#Wol/X'hrun Tia
ainarosewood · 4 years
FFXIV Write2020 Writing Challenge Day 5
@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​ @ffxiv-writers​
Prompt-Matter of Fact
Warning Red Mage Quest Spoilers below cut.  Specifically cutscene dialogue from the lvl 60 Quest Stained in Scarlet.  Also somewhat graphic image below cut.
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"...My friends...you must flee!" X'rhun rasped his voice scarcely loud enough to be heard.
Arya looked at him a moment then stood stating, "This is far from over!" drawing her blade.
Arna nodded the Viera drawing her own blade and floating the crystal on the other hand growling matter of factly, "By far, we will not abandon you Rhun.  We are allies are we not?"
X'rhun looked at the two of them nearly choking on blood and worry as the strode forward blocking him from Lambard and his lackeys.
"Please....," he pleaded
Arna shook her head stating, "This fiend will continue his hunting until he is put down that much is plain.  For the sake of the innocents of the realm, and our fallen comrades, we must do just that."
X'hrun just closed his glacier eyes giving a grim smile.  Her tone said it all and he should have known.  This woman always protected those who needed it.  She was the Warrior of Light after all.  The Viera had also taken well to Red Magic and was more an ally now than a student.  He just nodded his understanding not trusting his voice at the moment.
"Students of red magic, are you?" Lamberd sneered, "Come then show me how you resist the advent of your own destruction!"
Arna looked over at Arya and the young Hyur nodded in understanding.  She then lunged forward appearing to take Lamberd head on causing the man to give a feral grin. Then she feinted to his right and cast a Jolt II and VerAero in rapid succession dropping the first of the lackeys that were alongside their master.
Arna meanwhile met the man's blade head on and they began a flurry of thrusts and slashes. The Midlander soon became frustration at the nimble ease that the Rava was avoiding the edge of his blade.
Arya finished off the other lackey and then began to launch spells at Lamberd causing him to snarl in annoyance then rush the girl slashing her side and grinning in triumph.
"Oh no you don't, " Arna growled the Viera quickly casting two sequential VerCure’s on the  girl sealing the wound as swiftly as it had opened.
Howling in rage Lamberd returned to striking at her allowing his anger to lend strength to his blows.   The Viera in turn met his strikes and began to press the advantage against him all the while Arya raining spells of both mana schools down upon him.
Finally he managed to slice Arna and the Rava used displacement to get some distance between them before healing herself along with Arya's casts.  
Lamberd growled in frustration realizing these two had determined the flaw in his ability.  Feeling his strength wain he once again drew from X'hrun causing the man to give a strangled cry of pain.
The Viera's cerulean eyes darkened in rage and she then began casting her own attack spells causing the Midlander to have to desperately weave and dodge in an attempt to avoid being hit.  
He once again tried going after the young Hyur who did her best to avoid him keeping distance and making sure he was not within blade strike.
Suddenly a gold tether wrapped around him and Lamberd belatedly realized he had given the Viera enough time to build her mana reserves for the melee strikes.
She rushed forward with Corps-a-Corps and then thrust deep into his abdomen with  Repisote following with slashing him open three ways with Zwerchhau and then thrusting again with Redoublement. The damage was amplified by the enchantments that were brimming within the blade.
He was by now gasping blood burbling in his mouth and pouring from his wounds as she finished with a VerHoly.  The searing pain of the white magic spell causing him to drop his weapon and scream in pain.
He found himself unable to stand and he heard X'hrun exclaim, "My comrades....You are champions of the red......"
Lamberd then had the satsifaction of seeing the infuriating Miqo'te double over as he attempted to stand the wound he inflicted still causing the older man pain.
Arya rushed forward crying, "X'hrun! You mustn't try to move!"
Lamberd snorted from where he knelt feeling his aether drain along with what was left of his life’s blood.
The Miqo'te forced himself upright giving her a reassuring smile stating, "I'm not dead yet lass....though it was nice that you thought to avenge me."
Lamberd gave a strained smile from where he was.  Same old X'hrun ever the quick quip in response.  He wanted to hate the man but, he couldn't.  He knew his craft well and had passed it on to the two of them with admirable efficiency.
The elder Miqo'te then painfully strode over to Lamberd looking down at him stating, "What a miserable pair we make.  The last of the Crimson Duelists, staining the ground scarlet with our blood.....I cannot even claim this final vengeance as mine....the honor goes to my students."
Arna watched the Hyur warily ready to leap into the fray should he try to use his tricks again.
X'hrun shook his head at his former comrade stating, "Ah, but there lies the difference between you and me, Lambard.  Your puppets follow your commands without question, but they'll not carry on your legacy after your gone."
Panting and coughing up blood Lamberd sneered back, "Is that what twenty years of struggle has taught you?  I admit the sense of justice with which you infect others has delivered you victory.  On this day, at least..."
Instantly Arna's weapon was redrawn and she stood poised to strike.  X'hrun raised a hand to her giving Lamberd a quizzical look.
The Midlander turned looking over at the young Hyur standing near, "But the fates are know for their spiteful twists of fortune.  Take this Arya of yours....."
As if on que in some mummer's play the girl staggered before shaking her head stating, "...I'm fine.  It was a trying battle, is all."
Lamberd let out a wet chuckle, "Hm, hm, hm....Will this be the injustice which breaks you?  A pity I will miss...your suffering..."
Arna let out a growl and made ready to strike down the dying Hyur.  Only for him to collapse  the last of his life spent with those ominous final words.
As X'hrun commented to Arya about what the man had said and she reassured him she was alright Arna couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding.
After all they had found Arya destine to join Lamberd's mindless cabal with most of her memories lost.  What if there were spells of preparation that had been put in place?  Could these have a lasting effect that would be what the bastard was eluding to.
The Viera then shook herself as X'hrun nearly fell flat on his face attempting to walk away.  Swiftly she got to his side supporting him and keeping an eye on the tottering Arya as they made their way back to the Toll.
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dholwrites · 5 years
Being a little vague here but uh, would you mind writing some fluff for X'hrun Tia/WOL? I've fallen for him and can't get up T-T
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