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b3ast0fburd3n · 8 months ago
Avatar Verse details 👀 pt.1
(Unorganized, might fix later lol)
NEW NA'VI CLAN KAMEYWA (Pronounced Kam-ey-wah)
Cave people!! White/grey/pinkish complexions, skin lightened and lost pigment over time.
While the Kameywa people can speak, they often choose not to due to the sound bouncing off the cave walls being harsh on their overly sensitive ears. While above ground (usually to hunt) they have intricate hand signaling for nearby and clicking signals for longer distance.
Highly sensitive to light! Spending any amount of time on the surface outside of eclipse is very dangerous. Their skin and eyes could get severely burned.
Shorter than most Na'vi. While others range around 9-10ft tall, the Kameywa average 8-9ft. The tallest of theirs would match the shortest of other clans.
They've developed better smell and hearing to make up for their lack of sight underground. As a result, their ears and noses tend to be larger while their eyes are mostly smaller.
Naming system always has a first name and a family name, then the clan name. For example, their leader is Olo'eyktan Ye'saf Rina'Kameywa. (Rina'-meaning Seed. It's Joseph Seed. He's grey.) Their title is also always first, if they have one.
Artists by trade! Surrounded by beautiful minerals, gems and rocks, the Kameywa people have devoted large portions of time to creating intricate beadwork for clothes and jewelry. The more clothing worn, the higher status the na'vi.
^The increase in cultural significance of clothing overtime has led to a more modest culture than most Na'vi. If you were to walk around their cave in traditional Omatikaya clothes, you'd be told to cover up. (<rudely, might I add)
Speaking of rude, being loud is rude. Laughing loudly, crying audibly, arguing, it's all frowned upon. For good reason, sure, but it's still quite hard to keep emotions when you can't share them.
HIGHLY territorial. NOT welcoming to outsiders, regardless of where they came from. Even if other cave people were to ask for shelter, if no one could vouch for them, they'd be strung up outside as a warning.
Hunting parties, led by Eytanay (meaning hunting party leader) Ya'akon Rina'kameywa (Jacob wooo), can only go out during eclipse. The cave mouth is secluded from other Na'vi clans, however venturing into the forest is dangerous for many reasons. Because of this, certain important people (cough chiefs daughter cough) are not allowed outside ever. (Haha thats not gonna lead to plot...Right..?)
Their spiritual leader, Tireafya'o Yon’netem Rina'kameywa (tireafya’o-”spirit path”), is not Ye'saf's wife, but rather his younger brother (It's John, those close to him shorten his name to Yon') After the loss of his Tsahìk, Ye'saf took the mantle of Spiritual Leader for himself, being both Tsahìk and Olo'eyktan, creating a new title for his younger brother to lead alongside the other Rina'kameywas.
The Olo'eyktan has one daughter. Eh’din Rina'kameywa'ite. ('ite meaning daughter) She's more feminine in this verse. Weaker, quieter, less angry. Like unrecognizable almost oops.
The people believe they're closer to Eywa than other clans, living among her root system. (Kame- to see in a spiritual sense, Eywa- the goddess).
There are several grottos that have been blocked off because of natural gas leaks. Some of them are deadly, but a certain green mist causes hallucinogenic effects (It's bliss!)
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vegaprose · 1 year ago
"Do not go away, you fucking asshole!" ((cuz Izzy doesn't know how to ask Tommy to stay like a normal person))
@qceensofkings | tommy + izzy
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"  So  y'think  'am  an  asshole,  do'ye?  "  he  simply  says,  taking  a  moment  to  process  her  words  to  be  sure  he  heard  them  correctly.
Tommy  might  have  been  aiming  to  leave  a  little  earlier  in  this  particular  relationship,  but  it  wasn't  anything  to  do  with  the  young  woman.  No,  he  had  his  reasons,  but  the  one  thing  he  wanted  to  make  sure  she  knew  first,  was  that  she  hadn't  done  anything  wrong  and  his  leave  would  be  because  of  his  own  tribulations.
While  it  would  be  hard  to  leave  her  and  move  on  from  the  last  year  or  so  they  had  been  seeing  one  another,  he  felt  it  was  time.  A  part  of  him  still  longed  to  stay,  to  take  those  words  of  hers,  brutally  honest  as  they  might  be,  and  run  with  it.  He  wanted  to  make  the  most  out  of  this  relationship  because  it  had  made  him  happier  than  he  had  been  in  a  long  time. 
Having  to  lose  something  you  had  grown  to  love  and  hold  so  dear  was  the  hardest  thing  in  the  world  and  the  most  difficult  decision  he  had  ever  had  to  make  in  his  life,  which  was  impressive  considering  the  sort  of  bollocks  he  was  involved  in.
"  I  really  do  want  t'stay,  Iz.  But—the  more  important  thing,  is  that  you're  safe.  Being  with  me..  that's  not  gonna  keep  ye'safe,  at  all,  "  he  tries  to  explain,  but  he  knows  all  of  this  will  fall  upon  deaf  ears  because  she  will  do  everything  to  keep  him  here.
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