#Yumalia can't catch a break
Just read Wakfu The Great Wave, chapter 3.
I'm so angry and frustrated!
That revelation was expected but I still hate that trope with a passion!
Currently writing an essay, just to vent and rage a little (a lot). I might post it later, since it's already 3 AM.
Finishing the chapter made me realise I should try to wait a few weeks to "binge read" because how am I supposed to wait until next week?!
At least Yugo and Amalia showed a united front... but then again, so did that father-daughter duo. UGh!!
I swear this webtoon will be the death of me!
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Wakfu The Great Wave - Chapter 5
Mini rant and personal take on this chapter.
I'd say this chapter was the calm before the storm but Amalia and Yugo are already in a big mess.
Actually, the Sadida Kingdom and its royal family has suffered disasters and tragedies since Season 1, so I don't know why I was expecting anything different now.
Yumalia really can't catch a break! 😭
I rechecked the lore (wikia version) and, so far, I couldn't find anything indicating the Sadida Kingdom or the royal family are cursed. However, I could be wrong because it sure looks like they are!
Me, reading Wakfu The Great Wave and seeing Amalia tangled in drama, stressed and in tears AGAIN :
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Aurora is so irritating! How come there's not one aspect of her personality (so far) that would make her sympathetic? She's really her father's daughter! And people call Amalia bratty? smh.
Sadidas, is this your queen?!
Also, not her bringing her menagerie with her. It may look like the jungle, but the Sadida kingdom is not a zoo, lady! If that creature is anything like its owner, then kill it with fire before someone gets hurt. Who knows if it's not venomous or something.
Also, that woman getting the throne might be the law, but to say that Armand would have wanted his wife in power is... doubtful. Not with a father-in-law like that.
Armand might have loved that Osamodas woman but I don't think he was blind to her father's character and political ambitions. I wish there was a will or a royal edict from Armand to at least help the transition of power and give proper directives. Aurora can't just kick a world-saving Sadida Princess out of her own home, right? Heck, what about the Eliatropes? Are the Osamodas going to kick them out too?
If Aurora gets the throne and shows her true self to the public, I hope the Sadidas will revolt. Vive la révolution!
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And, even more pressing questions:
Who is getting married next week? 💍🍰
Where is Dathura?
Is the Tree of Life going to make a cameo?
Did Grougalorasalar revive Julith to assassinate Yugo?
Another chapter, another stressful week.
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