#Yata who has actually known a woman's touch all the Homra guys would be jealous
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
AU where Saru was homeschooled so he and Yata never met in middle school. This makes it so Yata goes through/graduates high school. Somewhere along the way Yata manages to somehow get a girl pregnant & now is a very young single father. So Sarumi meet for the first time (as members of Homra and S4 respectively) at their canon ages and Fushimi is really thirsty for Yata, but he has no idea what do with his feelings, especially since Saru doesn't know if he can deal with a kid w/ all his issues.
Okay I've done a lot of out there AUs where everyone's a dragon or a god or emotionally healthy, but...an AU where Yata isn't a virgin? Way too weird, man :P How they would become friends while being in separate clans in this AU would be interesting, like somehow even being enemies they become closer. So say Fushimi is home-schooled, though considering his parents it's probably less 'home-schooled' and more 'Kisa throws some books at him to read on his own while Niki stops by occasionally to bug him.' Fushimi grows up all miserable and alone under Niki's thumb until one day while in high school he meets Munakata and is drafted into Scepter 4. Yata meanwhile maybe ends up falling in with some troublesome people, like he's rejected by everyone at school and pretty much becomes a delinquent in self defense. In high school he befriends some other delinquent guys who like to smoke and drink and do drugs, Yata gets super drunk one day and ends up actually doing it with an equally drunk girl. She gets pregnant and has a kid and maybe dies shortly afterward of like a drug overdose or something, Yata goes to get revenge on the dealers who sold the drugs to her and that's how he ends up meeting Homra and joining them, newly determined to become a hero like Mikoto-san and to raise his kid right.
Homra probably helps Yata out a lot with the babysitting, like if Yata has to go out on Homra business he can leave the kid at the bar without worry (I bet Anna gets along really well with the kid and loves to babysit). In his position as Homra's vanguard Yata runs into Fushimi quite often and of course their relationship is adversarial at first, though without any of the bitterness of canon. At some point while Yata still sees Fushimi as an annoying Blue he also finds himself looking forward to running into Fushimi a bit, like they have similar power levels and he gives Yata a challenge which Yata enjoys. One day they end up chasing after the same Strain and end up in a perilous situation together, like the Strain has poison powers and Fushimi takes a hit for Yata, moving without even thinking, and he ends up getting poisoned. Rather than leaving him like Fushimi expects Yata refuses to leave his side, taking care of him and hiding him until Scepter 4 shows up to finish off the Strain. Fushimi figures Yata was just doing this out of obligation, like Yata would probably end up in trouble if he left Fushimi alone and then Scepter 4 found out, but even after Fushimi's taken back to headquarters and given some medicine and told to rest Yata actually sneaks into Scepter 4 to check on him out of concern. Fushimi can't believe that Yata actually cares about him and Yata finds himself thinking that maybe they don't need to be enemies, like Fushimi did save him after all and yeah he's a jerk but he seems like a pretty cool guy.
After this they basically become friends and maybe Fushimi is just a bit smitten and unsure what to do about it, he's never had these kinds of feelings before plus Yata's in another clan and clearly all enamored of his King. Yata at some point invites Fushimi to the bar and that's when Fushimi meets Yata's kid, he immediately tries to be all cool and emotionless as he asks about Yata's girlfriend and Yata says she wasn't really his girlfriend and she's gone now anyway, he's a single dad. This complicates things for Fushimi though, because while part of him is so relieved that Yata's not taken already (though this is probably a shock to his system, like wait Misaki isn't a virgin) there's the whole worry that one, does Yata even like guys, and two, if they were to hook up how would Fushimi handle a kid. The kid is probably totally attached to Fushimi almost immediately too, clinging to his leg and wanting to play with him and Yata feels strangely excited that his kid likes Fushimi so much while Fushimi's just having an internal freakout because what if he breaks Yata's kid. He assumes that there's no way he and Yata could be together then, like if Yata knew how screwed up Fushimi is he'd never want his kid to be near Fushimi at all (and maybe that leads to something of a 'betrayal' in this AU, Fushimi pulling away and declaring Yata his enemy because it's easier than dealing with the idea that he could never be the one Misaki loves).
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