#Wrenn woke up and had a really bad panic attack that ended up having him stab Dottore in the side and getting himself restrained
starlitwishes ยท 1 year
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"... I didn't know she was one of his test subjects too."
Wrenn had been staying with Tighnari in Gandharva Ville for some time now. He had gotten to know Collei a fair bit, and while his time there was meant to be 'punishment' for the injury he inflicted upon Tighnari, he knew he wasn't in bad company. In fact, he secretly enjoyed his stay there, much to his own dismay.
At least, until something happened--something he didn't expect.
Wrenn hadn't meant to startle her so badly, when he went to grab her. He hadn't meant anything by it--she had just been turning away from him and he wanted to stop her from leaving, to tell her something he felt was important. But she violently pulled her wrist away and screamed, cowering away from him before running off. Such a reaction to being touched by him startled him, and his own self hatred had started to bubble over--was he so repulsive or other to them that his touch was so offensive?
So he had been in a foul mood all day, avoiding everyone--until Tighnari had found him, and revealed the truth of the matter. That Collei had been one of Dottore's prior experiments.
A segment of his, probably--but still, nevertheless, a victim.
"That explains why she freaked out so much," Wrenn huffed. Though a part of him felt guilty for how quickly he jumped to the conclusion that it was a problem with him specifically, and not something outside of himself. "I'm... surprised she survived through it. Humans are far more fragile than I am. Normally, they die after one experiment... guess he wanted to keep her alive for some reason. That's the only reason she's alive. He doesn't care if his test subjects live or die unless he has something to gain from you being alive. If he's interested enough, then you're not allowed to die. Not on his watch."
Wrenn's words were harsher than he meant, but they were a matter of fact--as his own chest tightened at the thought, he knew better than anyone that if Dottore was interested in you, it was the only thing that saved you from death.
If one could call it saving.
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"I'll take care not to suddenly grab or touch her from now on," he promised with a nod. "The last thing I want is to put myself in more debt to you. I'll take on some of her work to make up for it... and, feel free to tell her that I meant no harm by it."
#v; is the song enough to revive the light in his eyes?#rp#starscrxssed#muse: wrenn#And Life Goes On#I was thinking of what experiment Wrenn would tell Nari about#and while it's not necessarily an ''experiment''#I thought it might be extremely bitter sweet if Nari learned about the events of the thread I have with L called ''Let Death Do Us Part''#Incoming summary for that thread and#tw for suicide attempts mentioned#The summary of the thread was: As Scara; Wrenn tried to damage his body beyond repair by throwing himself off of a cliff#To which Dottore repaired the damage#But in an attempt to scare Wrenn into not doing that again#He threatened to convince Pierro and the Tsarista to let him cooped Wrenn up in his lab all day#the subtle threat being a promise of more and more experiments and worse ones#Wrenn took that threat very badly and tried to short circuit his own mind mechanism with his newish electro powers#Dottore fixed him again#Wrenn woke up and had a really bad panic attack that ended up having him stab Dottore in the side and getting himself restrained#And Dottore leaves him there until Wrenn convinces himself that his reaction was due to a malfunction caused by him jumping off the cliff#It's not the worst ''experiment'' Dottore ever put Wrenn through by a long shot#But it IS the event that just#completely fucked Wrenn up really badly#When it was shoved into his head (unintentionally but still) that being a perfect lab rat was his life now#That his life was going to be full of experiments and he couldn't stop it#AKA it was probably the lowest point in his life#Ala why I thought it would be a bittersweet idea for him to talk about it with Nari ;o;#BUT IF THIS DOESN'T WORK FOR YOU I CAN PICK A DIFFERENT ONE OFC#but yeah anyway#This thread might end up with Wrenn crying if all goes well (or not so well LMAO)#OH ALSO TO CLARIFY I DO NOT HAVE ANY SPECIFIC COLLEI MUSE IN MIND
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