#You're alwasy on my mind when I'm writing about Wonwoo
sadienita · 6 years
Wonwoo x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
You eyed the clock, biting your lip, yeah, you really needed to get some sleep.
But maybe one more page.
You flipped the page to read a bit of the next chapter, the last for tonight, and a note fluttered out. Your curiosity abounded as you picked it up and read it.
This is specially dedicated to @gamerwoo because its that sweet bean’s birthday today! Love you Rocket and I hope you’re having a wonderful day!
The library was definitely one of your favourite places in town. You liked that it was quiet and relaxing. Cafes and coffee shops were nice but often got crowded and little more noisy. There was a serenity about the library, you could focus so much better there, and there was so much to learn who wouldn’t want to spend time there?
Okay, maybe you were a bit of a nerd, but it was always fun to to learn new things, especially when it was on your own terms. So you spent a large amount of your free time in the library. Some days you took out books and left but most you spent browsing the shelves to find something new to read, whether a gripping tale or a heart wrenching story you liked them all.
Today though, you were in the mood for mystery. You strolled down the aisle looking at book spines and pulling a few out, reading their back covers and choosing one that looking particularly chilling to take with you. You found one of your usual spots, a cozy chair big enough for you to change positions every so often and still be comfy, and plopped yourself down in it. You started into the story and quickly found yourself absorbed by the tale.
An hour flew by quickly and realizing it was starting to get dark outside, you pulled yourself out of the chair to check out the book and head home. The whole walk the story stayed on your mind so you settled on reading it as soon as you arrived home. As predicted you gobbled it up and found yourself wrestling with the phrase “one more chapter” hour after hour. The story was gripping but you did have plans the next day, so you figured you should probably head to bed soon. You eyed the clock, biting your lip, yeah, you really needed to get some sleep.
But maybe one more page.
You flipped the page to read a bit of the next chapter, the last for tonight, and a note fluttered out. Your curiosity abounded as you picked it up and read it.
Ah this story is so gripping isn't it? I almost finished it in one night. There's a few more in this series I know but I'm not sure what I'll read when I finish these, they're so good.
Any way, I hope you're enjoying this as much as I did.
You reread the note a few times before flipping it over and finding something else, a note in a different pen colour but the same hand writing with a book title and the author. You wondered if that was a book recommendation, or if it was where the mysterious library person had left another note.
Though you were itching to finish the book now, you knew you would regret that choice if you didn’t go to bed soon so you put the book down and got on with your nightly routine, thinking of the note he whole time. The following morning was similar, the note was still on your mind. Why was it left in that book? Did there person intend to keep checking that book to see if anyone took it out or responded? And of course who wrote it?
You searched the book for any responses but found none. So either no one had read it since the mysterious library person or no one cared too. You spent every spare moment that day reading, not only because the tale kept you hooked, but because you wanted to bring the book back with a note for them. You stayed up late again, knowing you would regret it the next day but not caring. You needed to finish it so you could head to the library the next day. At a horrible hour in the early morning you were finally able to put the book down, somewhat satisfied but itching to read the next one. You figured now was as good a moment as any to write your note.
I just finished and man was this good! I’m going to take out the others in the series as well as the other book you recommended! I don’t even know if you’ll check this book for a note but I hope you do.
You fell asleep pretty quickly after that and did indeed regret staying up so late the next morning. It still felt like it was worth it though since you really did want to finish that story and check the other books for notes. As soon as you had time you raced to the library and dropped the book in the return box and headed to look for the other books. You quickly found the other two in the series and took a little longer to locate the last one. It took all you had not to search all the books for notes the moment you sat down with them but you wanted to read and see where they might be in the stories. You managed to consume more than half of the second book in the time before you had to go home but you had yet to come across a note. You dragged yourself to the counter to check out the books.
“I know you read fast but that might be a new record for you, dear.” the kind, old librarian chuckled.
You blushed slightly, “Yeah it might.” You wondered if she knew about the notes, but didn’t ask. You did hurry home however and curled up, determined to finish the book that night and your efforts were rewarded. A note was tucked into the book just before the last chapter of the story.
I know you probably don’t want to read a note right now, not when the whole story is about to be resolved but I’m glad you’re reading it. I wonder if you read my other note, I hope so. I’m still trying to figure out what to read after the last book in this trilogy. Maybe more mystery, maybe fantasy, maybe scifi, I guess we’ll see.
I hope you’re having a good day.
You bit back the smile on your face reading the last line of the note. That was so sweet, it made you want to figure out the identity of mysterious library person that much more. You hurried to finish the last chapter, soaking in the ending for a moment before writing a response.
I need to sleep but now I just want to start the next book and see how the whole story ends. I just finished this one in a day and it’s way too early in the morning to start the next story.
If it helps I have no clue what to read after this other than your recommendation. Maybe you can recommend something else?
I am having a good day, definitely made better by your note. I hope you are too.
Once again you fell asleep pretty quickly, you were pretty tired staying up so late so much but you felt like it was worth it. The next day you had more free time so you devoured the third book, finding another note and again leaving a response. You also dropped by the library to drop the two finished books off and get a start on their recommendation. Just as you expected they had an impeccable taste in books. It took you a few days longer to finish it and you again left a new note with the one you found in the book, this time with a book recommendation of your own for the mysterious library person.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t rush to the library as soon as you could to see if any of your notes had been answered. You located the first book and flipped through it excitedly, finding a new piece of paper stuffed between the pages with the same handwriting as the old note.
I can’t believe anyone actually responded to my note, that’s really cool. I’m certainly glad I did check it, and the other too. I will say I’m also having a good day, and finding your note definitely put smile on my face. I hope you’ve had time to catch up on sleep and I hope you like the other book I recommended.
Am I a nerd for thinking this is really cool? Probably.
You nearly dropped your bag searching for a pen or pencil to respond with.
I just finished the other one and it was great! I left you a book recommendation there in case you want it. I think this is cool too but I’m definitely a nerd so maybe it’s nerdy. I don’t know if I’ll ever catch up on sleep but a good story is always worth it anyway.
I hope you come back and find this.
You wondered if you should leave a way to contact you but you felt too nervous at the thought. The rest of your library visit was spent looking for a new book to take home and read and looking back at the aisle, as if the person would appear for only second and you might miss it. You didn’t see anyone there so you left with a few books in your hands.
Over the next few weeks you kept checking back for new notes every few days, always delighted to find one and excited to respond. The more you shared the more you felt like this person was a real friend.
And you didn’t even know their name.
But you knew about their life, their taste in books, movies, and videos games, some of their favourite foods and a few other things that you’d left in notes for each other. Either way as you entered the library that day, almost a month after you’d gotten the first note you went about your normal routine, returning the books you’d taken out and then looking for a new note. You didn’t expect to see a very cute guy in glasses and soft looking knit sweater writing a note excitedly.
You nearly dropped your bag and fumbled to catch it, which caught his attention. He looked up at you blushing, but you were sure your face was a deeper shade of red.
“I-I, ah, I was-” He started to stutter.
“Your the mysterious library person?!”
His eyes lit up and a smile stretched across his face as he realized who you were. “You’re the one who found my note? The one I’ve been writing to?!”
You couldn’t help but notice how excited he looked, the way his nose crinkled from the smile on his face.
“I, I mean yeah. I just, I didn’t realize you’d be here. Not that I’m upset or anything, its just…”
“Yeah, I didn’t know if or when I’d meet you either.”
You nodded awkwardly, unsure what to say. You’d been leaving notes for this guy for a month but something about being in front of him was a little intimidating.
Maybe it was because he was so cute.
You started, and introduced yourself, realizing you still didn’t know his name.
“I’m Wonwoo.” he smiled. He took his latest note out of the book. “I guess I don’t need to leave notes there anymore. But I had some thoughts on the last book you recommended, if you wanna go get a coffee and discuss it?”
You couldn’t help the grin that crossed your face and the way your heart fluttered at the hopeful smile he was giving you.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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