#Working and doin' shit
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mine-ventures · 4 months ago
[ I might start to post some stupid shit I've been accidentally gatekeeping form u guys, cuz... Idk sometime I forget I exist and I'm sorry---- ]
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luvjunie · 1 year ago
miles “i got it” morales earth 42 miles 591 words
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Between the both of you, Miles is always the first to stand up when the bell rings at the end of class. With all the textbooks you bring to school, he knows your backpack is just one mechanical pencil away from hitting a ton and for that reason he never lets you carry it yourself. In fact, he makes it his mission to pick it up before you do. With his own backpack on one shoulder, he’ll watch for the exact moment you’re done tucking your supplies away just to interrupt you as you’re mid-reach so he can scoop it up into his free hand by the top handle.
“I got it.”
Miles always pays for you guys’ dates. You knew this wasn’t abnormal when it came to relationships, seeing as he’s the guy, you’re the girl, and that’s just the ‘societal norm’ or whatever. It’s how your dad told you a male should treat the girl he’s with, and based off how Miles acts, you assumed his own father had given him the same speech as well before he passed. But even when you two take a stroll to the corner store to pick up some cheap snacks for a study session—the total coming out to as little as $4.37 for some sunchips and sour gummy worms—he still won’t let you pay.
He’s already getting his wallet out before the cashier can read the total off. And when you try and protest, he’s all—
“I got it.”
When your laces have come undone and you hadn’t noticed.
“Ma, your shoe’s untied.”
You’ll stop in your tracks and look down at your loosened laces, prepared to hand your phone off to him so you can bend down to tie them, and like always—
“I got it.”
When the pizza you ordered an hour ago finally shows up at the door and you get the ‘arrived’ notification on your phone—which he’s already seen because he’s always looking over your shoulder as you scroll your time away on tiktok, watching them with you as an excuse to be all up on you—you can bet your life on what his response will be.
“I got it.”
You knew he only wanted to be a gentleman, but at this point, you were convinced ‘I got it’ was his middle name instead of Gonzalo.
For a while now, Miles has felt like he has to take responsibility and do everything even when something isn’t asked of him, and you wanted him to know that same sentiment didn’t have to apply to the two of you. So you started trying to beat him at his own game.
Brushing past him and rushing down the concrete steps of his apartment building to make it to the passenger side door and open it for yourself before he can.
Keeping your backpack on the opposite side of your desk so you can have the chance to pick it up before him, even if it earns you a subtle glare each time. And while some days it really is too heavy for you to carry—heavy enough to make you question exactly what point you’re trying to prove here—you remain determined.
Having cash ready and smacking it down on the peeling countertop of the bodega before your snacks have even been rung up, and regardless of how insane you look and how the clerk squeezes his face at you to confirm that, the triumphant grin you give Miles (who’s struggling to contain a smile of his own) doesn’t falter.
“I got it.”
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unexpectedbrickattack · 2 years ago
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peepaw doodles 💛
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raineandsky · 10 months ago
The villain slips out of sight, and civilians crowd the hero before they can think to follow. Several microphones materialise half an inch from their face.
“What does it mean for the city when villains get away like this?”
“Why is this villain so difficult to catch?”
“[Hero], this way!”
They can see one reporter elbowing his way to the front of the crowd. He nudges his glasses up his nose awkwardly, a clipboard in one hand and a voice recorder in the other. He looks like an old school nerd, in a way.
He manages to wrestle his way to the front of the mob, miraculously. The hero isn’t convinced even they could do that. He clears his throat, adjusts his shirt against his neck, and presses a button on his recorder.
“What are your relations to [Villain]?”
The hero could’ve not spotted him and it would’ve been the loudest question of them all. Their gaze snaps to him traitorously before they can stop themself. He stands there expectantly, his voice recorder raised slightly towards them.
“My relation to them is that they’re a criminal,” they say carefully, a response well-practised, “and I am the person who will put them behind bars.”
That prompts a flurry of more questions, but the hero can only watch this one reporter. He nods, and they’re not sure if he’s trained to stay neutral or if he doesn’t believe them. Their stomach flips uncertainly.
“Can you really be the one to put them away if they keep evading you?”
The hero wants to smite him where he stands. They try to force a confident smile that probably looks more pained. “Then the victory will be all the sweeter when I finally catch them.”
“Are you helping them?”
There it is. The other reporters go quiet, curious. The hero’s aware they probably look like a cornered animal, but they can explain that away later. They were worried that the masses are losing faith in them, perhaps. They can throw a speech together tonight.
“Why would I be helping a criminal, sorry?”
“I’ve done some of my own research.” The reporter pushes his glasses up again as he looks down at his clipboard. “The villain’s getaway car looks alarmingly similar to yours.”
Another flip. Would it be bad to claim they have somewhere to be? They don’t have any answers prepared for this. The reporter’s watching them with an intensity that’s making them feel sick. Avoiding the question is worse, surely.
“It’s not my fault if [Villain] has impeccable taste.” They glance out over the sea of people, trying to seem distracted. Fuck it. Time to go. “Look, guys, I’ll answer everyone’s questions when I’m not actively chasing a criminal. Job first, interviews second.”
The hero flees like the fury of god is chasing them. They can feel eyes on them as they go, that little pain in the ass watching them the most intently.
They practically throw themself into their car, slamming the door like it’ll hide them from the outside. “Took you long enough,” the villain says from the backseat.
“Reporters,” the hero explains shortly. The villain hums thoughtfully.
“Always is.” The villain sighs, tearing their gaze from their phone and up to the hero. “What’s this week’s conspiracy?”
The hero turns the car on to ignore the question for a moment. “They think I’m working with you.”
The villain barks a laugh at that. “Can you imagine?” Their eyes turn back down to their phone amusedly. “A’ight, let’s get outta here.”
Gladly. The hero pulls out of the little alleyway, checking the streets for reporters, unexpectedly nervous, and onto the road. They always take the back roads like this. They don’t need any more reason for people to get suspicious. One reporter putting the thought in people’s heads is enough.
“Don’t get any ideas, by the way,” the villain pipes up after a bout of silence. The hero was quite content to listen to the rumble of the engine all the way back. “You work for me, not with me. Let’s keep it that way.”
The hero nods. The less they have at stake in this stupid little charade, the easier it’ll be to get the hell out at the first opportunity anyway.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
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Kinda forgot i let him hang there for the day but fuck it he can stay…. Why not…. Theyre friends now…
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whinlatter · 2 years ago
In your opinion when did Ginny start drifting away from Dean? What was it that made her decide she didn’t want to be with him anymore? I know it can’t just be him helping her through the door because it’s such a small reason to break up with someone. Did she start to notice Harry noticing her? Or did the relationship run it’s course?
are you ready for an unhinged galaxy brain take from me
I actually think Ginny started to suspect something had changed in Harry's feelings for her not long after he himself realised, after the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff match, early November. The scraps of evidence for this headcanon are few and far between but you can nonetheless prise them from my cold dead hands. Even before Harry himself realised he had feelings for Ginny, he was asking to hang out with her (on the train, in Hogsmeade) in ways that definitely would have seemed new. Then after the match itself:
'Laughing, Harry broke free of the rest of the team and hugged Ginny, but let go very quickly. Avoiding her gaze, he clapped a cheering Ron on the back instead as, all enmity forgotten, the Gryffindor team left the pitch arm in arm, punching the air and waving to their supporters.'
Ginny is a very good reader of Harry's emotions and responses at this point in the series. She seems to clock that Harry has just given her this very weird, out of character hug - weird both in that it's clearly very physically awkward and brief, but also weird in that Harry has given her a hug at all, when he's never initiated a hug with any other character before, let alone her. Then, this chat at the after party, immediately after Harry has just ditched a group of admiring (and extremely willing) girls flirting with him:
'“It looks like he’s eating her face, doesn’t it?” said Ginny dispassionately. “But I suppose he’s got to refine his technique somehow. Good game, Harry.” She patted him on the arm; Harry felt a swooping sensation in his stomach, but then she walked off to help herself to more butterbeer. Crookshanks trotted after her, his yellow eyes fixed upon Arnold.'
This is the first time Ginny touches Harry in the series. It's innocuous enough to anyone watching - Chaser pats Captain on the arm after a game - but given how unusual it is for Ginny to touch Harry, so soon after their previous strange interaction where Harry initiated touch with Ginny for the first time, I think we can see this interaction as Ginny testing her theory. (Tbh I think Harry's response to her here, including the fact that he literally doesn't even speak in front her lol, would give her even more reason for suspicion.)
I basically think Dean and Ginny are doomed after this. Not because I think Ginny would be like great Harry likes me time to break up with Dean - I think she's got months of pranging out about it ahead of her. But I think the stage is set for Ginny starting to actively compare Dean to Harry, and finding him wanting. Between the more morsels of evidence she gets in the following weeks (taking Luna to the ball, the maggot incident), and how miserable Ginny seems at the prospect of going back to Dean in the New Year, I think there's good reason to suspect she had clocked that Harry might, at long last, be returning feelings for her. (I tried to talk a bit about Ginny's view of Dean here).
I know a lot of fics and general fanon has Hermione working Harry's crush out first and pointing it out to Ginny, but I actually really don't buy this! There's no real proof of Hermione noticing Harry's changing feelings for Ginny until really late on. On the topic of Slughorn's party, she tells him to "just invite someone", and doesn't seem to suspect anything after he lies that there's no-one he wants to invite. I genuinely don't think Hermione knew until mid-March:
“Yeah, well, there was no need for Ginny and Dean to split up over it,” said Harry, still trying to sound casual. “Or are they still together?” “Yes, they are — but why are you so interested?” asked Hermione, giving Harry a sharp look. “I just don’t want my Quidditch team messed up again!” he said hastily, but Hermione continued to look suspicious, and he was most relieved when a voice behind them called, “Harry!” giving him an excuse to turn his back on her.
Of course, after this point, Hermione is in full super sleuth mode. To Hermione, Ginny's argument with Dean suddenly makes a lot more sense now she's realised that a) Harry likes Ginny and b) Ginny has already worked out Harry likes her and so is sabotaging her relationship with Dean. After Ginny and Dean break up while Harry is on Felix Felicis (subtle from HJP), Hermione knows for sure what's going on, and is deliciously smug and unsubtle about it in ways that makes me think if she had known before this, she would have let on. It's true that Harry is oblivious, but it's also true that Hermione has never passed up a chance to say I told you so (she's just like me fr)
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flingza-roller · 1 year ago
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hello to the entire 2 ppl in the shapes and beats fandom, i bring u the hijacked 3 edition of Close to me. yes this is a VERY autistic mashup (hit readmore for a bonus pic)
( i spent over 10 hours on this help, reblogs are VERY appreciated ily )
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after the fight :]
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sweetvalentinescandy · 7 months ago
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struggled a lot with tweeks pose unfortunately. love how kenny turned out!! if only it was their week but its NOT!!!
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ashwii · 2 years ago
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He's got big dreams
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eternalera · 1 year ago
im sorry but the iliad just doesnt hit as hard if patrochilles isnt canon
okay think about it. they were at troy for TEN YEARS. in ten years you get to know a bunch of people for an incredibly long amount of time whether they're in your camp or not. Achilles even shows this when Machaon gets hit and he gets all sad loserboy about it. but achilles values his honor MORE than his friendship with Machaon MORE than the lives of countless greeks MORE than what they'll think of him. but the moment when it comes to Patroclus just being like 'yo i know you wont fight but i can go and help them?' Achilles is like 'omg sure i cant be mad forever after all anything for you'.
This wouldn't mean as much is ODYSSEUS THE SMARTEST MAN OF THE GREEKS couldn't convince him. He tried for like DOUBLE the time patroclus did and still couldn't get him. Sure you could make the argument that he's known patroclus longer but that STILL isn't satisfying.
After all phoenix goes over and is like 'i would be the last person telling you to fight so please fight' and Achilles has known phoenix SINCE HE WAS BORN and hes known patroclus for a lesser time than that.
not only that but its clear that he honors phoenix but he puts patroclus in a higher standing. so it cant just be friendship that makes him go out onto the battlefield or the fact that hes just known him longer. because this is all just straight up thrown out the window and it anger me that people just refuse to see this. like-
it only makes sense if Patroclus comes to Achilles as a lover as we already have odysseus (actual reasoning), Machoan (friendship), and then Phoenix (respect and knowing someone longer). The only thing that makes sense is if theyre lovers.
i rest my case
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toxooz · 9 months ago
This summer, I'm gonna teach myself how to ride a skateboard ✊😤 and I'm gonna give myself the same grace and patience Ollie would give me 😤😤😤
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ur-ghostgirl · 2 months ago
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mysicklove · 1 year ago
hey my friends, my lovers, my little bastards, i am going to be taking a little break! gonna be gone until bout maybe couple days before kinktober...maybe 29th of september or around that time. today will be my last day on here for awhile, so just wanted to let u guys know before i disappear for a bit lol.
alsoo i will be queing my kinktober masterlist like 3 times, so if you see that posted randomly, dont be suprised lol.
and to my mutuals, ill prob not be on discord. i associate discord with tumblr, and i wanna have a break from it all. sooooooooo....ill see you around!
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cloud-somersault · 1 year ago
why do people want little star to be a shadowpeach child so bad in constellations? they really REALLY want that, i've gotten like 10 comments about it
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cinamun · 11 months ago
Damn y'all! Due to a series of unfortunate requirements of adulthood, I only have half of tomorrow's update ready and I'm about to go lay it down like Lloyd because ya girl is SPENT!!
TFA will return Friday and I'm trying to knock this out Saturday too, then prolly/maybe back to schedule on Sunday.
My bad. But most importantly, this was the first time in history an R&B artist has yodeled over a track and I just don't think we talk about that enough...
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sentimentalslut · 6 months ago
Sometimes I want to yell at you to update your fics but I remember you’re a whole ass lawyer and have a life.
also writers block dont forget the writers block
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