#Yukari's Birthday Surprise
epitomees · 4 months
bold what applies to your muse. italicize if there's potential / it depends. cross if never applies.
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holding hands · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold· kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love· long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photo booth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favorite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favorite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) ·joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb("iloveyou") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · granting them the last bite (from meal)
Tagged by: @ochazos (thanks little bro xD) Tagging: @yosukeh, @drolliic (Akira), @foolsfaith, @fjinyumi (Yukari!), @blazeoflife, @akirathief , @recreatusamor (muse of choice!), @hellboundhermit , and YOU DO IT TOO!!
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ochazos · 5 months
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bold what applies to your muse. italicize if there's potential / it depends. cross if never applies.
holding hands · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold· kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love· long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photo booth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favorite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favorite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) ·joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb("iloveyou") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · granting them the last bite (from meal)
Tagged By: @tacitusauxilium
Tagging: @epitomees (aigis and/or kotone), @fatexbound (yukari, makoto, and/or hamuko), @silver-strings-of-fate (akira), @pansmaki, @segnisacfessis, anyone who likes shipping their muse w/ ppl
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deathfavor · 1 year
@ephemeralshot said: Shhh I don’t have multi up yet but Kuroh is sending him birthday kisses 💋💋
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A warm laugh fills the air when he's immediately greeted with birthday kisses when he steps out into the main living space. It's beautiful to see how enthusiastic Kuroh is about the day. One might mistake it as being his birthday rather than Yukari's. What is more of a gift than getting to see Kuroh's soul shine brightly?
Although he certainly wasn't going to say no to Kuroh's cooking, that was for sure. Not when the smell of pancakes fills the whole apartment and makes his mouth water while he holds the younger man in a hug.
" Thank you, Kuroh. " A relaxed smile slowly forms on his face at the birthday wishes that are extended to him amidst the flurry of kisses. He was beginning to suspect that it was one for every year. It was sweet, how much effort Kuroh always put into these things. Even if Yukari would be fine with something nondescript ( - well. It was Yukari, it was unlikely to remain as such with his flare for the dramatics ) it was an effort that he did appreciate. It was always rather touching to see the lengths people would go to for one another ; a unique kind of beauty different than what normally pained the world.
" A beautiful start to the day. Homemade breakfast, kisses, and I've only been out here for a few minutes. " Yukari was not skipping steps of his wake up beauty routine even for his birthday. Which was likely when Kuroh had started to make breakfast if he had to guess. " Shall we eat? It'd be very unbecoming to let your breakfast get cold. " He remarks, releasing his hold from around Kuroh to follow him towards the kitchen. " Should I be expecting more surprises? "
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mayohigan-orange · 1 year
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"Oh, right! I remembered something!"
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"So, just over a week ago, it was my birthday. 13th of September. It's likely not my ACTUAL birthday, but we don't know when I was born, and that's the day I became a youkai, so it works as well as any other day. Any life I had before Yukari and Ran was short, in any case..."
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"So, I finally worked up the courage to ask exactly how old I am, since I didn't know."
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"They... weren't surprised that I didn't know. Most youkai can remember when they became youkai, but I cannot. Ran-sama says it's down to me being very young when I became a youkai, like, a year old, and also partly down to trauma, because when the decision was made to make me a youkai, it was because I was very close to death. They thought that I didn't know my age, but didn't want to tell me how old I was, in case I thought they were under-estimating me."
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"But yeah, they told me that it's been 62 years since I became a youkai, and they had had me for nearly a year before that, so 63 seems to be a pretty good estimate."
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"When it comes down to it, though, age is just a number, especially for youkai. Still, I was curious, and didn't wanna go my entire life not knowing my age."
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yukarishoodie · 2 years
Weekly Vocajournal #23 (12/02 - 19/02)
Some high-profile releases and other releases with surprisng collabs/producer-vsynth combos. But before that, happy birthday KAITO (14/02 or 17/02, depending on who you're asking)!
Natsuyama Yotsugi - Merry Unbirthday (ft. KAITO)
I was not expecting electroswing with heavy brass parts and dark undertones for KAITO's birthday, but it slaps! His JP and EN voicebanks switch seamlessly between each other (and generally fantastic tuning from what seems to be a first-time KAITO user!), and I'm always a sucker for meta lyrics. Humans are the ones making him sing about birthdays, so is it really him celebrating?
Pinocchio-P - Anonymous M (ft. Hatsune Miku, ARuFa)
Pinocchio-P's meta songs are always a treat! This one revolves around artists who have abandoned Miku for other human singers or themselves, and the lack, and therefore flexibility, of Miku's image. Miku is tuned high and more robotic like those voice changers for TV interviews, which contrasts nicely with ARuFa's natural but dispassionately professional interview questions. Loving the rather stripped-down, wide, and melancholic instrumentals as well.
Ryoko_14 - Chikaku Kashikoshi-ron. Zenpen (ft. Hatsune Miku, Yuzuki Yukari VOICEROID)
My first song from this artist, and man. Detailed electronic composition that pulls you in, sections that are very different in vibes yet come together to tell one cohesive tale. Miku's section and tuning at the beginning reminded me of siinamota a bit, but that went out the window (in the best way) when Yukari came in for the prechorus. Great drop sections. Will be monitoring this producer in the future for sure.
Yunosuke, Kanzaki Iori - YOU (ft. KAFU)
This was not a producer combo I ever considered. I lost touch with Kanzaki Iori after he started singing his own songs, so it's nice to see him around the vsynth scene again (in my feeds at least). It's a more relaxing and melancholic song than Yunosuke's usual, which might be Kanzaki Iori.
Nejishiki, Takapi - PROJECTION (ft. Kagamine Len, KAITO)
I know both of these producers from their Yukari and mainly feminine vocalbank songs, so imagine my surprise seeing both of their names with Len and KAITO! A very bright, cheery idol-type song. Love bob's illustrations as always.
Locust - Adabana (ft. #kzn, flower)
My favorite Locust song as of now. The entire rock composition is catchy, but I particularly like that rapidly panning piano in the beginning and the prechorus. Flower as chorus support is a trend I fully support.
KAITO's Birthday Corner
KarenT KAITO 17th Anniversary Special xfade
KID-P, CrystalP, CieloP - I Skip Love
Kirino Souta - Kimi ni Todoku Tada Hitotsu
SLAVE.V-V-R - The spit thief
Re:nG - Kyuusaikei Dystopia
Matsubi - Bet!!
IMO - Region Dance (ft. KAITO, Megurine Luka)
Kashii Moimi - Sweet for You
yamichrome - Yubisaki ni Kiss
Other Cool Stuff:
ATOLS - Love (ft. Hatsune Miku)
take4its - Coleus (ft. Yuzuki Yukari)
Satou Noco - Tabenokoshi (ft. Gekiyaku)
Kasamura Toota - Reach for the Sky (ft. AI Megpoid)
STEAK - Konpeito-san Kagekiha (ft. POPY)
GLI - Shampoo (ft. Mai)
Hanyuu Maigo - Wo Ai Maiden (ft. Hatsune Miku)
Shirokuma Keshigomu - HERO (ft. KAFU)
Haniwa - Watashi wa Shujinkou Datta Hazu da, no Hazu Datta no da ga, (ft. Zundamon, VOICEPEAK)
YuuyuP - Fukyuu no Hana (ft. Hatsune Miku)
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roninkairi · 2 years
And now, a birthday edition of Incredibly Brutal One Sided Battles!!
Me: Wait, who's birthday is it?
Futaba: Ann's birthday! And she made a special request for this episode!
Ann: I don't think you'll have any objection to this...(Ann hands me a slip of paper)
Me: ...oh yeah...I can DEFINATLEY get this done. Let me make a few calls.
Suguru Kamoshida vs. Harley Quinn
Kamoshida: What's going on?!
Ann: Funny thing, it's my birthday today and I had one birthday wish I wanted. And since someone already got me that triple layer birthday strawberry shortcake before I could even ask for it, I opted to cash in a favor he owes me.
Me: That being to have you beaten to within an inch of your life. Thankfully, I had a LOT of requests for this one.
Kamoshida: Oh come on, why now?!
Ann: Partially because I am tired of seeing any and all fanart featuring me and you.
Me: Also, you're kind of scum. And by kind of, I mean you are scum. Hey, where is Harley? (From above, Harley leaps in and smashes her mallet into Kamoshida's skull. As he drops to the ground, she repeatedly slams it into his body)
Velma: (walking in with popcorn in hand) Did I miss anything?
Harley: Nah, not really. Just me taking out the trash. Sorry it was too quick.
Ann: Actually...there's something you should know Velma. (I cast Recarm)
Kamoshida: Wait...I'm alive? How?
Me: It's in my contract for this mission to resurrect you as many times as I am allowed. When I planned this little shindig, I sent out an invite for potential volunteers.
Ann: Turns out there are a LOT of folks who want to see you dead.
Kamoshida: How many?!
Me: Well...
Suguru Kamoshida vs. Power Girl
Harley: I'm surprised you actually want to do this. Ain't you against stuff like mindless and possibly fatal violence?
Power Girl: Normally yes. But in his case...(Power Girl punches Kamoshida hard, sending him skyward) I can live with that. (Seconds later he lands face first on the ground)
Futaba: Who else is here?
Suguru Kamoshida vs. Deadpool
Kamoshida: I don't suppose we can reconsider this--(Deadpool takes his katanas and slams both of them into Kamoshida's feet before pulling out a pistol and repeatedly shooting him in the face)
Deadpool: NO. By the way, I thought Recarm only revives allies. Was this purely for comedic purposes or did we lose the contracts on Phoenix Downs?
Me: I am NOT wasting a perfectly good Phoenix Down on him!
Deadpool: Understandable. Hey, can I get a Jack Frost?
Suguru Kamoshida vs. She-Hulk
She-Hulk: (talking to Deadpool as she repeatedly slams Kamoshida into the ground by his one good arm) By the way, you're welcome!
Deadpool: (holding a Jack Frost plushie) Oh yeah, a sneaker gag, that was your idea of sneaking me into the MCU? How many people were gonna notice THAT?
Ann: (sips soda) He kind of has a point.
Futaba: I noticed in 3 seconds.
Deadpool: That surprises no one , Alibaba!
Suguru Kamoshida vs Yukari Takeba, Mitsuru Kirijo and Aigis
(Kamoshida is down on the ground as Ann and Mitsuru sit at the table nearby and talk, sipping tea while Yukari and Aigis repeatedly kick and stomp him)
Mitsuru: I have to say the work you have done in the modeling world is quite impressive.
Ann: Thank you. I'm surprised you're not a model yourself.
Mitsuru: I'm much too busy running my family's group to do such things--
Kamoshida's Voice: SOMEONE PLEASE STOP THIS!!!
Mitsuru: Oh pardon me, I have to do this.
Ann: Let me help.
(Ann and Mitsuru join in on the beating)
Futaba: Aaand...BOOP. (Several hundred mini missiles launched by drones blast Kamoshida to cinders)
Me: Do I even want to know who gave you access to all of those drones?
Barbara Gordon: Oracles help other oracles.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
(It's the fushimi-sukuna friend anon again, thanks for answering my asks! Here's another one) Fushimi curiously looks up info on his new gaming buddy and finds out Sukuna's birthday is coming up. He realizes Sukuna probably only has Yukari to celebrate it with and remembers how back the he only had Yata to celebrate his birthdays. You think he'd do something about it or even just give the kid a present?
This is definitely one of those ‘Fushimi wants to do something nice but can’t admit he wants to do something nice’ scenarios XD Like say the two of them have been continuously playing together pretty regularly, they don’t often meet in person but they chat a lot. The game has some function where it will tell players on your friends list when there’s an upcoming birthday and Fushimi gets an in-game notice about Sukuna’s. Fushimi initially ignores it, thinking why should he care that it's that brat's birthday, but then he remembers how the two of them have on occasion talked about their respective pasts and complained about whose family sucks more. Fushimi clicks his tongue and mutters to himself that there's no point in feeling sorry for that guy, like for Sukuna's birthday I imagine his family threw him lavish parties full of people they want to maintain connections with and the party was more about his parents than him but as far as Fushimi's concerned at least Sukuna had a party and gifts. He remembers Sukuna grumbling about how his parents only bought him what they thought he wanted and never anything he did actually want and Fushimi quietly admits to himself that maybe that wasn't terribly better than the nothing he used to get.
After this he keeps seeing the reminder, ticking down the days until Sukuna's birthday, and every time he sees it Fushimi feels this uncomfortable tightness in his chest. One evening after playing games he meets Yata for drinks and at some point Yata asks if Fushimi's still playing games with Sukuna. He has to admit that he's pretty surprised the two of them have managed to get along so far and Fushimi just shrugs and says the brat's less annoying on the other side of a computer screen. Fushimi mentions that it's nearly Sukuna's birthday and Yata's like oh are you gonna get him anything, like it's the most natural thing in the world, and Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away. Yata gives him a fond look and says well it's up to Fushimi and then starts chatting about old times and all the fun stuff they did in middle school on their birthdays. Of course this reminds Fushimi of how important it was that Yata cared enough to celebrate his birthday and when he gets back to his computer he ends up just like buying Sukuna something for their game, like gear or a credit to his account.
The next day is Sukuna's birthday and he's surprised when he logs in and sees something from Fushimi. Yukari notices and probably thinks it's nice, like oh so your friend got you something (cue obligatory 'he's not my friend!'). Sukuna shrugs and says yeah okay it's kinda nice, he could use this anyway, but he is actually pretty happy to get something that he wanted for his birthday. The next time he and Fushimi play the game Sukuna mentions that he saw Fushimi's gift, Fushimi starts to get defensive but then he just shrugs and says yeah, he figured you get someone a gift for their birthday right, because it's a day that people find special. Sukuna pauses and then finally he's like 'well...thanks' and they both quickly get back to playing, and they're probably both glad that the other can't see them smiling from the other side of the computer screen.
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caramialunaestelle · 9 days
Trying to figure out what exactly to give to the robot for her birthday - creation day, or whatever, wasn't exactly the easiest of things, not to mention when it came to preparing anything like a sweet to celebrate Shinjiro already knew that she couldn't consume it. So this would be the next best thing. He had been cooking while waiting for this exact moment, catching Aigis watching him from behind the wall that lead into the dorm's smaller kitchen. Chocolate hues would flicker in her direction and hoped that she wouldn't shy away. ' Oh, there you are Aigis. ' he'd say, acting surprised as he turned down the heat on the stove. He already had her gift near him knowing this moment would come. ' Here, I got you something. Sorry if it's not exactly the greatest thing in the world. ' Inside the bag was a yellow apron with yellow pawprints printed all over it. 'Just incase you ever want to actually come out and learn how to properly cook. ' He didn't want to say it...but it'd be more wise to learn from him than Yukari or Fuuka. (From Mawaruisms!)
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Happy Birthday Aigis 2024! || Accepting until September 12!
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"Aragaki-san... Thank you."
Upon opening the gift, Aigis held the apron tightly in her hands, lifting it up to admire the paw print detailing and excellent construction of the garment. She had no real need to eat. While she could technically consume food (it'd simply burn away in her engine's fuel reserves), she didn't need to. But it always fascinated her that humans needed sustenance to continue living.
"I would appreciate it if you could teach me how to cook. So that I may help provide for the team," she stated. "I will be an excellent student. I promise."
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pegasus-parfait · 3 months
"Everyone is preparing a surprise visit to celebrate Yukari's birthday. We'll be heading to Kingdom of Confetto and meet her after her classes. I'll bring a box of her favorite macaron flavors. I'm sure everyone is very excited to meet her after such a long time!!"
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nkn0va · 5 months
Don't know any birthday relate that you will accept but I can try to request this. You can denied it if you want
For Persona 3 of Mitsuru, Yukari, and Minako (separate) hearing the myth of Big Cake Monster Shadow (it just a big cake that moving on its own and have red eye) from one of SEES members. When they come hunt it down and attack, only in reality it just their S/O is inside Cake after being stuffed inside cake after chaos from Kitchen School that explode from ingredients. S/O is one inside cake and aimless moving around and not realized they are trap inside tartarus. S/O wanna surprise the girls on their birthday, but chaos in kitchen happen and they got stuffed inside cake and look like Cake Monster. How girls react before and after? Sorry if this too much
I can kinda get the basic idea behind this ask but reading this is giving me a god damn stroke so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pass on this one.
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epitomees · 2 months
Yukari had special ordered a box of cupcakes for Kotone for the occasion. Placed in a box with a cute pink ribbon, she eagerly pressed them into the other girl's hands when she returned to the dorm.
"I hope you didn't think I forgot!" Yukari felt a little guilty that she had to pick them up after school. Inside was an assortment of flavors. Chocolate, vanilla, and marble cake with colored butter cream frosting.
"Happy birthday, Kotone!" She smiled warmly at her friend.
When was the last time a birthday celebration made Kotone feel incredibly special? Years, for sure, assuming the bridge incident hadn't scrambled too many of her previous memories. Much of her life suddenly, and abruptly, changed after waking up in that hospital room, ones the unfortunate orphaned girl was forced into believing. She accepted these new accommodations, without any room for thought or speaking up to provide her opinion. A little kid, such as herself at that time, must always follow the adults' orders. Never raise their voice. Never talk back.
Too bad for them, since Kotone consistently broke most of those rules. The consequences of her rambunctious behavior painted her a highly, problematic child in the foster system. No parent wanted to take in a kid scuffling with the older children, someone loud and rude when speaking with the caregivers, or covered in several band-aids due to picking fights during lunchtime. She mostly did it because the stronger kids always took food away from the little ones. Goddamn bullies. Even after adoption, her unruly conduct continued, and since her adoptive guardians couldn't properly solve the issue on their own, punishments were enacted very frequently. She never got the chance to celebrate her birthday with them, or with anyone from that point onward.
It made this year's commemoration all the sweeter. Each of the SEES members presented their specially-made gifts in such a fashion, Kotone felt a little overstimulated from all the attention. Several of her friends outside the dorm managed to pull together a little surprise for the second-year as well. Bebe toiled away making a neck accessory to match her summer dress, Rio and the tennis team shared a homemade cake after practice, even Maiko eagerly gave Kotone a small gift only a little kid like herself could afford. A handful of candies, now safely secured inside Kotone's bag. Everyone wanted to give her something.
They enjoyed her company...that much.
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Even as evening settled upon the island the festivities had not stopped. Upon entering the dorm, she found herself greeted by Yukari and a box of sweets shoved into her hands. The pink ribbon added a nice touch. But how much food had she already ate today? Mostly cakes, chocolates, and other various confectionary treats. It shouldn't matter though, or at least, Kotone shouldn't care too much since today was her day. It felt like a real birthday again.
A moment passed, Kotone musing in the sudden silence shared with her fellow classmate and very close friend. Let her soak in the moments she experienced today, the new memories now imbedded in her mind. The sweet taste of feeling happy again...on her own birthday. And of course, basking in the friendly glow of Yukari's company.
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"You? Forget about something so important?! Pssssssssh, I never doubted you for a sec, Yuka-chan~!" Laughter ensued, boisterous and warm. "I've had my share of cake today, buuuuut since these were gifted to me by the best friend in the entire woooooorld-" Her arm wrapped around the other girl's shoulders bringing her into a friendly sidehug. "-I can definitely make room for these delicious cupcakes! But only if you eat them with me!" And with a hot cup of coffee on the side.
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ochazos · 5 months
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@yukcri said: Mitsuru would have had her hide if she knew that Yukari left school early for the day, but such was a risk that the Lovers was willing to take. Honestly, she would have gone to her grave via execution gladly in this case. After all, how many years had it been since Makoto got to feel special for his birthday? The fact that she didn't know the answer was all the more reason she needed to commit that particular crime. Besides, it meant having the dorm kitchen to herself... which she definitely needed. |It had taken hours to bake the sponge, make the fruit filling and frosting... get everything shaped and crumb-coat applied before the final decorating process could begin. And once that was done, there was the matter of figuring out how to get it set up in a spot where a certain Magician couldn't possibly stumble upon it and help himself instead of asking for permission--or, worse yet, blurting out something and ruining the surprise. By the time the cerulean Fool made it back to the dorm, Yukari was all but vibrating with anticipation.
"Makoto, hey!" The archer was quick to snag him by the hand, guiding him toward the kitchen--before stopping short, thinking better of whatever it was she was planning. A quick peek around the corner and a little movement out of his range of sight and she's covering his eyes and steering him forward that way. "Just a little more and.. tada!"
When the Lovers removed her hands from his face, Makoto would see a three-tiered cake done in a blue ombre, starting with palest sky at the top fading to the same blue as his hair at the bottom. Ornate white decorative piping of moons and stars were sprinkled here and there, and around the candles lit upon the top tier was written 'Happy Birthday, Makoto!' in an elegant script. Yukari smiled nervously.
"I ah, I hope you like it! It's vanilla, with blueberry filling." A pause; she pressed a kiss to his cheek, blushing all the while. "Happy Birthday, Makoto."
It's Makoto's birthday! - Accepting
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The day had been fine. Normal. He mentioned his birthday to no one. In fact, for most of the day when he wasn't in class, he had his headphones on. Most of his classmates knew by now that this behavior meant he did not want to be spoken to. It wasn't that he hated his birthday. It's just that the memories, no matter how warm they once were, made him feel empty and alone. And part of him was afraid of making more warm memories. Afraid of when the warmth would eventually fade. Just like after his parents died.
He had been certain he had made it through unscathed. He could go to his room and study and eat snacks. Then go to bed. Just like a normal day. But when he heard Yukari call out to him, he stopped. He had noticed she hadn't been in class and he had texted her to see if she was okay. She didn't get back to him though so he assumed she must not feel well. After all, it had been quite some time since the two of them hadn't at least shared some words every single day. Whether it be texting or actually speaking, it felt wrong by now to now hear from her. But he understood the desire to be alone sometimes.
It was only after she covered his eyes that he realized what was happening. And like most things in his life, he accepted he couldn't change it and went along with it. His heart was beating faster than it should be. And when she finally allowed him to look, he saw probably the most beautiful cake he had ever seen.
He stared at it, expression unreadable. It wasn't until she kissed his cheek that he finally looked at her. She had left school for this? For him? Warm didn't even come close to how he felt. He didn't remember how to do it. How to be loved. She stared at her, his voice coming out in an almost-whisper.
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"You did this for me? All of this?" It wasn't a bad feeling. In fact, Makoto couldn't even remember the last time he felt this... Happy. Loved. IN love. He faces Yukari, taking both of her hands in his and staring directly into her eyes with intensity.
"Can I hug you?" He wanted to ask for permission first. After all... She might be too tired after all of that work. It's actually difficult to stop himself from just hugging her right away.
There is a part of him that thinks he may be able to eat the entire thing by himself. But... He would probably share it with the others. But not yet. Before that, he just wanted Yukari to know how much he appreciated it. He didn't know what to say, he only hoped his actions showed her.
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sweetbunpura · 1 year
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Toshida Fuga
Nickname:  Ace
Age:  17-18
Gender:  Male
Race: Japanese
Birthday: December 31st
Sexuality: Homosexual 
School: Shujin
Arcana:  Wheel of Fortune
long shaggy hair 
hair covers one eye - Silver eyes
spiked black ear cuffs on the other
Gemini Tattoo on his right shoulder
Casual way of speaking
Weapon: Warhammer Rifle
Alliance: Shadow Brigade
Family: Ken Amada Koromaru Junpei Iori Mitsuru Kirijo Aigis Akihiko Sanada Yukari Takeba Fuuka Yamagishi
Friends: Ryuji Sakamoto Haru Okumura Yuuki Mishima Michiko Watanabe Ayami Hyuuji Hifumi Togo Ichigo
Phantom Thieves: Akira Kurusu Morgana Ann Takamaki Yusuke Kitagawa Makoto Niijima Futaba Sakura
History: Toshida is an orphan, left on the doorstep of an orphanage with a note attached to him. He stays in the orphanage, where he later runs away and finds Ken, staying with him in the dorm. The dark hour happens, to which he gets a persona, much to the SEES surprise. But Toshida sees what having a persona does to you so he doesn't want it. He rejects his persona and says that he just wants a normal life.
From Tatsumi Port Island, Toshida got his persona fairly young during the Dark Hour. He stayed with SEES after his Persona “awakening”. Years later, he, ken, and koromaru moved to Tokyo and rented a small 2 bedroom apartment.Toshida goes to Shujin. Toshida keeps to himself a lot. He awakens to his persona a second time and finally welcomes, Houdini, into his life. Joined the Shadow Bandits after he followed, Michiko, Mishima, and Ichigo into Kamoshida’s palace.
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mayohigan-orange · 2 months
Modern Chen AU time!
Name: Chen Mineko
Age: 15
Birthday: September 13th
Height: 4'11" (149cm)
Weight: 103lbs (47kg)
Gender: Female
Occupation: High School Freshman/Mechanic
Appearance: Messy, mid-length brown hair, honey brown eyes, pink cheeks, pale skin, a fairly slim and slight body.
Clothing: For school, she usually wears a white button shirt and opts to wear the pants, although the faculty have tried (and failed) to subtly suggest she wear a skirt instead. She also has a sweater for cold days, although it quite often just ends up tied around her waist. For warmer days and Summer, she'll often swap out the button shirt for a polo shirt.
When it comes to casual clothing, she tends to go for t-shirts and worn dunagrees, although, due to her hobbies, she has taken to wearing some of her older clothing the she wouldn't miss were they too dirty to clean.
Personality: At school, Chen is a bit shy and withdrawn. She is friendly if someone approaches her but she mostly keeps to herself, since her interests do not really match up with her peers. She is making an attempt to get into watching some VTubers though.
When she's at the car shop, she's a lot more talkative, even if she is just talking to herself or the car she's working on. It's clearly an environment that she feels relaxed and confident in, and she can often be seen talking to customers or Ran or Yukari happily, although she does have to assure the customers that she is only an assistant mechanic and does not do any of the big jobs on her own, due to her age.
Skills: Chen is not the top of the class, but that is more down to the subjects not really interesting her too much. She is bright and still manages to get Bs for most of her grades, and even the odd A here and there, but it's pretty clear when she feels stressed or unhappy because her grades will drop to Cs and Ds.
She also has a natural skill for mechanic work, her mind seeming to be geared towards how machines like cars work, surprising both Ran and Yukari with how quickly she picked up concepts. She's also gained a fair bit of muscle around her core and her arms due to her mechanic work, from using a lot of elbow grease with some of the tougher cars.
She also knows how computers work, knowing how to make programs work even if she doesn't completely understand them. She says it's mostly luck though.
Likes: Chen tends to enjoy mechanic work, finding it fascinating how machines like cars are put together, how they work, and how to fix them when something goes wrong. Outside of machines, she does like fast food and take-outs, has some interest in video games and is developing an interest in Vtubing, even considering getting some of the gear together and giving it a go herself.
Dislikes: Chen dislikes school work for the most part. She does have a few lessons she likes, but does have too much patience with other subjects, especially now, in high school, they're getting more difficult.
She also dislikes being told that she cannot do something, like when her parents, early on, tried to forbid her from hanging out around the Yakumo mechanics, mainly because they did not know them, but eventually they realised that it would be easier and would stop Chen trying to sneak out if they just met the mechanics themselves and talked things out a little.
Chen also has some skill in archery and fencing, although she doesn't really have too much interest in joining a club for those activities.
Strengths: Chen's mind is geared towards machines and how they work, and she seems to be a natural with computers and basic programming as well, seeming to have a natural understanding of the basic rules of them. When she was asked how she knew, she said that it just seemed to make sense to her and that she got lucky.
Weaknesses: Chen can be impatient, even with important things, which can occasionally lead to slapdash schoolwork, although she usually does manage to scrape by with decent grades. She also dislikes feeling restricted, even if she does agree with the idea that restrictions breed creativity in quite a few cases. She doesn't mind it as much in mechanic work, if she's told not to use a specific tool for a car, she will adapt.
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kawaiilizzie · 2 years
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I posted 47 times in 2022
That's 36 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (28%)
34 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 47 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 34 posts
#kamen rider - 27 posts
#kamen rider saber - 15 posts
#kamen rider revice - 7 posts
#lgbtq - 6 posts
#kamen rider oc - 6 posts
#danganronpa v3 - 4 posts
#kamiyama touma - 4 posts
#several characters mentioned - 4 posts
#xenoblade - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 60 characters
#saber predicted a major plot twist before revice revealed it
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
1 note - Posted October 24, 2022
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One of Kaede’s initial concept arts prompted me to think up her appearance in the one-year time skip Future Connected is set in. Now, Kaede Akamatsu is in a league of her own as she blossoms as the new Ultimate Idol.
Like Tenko, she is 18 during KGH and SK:TUS, making her 19 in FC.
Wears pink canvas shoes with white soles.
Due to her beauty, she has attracted many admirers.
Plays the lead protagonist on a live-action series centering around animal-based superhuman warriors who transform to fight for survival.
Has provided the vocals for insert songs in the series’ soundtrack and covered songs from both Kamen Rider and Super Sentai.
Her experiences during her time in Danganronpa influenced the way she portrays her character.
Her friends have been very supportive of her all throughout the heights she has reached as she blossomed like never before.
1 note - Posted September 7, 2022
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Yumeko was created with this girl in mind in terms of backstory and deeper lore. Look below the tab for more information on Yukari aka Arch Seirei Artemis, the Seirei of the Haouken Xross Saber.
Name: Artemis
Kanji: アルテミス
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown, 23 (Physically)
Aliases: Yukari (ゆかり), Arch Seirei (大聖霊, Daiseirei)
Ally Type: Seirei
Occupation: None
Affiliation: Sword of Logos, Touma Kamiyama’s team, Hunters of Artemis (formerly)
Homeworld: Earth
Talents/Abilities: Indomitable will, Expert magic user
Powers: Seirei physiology (Shapeshifting and longevity), Seiken empowerment, Elemental magic manipulation, Energy arrow, Seiken summoning
Equipment: Haouken Xross Saber (Personal weapon), Book Gate Wonder Ride Book (Uses it as a transporter to the Northern and Southern Bases)
Description: Arch Seirei Artemis, also known under the alias Yukari, is one of the creators of elemental magic and the Seirei of the Haouken Xross Saber who is connected to the Elegant Moonlight Element and Miraculous Star Element. Having been trusted with watching over the Sword of Logos to witness her connected Seiken's reemergence, Artemis acts as an observer and helps guide the swordsmen towards the right path so one day when all the swordsmen stand united as one, her Seiken would appear to them stronger than before. However, Artemis is also looking for Yumeko, who has escaped from her crystal prison and is looking for revenge on her after Artemis had sealed her away for her betrayal.
Notes: Her ideal actress is Amane Tsukiashi from the J-Pop group FRUITS ZIPPER and former member of HKT48, and is based off the Greek goddess of the same name
2 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
Onward! Battle Within the Heart!
I’m surprised I even managed to get this chapter done. Also, Xenoblade 3 is coming soon, which might invalidate some information, but oh well! The stories intertwine once again in the next few chapters, the endgame is underway!
2 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Happy birthday ! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you so much! I'm glad to get to know such great people in the toku community.
3 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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queensconquest · 2 years
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@anomieheld​ said:  Elyon approached the building a bit cautiously, checking for the third time if she got the date right. eventually proceeding to leave the same tea box as last time with an extra this year. Some pastries she had gotten at the bakery, and a small note accompanying it all. " Happy birthday, King." Although she could have done better wrapping wise than just putting the tea box and bag of pastries in a slightly bigger paper bag. ( Ely to Nagare, she's trying a bit harder XD )
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The  announcement  by  Kotosaka  of  a  gift  arriving  was  met  with  a  surprised  glance  from  the  king.  Delivered  ?  He  never  expected  to  receive  gifts  despite  the  insistence  of  others  like  Mr.  Iwa  and  Yukari  to  give  them  to  him.  Still.  Natural  curiosity  sparks  in  his  chest  as  the  paper  bag  was  brought  in.  If  it  was  someone  else  ,  they  might  have  thought  about  the  packaging.  Nagare  simply  saw  it  as  achieving  its  purpose.  It  kept  everything  together  and  concealed  its  contents.  What  more  could  be  desired  ?  (  Yukari  ,  undoubtedly  ,  would  have  commented  on  the  aesthetics  of  it  with  a  critical  tone.  )
Nagare  however  leans  to  allow  Kotosaka  to  help  undo  the  straps  that  bind  him  so  he  can  use  his  own  arms  to  lift  the  bag  and  pull  out  the  contents.  He  recognized  these  teas.  They’d  been  surprisingly  pleasant  ,  and  this  year  there  was  an  addition  of  fresh  pastries.  It’d  been  so  long  since  he’d  been  to  a  bakery.  For  a  moment  he  could  remember  it  as  the  scent  of  pastries  filled  the  air.  A  simple  gift  ,  but  one  that  brought  a  smile  to  the  king’s  face.  The  thought  alone  was  precious  enough.
He’d  have  to  remember  to  thank  a  certain  player  later  through  the  JUNGLE  app  for  her  generosity.
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