#Yuurivoice fic
no-see-um-incorrect · 7 months
Cinnamon sugar 
another BitterSweet Trio poly Fic!!! 🩷🍪🧡 Just in time for Valentine’s Day
Hope you enjoy
No TW this time (unless there’s something I missed then please tell me)
“…Al are you sure about this?” Seth‘s voice was filled with concern as he watches his boyfriend balancing precariously on a step ladder and a few books “almost…got it..HAHA!-WHOW!” Alphonse loses his footing and falls backwards into Seth’s arms much to the smaller man’s irritation “I got it~” Al waves a fairly large, seemingly handmade book in Seth’s face before hopping out of his arms
“holy shit! is that your pops old recipe book?” Al slides into the kitchen and tosses the recipe book on the counter and Seth hops on the stool “hell yeah it is! and I’m lucky my dad made these recipes dumbass proof” “why? He knew how to cook” “HE did. me and my Ma? Nah. Better have home insurance” seth laughed and Alphones fliped the pages. Each page felt sturdy, like they got stronger with age. “He practically drilled them in my head. said “your gonna need to make food for your loved ones one day”” seth smiled down at the book of recipes “....little did he know I’d still be feeding you” Al leant over the counter to kiss his forehead, seth's face turned bright red still not quite used to that….from either of them and i don't think he ever will. “Um i *ahem* why ya getting this stuff out?” al snickers at his reaction “bet he'd have never guessed id have two people to care for~” Al attempts to lean in for a kiss but seth pushes his face away “aw come on! No kiss for ya Boi!?” “you'll get a kiss when you can stay on task” al sighs and continues reading the recipe “french toast bake plus strawberries”
“so you wanna make breakfast as a surprise for sugar?” “I need some help....and you take direction well-OW!” Seth smacks Al’s shoulder then gestures to the book “okok!..there's a list of stuff here. You get that i'll get the bowls and shit”
“And in the oven it goes. see~ i told you we could cook without catching the house on fire” “hold on now theres still time during baking” they both laugh ending in a comfortable silence.
“I'm honestly surprised sugar aint’ up yet” “well that just means we have a little more time..got any ideas?” seth thinks for a moment a devious grin appearing across his face “...yea i got one” Al slides onto the counter in front of seth “oh yea and what's tha-HM” Seth pulls him into a kiss by the collar of his sweater. The kiss lasted a few seconds when seth pulls away “how's that as a kiss for “Ya Boi” sufficient enough?” a few seconds of silence and adoring eye contact before Al speaks up “......Your gay” “THIS is why i don't try” seth attempts to walk away but gets trapped by Al’s legs “Get back here cowboy~” Al wraps his arms around seth's neck “hey~ i love you” “i love you too ya goof” “im serious. Your the cinnamon to my cinnamon sugar toast OH and Boo’s the bread cause they bake And without them…we wouldn't be together” “aw Al….that’s really sweet” they press their foreheads together basking in the soft embrace of each other
“OK who turned off my alarm!”
They both chuckle hearing their partner from the other room “Good morning Boo!” “mornin’ sugar”
I hear sugarboo’s footsteps. Alphonse hops off the counter to avoid getting scolded “oOoO something smells good in here!” “Al got the bright idea to turn your alarm off and wake me up to make breakfast” “well I don’t see the fire extinguisher anywhere, so I’m assuming everything went smoothly” Sugarboo gives them both well-deserved kisses. and sits on the barstool. The timer went off, and Alphonse is very careful taking the dish out of the oven “happy Valentine’s Day Boo!” “holy shit! That looks really fucking good! Whose recipe did you use?!” “my dad’s. he used to keep a book of all of um’ and I wanted to cook some breakfast for my two favorite people” Seth wraps his arm around Alphonse’s waist. Boo smiles with adoration in their eyes looking at their boys
“you know I’m really proud of you two. Not just for cooking, but for making it this far. You make me feel so fucking lucky” they push themselves up and wrap their arms around Alphonse and Seth
“Happy Valentine’s Day boys” they hold each other tightly and contently
“aright now let’s eat I’m fucking starving”
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone🫶
I hope you all are having a great day rather celebrating alone or with someone else
Hope you enjoyed this little thing with the boys
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cat-arsenal · 2 years
Faustfic 2/? SFW
CW: Faust x AMAB OC, angst, awkwardness, talking about feelings and relationship stuff, sex mentioned but not depicted, happy/hopeful end?
A week later, Vetle has done everything in their power not to think of Faust, not even checking his streams, which they used to do religiously. They’re so caught up in their heartache and embarrassment that the thought of Faust coming to the cafe didn’t even occur to them.
So when he sweeps in, lovely and understated (for him) and glances around, they drop what they’re holding and flee into the back.
“Why is he here?” they whisper, wringing their apron and pacing. They’re plotting an escape route when their supervisor walks in and hands them the metal cup they had launched into the sink in their haste.
“Don’t throw cups,” she says casually, then gestures over her shoulder. “That blue-haired kid is asking for you. Should I run him off?”
Vetle considers saying yes, please get rid of him, but immediately feels guilty. Banning Faust from the cafe because Vetle doesn’t want to face him isn’t fair, especially when Faust doesn’t even know why.
“No, I’ll...I’m going to take my lunch and talk to him.”
The supervisor eyes them before giving their shoulder a firm squeeze. “If you need backup, holler and I’ll throw him out on his ass.”
“Thank you,” they laugh, grateful for the protectiveness of their coworkers. They hang up their apron and steel themself before stepping into the front.
Faust lights up when he sees them, and their stomach churns.
“Long time no see,” he says, sliding off his stool and moving into their space. They step around him in what they hope looks unintentional, gesturing for the door.
“There’s a restaurant I like nearby if you wanted to get lunch with me,” they say, more stiffly than intended. Faust looks surprised, then pleased.
“Lead the way.”
The restaurant is a tiny family-owned place that they’ve frequented for years. At this hour, it’s all but abandoned, so their food arrives quickly, and they can talk openly. The owner glances at Faust before winking at Vetle, and they smile nervously.
The pair eat in silence, save for Faust’s noises and murmured commentary. When their plates are cleared, Vetle continues to stare at the table until Faust reaches across for their hand. They jump, stare at Faust’s hand, and then at Faust.
“Did I do something wrong?” Faust asks, simple, curious, not hurt or accusatory.
“No,” Vetle says earnestly, and Faust mulls it over.
“Did I misread the situation? Your intentions? You left in quite a hurry the other night.”
“No--I don’t know,” Vetle says miserably. “I’m sorry. I’m being stupid. I just...I was upset, and I didn’t have any right to be, because I started it. I’m the one who approached you, and I agreed to your terms, so I shouldn’t have gotten my feelings hurt when things went the way we said they would.”
“Feelings hurt? Who hurt your feelings?”
“Me, I guess? I don’t know how to explain. It’s a lot.”
“I’m listening,” Faust says, watching them intently. They run a hand over their face and groan.
“You know I’ve been a fan of yours, right?”
“I kind of had a crush on you back then.” Faust smiles faintly, and Vetle looks away. “But then we had those nice talks, and I got to know a little of you as a person, and I liked you even more. I wanted to know the real you. I didn’t think I’d ever get that chance, and I was okay with it. But then I saw you at that party...”
Their eyes start to sting again, but they’re determined not to cry.
“I don’t know what I was thinking, coming onto you like that.”
Faust frowns, voice flat when he says, “Oh. So you didn’t actually want me.”
“No!” That’s completely the wrong conclusion! “I did want you. I still do. But I wanted more of you than I can have. I-I don’t have any right to you--not to your heart or your life or anything else. We agreed on sex but I wanted more than that. More than your body, Faust. I want you.” They scrub their hand over their eyes. “But I didn’t ask for that, so I’m not allowed to get upset when I don’t get it.” They sniff. “I didn’t ask for a relationship, so it’s not fair of me to expect one.”
Faust is silent, and Vetle can’t bear to look.
Eventually, Faust asks, “Seriously?”
Vetle looks up, confused. Faust rolls his eyes, pouting.
“You seriously want to date me?”
“I come with a lot of baggage, you know. Drama, complexes. I’m also very vain.”
Vetle stares. “What...?”
Faust waves his hand dismissively. “Just warning you what dating me entails. I’m very picky about food and clothes and basically everything. I prefer being the big spoon.”
“Why do I prefer being the big spoon, or why am I telling you all this?” Faust raises one perfect eyebrow and Vetle finally realizes that he’s blushing. “Because I like you, too, obviously.”
Vetle’s heart stops.
“Do you really think I’ll sleep with anyone who propositions me? I was looking forward to getting drunk and crashing before you showed up. I didn’t say ‘yes’ just because I wanted to get fucked. Obviously that was part of it, but...I said ‘yes’ because it was you asking.”
This time, when he reaches for Vetle’s hand, Vetle reaches back, their fingers tangling gently.
“I’m not good at things like this,” Faust mutters. “Feelings and relationships and...being genuine. But I want to get to know you better, too. Oh, hell--are you crying?”
“I’m sorry,” Vetle says, mortified.
“Don’t--you don’t have to be sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. Here.” Faust pulls a handkerchief out of his sleeve and dabs at Vetle’s tears, mumbling, “Your friends are gonna think I’m bullying you.” Vetle looks toward the kitchen, where the entire family is gathered to watch. Vetle waves them off with a watery smile.
They gently grip Faust’s wrist so they can lean their face into his hand. The tenderness seems to shock him, but he doesn’t pull away.
“I don’t mind if you bully me a little,” Vetle whispers, and Faust lets out a surprised laugh.
“Oh, I look forward to learning all about you, Love.”
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
Don't leave
a threat merges from Auron's past he needs to get rid of personally. He won't let rook get hurt.
Rook froze at Auron's words, "I need to leave you here." Tumbling out of the man as he had guards come into the penthouse. Rook felt tears build as they looked at him, pleading not to leave them, didn't he say he'd never leave them? No, they're not going to stand for this!
"No." Bluntly the word felt like a child throwing a tantrum, "I'm staying with you I'm not going to let you leave me here when I know you're in dan-" Hard eyes cut them off as Auron looked down at them.
"I need you safe. I don't want you to get hurt because I couldn't protect you. I let that happen one to many times with others. But NEVER you." Grabbing a coat he looked at a 20 year old man, black haired, standing around 5'4", "Don't let them out of this penthouse or I'll fucking kill you." Then continuing to the door. Rook tried to follow but the man stopped them, holding his hands out in a sign of trying to calm them.
"Look, you heard him, please, make this easier and ju-" Shoving him hard Rook rushed to Auron. Strong hands held their right arm tight yanking them away from almost touching Auron. Rook shouted a bit in pain from the sudden grab, "Don't you fucking touch ME!" Punching the man in the face Rook was able to get out of his reach and go again or Auron.
A woman stood in front of them now, but they saw a knife...Acting surprise they crashed into her. Then yanking the knife out of it's holster they kicked the woman away and pointed it at the other guards "Come near me and I'll fucking cut your throat!" Pity eyes looked at them as they held the knife. "BACK UP!" Growling out as everyone was watching them as the guards followed their command. Making sure they were at a safe distance Rook turn their head back to Auron, who looked like he was about to cry.
"Auron! Please, I don't want you to get hurt...Just let me come with you!" The addressing to him causing Auron to look, sweet moments with them flash in his head. The life he built with them showing how much he needed to do this. So, grimacing, he gave a command.
"Sedate them if needed knowing them, they'll follow me to the ends of the earth." Shock over took Rook as they heard someone rush them and twist their arm getting the knife away. They punched one of the men while the woman finally got a cloth near their face as they felt weak. Two of them backed off as the woman held Rook, who was calling out to Auron.
"Auron...please don't leave me...pleas..." Sobbing as their vision faded as they looked as Auron's back as he finally left the pent house.
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Imagine, Finn comes home from a long day. He's exhausted but excited to see Sunflower. He calls out for them to no response until he sees a single flower with a note on the table. It details the day they first met and on the back it gives a hint to where the next flower is. Each flower has a sweet meaning (usually tied to love) until he gets the last one. It's a sunflower with a ring tied to it and the note simply reads, "Will you marry me?"
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darling-renyuu · 2 months
SEVEN; the bittersweet trio
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content: bittersweet trio being cute, some cussing, "what if they first met each other once as kids but they didn't exactly remember" kinda hc special thanks to @lunasdemise for beta reading!!!
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Sweet tea in the summer Cross your heart, won't tell no other And though I can't recall your face I still got love for you
“Where should I put this, sugar?”
They turned to see Seth hauling a box over his shoulder, a messy “FRAGILE” scrawled across the side. Sugarboo smiles, and raises a flour-spattered hand over to the couch, pointing.
“Just over there, Seth. Thank you so much!”
The brunet obliges, just as Alphonse gets in and closes the door. He beams at Boo, peeking around their shoulder at the cookie dough they were mixing. “Sweet! Thanks for the cookies, babe.”
He doesn’t make a move to leave, though, expectantly beaming at the baker. They raise a brow and hand the frosting-covered spoon to him, chuckling. “All yours, Al.”
Alphonse gratefully shoves the spoon into his mouth, without forgetting to peck a swift kiss to his babe’s cheek before Seth comes up to the kitchen.
Sugar hands him some water, which he also gratefully receives. As he sips, the condensation runs down the bottle to his chin. Sugar quickly dabs at the drip, grinning as Seth looks at them dumbfounded.
“Did I have something on my chin?” He asks, narrowing his eyes at Alphonse’s… appreciative look. “What now, bubblegum?”
The aforementioned bubblegum prince simply waves a hand and licks the last of the frosting off.
Seth snorts as Alphonse turns away to wash the rapidly accumulating dishes in the sink. He busies himself looking over at the cookies Sugarboo’s laying on the tray. “What’ya makin’ sugar?”
They raise their head, gesturing to the little blobs of divine, saccharine goodness.
“I’ve made a dozen! The half’s got cinnamon, and the other half’s plain butter cookies,”they say, giving a glance to each of the two, “Wanna help me decorate ‘em later before they get devoured?”
The two voice their agreement, and Sugarboo goes on to place the cookies into the oven. They huff, bumping Alphonse hip with theirs as they make him scoot a little to the side to they can wash their hands.
Wiping their hands on a nearby cloth, they look at the box and back at Seth. They grin. “Wanna do a little unboxing?”
“Sure, sugar,” he says, following them to crash on the couch.
Cradling the box in their lap, they shift around to sit cross-legged on the plush couch. They rip off the tape, unfolding the flaps like it was some sort of blooming cardboard flower. Sugar immediately snorts at the contents.
“Oh shit, this is from years ago! Gosh, my old journals… my recipe books… and huh?” Their awed voice tapers off to a mumble, “My camera, too. Haven’t seen this in a while.”
Seth squints at it, pursing his lips. “I think we got some batteries- hold on,” he quickly gets up from the couch to pull a drawer open, “Here ya go.”
They give him a smiley “Thanks!” before flicking the compartment open and replacing the older batteries. Alphonse comes just in time to sidle up beside Sugarboo. Seth settles into their other side.
The camera flickers to life, and the two men curiously lean in. “Damn. How old is this thing, Boo?”
“…It’s almost as old as I am.” They whisper, trying to remember where the gallery button was. With a click, it opens the very last picture taken on it. It was a picture of them before they moved into town, in their childhood home surrounded by an army of cardboard boxes.
Sugarboo cringes. “Ugh. Hate the haircut.”
That draws a chuckle out of Seth, and a teasing grin out of Alphonse. “I mean, it could be worse, Boo.”
Sugarboo quickly presses the “next” button, and the oldest photo props up. Their eyes soften as soon as it appears.
Sugarboo, in all their toddler glory, looking shy and unsure as they face the camera.
“Aw,” Alphonse starts, “How old were you in this?”
They shrug. “Like… maybe six? I remember getting the camera when I first started school.”
They flick through the photos, until they land on a specific photo that catches Seth’s eye. “Wait, sugar. This road looks familiar t’me.”
The photo was a slightly blurry shot of the sidewalk, along with some equally blurry blobs of what look like stores. It’s obvious that it was taken by a kid who was running. Or speed walking.
“Oh yeah. The next pictures are from a family trip. Though I can’t exactly remember the name of the place, I never forgot the vibes. It almost feels like here, in this town.” They explain, Alphonse unusually quiet and staring at the photo.
The next photo makes Alphonse’s brows furrow. “Wait, I know that playground. All rusted now, but Seth and I used to play there when we was just little brats…”
Sugarboo flicks to the next, and it makes the trio’s eyes collectively widen.
“Holy shit.” Alphonse helpfully supplies.
It’s a candid photo, of little Sugarboo playing tic-tac-toe with two children. One’s got fluffy black hair with bright blue eyes, and the other’s got his tongue out in concentration as he traces an x into the sand. He’s got very familiar brown hair and eyes.
Seth blinks at the photo. “Holy shit indeed.”
With every consecutive photo, Sugarboo’s mental jaw drops closer to the ninth circle of the inferno.
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The swing creaks ominously, and they glance up to make sure they won’t fall. Their face scrunches up as they squint against the afternoon sun.
Summer vacation won’t last long, but they don’t exactly have anyone else but their family to spend it with. There aren’t exactly kids their age here…
Footsteps crunch against the sand, and they whip their head to the sound. It’s two boys, chatting up a storm as they skip towards the playground.
They’re almost tempted to flee, until they catch his blue-eyed gaze. He points to them, saying something to his friend.
The child grips the swing, cautiously looking at the pair in silence. They walk up to them, and the black-haired kid grins, waving.
“Hey. You new here?” At their nod, his smile gets brighter. “Nice! You here to stay, or…?”
“For a trip. Visiting my relatives.” They reply meekly. Alphonse nods, holding out a hand.
“Well, welcome! I’m Alphonse. What’s yours?” He bumps his friend with his hip, who bumps him back. He shyly gives them a wave.
Now that they’re looking at him, they notice how both his brown eyes and hair catch in the sunlight. Dinosaur bandaids are plastered onto his knee and cheek.
“…I’m Seth. Welcome to town.”
They say their own name, and shake Alphonse’s offered hand.
“So uh,” Alphonse starts, “What do you guys feel like doin’?”
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After an intense game of tic-tac-toe and a round of sweet iced tea, the trio climb up to where Alphonse and Seth have claimed their spot.
They chat about a lot of things; what food you like, what you don’t, if you believe in dinosaurs, and what your favorite color is.
The summer sunlight flits through the trees, casting light on the trio laughing and clutching their middles.
Soon, a woman calls their name, and asks if the three of them could take a little commemorative picture before the little one has to go home. The pair happily oblige, and they stand on either side of them, each of the children with their own little pose and smile.
The shutter clicks and they smile.
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The picture stays on the screen, like a little mirror to the present; except instead of cute little smiles and peace signs, the present image is a flabbergasted trio. Significantly older too.
They take the time to stare at each other in bewilderment, before Sugarboo breaks out in a laugh.
“Oh my goodness, how could I’ve forgotten that?” They snort, shaking.
Seth chuckles. “So that’s why you were so familiar.”
“This is some real destiny type stuff here! Shit, how could I, nah… how could we have forgotten you?” He laughs breathlessly, but a mischievous smile grows on his face, “…Maybe ‘cause of the haircut?”
Sugarboo lays an affronted hand on their chest, clutching their invisible pearls. “Excuse me?”
“Woah, low blow for someone cosplaying a laffy taffy.” Seth chirps, earning another laugh from his mini-audience.
“I look damn good, and you know it, Seth.”
“Yeah, sure.”
The oven dings, announcing the upcoming arrival of their cookies. But before anyone gets up, Sugarboo takes both their hands.
“I…I’m glad I met you guys. Just, better late than never, right?” They smile at their boys, receiving two fond smiles back.
“Glad I met you too, Boo.” Alphonse squeezes their hand. He glances at the brunet who smiles wistfully.
“…Seth, you gettin’ teary-eyed again?”
“Oh shut up, you sap. Let me help you get the cookies, sugar.” Seth gets up, giving Sugar a slight tug to their feet.
They in turn tug Alphonse up, and they somehow walk hand in hand to the kitchen.
A single red thread hangs from all their pinkies.
Your braids like a pattern Love you to the moon and to Saturn Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long
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do not repost; writing of @/darling-renyuu
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thetopichot · 9 months
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More The Middle Ground lore, lol.
Finn & Auron are pretty chill with eachother since Auron is a reoccurring customer. Finn wants to help Auron since Finn does specialize in flowers & their meanings. Finn believes that's there is something behind that cold surface. Someone with good intentions but Auron insists that there is nothing kind about him.
Darling, the listener, finds Auron as a asshole for firing someone during the holidays. Auron did what he had to but Darling doesn't care. Darling has a good heart but they don't find a good heart in Auron. Auron can tolerate cold glares but he does NOT tolerate brats.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 10 months
I need damn crew or yuurivoice headcannons or fics before I scoop out my eyes w a damn spork
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dizzy-n-busy · 9 months
I have no idea what’s going on but I was tagged for something !! I believe it’s like a lil wip fic thing and considering I haven’t posted in a while, you may have this !!
And considering I’ve been, well (metaphorically) dead, you may have three snip fics from three different fandoms bc I feel bad <33 (warning they’re all very short !!)
Forcing my NeXus agenda on you again since it’s been a while 🫶 /lh
[Thank you for giving the people content @agentplutonium]
DON’T YOU HEAR ME HOWLING? [Redacted Audio - Milo Greer]
[1920’s ficlet of Milo whooping a shades ass <33]
My hand whips the gun out faster than I could even process. the metal from my 38 revolver shone brightly from the small sliver of lamp light that slipped past my figure.
My pointer was already tugging at the trigger when the shade had pounced; its form was indistinguishable from the blur of a shadow, the heavy material of its coat kept it grounded, the scuttle of its shoes to the grimy floor made it apparent.
It’s hands latched onto my arms with so much force that I was physically pushed back. The severe absence of a gunshot - and furthermore ringing in my ears - had directed my attention to the clank of metal dropping and sudden lightness in my hand.
That thing was expensive for crying out loud!
The shade’s face fell further into uncanny with its endlessly opening jaw trying to leech itself on me; teeth sharpened and cheeks tearing, barely managing to string the skin together with stolen magic.
A guttural sound reverberates out my throat as I draw my hands to its shoulders; pushing the grotesque face as far away as possible - it’s ever-blue eyes piercing and glowering at me - followed by a high-pitched ticking noise, almost sounding like a broken conveyor belt.
The rag-a-muffin towered over me, practically pushing me down. I pushed back harder, taking instant notice of how quickly the shade’s resolve crumbled - no amount of empowered energy it tried using would match my own - I shift my foot back and force my body to tackle.
I’d been in enough fights with Tank to know how to get a tall fucker on the ground.
I manage to shove the shade to one of the decrepit walls, the texture peeling and flaking off on impact; the Shade lets out a hiss, throwing spittle at me. I can’t help but make a face, grossed out by it and move back a little to get out the firing zone off instinct.
“I was tryna be civil you—“ I grit when the thing struggles against my hold, relentlessly tossing around, shrieking as it tries to get at me again; gnashing its teeth and practically foaming out the mouth.
It managed to propel itself off the wall a little with its violent thrashing and I attempt to push it back however, due to my footing, the shade overpowered me; driving me into the opposite wall and further into the dark alley. My groan develops into a growl, feeling the shade pushing and prying at me - digging its sharpened nails into my coat - still managing to graze my skin despite the thick cladding.
This damn thing really doesn’t know what expensive means, does it?
PANIC! PANIC! PANIC! [NeXus - Cherlock]
[Sherlock helping Cher fight with their one arm havin’ ass /lh <33]
Sherlock had finally gotten Cher on the mat, back splayed on the cushioned floor with their body running taut under the vampire’s lithe form. Sherlock huffed, trying to keep the others — admittedly bulkier — frame to the ground.
Their constant struggling and wiggling around proved difficult, it was one of their best techniques given how big they were; a bit weak on the flexibility but good on strength. Sherlock’s current position held them at advantage with their elbow and forearm pining their chest to the floor and keeping their other hand on the shifters wrist, body held at an angle so they could roll the opposite way if needed.
For only having one arm, Cher didn’t act like it, which makes sense; their legs were stronger than both of Sherlock’s arms combined.
“You’re doing good, damn good — lemme catch my breath…” Sherlock looked down at them; mouth open in a pant for added theatrics, a little light humor to uplift the heavy room, yet they paused at the sudden hollowness of their chest. The vampire immediately lessens their hold on their chest, seeing the shifter’s face pale and pupils pining, their worry overriding the alarms ringing, “hey, you oka—“
Sherlock couldn’t even finish their sentence before Cher’s legs wrapped around them, tightening around their waist and tossing them to the side; Sherlock slams onto their side with a gasp. Cher’s arm moved to wrap over their neck and, thank fuck, for the quick reflexes or else Sherlock wouldn’t have been able to wedge a hand under their flexing forearm in time before they broke their windpipes.
“Fuck — Cher!”
Despite their yell, the other didn’t relent.
Body coiling and tightening around their own like a snake to prey. It reminded the vampire — in their haze — of their maker, or maybe seeing the shopkeep flashing before their eyes was death dangling their life in their face; that would explain their prodigy and boyfriend also being there.
Cher was muttering feverishly under their breath, a language far too quickly spoken to be discernible in Sherlock’s predicament — especially with all the blood rushing to their ears, weakening their body from lack of sustenance — vaguely sounding like a prayer of some sort.
Cher’s body burned hot with fresh blood pumping; almost to a boil, it made Sherlock flinch.
When was the last time they even fed? They choke, feeling their own knuckles pressing against their throat. They don’t even think the shifter will get the chance to off them before they wind up and do it themself.
Focus, Sherlock!
Pushing the warm skin away was proving difficult, the rush of the shifters pulse ran rampant under their very fingertips; tempting and pliant. Sherlock’s senses were overwhelmed by them, their jaw fell slack and they could almost feel their fangs begging to pierce Cher’s vitals. They can’t, they shouldn’t — they wouldn’t.
CIRCUS ACT [YuuriVoice - Seth]
[Seth being idk a clown?? /j/lh it’s just inspired off a drawin’ I did <33]
Seth was always a passionate kid, he’d fixate on the little things - hone in on them til they rotted him from the inside out, but in a good way. A bit obsessive, but good nonetheless.
The brunet was also very susceptible to…influences, both good and bad ones. So when he saw his mama constantly working on her motorcycle, he grew a fascination with the oversized scooters — heavily influenced by how proud his mama was of the beautiful hunk of metal — wanting to be just like her.
That all took a detour when said woman decided to get up and stroll out his life, like he meant nothing. There was a period of confusion for him, where he purchased a motorcycle in memory of her; helplessly clinging onto any sort of semblance to a happier time when everything fell to shit, to then hating looking at the bike. It was a reminder how she left — they were the same brand so when Seth would bypass shop windows, he’d see his mama riding away from him.
Everything he felt towards the motorcycle was convoluted and trauma taken at surface value, it stayed like that for a few years; till he got locked up, that is.
Stuck in the penitentiary, encased by concrete walls which had the darkest of secrets imbedded into them — rowdy inmates screaming couldn’t compare to how loud the white structure rang his ears with trouble and horrible thoughts — eventually he stopped crying, stopping acknowledging the droning of his sins playing bumper cars in that sweet little fucked up head of his; a redeeming quality of his being adaptability.
Seth was docile for the remainder of his stay, getting more leeway for his good behavior — probation being added after his evaluation when he was doing time — the brunet thought about what he should do when he got out.
His first thought leeched onto his motorcycle, he missed it — missed how human it made him feel despite everything — it was the closest thing to his mama’s solidarity as he could get. It was funny how the most humanizing thing to him was an inanimate object; not a parent, not a peer, not a friend and especially not a lover.
Seth’s jaw tensed, his body suddenly boiling with uncontrollable emotion; unresolved issue, he was frankly far too scared to confront, clawed at him — begging for release, no matter what kind or how it was done — and that’s how Seth wound up in a circus gig.
Now, the big brown eyed guy wasn’t standing precariously on a wire with a painted face for viewing pleasure, he felt more drawn towards a very specific act; The Globe of Death.
Also known as, the ball of death, it was a relatively dangerous act which consisted of a giant metal-mesh ball housing three to four motorcyclists inside, all them revving engines and narrowing skimming each other when circling around the ball.
Only two - or was it three? - fatalities have actually been confirmed but it added a nice edge for Seth; he adapted a little too well to the thrill of the crime business, now he kinda…craves it? It was only a tiny preference, totally not a necessity that gives him worse withdrawals than a cigarette itch.
Totally not.
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iistxrmyskyii · 9 months
oh okay thanks hunger games simulator!!!!
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lex-jots · 3 months
The Florist's Almanac: Popping Sparks and Lighting Cherries (Finn/Reader)
Finn heard them set down the knife, step closer until they were at his side. When he met their gaze, their eyes were darkly, sinuously playful. He kept his expression doelike, mutely offering them a cherry. His partner was excellent at making plans.
Note: Attempt #1 at writing Finn! Inspired by the birthday stream! This was the effort of several days of frustration, talking to myself, and a concept map that looks more like a conspiracy board. I will be taking criticism regarding his characterization for this fic because God DAMN he is a DOOZY of a character to write holy hell. Enjoy!
Finn’s partner was good at making plans. Just today, they came home with an idea: a picnic on a nearby hill, where they could watch the sunset and then stargaze when night crested upon them. He loved it when they got that determined spark in their eye, he thought while he washed fresh cherries at the sink.
Sunflower was stationed behind him at a counter, slicing strawberries on a cutting board. The afternoon sun was dipping close to the treeline, though it still had a ways to go before it hit the horizon. The sun cast everything in the kitchen in a honeyed light: the cool water rushing over his hands, the candy-red fruit, and, of course, his Sunflower, when he could find opportunities to throw them glances. It made his heart swell. Between the stresses of the shop and the secret years of wondering as to whether he would even find anyone who would like him for him and the sheer shock of having landed someone so charismatic and lovely and beautiful, there was little he wouldn’t give for more afternoons like this.
“I’ve got the blanket packed already,” Sunflower said. He could hear each delicious slice of their knife. “Do you think we’ll need much else besides the fruit?”
“I could get the kettle going,” Finn suggested. “Brew some tea and take it in the thermos, in case either of us needs a drink. After the sun goes down and it starts cooling off a bit, it could be nice.” The weather was a bit warm still, but Finn liked tea in all environments, and Sunflower never complained. Still, maybe he should pack some water, just in case…
They oo’ed. “Good idea. Oh—and bug spray. Lots of bug spray.” Slice, slice.
“I think I already put it in the bag, but I can double check when I’m done, if you’d like.”
“Please do.” Slice, slice. “I’d wear deet as perfume if I could.”
Finn laughed, glancing up at the sun over the treeline. It wouldn’t be long and they’d be watching the sun set on a blanket together, waiting for the stars to come out. Finn was no astronomer, but he had a few constellations under his belt: the Big Dipper, of course, was his good old faithful; he could point out the North Star easily enough; Cygnus was a fun one, if he could see the haze of the Milky Way; Cassiopeia, Taurus, the Pleiades…
And, call him a hopeless romantic, he thought there was something sweet about the idea of huddling close, one arm wrapped around them while they took turns pointing up and inching even closer, like a poetic exercise in seeing from the other’s perspective. And being in the dark, existing for no one but each other. And—okay, keep calling him a hopeless romantic, but he enjoyed any excuse to just be close.
Speaking of which…
Finn glanced surreptitiously back at them, then back at the sun hovering over the treeline. “The sun’s starting to get low,” he said casually. “Did you know twilight lasts roughly the same amount of time it takes for human eyes to adjust to the dark?”
Sunflower hummed. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yep,” Finn said brightly. “About twenty minutes.” He plucked a cherry out of the bowl and shifted it around his mouth, sucking on it for a moment.
Finn dared a glance at them again. Their expression was warm but focused, fully engrossed in the strawberries. The mood was still mild and warm. The slicing continued without stopping.
They mused, “I wonder if that’s, like, an evolutionary thing, or something.” Slice, slice.
“You’re probably right.” He bit down on the cherry, salivating at the burst of sweet. “Soo, we’ll have about twenty minutes to kill before the stars come out.” Finn waited.
Silence. He wondered if he overdid it by lingering on the so for too long, or by specifying twenty minutes. But the longer Sunflower paused, the more Finn struggled to hide the grin twisting his mouth.
“I’m sure we’ll find a way to pass the time,” they said, a hint of that sharklike deviousness was underlacing their tone. They were playing it cool, but the slicing had stopped; he could practically hear all the planning going on in that mischievous, brilliant head of theirs. It made his heart speed up. They sure would.
“You sure?” Finn asked with casual, innocent concern. “I don’t want to bore you.”
He heard them set down the knife, step closer until they were at his side. When he met their gaze, their eyes were darkly, sinuously playful.
He kept his expression doelike, mutely offering them a cherry.
A lazy smile grew on their lips, wolflike and sugar-sweet. “I’m sure I can find something to do to occupy my time.” They popped the cherry in their mouth.
The way they emphasized it, Finn knew it was now set in stone: he was that something.
“Oh. That’s good. I’m glad,” was all he could think to say, fighting a stupid smile with all his might. If they touched him on the neck, the wrist, the chest—anywhere his pulse was—it would have all been over. The jig would have been up. And how thrilling it would have been.
But they stepped away, back to work on their strawberries. Slice, slice. Finn let himself grin from ear to ear, eat another cherry, and indulge in daydreams of the twilight to come.
Yes, Sunflower was excellent at making plans, especially when their imagination was sparked. Finn loved their fuselike determination, almost as much as he loved lighting it.
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no-see-um-incorrect · 8 months
Love and Fuff
BitterSweet Trio 
(they’re all dating your honor)
The seasons were changing which means Alphonse changes out all of the plushy‘s on the bed in exchange for the seasonal ones. And this time he recruited his Boo!
So there they sat on the Bed they shared, sifting through varieties of different soft plush toys, while binging episodes of the Mandalorian. Lost in thought that is until Al sees a very familiar plush that caught his attention.
“Holy shit haven’t seen this lil guy in a long fucking time” Sugarboo plops on the bed “Haven’t seen what?-OOoOoO cute bear!” Alphonse held the bear up to get the full view of it “HEY SETH! BABE GET IN HERE AND COME SEE THIS!”
It wasn’t too long before he heard Seth walking down the hallway to the bedroom “Alphonse I swear if your tryin’ to get me to kill another spider I ain’t doing it” he walks into the bedroom and sees the what Alphonse is holding “holy shit”
Sitting inAlphonse’s hands was a very familiar plush bear. The bottom of the belly as well as its legs and paws we’re light pink with a small shine, the top half looks like it was dipped in chocolate and covered in sprinkles, with two cotton candy blue buttons for the eyes. “remember this little guy?”
Seth smiled and sat next to Al on the Bed “of course I do” Sugarboo cocked their head. Seth took the bear in his hands and smiled 
“When Al first came to the city with me he couldn’t sleep straight. It took nearly a week for him to tell me why” “guess I was too embarrassed to admit it was cause-” “You missed your plushies at home” Alphonse smiled and rubbed the back of his neck “so Seth snuck away to the cities mall when he had some free time and picked up this sweet thing and gave it to me as a little present” alphonse leaned up and kissed Seth on the cheek, causing the southern boys face to flush pink.
Sugarboo looked at the tag that was on the Bears foot “goody Bears! I used to collect these when I was little. there part of the reason why I love baking so much” Seth looks around the room at the piles and bins of plushy‘s “what were you guys doing that required all of these?” alphonse sets the bear on his lap before grabbing a handful of beanie babies and throwing them at Seth “seasonal plushy rotation!” Seth almost successfully catches them “why do you have so many of these?” Alphonse face saddens before turning into a soft smile “well…you know…my Ma used to collect um’…she always had a dozen for each season and she’d put them on the mantle  along with the other decorations” seth looks down at the small pile of beanie babies in his lap and looks back up at Alphonse “well then. hand me the bag I’ll start going through um’ you just tell me which ones to put aside”
They rearranged their seating positions, Seth on the left, Alphonse on the right, Sugarboo in the middle.
“Do you wanna put on a movie? I don’t think Seth has seen the Mandalorian yet and I don’t wanna spoil it for him” “Yea. Seth you can pick. Me and Boo are good with pretty much anything” they both look at Seth expectantly. He stares for a moment before scrambling for an answer.  “um..well shit let me think here…. now don’t pick on me for this but..Ya got any of the Muppet movies on these fancy ass streaming services you’ve got?” the corners of Sugarboo‘s mouth start to curl and Alphonse snags the remote off the nightstand “Hell Yeah we’re watching Muppets! Got a specific one ya want Babe?” “yeah um.. they got Muppet treasure Island?” With just a few presses of a button Seth’s movie wishes were granted. 
As the movie played on, the three got more comfortable, nearly abandoning the job that they started. 
Seth’s head laid on Al’s shoulder his eyes growing heavy, Alphonse’s arm was around him gently brushing his fingers through his hair which wasn’t helping him stay awake, the other arm had the little sugarcoated bear from earlier tucked close to his side, Sugarboo was cozied up on top of them nestled under the blanket with a small mountain of plushy‘s weighing on their feet.
As the movie played, and his two partners struggled to stay awake, Alphonse was basking in it 
He looks down at Seth‘s face. The face he has seen bloodied and bruised angry and sorrowful now completely peaceful. Then he looks at his Boo. a face he has seen nearly every day for five years a face he could never imagine going a day without.
And they are both here.
Two of his favorite people in this world, cuddled up in bed watching a movie they’ve all seen 1 million times.
And it’s happy, and it’s warm and it’s peaceful, and God dammit a deadly asteroid could be hurling towards earth at top speed right now, and he wouldn’t give a fuck. because this is where he wants to be 
Slowly, drifting off to sleep in a pile of love and fluff.
Why does it feel like it’s been forever since I’ve written something for YV.
It got really cheesy at the end and I do apologize for that. this draft has been sitting here for a while so I figured I’d polish it up 
Hope you enjoyed
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 2 months
No longer you.
Guess who ain't dead :D
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Boo opened their eyes, they see all now. Somehow tapping into the magic they had in their past life, the one where they were not asleep in. Turning to the group of men they began speaking.
"I see a song of past romance...." Visions of the past flood around them. Showing Alphonse and Seth together in the town, then the city, and finally back to that town again. Eyes widen as Boo levitated slowly in the air, as if ascending.
"I see the sacrifice of man...." Whispering it showed a different vision, where Alphonse made that deal. Gasps were heard as Seth snapped his head to the pinkette, and a red head finally understands. Finn looks away not wanting to see his attempt of fixing his failures.
Before the candy loving man could explain, Boo floats down a bit. Looking at Alphonse, Seth, Ahron, and Finn with eyes full of sorrow.
"I see portrayals of betrayal...." Closing their eyes tears fell. Visions of Seth holding money, Alphonse leaving, Finn clutching his staff trying to make rights not wrongs and Auron standing in a room with a gun.
Turning to Auron, Boo gave a frown as they spoke again. How much do they know now? Thoughts bounced in Auron's mind as he watches the vision shift.
"And a brother's final stand...." Sucking in a breath Auron saw younger him try and explain. Why he did it and Faust not listening, running away.
Turning back to their boys Boo, clenched their faces as they began to weep. The boys holding them for comfort, to either Boo or themselves.
"I see you on the brink of death...." Whimpering Boo leaned their forehead on Alphonse's. Who knows what their talking about, but couldn't say anything. Turning to the brunette that saw the vision of Alphonse kneeling as he's slowly getting cornered in.
"I see you draw your final breath...." Sobbing out Boo held Seth close to them. A vision flashes showing Seth getting hit hard in the back of the head. Blood pours on the ground as his breathing gets slower, and he's reaching for something....or someone.
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive...." Looking at Alphonse, the vision shifted to where their back to that morning. Before it went all to shit, before Boo made a sacrifice to get back for their boys.
Letting go, Boo floated away. Making distance between them and their boys, making a statement that shocks them.
"But it's no longer you...." Whispering Boo then turned to a glowing light. A staff goes to them as a book of their story shows itself. Finn finally breaks the trace the four were in and is screaming something.
The storyline was always going to he messed up. But what if one of then wasn't there? Boo, as self sacrificing as they were knew the other two would do it. But they needed each other still, and Boo couldn't live with their boys sacrificing for them.
They can right Finn's wrong, it's only fair. They did steal his staff after all. And they want that good ending for their boys.
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mis3rabl3m3lody · 3 months
Do i,,, do i write a short fic of Bonnie-May meeting Jack on campus before the video premieres this evening???👁👁
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asmrbrainrot · 5 months
So I made a post a while ago about Werewolf Au Seth being easily overstimulated due to his heightened wolf sensitivity…but I got to thinking recently. (Dangerous I know)
While Tsukiko does have heightened senses, she was born a were-folk whereas Seth was only turned recently. (At least less than a year ago I’m guessing) Thus, she’s developed self regulation tactics over the years to cope with everyday life as a were-folk. So I’m just imagining a situation going a little like this:
*Tsuki and Seth on a loud/crowded outing*
Tsuki: You good man? You look a little tense.
Seth, through gritted teeth: The smells are too loud…
Tsuki: What?
Seth: T H E S M E L L S A R E T O O L O U D
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thetopichot · 9 months
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I really want to dance under the moonlight with Finn. I just want him to hold my hips as we just slow dance & just be so madly in love with eachother.
Also what if Finn called us "Bunny" as a nickname?? I dunno just wanted to talk about it because it's been on my mind a lot.
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seventh-district · 1 year
was about to lowkey pat myself on the back for having the most liked playlist for Big Red (YuuriVoice) on Spotify but. after further searching i believe it may be the only Big Red (YuuriVoice) playlist on Spotify 😭
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