indygotcha · 3 months
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I'm so in love with this post-ending group shot for the 98-anime, like this is exactly how I picture them hanging out after Knives enters his rehab period
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mandiemegatron · 3 months
MANDIEEEEEE do you have any f/o thoughts at the moment i need to knowwww
NINNAAAAAA hi baby !!! 💖💖💖💖 God do I EVER have thoughts - the real question is when do I NOT have thoughts abt my f/os 😂😂😂 going with my two that's been overtaking my mind the last few weeks -
Kid and Killer ;
♡ Literally the best cuddlers on the entire grand line. You cannot change my mind.
♡ Kid is almost aggressive with his cuddles (it always turns into a lil somethin somethin if you catch me 🤭) but it's because he just has so much love to give and doesn't know how to express it. I hc that he's not a words man but an action man. He would rip the fucking stars from the sky with his bare hand if you asked for it. He would tear the heart out of any man that looked at you wrong or even breathed in your general direction.
♡ The type to tug you close and hold you tight when walking in crowds because God forbid you get fuckin lost or taken from him. Not on his watch. 😤😤👊👊
♡ Nothing gets this man's ego more inflated than when you nearly skip to him and jump in his arms, pressing loud and over-exaggerated kisses to his face. He especially loves it when you do it in front of the crew. (They jokingly all do the same thing - "BROTHA EWW🤮😂" it's bc they're jealous and they're screaming inside bc you're not jumping into their arms 😂😂😂)
♡ if he could have you live in his lap/arms, he fuckin would! He's a touchy-feely man, and he loves the constant reminder of your hand in his that you love him, forever and always, no matter the outcome.
♡ he loves having you sleep on top of him, it's not very comfortable but he's quoted as putting it like "youre like my weighted blanket, you keep my heart warm" and he was stone cold sober when he said it too. he's so fuckjng corny. You big hearted dork, i fucking love you.
◇ Killer.... sweet, sweet Killer. The man's hands could rip a man's spine from his body in seconds but the way he holds your face in his palms like you're made of glass... 😭😭😭 you are literally the most precious thing to him (other than Kid and the crew, of course) and there would be absolute hell to pay if anything ever happened to you.
◇ You once cut your hand by accident while doing lunch prep and he straight up threw the fucking knife overboard. He literally went "absolutely the fuck not!" And yeeted the thing far away from you. You're not allowed to do prep anymore 😂😂
◇ the soft moments at night after hours of love making and whispered words of promise and love for each other 😭😭 it's then that he realizes that you're in love with him and he cries in the washroom later. You love him? Of all people in the entire Grand Line, scarred and broken Killer is the one you give your heart to? He feels like he doesn't deserve you but by God does he ever love you.
◇ He has daily fights with Kid on who gets you for the night. You've tried to make a schedule but Kid always overruled it with "IM THE CAPTAIN, I MAKE THE RULES 😤😤" because he was mad Killer got you on a random Wednesday instead of him. Most nights, you're stuck between the two of them, hot and sticky, even with the windows in Kid's master bedroom wide open and a vented fan blowing around cool air.
But in truth, there's no place you'd rather be. Hot, sweaty and drowning in their love, you've never once second guessed that this was where you were supposed to be. 💖💖💖
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chanstopher · 1 year
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230702 Pilot: Fanmeet ©️That_XoX
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Thinking about how Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy allegedly plays when Crowley drives back to Aziraphale to help with Gabriel. And how I'm not sure if people will actually pick up on the romantic context there lmao. I mean. When he was driving to, searching, and exiting the on-fire bookshop in S1, a surprising number of people apparently didn't get the hint? Not just the choice of Somebody to Love after he realizes that he's lost Aziraphale, but You're My Best Friend, which had been playing UP to that point, is ALSO a love song- John Deacon wrote it for his wife. Like it was RIGHT THERE and people missed it.
you can only lead the horse to water, nonnie; doesnt mean you can make it drink✨☕
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artystaroc · 7 months
TADC thing where more than one person has abstracted but they look similar to each other (as the mighty creator intended). And at some point the POV character looses em only to run into one of them again later and is devastated by the realization that they can't tell which abstracted person they're looking at
Like a high-stakes game of follow-the-ball-under-the-shuffling-cups
Thank you, good night-
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What do you mean they're not going to be happy when it's the 1930s and the Great Depression just started and they're moving to a new state far away from where they used to call home? I'm shocked. Flabbergasted. Just astonished. (I'm actually excited for the drama really, I love your writing a lot and it's so fun to tune in and see what you've come up with) - LGL
GASP! LGL, are you an a creature of immense sarcasm just like myself?!
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AND you’re telling me the 1930s aren’t an era known for their bucolic pastoral best life vibes?! Well now I’ll be damned.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
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averagepsychouser · 1 year
I like when factions are evil for no good reason but I do not like having to say that while I loathe the Enclave and Caesar’s Legion they’re my favorite factions
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thegoldenelite · 2 years
Hey everyone, I'm back from my break🥰💕
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Megatron: fuck it, yeah you're coming with, good enough
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nulltune · 1 year
peony :   what would a   ‘  happy life  ’   look like in your muse’s eyes ?
botanical headcanons,   open !   @tenkoseiensei ♡
(i hope) we all know hakuno's characterized as someone who so desperately wants to live.... but what's a little funny is that i'd say she's someone who's good at surviving, if that makes sense! hard to say that you're living when your life takes place in a simulated world created for a war 🚶‍♂️ and what little we know about hakuno's lifestyle really reflects that. she sleeps for 6 hours and 15 minutes on a hard floor and eats to "nourish her brain" (and i personally have a headcanon that she just eats for the status effects that the food items grants to help in battle) rather than for any enjoyment. those harsh circumstances make her extremely grateful for even being able to see another day, but could you really call that living? i don't think hakuno knows it herself
i'd love to see her get the chance to live a normal life free from any fighting or killing but 😭 WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO HER AT THE ENDD UE UEE
i will say that canon!hakuno definitely has a solid idea of what happiness is, but i'll be talking about my take and my portrayal bere :3c
given hakuno's struggles to even exist nd understand her own feelings, i think it'd make more sense that she wouldn't even know what "happiness" is, and much less a happy life. from what we see in canon, i think that with time she'll naturally and eventually come to the conclusion that her happiness = everyone else's, which sounds pretty simple but it's an interesting mindset to operate on! especially when you factor in all of the other (for lack of better wording) issues that hakuno has.
hakuno genuinely desires what's best for everyone, it's just that she takes it to the extreme level where she's trying to be this perfect ideal because that's the only way she'd feel deserving of anything. not to mention how without any family, friends or purpose in life, that self-imposed duty "for everyone's sake" is the only thing driving her forward. i put it in quotation marks too because there's a part in ccc's true route where sakura asks hakuno what she's fighting for and hakuno herself is not mentioned at all in three options even though pretty much the rest of the cast is :,)
it also hurts just a little because as much as she values unity and working together, it's clear that she's also working on her own agenda to make sure that everyone (herself excluded 🥹) will truly be alright. this is also why i think it'd be sooo neat if they explored more of how alone hakuno is-- how she really is someone who is disconnected from everyone else. she's like an outsider trying to be part of a group that she can't actually be a part of.
i always mention this point too, but she's truly selfless to the most extreme way! selfless to the point where she'd have no self left despite that being the thing she wanted the most; to find herself and to have an identity of her own. she's constantly diminishing her own wants and needs in doing so too which would only add on to this lack of identity. so the reason i bring all of this up is because don't think she'd be able to find happiness this way! and i think that would only confuse her even more beause by her definition of happiness, she should be happy. agjfhsf it's really interesting stuff to think about!!
hakuno's actually really simple though :,) so even if it may take her some (A Lot) of time to figure it out for herself, i think the best thing to bring up here is the picture frame that hakuno got from taiga. it has the description "use it to frame your most precious memory" and she used it to frame a picture of her and her servant 🥺 there's not a dedicated scene to it or anything, it's more like a cute little side thing you can notice but i think it speaks volumes about hakuno's character!! there's a lot of conflict between being selfless/selfish in hakuno's character arc methinks, but in the end i think that's all that truly matters to her :,)
even though her life isn't exactly what you'd imagine a happy life would be, and even if she still doesn't really have understand happiness, she'd consider the life she's lived a happy one because it was a life she got to spend with the people she cared for 🥹🥹 i'm specifically thinking of canon fate/extra here, but yeah ......... she still wanted to live and she definitely would've wanted to be able to spend more time with them, of course, but i think just knowing that they're alive and will be able to continue living on to the future brought her so much happiness even in her last moments /i'm typing thru tears rn tsunnie HAKUNO DESERVES SM I LOVE HER SM
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edgepunk · 1 year
gd that post gave me brainworms and now I can't stop thinking about Fallout AU Spider-Man,,, like,,, it just makes sense
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rhynehoward · 2 years
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©️ sopa images
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just--kay · 2 years
Haaiiii it's been a million years!!
My big fat crush on-
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Has been rekindled I kissy ghosty 😋💙💚
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companypsa · 3 months
don’t throw away a friendship over this. don’t throw away a friendship over this
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radiostarsz · 5 months
"You may own my soul, but I ain't your fucking pet!" Husk to Alastor
❝Husker, Husker.. Husker..❞
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Alastor's voice is easily the most distinctive trait he has, being deep, smooth, and somewhat gravelly. ❝ who said anything about you being a pet? You are just a stray. A drunk and broken down, sad little thing that I found and took in.❞ a soft static purr , he reaches out and pinches his cheek. ❝Spare me your theatrics, my little fella.❞
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