#Writing Refrerence
tinyboxxtink · 2 years
Hey! I ADORE your Eddie x reader stuff ❤️
Ive had this idea in my head but absolutely no time to write, but the Hellfire Club is pretty obviously using the theater departments prop storage room as their meeting place… what about a theater kid!reader who desperately needs some props for their version of Hamlet or something - specifically Eddie’s throne - and it conflicts with the only date everyone could make it to the big battle in his latest campaign. (I’m happy to help with any theater or dnd refrerences if you need it ☺️)
i'm a theater kid, so I know stuff.
I modified the idea a bit, I hope you like it. [also I discarded the other ask since it pertained to this]
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You stood outside the prop room, mentally preparing yourself to go in. You could hear The Hellfire Club in the middle of a huge campaign, and you were terrified to interrupt them.Finally you heard them taking a break, and you took a deep breath before opening the door. 
Every member froze in their conversations, turning to stare at you. 
“Did you need something, outsider?” one random guy asked in a snooty voice. 
“Man, chill,” Eddie Munson hit him softly. “We’re on a break,” 
“But did you need something, Y/N?” 
He knew your name. How did he know your name? 
“Y-You know my name?” you stammered.
“I assume that’s your name, it’s all over this sign out sheet,” He picks up a clipboard labelled “PROP SIGN OUT SHEET.” 
“Right,” you nodded sheepishly, looking down. “Actually, speaking of–” you cleared your throat. 
“Yeah?” He walked closer to you, and you could smell the old weed and Old Spice wafting off of him. 
“I kinda need– you nodded to the throne that Eddie liked to sit in when they had their campaigns. 
Every other member in the club froze at your statement, staring at Eddie. They held their breath for his response; everyone knew that was his throne. 
He narrowed his eyes at you, stepping even closer to you.
“For what?” 
“A play, duh,” you answered rather snarkily, now feeling your ‘stage manager’ presence coming back to you. “Y’know that is what these things are actually meant for,” 
“Ooooooh,” the other members made noises of awe, to which Eddie quickly glared at them, shutting them down. 
“Alright Princess,” he smirked at you, licking his lips. “Take it, but return it when you’re through,” 
“Yeah no shit,” you rolled your eyes as you took the clipboard from him. 
You wrote down all the dates you’d need the throne before handing it back to him. You saw him glance over it, and his eyes widened.
“Uh, yeah no this ain’t gonna work, Princess,” Eddie shook his head as he pointed to opening night. 
“Excuse me?”  you put your hands on your hips. 
“That’s the day of our Gauntlet,” he simply said, as if you knew what that was.
“Am I supposed to know what that means?” You looked around the group, who still just stared wide eyed at your exchange with your leader. 
“It’s like our playoffs,” Dustin Henderson informed you. 
“Are you serious?” you had to laugh, causing an even bigger glare from Eddie and his peons to cower in fear. 
“I need that throne for a show actual people are going to see, Eddie,” you crossed your arms. 
“Oh is that so?”  he chuckled.
“Yeah, and I outrank you in the real world, ‘King Munson’,” you smirked.
“It’s King Mason, actually,” he corrected you, using his character’s last name. 
“Wow, creative,” you laughed.
The other members watched in fearful awe at the back and forth between you and their ‘king’. THey wished they had some popcorn for something like this. 
“Listen Princess,” He starts to circle you. “I get you may be ‘queen’ of your little theater folk, but you can’t just come in here and disrespect me like that,” 
“Right…” you rolled your eyes with a small smile.
“Perhaps we can come to an agreement,” he suggested.
“Uh yeah, you agree to move your little game to another night,” you gave him a cheeky tongued smile.
The other members of Hellfire start making motions of stress and pacing, knowing you were quickly angering their leader more by the second. But to their surprise, he didn’t yell or scream. He actually laughed in amusement.
“...I like you, Y/L/N,” he chuckled. “You got spirit,” 
“Thank you?” you did your best to keep your face straight, even though inside you were secretly squealing in delight in having Eddie Munson’s approval.You’d never admit it to anyone, but you secretly had been in love with him since 8th grade. 
“Tell you what,” He crosses his arm, still smirking at you. “You get us tickets to your little show, and I’ll see about moving our Gauntlet,” 
“You wanna go to the play?” you snorted. “I wouldn’t peg you as a theater person, Munson,” 
“Well if you’re gonna be there, it might be worth it, Princess,” He winked. 
The other members were now looking at each other in confusion and disbelief. Was Eddie actually flirting with the intruder? 
That was it, you were visually taken aback, undone at his words. You could feel your face flushing hot, pushing hair behind your ears as you looked at the floor. 
“I–um, I–” you took a deep breath before looking back up, seeing he had moved closer, now inches from your face. 
“Y’know, we really don’t use this shit,” he whispered. “I just hang out here because your name’s on that sheet. I figured one day you’d come in here looking for a hat or something,” 
Your knees almost gave out from under you at his confession. Was Eddie Munson actually admitting he had a crush on you? For how long? So many things ran through your head at the moment, you could barely keep conscious. 
“R-Really?” you whispered, trying to keep composure. 
“Really,”  he looks down at your lips with a cheeky smile. 
Then without warning he swiftly backed away, as if you two had been making some sort of secret deal, keeping his image in front of his knaves. 
“I guess we’ll see you opening night then, Princess,” he bowed dramatically. “I’ll be sure to bring the Stage Manager a special surprise,” 
“O-Okay,” you giggled nervously, quickly becoming a girly mess the more he flashed that heart melting smile at you. 
You backed out of the room before you made an even bigger fool of yourself, shutting the door behind you and immediately crumbling to the floor against it in a pile of infatuated mess. 
That was, until you realized he had just conned you out of taking the throne of the room that day. 
“TIme for round two,” you giggled to yourself as you re-entered the room, ready to go toe-to-toe with ‘King Mason’.
On opening night, when you were asked to come out onstage for the curtain call, you saw Eddie and his members standing in the front row, clapping wildly. Eddie held out roses and knelt before the stage, giving you a wink. 
That was the day you became queen of Eddie Munson’s heart.
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angesirene · 5 years
if i may ask, what do you use to write out the posts with the illustrations and numbers at the top
hello! and oh, are you by chance refrerring to some of the poetry bits with small ornaments on either the title or the poem number in collections? if that is the case, whenever i share something like that it is just part of the digital version of the book.
i would love to do something like editing the bits i post with custom ornaments (and fonts)  but i’m not very familiar with a program that i could do that with, i would appreciate it a ton if anyone knows of something like that! ♡
if you were not talking about those i apologize, they were the only ones i thought of from your question.
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devpetel · 7 years
hello, i’m currently writing for this newsletter called clover and it would be super cool if you can go to the link and subscribe to them and in the refreral bit write juie ([email protected]) bc then i’ll get free stuff n you can unsubscribe after they’re giving out free stuff n i want that shit 
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travellerandreamer · 7 years
A love story  (story still on the works)
i think I want to write for dramas, movies and soap operas. I have this wild imagination in my head when I go to sleep I ALWAYS think and imagine my love story and i should write it down for future purposes. I’m really not good with words but the thought of will be enough for now. 
WILL, male lead: 28 yrs old, a real estate agent, the youngest of 2, might be insecure of his better older brother. IS IN LOVE WITH HIS BESTFRIEND IN COLLEGE but his besftriend is marrying someone else. they met in jollibee while ordering the same thing they became friends (spoof of that jolibee commericial). will is kinda shy but once you get to know him he is warm and fuzzy. he is the type of guy you introduce to your parents but sadly he’s always gets stuck in the friendzone.  A charming young man that doesnt care about what people think of him and allows himself to be a disappointment so that there will be no expectations of him
SOPHIA female lead: a finance analyst in a company, only child, grew up with her grandmother since 3 when her mom left her cause she an ofw while her dad has another family. been single for a year cause her bf went abroad and couldnt take the whole long distance thing while she was willing. now she’s 26 and wants to get married and have a family. 27 is her ideal type to get married since girls “age faster” and wants to have a baby before 30. guys usually dont want to date older women afraid to be a “leftover” (see chinese leftover women for refrerence) she is a planner and she likes thing organized, she follows the status quo, she always wants to live up to peoples expectations of her and just follow what people think about her, she doesnt really know who she is 
FIRST SCENE: wedding reception 
Will and Sophia got invited to the wedding of the bestfriend of will who he is inlove with all his college life while the guy is the boss of sophia. 
WILL being heartbroken and all took a botte of jack daniels and went outside to drink while sophia is scanning for potential bachelors for her to date since time is ticking and wants to meet her the one to live happiliy ever after with Sophia getting her hopes up went outside for a walk sees the slightly tipsy will was talking to himself and self pittying him because he wasnt able to tell his bestfriend he loves him and sophia heard about it and couldnt help but comment on how pathetic he is and will being tipsy was overly confident and ask sophia to drink... sophia ended up drinking because he got annoying anyway, will whines about why he’s always being friendzoned and he gives everything to the girls and yet they chose the other person. sophia being the strong independent woman that she is, she tell him that women ________ (i dont know this part ) 
but anyway, that bottle of jack wasnt enough, they’re slightly drunk and wants to drink some more so they go to a bar, drinkssss, dancing like crazy and ends up at the hotel. 
Morning comes and sophia wakes up, saw will half naked and as very shock but she llooks down and her dress is still intact she looks very pleased so  she went straight to the bathroom, looks at the mirror and she looks like a freaking mess, makeup smeared all over, her hair is like hagrids. she went back to the room and carefully gets her bag and shoes and walks out more like fast walking. 
and she’s trying to recall what happen. (clips of the night appears)
will finally wakes up and went straight to the bathroom to vomit. after coming to his senses he is very surprised that he’sin a hotel. he sat on the bed and he’s head hurts so much. he trying to look for his phone and was found on the floor. picks it up and had 259857 misscalls from his bestfriend. a text from his bf saying where did you go last night. and he clicked the photos and there it was the pics of last night’s shinanegans. ( pictures of drunk selfies, drunk dancing vids) he was so shocked. 
sophia goes home to her apartment and finds out that her housekeys are gone. call her bf and went to her house. her bf saw her face laughs and asked what happened she said later and went straight to the bathroom to shower. after showering she asked for clothes to borrow and called the landlord about extra keys cause her’s was lost. her bf asked what happened again and tells her the story about it. 
after 3 months, sophia went to a cafe on a sunday to do some work and will went to the same cafe and they saw each other and looked away.  (this part needs editing)
SCENE: they talk about a plan sophia will make will out of the friendzone while will help sophia look for a potential husband. 
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