#Your dreamwidth says you're watching star trek!
stick-by-me · 1 year
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Beam me up-!
New follower sticker for: @yourownbestfriend!
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batmanschmatman · 9 months
Hello, hope you’re doing well!! 1, 3, 12, 17, 24 and 38 for the ask game please 😊
doing pretty good! have two job interviews tomorrow so nervous about that but also excited. hope you're doing well too and thanks for the ask!!
one: what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are? going to skip past the obvious like my parents and say american girl dolls (got me into history, made me major in it in college and got me to get my MA in public history, so all my career stuff has been tied back to them hahaha), joining my livejournal/dreamwidth roleplaying communities which kept me writing a lot and getting involved in fandom stuff (this is how I met @heystovepipeboys!) and generally growing up as and staying a big nerd about a lot of stuff, which shapes pretty much everything about me all the time lol.
three: 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of? hmmmmm tough call bc I don't think my usual answers for favorite movies necessarily fit this (jaws is usually what I say is my fave, but I don't ever really put it right back on after watching it), so the ones I tend to be like okay let's put it right back on as soon as the credits roll are princess mononoke, what we do in the shadows, and captain america: the winter soldier. honorable mentions to star trek '09 and x-men: first class which I watched about a hundred thousand times in college whenever I wanted to put something on while writing.
twelve: what’s some good advice you want to share? don't settle for a partner who doesn't or barely tolerates your hobbies and interests. there are so many people in my doll collector groups who talk about spouses/partners who actively hate their collections or shame them for having them, and honestly life is too short for that. I was told for years as a kid/teen/young adult that I'd never find someone who liked disney/comic books/collecting toys/star trek/pokémon/history as much as I did, so I'd have to get used to the idea of getting rid of all my stuff when I got married, but my wife is super supportive of my interests and actively participates in 90% of them. she even collected dolls before she met me! your partner doesn't have to be involved with everything you do, but they should respect your interests and you should respect theirs!
seventeen: name 3 things that make you happy cats, delicious baked goods, wearing comfortable pajamas while wrapped in a million blankets
twenty four: what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for? finishing the first draft of my novel! it's a historical fiction piece about a marine coming back from a japanese pow camp at the end of WWII and dealing with all the different questions of "what now?" now that the war's over. I'd been working on it since 2018 and it's crazy seeing it printed out and finished even if it still needs a lot of editing hahaha.
thirty eight: fave song at the moment? meet me in the woods by lord huron
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