#You've got garlic in the future. That's where I got these from.
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Quick question big man, what’s a garlic scape?
- @spearofthetenno
The plant part of the garlic bulb? Like the green part that grows out of it?
#Anonymous#charlie romeo alpha charlie kilo: crack tag#ask tag (change later)#You've got garlic in the future. That's where I got these from.
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layering is protective
i'm eating pumpkin congee bone broth soup with ginger and garlic and sesame oil and soy sauce
my feet are in front of the space heater though it's in the 40s today
maia broke up with me and i'm not sure what to do about the future..yes we planned...not sure what to do abour who we were both becoming, separately and together -- time is moving too slow or too fast and i keep checking the clock every 5 mins like i used to
very sure i'm codependent though
went to aca meeting in person in brooklyn in this beautiful church room with blue walls and we sit in a circle and i kind of wish we could all just turn the lights down low and dance to some meditation sounds together
saw two familiar faces at the meeting, someone from tumblr !!!! and a regular at my job .. when things are rough i get attuned to "signs" but i don't know if these people showing up there are signs at all
i looked through my harddrive at photos i took in berlin -- a friend of mine was talking about the idea of a scapegoat recently and i found my own scapegoat collection of words and ideas and things on my harddrive
this regular who gets an iced americano and has a beautiful irish accent and is kind of a pretty boy came in towards the end of my shift the day after i was broken up with and got his iced americano and i had sent the milk pitchers down to dish but he needed some cows milk and he says cow in a really nice way idk i love an irish accent anyways he moved his cup past the straw, stirrer, lids, sugar barrier to make it easier for me to pour some of this heavy ass jug of milk into his cup and the jug was so heavy so it wasn't pouring right away and he was like come on you've got it or something like that and i forgot where i was for a second and felt like he was this soccer coach I had who really believed in me as a goalie ...and i LOVED being a goalie but it made me anxious (responsibility) and that coach was really such a good guy like he loved his family, he was a teacher, his daughter was on the team and she was so silly and one of my first crushes and he would counsel me bc i struggled to believe in myself and idk it was good to remember that coach in that crazy instant
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OC Questionnaire
Thank you for the tag, @duckingwriting! I'm going to answer these for a few of my space crew from Stars and Ships today :)
What are your hobbies and how did you get into them?
Jax: "Oh boy. I love dancing, always have. I guess I just find a good rhythm infectious! I learned by watching others, naturally, while hiding in crowded clubs after I'd...stolen something." Quin: "Who has time for hobbies in this life? Flying has never been for fun. I love what I do and I do it to survive." Aakov: "If I had the time, I'd really tinker, you know? Sure, a mechanic shop is the dream, but if I didn't need the customers, I'd build some pretty zany stuff. Push my own limits, you know?" Thresh: "I like cooking. Taught myself from web videos. It's amazing what garlic can do."
What’s your definition of a fulfilling life?
Jax: "Having a purpose to keep you excited every morning, and your loved ones close and safe nearby." Quin: "One where I wake up each day having not been murdered the night before, I guess. And having Jax close." Aakov: "To have something that fuels you, whether it be religion, family, or a project. And the time to pause and enjoy the stars." Thresh: "One where I can eat and train without the worry of outside forces trying to take all that away from me."
What important lessons has life taught you?
Jax: "Only the slowest man gets caught. If you can be any faster, then you've got a chance." Quin: "Brothers aren't for the weakhearted. Also, fire is really bad." Aakov: "To remember to stand up again. As long as you're breathing, there's hope. As long as there's another morning, there's light." Thresh: "Don't leave your sword in space. It'll warp."
Tags for @viscerawrites @sleepy-night-child @sarandipitywrites @tragicheirs @rhikasa and anyone else who sees this <3 Here are your new questions!
Beverage of choice?
What's your favorite article of clothing? Why?
What does your future look like?
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Part 10
Series Masterlist
Part 9 🟣 Part 11
A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Ongoing vampire shenanigans, mentions of blood, biting, throwing up.
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: I'm sorry I can't seem to help myself when it comes to putting these guys through horrible stuff... Anyway: Enjoy!
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @summersong69 @teamfan7asy @mis-lil-red @ellethespaceunicorn @sillyrabbit81 @peyton-warren @livisss
“Mikey?” You closed the door behind you and turned the lights on. You’d learned the guys had a habit of keeping them off when you weren’t home, because they could see perfectly fine, anyway, so the fact that it was dark wasn’t an indication that the house was empty. In fact, you could hear music coming from Marshall’s room. “Guys?”
They should be able to hear you, what the hell was going on?
“Guys?” you asked again, a little louder this time, and you heard some movement. It was August who showed up in the hallway, looking like he’d seen better days.
“I’m fairly sure Marshall and Mike actually can’t hear you. Sherlock isn’t back from work yet.” He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed himself a glass of water. “Tea?”
You weren’t going to say no to that.
“Why can’t they hear me?” You watched as August made you a cup of tea and set it on the table in front of you. He stayed by the counter, casually leaning against it as if nothing was the matter.
“Garlic,” he said. Right. Mikey had mentioned something about it being time to feed. But you’d never noticed something like this before. They were a little out of it, sure, but never to the point where they were completely… unresponsive.
“This didn’t happen last time, did it?” You would have noticed, right?
“Some girl who works at the Bank – the, eh, place we feed – ended up transitioning, and until they figure out if it happened during a shift, or from another contact, they’re upping the dose. That’s why Sherlock is working overtime.”
“The Bank?” You couldn’t help but laugh.
“It’s sort of a blood bank, and then there’s long lines, nothing to do, and you just want to get out of there the whole time you’re there.” Right, the similarities were uncanny. August sat down opposite you and buried his face in his hands. Without thinking, you reached across the table to put your hand on his arm. He was cold.
“It’s my turn, soon,” he said, “I’m getting a lovely little look into my future here.”
“When will they be feeling better?”
“Tomorrow, probably,” he answered. “They’re still going to feel out of it for a week – maybe even two – but they’re not going to be fighting the urge to hurl every second.”
“Why not just…” It seemed counterproductive to fight that feeling?
“And do what? Go back tomorrow? They’ll just fuck them up again. They’ll be worse off than they are now,” You stared at August with your mouth hanging wide open as he talked about it. “It’s like we told you: not exactly a nice restaurant experience.” Somewhere behind you, you heard the door to the bathroom slam shut. You looked at August.
“Mike,” he said. August got up from his chair almost unnecessarily slowly, and offered to go check on Mike, but you stopped him.
“I should go.” You got up from your chair and walked towards the bathroom.
“I really think you shouldn’t, princess,” August tried to warn you, but you were already gone.
You quietly pushed the door to the bathroom open to find a very sad pile of Mikey on the floor. For the first step into the room, you were alright, but as soon as you could actually see what was going on, you almost threw up yourself.
“Tried to warn you,” August said from behind you as he pulled you back into the hallway, “what did you think it was going to be?” He was right, of course, you should have expected to run into a whole lot of blood – you honestly couldn’t tell yourself what the hell else you’d expected him to be hacking up right now.
“I’m alright, Sweetcheeks,” Mike said, but it didn’t sound convincing at all. August laughed when you pointed that out, and told you that he already sounded significantly better than about an hour ago, when he’d come home. Mike couldn’t respond to that, because apparently, he wasn’t done yet.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! “ you heard him repeat softly whenever he wasn’t heaving.
“It’s no use holding back now, Mikey.” August took on the job you should be doing; sitting next to Mike, talking to him, telling him it was going to be fine. The only thing he wasn’t doing was stroking his hair – which would have looked weird as all hell, anyway, so you were glad he kept his hands to himself. He closed his eyes, and a look of complete concentration appeared on his face. After a few seconds, Mike relaxed a bit. It was probably August’s doing, but with how cold he’d been feeling, there was no way he’d keep that up for long.
“I’d ask if everyone is alright, if it weren’t such an utterly stupid question,” Sherlock said as he stepped into the hall. “Mike?” He asked when he saw you sitting outside the bathroom. You couldn’t speak, because you feared that opening your mouth would lead to very unfortunate situations of the same kind as the one Mike was going through – but more human – so you just nodded.
“Princess, you need to go. I’m having enough trouble keeping him sane, I don’t need you to make me feel sick, too.” Sherlock picked you up off the floor and helped you get to your room. It was a good thing you didn’t have a vampire-nose, because the further you moved away from the bathroom, the fainter the smell got, and the better you felt. Before you opened the door, you turned back to Sherlock.
“Sherlock, can we talk? In private?” He gestured at you to follow him to his room, and you gladly followed him.
“Can they hear us?” you asked when the door shut behind you. It’s not that you were going to be discussing government secrets or anything, but you really wanted to talk to Sherlock without anyone else overhearing your conversation.
“I’m fairly sure August is otherwise engaged, and Mike and Marshall are feeling so sick they’re hardly aware of their surroundings.” He let out a deep sigh before sitting down in his desk chair. “What did you want to talk about?”
You didn’t wait for Sherlock’s permission to sit down, and just dropped yourself on the edge of his bed.
“I want to talk about… an arrangement.” He didn’t seem surprised at all. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and smiled gently.
“It was a matter of time,” he said softly. “Is Mike okay with this?”
“Mike is puking his guts out because he’s being selfish and stubborn. And I doubt he wants to go through this again. The odds he’ll ask me instead of going back to feed tomorrow or the day after, are through the fucking roof. And I’m not planning on saying no. In fact, if he doesn’t ask, I’m more than likely to offer, and less than likely to take no for an answer.” Your voice was becoming stronger, something desperate seeping into it that you were vaguely ashamed of, and your breaths followed each other increasingly quickly.
“Calm down, darling,” Sherlock said as he sat down in front of you, putting a hand on each of your knees. The weight and warmth of them was comforting – though you noticed that he wasn’t necessarily of a well-fed temperature, either. He went on to explain that the panic you felt was completely normal: Mike’s stubbornness was even beginning to get on Sherlock’s nerves, and he was generally patient to a fault.
“He’s not just being selfish, he’s selling himself short, and it has finally come back to bite him, so to speak,” Sherlock said. It was a stronger statement than you’d ever expected to get from him. “His reasoning makes no sense, either. He says he loves you, which would logically mean that he would like to see that you’re taken care of. Yet he doesn’t seem to want to acknowledge what the four of us could do for you.” You told Sherlock he was going to have to explain that last bit.
“Again, I will try to structure this as much as I can, but I make no promises. I have a few recommendations, and a myriad of reasons for those recommendations,” he said as he moved back to his chair.
“And what do you recommend?” It was exactly why you’d come to talk to him, if you were being honest.
“First, I’d recommend thinking about what we’ll be asking. Do you remember?” The conversation you’d had about that was weeks ago at this point, so; no. You didn’t quite remember what it was that they wanted. Food, but other than that...
“Feed every two weeks, no abusing the protective reaction we have,” Sherlock said, “now, that may not sound like a lot, but you need to consider the implications.” That sounded very serious, and you had to admit that you hadn’t exactly considered what the implications might be.
“First of all, we’d be going from the culinary equivalent of doing your taxes, once every month, to… I can’t think of anything to compare it to, but it’s infinitely better, please believe me.” There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that Sherlock was speaking the truth, to be honest. “You’d be saving us time, an incredible amount of frustration, the horrid feeling of the overdose of garlic, and quite a bit of money.”
“Money?” This was the first you’d ever heard of it saving any money… Of course, it made sense. The people who worked at the Bank – to use August’s words – had to be paid, too. And the boys chipped in quite a lot for the ungodly amounts of normal food they ate. Sherlock nodded as you voiced these thoughts, and then continued: “Exactly. The reason we eat so much, is because every last one of us tries to last as long as possible before feeding again. We don’t always manage to feed enough in one go to tide us over until the next feeding, sometimes other things come up… You saw what happened to Marshall last month.” Yeah, that wasn’t something you were going to forget anytime soon.
“So you see, despite the fact that it may seem like a small favor. I’d really like to remind you that it isn’t. Besides, you…” For a moment, Sherlock seemed unsure of how to finish that sentence.
“I’m tasty?” He smiled when you said it, telling you that your remark was spot-on.
“Well, at the risk of sounding incredibly insensitive, you really are.” His eyes went wide shortly after he finished his sentence. “As far as the taste of your blood is concerned, that is. I didn’t mean you were, I…” It was funny, seeing him this way, apologizing as if he’d just suggested the most outrageous thing on the planet.
“Don’t let Mike hear that, he’d be quick to disagree.” Your laughter seemed to be a signal for Sherlock that it was okay to stop apologizing. Instead, he laughed too. It was soft and polite, and incredibly attractive, for some reason. It wasn’t long before his tone turned serious again.
“I haven’t said this, but I really appreciate that you’ve been going out of your way not to hurt him.”
“Sherlock, I can’t protect him forever,” you said.
“You don’t have to. It’s not your responsibility.” Easier said than done… “I know you love him, and he loves you… He’s a grown man, darling. He may not be old for a vampire, but he’s old enough to know he’s being ridiculous.”
It was the first time you’d heard Sherlock speak out – explicitly – about what he thought of Mike’s attitude in the whole situation. You had always gotten the idea that he thought Mike wasn’t making a smart choice, but he’d never said as much. He sighed deeply.
“I don’t mean to choose sides, and I don’t want you to think I’m trying to sway this discussion one way or another.” He paused and shook his head while trying to arrange his thoughts. “I have nine hundred years of feeding behind me. Pleasant and unpleasant ones. I don’t think I need to tell you which ones are more abundant. Mike is used to what we have now. He doesn’t know any better… He wants to keep you to himself in every possible way. It’s going to be the cause of a lot of resentment.”
“It’s really going to tear you guys apart, isn’t it? Break up the family?” Sherlock didn’t quite nod, but the gesture he did make was clear enough. Yes, it would.
“There’s a strong possibility it will tear the two of you apart,” he said softly, “you were – quite literally – made for this. To deny you that would be… I don’t want to say cruel, but I can’t seem to think of a better suited word.
“Mike also hasn’t been alive long enough to see that…” For a moment, it seemed as if Sherlock was going to backtrack on even opening his mouth about that, and you raised your eyebrows to urge him quietly to go on. “Humans have a far greater capacity for love than most of you will allow yourselves to experience.”
“You’re suggesting I just date everyone in the house?” you whispered. Your voice was so low you could barely hear the words yourself, and judging from Sherlock’s soft chuckle, he had understood you perfectly. It was a challenge to keep your voice flat and free of the judgmental scoff that bounced around in your brain.
“I’m suggesting nothing of the sort,” Sherlock said. So he wasn’t outright suggesting you start a harem. Good. Comforting. “I’m merely suggesting you don’t close yourself off to the possibility.” Oh. No, he actually was suggesting just that… You were fairly sure that if you opened your eyes any further, they would fall out of their sockets.
“You think just screwing all of you is the solu-“ You didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence, which was probably for the best, because your voice had gradually become louder as you went along with it.
“If you think that’s what I’m trying to say, then I suppose we’re done here, because that conversation is going nowhere, and I want no part in it.” Sherlock said. His tone was sharp, his eyes almost vicious. Part of you wanted to end your conversation right there, but another part – the part that eventually spoke up again – wanted to know what exactly he was suggesting.
“I’m suggesting you let the chips fall where they may,” Sherlock responded to your question. “Feeding itself isn’t an intimate act for us, I’m sure you’ve realized that by now. That said, we do all live in close proximity. We get along – usually. There’s a lot of potential for greater intimacy, especially since the four of us would be at your beck and call.” You looked at him, no doubt in complete bewilderment.
“The compulsion to take care of and protect you steadies over time. It would still peak after feeding, but it would be present, always. That doesn’t mean that intimacy would be of a romantic or sexual nature.” You almost choked on your own saliva when he said it – and so casually. “You and Mike have something special, we can all see that.” It was an interesting addition to his earlier remarks. ‘Mike and you have something special.’ What did that mean? It was enough for Sherlock to admit that none of the others would ever dream of jeopardizing it – at least not on purpose.
“Any further recommendations?” Despite his warning that your housemates might turn into your harem, you still really wanted to do this… Maybe not just because you felt compelled to feed them, but also a bit because you were hoping for the other thing?
Mike was still in the bathroom – you could hear him whine from time to time, August was exhausted, Marshall was effectively roofied beyond recognition, and Sherlock didn’t have a mental gift that allowed him to snoop around in your brain. For the first time since you moved in here, your thoughts and feelings were completely your own again. There was no need for feeble and ultimately unsuccessful attempts to hide them from anyone. No, you didn’t want things to drastically change between the five of you, but you assumed it was something you’d grow into. And there was no way you could keep living here and deny them the thing they were after – you know… your blood – because it was genuinely uncomfortable to watch them suffer every time. A radical third option would be moving out, but if you were honest to yourself, that was absolutely the last thing you wanted. You were attached to these guys. Even August, despite his being a dick – although that was steadily becoming less and less of an excuse as he slowly learned to behave.
Sherlock looked at you with a gentle smile. “I would certainly recommend scheduling the feeding. It can be flexible, of course. After all, that’s part of the appeal. However, try to avoid two of us feeding too closely together, to steer clear of… let’s say: territorial issues. Although I feel like we would be more than able to work those out, after so many years together.”
“Anything else?” “Not that I can think of right now,” he said. “Is there any information you need right now?”
“I don’t think so,” you replied. It wasn’t long before something popped into your head, though: “This mess right now…”
“I think you can set that straight by means of an exception,” Sherlock said. That was great news, because the whole vibe in the house was giving you the creeps right now. Mike and Marshall were suffering, and August and Sherlock were actively dreading their near future. It was almost painful to be home right now. You were more than glad you could help.
“Alright, and last but not least – and this may sound a little bit weird…” “I doubt it.” There it was again; that soft chuckle you occasionally heard from him that caused a weird storm in your stomach. It put you at ease and did exactly the opposite of that, all at the same time. In the end, however, there was no one you would have been able to ask this question without feeling silly. Sherlock never made you feel ridiculous no matter how strange you felt a question was.
“Can I give Mikey like… boyfriend privileges?”
“Are you trying to bribe him into this by making him feel special?” Sherlock laughed softly. “I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, by the way. And I’m fairly sure it would work flawlessly.”
“Not a bribe, per se, but something to make him stand out, yeah?”
“Darling, you can’t sway me on my position. It’s a bribe no matter how you dress it up. I just said I wasn’t opposed to the idea. We all need a little incentive sometimes.” Could he stop laughing so your brain could reboot? Please?
“Alright, fine. Just help me out, please?” You couldn’t help but laugh yourself.
“I could suggest an array of wildly in appropriate scenario’s,” Sherlock said with a devious smile. Your heart made a weird little jump you didn’t recognize. “But I’ll leave you with the knowledge that some of us – and I mean Mike – have a preference for feeding from the neck. Or the opportunity to feed whenever they feel like it. Let him have both.”
#mike hellraiser fic#mike x ofc#mike hellraiser#mike (hellraiser)#hellraiser mike#mike hellraiser fanfiction#henrycavill fanfic#henry cavill fanfiction#henry cavill#henry cavill characters#walter marshall#hc sherlock#henry cavill sherlock holmes#sherlock holmes#august walker#august walker fanfiction#natural fic#naturalfic
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Christian with a vampire S/o
I'm in the mood for halloween, so yeah
It would take a while for them to trust each other. Christian doesn't trust his (future) S/o because they're a vampire and they don't trust him because he could stick a pike through their heart if he wanted to.
But after they start hunting together, things take off from there.
He already doesn't do much during the day, his and his S/o's schedules align almost perfectly. He's mainly active when it's dark, so him and his lover can kill together. Hell, not much would change if he got transformed into a vampire too.
Lets his S/o drink his blood. Though it may take a while for him to trust them to do that, it's sort of a bonding thing after that. It's hard to explain but both of them see it as an intimate moment to themselves.
"How do I taste?..." Christian asked with a soft sigh after his S/o rose from his neck.
"Pretty good. Also you have a slightly smoky and strong taste, But it's the kind that makes me want to have more~" His S/o explained, slightly smirking.
Speaking of drinking blood, when his S/o isn't too keen on hunting or they don't feel well, he'll gladly bring them bodies to feed off of. Can you imagine? You've fallen a bit sick and your boyfriend brings you dinner in bed, although a bit gory one?
Though he may be pestered about personal hygiene from his S/o because his breath can stink and they can straight up refuse to kiss him. It's mostly because of an incident when he had garlic bread and, without realizing, kissed his S/o and made their throat swell up.
Christian lets his S/o rest on his head while they're in bat form. Maybe they're escaping sunlight or are just tired, he lets them nuzzle themselves under his hat. He finds it kinda cute when he takes his hat off and just sees his S/o curled up in a nest of his hair.
Loves his S/o's elegancy and fanciness, there's just something about them being so collected but also so bloodthirsty that wraps him around their finger.
If his S/o lives in a castle or some other grand place then Christian would have to be constantly told not to just touch everything. He's like a crow sometimes when it comes to fancy things so his S/o has to look out that he doesn't knock over or break anything.
If things are really good between them, to the point where they decide they're meant to be, and even Christian is 100% sure about it, then he will allow them to turn him into a vampire.
#christian brutal sniper x reader#freak fortress x reader#tf2 freaks x reader#tf2 freakshow x reader
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forever, jake kiszka
i got a request for something that was angst to fluff! its more fluffy than it is angsty, but i hope this works!
warnings : jake being a bitch and showing up late to dinner, jake being a pirate
word count : less than 1k
Jake still wasn't at the house, for your Friday date nights. He had texted you that he would be late, that he was finishing something up at the studio.
You got a notification that he arrived at the house. You were facing the door when he walked in, so you could see him. He came over to the couch and sat on the couch opposite to you.
You got up and walked away from him, going to stir the soup that was now cold, because you wouldn’t ever eat without him. You brought the soup back up to temperature and put the homemade garlic bread in the oven.
He came over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. “I'm sorry I was late. I know it's our stay at home date night.” He told you. You removed his hands from your waist and turned around. “It's not that Jake. You knew it was date night, and still couldn't leave on time?” You said to him.
“I'm sorry if I can't just leave at your beck and call.” He said, now getting angry.
“Whatever Jake, I don't want to argue. I know you're hungry.” You told him. You motioned for him to sit down. You grabbed the bread out of the oven and cut it, served the soup to him and brought the bread over to the table.
You two ate in silence. He grabbed the bowls and went over to the sink to start the dishes. You told him to go relax, that you would do the dishes.
He refused and said, “After I do these, we're going out. Keep that dress on.”
You had on a red maxi dress with nude lipstick, your hair was straight. Once he was done with the dishes, he told you to put your shoes on and meet him in the car. You went out to the garage and saw the passenger door open with pink tulips in the seat. You grabbed them and put them in your lap. He backed out of the driveway and drove to the spot where you first met, Auntie Anne's.
He parked the car and grabbed your hand, “you ready?” he asked you. He came over to the other side and opened the door and grabbed your hand.
You went inside and ordered your cinnamon sugar pretzel bites with a sweet tea. He grabbed your hand and let you eat most of the pretzels. When you were finished, he stood up and stuck his hand out.
“Come on, m’lady. We've got somewhere to be.” He said.
You assumed you were going home, but he was driving in the opposite direction. You didn't want to question him, so you sat quietly in the front seat. He had his hand on your thigh the entire time.
You were approaching a driveway of some sort. You read the sign, Lake Waterloo. You had never been to a lake before, and Jake knew that you've always wanted to go swimming on a private lake.
You took your sandals off when you got to the dock. The dock had light posts that dimly lit up the edge of the water.
You went to the end of the dock and put your sandals down. You heard Jake talk from behind you.
“Baby…” he said.
You turned around to see Jake on one knee, a shining ring in a blue velvet box.
You put your hands up to your mouth and started crying.
“Y/N, on our first date, I saw a future with you. I knew you were the one to make me happy for the rest of my life. I saw you at Auntie Anne's that day, you were crying. Just like you are right now, but you had gotten stood up. I came over and sat with you, thinking you needed someone. The first thing you told me was, “Get up and go away.” But I didn't. I didn't listen to you and I'm so glad I didn't. Will you spend forever with me?”
You got down on the ground with him so he wouldn't be alone, so he wasn't nervous. You nodded and cried even harder. He embraced you tightly and fell backwards on the dock with you on top of him.
He grabbed your face and said, “Babe, we fell down.” and laughed.
You laughed and smiled and said, “I don't care,” and kissed him.
#jake kiszka fluff#jake kiszka angst#jake kiszka#jake gvf#jake kiszka fanfic#greta van fluff#greta van fleet fic#greta van angst#greta van fic
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Philippine Cuisine: featuring Province of Antique by Carla Mae Dela Cruz
“Antique: Where the mountains meet the sea.”
Our parents and family have their native hometown provinces where they were born and raised. Different cultures, behaviors, and practices and some have a different aspect that is until today they keep on practicing. Last week I called my cousins from Antique to check on them and ask if everything's going fine and well. How's everybody, what the life there in Antique, so on and so forth. I also spoke to their father and had a little discussion about our life and it went very interesting as our conversation went to an interview over the phone. He told me such interesting things about Antique and it fascinates me to hear wonderful things that my adrenaline rush was overflowing all over my body and excites me that my feet want to move on their own and travel right away. I wish I could fly and get there immediately, and hoping at this pandemic’s ends, I could visit Antique soon and see the beauty of its nature with my own eyes, feel the sand under my feet, and taste the breeze of the cool wind coming from the sea and mountain that will satisfy me.
I asked Uncle Peter how to get to Antique from my location. The fastest ways are through air transportation, but there are also through land and sea. If through the land, it takes more or less than 20 hours and it sometimes depends on the number of stopovers and the climate in the entire trip. From Muntinlupa, ride a bus going to Port of Batangas, then from Batangas, ride a ferry going to Sabang Ferry Terminal. Another bus again from Sabang going to Bulalacao Roro Port, another ferry from Bulalacao Roro Port going to Caticlan Jetty Port, and ride to the last bus from Caticlan going to the San Jose De Buenavista, the 1st class municipality and capital of the province of Antique. As he discussed the directions, I felt like I'm on a trip already and my imagination was playing like I've seen and felt everything. He also added that the estimated fare for the whole trip including the ferry boat was about P2,500-P3,000 per head. At first, I was very confused, with many stopover points, 2 ferry boats, and 3 bus rides, but I guess the long trip was worth it.
The Language there Is Kinaray-a and Hiligaynon. Most of the Antiqueños can also speak and understand Tagalog and English. I was confused at first because it sounds like Ilocano, the way they speak and talk were the same but Uncle said it was different because the diction and the tone of Karay-a and Ilocano were different. I had some Karay-a words that I learned from my cousins, like gwapa, which means beautiful, Mayad-adlaw (good day), Halong (take care), and Palangga ta kaw (I love you). Uncle also added that if I want to travel to Antique, the best time to visit is from January until June, August and September, and November and December. He said that this month has the exact temperature and average climate that it will enjoy. Not too hot nor too cold. He also recommended that in September, November, and December, it is perfect to try the Kawa Hot Bath (Kawa means a large wok) located at the Calauag Mountain Resort in Brgy. Uno Tibiao Antique said that they have been there and the place was so relaxing, calm, and peaceful, the aroma coming from the steaming water from the wok telling your body to dive on in. The experience was very memorable - he added. It looks like you've been cooked in a large wok. It is just the same with the hot springs but the difference was you will be in a large wok and you can choose your bath in different flavors like coffee, salt, milk, beer, and wine. This kawa Hot Bath can also relieve stress and improve blood circulation.
My Uncle also said that the best part of Antique was the food. Your trip will be incomplete without tasting their best delicacies from the local eateries - he added. I remember when he was here in Muntinlupa, he cooked this dish called "Porbida". It tastes similar to Adobo but it was cooked differently. The cooking preparation is similar to our regular adobo; however, vinegar is not utilized in the souring or preservation of the dish. The chicken cutlets are boiled in gata (coconut milk) until tender. It is soured by alupidan (garlic vine) leaves; annatto powder is added to attain a yellowish color of the dish and chili peppers to make it spicy. It looks like kare-kare and tastes like adobo and Bicol express and is partnered with sinangag (fried rice). Another dish was from his great-grandmother, the "Kinilaw". Although we already knew the preparation and ingredients of the regular Kinilaw, yet it was the best version I've ever tasted. I remember that day we had a small celebration. We had beers and hard drinks and some food, and he cooked this as sumsuman (pulutan). Instead of being drunk, I got full because I kept on eating and eating the kinilaw. I asked my uncle's permission if I can have the ingredients and without uncertainties, he gave it to me! I'm so glad that I will try it with my version. The ingredients for my version of their "Kinilaw" are unripped mangoes, ginger lily (kamias), onion, garlic, red and green chilies, ginger, vinegar, and Tamban fish. The ingredients were the same but in the original recipe, the vinegar used in this dish was special and that's their secret ingredient for it, also, they put special coconut milk that my uncle has the only recipe that his grandmother's recipe passed to him. They add this special coconut milk to it for extra flavor. The procedure is very easy, first, the fish was soaked overnight in vinegar, mangoes, and kamias, (I use a blender for the mangoes and kamias) then drained the juice the other day, and create another juice, and put in all the remaining ingredients. Another famous dish is "Linapwahan" (steamed). Just the same with our province in Samar, it was some steamed vegetables and seafood, or meat dipped in Ginamos with calamansi and chili or partnered with "Sise" (ginamos na halaan) and "Dayok"; (ginamos na laman loob ng isda) with some Saba Banana. In Antique, The most common vegetables best for linapwahan are malunggay, kapayas (young papaya), saluyot, okra, alugbati, kalabasa (squash), latoy (string beans), amargoso (bitter gourd), talong (eggplant), and kulitis (spinach). When these vegetables are combined and simply brought to a boil in water with tomatoes and onions.
After our long conversation, or should I say, over the phone call interview, I've learned a lot of things and it inspires me more than the Philippines have more islands and provinces I should visit in the future. I can't help myself self but starve and get hungry especially when he discussed the best dishes in their hometown. You should also come with me and let's explore more and know about the hidden beauty of Antique.
Kinilaw na Tamban Source: Reddit.com
Kawa Hot Bath Source: Windowseat.ph
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Request! Damn, that lobster.

A/N: hey frens!!!!! i'm back from the horror (finals) and here's my first request ever!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for dropping a request dear anon and hope this is what you've wanted!! :-) i wrote this in the middle of the night so pardon my mistakes heh. but do drop some requests if you would like via sarahah ( https://suwegggg.sarahah.com/ ) or inbox!!!!!!! i'll be dropping more writings now (still brainstorming) ;-) also, i'll be re-writing my Love Sick series bc i've read through it and realised there were quite a lot of flaws in the flow of plot (oops)🌹 stay happy everyone!!
Request! Hoony
You picked up your phone and opened your period tracker app, frowning as you browse through the dates.
It's been a while since your last period came and it's worrying you. The only time your period "skips" is when you are under tremendous stress and your last project at work gave you just that. But it has been two months since it ended and there's still no signs of your monthly best friend's arrival.
"Babe, what's with the frown early in the morning?" Seunghoon nudged your feet with his under the dining table.
He woke up early today to make breakfast for the both of you to enjoy since it's been a while since he personally cooked.
You showed him your phone's screen and told him about your problem.
"Don't worry too much." He squeezed your hand softly, flashing an assuring smile. "Besides, isn't it good to take a break from the monthly horror for a short while?" He joked, earning a smile from you.
"I mean... that's true too." You grinned, agreeing with his witty comments to comfort you.
"Oh right, I cooked lobster today!" Seunghoon jumped, suddenly remembering the presence of the dish left in the steamer. "I took it from Minho's fridge last night when I was at his place."
"Isn't that stealing?" You laughed, following your boyfriend into the kitchen.
"He don't know how to cook so he's gonna spoil it anyways," He commented. "Besides, I left 2 out of the 4 lobsters he's got for him to spoil it." He winked at you before taking out the lobster from where he was keeping them in.
The smell of the garlic seasoning was so good at first... for a good 10 seconds before you started feeling nauseous and gagged at the smell of garlic. You quickly held your hands up against your nose and mouth, trying not to take in any of the scent. Seunghoon looked at you worriedly and quickly put down the plate of lobsters.
"Babe, are you alright?" He asked, rubbing his hands against your back.
Before you could finish your sentence, the feeling of nauseousness gushes over you immediately and you dashed for the bathroom, ducking your face into the toilet bowl as you start to throw up the content in your stomach. Seunghoon followed closely behind, extremely worried as he patted your back to help you feel better once you're done.
"Are you okay?" He asked, rubbing his palm against your lower back.
"I... it's just," You frowned. "The smell of garlic? It's making me nauseous all of a sudden." You explained, confused.
There was a long pause between the both of you and Seunghoon just stared at you. It's obvious that all the possible scenarios flashed past his mind but one stuck through with him. That was the same for you too.
"Is it... Could it be..." He stuttered, trying to strings the words in his mind together. "Are you... pregnant?"
"Are you kidding me?" You blurted, staring at him.
You went off to the pharmacy with Seunghoon to grab a few pregnancy test kits (just to double confirm and triple confirm what's going on) and got back home immediately. So much stuffs were just running through your mind at that point and you need to confirm this whole situation before any next decision is going to be made.
"Fuck..." You sighed, running your fingers through your hair at you stare at the 3 sets of positive signs sitting in front of the both of you. Seunghoon did the same too, but he was staring into space, his fingers interlaced with yours tightly.
"I think those protection might have expired...." He mumbled. "It has been in my room for a while..." His voice trailed off as you shot a glare at him, proving his humour is of no use for now.
A few minutes of silence passed and you finally burst out crying. There were so many things to consider with this situation that seems to be very true — you are carrying a life in you. You have to be responsible for this little life who's going to be welcomed on earth over the next few months and also its future. How are you going to care for it? Will you be a good parent with your boyfriend? How will your parents react? Your job? How is your life going to change?
Seunghoon silently pulled you into his embrace, caressing your hair gently while he press small kisses on your head.
"If you're worrying that I won't take up the responsibilities, you don't have to because I'm going to be this child's father and your husband for life." He smiled.
"What kind of proposal is this?" You laughed, wiping your tears away.
He gave you a quick peck on your lips before smiling.
"Damn, that lobster." He laughed. "Now I've got a baby on the way."
#winner#jinwoo#mino#seunghoon#seungyoon#winner scenarios#songminho#winner fic#minho#winner imagines#fluff#kangseungyoon#kpop winner#lee seunghoon#romance#song mino scenarios#winner fics#winner kpop#kim jinwoo#kimjinwoo#kpop#kpop fanfiction#suwegg: requests
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Hi Hopeee 💗
Sorry I missed a couple days (oops) been really busy!! Oooh I wanna say I wish I were you (like doing things WAYYY in advance instead of at the last minute) but I can also see how stressful and annoying that tendency can be. Both the extremes suck 😩
Re: shows, I mean, I just think it's ways of trying to cram our brains with content so you have something to do, y'know? And as for stranger things, I see your point about they should've stuck to original lore but I also kinda like all the stuff they brought in, it was a little messy but it also felt huge and in some ways it seemed to tie up with the rest of the lore for me so I quite liked it. Even if it's a little bit of an extreme leap. I need them to make more black mirror and I'll deffo get back to you when I watch midnight mass AND 1899.
Re pasta: I like all kinds of pasta dishes. We make a lot of creamy garlic penne pasta with chicken. We also kinda just modify it a lot sometimes to fit our own cultural tastes and make it spicy. It's just good no matter what.
Masters in film and media sounds so cool! And it's totally okay and valid to not have any really future plans rn, I've been there tons and I still don't really know what I actually wanna do. You deserve a couple months rest! I'm sure you'll find the right fields in it's own time and I hope you find all the opportunities you desire! There's time, and you'll get there 💗 working in an antique sounds like THE life tbh. A small, simple life.
My weeks been okay! Busy with work and other events but also yes, definitely been Christmas shopping and stressing over gifts and them getting here in time rip I should've done this earlier 😩 we did however have our tree decorated since Dec 1st I think? Maybe earlier? Dunno. Hope you've been having a good couple days!
For today's question: if you could pick a color palette (or a bunch of colors) that you feel captures you/your vibe, what would they be? Feel free to include pictures of the colors if you want!
Sending you much love and the bestest vibes 💫
no worries bb!!! it’s been such a busy time for me too so i’m just tryna find time relax in the middle of all the holiday season 🤧
re: shows. i think i just really fucking hate the vecna character as a villian he’s so lame and i wish they didn’t try and make it where he was the main dude of the upside down and created all of the monsters we’ve come to know throughout the seasons like mind flayer baby i’m SO sorry they did this to you :/ in my mind stranger things canonically ended after season 2 and these are just bonus seasons for fun fjfkfkfk but yes please can’t wait for you to watch those shows 👐🏼
re: pasta. oooo that sounds super good honestly. i love any kind of pasta that throws chicken in fr i just love chicken. i need to start cooking more. i baked a lot during the pandemic but got away from that too rip
re: degree. yeahhhhh i’ve done so much in my field and nothing has really jumped out at me but i’m a big believer in trusting your own timeline and just trying not to stress too much about the unknown (even though as a capricorn that’s so hard 💀) one day i aspire to be a mountain mama who owns an antique store. truly the only life i want at this point i’m tired of the rest rip but thank you for the words of encouragement it’s very kind of you 💕
godddd christmas shopping is gonna kill me i think lol my whole family just thought we had more time and all of a sudden it’s the week before christmas and we were scrambling to get gifts and paying for expedited shipping so they arrive on time 💀 i feel like the family on home alone the day they leave for vacation but instead. it’s just us trying to christmas shop. and i love that about the tree! do you guys have a fake or real one? this is the first year i’ve ever known us to have a fake one. the real ones were just super expensive this year which made me sad :/ christmas never feels the same if we don’t have the smell of a real tree in our living room 🤧
and oooo i think earthy colors are a big one for me. olive greens. burnt sienna. browns. taupe. but also i love pastels like lavender or powder pink or jade green etc. it’s definitely depending on mood i think lol how about you? ✨👁
and i hope you have a great day yourself babe!! x
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Week One
You're looking for a recipe, for, I dunno, brussels sprouts. (Brussel sprouts? Brussels sprouts? Are they from Brussels?)
And you find one, from a food blog. It starts off with like a..."It's a gorgeous, sunny day in Maine, ladies and gentlemen! I remember the day I had my first Brussel sprout. I was two years old, wearing an outfit that my grandmother sewed for me by hand. I had never even heard of the color green. That day, my mind was blown - by the humble Brussel, which we are now going to blanch in homemade garlic butter, together. But first let's talk about the history of the sprout family -."
And you're like, ugh. This story is gonna be way too long. (It probably will be.) And not at all realistic. (This is for sure a work of fiction.) And there's so many stupid details that nobody cares about. Where's the "Skip To Recipe" button?
There is no goddamn button here, I'm sorry to tell you. There is only the story and the recipe. And the recipe is cool and all, but without the story, all you've got is some homemade garlic butter. And who wants that? ...Everyone?
Fine, fine, I can't figure out how to put in a "Skip To Recipe" button. I would definitely have a button if I knew how to code that shit in. I know that nobody wants to read recipe blog introductions. I know everybody scrolls through them as fast as they can. That's why this is the perfect place to say...whatever I want.
Vancouver, I found a body today.
no I didn't. But god, can you imagine? that would be rough.
I'm in training to be a forensic investigator, though. So while I'm not the person who finds the bodies, I'm gonna be the person who investigates them. I have about a year left before I get my degree and then I'll be investigating full time. Until then, I'm working at a 24/7 coffee shop called Beans Bros. Everyone calls it Beans for short.
Beans is definitely the coolest job I've ever had. I've always wanted to work in a coffee shop. It is JUST like I thought it would be. (If I'm honest with you, I thought it would be, like, perfect? And nothing would ever go wrong? But like, that's unrealistic. I spilled smoothie mix all over myself today and that, you know, just freaking happens sometimes. So, realistically, it's as good as it could ever get.)
I'm gonna miss it so much when I leave.
I do wish I was better friends with my coworkers. But it's only been a week, you know? I gotta give it time.
Anyway, here's my review of Trader Joe's mushroom and herb risotto.
First off, it was super easy to make. The design on the box is cute, although my risotto doesn't look exactly like the picture. I made it on the stovetop, sautéing the risotto in two tablespoons of olive oil. (The box says to use one tablespoon, but I didn't feel like that was enough. In the future, I think I'll use one and a half tablespoons.)
Then I added three cups of hot water and the herbs seasoning packet and stirred on medium heat until the pot was bubbling and boiling. I kept stirring until the water kind of cooked away, but the rice was a little too firm still, so I kept adding water in little increments (and stirred in melted butter) until it was just soft enough.
God, was it good. I love risotto but I've never made it before. If you like risotto, or you've never tried it but you want to, or you just want something that's easy to cook but tastes really good and kind of fancy, this is perfect for you.
I paired it with an edible from my coworker and some wine that might not pair perfectly with it, but who cares? It's wine. It's delicious. I think it's actually called The Delicious Monster. Go check it out. This blogger approves the hell out of it.
Crossfadedly yours,
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❝We will have the Three-Peppercorn Steak with Herb Potatoes.❞ He slid his menu closed, settling within easier reach of the waiter once Clive had finished as well. No alcoholic beverage here would intoxicate a Higher Being, so he poured a cup for water for them both from the jug left by the waiter.
Unfortunately for Clive, Pale King was skilled at observation. However, he is used to bugs and their movements which, while similar to humans, could not be a 1:1 comparison.
He parsed that there lay some discomfort on the topic of journalist though its source remained out of his grasp. Perhaps for the best, Pale King thought, seeing as how he did not want to be dragged into someone else’s drama.
Waiting for Clive’s order to be taken, he watched the waiter walk away before focusing back on the human. ❝Personal projects of what nature?❞ Intrusive? Yes, but he had not had a good conversation for some time. To flatten the intrusive nature, he added, ❝Better to be working on oneself and projects then to idle in boredom and despair. We ourselves have several projects of replicating what was once lost from our Kingdom.❞
He fell silent as the waiter slid a wire basket of bread between them, unobtrusive in manner. (He would realize later he hardly heard the waiter speak more than a handful of words).
Now, however, Pale King took a garlic knot from among the bunch and began to cut it into slices which he skewered with his fork all while looking expectantly at Clive.
Clive placed aside his menu as well, confident he'll not need it again later. He did say thanks, reaching for the cup of water, albeit it was a little belated and muttered — not sure if they even heard it.
Of course, they meant it well - at least, so he assumes - but that didn't change the fact that their query admittedly made him a little anxious, mocking the question in his head; oh, how lovely it is, having to elaborate an improvised bluff-!! He can already tell, whatever he'll say will come back to haunt him in the future, but it was far too late to do anything about it now anyway.
At the very least this wasn't anything he's inexperienced in, on the contrary once been a routine back home, no matter if that's a good thing or not. "Ah, that's intriguing. I have to agree; you ought to keep yourself busy around here with hobbies or the like lest you go bonkers-!" he'd chuckle, it was a joke, meant as a joke — but if anything, then it was the irony of him saying this that was truly laughable.
He noticed the waiter far too late, so once again, his thank-you fell short and quiet. Drat, he thought — this was going great, wasn't it.
"Forgive me for that I can't go into much detail, but they're all related to writing in one way or another," started, as Clive decided it's for the best he doesn't take anything from the basket, the sneaking suspicion that he'd not eat much should he indulge already. "I'm using this sort of 'break' the stars have given us to prepare a headstart of sorts for back where I'm from. Aside from that, I'm also trying to gain more information by research about this place, though needless to say I've got nothing ground-breaking to share just yet."
Cursing innerly, Clive knew full well this didn't explain in the least of why he wouldn't just publicize such research on something alike of a newspaper, a Blunder on his part, but it's fine — it's fine! He'll just have to bullshit out of that too somehow, should they point it out. "Hopefully I don't come off as intrusive," added fairly quickly, however, as he'd prefer not to have it get that far in the first place. "But you've mentioned you're working on replications — mind elaborating on that? Your world must differ vastly from what I'm familiar with, I'm sure."
#words from the reporter [IC]#palevurm#wyrm 01#clive 'i dont want to talk about myself' dove#also fsjdkgn F that must have been a stressful experience
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A few of The Earth 's Most Potent Anti-Aging Foods
Study research studies have actually been focusing a wonderful bargain recently on establishing which kinds of foods have the most comprehensive anti-aging qualities. One aspect which has actually aided this process has actually been the creation of the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbing Capability) score for food items. This sophisticated-sounding name simply suggests to the overall antioxidant levels for a specific food and also it 's unexposed potential to absorb the various cost-free radicals which are liable for so muc cell damage as well as premature aging. Particular foods that we consume which have been singled out as having a really high antioxidant include such things as black beans, strawberries, pleasant potatoes, irish potatoes, pomegranates, most leafed environment-friendly vegetables, pumpkins, zuchini, squash, cherries, raspberries, blackberries as well as several various other sort of berries. One berry that absolutely attracts attention from the remainder is the goji berry, clearly where goji juice is made. It 's Latin name is Lycium Barbarum or just Lycium. Goji berries are so wonderful since to their balanced polysaccharide profile. Actually, Dr. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., M.H., Ph.D (among the world 's leading nutritionist) states that the Goji Berry is just one of our most powerful anti-aging foods that we have offered to us. He also states that clinical research has confirmed that numerous of our world 's lengthiest living individuals injest regular everyday servings of this reasonably small fruit which might actually be one of the most powerful food of it 's kind. Goji berries as well as consequently goji juice come from the ' Roof of the World ', the hills of western China where water as well as air top quality is at it 's most pristine. Dr. Mendell, who is not only one of the highest account nutritional experts on the entire planet however likewise the writer of some fifty-odd books concerning health & nourishment such as ' The Vitamin Scriptures for the 21st Century ', ' The New Natural herb Scriptures ', as well as ' Peak Efficiency ' to call just a few has actually stated that The duty of goji berries and also juice in the body has been medically researched with strong outcomes. After gathering goji berry examples from throughout the world, Dr. mendell and his scientific team have made use of a spectroscopic evaluation, which is basically a molecular fingerprinting technique, to pick the first-rate as well as most nutritionally abundant wolf berries that have the highest absorption rates in people. Some individuals ask yourself what does it cost? Goji Juice they should consume daily, as well as Dr. Mendell has actually claimed that between one to three ounces each day is optimal for most folks. Luckily, there are no known negative effects from drinking excessive goji juice. It is only natural to wish to replenish out bodies with healthy food. Goji berries as well as of training course it 's juice is just among the most prolific anti-aging foods that we have available to us on the planet today. As Rodney Collin was priced estimate as claiming from ' The Theory of Conscious Harmony ':. " A physical body was offered to us naturally at our birth. Somewhere exists the initial Divine stimulate introduced from God and also which refound, will be his aware spirit. ". Furthermore, an ancient adage goes something similar to this: ' The happiest of persons do not constantly have the best of everything but they simply maximize everything that concerns them. The brightest future will always be based upon a forgotten past and you will stagnate onward up until you release your past failings in addition to sufferings.
You can read more informations here dermology anti aging solution
hey guys what's going on y'all came here from New Relic am calm and today I'm going to be sharing with you seven anti-aging foods everybody over 40 should eat okay so here we go seven foods here there are many many more but I think these are seven really important staples that you should have in your kitchen should be eating them on a regular basis and by regular I mean at least several times per week let's jump right in okay number one organic extra virgin olive oil this is a way to go it's amazing great source of monounsaturated fats which have been conclusively shown to help our hearts and cardiovascular system so important don't worry about measuring it like literally open up the cap and chug this bad boy it's so good for you you can't overdo it as far as I'm concerned you don't have to chug it just add it to salad dressings you know yes number two walnuts walnuts they're in here somewhere okay so have you ever considered have you ever thought about this walnuts if you take a whole walnut I'm going to get half of the walnuts here that looks like your brain pretty cool right walnuts are a tremendous source of omega-3 fatty acids and we know that omega-3 fatty acids are very good for our brain and nervous system as well as our heart cardiovascular system and they're awesome right so can they can be used in so many different ways don't be scared of them maybe half a handful of days all you need they're tremendous the important thing actually well you're going to see that I'm talking about a number of different fats here so number three fish oil or fish Coldwater fish whichever one you like you can do both it's just amazing it lowers blood pressure protects your heart cardiovascular system as I just talked about very high source of omega-3 but most importantly the ideal version of omega-3 which is what it's broken down into which is DHA and EPA which are the kind of fast-acting prostaglandins in the body that really do the benefit really have the benefit and specifically we want more DHA because it's very helpful for our brain and can help you know prevent dementia and stuff like that so that's a number another important fad I'm going to talk about these fats as a group in a second number four is avocados again like with olive oil another great source of unsaturated fat 300 calories for one of these bad boys 90% of it is fat who cares don't worry about it you can eat these all day long yeah I don't think you're gonna really get fat although I wouldn't recommend eating avocados all day long but I think one per day is more than enough right and it's great for you so don't worry about the calories when quality is in the picture quantity doesn't really matter that much okay so I've just mentioned for the seven foods and they're all fats what does that tell you what does that tell you about the importance of fat in your diet if you've been led to believe that fat is the devil then it's not that's not correct the wrong fats or the devil the margarine the crisco's the sunflower oil is the safflower oil is the soybean oils those are the ones you want to stay away from high in omega-6 heavily rancid fats and oils are very important for our body but they're also very dangerous because they're especially the liquid ones it's like fish oils Omega threes they're very sensitive to light oxygen and heat so if they're not treated properly and you ingest them free radical damage galore okay so you want to be making sure you're good quality stuff so olive oil dark glass bottle fish oil dark glass bottle keep this in the fridge keep this one in the pantry and there you go the importance of the fats specific as it pertains to anti-aging is that they help protect the outer surface of your cell membranes right your cell membranes are largely made up of phospholipids or fats and proteins so and obviously a couple of the things as well but the fats are really important so you can be made up of really bad fats and your skin will look the part or you can be made of beautiful fats and your skin just looks just like luscious like you've been on a beach well maybe that's not a good example anyways okay let's continue on number five garlic garlic is amazing high in sulfur sulfur is very good for the liver liver very important for the skin your skin is ultimately ultimately to reflection not only of your cell membranes but of the health of your liver so if you've got skin blotches and all sorts of stuff you probably have a toxic liver foods high in sulfur like garlic can be very helpful for cleansing the liver and it's also very important for you know cardiovascular health blood pressure cholesterol lowers all that stuff really really amazing and just tastes awesome right number five number six blueberries but you could actually just put all berries into this category because you know they're very low glycemic index so they're not going to spike little spike your blood sugar and they're very high in antioxidants and we know that antioxidants are gonna scavenge away those free radicals inside of our body that do all the damage to our skin and make us age faster so you can't go wrong with berries you could have a dumptruck of of berries brought into your house right just dump it into your house and just go crazy with it you can't go wrong they're so good for you and number seven this is actually spinach but this is a dummy a prop for watercress because I actually ran out of watercress funny I'm doing a video with watercress I don't have it so anyways spinach is awesome but watercress is amazing too it's actually it was found by the CDC the Centers for Disease 'uncle Disease Control and Prevention to be the most hot the highest rated vegetable in terms of nutrient density like that like even above kale even be you know beyond Swiss chard so watercress is awesome it's tremendous it's very it's not as common in most people's diets although you can get it easily at the grocery store it's got a bit of a bite to it so it's got that kind of sulfur kind of kick to it and remember what I said about sulfur right with garlic a sulfur or garlic sulfur is you know when a food is sulfurous based on if it's got a little bit of a bite so if the food like radishes right radishes have a bite sulfur watercress has a bite sulfur garlic has a bite sulfur all really important for the health of your liver and your skin in addition to all the other other amazing nutrients that it has inside of it so those are the seven must-have anti-aging foods that anybody over forty or 20 or 30 or 50 or 60 or 70 should be eating on a regular basis so are you currently eating these foods let me know in the comments below join me over at the blog as well for more details on this goodness the link for that is below this and remember to subscribe to the channel here on YouTube just click one of the buttons I think it's summer on the video and you'll be hooked up with hundreds of amazing videos to help you live your healthiest and fittest life and that's all I'm your real cam thanks for joining me and I look forward to seeing you in our next video coming your way very soon you
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