#Zain: ''sounds fake but ok''
robotslenderman · 1 year
Okay but I think if Zain and Sullivan got together it would be purely because Evie keeps introducing them under the bathroom door like a couple of cats, because the more I watch them interact in my head, the more intimidated they are by each other.
friendly reminder these are grown-ass men.
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cambrand · 4 years
(tbh this started out as a list of angel beats/heartbreak cure comparisons so that’ll probably be obvious here)
-plays in trees -"not dead yet" (66) -runs at mist like olaf -"sorry i'm late" (68) MY HEART -"nothing i ever did was good enough for him" runeard is kimito -"the goofy boy who can barely manage not to fall out of a tree" (87) gdflsjkfg;jslfdgklfgd -"your voice is like an angel's" (92) -you're such a moron (96) -"I leapt to my feet and ran over to her, taking her injured hand in mine" (97) -"It's not a waste of time. ... Not to me anyway. ... Because I get to spend it with you." 🥺 -bro that almost kiss on page 100!!! it's so TPS chapters 17 and 36 <3 -wtf Johan sounds hot -like I kinda like him already but I hope I don't get Hans'd by him. Plus he's six years older than Iduna but very enthusiastic to see her and doesn't like Agnarr apparently?? sounds like romantic rivalry which is... hm. -(106) ok damn 180 mood swing Johan is definitely kinda sus for taking credit (108) -SHADDUP JOHAN -Iduna has....  fab gymnastic skills (110) -overly dramatic swooning motion just like her daughter! (111) -(about Agnarr's mom) "This woman's eyes looked unbearably sad. As if she held a terrible secret." (116) DID SHE THO?? -damn, Elsa knows that feel bro (117) -HELP I'M SO USED TO MY OWN SLOWBURN I'M NOT READY FOR AGNARR'S CONFESSION (119) AAAAAAAAAAHHHH -IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE BOOK AND THEY'VE ALREADY KISSED THIS IS GONNA HUUUUURT -Agnarr obviously doesn't end up with Runa so I wonder how her life turns out? -Okay if Blodget (strong IF) knew Iduna's fake parents wouldn't she know they didn't have a kid? -Johan for GALE'S SAKE DUDE SHE'S SIXTEEN MF YOU HIRED HER WHEN SHE WAS FIFTEEN BRO -I KNEW IT I KNEW HE WAS GONNA HANS ME (131) -I hate him I hate him so much he's a big ol Hans-Gaston-Kinchan -And she's such a Yuri (not letting him see her cry) ("I have always taken care of myself") (138) -ok what really is going on with the purple sheep (150) -I feel like Peterssen must have a connection with the Northuldra... I just remembered he was there when the dam was being constructed but is it deeper than that? (152) -Agnarr: "...imagining every shadow was an evil presence, lurking and waiting to take me away, too." (153) NAOI? -(image: the DID YOU F__ MY MOTHER SANTA" meme except "WAS AGNARR'S MOM MAGIC, FROZEN?") -IDUNA MET YOUNG OAKEN (171) -Okay Zain is so right about this ice harvester woman being Kristoff's mother but also I want to know the tune she sang to get the trolls to talk to her. (173) -"I don't want to remember him!" (176) HEARTBREAK CURE HEARTBREAK CURE AHH! -"Who would want their memories wiped?" (178) The Programmer, Yuri, probably you... -Rita gives me such Makishi Hejjiguchi vibes. Or the Ayame Naoi who didn't stay. (182) -they even clash like Naoi and Yuri! And Iduna has Yuri's indignation (190-191) -Question... could Johan be at all behind these attacks? For "Iduna's own good"? (194) -She sings songs about reindeer! She and Kristoff would get along so well (198) -"You are your own person, Iduna. You always have been. It's one of the million qualities I love about you." (207) -"[Agnarr's mother] was such a sweet soul. So smart, creative. When she laughed, you couldn't help but laugh with her." "He tried to give her everything, but she wanted nothing. Nothing except the one thing she could never have. Freedom." (215) I literally can't decide if this is Ayame, Makishi, or The Girl. (also what if it meant freedom to use her powers?) -(218) Brownish-redhaired girl, wearing a searing blue dress that matches her eyes, doing whatever she wants?? Sounds familiar. -I'm so glad Runa apparently accepted Agnarr's rejection. I was (well, still am) a little suspicious that the king of Vassar arranged this attack so that Agnarr would need to marry into his family. Hoping Runa's at least not involved in it? (239) -THIS BOOK REALLY IS ABOUT TO PULL A HEARTBREAK CURE (242) -OMG I KNEW IT WAS VASSAR (269) -GO RUNA. (278) -I wish Runa could be like an aunt to Elsa and Anna, and tell them what their parents were like. (280) Imagine if she was Rapunzel's mom? -IDUNA PROPOSED THE NORTHULDRA WAY OMG (283) -"'Do you ... have magic?' he asked slowly." (326) Iduna says no magic runs through her veins BUT WHAT ABOUT RITA? -"The girl you grew up with, the one you married? She was always me. The real me. And my love for you? That's always been real too. I love you more than anything in the world, and I always will." (327) NAYURI AFTER THE OG CONCERT. -Agnarr: "I would go to the ends of the earth to help her." Tia Dalma: 👀 (330) -"There is no other life on earth I would rather have lived." (335) 😭 -Oh my God Iduna really got to see Free Elsa and Queen Anna I just got chills (337) -In her last moments she sings her siren cry, oh my lord that's literally haunting, that's probably exactly what Elsa hears.
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