#Yeah that's Aella. A wild ride
akindofmagictoo · 3 years
manuscript search tag game
I was tagged by my lovely friend @zmlorenz! ❤️ 
my words are woods, wander, will, wild 
woods forest (Dragonsong) 
The trail was wide enough to ride two, sometimes three abreast. Even from her spot at the back, Isi could already see the forest rising in the distance, the narrowing of the trail that would force them into single file. A perfect spot for bandits and the like, especially in the gathering dusk. She still remembered the lesson they’d had on it, though she suspected that part of the motive behind teaching trainee knights how not to get robbed had been because a knight being robbed would be extremely embarrassing. Unfortunate, of course… but she was starting to wonder how much of the knight system had been for show. 
wander (Hurricane) 
“So, what did Franco want to talk about?” Of course it was Sequoia. 
“Nothing much. Just saying hello.” [Aella] kept walking. 
“Aren’t you stepping out with him?” 
Aella sighed. “That was last year. We’re friends.” She found her gaze wandering over to Theo, standing awkwardly by the bow. “Besides, I think he is sweet on you.” Hopefully she hadn’t ruined her chances last night. Drunk-Aella wasn’t well-known for good decisions, as she’d just proven twice over. Flirting with Theo could hardly have been a good idea. She’d probably scared him off. 
At least he hadn’t brought it up. 
will (Dragonsong) (I gave the previous lines mostly for the Sierra/Holly. you’re welcome, Zoë.) 
Sierra swung down to the ground, landing with a soft squelch and a grumbled curse. 
“Are you alright?” Holly dismounted beside her. 
“Leg’s a bit sore, but I’m alright.” 
Holly nodded, looking unconvinced. “I’ll have a look at it later.” 
Sierra grinned and kissed Holly’s cheek. “Of course.” 
“I might go look for some food,” said SB. “Anyone want to come with?” 
Isi raised a hand. 
“I’m gonna turn in early,” said Robin. “Wake me for dinner.” He shot a glance at Sierra and Holly. “I figure you two will be staying here.”
Sierra nodded. “Yeah. Nothing’s gonna kill you while you nap, don’t worry.” 
Robin grinned and spread his bedroll out on the ground. “Thanks.”
wild (Dragonsong) (you are very welcome for this. I’ve posted it before... but who cares? we like seeing Brendon get his butt kicked.) 
Brendon had already drawn his sword and covered the ground between them. His first slash was large and wild. She sidestepped it with ease and swung her staff down. 
He parried, but Isi kept the staff’s momentum going. It smacked into his shoulder, ringing dully off his armour. Brendon hissed and stabbed at her again. Isi batted it to one side and slammed the end of the staff into his gut. 
He staggered backwards, losing his grip on the sword. His feet went out from under him in the snow and he fell on his backside. 
I will tag @mjmnorwood @isherwoodj and @sleepyowlwrites to find authentic, arm(s), appreciate, anger 
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