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Hi Yessy!! I’ve submitted my Heather/Nancy aesthetic again because the first one had a typo on it, it said “weiros” not “weirdos” so I re-did it! The good one is the one where the quote is inside a black heart, you can delete the other one if you want. Take care, hope you like the aesthetics I’m making for your amazing blog! 💕
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jaytipede · 4 months
im not gonna lie i wanted to ask if cookie ended up getting a trans gf a few weeks ago but i got nervous and didn’t out of fear of coming off too strong 😓😓
anyways have a fantastic day/night gang 🤞
You clocked me so hard HAHA YUSSSS TRANS WOMEN🙌🙌🙌🙌 also thank you sm :3
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somemismatchedsocks · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💕
THOSE KOREAN ICE CREAM THINGIES (뽕따 I think it’s called power cap in English) THEY ARE MY CHILDHOOD
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Hi dearest mootie! I just wanted to say thank you, I’ve been having a shit week but it’s always an honor to see you on my dash <3 will be spamming through your blog now
Hello, dear moot of mine!
Anytime, honestly <3
Glad I could send some positive vibes durin' some shitty times. I always love seein' ya on my dash too, Roe.
And yussss, spam all ya want :3
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jeevaschrist · 1 year
can i have a bsd male matchup please 😈
im 19, 5’11, and a scorpio( i have the same bday is fyodor😍) My personality type is infj and my enneagram is 4, i use she/her pronouns.
Most people say i’m pretty secretive but very nice, and i give good advice to people who want to hear the truth. I like to walk at night, i’m always listening to music, and i like feeding birds in parks(old lady things)
I dont have many hobbies tbh, i just do whatever i feel like in the moment. So there are days where i will lay in bed and do nothing and there are days where i’ll stay out all night doing random shit. i value personal space but i can also be kind of clingy at the same time.
i’ve submitted like 3 different matchups to different blogs but none responded sadly😞 maybe i’m just too complex/j sorry anyway
thank you and get to this ask whenever you can ;)
yussss you may! i'm so sorry no one responded, and i'm sorry for my late response, but here it is!
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i'd confidently match you with sigma!
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i think you and sigma would be really cute together. he'd go walking with you at night 100% and while he focused on you, he'd still be into looking at the scenery (whatever you can see at night) and pointing at things you may miss. i also think sigma would happily feed birds with you. imagine that scene from beauty and the beast where he feeds the birds and then all of a sudden he is just flooded with birds standing on him. that's the scene i think about. and sigma's just like 0.0 . he'd likely be happy to spend the day in bed with you while also trying to find things you might enjoy just to make you happy and to be able to bond together. i see sigma as secretive golden retriever/lab type here.
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eunchancorner · 1 year
about the blanket:
so one bat goes to take it, Kevin tries to take it back (gently of course, since the bat is smol and he has the strength advantage)
they're angrily squeaking at him like "NO! I WANT IT!"
then some others come to help the bat
and any stragglers just go straight for Kevin, trying to "weaken" him (if you know what I'm getting at)
and all he can do is watch the floofs fly away with his favorite blanket
(they'd probably fight over who gets to use it first tho-)
One little bean tries to take and Kevin's like 'hey no give it back' and the angy little bat will get all upset. Cue 6 other bats flying in and helping their friend, whether it's by grabbing the blanket or tickling the heck outta Kevin
He later finds them thanks to the angry squeaks of a bunch of bats that haven't figured out they can share the blanket
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
I am lazy to do the challenge but thank you for never forgetting to tag me <3 And I’d rather react to through a message because I’ll just mess up the thread lmao We’re both Cancers!! I’m a June baby though but this could explain why we’re so attracted to Zhongli who happens to be a Capricorn (the opposite sign) 🐉✨
hi empress! *waves enthusiastically*
it's so okay, and if you want i can not tag you? i don't wanna be annoying. 👉🏼👈🏼 but if you're fine with it, that's cool too. 😊
you are more than welcome to interact in whatever way feels most comfortable to you! i'm tickled pink that you take the time to interact w me at all so yay skskskskkssss. <33
AAAAHHH ANOTHER FELLOW MOONCHILD! and YUSSSS I'M SO WEAK FOR CAPRICORN MEN!! 😩 cancers and capricorns are the mamas and the papas of the zodiac. thoma is also a cap and AOSDFLNFLSD i'm down bad for him too. tho, being the domestic caregiver that he is, i can't help but wonder if he has some strong cancer placements too. 🧐 (since you're also in the hq fandom) i also simp sosososososo hard for daichi...who has the same bday as zhongli!! go figure right? they both have such strong daddy energy. 🥵😮‍💨
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
Omg Margot I didn’t know you were married!!! What’s your husband like???
Hello, anon!!! Yussss, I'm married haha. Hell yeah I'll take a minute to brag about him 😁 Little fun story time post ahead!
Literally the funniest person I've ever met, and that's always been huge for me when I fell for somebody lol. If they could make me laugh? Whoo boy... I am smitten. ❤
We met while playing and drinking in VR Chat. It was during covid so all the bars were closed. I hopped on to check out the virtual bars and then I met him at one of those spin the wheel games at Drinking Night (VR Chat map).
I made a joke about it being like spin the bottle and I was down for kissing games. Then his little alien avatar walked in and was like "Kissing games?! Oh absolutely not."
I laughed, then was immediately embarrassed because I hate my laugh. But he proceeded to make me laugh even more throughout the night, and I tried to stay quiet because I thought I was coming off as annoying. (He later told me he loved my laugh and was trying to get it out of me.)
I decided to be a little bold and friend him. He didn't know how because it was his first time playing and his friend dragged him on. I think about how easily we could have missed each other. Not only did he barely agree to hop on VR Chat, but we had to be on at the same time and be in the same map.
As soon as I friended him and he figured out how to accept it, my game crashed. And I was so sad! I thought I wasn't ever going to talk to him again. For the hell of it, I hopped back on to find a new group. Then I saw he invited me back to the world he was on. I thanked him, and now that I was a little tipsier I started talking more.
He ditched his friend and just wanted to go wherever I went in VR Chat and we gave each other our socials. We were literally up all night and in completely different time zones, and we both had work in the morning 🤢. The next day, we helped each other stay up by messaging each other funny memes.
The following months, we'd message each other all day every day, then hop on VR Chat for little dates. It was so sweet haha, he'd find little worlds that looked like restaurants and we'd sit at a table and talk in our dumb as fuck avatars, it was such a blast.
I worked from home so he bought me tickets to come see him in person aaaaaaand I basically never left. Somewhere along the way we got hitched and now we game in the same room together lmfaooo.
Fun Fact: He sends Sebastian to Azkaban every time he finishes Hogwarts Legacy, can't imagine why 🤣
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Hi there! First, I want to say that I really appreciate your thoughtful political takes and find them amusing despite the grim subject matter - thank you for taking the time to share them. Second, all your posts about the Sandman convinced me to actually watch it hahaaa. Well, I watched episode 6 first, and then read your historical novel fic, and only THEN gave in to watch the rest of the series. But I am really enjoying your expansion of a tragically short plotline :) Third, have you read any of Dorothy Dunnett's historical novels? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts on them. If not, I highly recommend them! DD's sagas, with their brilliant writing, compelling characters, and labyrinthine historical and cultural references are pretty much the best books I have ever read, and very evocative of the time periods (1400s and 1500s). There is certainly a lot to criticize, and I am plotting some essays about that for the fandom literary society publication. Anyway, I wish you all the best and look forward to your future posts!
Aha, thank you, and I am delighted to hear that my cunning plot of having terrible Dreamling brainrot has successfully suckered you into both watching the show and reading AITWW. Yussss.
As for Dorothy Dunnett: I have several friends who really enjoy her stuff, and I have considered the idea of trying out more of them (they are, after all, my thing, at least on paper). However, it is possible that last time I tried to get into her books, I was just really stupid, because I got tired of not being able to understand anything she was saying (and I have multiple advanced degrees including a doctorate, lmao). It is definitely a style that rewards close attention and careful reading, and yeah, maybe I just didn't have the processing power at the time. But never say never, and I might try again at some point (though my TBR stack is always very high). So we will see. :)
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secondbetrayer · 2 years
NAME: laur
PRONOUNS: chill with basically any overall tbh, but I particularly like he/him
TAKEN OR SINGLE: not made for relationships, happily alone lmao <~ keeping bc same tbh lmao
I have a chromosome condition called Turner’s syndrome, which makes me fall under the definition of intersex.
I collect dolls, particularly baby dolls. I’ve always loved ‘em ever since I was little.
I also have a collection of funko pops!
PLATFORMS USED: I’ve used tumblr mostly, but I did also use Facebook before back when I was a kid.
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I’m open to winging it but plotting and memes are deffo a++ tbh.
GENDER: i usually write females tbh, though there was a male character I wrote on here for quite a long time.
MULTI OR SINGLE MUSE: single! I can never maintain a multi that well lmao, huge respect to those of you who do 🥰
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): I don’t think I really have one tbh.
FLUFF: yussss always ❤️
ANGST: yup come @ me
SMUT: no
Tagged by: @toxicmalicex thank you 🥰❤️
Tagging: @soulstcne @doctordonovan @a-adventurer @mothersmalice @viciousgold @ofhumanvoice and anyone who wants to!
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tddyhyck · 5 months
i’m so glad u liked the jeno thing!! :3 the subway thing is 😩😮‍💨 because the thoughts that inspires… cough train sex cough. ohhh him knowing but pretending to be innocent and teasing u 🥺🥺 i related so hard to ur “an d and and and” (and it made me giggle because u sounded a little many thoughts head empty there). thank u for the meal as always 💖
& this is probably a few days old but i have to mention it,, blue U’RE SO FUCKING FUNNY I HAVEN’T STOPPED LAUGHING AT UR TAG “that jessi j song but change it to fleshlight” BECAUSE THE LYRICS??? “I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight / You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night” BUT WITH FLESHLIGHT I’M LAUGHING 😭😭😭😭 poetic artistic smut … oooh u’re onto something cus now i’m thinking … lee jeno 25k fwb2lovers angst n fluff and the filthiest smut where he feels lost in the world but then finds himself in u ❤️ (yes, like that)
also i swear i’m not a jaemin stan despite how much i’ve been talking about him (i was reading those chenle asks and giggling because yussss! *raises hand* another chenle stan here! :3 i’ve adored him ever since i first discovered dream, although i don’t know for sure who all i bias anymore because they’re all so 🥰💗) but today i saw a post about using someone’s cum as lip gloss and my mind immediately flashed to jaemin and his reminders to use lip gloss and it’s such a terrible little thought that my brain had that i absolutely had to share it with u 😭😭😭😭
OMG wait this reminds me my friend hua @goldyeokki (they aren’t active anymore) they told me about chikan (dubcon warning) it’s groping on public transport and it reminded me of that in the best way 😵‍💫😵‍💫
jeno keeps me in a many thoughts head empty space i can’t explain it 😭😭
LMFAO idk why that song immediately came in my head but i needed to let the world know 🙏
STOP,,, jeno 🫠 fwb to lovers makes me GrrrrrRRR RUFRUFRUFFFF i love long form fics like that with all the juicy info,,, but he would be so rough and tough and doing everything to make you cry but when you both finally ~make love~ he’d be so soft and hold you so tight ,,, he’d be like a cheesy romantic and get the candle and wine and just I NEED HIM
chenle is so precious like i remember during debut he was so small and just a kid and he had the cutest hair now he’s all grown up and obnoxious and breaks my heart 😭😭 (i feel like chenle stans are so hard to find bc people don’t see him in a romantic way or a sexual way he’s just a good singer which is true but he’s so fucking funny) i’m the same way like i don’t have favorites bc they’re all my favorites now 😭😭 in this dream shit for life
THE LIPGLOSS NO FR,,, jaem probably stops you before you leave and he’s like baby wait lemme get some gloss for you and he would make you get on your knees so he can jerk off and cum on your lips GTG,,, is that too much ,,, he would tho
anywayssss hope u are well little magic anon 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 have the best day/night
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fayeforrosie · 1 year
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silvermistcosmos · 1 year
HELP you’re just like me😭 i had a job interview too like a month ago ??? and i was happy i didn’t get hired because i’d have hated it there sm</3 but manifesting for you bff!! you got this and i hope you do get hired in that place you want🫂
omg home schooled?:0 have you been home schooled all your life?? (it’s okay if you don’t want to answer this question) but yay! hope you still have fun in your last year of hs💙
ohhh god i do stan a lot of groups JHSKSOS 😭 most of them are 3rd gen groups, and i’ve been lately getting into new jeans too hekwjs, but my absolute favorites are nct and enha! my bias for nct is jeno, sungchan and yuta^^ and for enha it’s mainly heejay lol. i also like khh and kr&b a lot, so i like heize, gemini, dpr, sunmi etc etc.
what about you bub?? i see you have a hoon pic so i’m assuming he’s your enha bias??
— 🐰
ahhhh okay wow, why do we do this to ourselves hahaha and thank you!! I'm starting work at the place I wanted to on the 18th of this month so~ I'm super excited to start working again hehe I hope you can find a job you love soon!! <33
yussss, I've been homeschooled my entire life. I did go to a co-op for a couple years but I have never been public schooled. I'm pretty thankful for that to be honest. I don't know, lots of crazy things are happening in schools nowadays... Plus I can work at my own pace and sleep in all I want hahaha
I've actually never heard of khh or kr&b before. I'll have to go look them up 👀 but that's so relatable!! Jay was my first bias in Enhypen! I just loved/love his attitude so much! He's so funny!
hmmm, sooooo my ults are enhypen and bts right now. Bts was the first group I was introduced to in kpop so I think I'll always have a soft spot for them. buuuut i listen to a lot of groups and soloists ahah um DKB is so good!!! I looooveee their songs and i love their personalities so much!! so good, if you don't know who they are, I highly recommend! I also listen to Seventeen, new jeans (recently) Nmixx, Ive, CIX, Stray Kids, kep1er, twice, blackpink (casually), txt, oh my girl, nct, got7, itzy, aespa, bigbang, somi, everglow, IU, Astro, Cravity, chung-ha, BOL4 & The Rose! These are just my most listened to. 😭
my bias in bts is Jin, Jungkook coming for the bias wrecker and enhypen??? HALP IDK IT SWITCHES SO MUCH!!!! but i think jungwon, sunoo, and sunghoon are my biases right now. but recently....jake and niki have been trying to wreck it. ahhh i seriously don't even know.
this ended up being such a long answer. I'm sorry!!
P.S: do you have a sharable spotify? IF so, would you want to exchange? if not, that's totally cool too!
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dwter · 2 years
fun r/me_irl moment with my mendhi party outfit Who cheered
wow ! awesome !
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steam-draws · 4 years
Oh! 4c Android Conductor? I just can’t get enough of him! :3
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You couldn’t have picked a more perfect expression for him. 👌
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that feeling when you get new pins💦
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