#Years later Kya fell in love with a warrior from the Southern Water Tribe who stayed in her village to recover from battle wounds
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fidget-scribbles · 1 year ago
How are you leaving this whole Halfblood AU in the tags, friend?
#I'm about to pull a Blue Eye Samurai with this one hear me out #Kanna settled down in some peaceful village in the Earth Kingdom after leaving the North
#She married some local EK guy and had Kya #Years later Kya fell in love with a warrior from the Southern Water Tribe who stayed in her village to recover from battle wounds
#A few months later Hakoda left her to go back to the wife and son he had left behind in the South. He didn't know Kya was with child. #Katara never knew her father. Her mother died at childbirth and her grandmother raised her in the village.
#Kanna taught her how to be a healer and told her to always hide her waterbending. When Katara was fourteen her grandmother died from illness
#Katara was safe. She had peace. But she wasn't happy. There was an itch underneath her skin that told her she could be more.
#Then Zuko crashed into her life and turned her world upside down. He was a half-child just like her. Always never enough.
#He has a mission he cannot tell her about. She understands. She doesn't even want to know. He's offering her a way out and she will take it.
#If meeting his infamous uncle in Ba Sing Se for some obscure business is what it takes to be free then so be it
#Helping Zuko figure out his identity might be important too.
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Water Half-Child
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