#Yandere Artemis x reader
aphroditelovesu · 1 year
i was rereading ur yandere greek mythology posts and after reading the concept of the greek gods sharing the part with Artemis and Apollo part caught my eye again,
I'm curious on how that will play out. may I request yandere artemis and apollo sharing a darling? - 🌓 anon
❝ ☀️ — lady l: it took a while but it came out, didn't it? Dear readers, it may take some time, but your requests will be written! This request was based on this ask/concept and I liked how the headcanon turned out and I hope you like it too.
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, dub-con ('cause it's yandere content), jealousy, mention of murder and torture, polyamorous relationship.
❝🏹pairing: yandere!apollo x gn!reader x yandere!artemis.
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Apollo and Artemis are twin sibilings who are very different from each other. While Apollo had many lovers, Artemis preferred to live secluded in the forest with only her huntresses for company. Although close, the twins prefer to live their lives separately and this has always worked for both of them. Until they meet you. The gods don't often share their belongings, but the twins seem inclined to divide you between them. How lucky are you to have the attention of Artemis and Apollo, aren't you?
It was Apollo who met you first. You met during the festivities that honored him and he found himself drawn to you, leaning against a wall, silent and disinterestedly observing everyone around him. The god found himself looking at you intently and his gaze made you uncomfortable and you left your spot to leave. Something about that man's gaze made you nervous and you wanted to forget about it. Apollo, however, never forgot you.
When Artemis met you, you were already with Apollo. The god pursued you and basically made you his. The goddess of the hunt didn't think much of you at first, thinking that you would just be one of Apollo's lovers and that you would soon be out of his life. Which is obviously not what happened. As Artemis spent more time with you, the more she found herself enjoying your company and developed an obsession with you of her own. She found herself drawn to you like she had never been drawn to anyone and she wanted you. The fact that you belong to Apollo is not a problem for her.
Apollo didn't react well when he noticed his sister's interest in you. He was irritated, furious and full of jealousy. Why on earth was Artemis interested in you romantically? Of course, you were stunning but this... This was unacceptable, you belonged to Apollo and he wasn't willing to give you up. It didn't take long for him to get into a fight with his sister over you. You were his and he wouldn't let anyone take you from him.
The twin gods actually physically fought over you, pointing their bows and arrows at each other, they were ready to kill each other. They just didn't because you intervened. You tore them apart and tried to appease the angry gods who were looking at you with madness in their eyes. You took a deep breath and tried to work it out by talking to the them. Although he was reluctant, Apollo eventually agreed to share you with Artemis, even if he still didn't like the idea. But it could be worse, he supposed, better he shared his soulmate with his sister than some god he hated. Meanwhile, Artemis was delighted that she now had you, it wasn't just for her, but that could be fixed sometime, for the time being she was content to hold in her arms.
Your relationship was, to say the least, interesting. Both gods loved dragging you with them everywhere. Apollo was the most needy of your attention and the most demanding, he liked it when you lay on his lap and just watched him while he read poetry or sang hymns to you. He loves to run his fingers through all your soft hair, smell your perfume and spend hours kissing your soft lips. He wants as much physical contact as possible, to have your body pressed against his at all times. The hugs always took a long time to end and he could spend hours whispering promises of love to you. His love language is a lot of physical contact and gifts. Apollo is always giving you something, clothes, jewelry, books, whatever you want. He wants to be your favorite.
Artemis is the quietest in your relationship, she has always been more rational than her brother and fears making you uncomfortable with all of this. She used to lead a reclusive life in her forests, and while she greatly enjoyed the company of her hunters, she came to enjoy your company even more. Artemis loves to take you on her hunts, just the two of you alone, the two of you silently admiring the forest around you. She wants to teach you how to hunt, even if it's not something you're a fan of, she is the goddess of the hunt and would be more than happy to teach you. Artemis enjoys your company and often just watches you, looking at you in awe. Your time with her is precious and she is not that demanding of your attention. The goddess likes to pamper you more simply, with simpler gifts, but if you want expensive things, she will be happy to give you, but Artemis likes to present you with things she likes and thinks you will like. Her love language is coy glances that get bolder with touch.
There is no doubt that they are very jealous of each other, because they do, but Artemis hides it better than Apollo. When the three of you are together, the twins appear to be calm, but any discerning person will notice Artemis's clenched hands and Apollo's glare. The two will be throwing furious glares at each other, but will be silenced with a glare from you. They no longer fight, at least not in your presence, but the sibilings will band together when there is a threat to you. Maybe some other god (Zeus) is too interested in you and they can't have that. In the blink of an eye, Apollo will be glued to your hip and Artemis will be shooting hateful glares at anyone who looks at you the wrong way. They might fight, but you belonged to them and they will protect you fiercely.
Eventually the three of you will find an acceptable rhythm. Artemis and Apollo will stop trying to mentally kill each other and their attention and love will be on you at all times. The hugs and touches become a double dose, as Artemis hugs you possessively Apollo will be claiming your lips. You will always be in their midst, being the buffer for this relationship, the only person able to control the temper of the two gods.
Being in a relationship with them isn't the worst fate anyone could imagine. Apollo can be incredibly possessive and overwhelming, but he will learn to share you with his sister. Artemis is the more easy going of the twins, she is not as intense or possessive as her brother, but she is extremely resourceful and has a dangerous temper when provoked. You will learn to love it, to love them. The touches, the kisses, the hugs... It will all be part of a great future that the three of you will share. Trapped for eternity between Apollo and Artemis. This is your future. But don't worry, they'll do their best to make you happy with them, after all, you don't really have a choice.
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soft yandere Apollo x reader x artemis (heal) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you laid against the chest of Apollo, one of the gods who had taken you captive a few months ago. he ran one hand through your hair placing kisses along the side of your neck, the other around your waist holding you close to him. "you are looking beautiful today my sunshine" he whispered in your ear, causing you to blush a little. even though he and his sister stole you from the mortal world and forced you to become immortal they had never mistreated you, it was hard to ever stay mad at them. "i would have to agree with you brother, our moonlight is looking quite lovely today" Artemis says as she enters the room, apollo looks towards her resting his chin on your head. "you're home early from your duties dear sister" he says watching as she sets her bow down, "i wanted to return home to our darling" she answers sitting next to the both of you on the bed. she leans down to kiss your wrist but as she brought it to her lips she noticed a large bandaged along your arm. "what is this? what happened?" she asks concerned, moving to hold your face and check for more injury. "they had put their hand a little too close to one of my horse's manes and burnt their arm." AApollo says calmly stroking your hair. "you haven't healed it?" Artemis asks glaring at him. "he did, but he kept the bandage on in case." you say, not wanting to start a fight between the two. both of their gazes soften at your voice, Artemis holds your face in her hands softly stroking your cheek. "you need to be more careful, I do not know what I would do if we lost you." she says sternly before kissing your forehead. "you won't lose me." you reassure, holding her hand. "it is quite late, I would like to get some rest before my duties tomorrow" apollo says before falling back on the bed, pulling you down with him, you let out a laugh when you land back next to him, Artemis laying next to you pinning you between them. "goodnight sunshine" apollo says kissing your nose, and cuddling his face into your shoulder. "goodnight moonlight" Artemis says kissing the back of your shoulder. they may have taken you, but you couldn't resist falling in love with them.
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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kupidachillea · 22 days
Olympians x You (hcs or imagines)
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Author note: Geez, it’s been awhile. Sorry, I’ve been in bit of a funk, got both writers block and art block but I just want to drop this. I still have a few things in my drafts, but for now I’ll feed you guys this.
TW (trigger warning):This may have a few Yandere themes in it. And while the Olympians themselves aren’t really yanderes- they do share similar tendencies considering their myths. Please note that this isn’t completely accurate to their mythology- but it’s just a bit of fun so please take no offence and be nice in the comments.
CW (content warning)⚠️: readers either 17-18+ (to read this I mean), light mentions of nudity, molesting and sexual harassment, toxic behaviour. General (hinted) Yandere behaviour. Reader’s discretion is advised.
🏺- You weren’t sure how you got here but somehow you ended up on mount Olympus of all places.
🪡- Your brain was fuzzy and you hadn’t yet registered the 12 + looming faces above you. When you did notice, they were bickering in a language you didn’t understand (or at the very least, understood a little). It was jarring and you were still trying to get your bearings.
-🏺 You noticed one of them, a woman, dressed in garments fit for royalty (in ancient times at least) and had somewhat of a peacock aesthetic to it, yelling and pointing accusingly at a man, presumably her husband. She didn’t seem happy. Hera. Queen of the Olympians..that means the other must’ve been Zeus..oh boy
🪡- Zeus looked as if he was trying to quell his wife’s anger before things got more out of hand. There were a few others in the back that looked bored of the situation- as if a similar thing has happened before, while others looked mildly amused.
🏺- Despite all that- the argument seemed to have turned completely to you. Hera turning her rage towards you. “You! Where did you come from, how did you arrive here!?” She’d ask in anger, it was evident she had very little patience if any at all, thankfully though she was now speaking a language you could understand. You scrambled to answer her, your body trembling slightly at how her voice shook the marble floor you were sat on.
🪡- You tried to explain to her that you didn’t know how you got here. Your brain still fuzzy with images that didn’t clear up or make sense. This obviously didn’t help the Queen’s anger and you could see her patience slipping. She would scoff and turn back towards the other gods, them discussing what they should do with you.
🏺 - Some suggestions were thrown around, some you weren’t so fond of. Multiple times did they suggest either killing you or throwing you off the mountain (which would kill you anyway). However those ideas were shut down immediately by more ‘kindhearted’ gods. This hasn’t happened in centuries- a human spawning on top of their mountain out of the blue..they aren’t really prepared for this.
🪡- They were almost all out of ideas, until one golden haired music deity bent down to your height and took a closer look at you. His eyes shining as he took in your appearance before a smile started to work its way on his lips. “How about we keep them..?” He suddenly asked, his gaze still set on the little (little to them anyway) human in front of him.
🏺- This made everyone pause and even you were shocked by the suggestion. You found it ridiculous and you argued that despite how flattering it was- you didn’t want to stay with them and you wanted to be returned back to your home. The gods only seemed to ignore you, as if you were a child having an unreasonable temper tantrum. They were all considering keeping you here!
🪡- “Well…” Hermes started. You could tell since he was a bit shorter than the others and he had his signature winged sandals. “It has been quite awhile since the gods have had a plaything..” he would mutter reluctantly. He wasn’t entirely sold on the idea, despite how his father and brothers (most anyway) were grinning like idiots. You, obviously , did not appreciate being referred to as a plaything.
🏺- “Then it is settled..this little one shall be our new plaything!” Zeus grinned, a little too happy for both yours and Hera’s taste. You were about to give them a piece of your mind but was swiftly silenced by a threatening gaze from Hera..to your surprise. And thus began your horrible life with the Olympians..
🪡- You were stripped of your modern clothing and given a chiton to wear instead. “It’s too modern for our liking..” Aphrodite would say as she felt up your body in ways that made you shiver in discomfort. “We’re use to our people…how should I say this? Showing a little more skin…” the goddess of love would chuckle sweetly, while you would stare at her in embarrassment and maybe even a hint of disgust. While you could understand where she was coming from- it still didn’t stop you personally from being uncomfortable with they way she was touching you.
🏺-You’d also be dressed up in fine jewellery, much to your surprise..anklets of gold, bangles made of bronze, necklaces etc. sweet smelling oil perfumes covering your body- anything to make seem more ‘appealing’ to the gods and goddess. You were their plaything after all, so it made sense for them to dress you how they liked..no matter how much you disliked it.
🪡- They’d occasionally have you pour them wine at banquets or sit on their laps to just sit there and look pretty. The main gods that did this were of course Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, definitely Dionysus and at some point Hermes. You didn’t really appreciate this, but rejecting their request would result in a ‘punishment’ for you.
🏺- To your surprise..Ares rarely touched you without your permission, but he was a little mean here and there. He along with Athena and Demeter weren’t as…’touchy’ as the others. And Artemis …you appreciated that..though just because they didn’t touch you in inappropriate ways doesn’t mean they weren’t as ‘crazy’ as the rest.
🪡- For example, while Artemis wasn’t big on being a pest in terms of touching you, she did take you out on hunts..which..wasn’t so bad in your opinion. It was much better than being up on the mountain most days..she thought a little more rationally- but of course- her twin, Apollo, would see you hanging out with his sister and get a little possessive about it. Which you didn’t understand- you weren’t any of their lovers (even if they thought so), but even so..most hunting trips were cut short because of him.
🏺- When you finally got moments to breathe away from the gods..you’d spend it out in the garden..hidden away from everyone and thing..it was your quiet time up until one of the gods summoned you. You found out that you weren’t the first human to be in this position (and probably not the last)..according to one of the lesser known gods (maybe Hebe) you were told that centuries before, a young lad was taken into the heavens to serve Zeus but had been placed into the stars as the constellation known as Aquarius.
🪡- You shivered at the thought..you didn’t want that to happen to you. To be placed in the stars? Doomed to forever look down on earth and watch your family and friends grow? It may have been an honour back then but to you it was almost like a death sentence.
🏺- Either way, life with the Olympians got harder to cope with. Your privacy was always compromised and you were forced to many things you didn’t like. Sometimes the gods would be as bold to sneak up on you while you were bathing and either join you in the pool or touching up your nude body.
🪡-Often giving excuses for why they would do so, or simply ignoring your protest. It wasn’t hard to manhandle you after all..they were gods, and you were a puny human. Why should they care about your thoughts and feelings. It progressively got worse with them kissing your neck or cheek without your permission too- Apollo was the main culprit of that..
🏺- Sometimes you found yourself crying in a corner by yourself at the situation you were in. The only person willing to comfort you being Hestia. She obviously didn’t approve of this but she couldn’t do much besides being a safe space for you to turn to, which you appreciated.
🪡- But no matter how you protest, run, hide, or try to defy them; you are still theirs. That how they see it anyway, and they won’t change their mind..
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heavenlayt · 1 year
Yandere Artemis with a sweet and innocent reader? :))
Hi anon! You are my first request and I was very happy in write about the Greek gods. As I was writing this in my backyard I saw a shooting star crossing the sky. It probably inspired me writing this headcanon. It turned out shorter than I expected, but I hope you like it! 💞
Artemis, Artemis or Artemisia, is the Greek goddess of hunting, nature and chastity. Artemis is also known for being the protector of women and carrying the same powers as her twin brother, Apollo. Able to hurl plagues and diseases at men and beasts as punishment, Artemis is one of the worst yanderes to have as lover or enemy.
I feel that with a sweet, innocent darling, Artemis would be quite protective, obsessive and possessive.
Falling in love was never in the goddess' plans, but when she saw you for the first time she felt as if cupid himself had bewitched her with one of his arrows.
As the goddess of chastity, I imagine Artemis wouldn't sleep with you, but given the concept of virginity, she wouldn't object to using her mouth or other means to pleasure you.
Because her darling is sweet and innocent, Artemis would fall even deeper in love with her sweetness, and she would do everything possible to receive a daily dose of her affection. Kisses, hugs and other caresses from the goddess are constant demonstrations of love that make you never stop feeling loved by her.
Artemis is also overprotective and terrified that your naivety could be used against you, so she decides that taking you against your will to live with her is the best decision. Scream, cry and fight back all you want, but the goddess of the hunt never lets her prey out of her reach.
You would be considered her most precious treasure, kept under her protection 24 hours a day, imprisoned in the temple dedicated to the goddess.
Her powers of throwing plagues and diseases are quite useful in this situation. While he hates to even think of inflicting punishments on you for behaving, Artemis is not averse to the idea of secretly sickening you to keep you close, under her constant control and care. And when it comes to her enemies in love, be they gods or mortal men, she is also not indifferent to the idea of using all possible tricks to ward off anyone capable of taking her sweet beloved away from her arms.
Whether through plagues, diseases or even hunting them personally, the goddess has no limits when it comes to you.
You are her sweet naive little angel. Only hers. And you better accept your fate, like it or not, because she will never let you go.
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the-broken-truth · 11 months
Best Friend - Yandere Cassandra Savage
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Broken Truth: I found out there is literally no content with Cassandra Savage and a Reader; at least, not from what I see. So, I'm making my own. You all really should have expected this from me by now.
Vandal: Wolf! Time to train!
Broken Truth (Shivers): Coming, Vandal! Gotta go! (Runs off)
You were Cassandra's Best Friend - the one thing she clung to from her old life before she joined her father - Vandal Savage - on the Warworld. The bond she shared with you was close enough to be considered a siblingship and - even though you were not linked to Cassandra through Vandal Savage - she still treated you as such; there were things she would do for you that she would never do for another. She would never admit it because she needed to keep her appearance up as Vandal Savage's Daughter, but you were her most precious one; she wouldn't tell you or her father, but she loved you. More than anything.
You lived a regular life on Earth - you had a job and went to school but you always looked forward to the weekends when Cassandra would come to visit you. The two of you would head out to get food and Cassandra would tell you all about her travels with her father - all lies, of course. She crafted a story that her father came to her for aid to spread his influence to make his business larger; which wasn't entirely a lie but she could bring herself to tell you the truth about who she really was, about who her father truly was and his mission, about where she had been all this time.
You sometimes asked her about her father, but she would always tell you that she didn't want to talk about her father, he was a rather reserved man and didn't like his business out there; you understood and refused to pry any further. That was another thing Cassandra loved about you - you understood her better than anyone and you knew not to test her boundaries. All she wanted was to be with you and rest her head on your shoulder as the two of you would sit and watch the stars; you would constantly ask her what she thought was beyond those stars and her answer would be the same: Beings more powerful than us.
Cassandra loved her time with you, however, all good things must come to an end and every mask eventually falls off and shatters into millions of pieces, revealing the monsters underneath.
It was a weekend like any other, Cassandra was waiting for you outside your school in civilian clothes; this was going to be the night she confessed her feelings for you and claimed you as her own, however, it would seem that fate had to throw a monkey wrench in that plan. Cassandra was leaning against the wall when she heard you laughing and talking to someone else - none of your friends knew who she really was so she saw no reason to hide herself.
Critical Mistake.
When her brown eyes locked with the brown eyes of Artemis Crock, who was standing beside you; she knew things were going to get bad. You saw Cassandra and waved at her with that dazzling smile of yours and you started walking over to her when Artemis grabbed your arm and yanked you back by her side, causing Cassandra to snarl and you to look at her with confusion in your eyes.
"Artemis, what are you doing?" You asked the blonde-haired girl who continued to glare at Cassandra while keeping her grip on your arm.
"Get your hand off of them, Huntress." Cassandra growled - no one was around so they didn't hear what she said, but you looked wide-eyed.
"Cassandra, how do you know who she is? What is going on?" You asked.
"When you told me her name, I didn't think it would be Cassandra Savage." Artemis said to you while glaring at Cassandra.
"Savage? That's not Cassandra's Last Name." You said to Artemis, who shook her head.
"She's been lying to you, [Name]." Artemis said.
"Shut your damn mouth, Huntress, and release them! Don't you say a damn word!" This couldn't be happening. Cassandra was so close to making you hers and now this brat was going to ruin everything.
"[Name], her real name is Cassandra Savage - she is the daughter of Vandal Savage, an immortal man who has horrible intentions for humanity for the sake of his plan to progress humanity." Artemis said
Your eyes widened...
"V-V-Vandal Savage?" You looked horrified at that name. You started thinking back to when you were a child: Your father was working on a project that consumed most of his time away from you and your family. You wanted to surprise him and hid in the cabinet in his office and waited for him to return with a smile on your face. He did return...but he was not alone.
A large towering man was with him - he had 3 large scars upon his face and eyes that were filled with an unknown emotion but you knew he was dangerous, so you kept quiet and listened to their conversation. Your father was working on something for the man and once he handed a small vial over, along with a file, the man placed them on the table and gently placed his hands on your father's head and spoke...
"You have aided Vandal Savage well...however, your usefulness is at an end. Rest now." The man - Vandal Savage - said as he turned his hands in such a way and a sickening crack was heard. You covered your mouth to keep from screaming or making any noises; you watched as Vandal hugged your father's body and gently placed him on the ground before he took the vial and file with him, leaving the office.
You waited for a while - 30 minutes - before you slowly pushed the cabinet door open and crawled to your father's body with tears in your eyes. You tried to shake him away but it was no use - he was gone. You curled up to his body and lay there until the police came and took you away while they took away the bodies of your parents; Vandal had apparently killed your mother before killing your father in the same way - a single snap of the neck and gently placed on the kitchen tile.
You looked horrified as you looked at Cassandra, who looked into your eyes as she shook her head as if silently telling you not to believe anything Artemis was saying, but you knew Artemis, you knew she would never lie to you. Not about something like this.
"You... You're Vandal Savage's Daughter? Vandal Savage killed my parents and you're his daughter? You never told me? Cassandra...why?" You asked with a whimper as tears threatened to fall from your eyes.
"[Name], please... Understand that I was only trying to spare you." Cassandra tried but you exploded at her.
"[Name]... Please... I didn't want to lose you - I never wanted to lose the person I love." Cassandra tried but you looked away from her. You couldn't take it anymore - your heart could take it anymore - so you bolted, away from Artemis and away from Cassandra. You never wanted to see her again.
Cassandra tried to run after you but Artemis stood in the way - this was all her fault. The one she loved and who once loved her ran away from her and ruined all her plans. She wasn't going to let you escape her love for you, she would find you, but she needed to deal with this pain in her neck before she could claim what belonged to her.
Cassandra would have you and there was nothing you or anyone else could do about it.
Broken Truth: Continue? Give me your opinions, guys. I would like to hear them, please be respectful, however.
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
It's the same anon that send in the previous royal! Reader ask with reader being betrothed. I saw that your requests were open and I wanted to see if you could write headcanons regarding that same topic. I didn't want to put it in the previous ask because it got a bit too long.
The whole royalty reader idea gets more interesting depending on which zelda/link you're with. 
Give me a duo who had an arranged marriage with you before the calamity. Spending so much time with their sweet bride and refusing to let you even think about helping out in the war. You can try to fight them about how you're capable and able to do more to defend their country and cry you might but they refuse to let you do anything about it. To them you're so much better suited to waiting the war out while they take care of it. Zelda often takes you to the springs with her, just knowing you're there while she prays alleviates her anxiety. The goddess has to hear her cries when youre by her side. Who could ignore such a sweet soul?
Link likes this as well. Being able to watch both of you helps him relax. Having you away from him not knowing if any yiga rats might hurt you tears him apart. It is his duty to protect you and his princess. Keeping you close by is the best way to make sure you're safe. Even if the lack of privacy may hurt your feelings it is absolutely necessary. Tying the knot between you and Zelda helped with relations between your two nations. The extra help with the war was sweet but having you as her prize was the real victory- even if no one ever heard how badly she wanted to just have you.
Zelda loves it when you help with the guardians. She can't spend all of her time studying them so having you do it and talking about it over tea and while travelling really makes her happy. Listening to your sweet voice go over the numbers and talk about how her plans are going along well just sounds so much sweeter when coming from your lips. The extra help with her other more mundane tasks like hair braiding and just the slow sweet domestic moments are her greatest pleasure. The way you help with domestic affairs was the whole point of the marriage after all.
Link feels a bit off while witnessing those moments but the way Zelda smiles when she looks at you makes up for all of it. He loves seeing the two of you being so happy. He smiles and finds that even your aura is enough to bring out the best in him. It's hard for him to keep such a cold demeanour when you're breaking down all of his walls.
. . .
Post calamity these two would be a handful. For multiple reasons. I didn't mention it much before but you are always at Zelda’s side or in a location they are ok with you being at, such as the castle. After the calamity it's hard to keep you pent up in one house all the time and even travelling with them isn't safe. Plus it's been one hundred years and they're not the same people they once were.
Flora lost you once and was convinced as she sent Link to the shrine of resurrection and as the two of you were separated that you were dead. She used the memory of who she was fighting for to help fuel her energy in the fight against holding the calamity back. Fighting the years away she awoke and found the most beautiful sight waiting to greet her. Her heart was so over flowing it felt like everything that happened up to this point was all worth it. Losing you was too much to remember most days. Yet here you were. Wild taking up the mantle of guardian you again. 
The new hero is certainly different. That much is easy to tell. He doesn't really remember you and his tendencies to always have to keep you in his line of sight are gone the first time you meet. He truly doesn't remember you. After such a long time, who can blame him but it still hurts you a bit. All Wild can recall is that you were a visiting royal who stayed at the castle. How you managed to live for so long, you explained it was all simple luck (magic, being put in the shrine of resurrection with link, Purahs anti aging device, idk maybe love or the calamity did it in hopes you would fall to the malice but you never did).
You spent your time adventuring and travelling with Wild. Hoping to rescue the princess and put an end to the calamity that you witnessed destroy everything ages ago. The dynamic changes a lot. You and Wild have spent a lot of time together and even after rescuing Flora he isn't willing to let go of you. The Link who died had to stand by because he couldn't mess with the royal wedding but there's no need to keep himself away anymore.
There was a time seeing the two of you being so close would have made her jealous, now however? She found seeing the two of you quite calming. Wild's yandere tendencies make her feel secure. She doesn't have to worry about your safety as Wild has obviously gotten ground rules set down that you follow. They're both so overprotective of you but it's clear to see why. Flora can get a bit jealous of the two of you; but who wouldn't be after seeing the way you smile? The jealousy never lingers but it does make her feel sorry about what happened. The life she promised you, the kingdom she was going to rule with you, and all of the plans for the future. It's all gone. She can no longer give you what she once was going to.
As the two of you spend more time together and rekindle what was there it only fuels her love for you. It cements the fact that you married her for her. Not for her title, not for the kingdom, not any of it. For her. You want her. You went so far as to help Wild save her. All for love. She considers the two of you still married and would love to redo your vows.
. . .
Age of calamity Fauna and Calamity. This link is far more stern. There's a literal war going on. He can't spend his time always on the lookout for you. He needs you to stay put as far away from the front line as possible. Fauna lets Calamity do the stern talking but she gets in on it as well when you start to pull the royalty card to try and regain some of your freedom. It's not like you're going far, but it's still so dangerous and they can't bear to lose you. Once Fauna unlocks her powers she gets an aura around her, in truth though she couldn't care less about unlocking her powers. All she wants is for this war to be over a day sooner. She can't wait until this war is behind her so she can just live a normal life with you.
Keeping you by her side all the time and spending her days in the castle while you share stories with her is all she truly wants. Calamity’s goal is the same. He just wants to put this all behind him so he can finally figure out who he is without all of this hero business. Fauna has no issues with sharing you between the two as they have spent so much time together that there's really nothing he can hide from her, and her from him. Your life after the war is much like it was before just with two very needy yanderes who have to have your attention at all times.
. . .
Time would love for nothing more than to take you away. He loves to have you visit him at work when hes with the knights or at the farm. Seeing your down to earth and kind personality as a royal makes him feel secure in the kingdom's future. Due to this part of the timeline being the one where he was sent back to a kid before Ganon betrayed Hyrule. The hero wasn't needed and Zelda never let Ganon into the sacred realm so he feels… sort of odd. He enjoys your company and adores being able to talk about being a hero around you without feeling strange about the whole ordeal. You're so hypnotising he's always at such a loss for words around you. In a sense he knows he's the one who should be treating you like royalty but there is one small issue. You Are to be wed to Lullaby.  He knows you're more than friends but he can't just take you away because to do so would upset your marriage; and he can't stretch the truth to Malon and say he kidnapped the princess. That's what Ganon did; but he can't live in this fantasy world while wishing you were his. He lets this eat him up inside until he eventually talks to his Zelda about it but it's a hard topic.
Lullaby seems loyal and regal and in royal gossip there is this air of her being holier than thou but it's all air. An aura. She doesn't do anything like that at all. In fact part of what drew you to her was how down to earth she is. She's a very multilayered person. She works day and night both as princes but mostly as a sheikah warrior. While exposing Ganon as a traitor she can't be sure his influence is fully gone. She needs stability and power and she has about ten different jobs to get down and they all need to be done by now. She needs someone all the time. Someone who can help her. To comfort her when she cries, to rub her back when she's sick, to be there with her when she prays, she needs a friend and ally and someone to help her spar. She sees how willing you are to help and she latches onto that. The love of her life just showed up out of the blue and now everything feels so much easier. The problems fade away as the hours pass when you're by her side.
Once you've started to help her she's already planning to get her claws in you and never let go. Deals and money exchanges hands all the time and if she gets her own a bit dirty who can prove it was really her and not Sheik? Lullaby is the type to not realise how far gone she is in her obsession with you until she's already planning on how others might need to die and realises “oh, this wasn't on my schedule yesterday.” and she snaps out of it for a moment and it hits her like a ton of bricks. She LOVES loves you. It hits her how much she can't stand to lose you. The light of her life is not even the gods could keep her from you now. As long as you're married your bond will be eternal but she can't help but want more to do with you. She lets Time in to help protect you and watch over you, and to keep you busy when she's not around- but she has to come first in the relationship. She can share but not when she wants you, only when she can't be there right now. She’ll let him in when she's not there and sees it as thanks for keeping you safe but Lullaby can't bear to see how close you are if you two haven't done something together yet. She can't stand to feel like second best.
. . .
Artemis is a troublemaker. Not because she is by heart but because she wants a domestic life but she just cant afford it. She is wealthy enough, but her kingdom just suffered from a war. Your marriage was chosen just as much for political gain as it was her hope for a loving partner. She is a hopeless romantic and often vents to Link and Impa and has them weigh in on who they think would be a good choice. She is very picky and settles on you after a few tests and invites you over only to realise you have such a good heart. You don't act like those other nobles and you care a lot for the people. Is it meant to try and test you by setting up scenarios to fall into your hands? Even as she does so she watches from the corner as a spy does it for her and she just prays seeing you prove yourself time and time again.
Although Artemis wants the picture perfect life nothing in her Hyrule is picture perfect right now. No matter how hard she works there is always something else that needs to be done. TWhen she meets you she's caught off guard. It all seems too soon for the perfect person ever to walk in while she's still trying to recover. She built up her walls so much that when she meets you and you're perfect she realises she's now a major red flag. More so as she starts to plan on how to trap you into marrying her. Suddenly she's nervous and wiping sweat off of her hands and trying so hard to act casual but she cant be after seeing how your eyes look and you're so gorgeous, is it too soon to take a bite out of you? Handling her is handling seven different bombs that are all going to go off at different times and cause six different sized explosions. A lot of fun for people who enjoy that type of chaos but unfortunately she makes peace with the fact that you two will never have a picture perfect relationship on the inside. She craves you too badly to play nice.
Warrior is just as bad as Artemis is sometimes. He has seen far too much war to feel ok and the thoughts and feelings of everything he saw and went through weigh heavy on him. He needs comfort and finds so much of it in you. When on his late night walks he finds himself at your door. Having walked to you without even realising it. Artemis is jealous of him at first but she softens as soon as she sees the way he relaxes around you. She can't be mad at him; she just can't stand to see the two of you alone. As long as she's there to comfort him as well she doesn't mind, although Link would like some alone time he can't push her on this. The two of them both want you but can't stand to let the other just have you without a fight, and neither of them are up for anymore fighting.
. . .
Ok that's all the ones I have for now, I wish I could have written more because there so many small details that I think would really shine in a long form writing or a one shot but I don't have the time for that my lunch break is almost over... I loved this so much I hope it makes sense. I focused more on how the dynamic plays between the two rather than them both sharing you, but that's because I think its so much more interesting! I would love to write more about this soon
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l0v3s1ckm0th · 9 months
Hello! If you’re still doing Artemis fowl, how about a Yandere Artemis fowl with gn reader with cuddling hc? No worries if you don’t do Artemis anymore, have a good day! :)
A/N: oh my god, i'm so so sorry for not responding to this earlier, i wasn't even aware i had gotten this request! i still write for artemis, yes, i hope you enjoy this <3
warning/s: yandere behavior, envy, mentions of kidnapping, a hint of manipulation
word count:
you lied in your bed, not able to sleep. you turned over to face the clock, 2:34 AM. god.. how long had you been stuck here?
Artemis was originally just a guy you met at school. he was cold, calculating, quiet, but never afraid to show how little he respected someone.
when you met him, you would've never thought he'd end up falling for you. it took weeks before he even started acting like he tolerated you. then the months went by, and you two were growing closer by the day. sadly, he snapped when he saw you interacting with Oliver, the boy who had a crush on you.
if only you had seen the look in his eyes before agreeing to go home with him. now you had been stuck at the Fowl Manor for.. what? three weeks?
Artemis respected your space and let you have time for yourself, but sometimes you'd still feel bothered by his stare as he sat on the edge of your bed.
..would it be so bad to give him a chance? after all this time, you were getting a bit desperate. you did like him before he abducted you, did you not?
you slowly got up and knocked on the door to Artemis' room. he had taken the liberty of making sure you could always reach him— and so he could always reach you.
Artemis opened the door, looking a bit groggy. "did you need something?" his voice was slightly raspy, telling you you woke him up just now.
"a-ah.. yes, uhm.." you took a deep breath. "could we cuddle? i can't sleep." you adverted your gaze, not wanting to watch his reaction.
a minute went by before he responded. "is that all? of course we can." he showed you that oh-so rare smile of his. he led you to his bed and lied you down. he wrapped his arms around your torso and held you with your face to his chest.
he rubbed comforting circles onto your back and occasionally kissed the top of your head. was it so bad to give in...? this felt nice, comforting even.
it didn't take all too long before you dozed off. as you slept, Artemis had to keep himself from giggling. the lower half of his face was pressed into the top of your head, hiding his giant grin. how long had he been waiting for this? months at least. you were starting to accept you were his, and you did it willingly.
he just loved you so much, how could he let you go? his grip around you tightened ever so slightly as he began to doze off as well. "goodnight, darling." he whispered, pressing one last kiss to your forehead.
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
Title: Illuminated.
Pairing: Yandere!Apollo x Reader (Greek Mythology).
Word Count: 1.0k.
TW: Stalking, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, No Specified Gender For The Reader But They Are A Hunter Of Artemis, and Implied Kidnapping.
[Commissioned Piece. Donate To Palestinians In Gaza Here.]
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“You, my love, are the poet’s demise.”
You stiffened at the sound of his melodic voice, shrinking into yourself before thinking better of taking on such a mouse-like posture and straightening. Still, you failed to stop yourself from crossing your arms over your chest, pulling your knees up and hoping beyond hope that the silvery water would be enough to hide your form from his unfaltering stare. You thought it’d be safer to bathe at night, apart from your sisters, when the softened moonlight protected you from his burning gaze, but you’d been naïve to think that any hour could be late enough to spare you haven. During the day, you lived under the burning gaze of his blazing chariot, busied yourself with shooting down hawks and ravens carrying gifts in their beaks, and at night, he had no burdens to keep him from closing the distance between you using less... ancillary methods.
“I’m afraid you must be mistaken, my lord.” You forced yourself to laugh, glancing over your shoulder. Sure enough, Apollo stood on the river’s opposing bank, his tanned skin nearly radiant in the darkness. If the sight of him hadn’t brought you such dread, you might’ve thought him beautiful. “As of late, my aim’s been so poor that I can hardly call myself a stag’s demise, let alone a man’s.”
You were quick to look away from him, but you could still hear his gentle hum, picture the way his lips would lilt upward as he shook his head. “I’m afraid it’s deathly true,” he went on, taking a step forward. The water rushed to part as he stepped where it had once been, and in turn, you scrambled for the robes you’d left on the shore, barely managing to pull the ashen cloth around yourself before Apollo came to stand in front of you, his light quickly doing away with what little protection the shadows offered. It was only after you were haphazardly dressed that you considered it might be considered an affront to hide any part of yourself from divinity, but the worry was quickly forgotten. It was only natural to want to create yet another barrier between you and him. Even insects knew to run from their betters. “For even the most talented bard would struggle beyond words to describe your beauty. They could be chained to their desk for an eternity, study under the Muses’ own tutelage, and still be unable to write a single line.”
He held out a hand to you, but you pretended not to realize he meant for you to take it. “You’re far too kind. If you have a message for Lady Artemis, there’s no need to bribe me with such—”
“My love,” he cut in, his smile unwavering. “If I had any desire to speak to my sister, your help would not be necessary.”
“A prophecy concerning our next hunt, then? If there’s something we mustn’t do, I ought to get the Huntmaster, she’ll—”
“My love.” You felt your throat tighten, your mouth go dry. “Although your voice is sweeter than honey and lovelier than birdsong, I’ll admit – I do find myself rather irritated when it’s used to employ such thinly veiled excuses. Any more, and I might think it better to encase your tongue in gold. At least, then, I might have something charming to admire while you lie to me.” His fingers grazed over your jaw as he moved to cup your cheek. It was not a gesture you had the luxury of ignoring. “You know why I have come here.”
Oh, how you wished you’d gone with your sisters.
“I… I can’t, my lord.” Unlike his, your voice was perfectly capable of trembling, of shaking, of plummeting into the sort of jarring, unsteady downward inflections that would’ve been the death of any proper storyteller. “My vows are to Lady Artemis, and—” It was your turn to smile, now, to lilt your head to the side apologetically. “—she’d never forgive me if I broke them. Especially with you.”
For the first time, his good humor seemed to ebb, giving way to not anger, but a melancholy sort of disappointment. “I suppose you’re right,” he relented, his golden glow dimming ever so slightly. Suddenly, it did not hurt quite so unbearably to look at him. “It’s a terrible thing. Me and my sister never did learn to share.”
Relief nearly managed to overshadow your revulsion. “I really am sorry. My desire is not to insult you, but—”
This time, when he interrupted you, it was not with a teasing remark, a nectar-dipped pet name, the vague implication of an affection he expected you to return. Rather, there was a sudden brightness in his golden eyes, a sharpened point to his smile, and then, his lips were pressed into yours. The kiss was shallow, but lingering, and when you tried to draw back, the hand on your cheek kept you firmly in place – his hold not crushing, but steadfast, resolute. His unoccupied arm wrapped around your waist, his hand finding its place at the small of your back as he sapped the last of the breath from your lungs. It was only when your palms pressed into his chest, your blunt nails burrowing into his bare skin in a silent plea for air, that he pulled back. Panting and flushed, you made a desperate effort to pull away, to escape back to your encampment, back to your sisters, back to your goddess, but he only cooed, his bowstring calloused fingertips fanning over your cheek.
“Such a terrible thing,” he muttered, and you considered, briefly, that you might’ve been the first mortal to realize just how wretched his voice truly was.
“How fortunate it is, then, that you’ve caught the attention of such a selfish admirer.”
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sweetwolfcupcake · 6 months
Wildflower: 04
The Secret Garden
John Wick x Reader
Category: Short Series
Warnings: None really but creepy, questionable behaviour (what else do you expect in a yandere fic?)
Note: John is relatively younger in this fic( late thirties to early forties)
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(The GIF is not mine, credit to the owner. Sorry, my pea-sized brain cannot keep up from where I downloaded it.)
Wildflower 03
“You have given her the card?”
Another hit, another night at the Continental, another dinner with Winston.
The older man nodded, continuing to eat, eyes on his plate before they rose to meet John’s intrigued ones.
“You know that the card means…”
“She is under my protection and the hotel’s doors are always open for her— services included.” Winston completed.
“She’s a civilian, Winston.” 
John could not get it. Winston seldom gave his personal ‘Access Card’ (As he liked to call it) to anyone– even in their world. John had it, Charon had it and he did not know of anyone else who had it until…Until two nights ago.
When he saw it among (Y/N)’s possessions, he had to look twice. It was, Winston's card, after all, and she fucking carried it around in her bag like an idiot.
“And how did you come to know about the card? I had it shipped to her discreetly.”
Well, that was the question he was dreading. But he would not let it show. 
“I bumped into her during…a job.” He did not elaborate and hoped he would not need to.
“Wrong time, wrong place?”
John nodded. Fortunately, she had just caught the panicked rush. And she had dropped her bag somewhere along the way. John could only imagine what could have happened if the bag fell into the wrong hands– if the card fell into the wrong hands. 
He had only gone through the contents to decide where to drop the bag safely. He totally did not go through her home address and ID.
Winston only hummed and continued to eat. His question, though, was still unanswered.
“She has nothing to do with our world, Winston. She does not need that.”
“Well she walked into our world, had a meeting with me, sat with us at the underground bar— everyone there saw it. I respected Artemis, and I wanted to keep my word.”
Yes, she walked into their world. Like a fucking lamb stumbling into a slaughterhouse. John sighed and continued to eat his dinner. He would rather eat by himself, in the confinement of his room, but he did not mind Winston. Besides, a dinner invitation from the manager of Continental held great significance.
He liked the silence and slowed thoughts when he was in his company, doing mundane things. Like a normal human being. That was the closest to an ordinary life he could ever get. The rest was unattainable luxury. 
But in recent days. Even in the comfort of silence and solitude, his mind was filled with a certain name, a certain smile. A certain face. A certain voice.
It felt so uncharacteristic of him— it was puzzling.  His hold tightened on the knife and fork, the image of her confused face as she looked around people rushing flashed in his mind.
Not again. Not again!
Gulping some wine, he tried to clear his head. He was thinking like that again. He should not be thinking like that. 
She is a civilian. An innocent civilian.
He chided himself.
“Something troubling you Jonathan?”
Of course, Winston would notice. 
He looked up and sighed in silence. Thankfully, Winston did not poke further.
(Y/N) admitted that there were a lot of things she had not prepared herself for before moving to New York— the basics were, thankfully, sorted out in her head. And yet, the pace of life, the mouse problem, more cockroaches, and the general indifference came to her as bumps and jerks. But all was good.
Everything was good until two days ago.
Nothing prepared her for a literal shootout at a subway station and losing her bag in the process. Thankfully, she was not caught in the middle of the crossfire— it was just the panicked rush just outside the crime scene. 
But what she was more thankful about, was the fact that a kind officer brought her bag to her doorstep by the same evening. Her wallet was in that bag with her address. She did not wish to think what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands. Crime in the city ran rampant.
She had heard of it, not much on the news, but more as whispers floating around in her relatively quieter town. But she never paid much heed to them. She had treated them as rumours— the news did not show much, after all. The news did not show even half of it. But above all, the general public’s indifference to such crimes baffled her. 
Did they not want their city safe? Were they not afraid? What era was it? 
She reflected on Alex’s words. They discussed the same. 
“You eventually grow immune to it.”
He had told her. Not very helpful, but that was an explanation of some sort. People in the city must have grown immune to it— they learned to live with it. But could she grow indifferent as well? She did not think so. 
But there was too much at stake. She did not wish to return to her hometown, was still not talking to her father other than one-worded texts, had a job in New York that paid well–enough, had already signed the recent contract and paid two months of rent and the overall living cost of the city kissed the skies and any spontaneous decision would end up burning her pocket— not just a hole in her pocket.
So, the only option left was to get up, dust herself and keep moving. Yet, among all the chaos, she was glad to have found a friend like Alex. His humour and insight always helped. Her thoughts moved to her encounter with John Wick a few days ago. Clearly, Alex and John knew each other. But Alex never elaborated other than calling John an ‘acquaintance’ and John…well, she might as well admit that she would be reluctant to approach him under most circumstances. 
There was— she could not put a pin on it. But there was something almost ominous about that man. The way he looked, the way he spoke, the way he stood, carried himself— every aspect about him seemed to stand out. Not enough to gain immediate attention, but enough to steer clear of his way.
Now, that did not make sense. She realised. Neither did her observation that there was still something inexplicably melancholic about that man. His eyes were unreadable but sharp and so eerily calm that his gaze made her gulp– true. But there was a deep sense of sadness. It was subtle, but it was so ever-present that it seemed to have become a part of him. Nothing temporary but an inseparable part of him.
Now, that’s a bit of a stretch!
She chided herself. What was she doing? Wondering about a man she had met only a couple of times, weaving assumptions and stories?
She shook her head and took the last bite of her dinner. She missed how dinners were timely back in her home. She missed her home a lot, she was not afraid to admit it. But she was too proud to go back. So, whatever it was, she needed to get along with it.
What was he doing?
John was at a fix. He had the night to himself— a chance to relax but why was he not under the covers, relaxing on his bed?
Why was he standing in the darkest corner of the room, watching her sleeping form? Her apartment was decent, he noticed and she was careless enough to not even feel a presence in her room.
What if it were someone else?
Someone dangerous?
You are dangerous.
His subconscious mocked.
John blinked, trying to convince himself that it was all for Winston’s sake— he had taken her under his wing and John, being close to Winston, must play his part in protecting her. Especially when wolves were lurking around, one had followed her from the Continental, sniffing behind, wrapping a sheep’s skin over to lure her near.
Alex Norton…
He was skilled with poison and guns, and while John had never crossed paths with him at work, they had shared a few respectful nods now and then at the Continental. But now…
Now he was keeping an eye out for Norton. 
John gulped, keeping his eyes fixed on her form. If he could keep his reservations aside, he understood Norton’s fascination with the girl.
They were both starved creatures from hell, crawling out now and then, and she was an angel, offering the solace he knew he did not deserve.
She offered what people like him were deprived of. It was tempting to just pull her into the depths of the dark with him, let her light it up— but how unfair, how cruel would that be?
Did he not see and endure enough cruelty? Why would he want an innocent civilian to lose their privileges just because one starving, deformed, empty soul had suddenly realised how impossibly bleak and bitter his world was?
No, John had made peace with this life. He would not call himself ‘the best’, but he knew he was good—- good enough to win special privileges at the New York Continental– to win the confidence of Winston Scott. 
He never truly understood Winston, or his ways.
As far as he knew, Artemis was like any other patron at the Continental and had been a part of the underground before he officially left his��tribe, in search of freedom— some semblance of it at least. He had it now, and it was the best he could get. 
He must make peace with it.
He stared at the asleep woman for a good minute before looking away. He needed to leave. He wanted to leave. He really wanted…
John sighed and leaned against the wall instead.
He would just watch, and observe. He would keep a distance. Like he should.
So, we are getting at creepy John, I don't want it to be too slow, but I also want it to be realistically paced. I don't know hat I'm doing, but I am doing it anyway.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
hcs of artemis and athena liking the same s/o? :D a very random pairing but their my two favorite gods so I thought it would be interesting lol - 🌓 anon
❝ 🏹— lady l: done, anon! It's a very random pair, in this case a very random polyamorous relationship but I really enjoyed writing this, I had fun imagining them fighting over the same darling. I hope you like it and I'm sorry for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, manipulation, dub-con ('cause it is yandere content), overprotection, mention of murder and polyamorous relationship.
❝🦉pairing: yandere!artemis/yandere!athena x gender neutral!reader
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This could only happen if both goddesses had the same reason or at least motives and once the other realized the other's obsession with you it would complicate things a lot. Artemis is not as possessive as Athena but she still doesn't like the idea of sharing her darling with anyone. Athena is very possessive and very unlikely to agree to share you, but it's not impossible. They want you and they will have you, whether that's what you want or not, they don't care.
Artemis would be the first to set eyes on you, she's had her eye on you since she saw you in one of the forests that belonged to her. At first she watched you to make sure you didn't do anything evil to her animals, but her gaze softened when she realized that you didn't have any hidden bad intentions, quite the contrary, she smiled softly when she watched you petting a little deer that approached you. As she stared at you, the goddess's mind filled with disturbing thoughts of keeping you with her. Artemis didn't know what to think or do as her mind filled with such sickening thoughts.
Athena took an interest in you not long after your half-sister did. You found yourself attracting the attention of the goddess of wisdom after being one of her chief priestesses/priests, although you had not sworn to her, during a silly and small festival, you were her priestess/priest, and after saying the right words perfectly, the goddess found herself marveling at this mortal. From that day on, Athena found herself constantly chasing you, which makes you grow paranoid, even if there was never anything after you. The goddess found herself increasingly obsessed with you, she became a constant figure in your life, unbeknownst to you, she began to appear in places you frequent disguised as an ordinary mortal woman. You just couldn't get out of her head no matter what she did.
Once they noticed each other's interest in you, the fights would start. Athena is rational and doesn't usually fight physically, she prefers to destroy her opponents and enemies with words and tricks while Artemis is not afraid to fight physically for something. It would be Artemis who would question the other goddess about you, irritated by her feelings for you, and Athena would only retaliate with short and determined words. They clearly weren't going to compromise nor were they willing to give up on you, so they were both going to settle this the old-fashioned way: they were going to see who won you over first.
Artemis would try to win you over through tours of her reserves, words of comfort and she would love to teach you how to use a bow and arrow. She would be the most fun type, she wants you to have more fun with her than anyone else. Hunting with you is her favorite activity as it shows how close you are to each other, as you share the same activity and hunting is a sacred act to Artemis and there are few that she allows to hunt alongside her without being one of her hunters. She would love to take you to whatever corners of her woods you desire, the ones that no one but her is allowed to be. She would be bold and confident as ever in her approach to you, she would only become even more so as you reciprocated your feelings for the goddess of the hunt. Artemis would smile triumphantly as she watches you fall asleep in her arms. You are hers and she will always remind you of that.
Athena is an extremely proud goddess and that's why I don't see her giving up or accepting the idea of losing to anyone, even a goddess. She would be the most rational one in the situation, or she tries to be at least, Athena would discover all yours secrets and yours darkest desires in order to get even closer to you. She would smile and say words of encouragement to you whenever you felt physically and mentally drained, soft and gentle touches would be even more common and hugs even more so. She wants you to trust her, she wants you to trust her blindly and never question her about any decision she makes about her relationship. You should only trust her, others are not to be trusted, only I can keep you safe, she will be whispering these words in yours ear. Athena will feel nothing but the purest pride and satisfaction to have you trusting her and depending on her for anything. She loves to read and do any craft activity with you, it's one of the goddess's favorite moments with you. You owe her everything and she just wants you all to herself.
They will only come to an agreement to divide you after they cause too much chaos not only in your life but in the lives of the other gods, since they are always arguing about you. It will be Zeus who will likely have to step in and try to reach an agreement. He is very fond of both daughters, but everyone knows that Athena is his favorite, so I imagine he chooses her to be with you, making Artemis furious about it. The goddess of the hunt will argue that she was the one who saw you first and therefore has the most claim to you, which will cause even more arguments among the gods. They will agree to share you after both of them are threatened by Zeus and Hera, with the promise that if they don't agree you will be the one to suffer the consequences and, worried about their darling, they reluctantly accept this agreement.
The three of you's relationship turns out much better than expected, they ended up understanding each other for you and only focused on what you wanted and the selfish desires of each of the goddesses. They still had grudges against each other but tried their best not to let those feelings show so will not bother you even more with this situation. Each one of them has a specific time with you, during the day you belong only to Athena and during the night to Artemis, respecting the limits of the agreement proposed by Zeus and enjoying the time with you without caring about anything else. Athena spends the day by your side, she loves doing anything that isn't out of her comfort zone with you, reading and painting are her favorites, even more so if she has the opportunity to paint you in full or partial nudity. Artemis spends the night by your side, she likes to teach you how to fight and to take you hunting just the two of you in the silence of the night, she likes to know that you trust her and feel comfortable by her side, she loves to watch the moon with you lying in her arms. It's heaven as far as both goddesses are concerned.
The two goddesses will team up when a threat to you and them appears, they try to deal with it quickly and effectively, but if the threat is greater it can complicate things a bit. Artemis will not tolerate anyone coming between the two of you, or for that matter, the three of you. She will try to be quick to deal with the threat and, if it is something that is really dangerous, she will slaughter them with great pleasure. Athena will be more cruel, throwing them a curse that will end in their death by some hero or another cruel god. They will lean on when they are jealous or if you are in danger, all disputes for your attention and love will be put aside for your safety. Nothing and no one will hurt you as long as you are with them.
They'll learn to share you better over time, and who knows, when all the anger and resentment is let go, the three of you really do become a couple at once. Artemis is bold and determined in her relationship, her temper often getting the better of her many times. Athena is possessive and never forgets an offense done to her. They will eventually learn to share you the right way in time, they must do it for their own sanity and once they do, peace between the three of you will settle. You wouldn't have to worry anymore that they'll end up killing themselves because of you and they'll be even more attached to you than ever. Everything was fine and would be fine. All you have to do is allow yourself to be obsessively loved by the two goddesses and love them back. It's just that, it shouldn't be that complicated, right?
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Yandere Olympus x hurt reader (headcanons)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you were practically the baby of Olympus, being the youngest child of Zeus and Hera you were always being protected by one of your older siblings or other family. it is rare that you are out of their view.
so it was quite a surprise when their precious baby god/goddess was carried up by Hermes with a broken arm after they were left alone for a few hours in the mortal realm.
nearly instantly your family was at your side, making sure you were ok and asking what happened. when you explain that you had spooked the horse of a mortal and it knocked you down breaking your arm just by the way you fell they were furious, not with you or the horse but for that mortal for not controlling their horse, accident or not they would pay for hurting their precious baby.
as you sat in your bedroom with your mother and Apollo having your arm healed your father sent Ares to have a field day with the person who was responsible for your injury.
even after your arm is healed you are forced to stay in bed for weeks, your mother and father visiting you and your siblings entertaining you. when you're finally let out of bed you're practically guarded by all of your siblings, you thought that they never left you alone before but now they go as far as sleeping in your room to make sure that you stay safe.
and you can kiss ever leaving Olympus again goodbye, if you're let out of your room you will be near someone in your family at all times they won't risk you being hurt again.
if anyone tries to go near you who isn't another god, even if it's just a servant on Olympus they will either be hurt or killed depending on who sees them.
out of your sibling's Hermes, Dionysus, and Artemis will be the most lenient and not apply as many rules to you, wanting to keep you happy along with healthy.
ares and Apollo along with your parents will not in the slightest be lenient, if anything they made the rules so they would never break them.
in the end, you will be constantly protected and no matter how many centuries go by you will always be their baby and no one will change that.
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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shmowder · 1 month
If you feel up to writing more yandere (or maybe just a bit too overprotective) stuff, maybe Daniil and/or Artemy finding out that someone who was shitty to the reader in the past has moved to the Town? Like a toxic ex or friend 👀
There will never ever be a time in my life where I'm not up for more yandere patho content. It's living rental free in my frontal lobe fully furnished and all.
Yandere Bachelor meeting your Toxic ex
[Softcore Yandere, Obsession, Overprotectiveness, Toxic ex]
[Danill Dankovsky x GN Reader]
Your behaviour was gradually becoming more erratic.
The bags forming under your eyes–lack of sleep?–The occasional glancing at every person passing you by–a hint of fear?–The short replies, the scripted politeness, the haze clouding your pupils, your mind is clearly somewhere else even as Dankovsky stood in front of you.
The audacity.
A thousand details, subtle changes in your demeanour, things no one but him would ever notice about you. All the symptoms he noted down thoroughly each night. Inked on papers and saved next to your files.
There must be a cause, a source that led to all of these unexplainable changes. All the progress he was previously making in getting closer to you was suddenly halted as you began to clam up, be more guarded, and skittish.
Not just around him, but everyone in your life. Not daring to step outside your doorway more than once a week for groceries, declining his several invitations, be it letters or in-person. You evaded meeting his questioning gaze–hugging yourself with yours arms, guilt or shame?–as you politely rejected another offer to spend time together, be it a short stroll or a sharing a bottle of red back at his place.
His pride preventing him from cornering you and asking you directly what's the meaning behind your latest behaviour, demanding the truth.
Part of him felt insulted that you wouldn't confide in him by your own free will. Who else do you have but him at your side? He's made sure to tailor himself perfectly to your tastes, to present himself as the ideal man of your dreams.
Nonetheless, mopping around won't get results. Daniil puts his figurative detective hat back on and gets to work, pulling at the thread until it unravels. Offering your friends a drink or two to get their tongues loose, cashing in a couple of favours from the Scarlet Mistress herself and an old university friend.
The current facts so far are:
1- A train arrived into town 3 weeks ago on Thursday's afternoon.
2- The earliest of your symptoms appeared on Saturday's morning, as recorded in his files.
3- A witness claimed she saw you leave the Brokenheart Pub in a hurry on Friday's night.
The rest was a cakewalk; finding out about the verbal fight you had in the backalley of the pub, vague recalls from bystanders on how the person attempted to grab you before you ran off.
The picture became more and more clear of what happened that night.
Of who you've been avoiding.
A stranger stands out in this town like a sore thumb, Daniil would know from personal experience, after all. Your ex hasn't been attempting to hide, either. If anything, they were purposely causing a scene after another in an attempt to get your attention, reel you out of hiding.
What a pathetic display.
As a doctor, as your personal care provider, it simply falls within his responsibility to get rid of any stubborn migraines attempting to weasle their way back into your life.
And with what your symptoms imply, the untold things they've put you through, clear and loud to anyone with a speck of common sense and logic...
Allowing them to walk away with their life seems too kind.
Daniil hasn't always been a fan of radical treatment, but he'll make an exception this time around. If the cure to your illness of heart is their life, then so be it. You've already given them a chance by letting them go; they're the ones who followed you here, stupidly spelling their own demise.
Gather witnesses testimonies of their past transgressions, plant some false evidence, and exaggerate the severity of their crimes.
It doesn't take much to nudge the Saburov on their trail after that.
Not that anyone would doubt the noble bachelor if he came in to report a person and demand they be thrown in prison, but Daniil had a bigger plan in mind.
He admits, the bag full of unprescriped morphine vials planted in their room was an overkill. But it just made the checkmate even more delicious, oh the look on the governor's face as this became a personal matter rather than a mere upkeeping of justice.
The trial only took a day, Daniil proudly standing next to the judge, giving his rehreased speech about how certain kinds of crimes can never be forgiven, how jail is too light of a sentence for certain scums of the earth.
Basking in the look of despair on their face
Their public execution was ordered the next day, just around the afternoon.
That gives him enough time to soak in a scented bath, putting extra effort into his appearance, making sure to grab something fresh from the bakery nearby, and finally arrive at your place.
With the sweetest most angelic smile on his face, asking if you'd please allow him this one short stroll together? Just a simple walk, for his sake. Look, he even brought you warm scones dusted with sugar. You wouldn't say no to him after all the trouble he went through, would you?
The Bachelor looked graceful as ever as he linked his arm with yours, talking about this beautiful spot in town he stumbled upon yesterday.
How he can't wait to show you the fruits of his labour.
With the afternoon sun akin to a warm blanket, you took a bite from the sweet pastry in your hand. Walking side by side in this quaint atmosphere, you tried your hardest to relax...to not think of-
There's a crowd in the distance, you wonder what could it be about.
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itsss4t4n · 10 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Sally face
-Sal Fisher
-Travis Phelps (male or gn readers)
-Larry Johnson
-Ashley Campbell
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
-Bob Andrews
-Peter Shaw
-Justus Jonas
-Skinny Norris
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
-wally west
-roy harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Rise of red
-james hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Hey I was wondering whenever you have time if you can do a yandere Artemis x female archeologist who was on a trip to go Greece to go discover old Greek artifacts when she crashed landed on themascriya and Artemis finds her and at first she's mean discipline and distance and later takes a liking to her. And so she keeps a prisoner until a ship for her to be fixed but Artemis has taken a liking to her and so the reader tries to escape but runs into Artemis and Artemis make sure she doesn't leave by locking her up in a celler in Chains
Broken Truth (Reads the ask and raises an eyebrow): Why does this ask seem familiar? Doesn't matter, let the words weave together!
[Name] [Surname] was a young archeologist that specialized in Greek Ruins, she was of Greek Origin, fluent in the language, and lived in Greece for most of her life until he went to the United States for more opportunities in her field. One day, she got a call from the Chief Archeologist in her crew that they would be heading to her homeland to investigate some ruins that came up when people were breaking the ground and none of the were familiar with the writing or any of the relics that were found. [Name] was excited to return to her homeland after so much time away but something about this dig made her wonder - what were Ancient Ruins doing under the ground and how far did these people dig to find them?
[Name] arrived in Greece about one week later after she got the call from her boss and the time arrived at the ruin site about 5 hours after getting off the plane. [Name's] eyes widened at the sight of the ancient lands before her, buildings, streets, and vendor stands standing far as the eye could see but they have all withered away and looked like they would break apart if she so much as touched them. She got her orders, to go to the main temple and look for any artifacts but be careful with bringing them back to the campsite. She walked into the temple - her steps echoing through the empty halls - and something shiny caught her eye: A single blue gemstone embedded in the wall with writing around it. She took out her dusting brush and removed the dust to make the writing easier to read, however, it was in a language she wasn't able to understand but here was a phrase on the stone she was able to understand.
"Those who are worthy will find riches and glory on the island of Themyscira?" [Name] read out loud - that would prove to be her first mistake for the stone started glowing and blinded her before a doorway opened before [Name] and the winds sucked her into the portal before closing once she was in.
[Name] groaned as she blinked but quickly closed her eyes when direct sunlight hit her eyes; she blinked again to adjust her eyesight to the sudden sunlight before she was able to open her eyes and keep them open. She moved her hand - feeling something soft but firm under her - something like soil or sand as she pushed herself off the ground and looked around - she was on a beach before her was a massive ocean, waves crashing against the surface of the side, just barely touching her feet as she rose to her feet.
'Where am I? This doesn't look like Greece or the Dig Site. What is this place?' [Name] questioned herself as she looked around and began walking along the beachfront. That's when the sound of horse neighing and hooves hitting the sand caught her attention; looking in the direction of the sound, she saw 4 women dressed in ancient armor riding on the backs of horses with swords drawn in their hands. [Name] looked wide-eyed at the woman riding in her direction and tried to turn to run away but something wrapped around her legs, causing her to fall face-first into the sand once again. [Name] grunted as she picked her upper body out of the sand and looked up, just in time to see the tip of a sword point in her face and a rather beautiful woman on the other side of the sword holding the handle.
"Who are you? Why do you trespass here on the Island of Themyscira?" The long-haired woman asked her with a glare in her olive eyes and her lightly tanned skin. "Answer me, Outsider. Who are you and how did you get here?"
"My name is [Name] and I'm not entirely sure how I got here. I was in Greece, exploring a dig site when I found some strange blue stone with strange writing on it. I read the writing and a portal opened up and sucked me in. I woke up here a little while ago. I didn't mean to trespass on your island, I swear this." [Name] said as she looked into the woman's olive eyes with her own [Eye Color] eyes. The woman glared at [Name] before sheathing her sword and looking at the other woman on the horses.
"Sisters, return to the temple and prepare the cell. I shall bring this time to Queen Hippolyta." The Orange-Haired Woman said as she lifted [Name] off the ground and slung her over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Yes, Artemis." One of the women said before the three of them turned their horses around and rode back in the direction they came from.
"Artemis? Like the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt?" [Name] asked as she looked in Artemis' direction, making the Amazon raise her eyebrow.
"You are familiar with me?" Artemis asked.
"Yes. Well, familiar with your legend. It's an honor to meet you, Lady Artemis." [Name] said as she smiled at Artemis, who glared at her.
"Be silent." Artemis placed [Name] on the back of her horse before mounting it again and taking off in the direction of the Amazon Temple.
[About 3 Months Later]
[Name] turned the wrench on the engine of the boat before stepping back and wiping the sweat off her forehead with a smile - that was the last adjustment - the boat was seaworthy now and ready to be filled with gas and set sail.
How did [Name] get a boat?
Well, allow me to explain.
When Artemis brought [Name] before the Amazon Queen - Hippolyta - and explained her story, the queen took pity on the lost soul and told her there was a way to leave Themyscira - fix a boat and be on her way, but until the boat was repaired, Artemis was going to have to watch over her. It had been 3 Months since [Name] started working on the boat, she patched any holes, fixed the navigation system, and salvaged enough fuel from the other vessels to get a full tank of gas. She was ready to leave Themyscira and she was going to leave tonight.
"[Name], are you done in there? It's almost time for dinner." Artemis said from her place on the beach with her arms folded and a smirk on her face. [Name] poked her head from the Engine Compartment and got out of the lower level before looking at the setting sun and lightly chuckled when she noticed how late it was.
"Sorry, Lady Artemis. I didn't know that it was so late." [Name] said as she jumped off the anchored boat and walked over to Artemis. The two of them began walking back to the Amazon City with Artemis constantly looking at [Name] with a small smirk on her face - [Name] was dressed in Amazon Clothing with a dagger at her side and she looked like she belonged with them… With Artemis.
"Lady Artemis, are you alright?" [Name] asked.
"I'm fine. Tell me, [Name], have you ever thought about my offer?" Artemis asked her.
"You mean…" [Name] started.
"Yes - staying here in Themyscira. You have already fit in with your new sisters and everyone loves having you here. Why go back to the World of Man, where people don't respect you?" Artemis asked, looking at you with a dangerous gleam in her eye.
"Lady Artemis, I have a family in the World of Man; people I love and respect. I am not an Amazon. I was not born an Amazon." [Name] said but Artemis shook her head.
"Just because you weren't born an Amazon doesn't mean you can't become an Amazon. You have lived here for three months, I have seen how you interact with the others, you hunt well like one of my huntresses, you can fit in here. Stay with us." Artemis said as she looked [Name] in the eyes but [Name] looked at Artemis and shook her head before going into the meal hall. Artemis stood there and narrowed her eyes before walking in herself.
Something was going to change tonight.
It was midnight - [Name] packed her bags from her room & the gold that Queen Hippolyta gifted her with and placed it all in her backpack. She walked out of her room, down the hall, out of the sleeping quarters, out of the temple, and to the beach to reach her docked boat but when she reached it, her jaw dropped and her eyes widened - the boat was DESTROYED!
Holes in the Haul.
Gas leaking in the ocean.
The Navigation System yanked out.
Everything [Name] worked so hard on was destroyed but how did this happen?! Everything was perfect before she went to bed. Someone did this!
"[Name]? What are you doing out here?" The voice of Artemis called behind her, causing [Name] to look at the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt.
"Someone destroyed my boat! I was going to leave tonight but now I am stuck here! Damnit!" [Name] roared as she threw the boat keys into the sand in anger. Artemis just looked at her back before smiling.
"Maybe someone didn't want you to leave. Maybe someone thought you belonged here, with them." Artemis said as she placed a hand on [Name's] shoulder, making the woman widen her eyes before knocking Artemis' arm away from her and taking a few steps back.
"It was you… YOU DESTROYED MY BOAT AND LEFT ME STRANDED HERE! ARTEMIS, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I TOLD YOU THAT I AM NOT AN AMAZON AND I DON'T BELONG HERE! CERTAINLY NOT WITH YOU! I'M TALKING TO QUEEN HIPPOLYTA ABOUT THIS!!!" [Name] barked as she started walking around Artemis when the goddess grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back before socking her in the face, knocking her out.
"You are mine and I will not let you leave me again, My Love. We are going to stay on Themyscira forever and there is nothing you can do about it." Artemis said as she gathered the unconscious woman in her grasp and walked to the lone temple in the forest, where a fresh bed…and chains were waiting for her prisoner of love.
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
What if the zeldas from the links like sun and sky being yandere for reader too.
Would they Ally with their links are not are would they break those ally with their links if we're to have reader in their hyrule.
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Zelda from koridia game is a savage
So I watched all of the t.v show episodes and I can finally start adding some of my opinions on this, starting with Courage and (I don't think she has a nickname yet I think I’ll just call her Wisdom because it matches her Link’s name but correct me if there's a better one).
. . .
To begin, both of these two can Fight! Wisdom often goes along with Courage to the underground realm where Ganon’s lair is and will help him save the day. While she doesn't like to get her hands dirty if she doesn't have to, she refuses to sit around and do nothing when there's work to be done. She still keeps a strict line between her princess duties and that of a knight. She isn't as competent of a fighter as Courage is so she leaves the heavy hitting to him. She stands back and helps out and manages to keep herself out of trouble just enough that her friend doesn't have to worry about her too much. She doesn't want to be overwhelmed or kidnapped after all.
During her time Hyrule is not as powerful or as present as it once was, and only two pieces of the triforce have been found (in the show they just dismiss the triforce of courage and never mention it so i'm going to assume it’s lost, same with the master sword because they never call Courage’s sword by name and it doesn't seal Ganondorf it just takes him away for awhile.) As such it’s hard for Ganondorf to win; but they also can't seal him away just yet. This means Hyrule for her is a peaceful zone until it isn't for a few days and then it all goes back to normal. Action isn't uncommon but most people live peaceful lives thanks to the efforts and worries from the princess and the triforce’s Guardian.
When you roll into town it isn't under attack but there's still evidence of the terror that rampaged through just a few days prior. It’s clear something bad happened but not bad enough to put a damper on the good peoples spirits. You just finished up booking a room in the inn for the night and you're walking around town trying to figure out what to do when Courage spots you from afar. He stops his morning walk in its tracks just to get a good look at you. A new stranger in town is always newsworthy and he just has to know what you're up to, it might be no good and he reasons that such a pretty thing like you shouldnt be left around with no one by your side. He walks over to you and the conversation is friendly enough, but then he finds out you're an adventurer.
This strikes him as funny because Courage used to be an adventurer like you before he got stuck with a job in the castle. It’s been so long since he's been on the open road and he really misses it. He invites you over top of the castle for some tea and before you can reply he points out that it’s just ahead anyways. You have no choice but to accept as he takes your hand and practically drags you along for the ride. Following him down the brick path through the wide open gates into a stunning and painstakingly kept courtyard the stone brick of the castles waits and beckons you to explore.
He walks down the hallways very casually and asks you lots of questions about where you're from, what you're doing here, how the roads were like, and what your favourite food is. The conversation goes from regular chatting to flirting very quickly. He can't help it seeing such a sweet thing like you all by yourself means you must have plenty of stories to tell and he just can't wait to hear them all.
Wisdom bumps into you two not far from the entrance. She was just about to follow Courage to make sure he wasn't going to shirk his duties as a knight. They didn't have many knights around so it was all hands on deck for this one; and then she sees you. A beauty walking into her castle and where were her manners. She looks more smitten than the hero was and quickly resumes the neutral mask as her role as a princess and takes over interrogating. Where are you from, is this your first time in their kingdom, oh it is? Well you just have to stay for dinner and tea! She’d be more than happy to show you around if you’d be so gracious.
Courage follows behind the two of you as Wisdom takes over the talking. He has to admit that she has a way with words. Watching you two he can see Wisdom slowly sink her fangs into you. One hand is placed gently on your back and he can see an unusual tension in her body. It isn't hard for him to realise that he may have fallen for you but she fell harder. The three of you walk to a side room with a table and you all gather around and swap stories. Courage tells you about his adventures, Wisdom talks about the kingdom and what’s going on with Ganondorf, and you fill them in with how you came to wind up here.
All in all Wisdom offers you a place to stay at the castle as it would be a better spot than any for resting after such a long journey. It is hard to turn her down with how sweet she’s being and she's absolutely right about it being much better than the inn you were going to stay at. Courage goes to collect your bags from your old spot and offers you a room by his. Just in case anything happens, that way you'll be safe. Wisdom tells you not to worry as Ganondorf never attacks so soon but agrees that you should stay close to him. You thank her again and she spends some time talking to you before showing you to your room.
Oh true, it is not befitting of her to marry someone of a lower station but she can't help but be mesmerised by you. Somewhere between the tough and gritty shell of an adventure she can see the soft soul of someone like her. A mixture between gentle and heroic; kind and able to get the job done. It just draws her in like a moth to flame but some part of her knows it is in her duties to one day marry for the good of the kingdom. If it’s in her luck they will be much like you.
Not that taking a consort was so out of the question but it's at a time and place in history while Hyrule is starting to rebuild again and she has to plan for the future. When Courage gets back she talks to him about her feelings. She can see how hurt he is at first when she begins talking; but he doesn't say anything as the two have been friends for ages at this point. Even if he does flirt with her and they do fight from time to time nothing can separate them and they know that. The kingdom rests on their shoulders and more than that protecting and retaining the triforce is key for the future of all of Hyrule. 
It isn't until she talks about her final thoughts and feelings; about how she wants you here but can't take you for himself that he realises what she’s after. He jumps in joy when he realises he gets to keep the cake and eat it too. He asks offhandedly if having you here means that he can't ask her for kisses anymore and she laughs before lightly punching his shoulder. Joking about how uncivil he can be before relaxing and asking that he keep you here in the castle, that is both a request from a friend and an order.
Courage looks a little taken back and Wisdom lightly lets him know that she wants to see the two of you happy together and doesn't want to take any chances. The endorsement of your relationship seems to be more of a way to have her cake and eat it too and Courage doesn't believe she is as serious as she seems at first. He gets to have you but by him having you she gets you as well? The concept goes over his head and Wisdom has to gently reexplain the concept several times before he comes to understand what's going on.
The aftermath is both of them taking things lightly while whisking you away. You can defend yourself and they often take you on their journeys together. This is an open relationship where you and Courage are officially dating while Zelda gets to keep you in her life and enjoy sweeter moments and company from you. Courage doesn't mind at all and finds himself happy to share, you're his in the end anyways. You and the princess are seen as especially close friends. Of course your willingness to defend the princess in battle is commendable and from the outside all seems calm and normal. You're just another helping hand and dating the hero. Nothing strange is seen.
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I wrote more for those two than I meant to, anyways here's a flash round of how I think the others would go!
. . .
Dot would love for you to join the knights of Hyrule. This keeps you and Four by her side, while allowing the two of them more time with you. You get personal training from Four and to all outsiders you're just another personal guard who spends all their time guarding the princess, as a good knight should. Why all that time seems to be in her chambers and acting more like a pet than actual knight is rumoured but no one can confirm what’s going on as you are rarely seen. When not with Dot Four has you by his side in a chain that matches your armour. All that training doesn't seem to save you from anything as you're in more of a political bind than physical. It keeps you still more than any physical chain can after all. I’m not sure if Dot and Four would also have feelings for each other, rather I see them as close friends with a shared love interest and they never even have to go through that awkward phase of ‘we both like the same person dont we’. They both just nod at each other and understand that it’s not an issue for them.
. . .
Sky and Sun have a house for you! And if it’s not a house out in the woods it's a special room made in the castle that was renovated with a door that locks from the outside. With all the chaos going on on the surface many people soon forget about the strange room that the queen asks for, and it's only there for when you forget your role by their side. Sky, you, and Sun are a power throuple and everyone in the kingdom knows it. You help Sun rule the kingdom by making sure she takes care of herself and her and you often spar together while Sky watches. You don't join the knights because that would mean going out and doing dirty work, rather your job at the castle is more of a personal friend borderline assistant. It crosses the fine line between royal lover and pet but between the two of them always cooing over you and each other you're being so smothered in love it's hard to tell where one line ends and the other begins. Everyone knows all three of you are in a relationship and everyone is cool with it.
. . .
God Artemis and Warriors… Ok so for this one I think they would have a huge rivals aspect to it. Not in a ‘i hate you way’ rather a ‘I can make them swoon way harder than you can’. Both find it funny and it's all in good faith. You for your part are so confused about how you got these two wonderful people suddenly fighting very hard for affection but it soon gets to be very overwhelming. Openly no one can see what's going on, just more banter between the princess and the hero. I don't see them sharing you together rather one will take you for a while before the other will spirit you away. I can see you being a soldier or messenger during wartime; your position is high enough to draw attention but not so much so you're in the active line of duty. Safe enough to not worry them too much while close enough to the fight to make your presence known. This is what sparks envy in them as you aren't close to either of them but they're both keeping tabs on you. You see none of the behind the scenes but Warrior is asking everyone you've ever worked with what they know about you, what your secrets are, where you live, and he passes it all under the rug as official business and your comrades are all too happy to give you up if it's the captain asking.
Meanwhile Artemis just pulled up your records and got all the information from that. Warrior shows up in her office to brag and she's just sipping tea while calmly explaining she already knows all of that and didn't have to work for three extra weeks to find it out. Trouble ensues.
Warrior gets you when he's not on active duty, and after the war he gets to have you when he returns from his missions. Aremis dresses you up in the finest of clothes she can find and leaves you for him as a present; he deserves to come home to his precious darling after all he's been through. He returns the favour by presenting you in much the same way before he leaves to go take care of business; he also handles any of the dirty work such as removing rivals and taking care of punishments that she can't handle herself. The two share you separately and take on the responsibilities of keeping you quiet together.
. . .
Flora Can see you and how close you are with Wild. She swatches from afar as you two grow closer and she feels a little strange watching how closely you two are. Of course she agrees that you are the most precious gem in all of Hyrule and is so thankful for you; both for your huge heart in helping to restore Hyrule to what it once was and also for helping Wild. She knows she can not be there to comfort him like she wishes to be so having you there to be a shoulder to cry on is so sweet to watch. She just wishes to be there too. Her time alone leaves her with a lot of time to simmer over her feelings and she often finds herself wondering if she can make the three of you work out. She wants you by her side and wants him too, god shes so head over heels and knows that he must feel the same way. If only she was there now, please don't make her wait…
When she is rescued she reunites with Wild, and the two of them talk and are so happy. She avoids the subject of you. Rather she already knows you were safely left at his house in Hateno and wants to say hello to Wild first before making the journey there. She has to test the water and say hello to her close friend first. By the time they make it to the village it's nighttime and you are sleeping peacefully. She goes upstairs to check on you and Wild follows behind. It's not hard to tell from the look on her face to know what she is thinking about. All it takes is one look at each other and the two of them know, in the way only two destined to fall in love can know, what the other is thinking.
For this one it’s a slowish burn between Wild and Flora while they also love you. Another polycue that will only have to face more troubles as a rejuvenated Ganon is on the horizon.
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Fauna and Calamity i'm on the fence over. Some people write him as hating the nobility and his involvement in the war and having a sore spot over how he was treated, and while I have to agree I think he's also a forgive but never forget type of person. Like it still hurts but he wont let that change how he acts around others. This relationship is rough but I can see it having a happy ending. With Fauna and Calamity never ending up together I can still see them reaching a conclusion and sharing you. Especially since after all is said and done Calamity is still a knight beholding to Hyrule and the Princess. Him and Fauna can work together to keep you in the castle, but this is where they start to disagree.
Fauna wants to show you off. She wants to have everyone see you hanging off of her arm so they know you're taken. This sets Calamity off because he's the type to want to hide you away from others instead. This results in a fight between him and Fauna and it isn't until she points out that it's smarter this way; as now everyone knows you're taken and they won't be able to make a move on you because of her power. You Are Safer because you've been marked as off limits. Once he hears this and really processes it he relaxes and realises that she's right. She can do things he can't and after this the two have a heart to heart. What happened during the war was the hardest time of his life and he's always been training to be the perfect soldier and now that it's over he's finally healing. He has a life now and no matter what you’re the make upon it. She agrees wholeheartedly and swears she never wants to take you from him. She wants to see him happy and won't ever cross any line without good cause and reason. They both need and want you and even if they go about it in different ways they both agree that the other's way isn't bad; in fact it blends quite well.
When the loud drum of nobles and the castle becomes too much for you Calamity and Fauna will go on a trip to a quieter part of Hyrule and work out well for all three of you! They need to get out and make sure the rest of the country is recovering well and everyone is always glad to see the hero and princess again. It means a lot to the both of them to take you out and about every so often, even if you are now stuck inbetween the biggest power couple in Hyrule that isn't even a couple.
This matchup is funny to me because I can see Fauna and Calamity healing from everything and reforging their friendship afterwards and being really close physically; being touchy and feely but both agreeing there's nothing romantic about it. You can often find Calamity passed out in the lap of the princess and he stands guard over her so happily that everyone assumes it’s them dating, and in reality they are just extremely close and it's you dating them. They love to gush about you to each other and the kingdom just accepts the princess and her knight have a thing for you, and that she's dating you both but nothing has been made official yet. They saved the kingdom, let them do whatever they want.
To be honest I headcanon that polyam is accepted in loz because why wouldn't it be, and also its a bit of a matriarch because its the three golden goddesses and Hylia is the patron goddess to Hyrule, and even in Lorule i'm assuming they also have goddesses? To be honest It’s a very female ruled kingdom as well because it’s Zelda’s blood that holds the power to seal the darkness and also she rules the kingdom. So needless to say no one minds Zelda doing what she wants especially when it's an era with a hero, they saved everyone for god's sake let them have some peace.
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Ok so for the others we have Dusk/Twilight, Wind/Tetra, Fable/Legend, Hyrule/Dawn/Aurora, Lullaby/Time, and Koridai/(I haven't thought of a good name for her yet…) and I will get those done on a later date because this is so long as it is. I know I went hard into the Wisdom and Courage part but in my defence I just finished watching the show and I thought it was goofy and fun!
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nastyavolk-cp · 2 years
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Trigger warning: Physical violence, insulting, pure angst, psychological abuse.
Read part one and two.
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[ May 18th, 2023]
Alexia had finally developed a plan to escape Artemis and her Huntresses, she had thought and pondered for three months and a week to finally prepare her escape. She knew it was risky for her to try anything as she knew that Artemis was a born hunter and no prey would be able to escape her, but Alexia herself had learned a lot from the hunters and she herself was exploring their skills.
Of course, she wasn't a perfect hunter, but she had evolved a lot by then and that gave her more confidence to execute her plan to escape from there. What was in her favor was the fact that she had the trust of the other Huntresses, including Xenia, and she would even go so far as to say that she even has Artemis's.
However, a problem she was facing that could make it difficult for her to perform is that her body began to suffer from strange pains, in addition to that she felt that there was something strange going on inside her, it was a feeling that her bones they break but regenerate in a matter of minutes but in reality that didn't really happen and she was fine physically.
Because of this, she wasn't taken on intense hunts with other hunters, but instead stayed in the cave, often accompanied by Maia who was always checking to see if she was okay. Even with Artemis' orders that the Huntresses not treat Alexia like a baby, Maia indirectly circumvented this rule as the albino Huntress felt a connection with her and Alexia felt that the two had a genuine bond and that if she wanted to, she could take Maia along with her.
But Maia's loyalty lay on Artemis and not her, at the end of the day Maia would remain a huntress and would never think of running away from the pack, from her family. But Alexia was not like Maia, she held a grudge against Artemis for taking her away from her family and that she would never forgive her for making her and her parents suffer for her selfishness.
Alexia didn't feel safe anywhere, not even with Maia she was so much like her mother, keyword: similar. The albino would never be the same as Ekaterini, her smile would never be the same as hers, her words would never calm her the way Ekaterini calmed her, Maia’s touch would never be the same as hers. Maia was not Ekaterini and Ekaterini can never be replaced. And the girl missed her father, his words of encouragement and reassurance, how he would tell her stories from Romania when he put her to sleep, the smell of Romanian food he cooked for dinner and all the times he assured her that he loved her.
Her parents could never be replaced by anyone and their every memory was cherished and cherished safe, always livid in her mind and their smiles would never be erased. Every night she imagined them with her, their phantom hands running a hand through her dark brown curls and she could smell the woodsy scent of her father's favorite cologne and the sweet floral scent of her mother's shampoo.
But the girl will no longer need to fantasize because soon she will be able to have them back. She will make sure that she gets what she wants back and that Artemis would never again disturb and haunt her dreams.
[Hours later]
Alexia knew it was dawn and it was time for her to put her plan into action. She slowly gets up from her makeshift bed and cautiously takes her bow and arrows, without making any noise she manages to leave the cave without attracting anyone's attention and without waking the hunters who were plunged into a deep sleep, including Artemis.
The Greek girl took a deep breath silently and still aware of her surroundings she walked in the middle of the forest, she couldn't run as she would draw too much attention from any wild animal and she could risk getting caught faster if she wasn't cautious enough. enough. But as she walked away, her heart was pounding and agonizing, but why? Why did she feel this pain?
It was then that she suddenly felt drops of water fall from the sky and then a loud roar of thunder echoing from above. As the drops of water increased until it became an intense storm, Alexia's instincts immediately screamed for her to go back to the cave, where it was safe, where she could find comfort in her sisters, where she could be with Artemis.
What? What are these disgusting thoughts? She would never think so, but why had they come so suddenly? Why did she feel this feeling of wanting to feel safe in a group where she never felt security or affection?
Just when she thought about not giving in to her instincts and just moving forward, in front of her was a man. He was a tall man by Alexia's standards who was only 152 cm, maybe 190 cm, he had a well defined and muscular body, he had curly brown hair with white streaks and he had a big beard equally curly, he wore fancy clothes from Greece Ancient, his clear blue eyes along with his powerful aura told Alexia who he was.
“So you are my daughter's dearest doe? Her champion? Alexandra herself.” Zeus with his deep voice said followed by a loud sound of thunder. Alexia immediately grabbed an arrow and placed it on her bow, but Zeus held up his hands as if he were surrendering. “Calm down, Alexandra. I didn't come here to do you any harm, I was just curious why my darling daughter's most precious prize is wandering around on a stormy night like this.”
Alexia knew from her tone of voice that Zeus was mocking her and her anger at him only increased as she did not lower her loaded bow, the arrow aimed directly at the King of Gods. She wouldn't hesitate to throw it if necessary and she wouldn't risk letting her guard down, especially around a deity like Zeus who Alexia was aware of every horrible thing he ever committed, every sin he ever committed that he would never pay for him being the most powerful god on Olympus, no deity who knew his worth would dare to go against him.
“I will shoot if you come near!” Alexia threatened the god in a voice of pure hatred and spite, which surprised Zeus but he still maintained his calm and relaxed composure, which Alexia did not expect from a god who did not tolerate any disrespect from a mortal.
“There it is, just the way my little daughter likes it. You know, Alexandra, I see a lot of Artemis in you, I swear you two could be mistaken for sisters very easily!” Zeus continued and Alexia angrily shot him but the god's supernatural reflexes made him manage to catch the arrow even before it pierced his chest. The king of gods looked at her in shock and surprise, he didn't expect that she would actually do that, but she did.
Instead of feeling anger, as he normally would feel for someone daring to try to hurt him, Zeus let out a loud laugh which mixed with the powerful sound of thunder caused Alexia to startle. If she didn't already have a good impression of Zeus, now she got worse with the god laughing and laughing.
“Even the way you react to these things is so much like her!” Zeus continued to chuckle, but now his chuckles had quieted and he slowly regained his composure. “She saw herself in you and I can see that she is very close to making it.”
Alexia immediately frowns when he says that, what does he mean by that?
“What are you implying?” She questions him as she lowers her bow slowly and cautiously. Zeus's smile grew as he realized that she had no idea what was really going on.
“You know Alexandra, my daughter is very demanding and she has been wanting something that she could have all to herself for a long time, but it was only a while ago that she managed to have it. Which is you." Zeus said and Alexia let out a tired sigh, this was nothing new but she knew he had more to say so she allowed him to continue. "But she didn't just want a Huntress to complete her pack, but a sister. She wanted to have a sister to share things with but be hers alone and that no one could have her and steal from her. I think you didn't realize that in reality she had wounded you with her blood."
"What do you mean?"
“I heard that Artemis wounded you with an arrow when you went to reach your parents, in that arrow there was Artemis's own blood. As soon as you recovered she started feeding you small doses of ambrosia, tell me Alexandra, have you ever noticed anything odd about yourself?” Zeus asked with a cocky smile and Alexia felt her heart pounding too hard, it was a suffocating feeling and she swore she was barely able to breathe. “But there's nothing to worry about, Alexandra, knowing my own daughter, I know she'll take good care of her new sister, isn't that right, Artemis?”
Immediately Alexia looked back and her brown eyes met the cold forest green eyes of the goddess Artemis. The goddess walked towards them and Artemis's hand caught Alexia's arm with crushing strength, on the verge of almost breaking on the eyes of the Greek girl who stared at the auburn haired goddess in panic.
"I never thought you’d do anything useful, or even care about my sister." Artemis said in a cold tone, bordering on anger, but Zeus offered his bastard daughter a cocky smile and just disappeared without another word. Alexia felt the rain getting harder and harder if it hadn't been before and she could feel Artemis's cold gaze staring at her, not saying a single word but that her eyes meant so many things.
Then suddenly Alexia felt a strong burning sensation on her left cheek. Artemis slapped her very hard across the face and if it weren't for her hand holding her tightly, the girl would have easily fallen onto the wet floor. Artemis's anger could be felt down to the girl’s bones who was now muttering apologies but which were not heard, as Alexia was taken by Artemis who was silent the whole way, the grip on Alexia's arm became stronger and the girl's eyes began to weep in pain.
When the two got close to the cave, all the hunters stared at them, especially at Alexia. Most looked at her with mixed looks of betrayal, pity and disappointment.
“Go back inside, girls. Let me have a serious talk with Alexandra.” Artemis said, trying to sound calm, but her anger wasn't so easily contained. The huntresses agreed and then entered the cave again, leaving Alexia and Artemis alone.
"HOW DARE YOU?!" Artemis screamed and gave Alexia another slap in the face, this time she let go and the girl fell to the wet floor abruptly. The Greek girl began to cry, suffocated by anguish and fear, but this only provoked even more the uncontrollable and animalistic anger of Artemis who began to kick the girl and attack her.
“I GAVE YOU ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! A HOME, A FAMILY, LOVE, AFFECTION!” Artemis' words were increasingly aggressive and loud as she continued her aggression against Alexia, who was crying a lot and begging for it to stop.
"Please stop!" Alexia cried but was ignored completely.
“BUT YET YOU DECIDE TO ESCAPE?!! RUN AWAY TO GO BACK TO THOSE USELESS MORTALS?!” The goddess of the hunt stopped her aggression but her words were still poisoned by hatred, Alexia started to cry even more, especially because Artemis had insulted her parents. “AM I REALLY GOING TO PUT IT UP IN YOUR DUMBASS HEAD THAT YOU ARE MINE?!!!”
But Alexia didn't answer, just curled into a ball and covered her face with her hands as she sobbed louder and louder. Artemis huffed in anger and now it looked like she was regaining her calm.
“Alright, if you want to stay outside so bad, stay here and die.” She said coldly and entered the cave, leaving Alexia alone crying. The Greek girl then crawls over to lean against a nearby tree and hugs her aching legs, buries her face in her arms and continues to cry as her body throbs with pain.
She has never felt so humiliated, attacked and wronged. Her chest burned with anguish and she just wanted her parents to be there to comfort her, but the mere image of them made her feel more pain and cry more. She didn't want her to see them like this, crying like a little child over being beaten like she had never been beaten in her life.
Alexia never imagined that Artemis was so cruel. The rain hit the Greek girl's body harder, not helping her aching body at all. The girl closed her eyes, wanting to believe that all this was all a nightmare, that in reality she is at home, with her parents comforting her from this nightmare and that soon they would eat her favorite breakfast.
"Why? Why…?" The girl mumbled and then she kept crying until finally her body got tired and no more tears came out of her eyes, then exhausted she fell asleep as she prayed that she could be spared from further suffering.
[Hours later]
Maia knew she was tasked with taking care of Alexia, even without saying a word to her, her Lady’s forest green gaze was enough to tell her that she was going to take care of Alexia as the goddess decided to go to who knows where.
The other Huntresses were tense even after Artemis was gone, but some showed anger at Alexia, especially Xenia who wasn't happy about it at all.
“Who does this girl think she is? She only causes problems, I already felt that.” The nymph said and a good part of the hunters agreed, but Maia and Ophelia knew that the girl was suffering, but they chose to say nothing. Maia ignored the other hunters and left the cave with a first aid kit in hand, she covered her eyes so that the sun's rays would not blind her.
As soon as she got used to the light, she went looking for Alexia which was a matter of a few minutes as she spotted the Greek girl sleeping against the tree. As the albino hunter approached, her stomach turned when she saw the poor girl all covered in bruises and bruises. She knew that Lady Artemis was very violent and aggressive when she was angry, but she couldn't help but feel sad to see Alexia hurt in this way, for in the eyes of the eldest Huntress, she was just a child.
With just a touch on Alexia's arm, the brunette girl woke up in an instance, fear and desperation in her eyes, which made Maia pull away a little.
“Alexandra, darling, it's me.” Maia said in a reassuring tone, but the girl started to cry again, her bruised face being once again stained by her tears as she sobbed once more. The albino huntress then put the kit aside and gently pulled Alexia into a sitting position and hugged the crying Greek girl into her shoulder.
“There, there, it’s over, it’s over.” The albino said, trying to calm Alexia using her hand on the girl's back, making light and delicate massages so that the Greek girl in tears would relax.
“It hurts… Mommy… I want to wake up… I want to go home…” Alexia murmured as she cried, Maia knew that Alexia was thinking that she was seeing her own mother and that everything she was experiencing at that moment was just a nightmare.
“Come, let me tend to your wounds.” Maia said and then took the first aid kit, asked the girl to lean against the tree and she began to take care of every wound that her Lady provided on Alexia's still aching body.
The wounds didn't hurt like they used to, but it caused the Greek girl a lot of anguish to look at. It was a reminder that this was not a dream, but a bitter reality.
“Here, it’s done.” Maia said and stood up, then held her hand out to Alexia. “Let's go inside, you have to rest properly.”
“No… they all hate me…” Alexia mumbled and Maia shook her head.
“They won't do anything to you, I promise, it'll just be the two of us in there. Let's sleep together if you want, I'll make sure you rest better.” The albino insisted and the girl reluctantly agreed. Then Maia helps the girl to her feet and the two go to the cave, where all the hunters, except Ophelia, stare at her with judgmental and even hateful looks, but no words are spoken.
Then the huntresses leave the cave, leaving Maia and Alexia alone. The albino pulls her makeshift bed next to Alexia's, she helps the Greek girl to lie under the bed and she settles in next to the new goddess.
“It's going to be alright, Alexandra. Sleep tight, I'll be here when you wake up, I promise." Maia murmured and Alexia closed her eyes again, hoping her dream was more merciful than Artemis's hateful words.
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