#a lot of mushrooms and in the process of being colonized by London. (per Her Majesty's orders)
iamthepulta · 2 years
Do tell me more about Lizzie 👀
Lizzie is ADORABLE.
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(top art by me, bottom art by @lettuce-shoes)
For as long as she could remember she grew up in an orphanage in the Reach, run by the nefarious Madame Florence. The younger children, five and under, were allowed a bit of freedom, but were restricted to the orphanage grounds, cleaning, and keeping the rooms orderly. The older children were sent out pickpocketing with their "wages" garnished to keep the orphanage (and Madame Florence's lifestyle) running.
Lizzie ended up being quite valuable with the highest pickpocket rate of any of the children. She was the perfect height to slip away unnoticed and after roaming the streets for a bit, looked so sooty she could blend into any alleyway.
However, being Madame Florence's "prize" picker ostracized her from most of the other children, and she only had two friends: Benji and Sally. When she turned 8 - old enough to make proper decisions for herself thank you very much - she decided to run away from the orphanage with Benji and Sally. They got separated in the hubbub of escape, but Lizzie snuck aboard the Pyrrhus and hid in their pantry (a respectable hiding place, of course) and tried to lay low until they reached the Elutheria relay.
She also loves kipper snacks. :) (Sunless Skies equivalent of hardtack.)
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