#a google doc sheet to keep better track
citylighten · 9 months
to storytellers with lengthy, ongoing stories: how many times have you cut a scene? 😂
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
In the next day or two (depending on how much time I have) I will be putting up a list of characters who have been submitted thus far, so I would ask anyone who wanted to send an ask seeing how many times [x] character has been submitted I would ask you to wait until that sheet is up so you can check it yourself :)
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devsgames · 11 months
Breakdown of a Dialog Tracking Document
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Here's a little overview of the Voice Over tracker template I use for tracking dialog in my games! If anyone wants to view these in action please check out this Google Sheet and make a copy for your own use.
I think this format is mostly useful for games that are smaller and/or only have some VO, I can't imagine it scales well to larger projects which might need more complex software like Articy. I use a separate 'working copy' of docs like this with additional language columns for tracking translation specifically, but this structure I find is a useful starting point for managing any kind of string-based localization or VO to your game. I do most of my writing in docs like these.
Generally I keep docs like this for my own sanity when organizing VO, and also for sending out to collaborators like localization specialists or Voice Actors who need access to this organized information. Keeping docs like this not only helps yourself during production, but also anyone else you might be working with.
You'll notice that in this doc for an unreleased game I have it broken down into 'Days' (effectively levels in the game), but in terms of Macro Structure I tend to lean towards whatever makes sense for each game. Some games I break it down by level while others might be broken down more by sequences or events - it really depends on the game you're making or how your VO will be applied.
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I typically have a "Guide" section to walk a user through how to use the doc (some people have never used spreadsheets before, after all!). I also often have a "Generic" section to catch dialog that doesn't fit elsewhere like character barks, noises, grunts, etc. "Data" is just isolated section for spreadsheet data like Roles and the like.
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This column indicates the speaker of the line. I typically have these filterable, so that if I'm working with Voice Actors they can break it down to their line exclusively to read from the sheet directly, or if I need to only view certain actor's lines while working.
Line Key
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Each line is given its own key which indicates its place in the structure of the wider game, as well as relative to each other. This is vital for certain implementations like Localization/Translations, which pull from Line Keys instead of directly from the line itself. This allows the line to be changed for each language independently, the only thing linking them being this key. This also allows you to change individual lines without breaking dependencies.
I typically name keys as [Actor]_[Context]_[NumberOfLine] as a baseline.
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This is for direction of voice actors and localization, to give people who may not have access to a build better context of the lines - especially if the lines might be confusing when viewed in a vacuum. (Note that in most cases you'll want your collaborators to have access to some kind of build to make their lives easier).
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Similar to context, to apply any direction for VO or additional context that may be relevant to collaborators (e.g. direction to Voice Actors, intonation notes, or elaboration for translators).
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The content of the line itself; what the line should say!
Anyway yeah, feel free to copy this and use this how you like. I just find docs like this are super helpful for not losing your mind when it comes to planning game structure and dialog sequences. :)
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exocynraku · 1 year
okay so you guys know how i have google docs with lists for my wc designs and my hypokits right yoouuu may be wondering how i've been keeping track of the family trees introducing the warrior cats family tree google SHEET . every cat on the left are ones i've drawn (probably wouldve been better if i sorted them alphabetically and not by group but ? idk if i have the brainpower to fix it) and then everyone on the right are characters who have some sort of family (including unnamed cats) who i haven't drawn
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
I've been experimenting with Firefox as a browser on the side (after using Chrome for many years), and while I'm going to try to keep using it because I know everyone says it's a better browser and that switching is easy, I want to make a few notes:
- Only 7 of my 23+ extensions had a Firefox parallel, so it's a learning curve to get used to things I no longer have. So far, I haven't found a working Xkit extension, making the Tumblr experience worse, but I'll keep trying. I miss my slider extension for adjusting screen brightness, which I have on Chrome. However, I'm grateful my password manager carried over.
- There's no Google Docs Offline extension. This isn't going to work for me, who does a ton of my work offline due to long carpooling trips, so even if I switch to using Firefox at home, I'd have to keep Chrome for this
-> Moving things between Word and Docs isn't super convenient for what I do, and I don't have Word on my laptop. Options such as wordcounter.com are an option in an emergency (I often open one such tab before a long car trip), but that's only useful for words, not working on formatting.
- I like Firefox's browser themes. One of them is an animated Spirited Away header that I really like because the URL bar is black and the top of the screen is dark. One of the problems I often have with Chrome is that I edit docs while in the dark, but extensions don't change the URL bar, which is blaringly white and distracting. I haven't tested Firefox in the dark, but I think I would like the dark bar.
-> Unfortunately, one common place I'm in the dark is on long carpool trips... and since there's no Edit Offline option, that's not as helpful as it could be. It may be helpful if I'm on a laptop in bed at night, but I haven't tested this yet.
- Was quite surprised that when I checked Firefox settings, all the "We track your data" toggles were flipped on? I thought that was the one thing Firefox was supposed to not do? (Or I'm not phrasing this properly since it may have been "We let websites use targeted ads by tracking data," or something like that).
And that's fine, I'm glad I could turn it off, but very surprising to me since all the Tumblr posts I've seen encouraging people to switch to Firefox talk about how it's so easy to move your extensions over, it does everything Chrome can do but better, and they never track your data, and so far my experience has been the opposite of this.
- I'm grateful I have a Google Doc bookmarked. All my bookmarks were easy and instant to migrate to Firefox, but because it's separate from Google (obviously), there's no easy way to access my files without having something like a bookmark.
So, instead of opening a new tab and clicking on the Google Apps menu (where I usually go to access docs or sheets), I instead access them by having one doc or sheet bookmarked, then clicking on the icon that takes you to those home pages.
I don't mind doing this because it's the same amount of clicks for me- I'm very used to having a doc, sheet, and gmail in my bookmarks bar and I recently added my calendar to bookmarks. However, if I hadn't bookmarked these before opening Firefox, I don't see any easy way to find them. I'm glad I'm tech-savvy enough to get there, but if I were not tech-savvy, I think this would be stressful for me.
- I'm not 100% sure what the point of a private Firefox browser is when people say that Firefox doesn't track your stuff. It looks like it's for cookies and history. One small (avoidable in the future) problem I had was thinking I was in the private browser when I was still in the regular browser because the colors are the same- there's just a small logo informing you if you're in the private browser.
So, if you're sharing a computer with housemates and trying to use Firefox's private browser, be careful not to get them mixed up. I think I made this mistake because the keyboard shortcut to open a new tab in Firefox is not the same as it is in Chrome, so I thought I'd opened the tab, glanced over at my second monitor, and missed the fact that it hadn't gone through.
- After I told Firefox to stop asking to be my default browser, the next time I opened it, it asked if I wanted Firefox to open my tabs for me. There wasn't a description of what this meant, such as if I'm in Chrome and right click a link to open it in a new tab, if it would open an entire Firefox browser instead of a new tab in my Chrome window.
I did not commit to this option due to me not understanding what it meant, but if that's what it would do, that would be super annoying right now. Also, that's really weird of it to basically ask to be default browser in different words (if that's what it was asking).
So, here's the main reason I wanted to make this post:
- I downloaded a new word counter because Word Counter Plus was not one of the extensions that had a Firefox parallel. I picked the 2nd most popular one (didn't see there was a more popular one 'til now).
Let me tell ya, there is nothing more horrifying than opening the draft you've been revising for weeks, highlighting, checking the word count, and seeing the number 2,940 when you're expecting 17k+ and you're in the AO3 editor box, so there's no way to recover history if I actually had deleted 14k words.
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Image of my word counter extension on Firefox vs. my definitely more correct one from Google Chrome- same document, and I checked to confirm all the words were highlighted in Firefox.
Luckily, all my 17k words are still there. I'm just doing final revisions and will be done soon - trying to get from 17k words down to 15k - but I will definitely be doing this in my usual Chrome because Firefox is not up to this task.
... Okay, I just switched to using the more popular Word Count extension, and even though I followed the steps in the extension, nothing happened. I didn't get a pop-up.
-> After testing, it doesn't work correctly. I was able to open a new AO3 chapter and select a small section of text. However, it doesn't even try giving me a pop-up when I test it on the chapter with 17k words. Not a good sign that the only two word counter extensions with more than 1,000 people are unable to do this, even though the extension's page says "works for any length of text."
So far, I haven't had adblocker or captcha conflicts, though I do have to go through the usual annoyances of setting a new browser to my settings.
I also read somewhere that Firefox doesn't let you copy-paste / cut-paste because it protects your data by not saving things in your clipboard. So far, I have not encountered this problem. However, if I did, that would also be a deal-breaker because I need to highlight and move data between docs (and within my doc) on the regular.
I'm going to keep testing Firefox sometimes because I'd like to use it since people keep saying it's the best and that Google is changing stuff in June, so now's the time to switch.
Since I've only seen posts that enthuse about Firefox being easy and the best on my dash, I at least wanted to mention some of my struggles so my followers can go into Firefox with appropriate expectations if they're also hoping to do things like have an accurate word count or use Google Docs offline (especially if they're holding out to switch until June and might be caught off guard if the learning curve is harsher than expected).
So, imo:
- Chrome is still the best option for me as someone who keeps track of thousands of separate Google Docs and Sheets and likes them to be easily accessible
- My research suggests there is no possible way to edit Docs offline if using Firefox (Bad news for my multi-hour carpool life and a definite deal-breaker to switching permanently)
- The two most popular word counters were not able to handle the length of an average document (less than 60 pages in Google Docs)
-> I can continue using the Google Docs app on my phone to edit offline and then access those docs on Firefox when I'm back in Internet connection, but I'd rather use a laptop keyboard than a phone keyboard if I'm in a vehicle for 6 hours (which is a common experience in my life right now)
- I recommend testing extensions thoroughly in a practice setting before you try to use them for actual important work. I would have been SO embarrassed (and potentially fired) if I was checking a ton of articles for a client and some of them were off by 15,000 words, but I waved them through because I'd only tested the extension with small sections of words (where it seems accurate) and not long sections.
I also would have been embarrassed if I'd searched something I thought was private and then I wasn't in the private browser and it came up in my recent history.
So, I would say Firefox may not be the right browser for a writer unless they've found different tools that get around these problems, and if you want to use Firefox, take the time to get familiar with it before you do anything "serious" with it. If you have important documents to review for work, don't jump in assuming your tools will work correctly.
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yakdee · 2 months
nonnie here! I like the idea of pen pals! Especially because I feel guilty for taking so long to respond, so the snail mail vibe works for me. But here we go in response to the last one!
S&M by Rihanna for Even Sun, I want to say it's not because it's a sexy scene! It's just really funny and for some reason, that song feels like it could have changed the scene or made it more comical if they'd been able to use it or thought of it.
Last Twilight is definitely a show I would still recommend even if I am disappointed with how they handled the disability at the end. I have rewatched it again just to catch some of the other things I loved and they did get a lot of things right. So I hope people will still watch it. Just know that the ending isn't as good as it could be. It's not terrible it's just unsatisfying to me.
I am now at 87 finished, 5 sitting in the probably not gonna finish bucket (which is hard for me as a completionist) and about 5 that I am working on, most of them slowly because I want to finish them but they are tough to watch for one reason or other, and one of them that I am loving so much I am watching as it drops which I don't typically do, but that one is Wandee Goddday and I LOVE it so much!!! I have also watched a number of shorts and one movie.
I am keeping track in a google doc lol. I really wish I had thought to track it in a spreadsheet so I could mark when I finished each but I am too far in now! But I think I might still make a spreadsheet because I like sheets. We'll see. And I use MDL mostly for finding shows and figuring out what to watch next based on actors. Oh the google doc is sitting just over 18K words, so I have thoughts!
You mentioned the different countries and taking on same shows, like Cherry Magic and Why R U, I admit I still need to find the Japanese CM, but I have now watched both Why R U? and I love both versions, especially because I was able to compartmentalize the Thai one and not let it affect how I felt about the Korean one and I love them both. Just need to find the Japan Cherry Magic because the gifs I have seen look so good.
I still love my old top 4 but I have another 4 that are my favs too that I have to mention which are Semantic Error, Unknown, To My Star (both) and The Eclipse (with the caveat that I had some issues with it and wanted to change a few things but I did love Akk/Aye and the protestors so much!) To My Star hit me in a way I did not expect a BL to hit me, and I found some healing watching it. I am finding that BLs often address very real things that hit me kind of hard, and I am okay with that.
I've also learned that there are not happy ending BLs and I have to say I kinda hate them. But I have watched at least 4? Maybe 5 now, and only one was I okay with the fact that it wasn't a particularly happy ending, although they kind of hinted at something at the end, but it felt like it wasn't enough. That was Kissable Lips, which is the same couple from Poondock that I really liked. I liked the unique play on vampires (I have a thing for vampire shows but I didn't like two western vamp shows or rather I couldn't get into them, they were good but just didn't pull me in like I thought they would) and I know I have some more Vampire BLs I need to check out. Seriously hoping the Boun Vamp show is good, though I like the old name better than the new name LOL
Last but not least, about my cat and The Sign, I have rewatched it again on the big screen to see what if anything draws her attention, and I have to say you're a genius, she seems to like Phaya the most. AND SHE DEFINETLY LIKES HIM IN BIRD FORM!!! How did I not pick that up before?! AND she did like Saint in bird form too, in fact she tried to jump up on the place where the TV is and she fell off. Oh wait...this might mean she wants to eat him...she watches birds out the window like a hawk...it's kind of disturbing sometimes, so maybe she is just hungry and wants to eat them both 😂
Anyways still loving the BL world and cannot seem to pick a genre or a country that's a fav so I love them all, even the ones that pissed me off LOL
Sorry for the late response, my life got kinda flipped upside down and I am grateful for BL because it has given me something to distract me from the not so great thing. I am okay, just some people did some horrible things and I am trying to sort through it. In fact BL is kinda saving my sanity right now.
Thanks again Rae you made my world a better place with the BLs
K 💜
Hi nonnie~ great! pen pals it is! I also feel guilty for taking a while to respond… case in point this reply which I didn’t realize is over a month out orz
Re Even Sun: Ah, I understand. Idk when time will permit (there are so many things to watch this summer 😭), but I look forward to watching it at some point so I can get the full effect of what you’re saying.
Re Last Twilight: Yeah, that was the general consensus for the ending, but I still plan on giving it a chance since I enjoyed gif-watching it while it aired. I know what to expect, so the (potential) disappointment with how things ended won’t be as great.
Whoa, 87 already?! What’s your binging method? I gotta step up my game XD Seriously though, as I said last time, I definitely feel you because I am also a completionist but sometimes we have to take the L no matter how much it goes against our nature. Always remember, enjoyment comes first.
It’s been a month since you sent this. How’s it going with the 5 that you were struggling with? Did your interest pique for any of them?
Re Wandee Goodday: Despite a few plot holes and very questionable moments, it has been quite enjoyable for me too.
Ooo shorts! I’m always in the market for good ones — any recs? And if you are looking for some more to watch, I would recommend Trémulo (YouTube), Summerdaze (YouTube), Private Lessons (Gaga), Some More (Gaga), Love Takes Courage (Hold Me) (YouTube), and Please Tell Me So (YouTube). The last 4 recs are from the STRONGBERRY production house which I still highly recommend till this day. The fandom literally has a tag dedicated to them (#in strongberry we trust) which should tell you all you need to know XD
You can find Cherry Magic JP here — happy watching! I have yet to watch the Thai version yet, but it looks great.
Why R U? is one of my all time faves so I have not watched the Korean version because I know I will not be able to compartmentalize. That might change in the future, but for now it’s a no-go for me lol
Those are great additions to the top of your list. They ranked pretty high for me too and I have to agree with your sentiments about To My Star. K-dramas do melancholy characters/vibes very well which can be quite healing for those of us who can relate. Other dramas that I think do this very well are Blueming, Our Dating Sim, and Sing My Crush.
Same, I also don’t do sad endings. I was caught off-guard and utterly devastated once and wish to NEVER feel that way again lol
The vampire bls that have aired recently are not as dark as I’d like them to be but as you said, Revamp looks promising. There is also My Golden Blood, but I don’t think that it’ll air this year anymore.
For the old title of Revamp, are you talking about My Broccoli? If so, I have to agree. The stories are not connected, but that title would've been a nice call back to Boun & Prem's characters in Until We Meet Again.
Wait! It makes total sense that she would like them in bird form for food purposes! Here I thought she was feeling a level of camaraderie. Either way, my previous statement remains true. She indeed has good taste 😂
Glad to hear that you’re doing well despite what has been going on. I hope that things have gotten better and keep trending that way.
Sending hugs and positive vibes~ Talk soon 💜
P.S. I’ve updated your tag to #nonnie k
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haruharuz · 2 years
I’m not sure if you are attending Uni or collage but how do you manage to make time for school and work and your extra activities?
I’m struggling to keep myself on track and procrastination is a big issue for me.
Any tips you can give me?
I’m not currently but I can definitely give you my tips. The first being organization and prevention.
Firstly, look at all of your bad habits and knock them off one by one. Like, no more throwing clothing on the floor after you shower. Don’t leave toothpaste in the sink etc. Replace these with habits that take under a minute to perform. This is going to open a large time slot because you’re now spending less time cleaning and wondering where things are than before.
Second, make life easier. Don’t over complicate things. Smoothie cubes in a blender is still a smoothie and if you spend 10 minutes a week making them, you’ll spend under 5 minutes making your morning smoothie. Pre chopping majority of your veggies once a week in an hour saves you 20 minutes of cooking time every meal.
Finding your resources and cheat sheets and keeping them in an organized document is better than spending an hour looking every time something comes up. These things are extremely helpful. Once I’m finished with the notion it’ll include an area full of resources that you can easily customize to your needs but for now go to Google docs and make a document. That document needs to include a few things, including Essay guidelines, writing essay cheat sheets, vocabulary resources, etc. have it all there with links so that you now DONT have to spend time looking you just find the section and click the link and that’s it.
I also highly recommend putting the following things in your calendar ahead of time:
Exam dates
Essay due dates
Pretty much anything of importance.
The next is to stay two steps ahead whenever you can. If you struggle with procrastination do yourself a big ass favor and make a HUGE cheat sheet. Sit down one day with a pomodoro timer, Pre made snacks, dinner already planned and a big bottle of water and start with the hardest class first. You’re going to go through as much of the lecture notes, study guides etc as you CAN! I mean really just take the L and do it. I recommend having a notepad to write down any areas you notice you’re struggling with particularly. Highlight, underline etc. Create your vocabulary decks, and find some damn resources. Practice problems etc. Give the class it’s own document full of this shit and then print the cheat sheet out. Now you’re a step ahead.
You will spend less time FEARING the future. Because now you know what to expect in upcoming coursework, where the class is headed and you have the resources to look into it.
Start treating your schoolwork like a shift every week. Every week you have a minimum shift (2-3 hours maybe idk) that you have to “work” on it. Pomodoro timers are your bestie. Eliminate distractions and just crack down. If you sat down and busted your ass you’re ahead and don’t have as much trouble.
Systems and routines are your best friend, just find something that works for you. Maybe you need to include 10 minutes of studying or a hobby into your morning or night routine. Maybe you add in a 10 minute workout every morning.
The more you take the extra steps out of your day to day tasks, the easier it will be !
I believe in you!! I hope it helps <3
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kiwiana-writes · 9 months
7, 10, 13 for the beginning of the year asks!
7. Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers?
I’ve been trying really hard to get over my chronic crippling fear of being annoying/too much/unwelcome and actually sliding into the DMs of people I want to get to know—it’s not something that comes easily to me at all but I’ve made some really special friendships in the last year and I’d hate to miss out on more of those, so. I’ll keep working on it 😅
Apart from that, trying to be more consistent with my commenting because I know how much comments mean to me as an author (including going back and commenting on stuff I bookmarked when doing my initial whip through the fandom tag after I gave up on trying not to hyper fixate here lol), continuing to share snippets of other authors’ work on tumblr and get hype, and maybe the big one—get better at subscribing to authors I like!! I’m great at subscribing to individual fics but for some reason I keep forgetting author subs are a thing and then being annoyed I’ve missed fics from authors I love 😂
10. Will you keep a record of all the fics you write and/or post this year?
Yes! My nerd ass has actually spent a decent chunk of today not only migrating my batshit Google sheets stats tracker into Airtable to make it a little easier to manage (something something 229 works on AO3 fml) but also adding a pretty cool WIP wordcount tracker into it as well. Because right now it’s all scattered across 52+ docs and a pain in the ass to track. It’ll also have the benefit of letting me see what WIPs I’m ACTUALLY working on…
I also got Zapier set up to create a new row in Airtable whenever I create a new Google doc in my WIP folder, because again, nerding out.
Definitely gotta put some thought into what stats I want it to calculate, though.
13. Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 
I have taken the tiniest of baby steps into gif making in the last month or so with my WIP Wednesday/Six Sentence Sunday/etc banner and what I learned from that process is that gif makers are even more ridiculously talented than I already thought they were. Definitely want to play with that more, maybe.
Also neither of them are new things to try, but I did pull back on both podfics and bookbinding in the last year and I’d LOVE to get back into both of those.
[fanfic asks for the new year]
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sayahs-corner · 2 years
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A/N: Sometimes I write random scenes that I may or may not build a story around. This is one of those scenes. I never finished it, but after stumbling across it in my google docs, I think I just might. Into the queue it goes!
Rating: E
Warnings: omegaverse, dubcon, angst, power imbalance, forced heat, incomplete, MM sex stuffs, Alpha Steve, Omega Tony
Pairing: Stony, stevextony
Tony groaned, hunching forward into a pained ball as another cramp ripped through his abdomen. He could feel cold sweat breaking across his forehead as feverish chills raced up and down his spine. There was absolutely nothing more that he would like to do then to crawl back into his simple pallet and pull the covers over his head.
He was alone, completely alone, left to suffer through his first heat in 20 years. He had known, logically, that this was going to be hard. He had known that he would suffer. Had begged Steve to reconsider with tears in his eyes. Twenty years of suppressed heats and hormones was bound to make this first one unbearably strong, out of control. It could actually kill him. But knowing these things and actually experiencing them, Tony found, were two entirely different things. The waves of alternating hot and cold that were wracking his body, sending him writhing in a pathetic heap on the floor of Steve’s bedroom left him feeling desperate for a relief that would never come. Tony stifled a sob, silent tears tracked down his face as he ground himself into the floor, crying out in a helpless need that could not be abated.
Tony was too far gone to fear the repercussions of the past 12 hours he had spent in Steve’s space. He had made a cocoon out of his alpha’s clothes. A sad sort of nest made from dirty shirts and gym shorts, the blankets that still had Steve’s heady Alpha scent clinging to the fabric. An alpha who had willingly and coldly sent him into the most intense heat of his life, only to abandon him. A whimper of despair crossed his chapped lips, his eyes gritty despite the frustrated tears that pooled helplessly in his eyes. He would do anything, say anything, to have this endless need slaked. To feel the hot thrust of hard Alpha cock in his slick drenched hole. Another cramp ripped through him, a spurt of slick trailing down his trembling thighs, before he captured his bottom lip between pearly white teeth and bit down until blood flowed.
Left alone. All alone. Unworthy. What had he done to deserve this? His fists clenched uselessly in Steve’s sheets as he hit back another sob, his hips undulating fruitlessly against the floor. He had thought that things were getting better between them, that Steve was learning to let go of the past. That he was actually seeing Tony for who and what he was. Clearly he had been wrong. Or he had ruined it somehow, as he seemed to ruin everything that he touched.
All he wanted was his Alpha. If his alpha were here he could prove he would be a good Omega. He would try. Try to do whatever it was that his alpha wanted. Would keep trying until he got it right. He could be so so good, make his alpha happy. Apologize for whatever it was that had displeased him so.
It would be much later that Tony would recognize these disjointed and frazzled thoughts as Heat fever. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, weak already, as if it were a wounded bird aching for flight.
“Please. Please. Please. I’m sorry, Alpha. Sorry. Sorrysorrysorrysorry.” The whispered words came out of his chapped lips, his voice rough and hoarse from the hours he spent screaming and groaning into his nest.
He almost didn’t hear him approach. And although he was far gone, he was not so far gone that he couldn’t recognize the thick, intoxicating scent of his Alpha. The door opened soundlessly, but the soft exhalation that left his Alpha’s lips upon the sight of Tony curled up in a ball amidst the crumpled bed coverings and dirty clothes felt like a balm to Tony’s shriveled Omega soul.
“T-Tony what-“ Steve’s voice was deep and hitched, and for a brief second Tony basked in the mere sound and comfort of another person's voice.
“Alpha,” he whispered, scrabbling weakly onto his knees. He was weaving back and forth with an exhaustion and relief he could not hide as he struggled to get into proper position. It took him longer than he would have liked to get up on his knees, legs parted and neck bared, eyes cast downward in omega submission. Despite the shaking and trembling of his sweat slicked skin, he knew he was textbook definition of the Omega supplication pose. Which was why he couldn’t understand the why his Alpha was standing there, not moving from his spot in the doorway. He could feel the hot burn of icy blue eyes taking over his exposed form. A brief moment of shame at his state flashed through him. His hair was a rats nest, he was sure, from the countless times he had run shaking hands through the locks and tugged. His body was covered in old sweat and new, layered with his dried cum and shame. He was kneeling amidst the saddest excuse for an Omega nest that he had ever seen. Made up only of a blanket, sheet, and small collection of Steve’s dirty clothes. There would barely be enough room to fit the both of them inside it. Tony’s fingers twitched on top of his thighs, the temptation to tweak the nest, make adjustments, make his alpha proud. Maybe it was the nest that the alpha didn’t like? Tony could make it better. He could make it bigger, more comfortable.
“Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-“ tony was chanting in plaintive whines under his breath.
“You’re in heat.” The shock that colored Steve’s voice almost had Tony breaking out of position. “Tony, I didn’t know I-“
An uncomfortable flash of irritation burst in Tony’s chest and his head snapped up from the uncomfortable submissive pose. “Told you.” He muttered, hand reaching up to cover the mark on his bicep where steven’s fingers had dug in too deep. “Told you it would be bad. And you left.” Tony hissed, tears welling in his eyes as another cramp ripped through his insides. He bit back another groan, collapsing forward onto one outstretched arm, the other moving from the marks on his arm to his cramping middle
“Alpha please,” his tone was beseeching as he flicked his gaze upwards to meet the shocked eyes of his Alpha. He could see Stevens nostrils flair, his pupils dilating as the rich scent of Tony’s heat invaded his senses. An omega in heat was all but irresistible. So why was his alpha standing there, hands fisted at his sides, chest heaving as if he had just run a one minute mile – and not fucking moving where Tony wanted him, needed him? Slowly he began to crawl forward, toward the warm rich scent of his Alpha. His parched mouth watered at the thought of tasting that Alpha cock. He let out a plaintive cry as Steve stumbled backwards, away from Tony’s crawling form and outstretched hand.
“T-Tony we can’t. You’re- you’re not in your right mind right now.” Steve whispered as Tony scrambled over to him, locking trembling fingers into Steve’s khaki pants as if he had any chance of keeping Captain-fucking-America still.
“Nonononononnonononono” Tony was crying softly now, trembling fingers refusing to unlock, face presssed against Steve’s shins. “Please don’t leave me Alpha. I’m sorry. I’ll be good. So good. Please. Please.” Tony was begging. The thought of Steven Rogers, his Alpha, seeing him in such a state and then turning around and leaving him alone to deal with it? Tony was certain that he would die if Rogers left him here. He wouldn't be able to take it. The clawing, demanding, shaking need. It was as if 20 years of suppressed hormones had hijacked his brain, turning him into a limp bundle of nerves and need. He knew that Steve was trying to do the honorable thing. Consent and all that. But maybe he should have thought of that before he ripped away the only thing keeping a lid on his hormones for the majority of his life. Tony had never had to deal with any of this before. The instincts had been muted, dulled, beneath the influence of the suppressants. Now his entire body was screaming at him to make his Alpha happy, to fix what was wrong, to please him so that he wouldn't leave. Tony clawed his way up Steve’s leg, much to the wide eyed shock of the Alpha swaying above him.
“Tony-” Steve whispered as the Omega pressed his tear stained face into his thigh and inhaled deeply, as if savoring his scent. Steve froze at the sudden and shocking press of Tony’s face into the juncture of his thighs. Tony nuzzled, eyes closed and mouth parted in bliss as he took in his Alpha’s scent where it was strongest.
“Please,” he begged softly, sooty lashes spiky with tears. “Alpha let me-” and then Tony’s shaky hands were scrambling for purchase at his belt buckle, the clasp coming undone impressively fast before Steven’s khakis were pulled down his thighs, freeing an impressive erection to nudge gently against Tony’s cheek. Tony glanced up to see shocked blue eyes blown black. Saliva pooled in his mouth as he tongue came out to swipe against his dry lips.
“I’ll make it so good. So good for you Alpha.” Tony whispered fervently, begging Steve with his eyes not to pull away, not to leave him. When his Alpha did not pull away immediately Tony took that as permission to continue. With spit slicked lips Tony put his mouth to use. It took him no time to invite that impressively thick length into his mouth. He moaned at the salty tang of Steve’s taste. So rich, salty, and thick Tony’s throat spasmed as his tongue flattened against the underside of Steve’s cock.
“F-Fu-uh Tony, yes,” Steve groaned as Tony worked his lips and tongue over the straining alpha cock. His head bobbed up and down, inky strands falling over into his eyes. A gentle hand cupped the side of his face, startling his eyes open. Steve Stared down at him, pupils blown and a soft flush suffusing his cheeks, his lips were parted to reveal his teeth - gritted together either in pain or ecstasy.
“So good, Tony. So good for me.” Steve whispered, his thumb tracing delicately across Tony’s cheekbone, eyes glued to Tony’s face. “I’m sorry, Tony. I didnt know. I hope… I hope you’ll be able to forgive me after this is over.”
Tony let his Alpha’s words roll like water off his back. They weren’t important. Nothing but pleasing his Alpha and scratching the itch that was burning like a banked fire beneath his skin was allowed to take up space in his mind. Instead Tony redoubled his efforts to make his Alpha lose control.
Head bobbing up and down his Alpha’s thick cock, Tony let the moans trapped in his chest spill free. He could feel Steve’s hand spasm in his hair, gripping his hair tight before releasing.
“T-Tony. I can’t…” Steve grunted, the hand in his hair tightening tugging Tony’s eager mouth away from Steve’s member. Tony watched with glazed eyes and a high pitched whine as the object of his desire was ripped from him, still glistening with his spit.
“I- I need…” It was hard to verbalize now, with the taste of Alpha so thick on his tongue. Tears of frustration pooled in his eyes as his hands clenched into useless fists on his lap.
“I know, sweetheart, I know.” Steve said softly, the blue of his eyes completely gone. He was lost to his Alpha. With a gentleness that was at odds with everything Tony had heard of an Alpha going into rut, Steve scooped Tony’s body up into his strong arms. Normally Tony would protest such an action, but his heat was thick upon him and the smell of his Alpha was like a balm to every frazzled and rough edged nerve.
Steve moved toward the bed with his Omega in his arms, and was stopped by an insistent tugging on his shirt. Looking down he found Tony’s gaze directed at the pile of clothes on the floor. It took him a minute for his rut fogged mind to figure out just what they were looking at.
It was a nest. Tony had made a nest out of what little there was in his spartan room. Although he would have preferred the bed for their first coupling, Steve instinctively knew that Tony wouldn't want to mate anywhere aside from the nest. As he neared, Tony began to wriggle in his arms, pushing insistently. Mouth quirked up into amusement, expression hooded, he let the smaller man slide down his body before finding his feet on the floor. He watched with a heated gaze as his Omega fussed with the nest, adjusting what little fabric he had to make it wider. After what felt like endless minutes, Tony finally stood still within his nest, hands on his hips as if he were a prince surveying his kingdom. With a decisive nod, he turned his gaze toward Steve. Those deep brown eyes turned absolutely molten as he sunk to his knees in the middle of the nest. Smirking, Steve began to disrobe, watching his omega’s eyes as they drank in his form. The way Tony pink tongue flicked out over his bottom lip as if Steve were a cool drink of water and Tony had been wandering in the desert for days had Steve’s cock jerking, a bead of precum forming at the tip.
Tony was beautiful. Steve had always thought so, despite the way the svelte, cocky, man had always treated him.. Dark hair and dark eyes, olive skin and a swimmer’s body, a brash smile - there was very little not to like when it came to Tony. And here he was, kneeling before him, staring at him with those smoldering eyes begging to be filled by him. Lust punched hot and heavy in Steve’s gut as he stripped out of the rest of his clothes, leaving them discarded on the floor in a graceless pile.
The only thing he wanted, the only thing he could think of, was burying himself to the root inside of his Omega. A low growl rumbled in his chest and spilled unbidden past his lips. He watched as his Omega’s eyes widened, lips parting on a soft exhale, and the unmistakable scent of hot omega slick filled the air.
“A-Alpha” Tony choked, swaying back and forth on his knees. “Please…” Steve didnt need anymore of an invitation, as deep into the rut as he was. He sank to his knees on the floor in front of Tony and gave into the instinct that was riding him hard. With hooded eyes he bent his head, pressed his lips to the startled Omega’s and plundered what was there for the taking.
Tony’s mind was reeling as his Alpha embraced him. Hot flesh pressed together, hands tracing, stroking, learning each other as their tongues tangled in Tony’s mouth. He tried to hold back his moan, hot lips and hot breath mixing together as Steve pulled him tighter into his arms. He startled as Steve’s teeth caught his lower lip, tugging gently before his tongue swept inside to plunder Tony’s mouth. He felt boneless, limp, and mastered by the man holding him in his arms. Gently they fell back into the nest, Steve’s massive hand cradling Tony’s head as he moved above him. Hot kisses pressed against his forehead, cheeks, throat and down the line of his chest. A hot mouth closed over his nipple, tugging at the dusky pink turgid tips. Tony cried out, lips parted and eyes wide, as Steve moved away from his sensitive nipples down to his navel.
“S-Steve?” Tony whispered tremulously, gasping as Steve’s tongue traced patterns onto his sweat slicked skin. Hot kisses were pressed to his hip bones, the sensitive skin beneath them and then he felt his alpha’s hot breath against the head of his cock and Tony’s eyes all but rolled back into his head. He didn't realize that he was whining plaintively, making needy sounds that would later mortify him to learn came from his lips.
“Please, please I need… I need…” Tony didn't get to finish his stuttering sentence before an incredibly hot and wet heat enveloped his length. Tony’s heels drummed against the floor, hips arching up on a gasp, as Captain Steven Rogers took his length to the root. When he felt thick, blunt, fingertips pushing against his slickened hole Tony’s eyes crossed. It didn't take long for those fingers to breach the tight ring of muscle, sending a shock of heat up Tony's spine and straight to his cock. He came on a cry, breath shuddering his chest as he thrust upward into his Alpha’s mouth. Shaking, trembling, Tony didn't fight when Steve released him with a ‘pop’ of his mouth. Grinning, the Alpha turned him gently over, onto his hands and knees. Tony’s thighs felt like jelly and trembled as he felt the hot press of his Alpha’s cock sliding up and down his crack.
“I’ve uh,” Tony coughed. “I’ve never…”
A hot kiss was pressed to the back of his nape, his shoulders, and those thick fingers reached down between his legs, parting the globes of his ass to press against his hole. He was so ready, so deep into his heat, that Steve’s fingers slid right inside. Tony shuddered and moaned, pressing his ass backward against those wicked fingers that stroked deep inside of him. In and out Steve’s fingers moved, scissoring inside of him, stretching the tight muscle that wanted to keep them trapped inside. Tony’s hands clenched in the sheet beneath him as his breath came in staccato pants. He moaned as a third finger was added, Steve’s hot breath fanning against his shoulder.
“You’re doing so good for me, Omega.” Steve muttered as his three fingers drove him to distraction. “So good, so tight.”
Tony cried out as those fingers pulled away. He pressed his face hard to the floor, inhaling his Alpha’s scent, as the blunt press of a thick cock pushed against his opening. Tony gritted his teeth on a pained cry as Steve worked the head of his cock inside him. Hard hands gripped his hips, holding him upright and still. There was nowhere that he could go to escape the hot press of flesh into his virgin hole, not that he would want to if he could.
“Just… just… breathe…” Steve panted above him, working his thick length even further inside of him. Tony let out a gasp of relief as the head passed that ring of muscle. It still stung a bit, but not as much as before. Steve’s hands on his hips tightened as he pressed deeper, making Tony’s back arch and hands scrabble uselessly on the floor.
“F-fuck Alpha, you’re big.” Tony groaned through gritted teeth, relishing the burn and stretch as he tilted his hips back and up, angling to get that thick Alpha cock deeper inside of him. It was a biological need. A burning ache, he needed to be filled by Steve needed to be -
“Easy, Tony, easy sweetheart,” Steve murmured, stopping his forward thrust to allow Tony time to adjust. But Tony didnt want easy. He didnt want slow.
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
Hey there!! Thank you for the kind ask (this is Zanthe's "Main" blog) I didn't want to reply to it directly because i'd like to keep it in my inbox to treasure, but I wanted to say thank you. It truly means a lot!
We are 🤝 over rarepairs in this tiny little fandom, though I do admit I love the anonymity nowadays! I've been here for years and it's very comfortable and nice being an older, more obscure artist lol.
I do recommend at the very least, sitting down and writing down your amv ideas. There are many i've never drawn, but i have a ton written down to chip away at the day I have the energy to, and it's very good to keep those ideas with you, i hope you're able to realize them one day, I'd love to see them!
Also, I'm glad my checklist can be of help!! If you're curious, it took about 4 days to make it, in which i was completely hyperfixated on it!spreadsheets my beloved. Good luck on your project!! If you'd ever like to chat, feel free to send a message ^w^ have a lovely day
Oh!! Of course, I'm glad it made you happy! To hear you liked it so much you want to preserve it is really touching and made me smile, thank you! :>
(I hope it's alright that I'm replying to your ask directly, if not let me know and I'll take this down and copy-paste what I said below to you in a DM if you'd like!)
Haha it's really true that rarepair fans are like their own group that crosses fandoms and/or specific ships, a little subculture inside a subculture of a subculture :)
I definitely can't blame you for not wanting a lot of attention since I feel the same way, I'd be terrified to be a big name haha.
Oh I really appreciate the advice! The fact that you think my ideas are worth preserving is very kind of you haha :) I'm very much the type who gets random inspiration at 3 AM or while eating dinner, and would otherwise forget my epiphanies if I didn't write them down. So ever since I was a kid I made a habit of it! Although back then I used pencil and paper haha, but now I have a 22-page-long semi-organized google doc. The AMV outlines are in there somewhere! Knowing there's even one person out there who wants to see something I've made or plan to make is an incredible feeling, thank you so much ;v;
Anyway, how did you learn to animate and make AMVs? And what drawing software do you use? If you don't mind me asking of course!
Oh thank you again for that checklist!! Wow 4 days seems like nothing compared to how extensive it is, that's amazing! I've been working on my own Xenoblade excel sheet project for a long time now, and it took me months and months to get that near completion. But if you're much better at organizing/planning than I am it saves a ton of time, I went through like 3 major restructurings of stuff that took days to finish... only to redo everything like a week later haha
And you're also very kind to read my silly tags and wish me luck on my project!! (It's a different one from before haha, that one is a comprehensive list of when all the party members' and bosses' voice lines play and under what circumstances. I'll be making it public on the upcoming anniversary!) For this other one, it's a challenge run of XC1 of sorts! But I have a dumb irrational fear that if I go into detail about what it is, someone else will swoop in before I get a chance to do it myself and take the world-first credit of it hahaha. But one day I will do it, I really want to, and your checklist will be immensely super helpful in planning my route and keeping track of everything, so thank you again! And thank you again (again) for this wonderful message, it really brightened my whole day! :))
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What to Take Notes On For Your Fanfiction (and how to do that)
A roadmap, a reminder, and a reference.
This is arguably the most important one. If you have a start and end goal, even if its vague or a "wherever the words take me", its good to know where your plot points are, any moments you want to build up to, or something you want to foreshadow.
It can also be used as a quick reference for what you've already written. A sentence per important detail, event, or realization for instance, can help you know what you've already introduced, at what point, and in what order.
2. Characters
We all know and love them, but how well are you portraying them?
This can range from making sure you're keeping them consistent to canon, consistent within the fic, accurate to their voice, or just being able to know their relationship with the other characters and the world that you're writing.
My favorite way to do this is to have a quick physical description with as few words as possible, a summary of their past, their close relationships to relevant characters, and then a list of their common sayings, vocal tics, and phrases. For example, a character I want to write more often says "Hello? Is someone there?" into the fog. Like, 'multiple times an episode' often. This helps me be more accurate to her, and her voice.
You can also make note of their motivations, their bonds, their flaws, their fears, whatever you think is most relevant to that character and that story.
3. Important Details/Themes/Patterns
When you want something to be a recurring theme, you want to make sure that you both remember to make it reappear, and that its in the same vein as you meant it originally.
If you have a theme of water, or fire, or light, make a list of descriptors and metaphors that will work with those that you can then use later. You can save one phrase for referring to a particular character, or use the same type of words to describe something the pov character doesn't know how to. Having this written down somewhere you can access it easily may be very helpful if you are including any recurring themes or patterns.
4. Alternate Universe Details
Again, this is for consistency. You want the world to feel stable and real, certain in the facts about it.
You can write all of it down first, or make notes of what you throw in as you go, but it will all be useful to reference when you get to that point of "oh, what did I say about this thing?" because you won't have to read through 10k, but instead find it in a specific place.
5. A list of better words and phrases
This will help you greatly in the editing process, by giving you a quick reference full of similar or better words, phrases, and sayings to switch your duller or ill-fitting ones out for.
This is not one I've used, however, a friend of mine has a physical binder that they use as reference, and it has many many different sections they have divided it up into. It works very well for them, and I think that its worth a try :)
Side Note: All of these can be used for just one fic, or a series. However, I would advise that you keep everything in separate docs, and keep track of your progress in google sheets or a similar application.
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pixiemage · 2 years
5, 17, and 43 for the fic ask game!
[For the Fanfiction Writing Ask Game]
Three questions??? You spoil me! <3 I think I'll need a Read More for this one my friend xD
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, sometimes my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to see. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (Maybe I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Not really! Usually once I get an idea, I just - jump in. If I get stuck and want to skip something just to keep the writing ball rolling, I'll throw one of these in the middle of the page: ASDJNAKFBEKAJBA ...and just leave it for later. It's bold, red, and easy to spot when I'm scrolling through a long document, which is nice! It helps make sure no blank spots get missed in editing! (I also red-dye words, sentences, or paragraphs I'm feeling shaky on, so I can spot them easily and come back later when I get a better idea to fix it.) And if I decide to completely change a section I'm writing, I'll often copy the original version, paste it at the bottom of the doc in case I decide to change it back, and turn it a pastel color so I don't confuse old versions for the current text.
I also sometimes make calendars on Excel/Sheets if I really wanna keep track of time, and I often have a separate (and somewhat disorganized) doc for Notes on my longer fics. There's also a document where I write down potential lyrics options for There's Not a Word Yet chapter titles, but that's the only time I've done that for a fic.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I feel like someone asked me this a while back, so I've definitely thought about this! But honestly? A mystery or a time-travel fix-it...which I am well aware are two VASTLY different tropes lmao.
I've always been envious and in awe of well-written mystery/detective stories, because so many little details go into them to make them work. I'd love to build one of my own someday, but I have yet to find the right motivation to do so.
As far as time-travel fix-its go...they're just...they're so fun to read, because I love to see how one little change can affect an entire timeline (see also: Domino Effect) but they're also a LOT of work to write because it involved basically retelling a story that's already been written but in your own words and with a twist. Somehow writing something fully original comes easier to me than trying to build my writing around something else that already exists. But god I'd love to have the motivation to write one of 'em anyway! It'd be fun to decide how everything changes all because of one little difference in choice :3
5. How many WIPs do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, though most times my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to check for this hah. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (But I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two Marvel/IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, and one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
(One of them is a cute 5+1 one-shot about Tango calling Jimmy "buddy" and Jimmy learning that "buddy" has a lot of different meanings depending on how Tango says it and who he's saying it to. The second one is an extension of a one-shot I already posted called Coming, Coming Home, where S8 HASA!Tango crash-lands in the mesa outside Tumble Town, and like - yeah. Yeah. I'd love to continue that one. And the LAST one is a Double-Life-based Witches/Familiars AU that started as Renchanting Duo and has since extended to every member of the Life series and even some Hermits.)
***ALL THE OLDER FICS I HAVE YET TO COMPLETE: I've got one for Doctor Who, a handful for JSE Egos - #SamLives - one for Night at the Museum, one for Encanto. Six for Marvel/IronDad (including a Mafia fic, a SPN AU, a Peter-gets-shot and Tony-goes-dad-mode hurt/comfort, and A Little Late On the Blood Work which as I said I'm just longing to get inspiration to return to). A witch/familiar Supernatural AU fic and an SPN time travel fix-it that I barely started. There's a TangoTek one-shot I've abandoned featuring his rage moments from both LL and DL. I also have an old fic from high school for a game called Ib that I'd love to revamp someday...and my Original FanFic that started it all, which was for Harry Potter, and I was like 12, and it will never EVER see the light of day. My god. It's...it's rough.
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sammedkolhapuri · 5 months
The Freelancer’s Toolkit: Essential Software for Managing Your Design Business
Freelancing in the design world combines creativity with entrepreneurship. For freelancers juggling multiple projects and clients, having the right software toolkit is crucial for success. From project management to financial tracking, here are the essential tools every freelance designer should consider to streamline their workflow and expand their market reach.
1. Project Management: Trello
Trello is an intuitive tool that helps you organize projects into boards, lists, and cards. With its drag-and-drop interface, you can easily prioritize tasks, track project progress, and manage deadlines. Whether you’re working solo or collaborating with others, Trello keeps everything from client feedback to final designs in one accessible place.
2. Financial Management: FreshBooks
FreshBooks offers cloud-based accounting solutions designed for the specific needs of freelancers and small business owners. It simplifies invoicing, expense tracking, and time management, allowing you to keep finances in check without needing a background in accounting. With robust reports, you can quickly gauge your business health, helping you make informed financial decisions.
3. Communication: Slack
In the realm of client communication, Slack stands out for its versatility. It allows you to create channels for different clients or projects, ensuring that all communications are well-organized and retrievable. Slack integrates with a multitude of other tools, making it not just a communication platform but a central hub for notifications and updates.
4. Design and Visualization: Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud remains the gold standard for design tools, offering everything from Photoshop for photo editing to Illustrator for vector-based graphics and InDesign for layout design. These tools are indispensable for creating professional-quality designs that meet client specifications.
5. Multilingual Design Management: Translate.Photo
For freelancers working with international clients, language barriers can pose a significant challenge, especially when designs include textual elements. Translate.Photo is a plugin for canva/figma/illustrator and photoshop that seamlessly translates text within designs into over 75 languages. This not only speeds up the design process but also ensures that your work resonates with a global audience, expanding your market reach.
6. Time Tracking: Toggl
Toggl is a straightforward time tracking tool that helps you keep tabs on how much time you spend on each project. This is particularly useful for freelancers who charge by the hour or need to provide detailed time reports to clients. Toggl’s analytics also help you understand where you spend most of your time, allowing for better workflow optimization.
7. Cloud Storage: Google Drive
Google Drive offers a secure and reliable way to store and share large files. As a freelancer, you’ll find its integration with other Google services like Docs and Sheets beneficial for real-time collaboration and feedback.
Running a freelance design business requires more than just creative skills; it demands efficient management of projects, finances, and client relationships. By integrating these essential tools into your workflow, you can save time, enhance productivity, and focus more on what you do best: creating stunning designs. With the addition of Translate.Photo, you can ensure your designs are not only effective but also universally accessible, making your services invaluable to clients worldwide.
0 notes
jthatoi · 10 months
Unleashing Productivity: The Pivotal Role of Google Workspace
Tumblr media
In today’s business context, when collaboration and efficiency are critical, the use of modern tools is not a choice but a strategic need. Google Workspace, a full suite of cloud-based services, has emerged as a key player in revolutionizing how businesses work, interact, and innovate. As we manage the intricacies of today’s workplace, the importance of Google Workspace in promoting productivity becomes clear.
An Integrated Ecosystem for Efficient Collaboration:
One of Google Workspace’s most notable characteristics is its ability to build a single ecosystem that smoothly integrates numerous productivity applications. The synergy among these services provides a collaborative atmosphere that exceeds the boundaries of typical office settings, from Gmail to Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more. This oneness allows teams to work together more effectively, breaking down boundaries and allowing for a more fluid interchange of ideas.
Collaborative Workspaces:
Gmail, a strong email platform with an intuitive layout, powerful search tools, and advanced filtering options, is included in Google Workspace. It simplifies virtual meetings, as well as asynchronous and real-time communication. Google Drive, a cloud-based storage service for documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, improves data management and eliminates version control issues. With Docs, Sheets, and Slides, Google Workspace emphasizes real-time collaboration, allowing several users to collaborate on documents at the same time, avoiding the delays and uncertainty associated with traditional file-sharing techniques. This functionality is very valuable for teams who collaborate across borders.
Efficient Project Management with Accessibility and Security:
With Google Calendar and Tasks, Google Workspace expands its capabilities into project management. Calendar keeps teams on track with schedules and deadlines, promoting a common knowledge of project schedules. Tasks, on the other hand, streamline to-do lists and progress tracking, supporting an organized and productive workflow.
Google Workspace prioritizes both security and accessibility in an era where data security is non-negotiable. Two-factor authentication, data encryption, and other advanced security features protect sensitive data. Simultaneously, the suite’s cloud-based structure ensures that users may access their work whenever and wherever they want, enabling a flexible and adaptive work environment.
Increasing Productivity in All Areas:
Google Workspace’s significance in increasing productivity extends beyond the limitations of traditional office arrangements. It is a driving force for creativity, a promoter of collaboration, and a defender of data integrity. As organizations throughout the world rethink their work paradigms, Google Workspace stands as a versatile and necessary ally, giving the tools required to prosper in today’s dynamic business landscape. Accept the power of Google Workspace and see your organization’s productivity skyrocket. The future of work has arrived, and it is fuelled by collaboration, efficiency, and Google Workspace’s seamless integration.
Businesses that embrace Google Workspace are better able to boost productivity, remain ahead of the curve, and ultimately achieve their goals in today’s competitive landscape. Google Workspace is a dependable and important ally in the pursuit of better efficiency and productivity as the digital world evolves. Remember that in the business world, productivity is everything, and Google Workspace is the winning move.
So, whether you work in education, healthcare, manufacturing, marketing, retail, or another industry, think about implementing Google Workspace to empower your team and push your organization to better productivity and success. Google Workspace’s power is at your fingertips; make use of it immediately.
Read our article Google Workspace Automation: Your Key to Business Transformation to get an in-depth idea of various automation possibilities.
Are you curious about Google Workspace’s possibilities in your industry? Venturesathi provides customized automation solutions to increase productivity and efficiency. Explore our services to see how we might help you in your field.
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anelgisselle · 1 year
Customer Persona
Miranda Thompson
About her
Miranda is the owner of a jewelry business called Yesterdam based in Vancouver, BC. She is in her late 20s and has a background in jewelry design and business administration. She is the CEO of her sole-property business which means she is in charge of keeping track of finances, inventory, packaging and marketing.
Benefits she would receive from Busikeeper.
• Miranda would be able to access these templates anywhere, even without an internet connection.
• She will be able to customize the aesthetics of Busikeeper's digital resources to fit her brand.
• She will ultimately stay more organized and keep track of things professionally.
• Some of these templates can be accessed through Google Docs and Google Sheets, which means she can add access to her staff if she decides to expand her team, so they can ultimately make edits and keep track of things as well.
Use case
Miranda will use Busikeeper's resources to stay organized and have better business management. After buying and downloading a digital resource from Busikeeper, Miranda will be able to upload the template to Google Docs, Google Sheets or Canva. She may also download Goodnotes to write on PDFs. Regardless of which platform is used to open these templates, Miranda will be able to control access and get notifications whenever edits are made. These digital resources can also be edited and viewed on a phone, tablet, or laptop computer.
Previous solutions
Miranda used to keep track of inventory in a notebook and had no other methods of organizing her finances other than following what she revenue reports on Etsy at the end of the month. Although this was useful for some time, with an expanding business, Miranda had issues creating an end of month report that was organized enough to keep track of all expenses. On another hand, as all of this information was in a physical notebook, it was very difficult to access this information when Miranda didn't always have this notebook with her. There was also a risk of discarding important information and there was more room for mistakes.
Buying trigger
Miranda has been jugling multiple tasks, such as inventory management, client communication, and financial tracking. With limited time and resources, she often finds it challenging to stay organized and maintain efficiency in her business processes. She recognized the need for a solution that can simplify these tasks and provide her with the tools necessary to streamline her operations. This encouraged her to look for digital resources for her business online.
Buying process
Most small businesses buy from Etsy, Amazon or search up what they want on Google. With sponsored ads, Miranda was able to find Busikeeper's products on the first page on Etsy after searching for "Small business planners". She then saw the reviews for Busikeeper, added the resources of her choice to the cart, created an account, and paid using her credit card. Upon finishing the checkout process, the digital resources from Busikeeper were available for immediate download. The resources also came with a PDF showing instructions on how to upload these resources to editing platforms. She is now able to access these anywhere. She then left a review because of how easy it was to manipulate these templates. 
Choice factors
Some of the things Miranda kept in mind when choosing a digital template store:
• Background of the designer of the templates.
• How soon the templates would be delivered, which was immediately in Busikeeper's case.
• Variety, affordability and reviews.
• User-friendly and made for people with little to no experience in Excel.
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cleanvisualsagency · 2 years
The Most Popular Web Applications Right Now In this day and age, web applications are becoming increasingly popular. They are quickly replacing traditional desktop programs as the preferred way of doing things. From managing finances to designing websites, there seems to be a web application for just about everything. But with so many different apps available, how do you know which ones are the most popular right now? In this article, we'll take a look at the most popular web applications right now. We'll discuss their different uses and features and why these apps have become so popular. By the end of the article, you'll have a better understanding of the current application landscape and which apps are worth checking out. Slack Slack is an incredibly popular communication platform that is used by teams and businesses all over the world. It is an incredibly powerful tool that allows users to communicate instantly, share files and work together in a productive manner. Slack has an intuitive interface and it includes powerful features such as search, integrations and message threads that make it easier for teams to collaborate. Google Apps Google Apps is another important suite of web applications. It includes popular apps such as Gmail, Docs and Sheets. Google Apps is used by millions of people every day and offers a complete stack of cloud-based productivity tools. With Google Apps, you can easily create documents, share files and collaborate with others in real-time. Trello Trello is a popular project management tool that is used by teams of all sizes. It offers an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to organize tasks, assign tasks to team members and keep track of progress. It also offers powerful features such as activity tracking, progress reports and notifications that make it easy to stay organized. Dropbox Dropbox is a cloud storage service that is used by millions of people around the world. It offers a convenient way to store, share and access files from any device. Dropbox is incredibly versatile, offering the ability to upload large files, sync files across multiple devices and securely share files with others. WordPress WordPress is a popular content management platform that is used by millions of websites. It offers a powerful yet easy-to-use software that makes it easy to build beautiful websites. With WordPress, you can create stunning websites without having to write any code. The platform also offers powerful plugins and themes that can help you customize your site and make it stand out. Zoom Zoom is an online conferencing platform that is used by businesses and professionals around the world. It allows users to share their screens, record meetings and communicate with others in real-time. Zoom is incredibly secure, offering end-to-end encryption and user authentication. Conclusion These are just some of the most popular web applications right now. With the right application, you can be more productive, save time and collaborate more efficiently. Take a look at the different options to find the right one for your needs. At Clean Visuals, we offer web design services that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our experienced team of designers will create a unique website that is optimized for performance and user experience. With Clean Visuals, you can rest assured that we will deliver high-quality results. Check out our web design pricing for more information about our services. What are the top 10 most popular web applications? 1. Google Apps 2. Facebook 3. YouTube 4. Amazon 5. LinkedIn 6. WordPress 7. Gmail 8. Yahoo! Mail 9. Skype 10. WhatsApp What are the most commonly used web applications? 1. Web Browsers 2. Email clients 3. Content Management Systems (CMS) 4. Online shopping carts 5. Discussion Boards and Forums 6. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 7. Video conferencing software 8. Online Calendars 9. Wikis 10. Streaming media players What types of web applications are used for business? 1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System
2. Content Management System (CMS) 3. Intranet 4. Human Resources Management System (HRMS) 5. eCommerce Platform 6. Web Conferencing Software 7. Online Learning Platform 8. Project Management Software 9. Financial Applications 10. Document Management System (DMS) What are the most popular web applications for businesses? 1. Microsoft Office 365 2. Slack 3. Dropbox 4. Zoom 5. Salesforce 6. Google Suite 7. QuickBooks 8. WordPress 9. Adobe Creative Cloud 10. Asana What type of web applications are best for small businesses? Small businesses typically benefit from applications that cover the primary needs of their businesses, such as accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), e-commerce, and project management. For small businesses, opting for a cloud-based application is the most cost-effective way to go as it can handle both growth and scaling. Additionally, cost-effective subscription-based web-based applications are becoming increasingly more popular, as they offer the latest feature updates and can quickly be adapted to the changing needs of the business. Options like Shopify, QuickBooks, and Basecamp are all worth considering for small businesses. What are the benefits of using web applications for small businesses? 1. Cost Savings - Web applications are generally more cost-effective than desktop software and require less upfront capital investment. This makes them ideal for small businesses with limited budgets. 2. Increased Productivity - By automating many manual, time-consuming tasks, web applications can make employees more efficient and productive. 3. Convenience - Web applications are cloud-based, so they can be accessed from any computer with internet access. This makes it easier for remote employees to stay connected and collaborate. 4. Security - Most web applications employ a range of security measures to help prevent data breaches and protect sensitive information. 5. Scalability - Many web applications are designed to scale up as a business grows. This allows businesses to add or remove users as needed, without needing to upgrade the entire system.
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