#Yet I'm supposed to believe his mate finds him unattractive?
acourtofthought · 4 months
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I want someone to provide me canon text as to why Elain "can't stand being near Lucien" and how that proves she doesn't find him attractive.
Does she ignore him as of the novella and SF? Yes but so did Nesta when it came to Cassian:
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There were layered and complex reasons for why Nesta ignored Cassian at various points throughout the series regardless of her attraction to him so why couldn't there also be layered and complex reasons for Elain in regards to Lucien?
If your answer is "because she doesn't want a mate" then doesn't canon text also support a female main character changing her mind on that?
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To this:
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So how does anyone know with 100% certainty that Elain has zero sexual attraction to Lucien just because she ignores him at this point in the series, a change from what happened between them in ACOWAR:
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Feyre cringed at the sound of Rhys's name after she had fallen for him:
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Cringed at his name after running away from him after he was wounded once she found out they were mates.
We saw these moments despite the fact that Rhys was the most beautiful man Feyre had ever seen:
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Elain doesn't have to want to interact with Lucien to be sexually attracted to him, correct? There are many people I find extremely good looking who I'll never interact with because I'm not in a position to pursue them. If she is sexually attracted to him she might not want to act upon it if she's not in the frame of mind for something more meaningful which sex with a known mate would most likely be. Even without having fallen in love a confirmed bond is a bridge to anothers soul and that's a lot more than just sex. Her not wanting more right now makes sense after her broken engagement, her not wanting a mate for that same reason at this point in the series does too though it's something that could easily change in the span of 800+ pages.
Hooking up with Lucien would come with much more intensity than hooking up with a random guy she sees from time to time and who she doesn't share a bond with.
It's canon Elain found Az attractive but we have no proof she found him better looking than Graysen, that he's anything special to her at all, that hooking up with him would have meant anything at all.
And while it's canon she wanted to hook up with Az we don't have the reasons behind it, whether a night of fun, proving to Nesta that she too can go off and fuck strangers or her simply trying to forget the emotions she might feel when her mate is around.
I can't prove with certainty that is the case but the other side can't prove it isn't therefore it's still on the table.
In SF it became canon that Nesta found Cassian appealing from the start though she did not give in to her sexual desires for him until her book.
So again where is this canon text that proves we can't see the same for Elain in regards to Lucien?
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