#You must read this cursedness so I don't suffer alone
maratsbathtub · 11 months
so i was talking with my mom (a historian) about the afterlife and how historical figures having to share apartments would be hilarious. And then i brought up the frenchies, and what they would be doing after death.
I present to you, my mom's thoughts on the matter:
They would be running a spa. All of them. Lavoisier and his wife would be running the cafe (are there cafes at spas??? I don't know??? I was too busy dying inside to ask). Fouche runs finances. Robespierre does hairdressing stuff and danton does pedicures. Herault would be the (female?) waitress and fabre is the apothecary?? I guess? (I think my mom meant he runs the front desk) Louis XVI would be the janitor and marie Antoinette takes care of pets.
And i vetoed charlotte corday to ever be there. That was all i got to say.
And napoleon is just there to help
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