door. “you can leave the shoes on the floor please.”
“your apartment is cute, everything is small, like you,” he added as he did what you said.
“yeah,” you smiled looking around. “i’m gonna go to the bathroom and i’ll be right back ok? you can make yourself comfortable,” you informed him as he sat on your small couch.
the bathroom was inside your room, so you just used the opportunity to changed your clothes to a comfy t-shirt and fleece short pants. then you headed to the bathroom to do your needs and remove your makeup as fast as you could cuz you didn’t want to leave mark waiting.
when you came back to your living room, mark was distracted using his phone.
“i’m back” you announced standing in front of him. he looked up to you and stayed silent as if he was hypnotized, lost in you. it was a drastic change for him from the whole party look with the black dress, the heavy makeup and the heels. he didn't expect to see you so simply beautiful and questioned himself how you managed to get prettier than you already were.
“mark?” you called his attention as your cheeks blushed a little again.
“yeah? sorry” he shakes his head coming back to earth.
“i’m done,” you said, referring to your tasks.
“umm ok, so i guess i’ll get going,” he stood up sounding uncertain about this. should he go?
you felt a little frustrated with what you heard, i mean you knew he was gonna leave but now was actually happening. it was a crazy feeling but you didn’t want him to go. you just liked his company, was nice and you felt comfortable around him, even though you just met.
“stay,” you said softly.
he looked at you surprised but at the same time like he was expecting this. still, he hesitated at your request.
“if you want to, of course,” you quickly add noticing his expression. “i’m not trying to - umm i’m not gonna do anything - i - i just don’t wanna be alone,” you tried not to sound as pathetic as you felt.
he sight lightly as he seemed to be thinking about the idea.
“okay i'll stay. but just because i’m very nice,” he winked at you, making you roll your eyes but feeling relief with how well he dealt with your request. then he walked back to the couch and sitted there as if he was going to sleep on that tiny couch.
“you’re not sleeping on this,” you said laughing of him trying to fit in.
“i don’t mind, i already slept in worst,” he tried to convince you.
“liar,” you joked. it was a lie, that couch was too small or he was too big, probably the second option.
“i barely fit in this, imagine you,”
“okay so i’ll lay on the floor,”
“are you kidding me? i’m not gonna let you sleep on the floor markzy.”
“this mat seems pretty thick and it’s fluffy -” he passed his hand on the mat like he was proving something to you.
“you’re not sleeping on the floor,” you cut him. “come,” you hand gesture to him to follow you to your room.
it was probably 3am and you were very sleepy and tired and he apparently was too, so you went to lay on the bed and noticed mark didn’t know how he should behave.
“you can sleep in the bed with me, i don’t bite you know,” you said trying to make him more comfortable.
“no i don't, you said you were crazy earlier,” he gave you a teasing look remembering your drunk speeches. you laughed and signed for him to lay on your side. as he sat on the bed, you noticed that poor mark still, obviously, was in his party clothes, which weren't the most comfortable clothes to sleep in.
“these clothes don’t seem the comfiest to sleep in, you can take them off if you want,” you said referring to his cargo pants and his t-shirt.
“yeah they aren’t, but are you sure? i’m with boxers underneath but if it's weird or uncomfortable you can tell me,” he asked concerned.
“yes i’m sure, I don't mind,” and he nodded at your consent.
you regretted your words the second mark stood up and began taking his t-shirt off. fuck. you swallowed hard trying to process that view and the fact that now you had a half naked man in your bed and he was handsome as hell.
deciding to just shut your mind off those thoughts, you ignored whatever heat that was growing in you, since this whole night was such a big disaster and you were feeling enough regrets already. that’s why you just turned to your side of the bed saying good night to him as he replied, settling himself to sleep too.
mark was very sure that when you both slept last night you were very separated from each other. but when he started to wake up this morning he felt a hair in his jawline, a warm breath on his neck, an arm around his chest and a leg between his legs. he noticed his arms were hugging something, or better, someone. when he was fully awake he questioned himself how did that happened, if you would be ok about it or if this was a bad thing. still he didn’t move a muscle to wake you because he actually liked the feeling of you sleeping so comfortably in his arms. some minutes passed when your phone started ringing making you startle wake up.
“hello?” you said in your sleep voice sitting on the bed and seeing that was lizzie calling.
“please please please tell me you’re home and safe?” she sounded worried.
“yeah, i’m home and safe lizz, what happened?”
“i’ve been trying to call you for hours now and your phone was going straight to voicemail and you weren’t receiving my texts. i was really worried cuz someone told me you left the party with a guy and-”
“bestie take a deep breath ok? i’m fine and i’m safe. i don’t know what happened to my phone, i think it lost the sign or something because i texted you saying that i was coming home and it didn’t sent,” you calmed her down.
“ok boo, i’m sorry i freaked out, but next time i won't leave your side i promise.”
“it’s fine babe, don’t worry ok? i’ll see you monday and we can talk better,” you said goodbye as she agreed and hung up.
mark was sitting in the bed now with his shirt on, just looking at you talking to lizzie. when you looked at him you remembered how you two were very cozy just 5 minutes ago. you suddenly felt so embarrassed about everything, how drunk you were, how he had to take care of you because you couldn’t take care of yourself. it was an awful feeling and you wished you could turn back time to change it.
“i’m really sorry for all of this mark,” you placed both of your hands on your face to cover up your shame.
“hey, don’t be. it’s ok, seriously, you didn’t force me to be here, i’m here because i wanted,” he answered approaching you while replacing his hand on your face, touching your cheek gently and looking into your eyes. you saw honesty in him so you nodded agreeing with his comfort words.
“hmm i- i’m going to take a shower real quick and i’ll be right back so you can use the bathroom ok?” you said clumsy getting up towards the bathroom.
you took your shower, brushed your teeth, did everything you had to do. as you finished you just went back saying that he could use the bathroom and you would be waiting for him in the kitchen so he could have some privacy.
as you waited, you did breakfast because you were a morning person and this was your favorite meal of the day. he entered the kitchen already dressed up with his clothes from last night.
“hi honey i’m hoome,” he joked sitting on the stool around the counter.
“good morning to you too,” you smiled “i made coffee if you like, there’s also tea, pancakes and cake” you offered, pointing to the things you put on the counter.
“wow we have a master-chef in here.”
“yeah didn’t you know i won last year's edition? wanna see my trophy?”
“no,” you laughed at his innocence believing your words. “but i really love cooking, so that's why all this food. it’s like therapy for me, when i’m sad i bake a cake,” you smiled with your shoulders.
he wondered if that was the reason why you had a fresh cake probably from the day before, only with one piece missing. he didn’t questioned you though, it seemed like something for another day, you’ve been through enough. so you just kept talking and laughing about several topics as both of you ate your food.
when you finished breakfast, he helped you clean everything, saying he would have to leave because he had practice in 2 hours and he would still have to go in his dorm before, to change and organize his stuff.
you walked with him towards the door and opened it, stopping in the entrance while he went outside, turning around to face you. you looked at each other for a while not knowing exactly what you have to do. should you just say bye? hug him? kiss his cheek? mark having the same questions in his head.
“so,” you smiled, “bye i guess.”
he stared at you firmly making you feel a little nervous with the way his eyes were so craved into you. then he takes all the courage he thought he didn’t have to slide his hand into your waist, bringing you near him, your bodies touching for the first time.
you placed your hand in his chest for balance as you felt a little dizzy with the signs your muscles responded to his touch. now with both hands grabbing your waist he searched you to fulfill the desire to hold you closer, as if had any physical space left, making you shudder. both of you were breathing heavily as he toggled his gaze between your eyes and your mouth. you peaked up at him through your eyelashes as you nipped your lower lip to try to control the warmth consuming you, his hands holding you tighter and tighter while squeezing your skin. his head started slowly bending over your face, eyes closed, lips brushing together for the first time. your hands caught the nape of his neck to pull him, letting his tongue softly explore every inch of your mouth, full with tenderness.
placing his forehead against yours to catch some air as you both were breathlessly, he kept holding you in his arms smiling in silence. it felt like the time stopped and was just the two of you standing there not a single care in the world. but he actually had one, practice.
“tell me to leave right now or i won't make it to practice,” he slightly begged
“but i don’t want you to,” you mumbled, smiling.
“argh you’re not helping.”
“ok c'mon go go go” you said, breaking your physical contact.
he let you go abruptly but not harmful as if he was trying very hard to go for real. he started running backwards and bouncing while looking at you, then yelling “i’ll call you!”
“you better!” you happily yelled back.
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Not So Bad
Modern Sukuna x Reader
Working late had been the bane of your existence, only getting worse when a certain man started showing up to your store’s parking lot to light his joints.
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: 18+ implied sex, mentions of weed.
(A/N: should I make a part 2? It seems pretty popular
Couldn’t come up with a name for the store so I used Anavrin from ‘YOU’)
“11:00 pm? Again?” you rubbed the back of your head trying to hide your frustration, the store manager nodded his head, sighing you agreed to stay late at work again since the closer frankly did not want to stay. So now here you are grumbling as you finish sweeping the floor and checking it off your log. You worked at a high end grocery store named Anavrin, a store that swore to sell organic produce and products to the best of quality. You took up a job here in your senior year of high school, planning on working for a few months to save up for college. And yet… 4 years later you’re still here grumbling at the extra hours you had taken. After your second year of working you had a promotion to supervisor… woo hoo!!... but it turned out it was more responsibility than expected. But it paid a little more and you could not argue with that.
‘I should be a little more optimistic, I’m graduating uni this year’ you’d tell yourself anytime you wanted to pull your hair out because of your measly job. You finished turning off the lights and locking the door, sighing as you felt the cold fall air hit your tired face, taking a deep breath of fresh air… wait a second “Who the fuck is smoking weed!” you yelled in a girly voice, as if this day was not long enough. Since you were in charge of a proper closing you marched off towards a tall man leaning against the back of the store, laughing and conversing on his phone. It was a little nostalgic, you remembered your highschool days, sneaking around and smoking pot in strange places. But he was not as young as a teenager, in fact his build made him look older than you.
“Hey! I’m going to ask you to leave, this is a smoke free property” You tried saying sternly gesturing to the sign right above them that read “no smoking” in bold letters. But your short stature compared to the man made you look like a kid waving your arms around attempting a snake dance.
“What on earth is this?” a man with pink hair and face tattoos said “I’m so scared, I should be so ashamed for not reading the sign” he cackled as he pressed the joint to his lips and inhaled again. “My apologies”
He did not look sorry at all.
“Look, I’ve had a long day. I’d like to go home so please go to a proper location or I’ll-” but you’re cut off with the joint stuffed to your pretty lips.
“You’ll what cutie?” he smirked as you stared at him dumbfounded, the joint stuck to your lip as you tried to figure out a reaction. But the man was already on his way towards his motorbike. Of course he had a motorbike. “First one’s always free darling, next time I’ll charge ya” he winked as he put his helmet on and sped off.
“Mother fucker” you swore and banged your head against the brick wall. ‘Never am I staying late again’ you groaned. You walked to your car, but not without tucking the joint safely in your pocket for when you got back home.
And that was your first of many nightly encounters with the pink haired man. You were not surprised to see him anymore in the parking lot, either smoking, laughing with friends or just sitting on his bike staring at his phone. You learned his name was Sukuna… you had asked for it during the nth time you threatened to call the cops. You also learned he sold weed to the store manager, so he pretty much had a free pass on smoking here.
“Working late again (name)? My, they must pay you a lot for you to stay here.” he smirked, watching you with grinning eyes. Your annoyance shot up at the mention of your little over minimum wage pay. They definitely were not paying you enough for the store, but giving you a delinquent like this guy… you had written your resignation letter a few times after his nightly visits. You ignored him as you walked to your car, heavy footsteps followed “I brought ya a little something” He grinned handing you a baggy with a cookie “It’s on the house, made ‘em myself”. Eyes narrowed as you tilted your head up to glare at him, but realized you were a lot closer than you expected. You could hear him breathe, feel the heat off his body and smell the spicy cologne he was wearing as you breathed a little too loudly trying to inhale the scent. “Not today darling, that package is for another date” he winked.
Oh my God.
What have you done? Sure he was hot and you didn’t mind the view, but his mouth made up for that. He was like an evil version of a talking cat. Opening his mouth to smite you, prideful like one and given the opportunity would sit on your face if you were lying down. Wait what?
“I’m not interested in you like that!” you squeeked.
He tilts his head to the side, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand “Then how are you interested in me?”
“I’m not interested unless you’re a customer, or an employee here or something!” Frustrated, you grabbed the zip loc with the cookie in it “And I’ll be confiscating this!”
“Sure thing, I made it just for you. It's a special recipe”
“I’ll let the cops know!” you yelled getting in your car, throwing the cookie on the passengers side as you sped home for the night.
“So if I was an employee…or something...” he wondered gazing at the stars, his thoughts frenzying around as his mind came up with the most brilliant idea. Cackling loudly “you’ve really outdone yourself this time me.” Laughing as he got on his bike, speeding towards his apartment.
“A new employee?” You mused, It was pretty hectic at work recently, one of your employee’s had quit and they finally found a replacement “I wonder what they’re like”. You asked yourself as you prepared a training checklist to go over, making sure to not make it too hard on the new guy- you heard it was his first job after all. “Hello! And welcome to the Anavrin family!” you say smiling with closed eyes, as you open them your mouth went agape. ‘What the….’ had the demon cat from the parking lot shrunk and gotten more youthful?
“Hi, I’m Yuji Itadori. You must be my brother Sukuna’s friend. He said to write your name down as someone who referred me to the job”
Chuckling nervously with the clipboard in hand you checked off the box for introductions “I’m (name) the grocery supervisor, and you would be working under me mostly.” Friends with Sukuna? Cutting your wrists open and watching them bleed sounded like the better option.
As the shift progressed Yuji showed you he was the complete opposite of his older brother. Always finishing his tasks, being kind and sweet. Everyone else loved him too, just on the first day. He was stocking milk and eggs the way you had shown him, one of the last tasks of the night. The crowd of customers thinned out as it got late and the store was closer to its closing time. You watched to make sure he was doing them correctly and if he needed any help. ‘This wasn’t so bad’ you thought, closing your eyes and leaning back.
“So how’s my little brother been (name)?”
Your eyes shot open at that voice God no please. “He’s been amazing, but you can’t just put my name as a referral without asking me-” There stood a tall Sukuna in a dress shirt with his sleeves rolled back, probably coming after finishing his day job. Majority of his tattoos were covered except the lines on his wrists that were exposed, making you gulp inaudibly. Suddenly feeling underdressed in your uniform’s polo shirt and measly work pants and sweater as you stared up at his glory.
“Sorry darling, I can’t do what?” he smirked. Mentally praising himself as his plan got into action. He couldn’t lie, (name) was interesting. Always yelling at him, cursing him and swearing that she would murder him if it was the purge. His usual charm not working gave him more of a challenge. Not to mention the way she was kind to younger brother made his heart swell a little.
The annoyance returned once you saw his shit eating grin “You can’t write my name down without asking me!”
As he opened his mouth to speak, the intercom went off, notifying everyone that the store was now closed and any remaining customers should bring their purchases to the front to pay for them.
“Yuji you can go home now, I’ll put this away and start heading out myself” you say massaging your temples with your fingers.
“See you soon (name).” Sukuna winked as he walked towards the exit, waving behind at you as he went outside to wait for his brother.
Unfortunately soon had never come… at least not for the last 3 weeks. Making you miss the tall man in more ways than one. Maybe he wasn't so bad now that you thought about it. The usual nightly teasing might make you seethe but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t laugh about it later in your car. Somehow his laid backness and mocking smile made your night light up a little. And the weed that you would “confiscate” really did help you unwind after a long shift.
“Maybe it was because he saw me in my uniform” you grumbled. That had to be it. You weren’t a sore look on the eyes. Right? But compared to him… you hissed as you felt your lower half heat up and tremble at the thought of the man. “Well it's only 11:00 pm… and my first class is at 9:30 am… and then I have work at the 4:00.” Debating your options…. ‘This is why I’m probably so grumpy all the time, I think too much’
“And probably need to get laid” you said aloud. Living alone did have its perks, no one could call you crazy for talking to yourself. Your friends always nagged you about your dry spell too, but one night stands weren’t really fun to you anymore. They were too shallow and you always found yourself feeling more frustrated by them than relaxed.
Quickly rummaging through your drawer, you found your lovely device and turned it on. The buzz filled the room as you fell on the bed and groaned. Your mind was wild as you thought dirty little things about the man. Your eyes rolled back and you felt little whines erupt from your throat as you imagined him on top of you with his signature smirk, choking you and teasing you, calling you terrible names and whispering dirty things in your ear.
But as quickly as you heated up, the device buzzed and suddenly stopped. Too hazy to think straight you tried turning it on and off again, soon realizing it was the battery that was dead. “For fucks sake” you threw the vibrator and it hit the wall and fell with a loud thud. Good. Pulling your covers up, scowling as you shut your eyes to sleep.
The next day only went further downhill. Your lecture was long and uneventful, you forgot there was a guest speaker instead of the usual prof, most of the class skipped anyways so you sat alone and pretended to be interested. And as you went home from campus, your car broke down on the way leaving you stranded in the heat as you waited for the tow truck. You really just wanted to buy some batteries and get some time to yourself before work. But life had another thing planned once you got home, you only left with half an hour before you had to leave for work. Which barely gave you enough time to shower, change into an excuse of an outfit, grab your uniform and run out the door. You heard a few whistles as you ran to the bus stop, most likely because of the skimpy outfit which was pretty much just a long t-shirt made into a dress with stockings. But this was not the time to be picking fights.
Work was more mundane as ever. Emptying, stocking, organizing and talking was all that seemed to happen. You frowned for the nth time in the day when you saw Yuji was not scheduled to work today and you remembered him mentioning that he was going somewhere with friends for the next two days. The boy could always turn a bad day around. He was a blessing to the department and the store as a whole. The long day finally came to an end and the weekend awaited. Stuffing your uniform in your bag as you walked out you saw a familiar motorbike and a man leaning against it getting ready to light a joint.
You didn’t think, all you could hear were your footsteps smacking against the pavement as you ran to the man. Blood rushed to your head as you slowed down, stopping barely an inch away from him. He was wearing jeans and a dress shirt and most important, that smirk.
“I didn’t realize you missed me this much darling, otherwise-” but he was cut short as your hands gripped his head and pulled him down to your lips for a not so innocent kiss. You had to admit, you liked the guy. But as he responded by deepening the kiss and sliding his wet tongue into your mouth to taste you, you realized you wanted more of him. And you found yourself in his apartment, stripped down with his face buried between your legs as you came down from your second orgasm. Him licking you clean and not missing a single bit.
“When” you panted “when is Yuuji-” but he shushed you by gagging his fingers deep in your throat.
“Not until Sunday at least” he smiled with a sinister look, your wetness coating his lips “we have the whole weekend darling” He had waited almost two months for this so he was definitely going to take his time and relish the next few days. How could he not? You were beautiful with a fiery personality, and that showed by the ways you disobeyed him on his bed to get a reaction. It seemed the roles were reversed, but this time there would be consequences. For you at least.
He was relentless but you were no pussy and would not back down either. Both of you with fire and heat taking over your bodies as you brought spark and life into the night, wanting to explore every bit of each other, not stopping until you noticed the sun starting to rise causing exhaustion to take over.
He had let you stay to sleep in, provided you with a clean shirt to wear and even made breakfast for you. Presented you with a “gourmet plate of eggo waffles with the finest Aunt Jemimah maple syrup” he said which earned him a giggle from your pretty lips.
“I can make pretty good waffles from scratch” you told him proudly, puffing out your chest in pride. But these were special to you, the whole moment was special.
“I intend on trying them,” he spoke after a moment. He thought it was out of character for him to ask for a relationship but he wanted to be with you more than just a few times. And wanted more of you in different ways. He wouldn’t get his brother involved if it was a casual fuck relationship that he wanted. Which reminded him he owed the brat 50 bucks.
“Maybe you should come over sometime” you smiled sweetly, blushing a bit.
“I’d like to see you more, take out and get to know you” he said, interrupting your invitation.
“I’d like that too.” you said smiling.
#sukuna x reader#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen#reader inser#ryomen sukuna#yuuji itadori#jujutsu kaisen x reader#sukuna fic#sukuna imagine
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idk you yet - luke hughes (part one)
wc: 2830
warnings: probably a few curses, i honestly can’t really remember:)
inspired by idk you yet by alexander 23.
how can you miss someone you’ve never met?
the words forming on luke’s arm startle him at first. there’s a tingling tickle-like feeling as each letter appears, but luke can barely believe his eyes. he was just about to turn seventeen and until that moment he had no sign of his soulmate whatsoever. but now? now he had proof on his arm that his soulmate was out there somewhere. that meant the boys could finally stop teasing him in the locker room about possibly not having a soulmate.
it felt like everyone around luke knew their soulmate was out there. it was such a rare possibility that someone didn’t have a soulmate - if their soulmate passed away, chances are they would too due to the pain from the loss. and, well, luke hadn’t died yet, so that was his only hope of his soulmate being out there.
the initial shock is soon replaced by pure adrenaline. luke can barely pay attention to what ever mrs. clemmens is writing on the board; all he can focus on is writing back to his soulmate. whoever she might be.
i don’t know you yet, but i need you. do you know how long i’ve waited to hear from you?
you’re smiling down at your arm - it was always a game whenever you’d finally be able to contact your soulmate. some were able to as soon as their fifteenth birthday, some couldn’t until their eighteenth. and well, if you hadn’t contacted them by then, there was some bad news to be delivered. but it was all a waiting game. the day you were able to contact them was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life, but there was only one catch: your soulmate could be thousands of miles from you.
and what about me with you?
“mr. hughes!”
luke’s attention snaps to the front of the classroom, where the middle aged woman now has her hands on her hips staring at one of her best pupils. luke’s eyes are wide, the color draining from his face as each head of his classmates turn to look at him.
“care to share what’s gotten you so smiley, luke? or will you pay attention to my lesson for at least three seconds?” luke sputters for a few seconds, causing the woman’s eyebrows to spike up in question. “out with it.”
“i’ll, i’ll pay attention, mrs. clemmens.” the brunette finally manages to get out, sinking back in his seat. the color returns to his face, but this time it’s the same shade of red as the apple on mrs. clemmen’s desk. he didn’t want to leave her hanging, but he wasn’t going to risk getting in trouble again. he wasn’t going to out himself for finally finding his soulmate - and being one of the last in his grade to do so.
luke feels his phone vibrate in his sweatshirt pocket, and upon just the right moment he pulls his phone out to see tyler had messaged him.
tyler b: were you finally able to talk to her?
luke isn’t able to respond to tyler in fear that mrs. clemmens will have a few words for him, and surely enough he didn’t need to get into any more trouble with one of his teachers. one more write up and he was going to be benched for an entire month. so against his better judgement, he sticks his hands in his pockets and pays attention to the lesson going on. all while trying to ignore the tickle feeling on his hand.
“i can’t believe you were finally able to talk to him!” mal gushes, her eyes glued to your arm that had a mix of jet black and purple ink scrawled on it. there was game @7 written on your hand in purple ink, along with a star next to it. “how do you think tyler is going to react?”
your heart nearly drops in your chest. tyler. your boyfriend - of almost a year, in fact. in the midst of it all you seemed to of forgotten about him, your mind elsewhere, and it was on your soulmate. your soulmate that wasn’t him.
“i have to tell him, don’t i?” you look up at your best friend, eyes glossier than they had been seconds before. “mal, i dunno, i dunno if i can do that. tyler is- he’s so sweet. he’s gonna be crushed.”
“who’s gonna be crushed?”
speak of the devil.
tyler drops his bag on the floor, sitting down in the seat next to you like he always did in english class. mal notices the slight tension, turning back to face forward in her seat as she waits for class to begin. you take a quick breath, turning to your boyfriend, you grasp both of his hands in yours. “ty, i have to tell you something.”
tyler’s eyes glance down to your wrist, and only the slightest bit is showing from the sleeves of your sweater riding up, but he sees it. the black ink. “anything, y/n.” he clears his throat, pretending like he hadn’t seen anything at all.
“you’re not my soulmate.”
“i know.”
your eyes widen ever so slightly, and you watch as tyler slides up the sleeve of his hoodie. there are a few little sentences scrawled on his skin, ones that were clearly not on yours. you can’t quite find the words to say. your mouth opens and closes a few times before finally, you’re stumped, and you sit back in your seat with your eyebrows furrowed. you let go of his hands, your own falling into your lap.
“how long?” you finally manage to muster out, meeting his regretful eyes. he had reassured you multiple times that he hadn’t heard from his soulmate yet, but you should’ve gone against your better judgement when he was suddenly wearing long sleeves all the time. and it wasn't just for the winter, you now realized.
“about, about three months.” he notices the look on your face, and just like moments before he takes your hands in his. “y/n, just because you aren’t my soulmate doesn’t mean i never loved you. i still do love you. i just-”
“it’s okay, i get it.” you cut him off, pulling your hands away from his. “it’s okay, ty. i just wish you would have told me sooner, that’s all.” your voice trails off to a whisper. tyler grabs your hand once more, and he presses a kiss to the back of it.
“friends?” he asks, and when you nod your head, he presses another kiss to your skin before releasing his hold on your hand. you have to swallow the lump that’s forming in your throat. of course you were upset - you had every reason to be. but you weren’t expecting to be this upset, and you also weren’t expecting tyler to say he already knew the two of you weren’t soulmates.
the english period seems to drag on and on, and after what feels like two hours the bell rings. “walk with me to lunch?” you hear the brunette next to you speak, and you find yourself nodding. “y/n/n, please, talk to me. i hate when you’re mad a me.”
“i’m not mad at you, ty. i promise you that. i just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.” tyler gives you a tight lipped smile, and before the two of you can start to walk to the cafeteria, tyler pulls his hoodie off, revealing his inked arm. it’s a pang to the heart, but you know that you’ll get over it eventually. “what’s she like?” you ask quietly, the two of you starting the few minute trek across the school.
“she’s, she’s really nice. she’s pretty, too. i follow her on instagram, actually. her name is gabby.” tyler glances over at you a few times as he speaks, and you can only find yourself to be nodding along to his words. “i know she’s my soulmate and all, y/n, but she isn’t you.”
you stop in your tracks, causing tyler to turn around to look at you. “don’t. don’t say that. she’s your soulmate, and i’m not, for a reason, tyler boucher. don’t say that about her. i’m sure she’s lovely, and she’s everything that i can’t be for you.”
“i’m sorry i just-” tyler cuts himself off with a sigh, going to reach for your hand but he stops halfway. “i wanted it to be you. i thought it was you. and then one day, i had writing on my wrist, and i looked at yours and it wasn’t there. i know that’s supposed to be one of the happiest days of our life, but it was one of the worst for me. because i wanted it to be you, y/n. so bad.”
to say the least, the two of you were pretty much the ‘it’ couple. your entire friend group adored you both, and you were the first girl that the boys allowed over when they all hung out - but only occasionally. it was never an all the time thing, which you understood. but still, you and tyler had been through a lot together for not even being together a year.
“it all happens for a reason,” you say, tears welling up in your eyes as your feet start moving again, and tyler is following after you, quickly matching your pace. “i just, i don’t know, tyler. there’s not much we can do about it and that’s fine.”
“you’re right.” the brunette mumbles, head hanging in despair as you walked down the steps to go into the cafeteria. the rest of the walk between the two of you is silent, but a comfortable one.
the lunch table you, tyler, all of the boys, mal, and a few other girls came into view. and as soon as they realized tyler wasn’t wearing his sweatshirt and his arms were fully exposed, along with the pen ink and the looks on your faces, they all knew. they knew that you finally knew.
the conversations going on didn’t completely stop, but they quieted down for a few brief moments when you and tyler took your usual seats. you try to avoid the eyes of your friends, but it’s nearly impossible. your eyes catch luke’s, and he’s giving you the puppy dog eyes from the other side of the table.
“are you okay?” he asks quietly, and all you can do is shake your head ever so slightly. “oh, y/n.”
luke wants to reach across the table and grab your hands, but he wants to save himself from the teasing he’s sure he would get from the boys if they saw the girly handwriting on the back of his hand. “i’ll be alright, lu. promise.” you give him a reassuring smile, but of course he doesn’t believe it. not in the slightest.
“are you still gonna come to our game tonight?” tyler asks quietly from your right side, and when you turn to look at him he’s already looking down at you. if this was yesterday, you would’ve leaned up the three inches and kissed him.
“of course i’m gonna.” you say, eyes glancing down to his lips but you quickly turn away to look down at your hands. “there’s no where else i’d rather be, ty. besides, luke is still my best friend and i still have to support him.”
luke sends you a smile from across the table, one that makes you smile right back at him. for majority of the lunch period, everyone leaves you alone to wallow in your own sadness. even luke couldn’t cheer you up, and that was something. you know you shouldn’t be this upset - this happened to like, every couple that dated before finding their soulmate. but for some reason you thought you and tyler were the exception.
another period drags on, and after what feels like forever you find yourself getting up from your designated lunch spot. luke stands, waiting for you to walk to the other side of the table so the two of you can go to art class together. “see you boys tonight,” you call over your shoulder, tearing your eyes away from tyler, and walking away hearing the boys responding saying they’ll see you later that night.
“rant. cry. do whatever you have to do.” luke says, glancing over at his best friend that looks like she could burst into tears at any moment. luke had been waiting all day to tell you that he had finally heard from his soulmate - but as soon as he saw the look on your face he held back. he didn’t want to rub it in when you had just found out about tyler. the biggest secret he had ever kept from you.
“i just,” you purse your lips, eyes locked straight forward to avoid looking at him. “i just wish he would’ve told me. the last few months of our relationship feel like a complete lie.”
“y/n, tyler absolutely adored you. he still adores you. he never even stopped. and i can tell you for a fact that he still loves you. he’s always talking about you - he was talking about you when we were in second period today!” luke exclaims, and finally you look over at him. “i can promise you, y/n, it was not a lie, it never was.”
you can only shake your head, bottom lip between your teeth as the tears well up in your eyes. “it was supposed to be him, lu. ty and i have talked about our entire future together because we swore we were gonna end up being soulmates.”
“maybe you are soulmates,” luke says, holding open the door of the art room for you. “it’s just, not in the way you’d prefer. ty and you are soulmates, but just not romantically. do you get what i’m saying?”
“i guess.” you sigh, luke following into the classroom after you walk in. his heart yearns for you - he wants to lift up his sleeve and show you the purple ink, but he can’t bring himself to do that.
later that night you find yourself getting ready for tyler and luke’s game, trying to decide between the 13 or the 6 jersey - jerseys the two boys had fought numerous times over which one you would wear. once tyler found out luke had given you one of his old jerseys he had outgrown, he was immediately giving you one of his as well. that was even before you and tyler were dating - he always had the biggest crush on you.
which was why he was sitting in his stall, head in his hands wondering where he had went wrong.
“ty, buddy, what’s going on?” dylan asks, noticing the brunette that has his head hung. immediately, tyler lifts his head and dylan’s eyes widen. “you look like shit, dude.”
“i feel like shit,” tyler grumbles, slowly moving to tie the laces of his skates that he always saved until the very end of gearing up. he catches a glimpse of the ink on his arm and he grimaces, wishing he could just wiped away at his skin and everything would disappear. that everything would be okay.
luke catches the eyes of his best friend and he frowns seeing the hurt in his eyes. “are you still upset about y/n?” he asks cautiously, fingers working at his laces, eyes barely glancing back up to tyler.
“yeah, i am actually. i know i don’t really have a right to be upset and all, but it still feels wrong. we went through a lot together, it just doesn’t feel real that we aren’t really soulmates. that the . girl i was practically in love with since i got here isn’t my soulmate.” tyler shakes his head as he spills his feelings for the day out. he couldn’t wait until he got to step onto the ice and forget about the day’s events.
until he saw you sitting in your normal seat, and instead of the number 13 jersey, you were wearing the one with the 6, and the seven letter last name on the back was now one letter shorter.
“oh fuck me,” tyler grumbles, and you’d be lying if you said your heart strings didn’t tug seeing him step out onto the ice. if the two of you had only been dating for two months rather than almost a year, maybe you would’ve felt different about the situation. but that was tyler. your tyler. or rather, gabby’s tyler now.
“y/n?” bella asks from besides you, trying to tear your sad eyes away from the brunette. when you finally do and look over at one of your best friends, she sees your teary eyes and her face softens. “oh, y/n/n. you’re taking this hard, aren’t you?”
“i don’t want my soulmate if it isn’t tyler.”
#luke hughes#jack hughes#tyler boucher#ntdp#usntdp#hockey#fuck the NHL#nhl imagine#hockey imagine#hockey fic#nhl fic
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(non-Miraculous asks)
Anonymous said:
Ok this may just be me but I hate deconstructions. I feel like they are always mean spirited and try to be dark and edgy and thinks that every single person is an asshole because that’s “realistic” when no it’s not. This maybe because I like superhero stories and love it when the heroes overcome their struggles.
I can agree for the most part. Whenever I hear “okay but what if it was dArK--” I’m just okay, gonna stop you right there.
Anonymous said:
I swear, nothing bothers me more than people who want Miraculous Ladybug to literally just be Yandere Simulator(with Marinette as Ayano, Alya as Info-chan, Adrien as Taro, Chloe as Osana, Lila as Kizana, Kagami as Megami, and Luka as Budo). It just grinds my gears, especially because they're, once again, framing Marinette as a stalker, which just makes her look bad, AND pits all the girls against each other for Mr. Generic Harem Protagonist, once a-fucking-gain. Just go play the actual game, ok?
All I'm hearing is that now I have to ship Ayano and Budo and write a fic where the ghost girl uses fancy fantasy magic to merge her soul with Ayano and lets her actually have emotions, healing her from being a yandere while the ghost girl (in a way) gets to live a life she was cut short of, also allowing Ayano to be happy and go onto be friends with all the rivals.
Extremely convoluted but that’s the only way we get happy endings in this house.
Anonymous said:
I remember how, when writing Sailor Moon, Naoko Takeuchi refused to bow to older male writers wanted, say, for the girls to be stereotypical manga characters, with one being overweight, one being a stereotypical nerd, etc. But Naoko wanted each of the girls to be beautiful and feminine. While I don't like that they all share a body type, I admire how she didn't listen to grown men when writing for and about young girls. And I can't help but think about how Madoka is the antithesis of all that.
I can appreciate writers who put their foot down to stick to their values. There are limits of course, but yeah, a women writing women probably shouldn’t be listening to a man’s input. I’m sure good advice exists buuut...
Anonymous said:
What is your ranking of the seasons of the year from most to least favorite and why?
Summer - I work best in the warmth
Spring - Always brings images of flowers blooming to mind
Autumn - Things are getting cold and I don’t like it
Winter - It can go choke for all I care
Anonymous asked:
Someone on TV Tropes actually said that the name Feminist Fantasy should be changed because "feminism excludes men the same way meninism excludes women" and actually had the nerve to link that to the "Not So Different" trope, as if women haven't been excluded throughout the history of almost every human society. Fortunately, someone responded to them in a way that technically amounted to "do your damn research" but I'm still facepalming so hard at TV Tropes' "what about the men" rhetoric.
I feel like I lost braincells reading this.
Anonymous asked:
I feel like in fiction written by men there are only three flaws that female protagonists are allowed to have: clumsy, boy-crazy, or ashamed of their flat chests. I hate it.
Don’t forget, “having to listen to the men for how they’re supposed to feel.”
Anonymous asked:
Jatp. Nominated. For. Seven. Emmys. SEVEN!!!! Miraculous could NEVER. Literally.
omg!! Congrats to Julie and the Phantoms!
Anonymous asked:
Oh, I’ve seen basically the whole series, though the one I remember most is definitely Epic Winter. It was my favorite one though Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie so I’m biased.
I also like a lot of the “twists” and just--crazy concepts they rolled with, like with Red Riding Hood’s story and how Apple White gets woken up from her slumber.
Anonymous asked:
You're gonna be happy to hear this...I just started watching Cardcaptor Sakura today, and holy shit not only do I love it, but I also love how freaking META it is! I know you said you're not all that knowledgeable about Magical Girl, but this show is AWARE that it's a Magical Girl show! From Tomoyo(the main reason this show is so meta, tbh) realizing Sakura is a Magical Girl and asking if she has a transformation pose, to designing outfits for her(more on that later) to videotaping her(aka literally making a Magical Girl anime out of her Magical Girl friend), it just has fun with itself and plays with Magical Girl tropes without making a mockery of them like all those "dark" male-aimed ones do(lookin' at you, Madoka Magica and Yuki Yuna!).
And not only is it hilarious and adorable(especially with Sakura's crush on Yukito, Tomoyo's crush on Sakura, and Touya picking on Sakura, but playfully), but I love how it's riddled with girl power. While watching some of the first episodes I was looking forward to seeing Syaoran(partly because I love male Tsunderes and partly because I can't pronounce his name), and was surprised that he wasn't in the first few episodes, but more importantly I was so happy to see a show that treats its female characters with respect and shows women unironically receiving support from other women and being shown possessing power and authority.
I love Sakura and Tomoyo's friendship even if I hate the trope of "Lesbian Never Gets The Girl"(not that I think she's entitled to Sakura's affections or anything, but still.) and watching her support Sakura in her magic endeavors without being jealous or vindictive, I love that they're allowed to be independent and smart but that the show doesn't forget that they're kids, instead of making them like Manon and Chris, and I love that the show passes the Bechdel test in pretty much the first or second episode, and that pretty much every important and unimportant character we meet that's not Sakura's family members, Kero, or Yukito(plus maaaayyybe the Shadow Clow Card) are female.
Even little things, like all FOUR of Tomoyo's bodyguards in the second episode being female without there being a "reason" or the show making a big deal of it(either in a "yay girl power!" way or a "what but women can't x" way or an objectifying way) fills me with insurmountable joy. Also, I love that the show follows the Magical Girl trend of pretty much admitting that femininity is power, since frilly dresses are stated to be the most "fitting" thing for a Cardcaptor to wear, as without it, they might not be mentally up to the task, and this is an unironic truth rather than a joke(although Sakura is shown to be embarrassed, but it's much more likely that she's simply not used to that kind of gear due to not being rich as Tomoyo is.) or a gag.
I just thought I should tell you this because I know you like Cardcaptor Sakura, and with the crappy episodes that just came out of this show, I think you deserve to read an ask that's about a GENUINE girl power Magical Girl show, instead of yet more Miraculous Ladybug salt or Madoka Magica hate(not that there's anything wrong with either of those two, but it just gets grating after a while.). Overall, I'm looking forward to watching this show, since I've been looking for a Magical Girl show to watch nowadays(I've been meaning to watch Star Twinkle Precure but I can't find the third episode and all of Cardcaptor Sakura is on YouTube now, so.). So excited!
Hey, I’m glad that you’re having fun with it!
Though, just a warning, you might wanna steer clear of the Clear Card arc. It’s a sequel to the original series made waaaay after the original (think the equivalent of Yashahime for Inuyasha, though continuing with the original characters) but omg I hated it.
Anonymous asked:
With the crappy Season 4 episodes that just came out I'm glad I got into Cardcaptor Sakura when I did. Who needs "Marinette needs to make a mistake every episode and learn something from it" when you can have genuine girl power and sweetness incarnate?
Alya could never compete with Tomoyo, I’m just sayin’.
Anonymous asked:
Your comment about white men feeling "disenfranchised" because more shows are about black people and/or women(I say and/or because the two aren't mutually exclusive.), as if there aren't a million other things they could be watching instead is so true! It reminds me of how I was talking to someone recently about the new generation of MLP, in which I stated that we didn't need a male mane pony(spoiler alert: they have one, sadly.), and he claimed that it would be beneficial since many shows aimed at boys at least try to include at least one main girl, and that it would be good for G5 of MLP to have at least one strong male lead so that boys could have a role model and know that the show isn't "girly".
Okay, so far, so good, but this I could chalk up to just unconscious internalized misogyny, especially since he didn't say it in any sort of "way". So I respectfully told him that the scale regarding representation is already not equal and that boys can look up to girls and that a show being girly is not a bad thing and all that stuff that you already know about. Then he responded claiming some stuff about how he keeps trying to pitch stories about straight white male characters and how nobody is accepting his offers and so this means that straight white men are underrepresented compared to everyone else. He even explicitly said, and I quote "White people are actually critically underrepresented in media right now. Especially boys."; I swear to the Goddess above.
At this point I was officially upset as a black girl, to hear this white(and presumably adult) man telling me that he was underrepresented in media compared to me, even saying that the media execs are practicing "quotas and tokenization"(and yes, he repeatedly used those terms for any instance of representation, even when I asked him politely to stop.) by replacing women with men or white people with pocs and are making white men look like incompetent doofuses.
He also kept saying stuff about how shows are always shoehorning people of color in where they don't belong by casting them in settings such as Shakespeare and medieval times when "realistically" there were no people of color during those time periods(which is obviously not true, it's just not what the history books show us.), and made a really insensitive comment about how black children in the USA today don't know the significance of having the first black president because the media supposedly already shows them black people in various professions(despite also claiming he couldn't speak to the "black experience" and yet here he is whitesplaining that shit.).
It got to the point where he was seriously and unironically using the word "blackwashing". When I pointed out to him that white men aren't underrepresented and that it's just his self-centered ego telling him that they are, that the word "blackwashing" isn't a thing, and that mis/underrepresentation in media DOES affect black kids negatively(even citing myself as an example) he went on to claim that I was being tone-deaf and that "blackwashing" is just as bad as whitewashing, and that making Ariel black is just as bad as making Jasmine white.
At this point I had to bang my head on the table and explain to him the difference; his ass still wouldn't get it. Eventually he started saying some really skeevy and hypocritical shite that white men say all the time when whining about how "oppressed and underrepresented" they are: that black people and/or women
(it looks like there might be an ask missing here, in which case, sorry if Tubmlr ate it!)
avor of supporting the commonly believed LIE that "women and/or minority groups don't have as much history worth learning about, so there's no point in focusing on them." He also kept using patronizing, condescending, mansplaining language such as "let me explain it to you" or "you still don't get it do you?", and when he said women had nothing to contribute to society because "oppression" he even had the nerve to tack on "welcome to the unequal society" as if I hadn't been lecturing him about just that.
Because obviously only white men did anything worthwhile or important in history. At this point, I had to block him. I couldn't take it anymore and this was on an MLP site of all places(although I'm probably just as guilty of that part, but at least I wasn't an ass!). I just can't stand white men who "want to be oppressed so bad" but still want to claim that their achievements are more important and deserve to be more prominent. Honestly, so many white men are so fragile the second they're not in the spotlight. I can't help but think that despite all the privilege afforded to their class being a white man sounds like the worst thing ever.
“he claimed that it would be beneficial since many shows aimed at boys at least try to include at least one main girl, and that it would be good for G5 of MLP to have at least one strong male lead so that boys could have a role model and know that the show isn't "girly". “
I might be looking too deep into that but I don’t like the idea of, “Well WE squeezed in a girl and therefore YOUR SHOWS--” like it’s some sort of matter of “fairness” or that boys’ shows aren’t putting in girls out of a genuine like for them but because they “need” one or it’s some sort of obligation.
Also, we need to stop this idea that boys can’t look up to female characters and vice versa for girls. You already said it but yeah.
And yeah, I hear "quotas and tokenization" and I officially tune out of whatever the person is saying, lol. White men are critically underrepresented???? Newsflash, maybe it’s just because others are being represented more??
Just the whole thing about whites being “underrepresented” boggles my mind. White people don’t have some sort of special ability or skill that other races can’t do themselves unless you count the “superpower” of white privilege.
Like, oh my god, all that “whitesplaining” and having to read the word “blackwashing” was physically painful. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I don’t know how they got hold of the technology to communicate with you from whatever time period their from, presumably the Stone Age.
Don’t even blame you for blocking them. There’s just a level of absolute... blindness? Arrogance??? That comes with the territory with them sometimes, I swear. You had every right to be upset; other races come to ask for equality and fair representation and suddenly you have these white men (not all obviously but damn) coming by and crying that they’re being oPpReSsEd. U_U
Like, honestly, my father in particular is absolutely that kind of person so I’ve heard that kind of stuff before. it’s all gross.
On a slightly unrelated note (trying to end this with some positivity), I hadn’t even heard about a fifth generation of MLP until I read this, and just wanted to let you know that I really hope you have a really good time with it! Hopefully the male character isn’t... well, you know.
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Anniversary - Dark Souls 2
Velstadt watched a soft, warm smile claim the face of his liege. A smile that reminded him of the fires tended by the old women far outside Majula or the daughter of Lord Aldia. A smile the General recognized for he had worn one many a time himself. Even before last year’s Nehma’s day when he admitted the warmth to himself and his Lieutenant.
The smile faded as a young King approached his liege to pull his attention from his imminent Queen. Velstadt watched as the Kings exchanged pleasantries for a bit. The conversation seemed inconsequential. He returned to scanning the crowd.
“General Velstadt.”
He started, so focused on his duties that his personal awareness waned. He turned to the Lord Aldia’s daughter. A young creature, red hair covering half her face, a choice that made the girl difficult to read.
He offered her a neutral smile. “Lady Shanalotte. It is good to find you well.”
The girl smiled slightly. “And you, General.” She looked back for a moment, somewhat tense. “I had hoped to ask you about a delicate matter.”
Velstadt groaned inwardly. The delicate matters of teenage girls fell just outside of his abilities. “Why come to me, my lady?”
She looked back again. “My bodyguard, the Lieutenant. My… father, Lord Aldia, said you might know why she is acting so strangely.”
Fear clenched the General’s chest. His focus shifted entirely to the young Lord’s daughter. “Strange how?”
Shanalotte pulled a face – half of a face, anyway – and looked around the party. “I… am unsure of how to describe it. I’ve never encountered anything like it before.”
Velstadt swallowed. They had exchanged regular letters, a joy and relief for him when they came, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Her words made it seem she looked forward to this charade of an event. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention, my lady. I will go to her imminently.”
Shanalotte nodded absently as she turned away, her duty seemingly complete. Velstadt smiled at her back until she disappeared between a few dancing bodies. His eyes returned to scanning the room, a brief glance to his King, desperately searching for his Lieutenant.
He tensed at the voice, frustrated at the interruption. “Lady Shanalo-“ He froze mid-spin toward the voice.
A tall, muscular woman sporting a long purple braid struggled with a confused smile. “Shanny is over enjoying the punch.”
Velstadt’s brow lifted, his mind coming to understand the vision before him. “Liandra?”
The confusion fell away, leaving only the bright smile. She nodded to him. “You seemed to enjoy my dress so much last time, I called in a favor with my friend. She had a few extra hours to whip me up a little something between all the other noble ladies in the area.” The braid spun out as she tugged the skirt of her dress to spin with her.
He smiled warmly, a familiar smile he caught on his King earlier, as his Lieutenant availed him of her charms, reminded him of the fire in his chest. She glanced down to the low cut V of her dress, a deep emerald green that accentuated her hair and eye colors, that did not attempt to hide her scars, that led to a flowy, gauzy skirt that she tossed about girlishly, playing with it as she beamed at him.
“Never felt so girly in my life.” Embarrassment crept into her voice, a self-deprecation that did not suit her at all.
Realization dawned on him; he had stood there like an idiot, dumbfounded as she flaunted herself in his direction with no discernable reaction from him. His fingers buzzed as he wrapped his fingers around her bare arms. “Liandra, you look beautiful. And I’d say you look more like a Lady.”
She laughed once, a twinkle in her eye as she glanced to the floor. “Thank you. But look at you!” She released her gauzy skirt to gesture at him, her hands coming to rest on his chest. “I think this is only the second time I’ve seen you without your armor.”
He glanced down. “Second? I’m sure it’s been more than that.”
A sly grin spread on her lips. He recognized that grin. But it did not disarm him as it once did. “I’ve seen you in your smallclothes far more often, that’s true.”
A blush spread on his cheeks despite himself. “My lady!” He cleared his throat. “Not in polite company, at the very least.”
She giggled and drew closer to him, forcing his hands onto her back. “Maybe later, in private?”
He stiffened as she drew closer. “It is our first anniversary. I… had hoped to celebrate.”
Hazel eyes lifted to his and he witnessed it again, an ember danced behind her eyes, as he saw in Vendrick’s eyes, as he felt mere moments ago. Even as the embers danced, she dropped her head onto his shoulder. “Vel?”
He glanced around at the guests, searching for a brief glimpse of his liege. His hands slipped up the back of her dress, holding her tastefully. “Yes, my lady.”
She inhaled slowly and slid her arms around his midsection, a warm and provincial hug. “Thanks.”
His brow furrowed as he followed flashed of Vendrick through the crowd. “For what?”
Her hug shifted slightly, still base, but she worked toward tasteful. “For now.” She sighed gently. “For loving me. Even if it is just for now.”
Shanalotte’s words echoed in his mind. “Liandra, is something troubling you?”
The Lieutenant took a slow breath. “Not really. Just… Shanny needs a lot of looking after, you know? She needs a better parent than Vendrick or Aldia are willing to provide. I guess I been thinking a lot about what she needs to know and how she’s growing up so fast and… Will I have to watch her die or go Hollow like everyone else?”
Velstadt took a slow breath and dropped his eyes to his lover’s back. His fingers drifted to play absently with the end of her braid. Even as a warmth spread through his chest, he felt it fade into the void in his left shoulderblade. “Immortality presents unique challenges, does it not.”
Her head rolled against his shoulder. He pulled her tighter against him, propriety be damned. “I’m sure you understand the circumstances of Lady Shanalotte’s birth. Who is to say that she is not Immortal as the rest of us. Or that she can even go Hollow?” His hands rubbed her back in an effort to comfort. “And even if she isn’t immune to death or Hollowing… I’ll be there to hold you through the grief.”
Her hands slipped over his shoulderblades, jerking to avoid the Curse. “I’ve lost so many, Vel. My father, my brothers, my regiments. I was supposed to take care of them, too. And Shanny… I feel like her mother. Or at least her sister. I’m having to raise her, be the one that answers her questions, especially lady questions. I’m basically raising that girl. And… I don’t think I can lose a child.”
Velstadt pressed a kiss to the exposed area of her neck. She chuckled once, an exhalation from her nose, and lifted her head slightly. “You can do anything, Liandra. You are so much stronger than you think. It will hurt, that is without question, but you have the capability to survive it. And you no longer have to survive it alone. Remember that.”
He shifted his head to peak into her hazel eyes. “But, as I said, Lord Aldia and his brother created her to be immune to the Curse, to outlive the cycle. She was designed to usher in a new Age.” Her brow lowered. “Yes, I know, that does not preclude her from being treated as a Person. I merely hope to address your worries as to her mortality versus your own. There is no reason to believe you will have to grieve for her. It is far more likely she will grieve for you.”
Liandra’s eyes widened, brow piqued.
He allowed himself a chuckle. “You had not even considered that possibility, had you?” He drew a hand back to tuck a few stray hairs back into her style. “But I’m sure we will have died in glorious combat long before we succumb to the Curse. Lady Shanny will have to cry over our funeral pyres. If she even can.”
Liandra laughed once and pulled a hand to smack him lightly on the shoulder.
He grinned to his Lieutenant. “Merely a jape, my love.” She relaxed visibly. “Have I addressed your concerns?”
She took a slow breath. “Yeah, I suppose.”
He nodded down to their entwined bodies. “Perhaps we could engage in a more respectable distance, then?”
She sighed heavily and moved to kiss his cheek. A blush spread from her lips against his flesh and he scanned the crowd as a feeble attempt at distraction. She shifted her body away from him, moving to stand by his side, her hand slipped down to thread with his. Though such contact remained too personal for polite company, the loneliness he felt faded, replaced by the warmth of her hand.
#dark souls 2#dark souls#ds#ds2#velstadt#fanfic#oc#liandra(ds)#writing#my writing#i got to the end and realized i probably hadn't posted this#because it isn't finished#but it was probably intended for valentine's day#intended to be some smut later#but instead i just this out#i've started writing all my characters with infertility#because i have a problem with it#and also i was basically raising my nibling#liandra(ds) has always been a boisterous and warm character#hiding the depths of her own depression#velstadt has always been similar#hiding his depression under propriety and devotion to his liege#but they're both bearers of the curse#they both burn with an unfathomable depth#i love them#and their little family#tw: death
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A Gift from the Heart
A Final Fantasy VII Fanfiction
Part 2 of @finalheaven‘s CloTi Confessions 2020: White Day
Word count: 2207
Rating: T
Summary: There is a common unspoken rule among men: you should return the gift you received on Valentine's Day three times its value on White Day. Now, White Day is tomorrow, and Cloud still has yet to decide what he wants to give Tifa.
A/N: not sure how this turned out. Been fighting against a slump so...yeah ^^; This is probably weird
Also available on AO3.
White Day was tomorrow, and Cloud had no idea what he should give Tifa. Chocolate was probably the safest thing. White chocolate was advertised everywhere—from TVs to radio shows. That was the only thing he had been seeing these past several weeks. But, wouldn’t that be too ordinary? Too common of a gift? Everyone would probably give a white chocolate to their girlfriends.
Barret had laughed when he heard Cloud had not bought anything for Tifa, said something about how Tifa would be so sad if she didn’t get anything in return. Cloud was having lunch alone in a cafe when Barret had sauntered in and took the seat across from him without his consent. “You’re not helping,” Cloud had muttered, because yes, he knew how sad Tifa would be and he needed to up his game if he wanted to be able to get her something on time.
“Just buy a chocolate somewhere, I’m sure that’ll be enough.” Enough was the keyword, as Cloud wanted it more than enough. If he had settled for enough, he would have already bought one of those fancy chocolates he had eyed in a couple stores that he knew Tifa would like. But it didn’t feel personal enough. “Or, well, I heard fancy guys buy them jewelries.”
That caught his attention. He looked up at the dark, burly man. “Jewelries?”
Barret nodded, through a mouthful of burger. “Jewelries,” Barret repeated. “Rings? Necklaces? Bracelets? All those girly stuffs.”
Jewelries. He hadn’t thought of that before. It would be nice to get her matching rings or something. But he probably couldn’t have custom-made rings ready by the end of the day. Dammit. He should have thought of this sooner.
“Or,” Barret went on. Cloud glanced at him and found him grinning.
Barret leaned over the table and motioned for Cloud to do the same. Furrowing his eyebrow, Cloud did as he was told. However , he hadn’t expected Barret to say something so…obscene.
“You could buy her some lingerie,” Barret murmured.
Cloud didn’t know how he looked. Feeling his face heating up, he had pushed away from the table so sudden that his chair scrapped against the floor. Whatever word he had had in mind as a retort or a counter was immediately gone and replaced by a blank page, leaving him speechless. Barret, on the hand, was laughing so hard and hitting his leg that they were drawing other people’s attentions to them. The stares didn’t help Cloud’s embarrassment at all.
“Oh, man, the look on your face!” Barret said between laughter.
Realizing it had only been a joke, Cloud’s mortification slowly transformed into irritation and he scowled. “That’s not funny,” he said.
“But your face is.”
“I meant the joke.”
Barret looked at him, wiping tears away from his eyes, as he, finally, managed to control himself. “What joke?”
“That,”—lingerie—”joke.” How the hell could he buy her that?
Barret tilted his head to the side, genuinely confused, before his eyes lit up with understanding, and he started grinning again. “That’s not a joke.”
“What do you mean that’s not a joke?”
“Oh, God, you really have no clue about this, do you?” Barret said, taking another bite off his burger. “Sure, the meanings aren’t set in stone, but—” he looked at Cloud, who cocked an eyebrow and demanded an explanation, and sighed, though he was still smirking when he said, “I feel sorry for Tifa.”
Cloud gritted his teeth. If Barret wasn’t going to give him any useful advice, then he could just look for it somewhere else. He had finished his lunch and left the table with an irritated huff.
He had asked Zack once what his friend was going to give Aerith for White Day. They had been going out for several years now and Cloud had hoped Zack could give him some sort of light on the matter. Sure, this wasn’t the first time he would give Tifa a White Day gift, but it would be their first time as a couple, and Cloud wanted to do it right.
“How do you measure a homemade chocolate?” he had asked his friend once, on their way out of a meat shop after having gone in to finish a delivery job.
“What do you mean?” Zack had asked.
“You know, that rule. The three-times-the-value rule?” It was a common unspoken rule among men that they should give back three times the value of what they had received. Cloud had never really cared much for it before because there hadn’t been much meaning behind the chocolates that he had received. He would just give Tifa some sweets that she liked and that would be that. But it was different now. He had received his first ever honmei chocolate. How the hell should he return the favor? Not to mention it was homemade, delicious, intricately designed, with a cute little message on the side too.
When Cloud told Zack about all of this, Zack only nodded understandingly. “You could always buy her some of those fancy chocolates,” he had said. “Or flowers. I give Aerith flowers sometimes. Or, what about making her something?”
“As in cook her something?”
“Yeah, you’re a decent cook—at least, more decent than me, I think," Zack said. "What better way to return a homemade chocolate than a homemade cooking of yourself?"
Cloud shook his head. He would rather buy those chocolates than have Tifa eat his disastrous cooking on White Day.
“Well, what about—” Zack cast his eyes around him, but before he could spot anything, a figure had jumped into their line of sight: Yuffie, still in her school uniform, her grey scarf billowing around her. Cloud and Zack jumped in surprise.
“Hey, guys!” she greeted them in that flashy fashion of hers.
“God, Yuffie, you’re going to give me a heart attack!” Zack said with a hand to his chest, but Yuffie just grinned it away.
“Where did you come from anyway?” Cloud asked.
“School?” Cloud and Zack frowned. That was not what he’d meant. “Hey, it’s not my fault you two were too engrossed in your own little gossiping to notice—” She caught herself, then whipped her head at the two boys, grinning mischievously. “Were you talking about White Day?”
“No,” Zack immediately said.
“You are!” Yuffie exclaimed. She looked at Cloud. “Do you know what you’re going to get Tifa yet?”
But she took Cloud’s silence as answer enough, and immediately said, “Did you know that marshmallows are so in, right now?”
“Marshmallows?” Cloud asked.
Yuffie nodded enthusiastically, her grin growing wider. “Yes! They have these little chocolates covered in these white marshmallows and they look so cute! I’m sure Tifa would—”
Zack smacked her at the back of her head, cutting her words off. “Don’t give him any weird ideas, all right?” he said, frowning. “And I haven’t paid you back for the wasabi prank you pulled last time.”
“Ah, yes, did you like my present?” Yuffie asked, grinning up at him, as though he hadn’t just reprimanded her. “You’d better give me a White Day present too.”
“Oh, just you wait, I’m going to give you ten-fold for what you gave me.”
Yuffie gave a feral grin. “Bring it on, my friend.”
Cloud looked at one person to the other. Zack had said something about Yuffie messing with Aerith’s chocolates that he had ended up eating some wasabi chocolates on Valentine’s Day. Cloud hadn’t been able to stop himself from laughing when he heard it. But, knowing that they had been making the chocolates together, Cloud could only be grateful that those wasabi ones hadn’t gotten into Tifa’s batch. He didn’t have any score to settle with Yuffie right now, so he decided to leave the two be and went on White-Day-gift hunting by himself.
For all his reluctance to buy chocolates, Cloud ended up buying one from one of the stores that he knew Tifa liked—because he was running out of time and he didn’t know what he should do. A heart-shaped box filled with various white chocolates. This should be enough, he told himself, even though part of him felt he should buy something else. Maybe some candies, or cookies—jewelries. That was what Barret had told him. But he had spent a lot of money on this chocolate alone that he wasn’t sure he had much to spare for an additional jewelry.
Cloud desperately looked for ideas when his eyes fell on a game center building across the street. He didn’t know what had gotten over him when his feet decided to take him there. It had been so long since he last entered one of these and Cloud had almost forgotten how crowded they could get. It was filled with mostly children to high schoolers playing shooting games or racing games or dancing games. His eyes searched for the specific machine that he was looking for and finally found it somewhere near the back.
Crane games.
He remembered playing a lot of these back when he was a kid, and he was quite decent at them—though probably not extremely good either. Sometimes, not knowing what to give Tifa for her birthday, Cloud would spend hours here trying to get that one stuffed animal or another for her. He remembered getting her a white stuffed carbuncle from one of these machines in middle school. He wondered if Tifa still remembered that.
The machines now had a ‘WHITE DAY SPECIAL’ banner on them and he could see various stuffed animals or chocolates or even some cute jewelries in there. He even spotted a white chocobo. She had given him a chocobo chocolate, so it would be great if he could get her a chocobo-themed gift too. Would it be okay to get her one of these? It’s not fancy nor expensive but at least he would put some effort to get it, instead of just picking one and paying for it at the cashier.
And maybe, Tifa would appreciate the nostalgic gesture.
Staring at the chocolate in his hand, Cloud fished in his pocket for some change and decided to give the game a try.
He waited for her at the park, at a favorite spot of theirs, beneath a tree overlooking a lake. In the spring, the tree would hold a plethora of sakura, and they would often have a picnic here with Zack and Aerith to watch the flowers blooming. Now, however, there were only a foliage of green leaves waiting for spring to arrive.
Cloud held the presents in his hands—the box of white chocolates and the white stuffed chocobo wrapped in white paper and red ribbon. He had won it after several tries, and when he was taking it out of the machine, it had come to him as a surprise to find a silver chain bracelet hanging around its neck with a silver chocobo charm attached to it. And it had looked so authentic—not one of those plastic imitations you could find in cheap stores.
Cloud had tried taking it off and worn it around his own wrist. If he hadn’t known any better, he would have thought the bracelet had been from some jewelry store, not won it in a seventy-gil crane game. When he imagined the bracelet around Tifa’s hand, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.
Cloud looked up to suddenly find Tifa’s face directly in front of him. “Whoa!” he exclaimed, almost jumping in surprise and dropping her presents to the ground. “T—Tifa, how—wh—when did you get here?” he stammered, trying hard to get a firmer grip on the gifts
Tifa giggled. “Just now,” she said. “You seemed to be too focused on something, so I wanted to surprise you.” She smiled up at him. ��Are those for me?”
Those… He looked down at his hands and forgot that his presents for her were out in the open. “Ah!” He fumbled to hide them away, but there was no use. She had seen them.
“Uh, yeah—” Gods! He wasn’t ready for this. He looked at her—at her grey overcoat and maroon scarf around her neck; at the way her dark hair was tucked behind her ears, revealing a hint of a blush on her cheeks—and, like always, the sight of her took his breath away. Maybe it would be all right. What mattered was the heart behind it, not the value of the present. He steeled himself and straightened his back. Taking a deep breath, he held out the presents and said, “Happy White Day, Tifa.”
Tifa looked at them and she smiled. As she took them into her hands, she stood on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against his cheek. “Thank you, Cloud.”
And there it was, her bright smile—a smile that made her eyes crinkle in delight and drove away any sort of anxiety, doubt, or hesitation Cloud had felt about his present. She’ll love it, he thought to himself. I’m sure of it. With that in mind, Cloud finally felt the tension leaving his body and his face finally relaxed into a smile.
~ END ~
#cloticonfessions2020#cloti#final fantasy#final fantasy vii#fanfiction#my fanfiction#my story#ff fanfic#ff7 fanfic
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I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You - Kwami Swap
Whoops didn’t mean to miss yesterday! Time just got away from me!
This is Day 5 of @luxyweek
Part 4
Read on AO3
“Are you done yet?” the green thing asked.
XY had been screaming for maybe 10 minutes at this point, but he didn’t care. There was some floating green thing in his room, and it just talked to him. Omg it just talked. Instead of screaming this time XY started to hyperventilate and pace his room.
This was not happening. He just passed out after a long day. He was dreaming. He had to be.
“Deep breathsss,” the thing instructed, putting its paws on XY’s face.
He could feel the cool touch of the thing’s paw hand thing. The fact that XY could feel it told him that this was most definitely not a dream. In dreams you didn’t feel anything, and he was most definitely feeling things.
“My name is Sass. I am the kwami of intuition,” the thing bowed a little towards XY, which helped him calm down a little.
“Hold up green dude. What’s a mommy?” XY started, looking around the room for any cameras. This could all be some elaborate prank for one of those tv shows.
“Kwamiss are magical creaturess that give holderss magical powerss through their miraculousss. Mine iss the power of intuition,” Sassy explained calmly. “When you transsform I resside in the bracelet there.”
XY glanced down at the now light purple bracelet. “Why does it look girly?”
Sassy’s tail unfurled, and the kwami had an almost surprised look on his face. “Um, the miraculous dissguissess itsself to match the ussser. It looksss that way becausse on ssome unconssciouss level you want it to look like that.”
“I think it messed up. I’m not wearing this. It’s too girly.” XY huffed and held out the bracelet to Sassy. The kwami took it in his little paws, and it transformed into a blue-green bracelet with a snakehead in the middle.
“Woah, now that looks cool! I’d totally wear it if it looked like that.” XY took the bracelet out of Sassy’s paws, but the jewelry immediately turned back to its plain light purple color.
He frowned. “Why won’t it stay the same?”
“It’ss dissguissed that way sso people won’t recognize the sssnake miraculouss when itss holder iss detranssformed.”
“Well, I don’t want it then. You can hold on to it.” XY tossed it back to Sassy who scrambled to catch the piece of jewelry.
“In that casse, if you could just return me to Ladybug I’m ssure-”
“Did you say Ladybug?” XY interrupted. “Wait do you turn people into heroes?”
“Yesss...Oh my, I fear a misstake hass been made. I mussst immediately be returned to Ladybug.”
XY considered what the Salami said. If he could turn people into heroes, then he could turn XY into a hero. That would be so cool. He could help Ladybug defeat akumas and replace Chat Noir entirely. Album sales would go up once people realized he was an amazing hero. Even Luka would fall for him. He could see it now.
“How do I transform?” XY could barely contain his excitement as he bounced in front of the Safari.
“I’m not ssure that’ss besst. Bessidess, I’m famished. My last holder wass unable to feed me. So even if I told you how to trassform, it would not work.” Sassy’s floating took on a nervous nature, but XY ignored it.
There was something interesting about what Sassy said. But he couldn’t put his finger on it.
“If I gave you something to eat, would you tell me how to transform?” XY asked. He needed to get on this Kalamari’s good side otherwise he would never become the hero Paris needed.
“I ssuposse sso,” Sassy responded.
The fried chicken he ordered from room service was perfect for Sassy. When it arrived, he dived into the food, eating as much as he could.
In between bites of food, Sassy explained how his powers worked when XY was transformed. He informed XY that the bracelet would allow him to become a hero, and XY was debating putting on the girly looking bracelet.
He couldn’t help but wonder what else it could look like when he remembered how it looked when he first picked it up. It was a grey color, which didn’t make a whole lot of sense to him.
“Hey, this was silver before, why is it this girly purple color now?”
Sassy’s expression turned to one of fear at XY’s question.
“Different holderss have different lookss. The miraculouss musst’ve noticed that you did not intend to wield the ssnake, so it would have stayed like my previouss holderss until you intended to activate it.” Sassy looked concerned at XY’s face. If XY had to guess, Sassy was worried about how he would react knowing someone else had a cooler bracelet looking color.
“That doesn’t make sense because that Luka guy had this before, and it didn’t change for him.” XY waited for Sassy’s explanation, but when it didn’t come XY realized what it meant. “Wait a second. Luka was your previous holder, wasn’t he?”
Sassy nodded reluctantly in confirmation.
“Oh, this is too good. You gotta tell me how to transform now.”
XY wasn’t the biggest fan of his superhero look. For one, his suit had no capes. How were people supposed to know he was a hero if he didn’t have a cape? Plus the suit was dark green with no obvious symbol identifying who he was. Plus he had this weird green mini piano thing. He wasn’t sure the point of it, but it fit snugly at his waist.
Once he transformed, XY started running across the roofs of Paris to get used to the new powers that Sassy had given him. It was a really cool feeling and one he kind of hoped he would never get used to.
XY was headed straight towards the pirate ship that Luka lived on so he could show off his new look. He was certain that Luka would be amazed.
Landing on the deck of the boat was a tad bit difficult. There was a bunch of trash lying around, so when XY tried to land he ended up slipping on a ball and crashing into a drum set. The cymbals on the drum created a loud sound that was sure to have woken anyone right up.
Sure enough someone had woken up and was making their way up to the top of the ship.
XY scrambled to pull himself up into a hero pose, and he just managed to do it as Luka’s flashlight shone on him.
“I am Cash Money! The new protector of Paris!”
The light got brighter as it moved closer to XY, and he had to squint so the light didn’t blind him.
“XY!?” Luka exclaimed. “How? Why!? You need to detransform right now!”
XY pouted. “Aw, how did you know it was me?”
“For one, your name kinda gave it away, plus I’m pretty sure you stole my miraculous the other day.” Luka turned off the flashlight moving closer to XY. “At least you’re not Hawkmoth.”
“Hawkmoth is totally not cash money. I could never be him. I’m cash money 24/7,” XY proudly stated.
He paused for a second, wanting to detransform but realizing he had no idea how to.
“Uh, how do you detransform?” XY blushed, embarrassed that he needed to ask Luka for help.
“Say ‘Sass, scales rest’,” Luka instructed.
“Sassy, scales rest.” A bright flash of green flew over him, and XY was back in his normal everyday clothes.
“Now can I have my miraculous back?” Luka held out his hand patiently.
“Not so fast. I know your secret, so I need some kind of compensation for this.” XY took a step closer to Luka, but he hadn’t realized he was on some kind of stage so he fell forward.
“Woah!” Luka exclaimed, catching XY before he could hit the ground.
It was at that moment that the lights around the ship turned on, so XY could properly see Luka.
“Um. We’re home?” a soft voice questioned. XY looked past Luka to see the girl from the other day and another older woman.
Luka quickly let go of XY and turned towards the two women. XY glared at Luka. If XY had been anymore distracted he would’ve fallen flat on his face. It would’ve been a disaster for his public image.
“Oh, Luka, I didn’t know you were having a friend over! We’ll just get out of your hair, so you two can just carry on,” the colorful older woman said. She pushed the girl, Tools?, towards the bottom of the ship. “You boys have fun!”
XY wasn’t sure if it was just the lighting, but it almost looked like she winked towards them before disappearing under the ship.
Luka turned back towards XY a light blush on his face. “Sorry about that.” Luka coughed. “So, uh, what did you want?”
“What?” XY blinked in confusion. What would he want?
The weird encounter with who he assumed to be Luka’s mother had completely shut down his brain. Did she think they were a couple or something like that?
“To keep my secret,” Luka continued, waving his hand to his wrist.
“Your secret...right...uh what was that again?”
“Yeah, nice try. Just give me back my bracelet.” Luka reached out towards XY’s wrist, but the musician reacted faster, raising his hand above his head.
XY grinned. It was gonna be almost impossible for Luka to grab the bracelet since XY was a few inches taller than him.
Luka tried jumping up to grab ahold of the bracelet, but XY kept his arm further away so Luka couldn’t reach it.
“Ah, ah, ah.” XY wagged his finger in front of Luka. “In order to get this bracelet, I’m gonna need a kiss.”
“A kiss?” Luka stopped his attempts and stared at XY. “That is the last thing I expected to come out of your mouth.”
“A kiss on the cheek and you can have your little bracelet back.” XY patted his cheek and turned it towards Luka.
He couldn’t see Luka’s face but based on the sigh of reluctance he heard, XY knew he was gonna do it. After a couple of moments without feeling anything, XY turned to ask Luka what was taking so long, only to have his lips meet with Luka’s.
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Hey! Was wondering if you could do a rev specifically for “my brother’s best friend” or “my best friend’s brother” ? Would really appreciate it! Thanks a lot! ❤️
I love this concept a whole bunch!!!!! Yes, I do have recs! :) :) :)

Sibling’s Best Friend / Best Friend’s Sibling Fic Rec
I Still Believe It's You and Me by Stylinsonvodka
Words: 1k
The one where Louis is fifteen and pretty as hell and takes it upon himself to seduce his best friends older brother.
Best friends brother💙 by heyidkyay
Words: 2k
Harry and Lottie had been best friends since they were little, they told eachother everything, even the embarrassing stuff like liking your best friends older brother! When Lottie’s older brother, Louis, returns from uni will he look at Harry any differently or will he still see the same boy he left behind?
Turn The Lights Out by 1DirectionGaySmut
Words: 3k
Or the one where Louis gets fucked by his best friend’s older brother.
Girl Crush by writingstylinson
Words: 3k
Marcela is nothing more than Gemma's little nerdy sister. Louise is one of Gemma's best friend.
Marcela and Louise are in totally opposite worlds until they aren't. Thank you, Tumblr.
We'll be late again by Niall_Princess_Horan
Words: 3k
PROMPT -omega (or normal au) louis aka bottom louis is a cutie and adorable, and harry styles (alpha aka top) his older brother's best friend start noticing him and whatever and is a over protective, jealous and lovable cuteass boyfriend ho worships louis and louis is has low self esteem and he helps him idk louis is smol and adorable HEIGHT DIFFERENCE bye
harder to hide than i thought by dangerbears
Words: 6k
ridiculous self-indulgent high school au. louis's best friend's little brother suddenly got very attractive.
All Hearts Come Home For Christmas by itsprobablylarry
Words: 8k
Basically: Gemma brings ‘her boyfriend’, Louis, home for Christmas and her brother is really hot.
Be a Good Girl For Me by wannabebestseller
Words: 9k
Based on this prompt: “AU where Harry is Louis’ older brother’s best friend. He catches Louis dancing around his room in panties and blackmails him, saying that louis has to do anything he says or else he’ll tell Louis’ family that he wears girly underwear. Secretly soft for him, Harry gives him easy tasks and uses the whole thing to spend more time with Louis. Eventually, the orders begin to escalate and Harry teases Lou about his secret, making Louis shy and embarrassed. Louis loves the attention though, and forms a crush on his brother’s best friend. Lots of feminization, secret relationship, and enemies to lovers. Thank you!”
Dirty Little Secret by therogueskimo
Words: 10k
Or the one where Harry and Louis fall in love, but can’t figure out how to tell Gemma. That is, until Harry gets pregnant, and they don’t have much of a choice.
Promise To Treasure Me. by SS98
Words: 13k
“Leave me the Hell alone, Harry.” Louis grumbled; nobody needed a seer to sense his irritation. The boy had just gotten home from a poorly scheduled lecture on campus, to find his best friend’s brother also in the elevator.
Unfortunately for him, Harry is miles of persistence stuffed into a six foot three tattooed body that was the face of their university’s rugby team. Everyone loved him for his ability to dominate a game as the captain, and the dean thought Harry’s four year degree would not be enough. Harry is also the older brother to the only friend Louis had through high school, Gemma, which meant his shared apartment had to be opened up to this ghastly character as well.
“You do not get to insult me publicly and walk off.” Harry all but growled when he tried cornering Louis against the refrigerator.
Let Me Give You My Life by midnightskies
Words: 14k
Gemma has one rule for Louis while he stays with her family at Christmas; not to hook up with her little brother, so of course that's the one thing Louis does.
i don't wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your neck by crybaby
Words: 19k
Harry is a hopelessly romantic omega and Louis is his sister's best friend)
My Best Friend's Brother by RuinedBy5Guys
Words: 24k
This whole situation really started back around seventh grade when Gemma and Harry found it hilarious to sit me down and watch scary movies together. It always started off fine, but as soon as someone was whacked into pieces or running from some creepy guy, I would lose my shit. At first I didn’t think anything of it, considering boys never really seemed to pay much attention to me. But in my moment of fear, Harry always was right beside me. At first it was just casually sitting next to me, his leg pressed closed to mine, and his laughter addicting as soon as I would start to freak out. But then it turned into blanket sharing and our whole sides pressed together, while I strained my neck looking as far away from the TV as I could. Harry would play it off so casually, slipping his hand down onto mine and wrapping our fingers together, as if his sister wasn’t sitting right across from us on the other couch. I guess I should have realized then that I was getting myself into a pretty stupid situation. Because although I never admitted it until eight years later, I was falling hard for my best friends brother.
Pillow Talk by FallingLikeThis
Words: 25k
Or When Harry starts having confusing feelings for a male classmate, his sister's best friend, Louis, helps him figure himself out. Cue lots of kissing, sex, and falling in love.
darling, you give love a bad name by snowcaplou
Words: 28k
Louis' has been best friends with Gemma all his life in this stupid little town he's grown to hate. What happens when, after one night together with his best friend's brother, he falls pregnant? Surrounded by small minds and conservative cultures, Louis has to deal with parents that demand they do the "right" thing. Get married before anybody finds out.
Baby, What a Big Surprise by kiwikero
Words: 33k
Or, the one where shy, quiet Harry has no idea he's a carrier, and a one night stand with the most popular boy in school shows him just how wrong he was.
Featuring Lottie as Harry's best friend, Niall as her boyfriend, and, of course, Louis as the popular boy with a soft spot for his little sister's quirky friend.
With the Rising Sun by Tomlinsontoes
Words: 33k
Louis had been living in NYC for two years now while studying at NYU, and was probably the least social 21-year-old ever. Somehow he got roped into his sister's brilliant idea of getting her college best friend to help him branch out and meet people. Only there was one problem — Harry Styles is like the hottest thing on two legs and Louis' not ready to see a much older version of the boy who filled his fantasies as a teenager.
We Got The World Shaking by FutureMrsHaroldStyles
Words: 39k
Or the one where Harry goes into heat at his best friend Lottie's birthday party and her big brother helps him out.
Reeling Through The Fall by zarah5
Words: 40k
AU. They hate each other. Except for when they don’t.
Lottie’s Brother by teenagedirtbag28
Words: 51k
The one where Harry Styles falls for his best friends older brother: Louis Tomlinson. When his best friend; Lottie finds out about his crush, she’s surprisingly not mad but wants to help Harry get closer to Louis, and make them fall in love.
Want You More Than A by TheCellarDoor
Words: 77k
Falling in love with your step-brother’s best friend is a disaster enough. When he happens to be the boy everyone loves and you’re a nerd who wears sweater vests and cries during rom-coms, it takes it to a whole new level.
It's Safer In The Dark by aace1234
Words: 79k
Louis Tomlinson is a 17 year old High School student who is constantly bullied. He is raised by his four older brothers and keeps them in the dark about his school life.
Harry Styles is a 20 year old who is repeating his Senior year of High school. He is extremely popular and is best friends with Louis older brother Niall.
Louis has a major crush on Harry. Does Harry feel the same way? Will Harry find out about what Louis is going through at school?
Best Friend's Brother by DirtyLarryStylinson
Words: 85k
When Harry Styles realises that his best friend, Liam, has an older brother hotter than the sun itself, how will he cope with the tension?
Bloodline by banana_louis
Words: 177k
Louis doesn't know how to feel when his best friend, Liam, finds out about a brother that he never knew, who was placed for adoption before he was born and is bursting into his life at twenty-four years old.
Louis is very wary of the man who might replace him. He has always thought of Liam as his own brother.
What if Liam doesn't need him anymore? What if there's no room for Louis? After all, blood runs thicker than water.
Louis doesn't like Liam's new brother and he doesn't even know him. That's irrelevant, though.
He doesn't like him. He doesn't trust him. He doesn't want him hanging around. He doesn't want anything to do with him.
That is, until he meets him.
♡ updated: 04.21.21
♡ credit to the owner of the manip
♡ past themed recs here
113 notes
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Kiss and Run Ch.3
Bakugou Katsuki x Female!Reader

Read Chapter 1 here
Author: @wolfie-posts
Co-Writer: @queenmusicforthoughts
Warning: language
Chapter length: 7k words
Story Summary:
You did it! You were given the opportunity to study at U.A. alongside class 1A to become a pro-hero. Within the next three years, you were gonna learn more about yourself and your special quirk, about friendship, about fighting, winning and losing. The road to your goal is bumpy and steep with a lot of obstacles like villains and an explosive blond boy, who decided to make your life a little harder. Will you finally be able to control your quirk? Will you overcome the problems together with your classmates along the way?
A/N: Hello my dudes! Finally, the wait is over, may I present to you chapter 3! I have put my heart and soul into this and I am really happy about how it turned out. I'm really proud of my baby (my story) and I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do while writing it. A HUGE THANKS to all my beta readers, without them this story would probably not be where it is now. They not only keep my writing in check, but they also motivate me and help me plot! Okay, enough of my rant! Enjoy my dudes :)
After the quirk assessment test, you were kind of happy that you didn't have any other classes for the rest of the day because, honestly, you were exhausted. You could feel every inch of your body, even muscles you didn't know you had from pushing yourself to the brink. Your limbs were shaking from overstraining but you liked that feeling. It simply showed that you had worked hard and given your best. No pain, no gain, right?
The changing room was filled with loud chatter. Most of the girls were crowding around the black-haired girl, who had known all along, that Aizawa had lied to bring out the best in all of you. They were discussing the different things that had happened, talking about the "explosive blonde guy" Bakugou, who nearly started a fight with the "broccoli boy" Midoriya and other things like their personal accomplishments, scores, and quirks during the testing. You didn't really follow the conversation, you just observed the other girls and picked up some of the things they said while getting undressed. All you could think about was getting out of your sweaty sports uniform and jumping straight into a steaming hot shower.
You quickly took your towel, body wash, shampoo, and conditioner out of your locker and headed to the shower stalls. You were the first one in the shower stalls due to your "antisocial" behavior. It wasn't like you didn't want to talk to the other girls. they all seemed absolutely sweet, but you didn't really know what to say. You didn't even know the names of most of them, so you just decided to keep to yourself and head into the shower while the others were busy talking.
The hot water running down your body helped to loosen up your tight muscles. You felt relaxation replace the tension you had built up throughout the day. A deep sigh left your mouth in relief as the hot water poured over your face, washing away all the stress and thoughts you had, which also muted the voices of your classmates. A feeling of ease spread through your body while you were washing out the shampoo. You turned off the water after you were finished and dried yourself off, tucking the towel around you like a dress before you walked back to your locker.
You took out your school uniform and stuffed the dirty sports clothes into your bag. You had always pictured yourself in those uniforms back in middle school, wondering how they would look on you.
In your imagination, you had seen yourself many times walking through the hallways of U.A. wearing their uniform with your chin tilted up in pride. Wearing that uniform gave you a feeling of accomplishment; it meant being one step closer to your goal of becoming a pro-hero, one step closer to controlling your quirk. It wasn't like those uniforms were ugly or anything- you actually really liked the school uniform from U.A. It consisted of a cute but formal green skirt, fitting green high-knee socks, a white shirt with a red necktie, and a long-sleeved grey jacket.
You noticed that most of the girls wore knee-high socks, except for you and Uraraka, Pink-cheeks being the only girl wearing green tights instead of socks. You just simply stretched the socks out until they were above your knees and instead of wearing those typical brown girly school shoes, you stuck to your comfortable combat boots. As you were tying up your shoelaces, you failed to notice the alien girl walking up towards you.
"Damn, I really needed that shower!" your newfound friend said, opening up the locker next to yours, causing you to jump a bit at the sudden sound of the girl's cheerful voice. You didn't even realize that you had been drifting off into your thoughts up until now. Normally, you were pretty aware of your surroundings, but even though the shower had cleared your head, your mind started to wander back to the happenings from earlier.
"Huh?" you asked even though you knew what the pink girl had said to you. She had just caught you totally off-guard. "Oh.. umm yeah!" you stammered out after catching on to the conversation; you looked up to see Ashido smiling at you while putting back on her uniform.
"Your brain sure seems fried like Kaminari's, after today's training," she laughed at you, making you clutch your chest from the invisible shot she had fired at you before you fulfilled the act with a painful gasp, which made the two of you erupt into laughter.
"Wanna walk home together?" you asked Ashido, swinging your backpack over your shoulder while leaning against your locker. The pink girl was like a fresh breeze of ocean air, her carefree and forward behavior making you immediately feel close to her like you had already known each other for ages. A small smile spread across your lips at the thought of spending the next three years with that sweet weirdo by your side.
"Hell yeah!" she said, quickly gathering her stuff so you wouldn't have to wait on her. After the two of you had picked up the syllabus, you walked home together, chatting about your expectations for the following days at U.A.
It was a cheerful walk home, Ashido was jumping around showing not even the slightest bit of tiredness. She was way too excited for tomorrow to be exhausted, she couldn't wait for class to actually start, for her first real hero lesson.
You sure would get a sore face from all that smiling and laughing, you thought to yourself while eyeing the bright blue sky. Before you parted ways with Ashido, you exchanged phone numbers and arranged to meet up before school from now on, at the same streetcorner, to walk there together. With a quick goodbye hug and a "see ya tomorrow," you separated, strolling the remaining way home alone.
At home, your parents eagerly awaited your arrival; before you could even shut the door they had already surprised you with a loving and excited hug, shooting questions at you about how your first day went.
You loved how involved your parents were in your life, you have always felt at home with them and you never came short on warmth, affection, and love. Getting into U.A. had been your biggest dream, which your parents fully supported even though they never wanted to be heroes themselves.
After changing into some more comfy clothes, you walked back down to meet your parents in the kitchen, seeing your mother hovered over some pans at the stove. The moment you stepped into the kitchen, your nose caught the pleasing smell of spices, an all to familiar smell belonging to your favorite dish.
"It smells amazing mom!" you said, feeling your mouth begin to water.
"I thought you would like to eat your favorite food after such an exciting day," your mom said, smiling at you from over her shoulder. Your dad was already sitting at the laid table and signaled you to have a seat next to him. For the third time today you reviewed the events of the quirk assessment test and told your parents about your different classmates, especially about Ashido, Kirishima, Bakugou, Kaminari, and Midoriya.
“Remember that ungrateful kid I told you about? The one from the entrance exam, who yelled at me for saving his life?” you asked your parents, rolling your eyes at the memory of the incident, getting a nod in response from both of them, which signaled you to go on with your story.
“Turns out he’s one of my classmates now, but that isn’t even the worst part! He is so arrogant I can’t even deal with him, and this morning he almost blew my head off when I walked into class!”
“You want me to beat him up for you sweetie?” your dad asked you in a serious manner. It was such an unnatural statement coming from him, that it made you raise your eyebrows in return.
“We both know that you would break your wrist in the process. If I ever needed one of you to beat someone up, I would definitely call mom for help.” you chuckled, gaining the laughs of both your parents.
“I mean I could easily get into a fight with him, you know? He already gave me plenty of good reasons to do so. For example, he just randomly pushed me to the ground today while I was waiting for my turn at the exercises. He even threatened to kill me! He’s such a jerk!”
“I’m sorry honey, boys at that age can be annoying sometimes, but they'll grow out of it and mature eventually, but if he doesn’t stop just promise me that you’ll beat his ass up in your next training, okay hon? ”
“Oh heck yeah, I will! He also doesn’t even let me call him by his name.. what else am I supposed to call him? Ugh.. that Bakugou kid just makes my blood boil, such an ungrateful assho--” you cut yourself off by covering up your mouth, realizing who you were talking with.
“Woah, hold up there young lady!” your dad interrupted your rant, shaking his finger at you. “No cursing in this house!”
“Sorry. Not all of the guys are idiots like Bakugou, though! I met this guy Kirishima and he is sooo nice like imagine a ‘Cinderella’ kind of nice, totally the opposite of Bakugou, probably can’t even hurt a fly and he has this amazing quirk which doesn’t really fit his sweet personality.”
“Oohh tell me more about this boy! I want to know all the juicy details!” your mom spoke up with a knowing look, wiggling her eyebrows, making you blush furiously.
“Moooom! It’s not like that! He’s just nice, okay? And he has a pretty strong quirk, like literally! He can turn himself rock solid... I had to find out the hard way...” you said getting a little quieter at the end, remembering your embarrassing encounter with the red-haired boy.
“Okay, okay!” your mom said defensively, throwing her hands up in mock surrender. “It’s totally not what I think it is,” she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, but you decided to just ignore that.
“Anyways… there’s also this girl Ashido, she just decided that I was gonna be her best friend, not that I’m complaining because she’s awesome. She is gonna be a really cool hero someday, she looks like a pink alien with horns and everything. Her quirk is acid, which makes it so much better! We had to compete against each other in the first exercise and she thoroughly kicked my ass.”
Without giving your parents a second to respond, you launched into a tangent about yet another classmate.
“There was also this other boy, he has green hair that totally looks like broccoli, and he’s honestly such a stalker! I think he has a notebook or something where he keeps tabs on everyone's quirks and their stats! It was so creepy, I NEED to stay away from that kid because I don’t want him to find out how my quirk works.” you said with a nervous look in your eyes, kneading your hands in your lap.
“Oh sweetie, don’t be silly! They’ll find out sooner or later, I mean you’re going to be in the sports tournament after all.”
‘Oh fuck’ you thought to yourself. You hadn’t even considered the fact that you’d be participating in the largest televised event in Japan. Your eyes widened as the requirements of being a U.A. student began to sink in.
‘I don’t want to start kissing random people just to get stronger… Why did my quirk have to involve something so private?! I don’t want my first kiss to be so meaningless! What if they make me kiss someone in training? Oh god..-’
Your thoughts were interrupted by your mom setting a plate of food in front of you. “Stop overthinking and eat with us, you’ll be fine sweetie.”
After dinner a new wave of tiredness hit you, normally you would have stayed up a little longer to watch some tv with your parents, however, you still had to read the syllabus, so you ended up saying an early ‘goodnight’ to your parents and headed up to your room.
'What a day' you thought as you dropped onto your bed, reading through the syllabus.
U.A.'s hero course curriculum consists of normal core classes like English, history, science and so, which always take place in the mornings, followed by a long lunch break. Although U.A. is a school that trains the next generation of pro-heroes, they weren't slacking on the normal education each and every student should receive.
Your eyes lit up when you saw the afternoon schedule.
"Basic hero training" you mumbled with a proud grin spreading across your face.
You walked down the sidewalks of your neighborhood, wisps of early morning sunlight making their way through the trees. Your neighborhood tended to be on the peaceful side, but in the mornings, right before people woke up to start their day, there was absolute silence.
Birds would sing, a slow breeze would flow through, and you’d revel in the calming silence. You’d usually walk to school alone, but this routine had been broken after you met Ashido. You were getting excited as you saw her already waiting for you at the street corner, waving to get your attention, which made you pick up your speed. She greeted you with an enthusiastic hug once you made it to her.
“Oh my god, I am sooooo excited for today! Are you excited? I am excited!” Ashido said eagerly, jumping around like a bouncy ball.
‘How could this girl have this much energy so early in the morning?’ you thought to yourself while admiring the over-eager pink girl.
“Don’t get too excited yet, we still have to go through the boring subjects before basic hero training starts.” the moment you said that Ashido froze into place and gave you a disappointed look.
“Did you really have to remind me about that?” Ashido groaned, going from 100 percent to zero real quick.
“Sorry,” you chuckled and shrugged your shoulders, “but there is no going around it.”
“Just keep up the pace you sloth, we’re meeting up with one more person before going to school and they are already waiting for us.” Ashido casually said, raising her hand as if saying ‘talk to the hand’ and strode off.
“Who are we meeting up with Ashido? Why are you only telling me this now?” you whined, jogging lightly to catch up to your pink-haired companion.
“Oh just shut up, I am doing you a favor!” the alien girl said in a serious tone but you could see the corners of her lips quirked up into a small smile.
“ASHIDO, who are we meeting up with?” you said, letting out a frustrated sigh. It was way too early for people to be testing your patience.
“Nope! My lips are sealed. You will know who it is when we get there.” she simply shut you up and kept on walking in unusual and torturing silence.
Time flew by as the two of you continued your trek through the city.
“The meetup point is straight ahead, ohh I think I already see him..” Ashido began to talk again next to you but your attention had been somewhere else.
‘Aww KITTY!’ a soft squeal escaped your lips as you crouched down to pet the stray, completely ignoring Ashido who kept on walking, still talking as if you were next to her.
You were too occupied with the small creature in front of you to notice the growing distance between you and your friend. Animals really were your weakness, who could simply walk past them without giving them some love?
You were so distracted that you didn’t even notice Ashido waving to somebody in the distance with a huge grin on her face.
The first one to notice the lack of the other person’s presence was Ashido because when she wanted to see your embarrassed and shocked face, it suddenly wasn’t there. She turned back around and scanned the street for you, only to find your figure crouched down near someone’s driveway petting a cat.
“You have to be kidding me...” Ashido mumbled to herself, shaking her head in disbelief.
“EH (Y/N), GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!” the pink girl yelled across the street, promptly gaining your attention.
“Wasn’t a cat the reason she came to school late yesterday? This girl… pff if it weren’t for me she’d probably be late again.” Ashido muttered to herself, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow once you caught up to her.
In your hurry, you failed to notice the red-haired boy only a few meters away, quickly making his way towards the two of you. The sudden flash of red in the corner of your eyes made you look into the direction of the approaching person, only to be greeted by a brightly smiling Kirishima.
Your face dropped at the sight of the boy and you could feel your ears begin to heat up at the embarrassing memories from yesterday, which were flooding your brain once again.
You gave Kirishima a small smile and quickly turned towards your pink friend with the same smile plastered on your face. The smile didn’t quite reach your eyes, which held a murderous glare.
“For your sake, tell me this is a coincidence,” you said in a dangerously low voice, but Ashido ignored your indirect intimidation and turned towards the red-haired boy unaffectedly with an innocent smile.
“Hey Kiri, I’m so happy we can keep on walking to school together,” Ashido said, almost bursting with laughter at the sight of your furious expression and the hint of pink which was now forming not only on your cheeks but also Kirishima's.
“I’m going to kill you!” you whispered the threat so that only Ashido could hear.
“Yeah I am happy too that we both made it into U.A.,” he said while scratching the back of his neck.
And before you even knew it this would become your favorite part of the day, with friends who soon would become more like family.
As the school building came into view, two figures stood out from the swarm of people who were walking inside of the premises. Everybody was heading inside, while those two were the only ones frozen into place. The two boys resembled an island in a stream of students.
“Oh hey look it’s Kaminari and Sero,” Kirishima said excitedly, pointing towards the boys.
‘Oh no...’ you thought to yourself, gulping down the lump in your throat while heading straight into dangerous territory.
“Oh hey it’s you the girl who wanted to tou-”
“YES! HI IT’S ME (Y/N)!” you quickly interrupted Kaminari before he could finish his sentence, “also hi, we haven’t been introduced yet,” you turned towards the other boy, which you didn’t know the name of yet and bowed.
“My name is Hanta Sero, nice to meet you.” the black-haired boy said to you and smiled.
“Now that the squad is complete should we head to class?” Ashido said, throwing her fists up towards the sky in excitement.
“C'mon, let’s go!” she yelled enthusiastically, pulling you and Kirishima along the way as she headed inside of the building.
Your first class of the day was English, as you took your seat behind Ashido you couldn’t shake off the feeling that someone’s eyes were on you but you didn’t dare to look for the person and kept on talking with your new friends.
It didn’t take long before Present Mic stormed into class and right away began the lesson by writing down four English sentences at the blackboard.
The man whom I respect most is my father.
That is the house in which he lived.
I well remember the day on which we both met.
Please tell that all you know.
“Now, which of these four sentences contains a mistake?” he asked into the room with a questioning look, holding up his English book.
You had to control yourself not to laugh at the priceless expressions your friends had. The looks of boredom and disappointment weren’t just plastered on your friends’ faces, everybody in class had a cloud of apathy hanging above their heads, everyone but Midoriya and the black-haired smarty-pants girl.
“Hey everybody look alive, grammar rules!” Present Mic yelled out as a result of literally getting no reaction at all to his previous question. He looked like a jumping jack, wagging his arms around hectically in a sad attempt to motivate his students.
“Yes, Yaoyorozu.” Present Mic called out to the black-haired girl with a hint of relief in his voice. She was the only one with her hand raised, but before Yaoyorozu could proudly answer your teacher's question the door swung open revealing a tired and sluggish Aizawa.
“Excuse me, Mic, but I need to borrow (y/n) here for a while,” he said in a monotonous way gaining a startled look from your English teacher.
“Ah.. yes, no problem!” Present Mic replied in a rather confused manner, class had only started like 15 minutes ago, how come one of his students was already getting called out? They didn’t even have the time to do anything stupid yet.
“Follow me!” was all Aizawa said, walking out into the hallway, waving his hand to underline his order.
“Ohhhhhhhh someone is in trouble!” Kaminari spoke up in a sing-song voice while wiggling his eyebrows, but Ashido had your back and shut him up with a smack to the back of his head before you could even say anything in your defense.
“How could she be in trouble? It’s only the second day of school?!” she growled at Kaminari, although her words weren’t showing any concern her eyes did look worried.
After making sure Kaminari wasn’t saying another word, Ashido looked back at you and nodded into your direction as if to make sure you were okay, which you returned to assure her that you would be fine. It was a small but meaningful gesture, one that you appreciated very much.
As you were putting away your stuff, you could feel the looks of your classmates glued to your every move, but one person, in particular, didn’t even bother to look your way, why would he care about some damn extra? Even the birds outside were more interesting than that shitty girl, who was in for some trouble.
Stepping into the hallway, you expected Aizawa to lash out on you or give you a scary pep talk as he did to Uraraka and the rest of the class during testing. You didn’t expect him to yawn and wave you off with the words “All Might is waiting for you in his office”.
“He is what now?” you said out loud, doubting your own ears. You couldn’t hide the genuine surprise on your face.
‘What could All Might, the symbol of peace, possibly want to talk with me about?’ you asked yourself in fear, seeing every bad thing you have ever done in your life flash before your eyes.
“He didn’t say. Just hurry up and stop wasting my time,” he said while zipping up his yellow sleeping bag, not batting an eye at you.
On your way to his office, you drifted off into your thoughts, thinking about all the possible reasons All Might could want to talk to you, leaving you even more clueless than before.
You were so deep into your thoughts, that you didn’t even realize you had been standing in front of his office for a solid 3 minutes. Gathering all your courage, you forced yourself to knock at the door, bringing your anxiety level to its peak. A loud “come in” from the other side of the door, brought you back into the here and now. You took this as your cue to enter, hands shaking slightly as you opened the door, feeling your heartbeat racing in your throat.
“Hello young (l/n), please, take a seat.” All Might said while gesturing towards the chair in front of him, giving you his iconic white-toothed smile.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you?” was all you could manage to say after taking a seat, kneading your hands in your lab trying to calm yourself down.
“So, the others don’t know yet but I am going to be your teacher for the basic hero training course,” All Might began his speech.
Anyone else would have had their jaw on the ground at this point, anyone except for you. You were too busy overthinking the situation to even register the awesome fact that the symbol of peace himself would be your teacher. There wasn't really time for you to feel happy about it, because the only thing on your mind was, why exactly was he telling you this? Why just you and not the others?
“I've been preparing today’s training and as I was going over the different arrangements, I noticed that you seem to have a small disadvantage in comparison to your classmates. You see, before you even attended the school, U.A. had you fill out a hero costume form. Everybody had to do that, draw their dream costume just how they envisioned it with gadgets that enhance your quirks." All Might said, a faint smile dancing on his lips. For a moment, it seemed like he was drifting off into his memories as he stared into the distance.
"You probably ask yourself why I am telling you this right now, young (l/n). Well, the thing is that the hero costumes will play an important part in today’s exercise. I was going over all of them and yours stood out quite a bit. First I thought the development department had made a mistake, so I checked your hero costume form, to compare your design with your finished suit. I didn't really expect it to be almost entirely blank except for the assessments.” All Might said interrupting his own speech as he started to rummage through a stack of papers.
There was an awkward silence, the sound of papers being sorted echoed in your ears together with your heartbeat. You felt the need to break the silence, but you knew it wasn't the moment to talk right now, so you just watched intensely as All Might went through the different documents. As he was trying to find what he was looking for, you were trying to remember what you had written back then on your form.
“Ah, found it! Here...” he said scanning the paper.
“Your only request was that it needed to be a ‘flexible short jumpsuit with some high knee socks’, nothing else, not even a drawing.” All Might stated, raising an eyebrow at you, which made you squirm nervously in your seat.
You could see that he was trying to read your mind by interpreting your facial expression, wanting to understand the reasons behind not designing your own hero costume.
His blue eyes were staring at you, but he wasn’t really looking at you, you could see that his mind was wandering off to somewhere else. ‘How could you not have any wishes for your hero suit’ he thought to himself, reminiscing the time he himself had to think about his own hero costume.
He had wanted to be a hero as long as he could remember, thinking about his hero name, already designing possible costumes before he even knew if he had a quirk or not. He had spent so many hours of his life thinking about becoming a hero, even when he found out that he was quirkless, he never stopped dreaming about it. Being enlightened with the power of ‘One for All’ was the best day of his life, so why didn't you seem that interested in becoming a popular heroine? You had a pretty good chance at that too, from what All Might had read in your file. Your quirk is pretty strong as well, so why weren't you embracing it?
"I think I also mentioned that I wanted to keep my combat boots..." you mumbled to yourself, thinking back to you filling out your form. It wasn't that you didn't care about your costume, you just didn't think about becoming a hero from the start. You didn't even know about your quirk’s expanse until the age of seven. Before that, you had never really given the job much thought.
“Don’t get me wrong, I want to be a heroine, I really do! The thing is, I don’t have any clue about my quirk, I have no control whatsoever, and I really can’t think of any gadgets that would benefit it. That’s the reason why my form was pretty much blank ‘cause you’d probably have a better idea of what would suit my quirk. As long as I can keep my boots and the costume has the colors black, red and turquoise I’ll be happy, so you do you!” you grinned, having gained more confidence over the course of your speech.
You were okay with reaching your limit of knowledge, that is why you came to U.A., right? So that the best heroes and teachers can help you figure things out. Till now, you had just watched from the sidelines, being in U.A. meant looking behind the curtains, seeing the work and effort everyone has to put in on a daily basis, learning about your own strengths and weaknesses and how to deal with them.
“I thought you’d say something like that. Which is why I’ve arranged for you to go to the development department and talk to Power Loader. He’s the best person to talk to about this and I’m sure he’ll help you create your perfect hero costume. I already told him that you’d be there, so you better get going young L/N.” All Might said, standing up and gesturing for you to get up as well. You complied, confusion in your eyes as he gently nudged you towards the door and into the hallway.
“Good luck young l/n! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!” and just like that he shut the door in your face, leaving you stunned and slightly speechless.
“He could have at least told me where I can find the damn Development Department before closing the door in my face...” you mumbled, slightly annoyed, throwing your backpack over your shoulder as you began your search for the elusive Development’s Studio.
“Finally” you sighed as you saw the bright and playful yellow sign of the ‘Development Studio’ down the hall. Some boxes with fabrics, metal scrap and other things like cleaning stuff stood to the left and right of the huge metal entrance doors.
It had taken you quite a while to find the studio, which was located on the first floor of U.A. High’s main building. You had wandered around for a long time, getting more and more frustrated by the second after All Might had sent you off to find the office on your own. It was your first “real” day at U.A. and you were already missing class to go deal with your hero costume. ‘Pfff priorities’ you thought to yourself looking at the metal doors.
‘Let’s just get this over with’ you thought to yourself, looking down at the grey suitcase with green numbers on it, your number.
All Might had explained that everyone in class 1-A would receive a suitcase like yours, they were all numbered from 1 to 21, suitcase number “1” belonging to the first person of the class in alphabetical order.
As you were eyeing your suitcase, your thoughts started to drift off. You were the only one who hadn’t put in the effort to fill out the hero costume form. What if the costume they had made for you was absolutely dreadful?
The longer you thought about it, the more you wanted to facepalm yourself, what if they had put you in some kind of princess dress? You would have been forced to seriously defeat villains wearing something silly like that. Those pictures in your mind were terrifying and you fiercely shook your head to get rid of them before they scar your memory forever.
You took in a deep breath and focused yourself before you knocked on the door, hoping the man who managed the place wouldn’t be too mad about your tardiness due to your lack of orientation.
Loud rumbling was heard in the workshop followed by a muffled cry and a dull thud, which made you flinch and raise one eyebrow.
“Hello? Is everything okay in there? I’m coming in.” you said hesitantly after a small pause, entering the studio carefully, your body on high alert just like your eyes. You were on the lookout for any unusual signs that fit the noises from before.
As you walked into the studio you scanned the room for the person whos cry you had heard, but what you saw had your mouth agape.
The studio was filled with different tools laying on tables or hanging neatly at their designated place on the walls. Wooden planks, metal scrap, fabrics, everything was spread out over the different tables or put away in boxes. There were mannequins, some naked, others wearing some prototypes of suits or gadgets standing to the left. Different shelves were holding boxes of material, finished products or rolled up drafts.
You were standing in the middle of some crazy genius engineer’s workshop, there was just so much to see, chains hanging from the ceiling, a glass window which displayed some mannequin with a suit getting fried by a laser and cut by a chainsaw and there was a whole wall of monitors on your right. But the most interesting view of this place was the shirtless guy with a yellow helmet in the shape of a rectangular excavator claw, which was covering his head and most of his face.
‘What a weird and overdramatic jaw-guard’ you thought to yourself as you took in every detail of the short and skinny man, who was laying in a pile of boxes and gadgets.
You came to a halt right in front of the man, eyeing him warily as you held out your hand towards him.
“Looks like you could use a hand,” you said with a small smirk but still cautious of the unknown person with the strange helmet.
“Ah, thanks! You arrived just at the right moment.” he chuckled as he gladly took your hand.
You knew you had small hands but when the stranger took ahold of your it felt like your hand was miniature sized. You also noticed weird orange “L” shaped pieces at the end of his fingers. His hands had you staring, slightly tilting your head as if that would give you any answers to those claw-like fingers.
“You must be (y/n) (l/n) then, I am Higari Maijima also known as Power Loader. All Might told me that you would pay me a visit at some point today. So, what can I do for you?” he said in a kind voice, signaling you to come sit down at the second chair in front of the monitors.
“Nice to meet ya, I don’t know if All Might told you why I am here but apparently my heroine costume is in desperate need of some updates,” you said with a hint of sarcasm as you looked down at your suitcase.
“Oh, I got you! You aren’t happy with your design and how it turned out. Well, let’s see.” he said while turning towards his keyboard, his fingers were flying over the keys which seemed to be bigger than the average size.
He opened up some files and dragged them into some kind of program, not even a minute later a virtual you popped up on the screen wearing a short black jumpsuit.
“Wow” was all you could manage to say as you ogled the virtual you.
“Hm, that is a pretty plain costume, what is it that you don’t like about it?” Power Loader asked you as he opened up some more files about your requests and body measurements.
“Well, this is actually the first time I see the suit myself. Honestly, I expected worse from what All Might told me,” you said pulling down the corners of your mouth as you shrugged your shoulders. You were genuinely impressed by the outcome of your costume, they had taken pretty much everything you had written on your form into account, which wasn’t a lot. You had requested the colors black, red and turquoise and that you wanted to keep your combat boots. The finished product was a black short jumpsuit without sleeves with a high neck. It showed some skin on the sides, leaving your ribs bare.
Most of your costume was in black but an ordinary jumpsuit like that wasn’t fit for a heroine, which is why they worked with some pretty detailing in red and turquoise. Your shoulders had some red elements just like your thighs. You were also given some high knee socks and some long gloves in black with the difference that they had turquoise detailing on the ends. All in all your hero costume looked sharp.
“Wait, if you haven’t seen it before, why do you want to change it?” Power Loader interrupted your analyzation of the outfit.
“As a matter of fact, I never designed my costume. See?” you said pointing at one of the monitors which displayed your submission form.
“I honestly never really thought about it because I don’t even know how I can use my quirk to the fullest, I don’t know what would benefit my powers in the slightest. So, I just wrote down my measurements and the colors I wanted and et voilà!” you said pointing at the virtual you in hero costume.
“You see, All Might told me that I should talk to you about my quirk and possible gadgets. He said you would be the only person who would be able to create a getup, that would suit me and my powers perfectly,” you said expectantly while glancing at the pro hero next to you out of the corner of your eye.
“Think you’re up for the challenge?” you added with a devilish smirk, knowing exactly which buttons to press to motivate the engineer next to you.
“Let’s get to work!” was all he said excitingly rubbing his hands together as he rapidly typed on his keypad.
“Okay, tell me about your quirk, fighting style and preferences and let me do the magic,” he said and even though you couldn’t really see his face, you were damn sure that he had the same stupid smile on his face as you.
“So, I have a copy quirk ergo I need an all-rounder suit, it needs to be flexible and withstand all kinds of situations.”
“Copy that, what about protectors?”
“Ohhh, give me some knees and elbows to kill!”
“Some... what?”
“Those protection thingies!”
“Those?” he asked you pointing at some pentagon-shaped knee protectors in silver.
“YES, but make them sharper!”
“Okay... what about your fighting style?”
“Hm, I am a kickboxer so maybe something for my knuckles, wrists, and feet?”
“I can strengthen the fabric of your gloves around your wrist and give you some knuckle protectors. I would sew it into the glove, so you could break bones and still look stylish?”
“Yes, let’s do that! What about my shoes though? I really want to keep my lucky boots!”
“Don’t worry, I can work with your boots, no need to change them. You would have to leave them here for a while but I can pimp them up with some iron soles and shines that can act as armor. How does that sound?”
“Sounds like a damn awesome hero outfit to me!” you said approvingly of the upgrades with a big smile. That was a hero costume you could get behind and kick some ass with!
“Okay great! I think I actually have some prototypes of those knee protectors you want, well some similar looking ones. Give me a second.” Power Loader said looking through the pile of boxes and gadgets he had been laying in minutes ago.
“Found them! Here,” he said, giving you a pair of plain silver looking knee protectors.
“From what All Might told me, you will be needing them this afternoon, just bring me your combat boots after you finished your first basic hero training. Who knows, maybe you come up with some more changes to your costume after practice.” Power Loader said giving you a gentle smile, which didn’t really suit his intimidating aura.
“Alrighty then! See you after I kicked some ass in my prototype suit! Bye!” you flashed him a quick grin and raised your hand goodbye as you skipped out of the development studio.
As you looked at the clock hanging in the hallway on your way to class your eyes widened in shock! It was already lunch break! You had literally missed all your core classes dealing with this problem. ‘How is that even possible?’ you asked yourself as you hurried to the cafeteria. It didn’t feel like you had been talking for so long and upgrading your hero costume didn’t take too long either, or did it? You apparently had lost your sense of time completely, there was no other explanation for this.
“Better hurry before I run out of time to eat lunch!” you mumbled to yourself as you searched for the cafeteria, where your pink-alien friend was already waiting for you. You couldn’t wait to get some food into your stomach before basic hero training started, ‘oh boy, will they flip if they find out who our teacher will be!’ you grinned to yourself stupidly.
<– previous Chapter | next Chapter –>
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you made a blog.... in 2020...?
So what is this... What did you just stumble upon.. Another weird girl venting about her problems online? Super original Susan! Well actually, these are tales of my problems. My name is Anna and you will surely get to know me, trust me. I will get into the why and what the purpose of the blog, but right now you’re about to read the regrettable, real moments of my old life. You’re gonna cringe at most, laugh at some, but really, we are going to grow together a lot. I hated my life, but I changed it. I created this blog because, at the lowest points of my life, I would’ve killed to have a blog like this to help me.
As you can see from my username and overall theme- I hated my life and was literally miserable in my own existence for several years. I hated every inch of my being. My appearance disgusted me, my own voice sent chills down my spin, there was nothing in my life that I “loved”. Everything was just there. I’ve heard this feeling as being in the passenger seat of your own life. I agreed but. this was like that and you weren’t given aux and the windows were up. I was in the midst of the era of my life I had deemed for myself “to be the beginning of what I’ve always wanted.” Yes, a four-year college. I had graduated from high school and had been admitted to my top college. I was in a good sorority (middle tier baby), made a friend group, lost some weight, and yet I was standing in the frat basement every weekend miserable. I know what you’re thinking - Honey, you just need another shot. That’s the issue, I could never shake the feeling of unfulfillment no matter how wasted, or high (just weed mom), or crossed I was. I promise you girlies I tried, trust me, shout out out to the fifth stall on my dorm floor. Now before I explain a little bit of my past that led me to the oddly wet floors frat basement floors of a university across the country, I would like to preface that I am in a very privileged place for having an identity crisis as my biggest issue. I am blessed to have lived a middle class lifestyle and do not take it for granted. Most issues will sound like first world problems- because they are. Others have it a lot lot worse, and I am aware some may read my so called issues and roll their eyes. Granted, these are still issues in my book and you’re on my blog so yeah.
My childhood was spent lusting after the High School Musical movies and romanticizing how high school would be for me. I very very quickly found out it was nothing of the sort. Now I wasn’t a weirdo, I wasn’t expecting the seniors to break into song during lunch but I wasn’t expecting to be bullied in my english class. This isn’t a sob story of bullying, but it is a layer in your life that does affect you in life, so it was worth mentioning. I hated the lack of control of my own life in high school, especially not being able to sleep in. I also wasn’t popular, or attractive... I was overweight and tall. A recipe for disaster dating wise in high school. By junior year, I hated every moment of high school. I didn’t go to football games, dances or anything. I skipped my senior prom. I was so unhappy with my life but thought the reason was my circumstance of high school. Things got worse- for respect of my family, and to have some personal things not shared, I won’t be going into details. I will describe the situation that happened from this point on as my trauma event. My trauma event occured my finals week of junior year. It flipped my life upside down, and we moved into my family friends house until the event could be controlled.
I spent my senior year at this house. In regards to the family friend, he won’t be named but I have great respect and gratitude for him for taking us in. In regards to the house, it was small as fuck and depressing. As senior year went on, I. just fell deeper and deeper down a depression hole. I was super gross honestly- inside and out. I hardly showered, brushed my teeth, ate shittily, never got out of bed and treated myself and others like shit. I also added into this depression concoction of lots of weed, which spiraled me even deeper. I switched between being depressed and manic episodes. I would act so compulsively and was just running numb 24/7. I couldn’t feel anything so I would stay up all night and sleep all day just for the brief head rush from waking up and drinking an energy drink. My depression altered my mindstate so severely it took control of my personality. I destroyed friendships and I even had a boyfriend (for two weeks :P) that I broke up with but then changed my mind all in one day. Needless to say, he broke up with my crazy ass a week after. I continued to do weird, compulsive actions because I only cared about myself. For example, I would call into work 20 minutes before to say I was sick and I wasn’t coming. I once quit and took it back an hour after. By the end of summer, gained weight, I had one friend, I was jobless, and left my house once a week. Can you say thriving… :) I wish this was the part of the story where I tell you guys leaving for college was when my life magically turned good.
At the time, I thought that the second I stepped foot onto college, I would immediately be confident, make friends, have straight A’s, and thrive. Well, that can’t really happen when you’ve been severely depressed and spent your summer in your dark, trashed bedroom. The depression was sucked out and replaced with anxiety. You know that feeling of the notification of a test grade being posted and you’re clicking it waiting for it load. I felt that way 24/7. I had the normal beginning college feeling of “I can’t make friends” and felt the pressure too but I did succeed in adopting a nicotine addiction. Something about being able to feel nothing will have you doing anything for that twenty-second head rush from a Juul rip. I experienced male attention for the first time and lost my virginity. I didn’t understand hook up culture, so I thought the situation was much deeper than it was so when he wasn’t interested else wise, I was crushed. The next thing I did was make out with his old roommate, and made him snapchat me to the guy. Trust me, I know how weird I was to do this. I did so many weird things with guys that any female with common sense would be like ???? but clearly I didn’t have common sense. I mooched off people for Juul rips, and to smoke weed, anything to not have to live in my own reality.
I’m writing this in the past tense, so keep in mind I never realized during any of this what role I was playing, I just deemed life bad. I finally realized how awful life seemed to me over winter break, I thought my only issue was my nicotine addiction. Quitting made life appeared brighter, but it led me to see my real life that I had hidden behind weed and nicotine. I realized nothing had changed from that dark bedroom Anna and Anna in college. I began to reflect over my life and all the moments I shared with you and more, I was literally shook. I was embarrassed and disgusted and I couldn’t believe I did that all and normalized it. “That wasn’t me,” I kept thinking. But who was I? And When was the last time I was that “normal self?” This sparked my self-help journey, that while I am only three months deep in, I am living happier than ever.
I wish I could tell you I fixed my life overnight, but its a long journey. My life was never the issue, I was. I was the villain in my own story. I started educating myself on how I could “fix” myself, and wanted to go to the root of the problem. This blog is your hotspot for how to fix yourself. If you are on here I’m guessing you hate your life too. To rip off the bandaid, You are your problem. But you can fix it! That’s what this blog is for.
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Hey Friend - Steve Harrington
Gif: captinromanoff on Tenor
Word Count: 2.6K
Paring: Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) x (f)Reader
Summary: Steve accidentally ruins Y/N’s blanket from her room when hanging out with her brother, Dustin. He tries to make it up to her, causing a change between them.
Warnings: N/A
Requested: Anon
“DUSTIN!” I yelled as I stormed from my bedroom and into the living room. There I was greeted with the site of my little brother sitting on the sofa with Steve Harrington and eating pizza. Dustin turned and looked at me with a mouthful.
“What?” Dustin quirked his eyebrow.
“Where is my blanket?”
“Your blanket?”
“The black and white striped one.”
“No clue, why?”
“Cause it’s not in my room,” I put my hands on my hips and glared at him, “and you’re the only one who would go in my room.”
“Black and white stripes?” Steve gulped.
Me and Dustin then both turned to face him. Dustin fearing for him, and me fuming at him. I had enforced a rule that no one was to enter my room without my permission after Dustin and his friends used my street-facing window to throw water balloons at the kids across the street and someone tripped over the bucket of water balloons, causing them to burst and ruin my carpet. I forgave them, obviously, but I then told them that if they wanted to go into my room they had to ask permission, the bargaining being that I wouldn’t tell how they ruined my room if they listened, but if they did, I would and that would mean serious trouble. Mum had to fork a lot of money to replace the carpet, which I said was ruined by me accidentally leaving the window open during a stormy day. She didn’t believe me, but until I told her the truth she had nothing.
“What did you do to my blanket, Harrington?”
Steve stood up and gestured for Dustin to do the same. It was then I realized they were sitting on something. It was my blanket with the underneath pointing upwards, and there in the centre was a large red stain from the pizza sauce and bits of cheese stuck onto it.
“Honest, Y/N, I had no idea that was your room. I thought it was a guest room.”
“Screw you, Harrington,” I huffed as I stormed off to my bedroom and slammed the door behind me.
Pacing up and down my room, I grumbled to myself. Then there was a knock on my door and it opened a small crack where Dustin poked his head through and stared at me.
“Sorry about that, Y/N/N,” Dustin mumbled, “he didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Doesn’t change the fact he did.”
“How was he supposed to know this was your room? He thought it was a guest room.”
“Cause this house is big enough for a guest room,” I scoffed.
“It’s not a girly room, Y/N/N.”
“So that means he can enter it and take my stuff?”
“Not what I’m saying, Y/N/N,” Dustin sighed.
“Look,” I huffed, “I don’t give a shit if this was an accident or pre-planned - you tell Steve that he has got to either clean the blanket or buy a replacement.”
“Dustin!” I snapped at him. Dustin sighed and nodded, stepping backwards and opening my door again before leaving.
“Night, Y/N/N.”
Knock, knock, knock.
“Yes?” I opened the door. Shockingly, Steve stood there sheepishly holding a white paper shopping bag. “Dustin isn’t here,” I tell him. Steve nodded and coughed.
“Yeah, I know, I came to see you, actually.”
“You did?”
“Look, I tried to clean your blanket,” Steve admitted, “but it was ruined. The sauce wouldn’t come out and somehow cheese is stuck in the material and I felt so bad cause you were clearly upset, and I really didn’t mean to ruin something which belonged to you,” Steve rambled on, “so I bought you a new one,” he said as he thrust the bag in his hand to you.
By the look on his face, it was as though he expected me to yell at him, curse him out or slam the door in his face. I blinked and stared at the bag in silence before taking it from Steve’s hands, causing him to release all the tension being held in his shoulders.
“Thank you, Steve,” I said quietly, “you didn’t have to. I was just saying that to Dustin, I didn’t mean it. I could’ve brought my own again for like… $7 at the local store. You didn’t have to go to this much.”
“I wanted to get it,” Steve smiled, “I should of at least asked Dustin if it was your bedroom or not.”
“You didn’t mean to drop the pizza on it.”
“Oh no, that wasn’t me,” Steve shook his head, “I only took the blanket, Dustin dropped the pizza and when you went into your room all angry he was worried that you’d be angry at him too, so I told him not to tell you and let you think it was me.”
“I wanted to.”
“I wouldn’t have been mad at Dustin.”
“I know that, you know that, even he knows that,” Steve assured you, “but tensions were high and it was kinda my fault for taking the blanket from your room.” He smiled, “Go on, take a look and see if you like it,” he gestured to the bag in my hand. I smiled and opened the bag, pulling out a small part of the blanket. It was a deep navy blue, like the night sky, and covered in white stars. The edge of the blanket had a white fluff on it. Running my hand over it, I gasped at the softness and how lovely it was.
“Oh, Steve,” I said, “it’s lovely,” I tell him meeting his eye. “Thank you.”
“It’s not a problem,” Steve told you with a smile, “look, I better get home, but we’ll talk soon, yeah?”
“Yeah,” I nodded as Steve left. I watched him drive off and gave him a wave as he passed by. For about ten minutes, I stood at the door, staring after where Steve drove off, holding the bag, and there I stood until Dustin came home. He saw me standing there and paused with a confused frown.
“You alright?”
“Huh?” I blinked and turned to face him, “oh yeah, I’m fine,” I nodded as I stepped inside, Dustin following behind me.
“What’s in the bag?”
“Steve brought me a replacement for the blanket that got ruined,” I shrugged, not letting Dustin know I knew he dropped the pizza. My poor brother clearly was upset about dropping the slice, so I didn’t want to add to the mix. I placed the bag on the kitchen counter.
“Can I see?” He asked.
“Go ahead,” I said as I got a glass of water. I heard the rustling of Dustin looking in the bag behind me.
“Whoa, he really must have felt bad about taking your blanket,” Dustin let out a low whistle. I turned around and looked at Dustin in confusion.
“What’d you mean?”
Dustin had taken the blanket completely out of the bag and held it out for me to see clearly. I shrugged and stared at him, waiting for him to explain it to me.
“This cost like… $50,” he explained to me.
“Fucking hell,” my eyes bulged and lunged across the kitchen, taking the blanket from Dustin’s hands and started expecting it. Steve had taken the price tag off. Then I folded it up carefully and placed it in the bag as though it could break. “He spent that much on a blanket for me? Why?”
“I don’t know,” Dustin shrugged before leaving the kitchen. “Maybe you should ask him.”
“Hey,” I greeted Steve on Monday in the library. He looked at me in shock as I had never spoken to him in public, and hardly ever when he was at my house, but he then smiled at me.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to thank you again,” I sat next to him. “It’s the nicest thing in my room,” I joked, playfully nudging him.
“You deserve the best.”
“You didn’t have to spend that much on me,” I said suddenly, unable to hide that I knew anymore. “$50 on a blanket for a girl who's treated you like shit since we were 12 is too much, Steve.”
Steve looked down and turned red, almost like he was embarrassed that I knew about the price of the blanket. He scratched the back of his head, which was cocked to the right, and looked at me from under the large amount of hair on his head.
“How’d you find out?”
“Dustin recognised it – how? I have no clue, but he told me the price.”
“I had to go up there to get something for my mum’s birthday,” Steve explained, “Dustin was with me and came along. He must have seen it.”
“I hope you don’t feel uncomfortable,” Steve mumbled, “with me spending that much on the blanket.”
“I mean…” I sighed, “it’s weird, but I’m grateful. I want to repay you somehow.”
“Be nicer?” Steve asked jokingly.
“I’m serious.”
“So am I,” he told me, “the way to pay me back is to let me be your friend.”
Steve gave me a big smile. He had leaned back in his chair and looked at me intently. I could tell he was serious now, so I smiled and nodded at him.
“Okay,” I said, “friends. I can do that.”
“Good.” Steve stood up and grabbed his books, “see you later, friend.”
That Saturday night Steve came round again with pizza. I opened the door and grinned at him.
“Hey friend,” I said to him.
“Hey friend,” he said back, “Dustin ready?”
“Yep. Come on in.”
“Are you doing anything tonight, or do you want to join us?” Steve offered.
“I’d like that,” I nodded, sitting on the sofa next to Steve before turning and yelling, “DUSTIN, STEVE’S HERE!”
The sound of Dustin’s feet could be heard as he ran towards us. He burst into the living room and stopped at the doorway when he saw me and Steve sitting on the sofa.
“What’d going on?” He asked wearily. “Why do I feel like I’m about to be told off?”
“You’re not,” I shook my head, “Steve said I could join you if I wanted. Is that alright?”
Dustin grinned widely and nodded before leaping on the sofa between me and Steve, snatching the pizza box from Steve and opening it to dig into the food.
“Sound’s great,” he said with a mouthful of pizza. Steve and I looked at each other over Dustin’s head with little smiles on our faces and then we both shook our heads and turned to the TV which Dustin had turned on.
There we sat until Dustin yawned and rubbed his eyes a couple of hours later.
“You alright?” I asked him as he nodded tiredly.
“I think I’m heading to bed,” he yawned again, “night guys,” he said before leaving.
Steve and I sat in silence with the TV on until we heard Dustin’s door close behind him. When we heard the sound of it closing, Steve shifted closer to me.
“You alright?” Steve asked me.
“I’m good, how about you?”
“Good,” he nodded. “Glad to spend time with my friend.”
“As am I.”
Steve was so close to me that he had his arm around my shoulder and I were nestled in close to him, not bothered by the closeness.
“Can I ask why you never liked me?” Steve asked curiously. I hesitated and looked away.
“Remember Jessica Thompsons Birthday party when we were twelve?”
“Remember the game of spin the bottle?”
“Remember my go of the game?”
“No,” Steve admitted. “What happened?”
“I spun it and it landed on you.”
“And you got up and left.”
“Everyone laughed.”
“Oh god,” Steve said, “I’m so sorry. God, what an idiot I am!”
“We were kids,” I told him, “and I shouldn’t have held it against you for so long. I’m an idiot.”
“We’re both idiots,” Steve sighed. He looked down and smiled sheepishly, “fresh slate between us?”
“Yep,” I nodded, extending my hand for him to shake, which he did. “Fresh slate.”
“What do we do with this fresh slate?”
“Maybe we should talk?” I offered to him, causing Steve to smile and nod.
“Okay,” he said, “how’s the blanket?”
“So soft,” I tell him, “best night sleeps I’ve ever had.”
“Good,” he smiled leaning in closer. Silence fell over us and he brushed my hair from my eyes. Steve looked at me intently with a soft small smile dancing on his lips. “I was so stupid for not kissing you then,” he told me in a quiet voice.
“Maybe you should make up for it now then,” I whispered. I had barely finished the sentence when Steve closed the distance between us and pressed his lips against my own, his hands cupping my face. I move one of my hands to the back of his neck to hold him close. When he pulled back, Steve looked at me again, stroking my cheek with the back of his finger, feeling the shape of my face. My face pinked with out of shyness and I glanced downwards, causing Steve to smile and chuckle as he leaned his forehead against my own.
“What do we do now?” He asked.
“I don’t know,” I said, “This unfamiliar territory for me. Dating and all that.”
“Well,” Steve sighed, “I suppose a date is in order. What about that?”
“I’d like that very, very much.”
“Okay, next Friday?”
“Yes,” I nodded, “What should we do until then?”
“Maybe,” he coughed, “maybe we should try that kiss again – make up for the lost time?”
“Yeah,” I said as Steve closed the distance again, kissing me once more.
“OH MY GOD!” Yelled a voice. We jumped apart in shock and turned to see Dustin standing in the doorway in his pyjamas, staring in shock at us with his jaw dropped.
“Please tell me I did not just see that!” He cried out covering his eyes, “I did not just see Steve, my friend, sticking his tongue down my big sister’s throat.”
“Okay,” I said standing up, “Dustin, take your hands off your eyes.”
“Is he still groping you?”
“My hands never went below her shoulders,” Steve said.
“Not helping!” I tell him, but Dustin slowly took his hands off his eyes and looked at us wearily, as if he were concerned we’d start making out in front of him in an attempt to mentally scar him.
“What the hell?” Dustin asked. “I thought you couldn’t stand him.”
“I was being petty,” I said, “he’s nice and sweet, and… and I kinda like him.”
“I kinda like you too,” Steve smiled, reaching for my hand.
“Eww, gross,” Dustin groaned.
“Look,” Steve said, “I like your sister, Dustin, but that isn’t going to change our friendship. I wanna take her out on dates, and I promise you won’t walk in on us doing anything like that.”
“I doubt it,” Dustin scoffed but then he looked at us holding hands and staring at him, “but I won’t stop you if this is what will make you both happy.”
“It will,” Steve and I said nodding in agreement.
“Then go ahead, but don’t break her heart,” Dustin warned Steve.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Steve smiled turning to look at me.
“I’m going to bed,” Dustin huffed turning around to leave. Steve pulled me close to him and kissed me, causing me to giggle, “PLEASE WAIT UNTIL I CLOSE MY DOOR!” My brother yelled at us before slamming the door, causing Steve and I to look at each other and start laughing uncontrollably.
#steve harrington imagine#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington x y/n#stranger things#Stranger things imagine#stranger things one shot#steve harrington#joe keery#joe keery x reader#joe keery imagine#imagine#one shot#fanfiction
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Could you tell us a little about your characters?
Y E S !
but due to me having at least over a thousand characters I’ll just give a quick summary of the 25 I manage to dig up over 3 sketchbooks.
Y’all can pick and choose which of them interest yall or who you wanna hear more about!
Also because I’m extra, I made sketch icons for the 25 characters, info under the cut
I’ll talk a bit more about my actual Original Characters first, starting with
Aiko! Otherwise known as Echo
- A marked individual in a steampunk world that gets mixed with magic, because I like both of those things
- Echo runs an underground lab that does helps the underground world with replacing body parts, illegal surgeries etc etc
- Even though she marked, which puts a bounty on her head already, she is well respected by the community for not cheating for your money, stealing your cash, or shanking/killing you mid-surgery
- however, Echo does long for adventure and sometimes do get bored in the lab
oh yeah,, Echo like stealing eyeballs, so if you’re low on cash and wouldn’t mind losing an eye, you know who to call!!
Here’s Echo’s boring, undeveloped sidekick!! I don’t like her and I don’t know how to make her better. Yes, she doesn’t have a name.
here’s my god playboy that left “heaven” due to having an early mid-life crisis, I call him God boi cause;
- He goes by many names!
tbh, he’s probably the closest character I have to being genderfluid/-neutral? I’m not sure,,
- The god has many powers, from lightning to shapeshifting
- The shapeshifting part allows him to change every part of himself, allowing him to change depending on his situation.
- God boyo, or originally Aristide, is obsessed with the idea of perfection. A god should be perfect, if a god is out of line, he is no god.
- Same goes for him, which means whenever something is wrong with him, it affects him, extremely
However, leaving the land of gods to live among humans aren’t all perks
- Aris isn’t immune to diseases or injuries. In fact, he actually fell down and died on impact when he came to earth, being reborn into another child immediately.
- He doesn’t gain his memories back automatically tho!! He has to have a major shock to the brain in order for him to remember his previous lives
- Sometimes the shock isn’t enough either, when you have a thousand over lives, you won’t remember every single one of them. So forgotten lovers coming back to haunt because your brain hates you? That’s everyday for him!
i just,, i like playing with the concepts of god,,
Up next we got Ayeka Himura! A japanese student going to a neighborhood, but still a pretty good, school living close to poverty due to her father’s constant spending habits and obsession with art supplies. With the household lacking a mother due to wacky shenanigans, Ayeka takes care of her two younger siblings and the house, all while maintaining a very well-paid job and slowly loosing interest in actually studying for a good, honest job.
also she likes birds!!
Yes her design is heavily “based” off Toga but I love her current design too much to change it, h e l p
So like,, I suck at chinese and I made ocs that exclusively spoke in chinese to help with that but I’m still stuck at 40~marks
I forgot his scar but remembered his earring i hate myself
my og chinese kiddo! he was was first to come and I love his design ever since
he radiates fuck you energy except the girl below. He’s neighbors with her and they acknowledge each other existence ever since. he has a dumb cliche crush on her and is a bit protective of her because nothing says having issues than latching onto someone that makes you happy
Only this girl got named!! even tho she was the second character.
Li Shen, yes she doesnt have a surname, is apparently main ho now, according to my old oc chart of my “main” ocs
She’s the group’s resident sweetheart and really does not want you to do stupid shit, stop doing stupid shit. She tutors my son up there ^^ even though he’s actually smart and just refuses to do his work properly. But she still deeply cares for him.
As well as the girl below shdifhd
the last girl of the ching chong trio and the reason I had to switch up my son’s design is this girly over here! Her design was too business-y and formal so I enrolled all of them into college. A rich girl who doesn’t know how to deal with her g a y thoughts. Tried sending Li Shen some flowers once. She didn’t realize attaching her name would be a good idea and son got a good laugh.
i like paranormal stuff so they apparently look into that shit in their spare time. They’re all actually really fun characters to do prompts with I swear!! send some in and I’ll write them
I had a previous concept for son and Li Shen before last girl came and if yall want me to talk about it,,, i found my sketchbook with the old ideas,,
Elora herself used to be a fan character but I pulled her out and wow\
cant fucking believe she used to be straight for Vylad
shes the outgoing, fun adventure type! bit of mommy issues here and there tho,, I don’t want to say too much since I have an entire for her +
her now upgraded bro, Vincent
i really like the name vincent,,
also now he has mommy issues
Ead, the knight who used to have armor
I hate drawing armor
he also have issues
she doesnt have that much issues tho
basically I made elora and her bro have mommy issues, I’m sorry in advance if that spoils anything
I, sometimes, post about these 4 over on @eloradiesismydocsname and its a gay ol’ time
not that gay tho because uhh,, medieval times,, but I need prompts for a modern au of them and I am happy to talk about their personalities and even go semi in-depth for any of them!!
here we have ghoster.png,, which is her file name cause I didn’t name her,,
A horror enthusiast + film student that goes to a supposedly haunted shack to film her upcoming project with the boys. wacky shenanigans occur and the boys left leaving ghoster here to starve and eventually fall to her death. But because it’s my oc i get to bring her back from the dead, now hungry as ever and will fucking eat you, its not a kink thing, shes just that hungry and angry
tax fraud.png
a robo girl that i created during social studies cause they were talking about taxes and i just went, “what if,, a robo runs on taxes,,, and like,, she haunts you down for not paying your taxes,,” thus she was born! I don’t know what to name her but she is set in the future so-
Time to go future-apocalypse style because I love that setting too and was upset that I didn’t have any ocs in that style. So I created Alex A. ! A cybrog filled with memories of the previous generations as a sad attempt to preserve human life.
He’s accompanied by his sister/cousin idr i didn’t draw an icon for her, didnt like her design. they go on a hunt for food and to return with nothing. She gets to meet this other dude who has a plant arm im pretty sure i based him off someone’s elses oc but i cant remember. The 3 are forgotten. Kinda want to bring them back tho.
Neon! A character set in the future utopia of lazy people, where gamers rise up. its the best I can describe her story without getting too deep. She the new hacker on the block, joining the underground gang of elite hackers. She’s another one of those wacky characters that just has fun. I mean, when you know your way around codes and the world you live in is full of it, would you not take advantage of that?
as for fan characters,, uhh,, i have em
Alexzandra Zara oh my god i forgot to draw her necklace and shirt
anyways,, Alexzandra is one of the more older ocs I have that didnt get a big revamp. Only an au I develop to the point I forgot the actual shows and the original cast are a little different from the source haha what? She’s the emotionally unstable german war veteran, yes the wife thing isn’t mutual, and haha shes only 27~. I cling onto her so much?? She’s hits a lot of “edgy” points but I still love her cause idk,, the story I made for her is something I hold dear cause Alexzandra was one of my first ACTUALLY DEVELOPED CHARACTER. Is it wrong to say I hold her really close to my heart? Is that weird? probably a little cringy sorry haha. I probably project a little into her which might have strengthened my love for her ack. Her story delves more into the depression very unstable needs to talk to someone side and i get scared talking about my wife’s story online so uhh, idk ask me specific questions about her, I’ll be more inclined to talk.
Dr Watts! The spoiled ass dick that stole dst Wilson’s house and yes this is a dst oc, yes im slightly sorry.
He’s just fun?? almost ran a blog with him and a friend’s oc. He’s your typical uptight old science gramps that took advantage of the fact that no one knows his real name that he calls himself a doc. He’s not. I put everything about him up to a 9-10? He’s one of those wacky characters and I love him for it! His story is really wonky tho so might need help solidifying that part
and from the angry old man to my sweet man that will adopt you even if you’re noisy or call him ginger. Pilot here is a TF2 OC I made to interact with other tf2 OCs cause some of them are fun and i wanna join in :((
He’s the Canadian stereotype, and yes, he adopted scout, that was one of my character notes.
Like the actual cast of tf2, there’s barely any real story to him. I only gave him a vague I don’t know my past but hey, i fly really really well. He participated in war unlike certain men but he’s still really nice and will only kill you if you hurt his family. Which he doesn’t know so he just considers the cast his family. He keeps mentioning a wife though, pretty sure he doesn’t have one but you do what makes you happy son.
Ai! an oc I HEAVILY revamped oh my god i hate her old vers. So if yall remember my random shouting of missing my og son, Aru. Here’s his bff. cause he barely has any actual friends that give a shit. And I just cant have that. but here’s your yandere revamped into a last minute addition. I actually feel like I did Ai a lot of justice. I don’t want to delve too deep cause I will start making charts. I’ll do that in a separate post if yall are keen
Isamu Aena! a mp100 oc I made by accident cause idk,, I was thinking about lolita fashion and all of a sudden, the actual oc I was going to make turned into a mob psycho oc. She’s one of my few ocs where her sexuality matters (she’s gay yeah) cause it plays a role in her storyline. She went from being “manipulated”/used to Mob’s wingwomen. She spots out things that can help him in the romantic department cause she’s into romance. A student of the school Mob infiltrated and a fantastic tailor, not to mention a pretty decent pyschic. wait where do models get their lolita stuff from,,
im gonna ignore that and move onto Lillian Yi! Who, i swear i did not meant for it, is very close to lloyd. I mean,, none of the ninjas were with him after s3, who you think he’d meet. Lillian is a survivor from the Great Devourour and yes I’m still pissed LEGO stole my backstory for Lillian to use for Harumi. FUCK YOU LEGO, i still love both of em tho,, The event did leave a big scar and it made Lillian job jumping for a bit, ending at Chen’s Noodles in S6~, where ya know,, stuff got better. She was a medalist for gymnastics and continue the activity, even after her parents’ death, to please others. She was already lost at the time so staying in the sport would help, right? Needless to say, after being rejected at a cop academy for youths, or something similar, she gave up for a while but got back into the idea of saving people by using her skills she already had. It helped with the weight and feelings and meeting the green ninja was a very big bonus. Also Lloyd dubbed her the “mysterious stranger” when she refused to speak in fear of her identity, slight shame, and maybe a bit of being star struck. It helped Lloyd too in a sense where he had something to distract him from Zane’s passing.
Their relationship was eventually formed, strong and almost unbreakable, except for harumi but uhh thats a different story. Throughout the seasons, they stayed close and lloyd was always comforted by Lillian went times get ruff.
Also Lillian is my most light-hearted characters and I think that says a lot
Then there’s Nite “I don’t want to be your dad”. A character that is supposed to be in the ninjago world but barely interacts with the main story and only stays in his self contained plot. He was supposed to get a bf but uhhh idk. He’s the master of shifting and streams that online, taking out small crimes, and is actually really shy and doesn’t like interacting with people.
also haha fortnite
Nora Akino, the sin of despair! its an ad thing, I think. She speaks only in a foreign language that only Odin understands and is either big gay for Ava or Maggi, she can’t pick. And yes she did drink the vial, when TITAN attacks your planet and you accidentally die, how else can you meet your family again? also my grandpa walked in and said she looks like royalty. cool-
she wouldn’t leave my hand for like,, 3 days or something
Petri, a fellow troublemaker at camp campbell’s music camp. She managed to pick the camp because apparently a parent who doesn’t acknowledge your hard work don’t read the fine print! Please let David adopt her,,
LASTLY! Yukimaru Atsuko, hero name; Gummie. She goes by Yuki and is a big dick. She’s a studious student but gets more thrills on the actual battlefield. Living with her uptight grandma and her big bottom energy bro, she has the dom energy thing going. and apparently folks on G+, or the people who comment about her, thinks she’s really pretty, which was oddly a thing back before UA. She’s the dick you can like, not like Bakugou but she will definitely want to fight Bakugou.
A gum-related quirk is not full of perks when its only your hands. I’d dive more into her like her insecurities and stuff but I’ve been here for probably 3hrs. Sorry anon.
Also I’m so sorry to anyone who reads this all the way through.
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Yugioh S2 Ep 11: Get Ready for Ankle Slicing

How did this episode air!?
This show where guns have been edited into finger guns, where if a friend punches another friend it’s off screen, and just...youknow, several other alterations when it was dubbed into English for US TV. This episode is like I accidentally turned on Season Zero levels of WTF.
I mean it starts off normal enough--this guy wearing references to that spider guy from Season Zero is mugging this other guy for extra cards. Cute Season Zero cameo I guess but uh...uhhhhhhhh.
I’ll just get past this part. This is the normie part. This is normal.

We’ve seen Mokuba threaten people before but we haven’t yet seen what Mokuba’s special skill is in order to actually follow through with those threats.
(read more)

The skill is just calling up his scary brother. Not a terrible skill when you get down it. That’s basically what Joey does every time he calls over Pharaoh.

Man cards are such a great workaround for the super rich who can afford any card in the world to do whatever the hell illegal thing they want.
But more on that later.

...Look I’m not expert at how technology works but if my TV started broadcasting reruns of Seinfield so large that Kramer eclipsed the sun, then I might say “that’s not normal.” But Kaiba thinks so highly of his own tech, that making a monster aurora borealis and sending his competitor to the psych ward is like youknow, something extra he patched in through DLC.
It’s surprising that these are supposed to be just holograms, and they have been for years now, but they’re slowly turning into real boys this season and no one is talking about it.

Of course, in Kaiba’s case, maybe there’s a fair reason he has stopped bringing up when he sees weird stuff that shouldn’t be happening.
Anyways, at least ONE person in this town noticed. No one else regarded it, but this guy on the boat did.

And this is when Marik starts running off about Ishizu and we find out their weird history. We also find out that it is because of this history that Ishizu was maybe the worst person for Pegasus to trust these cards to. He would have been better off handing them to Shadi.

Wait a sec. Is this entire show just an episode of Storage Wars?

So hard for me to take him seriously when they’re realllly trying to sell me on this teething toy. At least Sailor Moon straight up was like “and here’s your really cute girly brand makeup case” because their items were literally toys. Poor Yugioh has to find some way to make this clearly-a-toy look edgy and they do the best they can. Their solution was to just add more sun flare and hope no one thinks about it too much.

Also, finally, Tristan realizes that he must leave this hospital. Nice that he was on duty to replace Joey but like...I’m still kind of lost as to why Joey isn’t here if his sister who he hasn’t seen in 7 years matters so much. But like cards, right?

Joey is reunited with Tea and Grandpa, only to walk about 20 feet, and then peace out and leave for the rest of this episode. Joey missed a LOT of content when he decided to turn right instead of left. Because, at his left, Pharaoh was staring at that Red Eyes dragon and thinking about how much his son has grown and improved unaware that he’s about to go on a...real weird journey and maybe lose his actual son, youknow, the one he shares a body with.

And he gets...possessed? The show doesn’t really explain this. Tea says “it’s like he’s possessed!” but lets be real, Pharaoh’s just morbidly curious and has no idea how the world works so I think he’d follow anyone into any place. He has little understanding of this thing everyone complains about called “danger”.

Inside this tent is your usual spook circus of spooks and I kinda feel bad for this clown because all this effort is completely lost on this actual ghost they’re trying to freak out.

This is the 2nd time that Yugi/Pharaoh has been abducted this season? I mean the first time we could blame it on Yugi but now it’s like...are you in fact seeking out opportunities to try and get abducted more times than Mokuba?

So that...happens. Just happens out of no where. It’s at exactly this moment that Mokuba’s well honed sixth sense goes off and he’s like “I sense a kidnapping!!”

It feels like the self proclaimed villains in this show save our protagonist more than the other protagonists.
On the other side of town, Pharaoh is mostly bothered by the fact that he cannot find the magic show.

This dark magician in the form of a hologram starts baiting him...but like...why? After that sequence is over and Pharaoh’s like “It’s not even the right color dark magician the hell was that amateur hour?” we get a good glimpse of an Etsy Papercraft blog gone wrong.

Pharaoh went OFF about how his Dark Magician loves him more than Arcana’s Dark Magician and it’s like Pharaoh, my dude...I don’t think that’s what Arcana was talking about. Like at all.
Yugi kinda takes an opportunity to say something--not enough to get Pharaoh to use his magic and leave, but at least to make Pharaoh realize hey, can you focus?

And then, it begins. A completely normal, run of the mill duel.
Speaking of mill.

Like dark kids shows exist, I’m not going to say Yugioh is the only kid’s show that was like “lets get effed up” because that was a whoooole lot of kids shows from the early 00′s but like...this is Saw for Kids.
And I’ve seen that analogy before about Yugioh, about how it’s Saw for Kids, and I was like “ehhhhh not really, maybe just Season Zero but not OG” and like naw, we’ve hit max Saw for Kids. This is clearly what they were talking about. I mean...look at those saws.

Like both of them can get out of this situation at any time, right?
Like this isn’t even part of the tourney and Arcana tells Pharaoh that straight up and Pharaoh’s like “well, that’s fine.”
Like we know that the millennium items can just shoot lasers?
Whenever he feels like it?
I mean, man if Pharaoh wasn’t so held back by being forced to accept every freakin duel everyone approaches him with, he’d get a hell of a lot more done. How INCONVENIENT is this!?
Anyways, lets get to card to murder.
Next week, on Yugioh
So does Grandpa and Tea just use the clearly easy to locate trap door or will they continue to be lost? How many more Yugi hallucinations is Kiaba going to see? Is there anything at all that can forfeit a game of freakin duel monsters!?
PS if you just got here, here’s a link to these recaps from the very beginning in chrono order.
#Yugioh#yugioh recap#photo recap#humor#s2 ep 11#yugi muto#arcana#ankle slicing#tea gardner#no one expects your protagonist to shackle himself to giant ass buzzsaws
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the complete history of julie’s development
(and some other stuff too)
i was thinking about making this post because i actually have a lot to say in regards to this?
@nightshade1994, @glampyra
so, i started watching rnm back in around may 2014, when i was still 13 years old. while the show currently has three seasons with a fourth in production, back then we only had season one, which is what most of the info surrounding julie is based on.
the character of mrs.sanchez(rick’s wife) is still elusive as hell, even more so back then. all the show really told us was:
she is no longer around for whatever reason
rick left her for an unspecified reason
which isn’t really much to go off of. but people were still making versions of her back then, and i wanted to get in it on. julie started out as a design really, nothing more, and her name was “tatiana” back then. but i decided instead to switch to an english name, and she was renamed “juliana”, or just julie for short(which is actually the french form of julia).
i ended up coming up with ideas for julie’s personality, but what really inspired me was when i was looking through a now dead rick and morty confessions blog, and someone posted a confession that they thought maybe the reason rick is so attached to morty to begin with, is because morty reminds him of his wife. both characters being shy, cute and awkward, but his wife also being this really sweet and kind person. that was basically the basis of julie’s personality that i expanded on over the years.
i still have that confession saved too
with the way mrs.sanchez is presented, it’s clear she’s dead. however, 13/14 year old me was not about that shit, and i opted to keep her alive. the explanation is she ran away to look for rick, and ended up becoming some badass bounty hunter type. i still have this pic i made back in 2014 of her bounty hunter look(pictured with rick):
my dumbass preferred her over the younger julie(because she’s cooler or whatever), and i kept her like this for a while, and for a short time, i got rid of the bounty hunter thing but still kept her alive, before coming to the tragic conclusion she had to be killed off. it fucking hurt, but it was the realistic option and i knew i had to do it.
since then, julie’s been in a continuous development, and she only has gotten better, as i’ve gotten better at character creation.
onto her design
julie was made to be conventionally attractive, i mean look at her daughter and rick
it’s clear, beth takes over rick in terms of personality, and her mother in appearance.
i made julie a redhead because it’s meant to explain where summer’s red hair comes from, both parents need to carriers of the red hair gene in order for it to pass onto the offspring...and even then...it’s really recessive, which is why only a small amount of people have it. beth carries the red hair gene from her mother, and jerry carries it from a direct relative of his.
julie has a small button nose to explain where morty’s nose shape comes from. beth’s nose shape is explained as being a combination of julie’s nose and rick’s nose, it goes down like rick’s, and is rounded like julie’s.
(reference pics i have)
her hairstyle was also made to reflect her shyness(with a whole side of her face being covered) and her femininity, as it’s long and very neat.
her outfits are also meant to properly look like outfits from the 70s, the particular decade julie comes from. these pictures of outfits from the 70s inspired julie’s:

and since julie is feminine, of course her outfits reflect this too.
julie’s design hasn’t changed drastically, i mainly just redesigned her outfits, the one she had for the longest with a violet sundress and brown boots, but i changed it because it was too plain and not 70s enough. looking back at this old traced thing i made, also back in 2014, julie’s hairstyle appears to be slightly different too. and rick’s skin was wayyy too damn light, i think i just chose a bad screenshot to take his skin colour from at the time.
i even redid julie’s elderly design, in the au where she lives, and also redid that top picture of rick and julie from years ago:
(now rick and julie are even wearing their wedding rings!) and julie looks skinny and has a younger-looking body because rick used some anti-aging serum on her. now elderly julie is a stereotypical grandma who bakes cookies and knits cute sweaters for you. where’s that damn “julie lives” au.
i redid that other picture too.
i think i should also bring up julie’s friends because they are important too.
i did mention before that the earliest version of how rick and julie met was because of julie’s friends dragging her to a bar. one of the friends wanted julie to socialize more, this became vivian, and another girl who was a party animal named hilda, who i scrapped completely. another friend of julie’s that was scrapped was sandra, who was supposed to be the friend julie could talk about “girly stuff” with. i scrapped them out of a lack of ideas.
as for mark, i wanted a character who was reasonable and julie could go to for advice, and i made him a male to balance out the three female characters. he was made a hippie because my ass couldn’t resist including one. a significant part of mark’s backstory is him being a victim of child abuse, and the inspiration for this comes a tragic place.
child abuse is a very personal thing for me, not because i was a victim of it, but because both, yes, both of my parents were victims of it themselves. they faced physical and emotional abuse growing up, and had to deal with a lot of other shit in their younger years that i won’t go into detail about. i really wanted to make a character that was a victim of abuse, and at first, it was handed over to julie, but i couldn’t bring myself to do it, and i liked the idea of a big part of why julie is the way she is because is because her parents had a very positive influence on her. so it got handed to mark instead, who i didn’t have much backstory in mind for at the time.
i can’t believe i’m saying this, but initially there was a point when there was a love triangle. look, i’ve said it multiple times but i initially created julie when i was 13/14, i didn’t know any better. when i finally realized how dumb it was, i scrapped it, along with the character in the love interest, also vying for julie’s affections, named kent. the story revolving around this was how it was for the longest time too and i’m so fucking embarrassed holy shit.
at one point, julie also had a younger brother who was named charlie(julie was born in 1951, and i think he was supposed to be born in either 1952 or 1953). he didn’t last long and was scrapped too, i didn’t want there to be a whole other side to the smith family they were either:
completely unaware of
knew they existed and didn’t care about them for whatever reason
i gave charlie black hair, and to this day, the design i have in mind for julie’s mother has black hair too, i just think it looks good on her. at the end of the day, scrapping him was really good in the long run, mark and julie, who both don’t have siblings, see themselves as brother and sister, and it adds to their bond. it also reinforces julie’s loneliness, and the reason i have in mind that about julie’s innocent nature is because her parents were protective, because julie’s mother suffered a miscarriage a year after julie was born and was rendered infertile. her parents didn’t want to lose their only biological child after all.
i don’t have too much to say about vivian, she’s always been fairly constant, except she used to be a lot bitchier, but i opted to make her nicer, even if it doesn’t come off that way. i also always had the idea of her and mark being paired together, i just liked the idea of putting a character with a short-temper and a character with a mild-temper character. their relationship is more subtle than rick/julie.
once i branched away from the love triangle shit, the story needed to change, and i started out trying to incorporate the galactic federation into it. but it wasn’t very...successful...
i came up with the idea for the fyralogin empire because i thought it would make sense for the universe to have a great power before the federation replaced it. so they were represented as a dying empire on it’s last legs, struggling to hold onto power.
i don’t have too much else to say from this point on. but as you can see, julie, her friends and the story itself went through a lot before reaching their current point, and...i think it’s all for the better.
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Billy Hargrove Imagine Requested- Missing You
As I promised, @theoperators-trashcan ,here is your Billy Hargrove x Reader imagine. I listened to “Missing You” by John Waites while writing this, so feel free to take a listen. Also, the song by The Scorpions is really good so you should look that one up too. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this!!
Warnings: Mild language
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
You stood next to your car awaiting the familiar rumble of Billy’s loud Camaro. It had been 3 months since you started dating going against everyone’s warnings. Although it was hard for all of your friends to believe, the two of you complimented each other. You, a quiet bookworm who always stayed to herself, now dating Billy, the boisterous charming king of Hawkins High School. He brought out the daring and rebellious side you didn’t even know you had and you brought out the caring and humble side he hid away from the world. Within the 3 months you two had been dating you learned so much about each other. You about his awful home life and he about how hard your parents were on you. Together, you each brought the other up from the darkest places. And although the entire world was betting against your relationship, you and Billy were inseparable.
Billy’s Camaro grumbled to a halt next to you before Max hopped out. A happy smile spread across her lips when she saw you. “Y/N!” She shouted as she ran into your spread arms. “Hey there Mad Max.” You said ruffling her hair a little. A childish giggle erupted from her as she pulled away from you. “Are you coming over today after school?” Max asked with excited anticipation. Before you could reply, Billy emerged from his car sending a cheesy smile to your lips. You looked down to Max, “We’ll see. Maybe I can practice some hair styles for the Snow Ball on you.” Max scrunched up her face in disgust, “No way!” She said while shaking her head. You chuckled at her hatred towards anything remotely girly. Placing your hand on her back, you gave her a light shove, “You better get going.” You motioned to the school building where Mike, Dustin, Will, and Lucas were standing waiting for her. She gave you a quick wave before hopping onto her skateboard and rolling towards her friends. As you watched after her, you felt a pair of hands grab your hips and pull you into a rather hard chest. “Good morning beautiful.” Billy whispered quietly into your ear sending shivers throughout your body. You turned until you were facing him and his arms were fully wrapped around your waist. “Good morning handsome.” You replied before placing a quick kiss on his lips. Billy looked down at you silently with a smirk playing on his lips. Although you had been dating for 3 months, you still squirmed under his captivating stare. “What?” You said with a soft chuckle. Billy shook his head, “Nothing. What? I’m not allowed to look at my sexy girlfriend anymore?” You gave him a light push coming out of his embrace. “Shut up.” You said as you felt your cheeks begin to burn. Billy, knowing exactly what he was doing, wrapped one arm around you and placed his hand in your rear pocket. “Come on babe. We’re gonna be late.” He said before leading you to class.
Not having any classes with Billy meant that you were unable to see him until lunch. At 12:00pm, the shrill bell chimed releasing everyone. You walked out to your car where you always met up with Billy. He wasn’t there yet, so you stood idly waiting for him. You zoned out staring at the asphalt in front of you until someone pulled you from your trance. “Hello? Y/N?” Steve’s voice questioned. You quickly looked up, “Oh! Steve! Hey, sorry I was just, uh, never mind. What’s up?” Steve gave you a friendly smile, “I was wondering if you could help me with something? It’s for Nancy.” You raised your eyebrows at the mention of Nancy, “Okay,” you began hesitantly, “what do you need help with?” Steve ran his hand through his hair, “Well I want to apologize to her, but I’m not sure how. You know? I want her to know that I really mean it.” You gave a light laugh at his innocence, it was refreshing. You placed your hand on his arm and gave it a squeeze. “Why don’t you buy her some flowers? Every girl loves flowers, especially roses. And just go to her house and talk to her. Tell her how you feel and that you’re sorry for whatever you did wrong. Sound like a good idea?” You could see relief pour over his face at your suggestion. He gave you a small smile before pulling you into a quick hug, “Yeah. Thanks Y/N. I’ll let you know how it plays out.” Releasing your hold on each other, you gave Steve a reassuring smile. You didn’t realize how much time had passed until the bell sending everyone back into class had rung. You looked around in search of Billy, but couldn’t find him. A confused sigh fell from your lips as you showed yourself back to class.
The second part of your day went by quickly. At 2:00pm the afternoon bell rang sending restless teenagers to the parking lot. You followed the crowd of people out of the building and made your way to your car. As you walked up to your car, you saw Billy smoking a cigarette waiting on you. That same cheesy smile from this morning spread across your lips, but was quickly replaced with concern when you saw Billy’s scowl. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You asked walking up to Billy. He took a couple more puffs before angrily flicking the cigarette onto the ground and stomping on it. “Are you okay?” You questioned reaching for his hand. Billy took a step back not allowing you to take his hand in yours. You titled your head to the side, but didn’t say anything. Billy ran his hand over his face, “What the hell were you doing with Harrington at lunch today?” You furrowed your eyebrows, “You saw me with Steve at lunch? I couldn’t find you, where were you?” Billy took a deep breath trying to control his anger, “That didn’t answer my question. What were you doing with him?” Still a little confused you shrugged, “He was asking me for advice. He wanted to know how to apologize to Nancy for something. It wasn’t anything really, just a friend asking for help from another friend.” Billy’s eyes glowered at you, “If he was asking for advice, why was he all over you? And why were you touching on him?” You stared at Billy in bewilderment, “What are you talking about?” Billy raked his hands through his hair angrily, “I saw him Y/N! He was all over you and you weren’t stopping him. You were all over him too!” The people around you began to stare as Billy raised his voice. “Billy,” you said quietly, “if you want to talk we can go to my house or something. You know, if you’re really that angry. I just don’t think this is the place.” Billy scoffed, “No, Y/N I don’t want to ‘go to your house or something’. I want you to tell me why the fuck Harrington was all over you. If you don’t want to tell me I can always go get it out of him.” Your confusion slowly began to change to anger. “What the hell is your problem Billy? I already told you why he was talking to me. And he wasn’t all over me, okay? A hug isn’t someone being all over someone else. I was being a good friend for God’s sake. Why don’t you trust me?” You retorted a little louder than you wanted. You could hear the whispers from the people standing near you, but ignored them. Billy pulled his lips into a tight line before saying, “I don’t know if I can trust you.” Your heart clenched at his words, “Well if you don’t know if you can trust me then maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore.” A hint of hurt flashed through Billy’s eyes at your suggestion. “Maybe we shouldn’t.” Billy agreed, his voice falling as he spoke. You could feel the tears pooling in your eyes, but swallowed them away. “Fine.” You said shakily as you stared into Billy’s eyes. He held your gaze for another moment before saying back to you, “Fine.” Your heart shattered at his final word and felt your eyes start to sting again. With tears threatening to spill over, you got into your car and drove off leaving Billy behind you.
You arrived home faster than usual and ran straight to your room. As soon as you shut your door, you let the warm tears rush from your eyes. Slowly sliding down the door, you let the sobs you had been holding in rake through your body. You threw your backpack across the room, “Son of a bitch!” You yelled through your tears. Holding your head in your hands, you just cried. You cried because you hurt, you cried because you knew Billy was hurting, you cried because you couldn’t see Max anymore, and you cried because, although you didn’t want to admit it now, you loved him. You hiccupped as you stood up and walked to your bed before another round of sobs shook your core. Your eyes shut when you hit the bed and soon after you fell into a restless slumber.
The next day you, unwillingly, pulled yourself out of bed and got ready for school. Your eyes were puffy and red from crying and you looked tired. Although you tried to cover up your sadness with makeup, it didn’t work. Staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror you could still see the remnants of last night. With a defeated sigh, you looked away and headed out to school. You made it your mission to stay as far away from Billy as possible and that meant finding a new parking spot. Unable to find any spots close to the building, you were forced to park out by the road. You sat in your car listening to “Missing You” by John Waites on the radio. Tears began to burn in your throat when a light knock came from your passenger window. You quickly looked up to find Max’s sad face staring back at you. She pointed to the door handle telling you to unlock the car. You unlocked it allowing her to plop into your front seat. Her skateboard straddled her lap as she turned to you. “If I knew not letting you practice hairstyles on me would result in you and Billy breaking up I would have let you do it, you know?” She said earning a chuckle from you. You placed your hand on top of hers, “It’s not your fault. Billy and I are just… not meant to be. I guess everyone was right.” Max let out a frustrated sigh, “I know you don’t mean that. I’m literally looking at your failed attempt at covering up your lack of sleep and, news flash, your eyes are still red, so.” You stared at her with your mouth hanging open unable to say anything in return. She closed her eyes regaining her composure, “Listen, I know Billy is an asshole sometimes, but he really cares about you. And, even though he keeps denying it, I know he misses you too. I saw the way he looked this morning. He looked like shit! He looked just like you!” You raised your eyebrows at her last remark, but didn’t say anything letting her continue. “Sorry,” she began, “I meant his eyes were red and puffy and all that stuff. You and I both know he would never leave the house looking like that, but he did this morning.” Max looked at you with pleading eyes, “Look, I’m not telling you to give him a second chance or anything. I’m just asking you to talk to him because judging by the way you look, and the track you have playing on the radio, you’re missing him too.” You stared down at Max with a small smile, “You’re wise beyond your years Mad Max. Do you know that?” Max shrugged before giving you a proud grin. You chuckled before pulling her into a hug over your center console.
The school day went by slow as your mind kept mulling over what Max said. You couldn’t concentrate on anything except for the idea of running into Billy’s arms. When lunch rolled around, instead of going out to your car, you sat in the library which overlooked the parking lot. Although you tried to convince yourself not to, your eyes looked out to the lines of cars. You could see your fellow classmates walking around, but your eyes found their way to the one person you were looking for. It was impossible to miss his broad shoulders and dirty blonde hair. You let yourself stare for only a moment before forcing yourself to look away. The rest of the day dragged until finally the bell rang indicating that it was time to go home. You quickly made your way out of the building in hopes that Billy was waiting, but, when you got to the parking lot, his car was long gone.
Instead of going home, you decided to listen to Max and drove to her and Billy’s house. You sat in the driveway of the Hargrove residence staring at the door willing yourself to get out. After 5 minutes, you got out and walked up to the door and knocked. You could hear “Rock You Like A Hurricane” by The Scorpions playing in the living room. At first, nobody answered the door. But, just when you were about to turn around, the door slowly creaked open exposing a sweaty and out of breath Billy. His white cut off tank was saturated in sweat and his face was glistening. As you stared at him, you realized that Max wasn’t lying this morning. His eyes had a hint of red in them and were still swollen. Although he could have fooled you into thinking he looked tired because of his weight lifting, you knew the truth. “Y/N.” Billy said, his voice tiny. You gave him a weak smile, “Hey Billy.” He looked back into the house before stepping out onto the porch with you. “What are you doing here?” He asked as he slid his hands into the pockets of his gym shorts. You looked down at your worn out high tops, “I wanted to talk.” Billy looked at you before running a hand through his wet hair, “What did you want to talk about?” You brought your gaze up to meet his and let out a breath, “About us Billy.” He dropped his eyes at the mention of your tattered relationship. “Billy…” you began before he cut you off. “Stop,” he said closing his eyes, “please don’t apologize. You shouldn’t have to apologize for me being an ass. I was wrong and I should have trusted you because I know, you of all people, would be the last person to lie to me.” You stared at him in silence letting him talk. He opened his eyes and looked at you. You could see the red tinge coming back as he took your hands in his, “And I can sit here and lie to myself and Max and even my shit head friends, but I can’t lie to you. I miss you and, after I watched you drive away yesterday, I realized that my life would go to shit without you. I love you Y/N and I need you in my life.” Your heart burst in your chest at the three words you had been yearning for him to say to you. A single tear fell down your cheek as a smile found its way to your lips. “Billy,” you whispered before taking his face in your hands and smashing your lips onto his. The kiss was tender, but fiery as you showed him the words your lips couldn’t formulate. He held onto you tightly when your lips finally separated. He peppered kisses on your forehead and hair, “I love you so much Y/N and I’m so sorry.” Cuddled into his arms you looked up into his eyes, “I forgive you and I love you so much more Billy.” He smiled down at you before pulling you into another warm kiss.
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