#a capirti
ragazzoarcano · 3 months
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blogcuoredighiaccio · 9 months
لقد أحببتك كثيرًا لدرجة أنه حتى عندما آذيتني، حاولت أن أفهمك
Ti amavo così tanto che, anche quando mi ferivi, cercavo di capirti.
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Chi ha davvero paura di perderti, non crea le condizioni per farlo. Non sceglie il silenzio. Non ti da per scontato. Sceglie di provare a capirti anche quando è difficile. L'importanza che ti danno si vede anche da questo.
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magismagisque · 8 months
Non si può spiegare la delusione.
La delusione è qualcosa di profondo, qualcosa che non ti porta rabbia, né rancore, né altro tipo di sentimento.
Delusi lo si è quando si dà tanto, ma non viene capito, né apprezzato.
Allora decidi di deporre le armi, perché capisci che non hai più voglia di insistere o spiegare, perché tanto continuerebbero a non capirti.
Ti ritiri, si chiude il sipario, si spengono le luci, finisce lo spettacolo.
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ombranelvento · 17 days
Sentirsi desiderati da qualcuno è molto bello, ma sentirsi apprezzati e valorizzati è molto di più. Quando qualcuno ti apprezza, vuole capirti, vuole conoscere la tua storia, trova sempre del tempo per te, ti cerca, fa progetti con te e parla del futuro con te. Ed è fondamentale imparare ad apprezzare se stessi, così da poterti allontanare e lasciar andare chiunque possa desiderarti, ma non apprezzarti veramente.
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ilfildiarianna · 3 months
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Telefona tra vent'anni
Io adesso non so cosa dirti
Ah, non so risponderti
E non ho voglia di capirti….
Ho fatto una foto 🖤vecchi telefoni
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dekidd · 1 year
avere qualcuno in grado di capirti davvero è una sensazione unica
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frammenti--di--cuore · 4 months
scappare, andare via, dove nessuno sa chi sei, dove pure il tuo nome è diverso. Andare via, lasciando qui quello che di pesante ti tiene per terra; andare via più leggeri, volare oltre tutto, oltre tutti, restare soli, tu con i tuoi pensieri nuovi, tu con i tuoi pensieri vuoti, pronti per essere scritti con la penna di uno scrittore che sa quel che vuole. Andare, senza una metà decisa dall'inizio, che poi diventa un obbligo, una missione che non senti nemmeno più tua. Andare via, dove non ti conoscono ma dove inizi a conoscerti, a capirti, a guardarti nel profondo come nessuno ha fatto mai.
Andare via, dove non avrai più bisogno di andare via nuovamente, in un posto che non ti dice niente, perché stavolta a parlare sarai tu.
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zomboys-blog · 2 months
to be a good religious girl means to sacrifice.
paring: wednesday x enid
summary: enid sinclair, a religious christian girl falls for the new italian girl she’s been roomed with.
warnings: no happy ending.
august 2nd, 1991.
enid sinclair was now entering her second year of college, this year she felt much more confident and as a result she opted to finally live in the dorms instead of doing her usual one hour commute.
enid was practically dying of excitement to find out who her new roomie would be, she ran up to her door.
room 119
enid opened the already unlocked door and was greeted by a wave of old people smell, she grimaced slightly and shut the door behind her.
“jesus it’s so dark in here”
she flicked on the light switch.
A dark yet short figure was seated on the sofa that sat in the middle of the room, as enid adjusted to the light she stood in utter shock at the women who sat on the couch.
“your ravishing.”
enid slapped a hand across her mouth in utter shock at what she had spoke to the mysterious women.
“Non riesco a capirti, arcobaleno”
(i can’t understand you, rainbow)
the women spoke back in what sounded like italian, she then stood up and walked to her room.
enid placed her bag down now eyeing the women down as she walked to her room, her hair was in tight braids, her skin was tan with tiny scars littering her skin and what looked to be vitiligo covering half of her forearm and some of her neck. She was the most beautiful woman enid had ever laid eyes on.
from that day forward enid made it a point to speak to wednesday every. single. day. much to wednesdays dismay.
Due to enids long and grueling attempts at speaking to her, she had actually picked up some english, enough to hold a steady conversation with enid.
wednesday who now wanted to master this new language had decided to engage in enids silly conversations every now and then which lead to them gradually getting closer and closer over time, enough so that enid could casually sit in wednesdays room and chat with her without getting knives thrown at her head.
“this.. is hard.” wednesday spoke with a heavy italian accent which made it hard to understand her yet somehow enid always did.
enid chuckled at her softly and adjusted the brightness on wednesday new phone for her, according to enid in order to truly “dominate” the english language she needed to pick up the new lingo! and what’s the best way to do that? with a soul sucking device!
“how do.. i work this.” wednesday stared at the block and tapped across the screen with one finger, she reached over to her side dresser and picked up her reading glasses to see more clearly.
enid giggled and brushed a hair behind wednesdays ear. admiring her beauty.
“your very pretty wednesday.”
wednesday looked up from the device.
“i understood that.. i appreciate you…” the words felt weird leaving wednesdays mouth.
“ya know wends, your english is getting like so much better! and i tots- sorry! totally adore your accent, but make sure to ask me for help on anything you struggle with okay?”
wednesday nodded her head, she wasn’t yet used to how close them two were, yet she found herself being disgustingly fond of it.
“okay. if you….”
wednesday paused attempting to find the right word
enid smiled wildly and shifted herself closer to wednesday, slightly touching her in the process, normally wednesday would never mind yet enid had accidentally grazed a bruise she had gotten from fencing the other day. Wednesday flinched away.
enid shared a guilty look and immediately leapt off wednesdays bed, remembering her aversion to touch.
“i’m so so so sorry wends! i tots didn’t mean to disrespect your personal space or anything! i swear!”
“it’s .. okay”
“No.. disrespect.”
wednesday felt a need to reassure enid and she wanted to stab herself for it.
reluctantly she patted the side of her bed next to her.
enid felt her stomach flutter but she pushed the feeling down immediately.
she awkwardly climbed onto wednesdays bed once again and sat beside her, silently fidgeting with her hands.
“why… so nervous?”
“i don’t want to disrespect your personal space.. i know you like your space”
wednesday struggled with social cues and reassurance so with her words failing her she moved to her actions.
enid let a small yip fall from her mouth as wednesday had poked her side, enid turned her head sharply to face wednesday who was already staring at her with a blank face… enid began to laugh, understanding this was wednesdays weird way of reassurance.
enid relaxed and leaned her back on the wall staring at the ceiling as wednesday did the same.
“you know… i really did mean what i said that day we met.”
“i do not remember.”
“your ravishing wednesday.”
for a moment there was nothing but silence, enid worried she had scared the raven off.
“you… believe so? fool.”
enid regretted teaching her simple insults now.
“of course i do, i mean everything i say.”
enid always gave wednesday compliments, constantly. They were like second nature to her, yet she really only did compliment wednesday.
“your eyes too wends, they’re beautiful. A very dark brown, almost black, like a comforting death.”
wednesday fell silent, spiders crawling in her stomach.
“your wrong.”
“i’m not! i’ve literally adored you since i first met you?! your the most fascinating person i’ve ever met!”
due to it being so late at night enid felt like rambling on and on about wednesday
“and oh my god your accent.. it’s the most beautiful thing i’ve ever heard, please don’t let anyone bully you into giving it up like … ever.”
“i will kill them… before they speak.”
enid smiled at wednesdays response a familiar warm feeling creeping up.
“thank you… enid, you are very horrifying also”
this was wednesdays way of calling enid pretty, yet she’d never admit that.
enid smiled slightly yet sluggishly due to her growing tiredness
“oh wends.. if you were a boy you’d be the love of my life.”
wednesdays mouth opened and closed struggling to find a response in english, her skin betraying her, now stained with a disgusting red that always found its way back to her when she was around enid. surprisingly this wasn’t a first for enid to say to her, she actually says it quite a lot, more than she should.
“Vorrei essere un ragazzo” (i wish i were a boy)
“i wish you were a boy wends.”
“why do you.. wish for that?”
“so the world wouldn’t shame my love.”
enid fiddled with the cross necklace she had on at the time.
“why would the world shame your love?”
despite wednesday’s cold demeanor she had actually been heavily sheltered from the cruel world, engulfed by a loving and accepting family who never taught her of such discrimination.
enid was quite the opposite growing up in a cold house hold, being fed religious rules, being told the rights and wrongs of the world. she grew up believing that every word her parents spoke was the truth, and that it was how the whole world viewed things. She was forced to grow up at a young age.
“oh wends, my clueless girl.”
“girls can’t love girls silly. It’s forbidden!”
wednesday felt her breath hitch.
“..why is it forbidden?”
“it’s just not right to the world wends! it’s considered putrid and disgusting!”
enid stared into wednesdays dark widened eyes, she let out a heavy sigh and spoke just above a whisper.
“which is why i feel so much guilt around you everyday..”
wednesday grimaced at the thought of enid feeling indifferent towards her in a hateful way.
“what do you mean?”
the reason enid adored wednesday so much refused to come out of her mouth, feeling ashamed by the thought of it yet shamefully she longed to tell the black haired women.
“why couldn’t you be born a guy?”
wednesday could feel her heart ache longingly, enids avoidant answer made her long even more for the truth.
“do not avoid this… answer.”
enid felt as though she could burst with tears, she compelled herself but she couldn’t stop the word vomit that came out of her mouth.
“in the worlds hateful eyes, if you are different… your a waste of life. To this world there can only be adam and eve, there is no room for discussion, no room for debate. That’s what i’ve been taught all my life, to beware of those considered “different”. To yell hateful words at them when they’re spotted in daylight, to avoid their different lifestyle. This was how i was everyday since i was born, a good religious girl. Till you showed up… and ripped me from my spot in heaven, from my place in the family. you secured my spot in hell and for that i will always resent you for but for some reason i cannot fathom a life without you… even if it means defying those who i believe in. Women loving other women is shameful, putrid, disgusting even… yet I would be fine with being inlove with you wednesday, if it didn’t mean being inlove with a women. Yet as much as it kills my religious devotion, i would rather die a painful death than not admit that i am inlove with you.”
wednesday lacked the english vocabulary to respond in depth to enids declaration of love? hatred? she didn’t quite know..
“loving me.. will send you to hell?”
“because it’s forbidden”
“but why is it.. forbidden?”
enid paused, she expected an answer to come out of her mouth yet nothing came..
“i… don’t know.”
“i don’t think i understand… what’s wrong with it?”
“you love me don’t you?”
“yes! yes wednesday of course i do!”
“but the world! the world will deny us the right of ever loving one another, you have to understand that! my parents, your parents, they’ll look at us with hatred instead of love wednesday! our friends, they will no longer speak to us!”
“i don’t understand..”
enid grew frustrated her patience was running out, she gulped harshly swallowing her tears and shame
“jesus christ wednesday! what don’t you understand! we cannot be together!”
“why not?!”
“girls can’t love girls!”
“but you said you loved me…”
“ and i… feel that way towards you as well”
wednesday couldn’t fathom ever saying the words i love you and so those words well… they died on her tongue.
“isn’t that.. all that really.. matters?”
wednesday looked up at enid with an oddly soft expression.
“im sorry wends.. the world forbids it..”
“the world can go to hell.”
with that enid broke down in tears and in a moment of weakness she hugged wednesday selfishly ignoring her personal space.
wednesday pushed away at first but upon the current situation she felt a need to return the hug.
enid sobbed softly into wednesday’s shoulder feeling a cold hand being placed upon her head and back.
“im sorry. Im sorry. Im sorry.”
enid repeated the phrase over and over again, not speaking to wednesday. Instead speaking to the religious figure that she believed was watching her.
“i wish you were a boy.”
“please… do not say that.”
“i could love you easier that way..”
“perhaps.. you could love me… just like this”
“maybe your right but im not willing to try.”
wednesday knew all too well what enid was going to say but she couldn’t help but try once more..
“i understand.”
“if i do, i betray my religion.. my religion is very dear to me..”
“dearer than i?”
“i see.”
“let’s stay friends wends. Forget about this.”
“what ever you wish, Tuo L'arcobaleno che ha fatto luce nel mio mondo piovoso.” (your the rainbow that shed light on my rainy world.)
they fell asleep in each others arms that night. though that could mean nothing.
yay all done
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ricorditempestosi · 1 year
se una persona ti porta al punto in cui gli stai urlando di capirti è ora di chiudere
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eternosecondo · 1 year
Scegli chi non ti fa venire nemmeno l'ombra di un dubbio.
Stai ancora aspettando quel qualcuno capace di capirti quando parli, quando non parli, quando osservi, quando sospiri, perfino quando alzi gli occhi al cielo e sbuffi.
Bisogna avere cura di chi ti presta attenzione, di chi ti ascolta e resta sveglio fino all'alba pur di parlare con te.
Non è da tutti, sai? Non farti pesare di continuo il tuo passato..
Ed esserci sempre, a differenza di quelli che dicono " Guarda che io ci sono" ma, al di fuori dei soliti messaggi non si fanno mai sentire.
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comefiorineldeserto · 1 month
Meriti qualcuno che sappia capirti dentro, nonostante tu dentro sia un casino.
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Chi non vuole ascoltarti
non lo fa nemmeno se urli,
e chi vuole capirti,
ti capisce anche se non parli.
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iuliana01 · 6 months
Telefona tra vent'anni. Io adesso non so cosa dirti, non so risponderti, e non ho voglia di capirti.
- Lucio Dalla
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ilpianistasultetto · 9 months
Guardare il mondo fuori da dietro una finestra mentre dentro quelle quattro mura un giro di chitarra profuma di spazi immensi e fa compagnia. E pensi alla bellezza dell'empatia, alla voglia di vivere cose belle, di stare accanto a persone per noi speciali, quelle che sanno capirti e proteggere. Una musica che se ne va in giro con delle DrMartens ai piedi. @ilpianistasultetto
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ombranelvento · 5 months
comunque chi vuole capirti, capisce pure i tuoi silenzi, anche solo guardandoti negli occhi o dal modo in cui ti muovi. fateci caso a chi capisce quei modi, capisce il tuo linguaggio non verbale, capisce i tuoi minimi cambiamenti d'umore, perché dice tanto sulla qualità del vostro rapporto.
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