#With apologies to Garrison Keillor.
tonkiceleb · 2 years
Garrison keillor
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Minnesota Public Radio has announced it is cutting ties with Keillor and his production company owing to allegations of inappropriate behavior. The authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio record.Garrison Keillor, creator and former host of A Prairie Home Companion, talks at his St. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. The offense - sending a sexual limerick to fellow employees.įor NPR News, I'm Matt Sepic in St. CEO McTaggart says Keillor's public statements, quote, "have not been fully accurate." On social media, Keillor has said he's working on a novella called "Inappropriate Behavior" and a screenplay about a man who returns home to the fictional Lake Wobegon after being fired from his job. Keillor has repeatedly declined to comment for this story, but in November, he told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that his ouster then was simply the result of putting his hand on a woman's bare back to console her. SEPIC: Hilgenberg says Keillor apologized. But I didn't say anything, which I still regret to this day. And I was like, that is so wildly inappropriate, you know, in my mind. MOLLY HILGENBERG: I don't even really remember my reaction. It was about how he found one of his female employees physically arousing. Paul bookstore, says she was in the shop one day in 2012 when Keillor wrote a limerick on a white board. Molly Hilgenberg, who worked in Keillor's St. SEPIC: In a 1999 court filing, MPR disputed the claims in McFadden's lawsuit. And it should not be an excuse to behave badly and treat others so poorly, especially women. PATRICIA MCFADDEN: I think people who have power and influence and good fortune have more responsibility to behave well than anybody. She did not allege sexual harassment but said Keillor bullied and humiliated women on his staff. In 1999, another woman, Patricia McFadden, was fired from Keillor's "Writer's Almanac" program and sued Minnesota Public Radio. The woman said she never cashed the check, nor did she sign the proposed confidentiality agreement. In 2009, his production company offered one of his subordinates $16,000, a non-disclosure agreement and a contract. It found that he had at least two consensual romantic relationships with women in workplaces he led. SEPIC: Jon McTaggart spoke publicly yesterday just as Minnesota Public Radio News, which operates independently of the company's corporate structure, was about to air the results of its own investigation into Keillor's past. We have not made public the documents, the allegations, the identities of anyone involved. JON MCTAGGART: We've been, from the beginning, committed to the privacy and confidentiality of everyone involved, including Garrison. McTaggart says the investigation has been thorough. MPR hired an outside law firm to investigate, and McTaggart says Keillor was included in the process. Along with the letter were excerpts of emails from Keillor. McTaggart says the woman's attorney sent a 12-page letter outlining accusations of unwanted sexual touching and dozens of inappropriate incidents over a period of years. At the time, Minnesota Public Radio CEO Jon McTaggart revealed very little, but now, he says a woman who worked on "Prairie Home" had come forward a month prior with allegations of sexual misconduct. MATT SEPIC, BYLINE: The company ended its relationship with Keillor in late November, immediately halting distribution of "The Writer's Almanac" and rebroadcasts of Prairie Home Companion shows Keillor hosted until his retirement. And now an investigation by Minnesota Public Radio News reveals that Keillor fostered a work environment that left some women feeling mistreated, sexualized or belittled. The break with the creator and former host of "A Prairie Home Companion" came amid allegations that he engaged in inappropriate behavior. All right, now some new details about Minnesota Public Radio's decision late last year to cut off its business ties with Garrison Keillor.
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antigonick · 2 years
Hello, I have been following (loving!) your account for many years. I am getting married in two months and would love to include poetry in my vows. You are the first person that came to mind when I thought of who could recommend poetry about eternal love. (Apologies in advance as I am sure you have been asked this before.)
I have received that question before! And, okay--what I usually answer is that I think a poem will matter more if you've shared it together and have ties to it. The poem doesn't matter, you know? It's what you make of it. It's less about eternal love and more about what that piece of poetry has meant for you both, together.
A few favourites if they help:
I Know Someone, by Mary Oliver Love Comes Quietly, by Robert Creeley All of the Glanmore sonnets, but especially X, by Seamus Heaney Muse of Translation, by Rebecca Seiferle Asterion's Lament, by Natalie Diaz To Fanny, by John Keats In time of daffodils, and love is a place, by E. E. Cummings If Thou Must Love Me, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning After parting, Sara Teasdale Supper, by Garrison Keillor I hope these give you a few ideas!
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cksmart-world · 6 years
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
by Christopher Smart
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019
The Year of the Pig
Yep, according to the Chinese lunar calendar, it's the Year of the Pig and that could spell trouble for Donald Trump, say feng shui masters. You see, Trump was born in the Year of the Dog (We are not making this up.) and that, say the masters interviewed by The Washington Post, indicates our president may be in for a bumpy ride. Accordingly, some feng shui experts suggest that Trump should take antioxidants to purge “earth” — one of the five universal elements in feng shui. “The extreme intensity of the earth element creates a character that is stubborn, self-absorbed, vindictive and judgmental,” said master Pun Yin. Democrats should take note and jump into action before August and preferably in March, a low point for Year of the Dog-born folks, explained master Rong Xia. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a “very formidable” adversary — or dragon, he said. You guessed it, she was born in the Year of the Dragon. And as recent events confirm, it's not wise to mess with the Dragon Lady.
In Heaven There Ain't No Beer
End times are near. We know this because the Utah Legislature is considering passing a law that would allow “real” beer in grocery stores. OMG, how is that even possible. Legislators could all be going to hell — or even lose their Temple Recommends. As history tells us, when Prohibition ended in 1933, only 3.2 percent alcohol (by weight) beer could be sold in Utah. Most beer in the world is 4.8 to 7 percent alcohol. But when Prohibition ended in 1933, Utah leaders feared beer stronger than 3.2 could destroy Zion — everybody would be drunk on their butts. Ever try to explain that to a visitor who wants to know what's wrong with Utah beer. Wilson and the band can't believe this, but in frontier times, Salt Lake City's State Street was lined with bars and distilleries. That all dried up in January 1919 when the 18th Amendment was ratified. And here we are 100 years later, still debating beer. Truth is, the big breweries are doing away with 3.2 beer and Utah needs alcohol revenue. But the staff here at Smart Bomb is not complaining. It's progress. Next thing you know everyone in Utah will have affordable health care. Nah — that'll take another 100 years.
Zero Tolerance — Or Not
Revolutions, including social movements, come with collateral damage. That's just they way things are. Shit happens. Bad stuff must stop. If you were a stupid white boy who dressed up in black face three decades ago (Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam) — sorry, but sorry doesn't get it. You're done. If you were clowning around on a movie set 20 years ago and grabbed a woman in a space suit by the boobs (Al Franken) — apologizing is meaningless, you must resign from the U.S. Senate. If you are as white as white can be and go around saying you're an American Indian because it was family lore, (Mass. Sen. Elizebeth Warren) you're remorse falls flat. Run for president at your own peril. OK, OK, wait, that's only for Democrats and other liberals, like Garrison Keillor. It's different for Republicans, like high school and college bad boy Brett Kavanaugh — all that stuff was a long time ago. And whatever it was, he didn't do it, so you can forget an apology. And Donald Trump — well, he's proud to say he did do it and he's not sorry. So what are we talking about, anyway. It was just unwanted kissing and crotch grabbing. Oh yeah, and he's not a racist just because he said white supremacists are good people, too. It's like this, only weak people with empathy apologize. That's just the way things are.
Guns R Us
It's the one year anniversary of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. where 17 students and staff members were shot to death. Too bad those kids weren't armed. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a10th-grader with a gun. It's been about 16 months since 58 people were shot dead and some 400 wounded at the Route 91 Harvest musical festival in Las Vegas. The shooter was high up in the Mandalay Bay hotel with an arsenal of automatic weapons. Too bad there's nothing we can do to stop these things from happening, again and again and again. It's just over four years since 20 children between 6 and 7 years old were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Conn., along with six adult staff members by a deranged kid with an assault rifle. Too bad. Some 40,000 Americans are killed by guns each year. It's the price of freedom. And anyway, we have bigger things to worry about — like the national emergency at our southern border.
Post Script
Among the remarkable things happening at the Utah Legislature this session is the suggestion by Rep. Phil Lyman of Blanding that San Juan County be split in two — one county for the descendants of white, Mormon settlers and one for them Navajos. For the first time, the San Juan County Commission is, by a 2-1 margin, dominated by Native Americans and that just isn't fair. White people, Lyman argues, are being discriminated against.
Well, that's it for another fun-filled week at here Smart Bomb. There was one hiccup, however — our abacus crashed trying to keep track of how many Democrats are running for president. There's a rumor going around that former Utah state senator Jim Debakis is rethinking a run for Salt Lake City mayor in favor of a bid for the White House. Some believe Mayor Jackie Biskupski instigated the gossip in an effort to get the spotlight-grabbing Debakis out of her hair. Good luck with that. OK Wilson, it's time — can you and the band take us out with something that will soothe our psyches, or at least numb our frontal lobes for a while: In heaven there is no beer / That's why we drink it here / And when we're all gone from here / Our friends will be drinking all the beer...
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glittertomb · 7 years
MM statement
i was so seriously disappointed and discouraged about the MM news the other day.  so i sat there waiting for her to at least own her actions and properly apologize, and then i was further disappointed and discouraged.  it feels like every day i wake up i learn something new and horrible about someone or something that brought me joy in the long, unending bleakness that life can sometimes be.  it was my day off, and i lay in bed, mourning her reveal like a death and stumbling upon other disheartening things.
turns out the slow loris in that viral video is raising its arms because it’s scared and uncomfortable, and that their teeth are pulled out without sedative so people can keep them as pets.  turns out laughing at those hilarious b-rolls for infomercials is horrible because a lot of those products are made for people with disabilities, so they struggle to do ordinary tasks like putting on socks, getting something out of a cupboard, or feeding themselves.  turns out all the things we did as kids is devastating to the environment, from throwing glitter to food fights to releasing balloons in the sky.  turns out racism is real and alive after being fed the lie that “we’re past racism” all throughout grade school.
turns out that so many of our favorite performers, icons, and personal heroes have been exposed doing outrageously problematic things from bowie to louis c.k. to even george takei and garrison keillor (wtf?).  it’s really easy to become forlorn, because what if the people we still think are pure are just filled with toxic waste, waiting to spill?  who can we trust?
i have to have hope that there are still honest, caring, tender, gentle people out there filled with more love than poison.  i have to hope that people can change and grow and fight their demons until they flesh out the deep darkness in themselves.  i have to hope that survivors transform and blossom and thrive in a world that has betrayed them.  i have to hope that if i could shed my selfishness and bitterness, there’s a chance that the human race can find its humanity too.
so, i won’t support MM for now, but i’m not willing to let go what her music and art meant to me during that period of time.  we are all filled with angels and demons, so i recognize and scorn her demons, but i still admired and grew from her angels.  in the words of goddess ke$ha, 
MM, i hope you’re somewhere praying, i hope your soul is changing, i hope you found your peace, falling on your knees, praying... or whatever your form of prayer is.
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swan2swan · 7 years
When his old campaign manager was indicted Monday, Mr. Trump called me on the phone, crying like a baby, and begged me to endorse him. I said, "You're already president, Mr. President. You were elected." He said, "I'd still like your endorsement." I have a recording of the phone call. It's so sad. Donald Trump is done. He couldn't get elected dogcatcher in New York, his hometown. I was very very nice about it. Very nice. But New Yorkers love dogs and he does not. There are 14 recorded instances of him kicking small dogs, and I have documentary proof of all but two of them.
Plus many other instances of him running around grabbing women's cats. Knocked on the door, grabbed the cat, walked away. Just to show that a famous rich guy could get away with it. Where is the apology? No, the man couldn't even get a job as a school crossing guard in New York. Look at him leading his grandchildren toward the helicopter — thank God there's a Marine there to keep them from walking into the rotor.
He's very wary of children, afraid they'll pull off the wig. It's from La Bouffant on 8th & 45th, 3rd floor. Horsehair. Palomino filly. I have receipts.
Trump shot a man on Fifth Avenue last year just to see if he could get away with it and he did. His base said, "Well, some people just need to be shot, that's all. As a warning to the others." Why is he so hung up on virility? Because the Army rejected him on account of bone spurs that you get from wearing high heels. Everybody knows that.
Just look at how he salutes the Marine honor guard — TOTAL DISASTER — it's not a salute, it's a little yoo-hoo. Uniforms are a huge turn-on for him. And when he salutes the flag, he doesn't even look at it. Total disrespect for the flag. And the salute is very weak in the wrists. Know why there's ABSOLUTELY NO video of him hitting a golf ball? Because (pardon me for being politically incorrect) he swings like a girl. And when he slices it into the parking lot, he tees up another ball. Mr. Mulligan. Mr. Multi-Mulligan.
He sits at that ridiculous little desk in the Oval Office and signs a presidential proclamation as if he's Kim Jong Un or something and he holds it up like a kid holding up his school project that his mama wrote for him. The man can barely read, that's why he hates TelePrompter. Total lightweight.
He is NOT A NICE PERSON and so the name Trump is as popular as herpes these days. Trumpet players have taken up the cornet. Card players refer to the lead suit as the jump suit. Tramps prefer to be called hoboes, town dumps are now refuse heaps, and girls named Dawn are becoming Cheryls. To residents of his crummy building on Fifth Avenue, it's now known as Chump Tower because it's caused so much grief and tragedy for people. It wasn't constructed — it was fabricated. FABRICATED. Plywood modules shipped down from Canada and installed by minimum-wage temps from Hoboken. I can prove this. I have documentation. The wind whistles through the tower at night, roaches the size of rats. Ask anybody.
People who voted for him are humiliated. So his ratings have tanked. The same people who admire him tend to drive Dodge Darts and wear sweatshirts from schools they didn't attend. Nobody stays in his hotels except foreign CEOs and their tootsies. He is weak. Weak on #s, weak on 1st Amendment, worst president in history. Failed @ real estate and now @ politics. His record = BAD. First president in my lifetime who DOES NOT KNOW the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner." The lips are not even moving.
He quit holding rallies in stadiums because nobody wants to go hear a loser brag about his manliness for an hour, you can hear that in any barroom. Only places he can draw a crowd are rural areas where billboards are riddled with bullet holes, shot by men angry because they can't read. He is so over. Totally irrelevant, exhausted, flamed out. The sleepytime eyes and la-di-da hair and the tweet-tweet-tweet say it all. Real men don't tweet. Ask anybody. We bark, we protest, we thunder, condemn, denounce, we give 'em hell, sometimes we post. Wimps tweet. And now the perps are going to start walking and talking. And the fat lady is waiting in the wings.
Hey, kids, if you were ever a fan of Prairie Home Companion and/or Garrison Keillor in general, and if you were like me and had some sort of doubts about where he fell on the morality spectrum...well...here you are.
If you didn’t know who he was before this, check him out.
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Actual ways I have tried to flirt with people:
Offering to proofread and edit their academic papers.
Explaining male privilege and intersectional feminism 
Sending them all the memes on my phone
 Auditioning for a play they’re directing in the fringe festival
Making puns about things that are important to them and then just kind of being insulting
Canvassing for a local political candidate
Thanking them for not calling me weird
Apologizing for being weird
Making friends with their siblings
Trying to take up smoking because it was an excuse to hang out???
Recommending a book by Garrison Keillor
Yup. Definitely nailed it.
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whatsonlatenight · 7 years
Team Coco : Conan: Garrison Keillor Issued An Apology To His Three Living Fans - CONAN on TBS
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musicoccurred · 8 years
Ben Folds
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*Music Occurred friend and frequent contributor, Brett Lass, attended the fabulous Ben Folds show. Review below.
Who: Ben Folds Where: Lyric Theatre When: March 1, 2017
Having given the audience enough time to refill drinks and take sheets of paper from the tables in the lobby, Ben Folds re-emerges from backstage with another glass of tequila and rests it on the body of a Baldwin baby grand. A smile creeps across his bearded face as paper airplanes with requests written on them are launched from the floor and cascade down from the balcony. This kind of audience participation segment is par for the course at any Ben Folds show. Be it inclusion in a four-part harmony or taking the place of Regina Spektor, come with your vocal chords properly tuned and be ready for instruction from the conductor.
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Hailing from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Ben Folds is the modern day talisman of piano rock. His most notable venture before going solo was the under-appreciated Ben Folds Five, which to this day is often regarded as a one hit wonder from back when 90's alternative rock ruled the airwaves. Amidst a myriad of other bands with one song to their name before being swept under the constantly changing tides, and tastes, of the music listening audience, Ben Folds Five struck gold with “Brick,” an autobiographical song about a high school aged Folds and his girlfriend and their experience with getting an abortion. After 3 albums, and a loyal cult following, the band broke up in the fall of 2000, and Folds moved on to start a solo career, with his first album, Rockin' The Suburbs, being released on September 11th 2001. In the time since the release of Rockin' The Suburbs, Ben Folds released two more solo albums, and collaborated with the likes of William Shatner, Nick Hornby, and classical ensemble, yMusic. This also included a reformation of Ben Folds Five in 2011 and subsequent comeback album, The Sound of the Life of the Mind, released in 2012. While the music has not greatly changed throughout the years, one would not exactly think of the guy who used to throw his stool at the piano and grab his crotch at the end of sets as someone who would take a great deal of care in sharpening his vocal delivery or someone who would pen classical movements. But, that's part of the intrigue with an artist like Folds. One moment, he's leading the audience in a profanity laden sing along of an improvised version (of which there are many versions to be found on YouTube) of “Rock This Bitch,” and in the next moment, with his head forlornly hung under a pale spotlight, he plays the role of balladeer, tenderly narrating stories about lost loves and growing up.
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Tonight's show took place at the recently revived and refurbished Lyric Fine Arts Theatre, located in what is becoming a thriving theater and entertainment district of downtown Birmingham, Alabama. This was my first show at the Lyric, and it must be said that the interior is absolutely gorgeous. A sophisticated, gold tinged, Adamesque motif with private balconies that are lined with panoramas of cherubs with closed eyes and holding different musical instruments. The stage itself is wide and expansive, which actually benefits the minimalistic production of tonight's show.
The opening act was Sarah Jarosz, a folk musician from Austin, Texas whom I was not very familiar with, but came off quite popular among certain areas in the auditorium, including the people sitting near me who were singing along to some of her songs. During her set, she switched between the acoustic guitar and the banjo, and her lyrical content consisted of the familiar themes of roots rock, at times walking a tightrope between Americana and hymnal. Her stage presence was very conservative and interactions with the audience was genteel and brief. As I read later, she has toured in the past with Garrison Keillor and The Prairie Home Companion troupe, which thinking back to her set at the Lyric, totally reminds me of a lot of the music that I enjoyed when our local NPR station broadcast the show prior to Mr. Keillor's retirement.
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It did not take long for Ben Folds to get the audience in on the act, the 5th song of the set, “Bastard,” includes a three part harmony. But for this particular performance, it was changed to a four part harmony. After a brief practice round working with different areas of the audience to parse out the timing and sections of the harmony, Ben Folds directed the audience mid-song without breaking away from the performance, and it went just about as perfect as it gets when you're playing the piano and directing a few hundred people through a song. As energetic and as amicable as ever, Ben Folds would stomp his feet loudly during songs, imploring the audience to clap along. As mentioned earlier, the audience even got to play the role of Regina Spektor for the song “You Don't Know Me.” Though it was mostly female members of the audience singing the part, I did hear a couple of men in the audience attempt to raise their voices a few octaves out of range to join them. At one point, Ben Folds invited Sarah Jarosz back on stage to perform a cover of a Roger Miller song, “A Million Years From Now.” They also teamed up for a folksier, banjo-version of “Do It Anyway.” The set list was impressive as Mr. Folds manage to touch multiple songs in his vast catalogue between solo albums, side projects, and Ben Folds Five albums. The initial set was actually quite short, and for good reason, the better half of the evening was dedicated to audience request, where everyone was invited to head back out into the lobby to get a pen and a piece of paper and write down any song they wanted before folding it into a paper airplane and tossing them towards the stage for Folds to retrieve and, at his discretion, play it during a sub 10 to 12 song set. Either through luck, or the audience not requesting it, or Mr. Folds himself for not playing it, “Sweet Home Alabama” was not included. During this portion of the night I was girding myself for disappointment if he played the first few signature keys to that song. But, it never happened, so thumbs up for that. Also, yes, I am a bitter and pessimistic hipster.
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Even if you take away the audience participation parts, it is still a joy to see someone who appears to have harnessed a very interesting mix between pop music and classical piano music hit the stage and tickle the ivories with such rapid fire precision and flare and showmanship. Before the comparisons to Billy Joel or Elton John rain down, I must say that I feel that Ben Folds took the foundation of what those two artists have created and popularized and kept it relevant and, in his own right, transcended past just being a pop piano player. Given I was not alive or was an infant when Mr. Joel or Mr. John were in the primes of their careers, there's something to be said about an artist going from being played on the call letters for your home for alternative rock music back in the 90's and then with that piano rock sound be able to move into more mainstream roles of judging singing competitions or producing an album with William Shatner or appearing on movie soundtracks (I will fight anyone who wants to challenge that the 1998 Godzilla movie, the one starring Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno, is not one of the greatest soundtracks ever, and my apologies to Led Zepplin fans who most certainly just felt a disturbance in the force after I typed that statement). It is also great that he seems to have taken that mantle of ownership and is interested in recruiting, or at least bringing closer to the limelight, acts that are of a more classic flavor, maybe also shrouded in more niche genres like the one he is categorized in, see his collaboration with yMusic or his album of a cappella covers with different university choral groups. This was probably my 4th or 5th time seeing Ben Folds live, and while nothing really caught me off guard as far as his stage antics or attitude or setlist are concerned, that does not mean that it was not fun. I have never seen and have never heard of a show taking place where Ben Folds is off of his game. Even when I saw him open for Weezer a long time ago, he still brought it. His beard and his choice of side projects might to lead one to think he is reaching towards some kind of musical, or even personal, maturity as he grows older. But, then I realize that I'm presuming this of the same guy who displayed a rather wry smile when the “f-word” was shouted in a theatre by adoring fans just a few days ago.
Setlist: 1. Phone in a Pool 2. Annie Waits 3. Uncle Walter 4. Still Fighting It 5. Bastard 6. Not a Fan 7. A Million Years From Now (Roger Miller cover) 8. Do It Anyway (banjo version w/ Sarah Jarosz) 9. Landed 10. Capable of Anything 11. You Don't Know Me
Paper Airplane Audience Request Setlist: 1. Kylie From Connecticut 2. Rockin' The Suburbs 3. Sleazy (Kesha cover) 4. Brick 5. The Last Polka 6. Carrying Cathy 7. Jesusland 8. The Luckiest 9. Rich Girl (Hall & Oates cover) 10. Emaline 11. Careless Whisper (George Michael cover) 12. Army
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
101 Best Quotes About Brother
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/101-best-quotes-about-brother/
101 Best Quotes About Brother
101 Best Quotes About Brother Harini Natarajan Hyderabd040-395603080 December 3, 2019
If you have a brother, you know how lucky you are. A brother-sister relationship is very special and unique – and sometimes super annoying as well! You and your brother have a bond that you do not share with anyone else. The teasing, the conspiring, the adventures – you are your brother’s keeper. But we often don’t know what we have until we move out and start missing them. If you have recently moved out of home or are just missing your little/big bro in general, here are some beautiful brother quotes you can send him to show him your love and appreciation.
Some of us get along really well with our siblings, while some tend to have constant bickering and fights with them. (Been there, done that!) At the end of the day, whether you fight with him or not, you are aware that your brother is super special to you. He was probably your first friend while growing up. If you are among the few lucky ones, you and your brother are still best of friends.  Regardless of the kind of relationship you have with your brother, these quotes can help you express your feelings for him.
Amazing Brother Quotes
“There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother… Oh, how I hated that little boy. And how I love him too.” – Anna Quindlen
“The younger brother must help to pay for the pleasures of the elder.” – Jane Austen
“The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out his nose.” – Garrison Keillor
“I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three.” – Anonymous
“A friend is a brother who was once a brother.” – Anonymous
“I was a tomboy and I didn’t have a bunch of brothers but I always wanted them and so I sort of adopted a few of my great friends to be my brother…” – Olivia Wilde
“I hated Chris, my brother. I would pull his hair and kick him, until one day my father gave him permission to fight back. I’ll be apologizing to him for the rest of my life.” – Stevie Nicks
“My father wants me to be like my brother, but I can’t be.” – Robert Mapplethorpe
“If you have a brother or sister, tell them you love them every day – that’s the most beautiful thing. I told my sister how much I loved her every day. That’s the only reason I’m OK right now.” – Amaury Nolasco
“Do you know what friendship is… it is to be brother and sister; two souls which touch without mingling, two fingers on one hand.” – Victor Hugo
“You are not my friend, you are my brother, my friend.” – Jaroslaw Jarzabowski
“There is a destiny which makes us brothers; none goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.” – Edwin Markham
“Brothers don’t necessarily have to say anything to each other they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other…” – Leonardo DiCaprio
“The best way to get a puppy is to beg for a baby brother and they’ll settle for a puppy every time.” – Winston Pendelton
“My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass.’ ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys.’ – Harmon Kellebrew
“It takes two men to make one brother.” – Israel Zangwill
“I don’t believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.” – Maya Angelou
“Never make a companion equal to a brother.” – Hesiod
“It was nice growing up with someone like you someone to lean on, someone to count on… someone to tell on!” – Anonymous
“Mum used to say we were the same soul split in two and walking around on four legs. It seems unnatural being born together and then dying apart.” – Melodie Ramone
“A brother shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.” – Anonymous
“She had always wanted a brother. And she had one now. Sebastian. It was like always wanting a puppy and being a hellhound instead.” – Cassandra Clare
“The bond that binds us is beyond choice. We are brothers. We are brothers in what we share.” – Ursula K. Le Guin
“Equality lies only in human moral dignity… Let there be brothers first, then there will be brotherhood, and only then will there be a fair sharing of goods among brothers.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“My sister was drowning in the ocean once, and my brother and I dove in and saved her. True story. She owes us her life. It’s great leverage; we abuse it all the time!” Matt Barr
“I grew up with a younger brother, so I can get pretty rowdy.” – Sarah Wynter
“There’s no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the love from a brother.” – Astrid Alauda
“To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other’s hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.” – Clara Ortega
“It snowed last year too: I made a snowman and my brother knocked it down and I knocked my brother down and then we had tea.” – Dylan Thomas
“After a girl is grown, her little brothers — now her protectors — seem like big brothers.” – Terri Guillemets
“Blessed is the servant who loves his brother as much when he is sick and useless as when he is well and be of service to him. And blessed is he who loves his brother as well when he is far off as when he is by his side, and who would say nothing behind his back he might not, in love, say before his face.” – St. Francis of Assisi
“A sibling may be the keeper of one’s identity, the only person with the keys to one’s unfettered, more fundamental self.” – Marian Sandmaier
“Being pretty on the inside means you don’t hit your brother and you eat all your peas – that’s what my grandma taught me…” – Lord Chesterfield
“Because brothers don’t let each other wander in the dark alone.” – Jolene Perry
“We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Children of the same family, the same blood, with the same first associations and habits, have some means of enjoyment in their power, which no subsequent connections can supply.” – Jane Austen
“My big brother still thinks he’s a better singer than me.” – Rod Stewart
“I can’t work with my brother without laughing.” – Dick van Dyke
“Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.” – Susan Scarf Merrell
“A brother is a friend God gave you; A friend is a brother your heart chose.” – Anonymous
“Stop for a moment and realize how lucky you are to have one.” – Maxime Lagacé
“Once a brother, always a brother, no matter the distance, no matter the difference and no matter the issue.” – Byron Pulsifer
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” – Richard Bach
“Being his real brother I could feel I live in his shadows, but I never have and I do not now. I live in his glow.” – Michael Morpurgo
“Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.” – Susan Scarf Merrell
“Help your brother’s boat across, and your own will reach the shore.” – Hindu Proverb
“I, who have no sisters or brothers, look with some degree of innocent envy on those who may be said to be born to friends.” – James Boswell
“One can be a brother only in something. Where there is no tie that binds men, men are not united but merely lined up.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“When I look at each of my brothers, I see two things. First, I see the next place I want to leave a rosy welt. Second, I see a good man who will always be there, no matter how hard life gets for me or him. Then, I get out of the way because I realize he’s coming at me with a wet dish towel.” – Dan Pearce
“Nothing can stop me from loving my brother.” – Brandy Norwood
“I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance waiting for the bathroom.” – Bob Hope
“All men were made by the Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers.” – Chief Joseph
“When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life.” – Antisthenes
“If you want to know how your girl will treat you after marriage, just listen to her talking to her little brother.” – Sami Levenson
“He is my most beloved friend and my bitterest rival, my confidant and my betrayer, my sustainer and my dependent, and scariest of all, my equal.” – Gregg Levoy
“We may look old and wise to the outside world. But to each other, we are still in junior school.” – Charlotte Gray
“A brother is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit.” – Anonymous
“Never make a companion equal to a brother.” – Hesiod
“A sibling is the lens through which you see your childhood.” – Ann Hood
“Half the time when brothers wrestle, it’s just an excuse to hug each other.” – James Patterson
“When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life.” – Antisthenes
“If thy brother wrongs thee, remember not so much his wrong-doing, but more than ever that he is thy brother.” – Epictetus
“Brothers are what best friends can never be.” – Anonymous
“A friend is a brother who was once a bother.” – Anonymous
“Your brother is always the first male friend you will have in your life.” – Ritu Ghatourey
“To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other’s hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.” – Anonymous
“He will make you cry but also make you laugh. He will make you scream but also dream.” – Maxime Lagacé
“I believe in one thing, that only a life lived for others is a life worth living.” – Albert Einstein
“Sibling relationships and 80% of Americans have at least one outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of distance and closeness, warmth, loyalty and distrust.” – Erica E. Goode
“I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three.” – Anonymous
“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” – Herman Melville
“Sisters and brothers are the truest, purest forms of love, family and friendship, knowing when to hold you and when to challenge you, but always being a part of you.” – Carol Ann Albright Eastman
“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” – Desmond Tutu
“Grant us brotherhood, not only for this day but for all our years – a brotherhood not of words but of acts and deeds.” – Stephen Vincent Benet
“Son, brother, father, lover, friend. There is room in the heart for all the affections, as there is room in heaven for all the stars.” – Victor Hugo
“If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can’t do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings.” – Deepak Chopra
“Will you be there for him if he needs you? Of course. Should you love him without question? Absolutely.” – David Levithan
“We should all lend a helping hand to those in need as we are all brothers and sisters.” – Catherine Pulsifer
“All are brothers and sisters. All are one, be alike to everyone. That is unity.” – Sathya Sai Baba
“The world is now too small for anything but brotherhood.” – A. Powell Davies
“I can get another husband but never another brother.” – Corsican proverb
“I’m the oldest, I make the rules. I’m in the middle, I’m the reason we have rules. I’m the youngest the rules don’t apply to me.” – Anonymous.
“You and I are brothers. Always remember that if you fall, I will pick you up… after I finish laughing.” – Anonymous
“Brothers are children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together.” – Sam Levenson
“Home is wherever my bunch of crazies are.” – Anonymous
“I smile because you are my brother and I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it.” – Anonymous
“It is impossible to keep a small boy in the house, even in the worst weather, unless he has a sister to torment.” – Mary Wilson Little
“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap.” – Ani DiFranco
“Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.” – Alexander the Great
“Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.” – Vietnamese proverb
“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.” – Matthew 18:15
“We are all equal in the fact that we are all different. We are all the same in the fact that we will never be the same.” – C. JoyBell
“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.” – John Donne
“When we turn to one another for counsel we reduce the number of our enemies.” – Kahlil Gibran
“You need a brother, without one you’re like a person rushing to battle without a weapon.” – Arabic proverb
“Your brother is who gives you an honest advice.” – Arabic proverb
“Good brotherhood is the best wealth.” – Russian proverb
“It is better to host a good stranger than a bad brother.” – African proverb
“A sin against a brother or sister is an offence against the gods.” – African proverb
“Finally, all of you must live in harmony, be sympathetic, love as brothers, and be compassionate and humble.” – 1 Peter 3:8
“Moreover, if your brother shall trespass against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.” – Matthew 18:15
You know you have an amazing brother if he takes care of you and makes sure you never get hurt physically or emotionally. He also knows how to make you laugh and teaches you a lot about life. He supports your goals and aspirations and does everything in his power to make them happen for you. Your brother loves you unconditionally and accepts you for who you are as a human being.
If you have a brother, show him know how much you love him and what he means to you by texting him one of these quotes. You can also add a sweet message in your own words. Whatever it is you decide to do, always remain close and keep your bond as strong as ever as the years go by!
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Harini Natarajan
Harini has over 12 years of experience in content writing and editing for online media. She specializes in the areas of business, health and wellness, and lifestyle and is proficient in Medical Sciences (Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and Biochemistry). As the Chief Editor, Harini ensures that her team delivers interesting, engaging, and authentic content. Her background in Biomedical Engineering helps her decode and interpret the finer nuances of scientific research for her team. Harini is a certified bibliophile and a closet poet. She also loves dancing and traveling to offbeat destinations.
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/brother-quotes/
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placetobenation · 5 years
On the same day 25 years ago, Greg Maddux threw a 94 pitch complete game shutout in Colorado against the Rockies to lower his ERA to 1.56, while Tony Gwynn had 3 hits in Houston to raise his average to .394 with 45 games remaining. It was August 11, 1994 and the longstanding war between MLB owners and the Players Association would go nuclear very soon, with a players strike starting the next day wiping out the remainder of the 1994 regular season, playoffs, and 252 games the following year. The game once called America’s Pastime was tarnished.
Because it was the players striking for the 5thtime since 1972, much of the blame fell on them in the public narrative, with owners receiving criticism but not nearly as much as the players and Union president Donald Fehr. 
The earliest labor disputes in baseball after the formation of the MLBPA in 1966 centered around minimum salaries, arbitration rights, and funding of pensions for retired players, the latter of which was the main issue in the 1972 strike that cancelled 86 games. The nullification of the reserve clause in December 1975 in the Seitz decision led to the advent of free agency, and increasingly hostile labor negotiations.
The next ten years passed with four work stoppages (three strikes and one lockout) mainly relating to free agency compensation rules and salary arbitration rights. The owners sought to impose a free agent system with heavier compensation to drive down salaries while the players fought for a free market approach. 
Under the guidance of MLB commissioner Peter Ueberroth for three years starting after the 1985 season, owners refrained from making lucrative offers to free agents from other teams, depressing the market for those players. As an example future Hall of Famer Tim Raines became a free agent after the 1986 season at age 27, but returned to the Montreal Expos on May 1, 1987 after getting no offers as a free agent. The union filed a collusion grievance against the owners each year, and players were eventually awarded $280 million in damages, but any trust that existed between players and ownership evaporated with the rounds of collusion. (Note: Per the collective bargaining agreement, “clubs are not allowed to concert with other clubs and players are not allowed to act in concert with other players”)
Owners forced out commissioner (and ownership critic) Fay Vincent in 1992 and installed Milwaukee Brewers owner Bud Selig as acting commissioner for the coming labor war, one that would see the owners demand a salary cap similar to what the NBA had and what the NFL had implemented in their most recent bargaining talks.
In June, the owners offered a salary cap with a 50/50 split of revenues. But put yourself in the position of the players: why would you trust the owners when they had just been caught cheating your side out of millions of dollars? The players were forced into a strike because they could not have a good faith negotiation given the history involved, and the owners were threatening to declare an impasse and implement their own system with a salary cap, which they did several months into the strike.
It is also hard to empathize with owners who talked of using replacement players before a strike date was even set. The following spring training saw replacement player games before a court injunction led to a return of the regular players for an abbreviated 1995 season. Replacements would have led to two teams not fielding teams: the Toronto Blue Jays were prohibited from using replacement players due to Ontario labor law, and the Baltimore Orioles refused to field a team because owner Peter Angelos was a highly-regarded labor lawyer.
Discussion of these labor issues in Major League Baseball isn’t much fun but trying to project how the rest of the 1994 season would have played out might be, with apologies to the rightfully upset Montreal Expos fans. Let’s assume that the MLBPA called off the strike in exchange for assurances of no lockout in 1995 or declaration of an impasse in negotiations by the owners.
AL East
There was a changing of the guard in the division with the two-time defending World Series champion Toronto Blue Jays taking a big step back with a 33-46 start. They won 22 of their last 36 games but that wasn’t enough to catch the New York Yankees and the Baltimore Orioles in the division. The Yanks (70-43) held a 6.5 games lead over the O’s (63-49) on the strength of a career year from AL batting champ Paul O’Neill (.359/.460/.603) and a resurgent year from Wade Boggs (.342/.433/.489), who had his best power year since 1987. 
This was a very different Yankees team than the group that would dominate the AL East for the next decade: no Jeter, no Pettitte, no Rivera, and no Posada. They got 19 homers from Seinfeld guest star Danny Tartabull, over 300 innings between Jim Abbott and Melido Perez, and the back end of the bullpen was anchored by Bob Wickman and Steve Howe. All would be gone before the 1996 World Series.
Cal Ripken was the constant for the Orioles, as his streak stood at 2,009 consecutive games at the time of the strike, with Mike Mussina anchoring the rotation and Lee Smith in the bullpen. Their fate likely would be decided by the 15 remaining games against fellow wild card contenders Kansas City, Chicago, and Cleveland. Prior to the strike they did get a boost from = Armando Benitez, who gave up 1 run in 10 innings after his late July call-up.
The rebuilding Red Sox started 20-7 before collapsing to finish 54-61, and the Tigers both scored and gave up a ton of runs to ensure mediocrity.
Result: Yankees cruise to a division title with 95-100 wins, while a 87-90 win Baltimore team falls short of the wild card.
AL Central
This division was by far the best in baseball in 1994, with three playoff contenders and no teams on a track to lose more than 90 games. The defending division champion Chicago White Sox led the way, followed by a rising Cleveland team in its shiny new Jacobs Field, and a sneaky good team in Kansas City. An intense rivalry built between the White Sox and Indians centered about the Albert Belle corked bat controversy.
Frank Thomas won the MVP with Ted Williams-esque numbers (.353/.487/.729, with 109 BBs, 38 HR, 101 RBI in 113 games) but their strength was their starting rotation of reigning Cy Young winner Jack McDowell, veterans Alex Fernandez and Wilson Alvarez, and young Jason Bere all with ERAs under 4.00 with over 140 IP. 
That pitching would be needed against a Cleveland club on pace to score nearly 1,000 runs over a full season. Their regular lineup boasted 7 players with an OPS+ at 106 or higher including young Jim Thome and Manny Ramirez. The starting rotation led the league with 17 complete games, perhaps a necessity with the bullpen being the clear weakness of the team. Cleveland still had 30 home games left to play, and they were 35-16 at Jacobs Field in its inaugural season.
Kansas City is something of a surprise contender because they would not even finish .500 again for another 9 years. David Cone won the Cy Young and led the team in WAR in the 2nd season of his second stint with his hometown team, while Tom Gordon and Kevin Appier were 2ndand 3rdin WAR for the Royals. With the retirement of George Brett, the lineup was below average, with only Wally Joyner and one-hit wonder Bob Hamelin carrying the load.
Result: The White Sox barely hang on with 95 wins and hold off Cleveland (94 wins), who pick up the wild card. Kansas City finishes 3rdwith 85-87 wins. 
AL West
This is the opposite of Garrison Keillor’s fictional Lake Wobegon, the place where all the women are string, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average. The American League West was more like Camp Crystal Lake from Friday The 13thin 1994 with the four worst records in the 14 team league. 
Texas “led” the way at 52-62, on pace for 74 wins in a full season. Their lineup looks fit for 2019 with lots of home runs and even more strikeouts. Jose Canseco hit 31 homers in a strong comeback from an abbreviated season where a fly ball hit him in the headand a pitching performanceled to Tommy John surgery. Kenny Rogers did toss a perfect game, and they also had a young Darren Oliver who hung around long enough to actually pitch in a World Series for Texas. While their new stadium (which closes in 2019!) did not bring the same success as it did for Cleveland, it did embolden their ownerto seek political office. 
Oakland was a game back, but lost Mark McGwire to a foot injury at various points of the season. Steve Ontiveros became a footnote in history as one of the most obscure ERA champions in history with a 2.65, and Rickey Henderson returned from Toronto for his 3rdstint in the East Bay. The A’s had stretch losing 31 of 37, followed by winning 19 of 23. 
In mid-July, four ceiling tiles fell from the Seattle Kingdome’s roofwhich led to the Mariners finishing the year on the road, so the strike saved them from what would have become a 70 game road trip. While their best players like Ken Griffey Jr., Edgar Martinez, Jay Buhner, and Randy Johnson excelled, the rest of the team was about as functional as their home stadium. The July call-up of 18 year old Alex Rodriguez did not last long and he was sent back to the minors after 6 errors and 0 extra base hits in 13 games.
The California Angels also saw their home stadium damaged in the Northridge earthquake in January, repairs were made prior to their season. The Halos had little going for them, with the exception of a bizarre outlier season from 33 year old 3B Spike Owen, who posted a .418 OBP in 321 plate appearances, nearly 100 points above his lifetime OBP.
Result: Seattle tires from playing 2 ½ months on the road, and Oakland edges Texas and saves MLB from the embarrassment of a sub-.500 playoff team by winning the division with a record of 81-81.
NL East
With the Marlins and Mets rebuilding and the Phillies backsliding after their ’93 NL pennant, the NL East was a two horse race between the Expos and division newcomer Braves, since Atlanta was strangely in the NL West previously.
Montreal had the best team in franchise history with the top outfield in the NL of Moises Alou, Marquis Grissom, and Larry Walker. All the regulars in the Expos lineup were just entering their prime, as the oldest player was 3B Sean Berry at 28 years old. Of the top 4 starting pitchers, young Pedro Martinez had the highest ERA at 3.42. The bullpen 1-2 punch of John Wetteland and Mel Rojas was a factor in their 21-14 record in one run games, in contrast to the Phillies and their 12-26 mark in such contests. 
With a wild card spot in play, the Braves would not have to win at the same breakneck pace as the prior year in their race with the Giants in West. They would be able to ride their quartet of Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine, John Smoltz, and Steve Avery to a playoff berth and take their chances with their always questionable bullpen in a short series.
Result: Montreal keeps their foot on the gas and finishes with 105 wins, while the Braves cruise to 97 wins and a wild card spot locked up with over a week left in the season,
NL Central
The outlook was not positive for the Houston Astros despite being in a virtual tie with the Cincinnati Reds because of MVP 1B Jeff Bagwell suffering a season-ending broken wrist two days before the strike. With Chris Donnels and Sid Bream backing up, there would be a massive dropoff from the 213 OPS+ the future Hall of Famer provided. 
Cincinnati had a well-rounded lineup, placing 4thor higher in all key offensive categories as a team. Underrated big game pitcher Jose Rijo led the starting rotation, and there were not any notable trainwrecks in the Reds bullpen, positioning them well for their first playoff run in four years.
The Pirates were still recovering from the loss of Barry Bonds after the 1992 season, the Cubs got a 3 HR gamefrom Karl “Tuffy” Rhodes on opening day (a game they lost 12-8 anyway), and the Cardinals did almost nothing of note the entire season.
Result: Cincinnati rolls to 96 wins and the division, while Houston falls back and finishes with 89 wins. 
NL West
With realignment and the departure of Atlanta to its rightful spot in the East, the Dodgers and Giants battled for control, while the Padres and 2ndyear expansion Rockies continued to build.
Coming off a 103 win season, the Giants got almost no contributions from anyone in their lineup not named Barry Bonds or Matt Williams. The latter was famously on pace to chase Roger Maris’ then single-season record of 61 HR, but Bonds had 37 HR of his own to go with 29 SBs so he was on his way to the 2nd40-40 season in MLB history. Darryl Strawberry arrived in July and provided some pop, but would find himself under indictment for federal income tax evasion before 1994 ended. 
The pitching staff kept them competitive, but who knows if William VanLandingham and company could keep fooling hitters for another 7 weeks. San Francisco did win 20 of their last 30 which included a four game sweep of the Expos in Montreal.
The Dodgers held a 3.5 game lead, but still had six more games with Atlanta, against whom they were 0-6 to that point. Mike Piazza followed his Rookie of the Year campaign with another strong year, but Los Angeles got two outlier seasons from a couple of grizzled veterans. Tim Wallach (age 36) and Brett Butler (age 37) both set career highs in OPS, perhaps a signal that baseball was evolving into an era of inflated offensive numbers. Raul Mondesi became the 3rdstraight Dodger to win Rookie of the Year.
San Diego was rebuilding after their fire sale trades of Fred McGriff and Gary Sheffield the year before, but the story was of Tony Gwynn and his quest to hit .400. With 45 games remaining, he was on pace to have 171 more at bats based on his total to that point if he played every game, requiring him to get 71 hits in that time to finish with a .400 average. In his final 171 ABs of the ’94 season, Gwynn had 69 hits so it is far more likely that Gwynn finishes in the same range as Ted Williams in 1957 (.388) and 1980 George Brett (.390).
Colorado improved from their inaugural season and were about to move out of cavernous Mile High Stadium and into Coors Field. The strike cost them a chance to set a new single season attendance record, but the 1994 Rockies still have the highest average home attendance (57,570 per game) of any team in MLB history.
Result: The Giants claw their way back and finish tied with the Dodgers with 86 wins, leading to a one game playoff for the division, won by the Giants avenging the Dodgers eliminating them in game 162 a year earlier.
The original wild card playoff formatwas different and in many ways made no sense with the wild card team assigned to play a specific division winner rather than the team with the best record. The NL West champion would play the wild card, and the AL Central champion would play the AL Wild Card unless the two teams were in the same division.
ALDS1: Cleveland over NY Yankees (3-1) – The Yankees end up falling behind in the series early when manager Buck Showalter forgets that he can use his best relief pitcher on the road in a tie game in extra innings.
ALDS2: Chicago over Oakland (3-0) – The White Sox win their first playoff series in 77 years
NLDS1: Atlanta over San Francisco (3-0) – The Braves went 21-2 in NLDS play from 1995 to 2001 and this season would have been no different.
NLDS2: Montreal over Cincinnati (3-2) – Buoyed by raucous sellout crowds of hockey-starved Quebecers (due to the ongoing NHL lockout) for games 3-5 after falling down 0-2, the Expos come back and win three straight to advance to the NLCS for the first time since 1981.
ALCS: Chicago over Cleveland (4-2) – This series is mostly remembered for an incident in game 5 where young absent-minded baserunner Manny Ramirez forgot to run to 2ndbase on a would-be walkoff single in the 10th, keeping the game tied and allowing the White Sox to win in 12 innings in an incident forever known as “Manny’s Boner”. 
NLCS: Montreal over Atlanta (4-2) – After losing the first two games at home, the Expos rally to win four straight after another unfortunate national anthem incident at game 3 in Atlanta where the Canadian flag was flown upside down….again. 
World Series: Montreal over Chicago (4-2) – A costly error in game 6 by Julio Franco, playing 2ndbase in place of Joey Cora due to the lack of the DH, leads to a 5 run Montreal 3rdinning in the clincher. Canadian Larry Walker wins series MVP as the Expos become the third straight World Series winner from Canada. 
0 notes
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements.
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. http://www.nature-business.com/nature-metoo-brought-down-201-powerful-men-women-are-nearly-half-of-their-replacements/
Nature 201 lost jobs or major roles
Nature 122 replacements: 53 women and 69 men
Who Was Ousted and Who Stepped In
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Nature Andy Mitchell & Milos Brajovic
Co-presidents of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
▼ View all 201 cases below
They had often gotten away with it for years, and for those they harassed, it seemed as if the perpetrators would never pay any consequences. Then came the report that detailed Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assaults and harassment, and his fall from Hollywood’s heights.
A year later, even as the #MeToo movement meets a crackling backlash, it’s possible to take some stock of how the Weinstein case has changed the corridors of power. A New York Times analysis has found that, since the publishing of the exposé (followed days later by a New Yorker investigation), at least 200 prominent men have lost their jobs after public allegations of sexual harassment. A few, including Mr. Weinstein, face criminal charges. At least 920 people were reportedly subjected to sexual misconduct by someone on the list. And nearly half of the men who have been replaced were succeeded by women.
In the year preceding the Weinstein report, by contrast, fewer than 30 high-profile people made the news for resigning or being fired after public accusations of sexual misconduct. The downfall of the Fox host Bill O’Reilly in April 2017 turned out to have been just a foreshock of the changes to come.
“We’ve never seen something like this before,” said Joan Williams, a law professor who studies gender at the University of California, Hastings. “Women have always been seen as risky, because they might do something like have a baby. But men are now being seen as more risky hires.”
[Sign up here for Gender Letter, our newsletter that helps you keep up with the world, and the women shaping it.]
Sexual harassment has hardly been erased in the workplace. Federal law still does not fully protect huge groups of women, including those who work freelance or at companies with fewer than 15 employees. New workplace policies have little effect without deeper cultural change. And as the Supreme Court confirmation battle over Brett Kavanaugh showed, Americans disagree on how people accused of sexual misconduct should be held accountable and what the standard of evidence should be.
But the analysis shows that the #MeToo movement shook, and is still shaking, power structures in society’s most visible sectors. The Times gathered cases of prominent people who lost their main jobs, significant leadership positions or major contracts, and whose ousters were publicly covered in news reports.
Forty-three percent of their replacements were women. Of those, one-third are in news media, one-quarter in government, and one-fifth in entertainment and the arts. For example, Robin Wright replaced Kevin Spacey as lead actor on “House of Cards,” Emily Nemens replaced Lorin Stein as editor of “The Paris Review,” and Tina Smith replaced Al Franken as a senator from Minnesota.
People Replacing Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Women are starting to gain power in organizations that have been jolted by harassment, with potentially far-reaching effects.
“I find it so interesting the number of people who come up to me and say, ‘Thank you for stepping in when someone needed to step in,’” Ms. Smith said. “That’s a lot of what women do a lot of the time, right?”
Appointing a woman does not guarantee change. Women have also harassed and covered up harassment. Some women face the glass cliff — in which women are appointed to leadership in times of organizational crisis, when the chance of failure is higher. And while the share of women who have risen to power in the wake of Mr. Weinstein’s fall is significant, women are still vastly underrepresented at the top of American institutions.
Research has repeatedly shown that women tend to lead differently. In general, they create more respectful work environments, where harassment is less likely to flourish and where women feel more comfortable reporting it. Female leaders tend to hire and promote more women; pay them more equally; and make companies more profitable. Women bring their life experiences and perspectives to decision-making, and that can help in business because women make the vast majority of purchasing decisions. In government, women have been shown to be more collaborative and bipartisan, and promote more policies supporting women, children and social welfare.
That has been true in Congress, said Ms. Smith, a Democrat. In a highly polarized Senate, women tend to be unusually collegial across party lines, she said, and the 23 female senators meet for dinner monthly.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
▼ View all 201 cases below
“I believe you’re successful and you get things done if you have relationships with people,” she said. “That’s the ground for accomplishing something, certainly in the legislative world.”
One example: She and Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican from Alaska, discovered that they both worked on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in high school. The bond they built from shared experience helped them when they co-sponsored mental health legislation that was included in the opioid crisis response bill passed last month.
In news media and entertainment, many women who ascended to jobs vacated by men have changed the tone and substance of what they offer audiences — and in some cases, the fallout from #MeToo has shaped their decisions.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
▼ View all 201 cases below
Jennifer Salke, who took over for Roy Price as head of Amazon Studios, has said Amazon needed more “big, addictive shows for women.” She has announced deals with the actors Lena Waithe and Nicole Kidman, among others.
Since Tanzina Vega took over from John Hockenberry as host of “The Takeaway,” the public radio program, she has done many episodes about gender, including on masculinity, women’s anger and the intersection of gender and race — topics that she had been covering for years but that she said were now part of the national conversation.
“I don’t think that’s necessarily because I’m a woman, but it’s just that as a woman, as a Latina, I know when the conversation hasn’t been about women, and I’m deeply sensitive to that,” said Ms. Vega, who was previously a reporter at CNN and The New York Times.
Nature John HockenberryDec. 1, 2017
Host of WNYC’s “The Takeaway”
After he left “The Takeaway,” nine women accused Mr. Hockenberry of sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances. He apologized, describing his behavior as “rude, aggressive and impolite.”
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Women’s personal experiences, including as mothers, can make workplaces more welcoming to other women. That’s the hope of Christine Tsai, who is chief executive of the tech investment firm 500 Startups, where she replaced Dave McClure in early 2017 after an internal investigation into his behavior toward women in the tech community.
“I’ve erred on the side as C.E.O. of being more open about it, like if one of my kids has an appointment, so hopefully it creates an environment where people don’t feel like they have to hide that they have obligations to family,” she said. “Sure, a guy can be sensitive to those things, but I think it helps having that empathy of what it’s like for moms.”
The women who have risen, however, can only make so much change — they are still operating in a male-dominated system. More than 10 percent of the ousted men have tried to make a comeback, or voiced a desire to, and many never lost financial power.
The comedian Louis C.K. recently took the stage at the Comedy Cellar in New York, raising questions of how long is long enough for people to be banished from their field, and who gets to decide. Garrison Keillor, the radio host, has restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast and reportedly received $275,000 for a deal in which Minnesota Public Radio reposted archived episodes of his programs. Jerry Richardson, the founder and former owner of the Carolina Panthers, was fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after he was accused of sexual harassment — but sold the team for at least $2.2 billion, a record amount.
When people accused of harassment return to power without making amends — or never lose it, at least financially — it limits the post-Weinstein movement’s potential to change how power is exercised in American society.
They have not experienced the same type of trauma that survivors have, said Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement, which she started in 2006 to support survivors of sexual harassment and violence (the hashtag went viral a year ago this month as women used it to tell their stories of harassment and violence). And very few have shown that they have taken responsibility for their actions or offered private apologies to those they harmed, she said.
“Where’s the self-reflection and accountability?” she said. “Perhaps if we saw some evidence of that, then we can have a more robust conversation about the road to redemption.”
In the meantime, these women say, there are more than enough qualified women ready to take their places in power.
“A bunch of us who took over these jobs got promoted because we were really good at these jobs,” said Ms. Vega, the radio host. “We have the skills, we have the experience, we have the work ethic and we have the smarts to do it, and it’s time for us to do this job.”
The 96 Men Who Were Replaced
Of the men who lost their jobs, 50 have been replaced by at least one woman in an interim or permanent capacity. The date for each entry indicates when news broke of accusations, or when a firing, resignation or other fallout was announced.
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Accused by dozens of women of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to abuse and rape. He has been criminally charged in Manhattan with sexually assaulting two women. The Weinstein Company later went bankrupt and was bought and rebranded as Lantern Entertainment. Mr. Weinstein, who was fired from his film production company, has said all of his encounters were consensual.
Andy Mitchell
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Milos Brajovic
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Lockhart SteeleOct. 12, 2017
Editorial director, Vox Media
Fired after being accused of sexual harassment of at least one person. Vox Media’s chief executive said Mr. Steele admitted to misconduct.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
Nature Chris SavinoOct. 17, 2017
Creator of Nickelodeon’s “The Loud House”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He apologized.
Michael Rubiner
Co-executive producer of “The Loud House”
Nature Cliff HiteOct. 17, 2017
Ohio state senator
Resigned after a woman filed a sexual harassment complaint against him, citing unwanted advances. He later said that he had behaved inappropriately.
Nature Robert ScobleOct. 19, 2017
Co-founder of the Transformation Group, an augmented reality company
Resigned after being accused of sexual assault or inappropriate behavior with three women. He apologized for “inappropriate” behavior.
Nature John BeshOct. 21, 2017
Chief executive, Besh Restaurant Group
Stepped down from day-to-day operations after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple employees. He apologized.
Nature Caleb JenningsOct. 24, 2017
Chicago organizer for Service Employees International Union
Fired after accusations of “sexual misconduct and abusive behavior.” Found not guilty of assault in court.
Nature Mark HalperinOct. 26, 2017
Political journalist
NBC News, Penguin Press, HBO and Showtime severed ties with Mr. Halperin after accusations of sexual harassment by former co-workers. He apologized and admitted to several years of “inappropriate” behavior.
Alex Wagner
Co-host of Showtime’s “The Circus”
Nature Rick NajeraOct. 26, 2017
Director of CBS’s Diversity Showcase
Resigned after an investigation into accusations that he made inappropriate and lewd comments to performers. In a statement, he said he was “confounded by deliberate and cruel defamations.”
Nature Kevin SpaceyOct. 29, 2017
Dropped from his Netflix show, “House of Cards,” and was replaced in the film “All the Money in the World” after he was accused of forcing himself on a minor. He apologized. More men have come forward accusing Mr. Spacey of behaving inappropriately toward them.
Robin Wright
Netflix “House of Cards” star
Christopher Plummer
J. Paul Getty in “All the Money in the World”
Nature Hamilton FishOct. 30, 2017
Publisher and president of The New Republic
Resigned after accusations of inappropriate conduct, and said he had “a lot to learn” about the treatment of women in the workplace.
Rachel Rosenfelt
Publisher and vice president of The New Republic
Nature Andy DickOct. 31, 2017
Fired from two films after accusations of sexual harassment. He pleaded not guilty to a sexual battery charge in July and denied claims of groping.
Jonathan Pessin
Oliver in “Vampire Dad”
Nature Michael OreskesOct. 31, 2017
Head of news at NPR and former New York Times editor
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment of three women. He apologized and called his behavior “wrong and inexcusable.”
Nature Ira SilversteinOct. 31, 2017
Illinois state senator
Resigned as majority caucus chairman after sexual harassment accusations, which he denied. He lost his re-election bid in a March primary.
Mattie Hunter
Majority caucus chair
Nature Jeff HooverNov. 1, 2017
Kentucky state representative and speaker of the House
Resigned as speaker after settling a sexual harassment claim made by a staffer but remains in office. Mr. Hoover said the alleged harassment, consisting of inappropriate text messages, was consensual.
David Osborne
House speaker pro tempore
Nature Kendall FellsNov. 2, 2017
Organizing director of the Service Employees International Union’s Fight for 15 campaign
Resigned amid a broad investigation into harassment and employee misconduct within the union.
Nature Sam AdamsNov. 3, 2017
Director of U.S. branch of the World Resources Institute
Left his job as the director of the U.S. branch of a think tank after a former staffer said Mr. Adams sexually harassed him when he was the mayor of Portland, Ore. Mr. Adams called the accusations false and said his decision to leave the think tank was unrelated.
Nature Ed WestwickNov. 6, 2017
Cut from the BBC show “Ordeal by Innocence” after three women accused him of sexual assault. He denied the accusations. Prosecutors in Los Angeles declined to press charges because of lack of evidence.
Christian Cooke
Mickey Argyll in “Ordeal by Innocence”
Nature Don ShooterNov. 7, 2017
Arizona state representative
Expelled by the Arizona House of Representatives for “dishonorable” behavior after an investigation found he sexually harassed multiple women, including fellow lawmakers. Mr. Shooter apologized and said he had done “stupid things,” though he raised questions about the investigation’s claims.
Nature Benjamin GenocchioNov. 8, 2017
Executive director of the Armory Show art fair
Replaced as executive director of the Armory Show, a top international art fair in New York, following accusations from several women of unwelcome touching and inappropriate sexual comments. Mr. Genocchio said he “never intentionally acted in an inappropriate manner” but apologized “to the extent my behavior was perceived as disrespectful.”
Nature Dan SchoenNov. 8, 2017
Minnesota state senator
Resigned after allegations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He denied some allegations while claiming that others were “taken far out of context.”
Nature Louis C.K.Nov. 9, 2017
Comedian and producer
Lost his production deal with FX after he admitted to multiple instances of sexual misconduct, including masturbating in front of several women. Distribution for a film he wrote and starred in was canceled, and he lost a voice role in “The Secret Life of Pets” franchise. He recently began performing again, unannounced, at comedy clubs in the New York area.
Patton Oswalt
Max in “The Secret Life of Pets 2”
Nature Tony CornishNov. 9, 2017
Minnesota state representative
Resigned after accusations that he propositioned lawmakers and lobbyists for sex. He apologized.
Nature Tony MendozaNov. 9, 2017
California state senator
Resigned after accusations that he made improper advances toward several women. He denied the accusations. A State Senate investigation found that he “more likely than not” made unwanted advances.
Nature Andrew KreisbergNov. 10, 2017
Executive producer of superhero dramas “Arrow,” “Supergirl,” and “The Flash”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact. He denied the allegations.
Greg Berlanti
Took on additional responsibilities as an executive producer of “The Flash” and “Supergirl”
Nature Eddie BerganzaNov. 10, 2017
Editor at DC Comics
Fired following accusations that he “forcibly kissed and tried to grope colleagues.”
Brian Cunningham
Group Editor of Superman titles
Marie Javins
Group Editor of Justice League titles
Nature Gary GoddardNov. 10, 2017
Founder of the Goddard Group
Stepped away from his company after accusations that he molested eight former child actors. He denied the accusations. The company was renamed “Legacy | GGE.”
Nature Brian LinderNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a pension committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He apologized for unspecified “mistakes.”
Jerry Miller
Chairman of the Public Pension Oversight Board
Nature Jim DeCesareNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of an economic development committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He said he has “done nothing to be ashamed of.”
Phillip Pratt
Chairman of the Economic Development and Workforce Investment Committee
Nature Michael MeredithNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a local government committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member.
Rob Rothenburger
Chairman of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Steve LebsockNov. 10, 2017
Colorado state representative
Expelled by the Colorado House of Representatives after accusations of sexual harassment, including discussing sexual acts, by at least five women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jeff KruseNov. 15, 2017
Oregon state senator
Resigned after an independent investigation found that he had sexually harassed and inappropriately touched multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul RosenthalNov. 15, 2017
Colorado state representative
Lost committee vice-chairmanship and re-election after accusations of groping. The complaints were dismissed by the Colorado General Assembly. Mr. Rosenthal said he was “innocent of any wrongdoing.”
Tony Exum Sr.
Vice Chair of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Wes GoodmanNov. 15, 2017
Ohio state representative
Resigned following accusations of “inappropriate behavior” inside his office. Then further allegations emerged that Mr. Goodman had for years solicited consensual sex from other men and had once groped a college student. He acknowledged the initial allegations and apologized.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
Nature David SweeneyNov. 16, 2017
Chief news editor at NPR
Left after accusations of sexual harassment from three female colleagues.
Nature Randy BaumgardnerNov. 16, 2017
Colorado state senator
Stepped down as chair of the transportation committee after being accused of sexually harassing a former legislative aide. An independent investigation found the claim credible. Mr. Baumgardner denied the accusations. The State Senate voted against expelling him.
John Cooke
Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee
Nature Stephen BittelNov. 16, 2017
Chairman, Florida Democratic Party
Resigned after six women accused him of sexually inappropriate comments and behavior.
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Fired by CBS and PBS after accusations of crude sexual advances by several women. He said he acted insensitively but that many of the allegations were inaccurate.
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
Nature Glenn ThrushNov. 20, 2017
White House reporter at The New York Times
Suspended and then reassigned to a new beat after sexual harassment accusations made by four female journalists.
Nature Raul BocanegraNov. 20, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, of at least six women. He said he was “not guilty of any such crimes,” though he was “not perfect.”
Nature John LasseterNov. 21, 2017
Chief creative officer of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation
Stepped away after accusations of unwanted workplace hugging and other inappropriate touching. He apologized. He has a consulting role until the end of the year.
Jennifer Lee
Chief creative officer, Walt Disney Animation Studios
Pete Docter
Chief creative officer, Pixar Animation Studios
Nature Matt LauerNov. 27, 2017
Television news anchor
Fired from NBC after being accused of inappropriate sexual behavior toward a fellow staffer. Others also said they were subject to unwanted advances. He apologized but said some of the accusations were untrue.
Katie Couric
Co-host for Winter Olympics
Hoda Kotb
Co-anchor, NBC’s “Today” show
Nature Johnny IuzziniNov. 29, 2017
Chef and judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching, of at least six former employees who were female. He denied some allegations, and said none of his behavior was “meant to hurt people.”
Sherry Yard
Judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Nature Blake FarentholdDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Texas
Dropped his re-election bid and later resigned amid harassment accusations and a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim brought by a former employee. He apologized for creating an “unprofessional” workplace culture.
Nature Josh ZepnickDec. 1, 2017
Wisconsin state representative
Refused to resign after two women said he kissed them against their will. He was eventually removed from legislative committee assignments.
Gary Hebl
Member of the Committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations
Nature Dean WestlakeDec. 3, 2017
Alaska state representative
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, by seven current and former aides. He apologized.
Nature James LevineDec. 3, 2017
Conductor at the Metropolitan Opera
Fired in March by the Metropolitan Opera, which said that an investigation had “uncovered credible evidence” that he had engaged in sexually abusive and harassing conduct. He is now suing the Met for breach of contract and defamation.
Nature Matt DababnehDec. 4, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment by two women, including masturbating in front of one of them. He denied the accusations.
Nature Peter MartinsDec. 4, 2017
Ballet master in chief, New York City Ballet
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment and physical and verbal abuse by multiple dancers. He denied the allegations and a company investigation did not corroborate the claims.
Nature Sam IsalyDec. 5, 2017
Managing partner of OrbiMed Advisors
Retired after multiple former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including playing pornography in the workplace. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lorin SteinDec. 6, 2017
Editor of The Paris Review
Resigned amid an internal investigation into his conduct with multiple female employees and writers. He also resigned from his at-large editorship at the publishing house Farrar Straus & Giroux. Mr. Stein apologized and said that he had “blurred the personal and the professional.”
Nature Matt ManwellerDec. 6, 2017
Washington State representative
Stripped of ranking committee membership and fired from his Central Washington University professorship after accusations of sexual harassment, which he denied. He is on the general election ballot for November but said he planned to resign if re-elected.
Gina Mosbrucker
Ranking minority member of House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee
Joyce McDonald
Assistant minority floor leader
Nature Joe AlexanderDec. 7, 2017
Chief creative officer, the Martin Agency
Left the company shortly before it announced an accusation of sexual harassment against him. A week later, he was accused of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances, by several employees. He denied the allegations.
Nature Bryan SingerDec. 7, 2017
Director and producer
Lost his executive producer credit for the TV series “Legion” after a lawsuit alleged that he sexually assaulted a 17-year-old boy in 2003. A representative for Mr. Singer said he categorically denied the allegations. Days before the lawsuit was filed, he was fired as director of the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody.” He will retain a director’s credit for the movie.
Dexter Fletcher
Director, “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Nature Trent FranksDec. 7, 2017
U.S. representative for Arizona
Resigned amid an ethics investigation over accusations that he asked two female staff members to bear his child as surrogates. He said he regretted that the conversations had “caused distress.”
Nature John MooreDec. 11, 2017
Mississippi state representative
Resigned citing health reasons. Days later, it emerged that multiple women had accused him of sexual harassment and that the Legislature was preparing an investigation into the accusations at the time of his resignation. Mr. Moore said, “I don’t know who would make a complaint, much less multiple.”
Nature Tom AshbrookDec. 11, 2017
Host of WBUR’s “On Point”
Dismissed after complaints of bullying and sexual misconduct, including unwanted touching, by current and former station employees. An investigation found Mr. Ashbrook’s conduct “was not sexual in nature.” He apologized for behavior that was “offensive and overbearing to some.”
Nature Eric WeinbergerDec. 12, 2017
President of the Bill Simmons Media Group
Suspended, and later left the company, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Mr. Weinberger had sent her lewd messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Maxwell OgdenDec. 13, 2017
Executive director of Code for Science & Society
Resigned after a former girlfriend accused him of sexual abuse. He apologized and said he would seek help.
Mathias Buus
Technical adviser at Code for Science & Society
Danielle Robinson
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Joe Hand
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Nature Jerry RichardsonDec. 15, 2017
Owner of the Carolina Panthers N.F.L. team
Fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after an investigation into sexually harassment of female employees. Mr. Richardson later sold the team for a record $2.2 billion. He did not comment on the allegations.
Tina Becker
Chief operating officer
Nature Stephen HendersonDec. 15, 2017
Editorial page editor, the Detroit Free Press
Fired after an investigation found inappropriate behavior with two female colleagues. Mr. Henderson acknowledged sexually themed conversations and unwanted advances, but said he disagreed with the decision.
Nature T.J. MillerDec. 19, 2017
A show he was working on for Comedy Central was canceled and he was dropped as the spokesman for Mucinex after a woman accused him of hitting and sexually assaulting her while in college. Mr. Miller denied the accusations.
Jason Mantzoukas
Spokesman for Mucinex
Nature Don HazenDec. 21, 2017
Executive editor, AlterNet
Resigned after being accused of sexually harassing five female employees. He denied most of the accusations, though later said he “lost track of some boundaries.”
Nature Charlie HallowellDec. 27, 2017
Chef and owner of three Oakland, Calif., restaurants
Sold two restaurants after 17 former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances and sexual comments. He apologized.
Jen Cramer
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Richard Clark
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Rico Rivera
Owner of Penrose, a restaurant
Nature H. Brandt AyersJan. 1, 2018
Chairman, Consolidated Publishing
Resigned after a former reporter said Mr. Ayers sexually assaulted her by spanking her. He admitted to once spanking a different reporter.
Nature Kevin BraunJan. 5, 2018
Editor in chief of E&E News
Left management role after accusations of sexual harassment of staff members. He apologized. He is still a co-owner of the company.
Nature Paul HaggisJan. 5, 2018
Screenwriter and director, and founder of the charity Artists for Peace and Justice
Resigned from his charity after accusations of rape and sexual assault. He denied the accusations.
Ben Stiller
Co-chairman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Susan Sarandon
Co-chairwoman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Nature Eric GreitensJan. 10, 2018
Missouri governor
Resigned after he was accused of taking an explicit photo of a woman without her consent and threatening to blackmail her. He said he had an extramarital affair but denied breaking any laws. Mr. Greitens was indicted on a charge of invasion of privacy, but it was dropped.
Nature William G. JacobyJan. 11, 2018
Editor of the American Journal of Political Science
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment from a former student. He denied the accusations.
Nature Rob MooreJan. 22, 2018
Managing editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including sexual comments.
Kristen Lee
She left in August.
Nature Zach FanslerJan. 25, 2018
Alaska state representative
Resigned after a woman said that he slapped her twice when she denied his sexual advances. He denied the accusation.
Nature Steve WynnJan. 26, 2018
Chief executive, Wynn Resorts
Resigned after accusations that he harassed female employees for decades and coerced them into having sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature John CopleyJan. 29, 2018
Stage director, Metropolitan Opera
Fired after he was accused of making a sexually charged remark to a member of the chorus.
Roy Rallo
Stage director for “Semiramide”
Nature Wayne PacelleJan. 29, 2018
Chief executive of the Humane Society
Resigned after three women accused him of sexual harassment, including forcible kissing and unwanted advances. He denied the accusations.
Kitty Block
Acting president and chief executive
Nature Paul ShapiroJan. 30, 2018
Vice president at the Humane Society
Resigned after six women complained that he sexually harassed them, including by making lewd jokes and asking for sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul MarcianoJan. 31, 2018
Executive chairman of Guess, Inc.
Resigned after several women accused him of sexual harassment and assault. A company investigation found he “exercised poor judgment,” and his brother replaced him. Mr. Marciano denied the accusations.
Nature Joseph M. SoukiFeb. 1, 2018
Hawaii state representative
Resigned after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He acknowledged “inappropriate” touching and kissing.
Nature Javier PalomarezFeb. 12, 2018
Chief executive of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Stepped down amid accusations of financial impropriety and after a former staffer accused him of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Karl TemplerFeb. 16, 2018
Stylist and creative director of Interview Magazine
Left the magazine after three women accused him of unwanted touching of their breasts and crotches. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lawrence M. KraussFeb. 22, 2018
Professor at Arizona State University and director of the Origins Project
Replaced as director after a university investigation found that he had grabbed a woman’s breast at a conference. He denied the accusation.
Nature Jorge I. DomínguezFeb. 27, 2018
Professor at Harvard University and chair of the Harvard Academy
Resigned after 18 women accused him of sexual harassment and assault, including unwanted touching, spanning decades. “I do not go around making sexual advances,” he said.
Timothy J. Colton
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Melani Cammett
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Nature Jeff FranklinFeb. 28, 2018
Showrunner, “Fuller House”
Removed after accusations that he was verbally abusive and made sexually charged comments in the writers’ room and on set.
Nature Tony TookeMarch 1, 2018
Chief of the United States Forest Service
Resigned after a United States Department of Agriculture investigation into sexual misconduct. “I expect to be held to the same standards as every other Forest Service employee,” he said.
Nature Angel ArceMarch 8, 2018
Connecticut state representative
Resigned amid accusations that he sent inappropriate messages to a teenage girl. Mr. Arce’s lawyer said his client did nothing improper.
Nature Michael W. Ferro Jr.March 19, 2018
Chairman of the newspaper publisher Tronc
Stepped down hours before Fortune magazine published an article in which two women accused him of making inappropriate sexual advances. A spokesman for Mr. Ferro said that the accusations “appear to involve private conduct.”
Nature Bill HybelsMarch 22, 2018
Lead pastor of Willow Creek church
Retired after a group of former pastors and staff members accused him of sexual misconduct — accusations he initially called “flat-out lies.” He later apologized for “making people feel uncomfortable.”
Heather Larson
She left in August.
Steve Carter
He left in August.
Steve Gillen
He started in August.
Nature Eric T. SchneidermanMay 7, 2018
Attorney general of New York
Resigned hours after news reports that he assaulted four women. He denied the accusation.
Nature Howard KwaitMay 11, 2018
Principal of John Bowne High School in Queens
Was reassigned after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of inappropriate touching, discrimination and making lewd comments.
Nature Demos ParnerosJuly 3, 2018
Chief executive of Barnes & Noble
Was fired without public explanation. It was later revealed that the termination was in part because of accusations of sexual harassment by an executive assistant. He played down the interactions as “innocuous.”
Leonard Riggio
Executive chairman overseeing a team that shares the duties of the office of the chief executive
Nature Bernard UzanJuly 26, 2018
Co-director of Florida Grand Opera’s Young Artists program and co-founder of Uzan International Artists
Resigned from the opera after four female singers accused him of sexual misconduct and named his daughter to take over his agency. He has denied the accusations.
Vanessa Uzan
Managing Director of Uzan International Artists
Nature Corey J. ColemanJuly 30, 2018
Head of human resources for FEMA
Resigned amid an internal investigation that found “deeply disturbing” sexual misconduct that spanned years, according to FEMA leadership. He denied the claims, and his lawyers said that investigators relied on “rumor and innuendo.”
Bridget Bean
Acting head of human resources
Nature Nick SauerAug. 1, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned after a former girlfriend complained that he had been releasing nude photos of her on Instagram. He said his ability to work in his role would “be affected by the distraction of addressing these allegations.”
Nature Leslie MoonvesSept. 9, 2018
President, chairman and chief executive of CBS Corporation
Left CBS after a dozen women accused him of sexual misconduct and retaliating against those who rejected his advances. Mr. Moonves said he “may have made some women uncomfortable” but denied misusing his position “to harm or hinder anyone’s career.”
Joseph Ianniello
President and acting chief executive officer
The Seven Men Whose Positions Are Vacant
Several politicians left their seats vacant, but elections will fill them soon.
See also: Replaced | Not Replaced | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Jack LatvalaNov. 3, 2017
Florida state senator
Resigned after investigation into accusations of groping and sexually harassing multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature John Conyers Jr.Nov. 20, 2017
U.S. representative for Michigan
Resigned after accusations of repeated sexual advances toward female staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Patrick MeehanJan. 20, 2018
U.S. representative for Pennsylvania
Resigned after a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment complaint by a former aide. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas KettleFeb. 19, 2018
Rhode Island state senator
Resigned after being charged with extorting sex from a student page. He denied the accusations and pleaded not guilty in February.
Nature David SawyerFeb. 23, 2018
Washington State representative
Resigned as commerce committee chairman after an outside investigation found that he made unwanted romantic advances toward a co-worker, for which he apologized. He lost his primary in August.
Nature Duane HallFeb. 28, 2018
North Carolina state representative
Lost his primary after multiple people accused him of sexual innuendo and unwanted sexual advances. He denied the accusations.
Nature Dillon BatesAug. 3, 2018
Maine state representative
Denied accusations of sexual misconduct and stated his intent to serve out his term. Eventually resigned.
The 98 Men Who Have Not Been Replaced
Most lost their jobs or standing and have no clear successors, or their replacements have yet to be named or are unknown.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Andy SignoreOct. 5, 2017
Senior vice president, Defy Media
Fired after being accused of sexually assaulting one woman and harassing several others. Through a lawyer, he denied all accusations.
Nature Roman PolanskiOct. 13, 2017
Expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences after a woman who said Mr. Polanski sexually assaulted her when she was 10 years old started a petition to remove him. The Los Angeles police opened an investigation into the accusation, which Polanski denied. Polanski previously pleaded guilty to sex with a minor in 1977 and fled the country before sentencing. Over the years, he was accused by six women of sexual abuse, most when they were minors. He has continued to make films in Europe.
Nature Matt MondanileOct. 16, 2017
Founder of Ducktails and former guitarist for the band Real Estate
Plancha, a Japanese label, dropped Ducktails. A tour was canceled after accusations of “touching, kissing, and groping” women without their consent. Mr. Mondanile apologized.
Nature Scott CourtneyOct. 19, 2017
Executive vice president, Service Employees International Union
Resigned amid an investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct among leaders of a union campaign. Several people had complained that Mr. Courtney had a history of sexual relationships with young female staff members, who were later promoted.
Nature Tyler GrashamOct. 20, 2017
Agent at Agency for the Performing Arts
Fired after accusations that he sexually assaulted and harassed multiple young men in the industry, prompting one of his top clients to leave the firm.
Nature James TobackOct. 22, 2017
Director and screenwriter
Dropped by his longtime agent after 38 women accused him of sexual harassment. Mr. Toback has denied the accusations.
Nature Terry RichardsonOct. 23, 2017
Fashion photographer
Banned from working with Condé Nast after accusations of sexual harassment of models. A spokeswoman said his interactions were consensual.
Nature Leon WieseltierOct. 24, 2017
Editor at The New Republic
New magazine was canceled after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate advances by several women. He apologized.
Nature Steve JurvetsonOct. 24, 2017
Co-founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a venture capital firm
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. He has denied the allegations and started his own venture firm.
Nature Knight LandesmanOct. 25, 2017
A publisher of Artforum
Resigned as a publisher of Artforum magazine in October 2017 after nine women accused him in a lawsuit of various forms of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Ken BakerOct. 26, 2017
Journalist for the E! network
Left after two women accused him of sexual harassment.
Nature Kirt WebsterOct. 27, 2017
Music publicist
Numerous clients cut ties after accusations of sexual assault or harassment of multiple people.
Nature Jeremy PivenOct. 30, 2017
His show “Wisdom of the Crowd” was canceled after several women accused him of sexual misconduct. He said the cancellation decision “was a terrible mistake” and has denied accusations.
Nature Paul J. WhalenOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Todd F. HeathertonOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Retired after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired. He acknowledged that he “acted unprofessionally in public at conferences while intoxicated” and apologized.
Nature William M. KelleyOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Brett RatnerNov. 1, 2017
Producer and director
Lost a production and financing deal with Warner Bros. after he was accused of sexual assault or harassment by six women. A lawyer for Mr. Ratner denied the accusations.
Nature Danny MastersonNov. 2, 2017
Fired from and written out of a Netflix show, “The Ranch,” after accusations surfaced that he raped four women in the early 2000s. A fifth woman later came forward to accuse Mr. Masterson of rape. He denied the accusations.
Nature David GuillodNov. 2, 2017
Co-chief executive of Primary Wave Entertainment agency
Resigned after accusations of sexual assault from four women. The Santa Barbara County sheriff’s department opened an investigation in December. Mr. Guillod’s attorney denied any criminal conduct.
Nature Adam VenitNov. 3, 2017
Head of the motion picture group at William Morris Endeavor agency
Stepped down as head of the motion picture group and later retired after acknowledging that he groped the actor Terry Crews. Mr. Venit apologized in a letter to Mr. Crews.
Nature Michael HaffordNov. 3, 2017
Freelance writer
Banned from contributing to Vice websites after multiple women reported that he abused or raped them. He had previously written a “Male Feminist” column for the website Broadly. He did not commented on the accusations.
Nature Jeffrey TamborNov. 8, 2017
Fired from the Amazon show “Transparent” after a fellow cast member and a former assistant accused him of sexual harassment on set. He denied any deliberate harassment.
Nature Jesse LaceyNov. 9, 2017
Lead vocals and guitar for the band Brand New
Canceled a tour for his band after sexual misconduct accusations from a woman who said he had exploited her when she was a minor. In a general apology for his behavior, Mr. Lacey said that he had not “afforded women the respect, support or honesty that they deserved.”
Nature Mark SchwahnNov. 11, 2017
Showrunner of “One Tree Hill” and “The Royals”
Fired from “The Royals” after multiple women accused him of sexual harassment. He did not publicly responded to the accusations.
Nature Tom SizemoreNov. 13, 2017
Dropped as male lead from a horror film, “The Door,” after a report that he groped an 11-year-old actress on a movie set in 2003. He denied the accusation and was sued by the actress this year.
Nature Andy HenryNov. 15, 2017
Casting director, Nancy Nayor Casting
Fired after it came to light that he had been dismissed from his role as a casting employee on “C.S.I.” in 2008 after several women said that he had urged them to disrobe during auditions. He apologized. After his departure from Nancy Nayor Casting, a new team was assembled there.
Nature Jason MojicaNov. 15, 2017
Head of documentary films at Vice Media
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment. Mr. Mojica said that he was “deeply disappointed by this outcome.”
Nature Cameron MitchellNov. 17, 2017
Talent agent at Creative Arts Agency
Fired after a lawsuit accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Mitchell has said the accuser was “fabricating her story.”
Nature Russell SimmonsNov. 19, 2017
Co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and other businesses
Stepped down from his companies amid accusations of sexual assault and rape from multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Garrison KeillorNov. 29, 2017
Creator and former host of “A Prairie Home Companion”
Minnesota Public Radio severed ties with him after accusations of inappropriate behavior, later described as “sexually inappropriate incidents.” In April, it returned archived episodes of his programs, “A Prairie Home Companion” and “The Writer’s Almanac,” to its websites. Mr. Keillor recently restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast. He denied doing anything wrong.
Nature Israel HorovitzNov. 30, 2017
Playwright and founding artistic director of the Gloucester Stage theater
Fired after accusations of groping, forcibly kissing and rape. Mr. Horovitz said he recalled events differently but apologized.
Nature Justin HuffNov. 30, 2017
Broadway casting director at Telsey & Company
Fired after accusations of sexual misconduct toward actors.
Nature Shervin PishevarNov. 30, 2017
Co-founder of Sherpa Capital, a venture capital firm
Resigned after five women accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching. He said the accusations were “untruthful attacks.”
Nature Ruben KihuenDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Nevada
Decided to not seek re-election after being accused of unwanted sexual propositions. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jonathan SchwartzDec. 6, 2017
Host on WNYC, a station owned by New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Schwartz denied that he had behaved inappropriately. He now hosts a show on a website, The Jonathan Station.
Nature Leonard LopateDec. 6, 2017
Host on New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Lopate said he had “never done anything inappropriate on any level.” He now hosts a show on the New York FM station WBAI, which is carried as a podcast by the NPR affiliate Robin Hood Radio.
Nature Alex KozinskiDec. 8, 2017
Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Retired after six female subordinates accused him of sexual misconduct or inappropriate comments. He said it was never his intent to make his staff members uncomfortable.
Nature Donovan McNabbDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he sent her explicit messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Eric DavisDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he groped her and made lewd comments. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Mario BataliDec. 11, 2017
Chef, restaurant owner and co-host of ABC show, “The Chew”
Fired by ABC and was expected to divest from his restaurants after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate touching, by several employees. Two women also accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Batali has apologized for some behavior, but denied accusations of nonconsensual sex.
Nature Marshall FaulkDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network
Suspended, and will not be returning, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Faulk fondled her and pulled out his genitals while demanding oral sex. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Ryan LizzaDec. 11, 2017
Writer for The New Yorker and political analyst for CNN
Fired by The New Yorker and suspended by CNN over an accusation of “improper sexual conduct,” which he denied. He has since returned as a CNN analyst, after a CNN investigation “found no reason to continue to keep Mr. Lizza off the air.” He was hired in June by Esquire as its chief political correspondent.
Nature Heath EvansDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended and then terminated by the network after accusations of sending a co-worker sexually explicit photos. He called the accusations “false.”
Nature Ike TaylorDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended after accusations of sending a coworker “sexually inappropriate” photos and video. Eventually lost employment at the network.
Nature Ken FriedmanDec. 12, 2017
Chef and restaurateur
Took an indefinite leave of absence after 10 employees accused him of unwanted sexual advances. Mr. Friedman later dissolved his partnership with April Bloomfield and split up ownership of their restaurants.
Nature Tavis SmileyDec. 13, 2017
Host of PBS talk show, “Tavis Smiley”
PBS stopped distributing Mr. Smiley’s show after an investigation found “credible allegations” that he had sexual relationships with subordinates. Some witnesses reportedly expressed concern that their jobs were tied to continuing the relationships, which Mr. Smiley said were consensual. He filed a lawsuit against PBS, and it filed a countersuit, detailing more alleged sexual misconduct. Mr. Smiley now hosts a show on The Word Network.
Nature Brad KernDec. 14, 2017
Producer of “NCIS: New Orleans”
Fired after an investigation into accusations of misconduct including sexual harassment, discrimination and making racially insensitive comments.
Nature Morgan SpurlockDec. 14, 2017
Stepped down from his production company and said he was “part of the problem” in a social media post. He revealed that he had been accused of rape in college and had later settled a separate sexual harassment claim.
Nature Daylin LeachDec. 17, 2017
Pennsylvania state senator
Ended his campaign for Congress after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching by multiple staff members. Mr. Leach denied any inappropriate touching. He remains in the State Senate.
Nature Chuck CloseDec. 20, 2017
The National Gallery of Art canceled a planned exhibition after accusations by several women that Mr. Close sexually harassed them when they went to his studio to pose for him. He said he was sorry if he had made the women feel uncomfortable.
Nature Marcelo GomesDec. 21, 2017
Principal dancer at American Ballet Theater
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. His spokeswoman said, “This is a time of reflection for Marcelo.”
Nature James RosenDec. 22, 2017
Chief Washington correspondent, Fox News
Left after accusations of sexual harassment, including groping and attempted forcible kissing, of female colleagues.
Nature Mike GermanoDec. 23, 2017
Chief digital officer at Vice Media
Placed on leave and did not return after two women accused him of sexual harassment, including pulling one of them onto his lap. Mr. Germano has said he did “not believe that these allegations reflect the company’s culture.”
Nature Rhys JamesDec. 23, 2017
Producer at Vice Media
Vice reached a settlement in early 2017 with a co-worker who accused him of making sexist comments. In the agreement, Vice and Mr. James denied any liability. He was placed on leave in November and no longer works at the company.
Nature David DiazJan. 3, 2018
Children’s book illustrator
Resigned from the board of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators after a woman said that he had sexually harassed her in 2012. Mr. Diaz apologized to the woman and said he underwent sexual harassment training after a complaint that year. He said he felt pressured to resign.
Nature Ben VereenJan. 5, 2018
Actor and singer
A production group cut ties with him after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct, including unwanted kisses and degrading comments. He apologized.
Nature Jeremy TookerJan. 6, 2018
Founder of Four Barrel Coffee
Agreed to divest from the company after accusations of sexual assault by former employees.
Nature Andy SavageJan. 9, 2018
Memphis megachurch pastor
Resigned after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 17. He acknowledged that he engaged in a “sexual incident.”
Nature Joel KramerJan. 13, 2018
Stunt coordinator
Dropped by Worldwide Production Agency after an actress accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 12 during the filming of “True Lies.” He denied the accusation.
Nature Mario Testino Jan. 13, 2018
Fashion photographer
Companies severed ties after 13 male models accused him of sexual advances, including groping and masturbation. He has denied wrongdoing.
Nature Gordon EdelsteinJan. 22, 2018
Artistic director, Long Wharf Theater
Fired after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual contact and sexually explicit remarks. He did not publicly address the accusations.
Nature Barry LubinJan. 23, 2018
Grandma the clown at Big Apple Circus
Resigned after admitting that he pressured a teenage girl to pose for pornographic pictures.
Nature Alexander JonesJan. 25, 2018
Sunday editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment by employees, including unwanted kissing.
Nature Patrick WittyJan. 29, 2018
Deputy director of photography at National Geographic
Left in December. In January, multiple women publicly accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching and kissing. He denied the accusations but apologized for some behavior.
Nature Charlie WalkJan. 29, 2018
President of the Republic Group music label
Left after at least six women accused him of persistent sexual harassment and inappropriate touching. He denied the accusations.
Nature Vincent CirrincioneFeb. 2, 2018
Talent manager
Closed his management agency after nine women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He apologized but described the interactions as consensual.
Nature Bradley GarnerFeb. 6, 2018
Professor at New York University and promotional musician for Yamaha
The university and Yamaha both severed ties with Mr. Garner after a report that nine students and two other women had accused him of sexual misconduct when he taught at the University of Cincinnati. He denied the accusations.
Nature Daniel ZwerdlingFeb. 6, 2018
Investigative reporter at NPR
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment from six current and former interns and staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Alec KleinFeb. 7, 2018
Professor of journalism at Northwestern University
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate remarks and unwanted touching, brought by nearly 30 women. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature James DashnerFeb. 7, 2018
Author of “The Maze Runner” series
Dropped by Random House and his literary agent amid accusations of sexual misconduct. He said, “I am taking any and all criticisms and accusations very seriously, and I will seek counseling and guidance to address them.”
Nature Sean HutchisonFeb. 8, 2018
Olympic swimming coach
Banned from U.S. Olympic activities after an investigation by a governing body found that he had sexual contact with a minor. Ariana Kukors Smith, a swimmer, said he had sexually abused her when she was a teenager. He denied any abuse and said they had a consensual relationship starting when she was of legal age.
Nature Jim WalshFeb. 13, 2018
Co-founder of the political consulting firms DSPolitical and Rising Tide Interactive
Resigned from his consulting firms after a woman said he had sexually assaulted her a decade ago. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Jay AsherFeb. 14, 2018
Author of “Thirteen Reasons Why”
Dropped by his literary agent and expelled from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators amid accusations of sexual harassment. A spokeswoman for Mr. Asher said that he had not been kicked out of the society and that he denied any harassment.
Nature Greg KadelFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Victoria’s Secret suspended its work with Mr. Kadel, and Condé Nast cut ties after sexual misconduct accusations from models who said he harassed and assaulted them when they were teenagers. A spokeswoman for Mr. Kadel said he “never sexually coerced or assaulted anyone.”
Nature Patrick DemarchelierFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Condé Nast stopped working with Mr. Demarchelier after seven women accused him of unwanted sexual advances and groping. He denied the accusations.
Nature Michael FeinbergFeb. 22, 2018
Co-founder of KIPP, a chain of charter schools
Dismissed after an investigation found credible an accusation that he sexually abused a student. He denied the accusation.
Nature Richard MeierMarch 13, 2018
Took a leave from his firm and then stepped down after several former employees said he had exposed himself to them or touched them inappropriately. At first he said, “while our recollections may differ, I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended,” and then later said that he didn’t recognize the women and that “people can say whatever they want.”
Nature Mike IsabellaMarch 19, 2018
Chef and owner of Mike Isabella Concepts restaurant group
After a woman accused Mr. Isabella and his partners of sexually harassing her, he lost business with the Washington Nationals, and Know Public Relations, the firm that represented him, severed ties. He has not resigned and has denied any wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas NixonMarch 24, 2018
Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Retired amid a school investigation into accusations of inappropriate behavior. Soon after, former students accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior, including assignments to photograph genitalia. He apologized to some students, though his lawyer said the accusations were “untested and unproven.”
Nature William D. StrampelMarch 26, 2018
Former dean of Michigan State University’s osteopathic medical school
Resigned from faculty after being arrested on charges of sexual harassment of students. He denied the accusations. For years, Dr. Strampel supervised Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar, a longtime U.S.A. Gymnastics team doctor who pleaded guilty in November to molesting girls.
Nature John KricfalusiMarch 29, 2018
Creator of “The Ren & Stimpy Show”
Cartoon Network and Adult Swim do not plan on working with him in the future, after accusations that he had sexually exploited teenage girls. He denied most of the accusations, but admitted to Buzzfeed that he had had a 16-year-old girlfriend.
Nature Benton StrongApril 23, 2018
Former mayoral spokesman and adviser in Seattle’s sustainability office
Resigned after accusations that he made sexual comments and sent text messages to two women at a previous job. He said he has “made mistakes.”
Nature Justin ParishApril 24, 2018
Alaska state representative
Took mandated sexual harassment training after a woman filed a complaint of unwanted flirting, unwanted touching and inappropriate phone calls. He declined to seek re-election.
Nature Nick MiccarelliMay 5, 2018
Pennsylvania state representative
Stripped of committee assignments and decided not to run for re-election after a House investigation found accusations of sexual assault and abuse from two women to be credible. He denied the accusations.
Nature Roy FrumkesMay 8, 2018
Professor at School of Visual Arts
Removed from his position after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of making lewd comments and groping.
Nature Jonathan KaimanMay 16, 2018
Beijing bureau chief at The Los Angeles Times
Resigned after two women accused him of sexual misconduct. He disputed the accusations, calling the acts in one episode “mutually consensual.”
Nature Mohamed MuqtarMay 17, 2018
Assistant director of student services at University of California, Berkeley
Fired after multiple female athletes accused him of sexual assault and misconduct. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Robert HaufrechtMay 18, 2018
Instructor at School of Visual Arts
Was suspended and his contract was not renewed, in response to concerns raised by students, one of whom said he showed her unwanted attention, commented on her appearance and told her in class to rehearse suggestive scenarios.
Nature Nate BoultonMay 23, 2018
Iowa state senator
Suspended his campaign for governor after accusations that he touched three women inappropriately. He remains an Iowa state senator.
Nature Morgan FreemanMay 24, 2018
Actor and producer
Visa suspended a marketing campaign featuring Mr. Freeman after eight people accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. Mr. Freeman apologized, saying that he would not “intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy.”
Nature Lou LangMay 31, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned as deputy House majority leader after accusations of sexual harassment, which he called “absurdities.” Mr. Lang was later cleared by an inspector general inquiry that acknowledged he acted inappropriately. He remains a state representative.
Nature Curt AndersonJune 14, 2018
Maryland state delegate
Ordered to undergo sexual harassment training and stripped of leadership posts after an ethics committee investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct. He said the actions taken against him were “fair” and is running for re-election.
Nature Francisco J. AyalaJune 29, 2018
Professor and benefactor of the University of California, Irvine
Resigned after an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment. The university said it would remove his name from a school, fellowships and other programs. Dr. Ayala said he regretted what he thought of as “the good manners of a European gentleman.”
Nature William PreucilJuly 26, 2018
Cleveland Orchestra concertmaster and professor at Cleveland Institute of Music
The Cleveland Orchestra suspended him after accusations of sexual misconduct, and it opened an investigation that was continuing as of early October. One of four concertmasters has been stepping in to fill his role. Mr. Preucil resigned from his teaching position at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Nature Chase FinlaySept. 5, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging lewd texts and photos of female dancers; he resigned. His lawyer called the suit “nothing more than allegations that should not be taken as fact.”
Nature Zachary CatazaroSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging a lewd photo and text messages about female dancers; he was fired. He said “the intent was not to harm or embarrass anyone.”
Nature Amar RamasarSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused of exchanging lewd text messages and explicit photos of a female dancer; he was fired. His lawyer said the messages involved only his own consensual activity.
Nature Adam BerkowitzSept. 25, 2018
Co-head of television at Creative Artists Agency
Departed days after he is said to have groped a television executive at an Emmys party. He did not comment on the accusation.
The Three Women Who Lost Jobs
Over all, few women have faced accusations of misconduct in the #MeToo era, but several who did also faced employment consequences.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Not Replaced | Back to Top ↑
Nature Cristina Garcia Feb. 9, 2018
California state assemblywoman
Removed from committee posts amid sexual harassment accusations from a former legislative staff member. An investigation initially found no wrongdoing, but it was reopened after an appeal. Ms. Garcia has denied the accusations and is running for a fourth term.
Al Muratsuchi
Acting chairman of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee
Susan Talamantes Eggman
Acting chairwoman of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus
Nature Andrea RamseyDec. 15, 2017
Candidate for U.S. House seat in Kansas
Ended campaign after accusations that she had sexually harassed, and then fired, a former subordinate. She denied the accusations.
Nature Asia ArgentoAug. 19, 2018
Actress and director
Removed as a judge on “X Factor Italy” after reports that she sexually assaulted and then paid off a 17-year-old former co-star in California. She denied the accusations. CNN also pulled episodes of “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” featuring Ms. Argento from its streaming service.
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/23/us/metoo-replacements.html | Audrey Carlsen, Maya Salam, Claire Cain Miller, Denise Lu, Ash Ngu, Jugal K. Patel, Zach Wichter
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements., in 2018-10-23 11:53:42
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computacionalblog · 6 years
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements.
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. http://www.nature-business.com/nature-metoo-brought-down-201-powerful-men-women-are-nearly-half-of-their-replacements/
Nature 201 lost jobs or major roles
Nature 122 replacements: 53 women and 69 men
Who Was Ousted and Who Stepped In
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Nature Andy Mitchell & Milos Brajovic
Co-presidents of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
▼ View all 201 cases below
They had often gotten away with it for years, and for those they harassed, it seemed as if the perpetrators would never pay any consequences. Then came the report that detailed Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assaults and harassment, and his fall from Hollywood’s heights.
A year later, even as the #MeToo movement meets a crackling backlash, it’s possible to take some stock of how the Weinstein case has changed the corridors of power. A New York Times analysis has found that, since the publishing of the exposé (followed days later by a New Yorker investigation), at least 200 prominent men have lost their jobs after public allegations of sexual harassment. A few, including Mr. Weinstein, face criminal charges. At least 920 people were reportedly subjected to sexual misconduct by someone on the list. And nearly half of the men who have been replaced were succeeded by women.
In the year preceding the Weinstein report, by contrast, fewer than 30 high-profile people made the news for resigning or being fired after public accusations of sexual misconduct. The downfall of the Fox host Bill O’Reilly in April 2017 turned out to have been just a foreshock of the changes to come.
“We’ve never seen something like this before,” said Joan Williams, a law professor who studies gender at the University of California, Hastings. “Women have always been seen as risky, because they might do something like have a baby. But men are now being seen as more risky hires.”
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Sexual harassment has hardly been erased in the workplace. Federal law still does not fully protect huge groups of women, including those who work freelance or at companies with fewer than 15 employees. New workplace policies have little effect without deeper cultural change. And as the Supreme Court confirmation battle over Brett Kavanaugh showed, Americans disagree on how people accused of sexual misconduct should be held accountable and what the standard of evidence should be.
But the analysis shows that the #MeToo movement shook, and is still shaking, power structures in society’s most visible sectors. The Times gathered cases of prominent people who lost their main jobs, significant leadership positions or major contracts, and whose ousters were publicly covered in news reports.
Forty-three percent of their replacements were women. Of those, one-third are in news media, one-quarter in government, and one-fifth in entertainment and the arts. For example, Robin Wright replaced Kevin Spacey as lead actor on “House of Cards,” Emily Nemens replaced Lorin Stein as editor of “The Paris Review,” and Tina Smith replaced Al Franken as a senator from Minnesota.
People Replacing Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Women are starting to gain power in organizations that have been jolted by harassment, with potentially far-reaching effects.
“I find it so interesting the number of people who come up to me and say, ‘Thank you for stepping in when someone needed to step in,’” Ms. Smith said. “That’s a lot of what women do a lot of the time, right?”
Appointing a woman does not guarantee change. Women have also harassed and covered up harassment. Some women face the glass cliff — in which women are appointed to leadership in times of organizational crisis, when the chance of failure is higher. And while the share of women who have risen to power in the wake of Mr. Weinstein’s fall is significant, women are still vastly underrepresented at the top of American institutions.
Research has repeatedly shown that women tend to lead differently. In general, they create more respectful work environments, where harassment is less likely to flourish and where women feel more comfortable reporting it. Female leaders tend to hire and promote more women; pay them more equally; and make companies more profitable. Women bring their life experiences and perspectives to decision-making, and that can help in business because women make the vast majority of purchasing decisions. In government, women have been shown to be more collaborative and bipartisan, and promote more policies supporting women, children and social welfare.
That has been true in Congress, said Ms. Smith, a Democrat. In a highly polarized Senate, women tend to be unusually collegial across party lines, she said, and the 23 female senators meet for dinner monthly.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
▼ View all 201 cases below
“I believe you’re successful and you get things done if you have relationships with people,” she said. “That’s the ground for accomplishing something, certainly in the legislative world.”
One example: She and Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican from Alaska, discovered that they both worked on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in high school. The bond they built from shared experience helped them when they co-sponsored mental health legislation that was included in the opioid crisis response bill passed last month.
In news media and entertainment, many women who ascended to jobs vacated by men have changed the tone and substance of what they offer audiences — and in some cases, the fallout from #MeToo has shaped their decisions.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
▼ View all 201 cases below
Jennifer Salke, who took over for Roy Price as head of Amazon Studios, has said Amazon needed more “big, addictive shows for women.” She has announced deals with the actors Lena Waithe and Nicole Kidman, among others.
Since Tanzina Vega took over from John Hockenberry as host of “The Takeaway,” the public radio program, she has done many episodes about gender, including on masculinity, women’s anger and the intersection of gender and race — topics that she had been covering for years but that she said were now part of the national conversation.
“I don’t think that’s necessarily because I’m a woman, but it’s just that as a woman, as a Latina, I know when the conversation hasn’t been about women, and I’m deeply sensitive to that,” said Ms. Vega, who was previously a reporter at CNN and The New York Times.
Nature John HockenberryDec. 1, 2017
Host of WNYC’s “The Takeaway”
After he left “The Takeaway,” nine women accused Mr. Hockenberry of sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances. He apologized, describing his behavior as “rude, aggressive and impolite.”
▼ View all 201 cases below
Women’s personal experiences, including as mothers, can make workplaces more welcoming to other women. That’s the hope of Christine Tsai, who is chief executive of the tech investment firm 500 Startups, where she replaced Dave McClure in early 2017 after an internal investigation into his behavior toward women in the tech community.
“I’ve erred on the side as C.E.O. of being more open about it, like if one of my kids has an appointment, so hopefully it creates an environment where people don’t feel like they have to hide that they have obligations to family,” she said. “Sure, a guy can be sensitive to those things, but I think it helps having that empathy of what it’s like for moms.”
The women who have risen, however, can only make so much change — they are still operating in a male-dominated system. More than 10 percent of the ousted men have tried to make a comeback, or voiced a desire to, and many never lost financial power.
The comedian Louis C.K. recently took the stage at the Comedy Cellar in New York, raising questions of how long is long enough for people to be banished from their field, and who gets to decide. Garrison Keillor, the radio host, has restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast and reportedly received $275,000 for a deal in which Minnesota Public Radio reposted archived episodes of his programs. Jerry Richardson, the founder and former owner of the Carolina Panthers, was fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after he was accused of sexual harassment — but sold the team for at least $2.2 billion, a record amount.
When people accused of harassment return to power without making amends — or never lose it, at least financially — it limits the post-Weinstein movement’s potential to change how power is exercised in American society.
They have not experienced the same type of trauma that survivors have, said Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement, which she started in 2006 to support survivors of sexual harassment and violence (the hashtag went viral a year ago this month as women used it to tell their stories of harassment and violence). And very few have shown that they have taken responsibility for their actions or offered private apologies to those they harmed, she said.
“Where’s the self-reflection and accountability?” she said. “Perhaps if we saw some evidence of that, then we can have a more robust conversation about the road to redemption.”
In the meantime, these women say, there are more than enough qualified women ready to take their places in power.
“A bunch of us who took over these jobs got promoted because we were really good at these jobs,” said Ms. Vega, the radio host. “We have the skills, we have the experience, we have the work ethic and we have the smarts to do it, and it’s time for us to do this job.”
The 96 Men Who Were Replaced
Of the men who lost their jobs, 50 have been replaced by at least one woman in an interim or permanent capacity. The date for each entry indicates when news broke of accusations, or when a firing, resignation or other fallout was announced.
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Accused by dozens of women of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to abuse and rape. He has been criminally charged in Manhattan with sexually assaulting two women. The Weinstein Company later went bankrupt and was bought and rebranded as Lantern Entertainment. Mr. Weinstein, who was fired from his film production company, has said all of his encounters were consensual.
Andy Mitchell
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Milos Brajovic
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Lockhart SteeleOct. 12, 2017
Editorial director, Vox Media
Fired after being accused of sexual harassment of at least one person. Vox Media’s chief executive said Mr. Steele admitted to misconduct.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
Nature Chris SavinoOct. 17, 2017
Creator of Nickelodeon’s “The Loud House”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He apologized.
Michael Rubiner
Co-executive producer of “The Loud House”
Nature Cliff HiteOct. 17, 2017
Ohio state senator
Resigned after a woman filed a sexual harassment complaint against him, citing unwanted advances. He later said that he had behaved inappropriately.
Nature Robert ScobleOct. 19, 2017
Co-founder of the Transformation Group, an augmented reality company
Resigned after being accused of sexual assault or inappropriate behavior with three women. He apologized for “inappropriate” behavior.
Nature John BeshOct. 21, 2017
Chief executive, Besh Restaurant Group
Stepped down from day-to-day operations after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple employees. He apologized.
Nature Caleb JenningsOct. 24, 2017
Chicago organizer for Service Employees International Union
Fired after accusations of “sexual misconduct and abusive behavior.” Found not guilty of assault in court.
Nature Mark HalperinOct. 26, 2017
Political journalist
NBC News, Penguin Press, HBO and Showtime severed ties with Mr. Halperin after accusations of sexual harassment by former co-workers. He apologized and admitted to several years of “inappropriate” behavior.
Alex Wagner
Co-host of Showtime’s “The Circus”
Nature Rick NajeraOct. 26, 2017
Director of CBS’s Diversity Showcase
Resigned after an investigation into accusations that he made inappropriate and lewd comments to performers. In a statement, he said he was “confounded by deliberate and cruel defamations.”
Nature Kevin SpaceyOct. 29, 2017
Dropped from his Netflix show, “House of Cards,” and was replaced in the film “All the Money in the World” after he was accused of forcing himself on a minor. He apologized. More men have come forward accusing Mr. Spacey of behaving inappropriately toward them.
Robin Wright
Netflix “House of Cards” star
Christopher Plummer
J. Paul Getty in “All the Money in the World”
Nature Hamilton FishOct. 30, 2017
Publisher and president of The New Republic
Resigned after accusations of inappropriate conduct, and said he had “a lot to learn” about the treatment of women in the workplace.
Rachel Rosenfelt
Publisher and vice president of The New Republic
Nature Andy DickOct. 31, 2017
Fired from two films after accusations of sexual harassment. He pleaded not guilty to a sexual battery charge in July and denied claims of groping.
Jonathan Pessin
Oliver in “Vampire Dad”
Nature Michael OreskesOct. 31, 2017
Head of news at NPR and former New York Times editor
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment of three women. He apologized and called his behavior “wrong and inexcusable.”
Nature Ira SilversteinOct. 31, 2017
Illinois state senator
Resigned as majority caucus chairman after sexual harassment accusations, which he denied. He lost his re-election bid in a March primary.
Mattie Hunter
Majority caucus chair
Nature Jeff HooverNov. 1, 2017
Kentucky state representative and speaker of the House
Resigned as speaker after settling a sexual harassment claim made by a staffer but remains in office. Mr. Hoover said the alleged harassment, consisting of inappropriate text messages, was consensual.
David Osborne
House speaker pro tempore
Nature Kendall FellsNov. 2, 2017
Organizing director of the Service Employees International Union’s Fight for 15 campaign
Resigned amid a broad investigation into harassment and employee misconduct within the union.
Nature Sam AdamsNov. 3, 2017
Director of U.S. branch of the World Resources Institute
Left his job as the director of the U.S. branch of a think tank after a former staffer said Mr. Adams sexually harassed him when he was the mayor of Portland, Ore. Mr. Adams called the accusations false and said his decision to leave the think tank was unrelated.
Nature Ed WestwickNov. 6, 2017
Cut from the BBC show “Ordeal by Innocence” after three women accused him of sexual assault. He denied the accusations. Prosecutors in Los Angeles declined to press charges because of lack of evidence.
Christian Cooke
Mickey Argyll in “Ordeal by Innocence”
Nature Don ShooterNov. 7, 2017
Arizona state representative
Expelled by the Arizona House of Representatives for “dishonorable” behavior after an investigation found he sexually harassed multiple women, including fellow lawmakers. Mr. Shooter apologized and said he had done “stupid things,” though he raised questions about the investigation’s claims.
Nature Benjamin GenocchioNov. 8, 2017
Executive director of the Armory Show art fair
Replaced as executive director of the Armory Show, a top international art fair in New York, following accusations from several women of unwelcome touching and inappropriate sexual comments. Mr. Genocchio said he “never intentionally acted in an inappropriate manner” but apologized “to the extent my behavior was perceived as disrespectful.”
Nature Dan SchoenNov. 8, 2017
Minnesota state senator
Resigned after allegations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He denied some allegations while claiming that others were “taken far out of context.”
Nature Louis C.K.Nov. 9, 2017
Comedian and producer
Lost his production deal with FX after he admitted to multiple instances of sexual misconduct, including masturbating in front of several women. Distribution for a film he wrote and starred in was canceled, and he lost a voice role in “The Secret Life of Pets” franchise. He recently began performing again, unannounced, at comedy clubs in the New York area.
Patton Oswalt
Max in “The Secret Life of Pets 2”
Nature Tony CornishNov. 9, 2017
Minnesota state representative
Resigned after accusations that he propositioned lawmakers and lobbyists for sex. He apologized.
Nature Tony MendozaNov. 9, 2017
California state senator
Resigned after accusations that he made improper advances toward several women. He denied the accusations. A State Senate investigation found that he “more likely than not” made unwanted advances.
Nature Andrew KreisbergNov. 10, 2017
Executive producer of superhero dramas “Arrow,” “Supergirl,” and “The Flash”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact. He denied the allegations.
Greg Berlanti
Took on additional responsibilities as an executive producer of “The Flash” and “Supergirl”
Nature Eddie BerganzaNov. 10, 2017
Editor at DC Comics
Fired following accusations that he “forcibly kissed and tried to grope colleagues.”
Brian Cunningham
Group Editor of Superman titles
Marie Javins
Group Editor of Justice League titles
Nature Gary GoddardNov. 10, 2017
Founder of the Goddard Group
Stepped away from his company after accusations that he molested eight former child actors. He denied the accusations. The company was renamed “Legacy | GGE.”
Nature Brian LinderNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a pension committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He apologized for unspecified “mistakes.”
Jerry Miller
Chairman of the Public Pension Oversight Board
Nature Jim DeCesareNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of an economic development committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He said he has “done nothing to be ashamed of.”
Phillip Pratt
Chairman of the Economic Development and Workforce Investment Committee
Nature Michael MeredithNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a local government committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member.
Rob Rothenburger
Chairman of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Steve LebsockNov. 10, 2017
Colorado state representative
Expelled by the Colorado House of Representatives after accusations of sexual harassment, including discussing sexual acts, by at least five women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jeff KruseNov. 15, 2017
Oregon state senator
Resigned after an independent investigation found that he had sexually harassed and inappropriately touched multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul RosenthalNov. 15, 2017
Colorado state representative
Lost committee vice-chairmanship and re-election after accusations of groping. The complaints were dismissed by the Colorado General Assembly. Mr. Rosenthal said he was “innocent of any wrongdoing.”
Tony Exum Sr.
Vice Chair of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Wes GoodmanNov. 15, 2017
Ohio state representative
Resigned following accusations of “inappropriate behavior” inside his office. Then further allegations emerged that Mr. Goodman had for years solicited consensual sex from other men and had once groped a college student. He acknowledged the initial allegations and apologized.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
Nature David SweeneyNov. 16, 2017
Chief news editor at NPR
Left after accusations of sexual harassment from three female colleagues.
Nature Randy BaumgardnerNov. 16, 2017
Colorado state senator
Stepped down as chair of the transportation committee after being accused of sexually harassing a former legislative aide. An independent investigation found the claim credible. Mr. Baumgardner denied the accusations. The State Senate voted against expelling him.
John Cooke
Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee
Nature Stephen BittelNov. 16, 2017
Chairman, Florida Democratic Party
Resigned after six women accused him of sexually inappropriate comments and behavior.
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Fired by CBS and PBS after accusations of crude sexual advances by several women. He said he acted insensitively but that many of the allegations were inaccurate.
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
Nature Glenn ThrushNov. 20, 2017
White House reporter at The New York Times
Suspended and then reassigned to a new beat after sexual harassment accusations made by four female journalists.
Nature Raul BocanegraNov. 20, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, of at least six women. He said he was “not guilty of any such crimes,” though he was “not perfect.”
Nature John LasseterNov. 21, 2017
Chief creative officer of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation
Stepped away after accusations of unwanted workplace hugging and other inappropriate touching. He apologized. He has a consulting role until the end of the year.
Jennifer Lee
Chief creative officer, Walt Disney Animation Studios
Pete Docter
Chief creative officer, Pixar Animation Studios
Nature Matt LauerNov. 27, 2017
Television news anchor
Fired from NBC after being accused of inappropriate sexual behavior toward a fellow staffer. Others also said they were subject to unwanted advances. He apologized but said some of the accusations were untrue.
Katie Couric
Co-host for Winter Olympics
Hoda Kotb
Co-anchor, NBC’s “Today” show
Nature Johnny IuzziniNov. 29, 2017
Chef and judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching, of at least six former employees who were female. He denied some allegations, and said none of his behavior was “meant to hurt people.”
Sherry Yard
Judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Nature Blake FarentholdDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Texas
Dropped his re-election bid and later resigned amid harassment accusations and a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim brought by a former employee. He apologized for creating an “unprofessional” workplace culture.
Nature Josh ZepnickDec. 1, 2017
Wisconsin state representative
Refused to resign after two women said he kissed them against their will. He was eventually removed from legislative committee assignments.
Gary Hebl
Member of the Committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations
Nature Dean WestlakeDec. 3, 2017
Alaska state representative
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, by seven current and former aides. He apologized.
Nature James LevineDec. 3, 2017
Conductor at the Metropolitan Opera
Fired in March by the Metropolitan Opera, which said that an investigation had “uncovered credible evidence” that he had engaged in sexually abusive and harassing conduct. He is now suing the Met for breach of contract and defamation.
Nature Matt DababnehDec. 4, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment by two women, including masturbating in front of one of them. He denied the accusations.
Nature Peter MartinsDec. 4, 2017
Ballet master in chief, New York City Ballet
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment and physical and verbal abuse by multiple dancers. He denied the allegations and a company investigation did not corroborate the claims.
Nature Sam IsalyDec. 5, 2017
Managing partner of OrbiMed Advisors
Retired after multiple former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including playing pornography in the workplace. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lorin SteinDec. 6, 2017
Editor of The Paris Review
Resigned amid an internal investigation into his conduct with multiple female employees and writers. He also resigned from his at-large editorship at the publishing house Farrar Straus & Giroux. Mr. Stein apologized and said that he had “blurred the personal and the professional.”
Nature Matt ManwellerDec. 6, 2017
Washington State representative
Stripped of ranking committee membership and fired from his Central Washington University professorship after accusations of sexual harassment, which he denied. He is on the general election ballot for November but said he planned to resign if re-elected.
Gina Mosbrucker
Ranking minority member of House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee
Joyce McDonald
Assistant minority floor leader
Nature Joe AlexanderDec. 7, 2017
Chief creative officer, the Martin Agency
Left the company shortly before it announced an accusation of sexual harassment against him. A week later, he was accused of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances, by several employees. He denied the allegations.
Nature Bryan SingerDec. 7, 2017
Director and producer
Lost his executive producer credit for the TV series “Legion” after a lawsuit alleged that he sexually assaulted a 17-year-old boy in 2003. A representative for Mr. Singer said he categorically denied the allegations. Days before the lawsuit was filed, he was fired as director of the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody.” He will retain a director’s credit for the movie.
Dexter Fletcher
Director, “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Nature Trent FranksDec. 7, 2017
U.S. representative for Arizona
Resigned amid an ethics investigation over accusations that he asked two female staff members to bear his child as surrogates. He said he regretted that the conversations had “caused distress.”
Nature John MooreDec. 11, 2017
Mississippi state representative
Resigned citing health reasons. Days later, it emerged that multiple women had accused him of sexual harassment and that the Legislature was preparing an investigation into the accusations at the time of his resignation. Mr. Moore said, “I don’t know who would make a complaint, much less multiple.”
Nature Tom AshbrookDec. 11, 2017
Host of WBUR’s “On Point”
Dismissed after complaints of bullying and sexual misconduct, including unwanted touching, by current and former station employees. An investigation found Mr. Ashbrook’s conduct “was not sexual in nature.” He apologized for behavior that was “offensive and overbearing to some.”
Nature Eric WeinbergerDec. 12, 2017
President of the Bill Simmons Media Group
Suspended, and later left the company, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Mr. Weinberger had sent her lewd messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Maxwell OgdenDec. 13, 2017
Executive director of Code for Science & Society
Resigned after a former girlfriend accused him of sexual abuse. He apologized and said he would seek help.
Mathias Buus
Technical adviser at Code for Science & Society
Danielle Robinson
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Joe Hand
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Nature Jerry RichardsonDec. 15, 2017
Owner of the Carolina Panthers N.F.L. team
Fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after an investigation into sexually harassment of female employees. Mr. Richardson later sold the team for a record $2.2 billion. He did not comment on the allegations.
Tina Becker
Chief operating officer
Nature Stephen HendersonDec. 15, 2017
Editorial page editor, the Detroit Free Press
Fired after an investigation found inappropriate behavior with two female colleagues. Mr. Henderson acknowledged sexually themed conversations and unwanted advances, but said he disagreed with the decision.
Nature T.J. MillerDec. 19, 2017
A show he was working on for Comedy Central was canceled and he was dropped as the spokesman for Mucinex after a woman accused him of hitting and sexually assaulting her while in college. Mr. Miller denied the accusations.
Jason Mantzoukas
Spokesman for Mucinex
Nature Don HazenDec. 21, 2017
Executive editor, AlterNet
Resigned after being accused of sexually harassing five female employees. He denied most of the accusations, though later said he “lost track of some boundaries.”
Nature Charlie HallowellDec. 27, 2017
Chef and owner of three Oakland, Calif., restaurants
Sold two restaurants after 17 former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances and sexual comments. He apologized.
Jen Cramer
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Richard Clark
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Rico Rivera
Owner of Penrose, a restaurant
Nature H. Brandt AyersJan. 1, 2018
Chairman, Consolidated Publishing
Resigned after a former reporter said Mr. Ayers sexually assaulted her by spanking her. He admitted to once spanking a different reporter.
Nature Kevin BraunJan. 5, 2018
Editor in chief of E&E News
Left management role after accusations of sexual harassment of staff members. He apologized. He is still a co-owner of the company.
Nature Paul HaggisJan. 5, 2018
Screenwriter and director, and founder of the charity Artists for Peace and Justice
Resigned from his charity after accusations of rape and sexual assault. He denied the accusations.
Ben Stiller
Co-chairman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Susan Sarandon
Co-chairwoman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Nature Eric GreitensJan. 10, 2018
Missouri governor
Resigned after he was accused of taking an explicit photo of a woman without her consent and threatening to blackmail her. He said he had an extramarital affair but denied breaking any laws. Mr. Greitens was indicted on a charge of invasion of privacy, but it was dropped.
Nature William G. JacobyJan. 11, 2018
Editor of the American Journal of Political Science
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment from a former student. He denied the accusations.
Nature Rob MooreJan. 22, 2018
Managing editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including sexual comments.
Kristen Lee
She left in August.
Nature Zach FanslerJan. 25, 2018
Alaska state representative
Resigned after a woman said that he slapped her twice when she denied his sexual advances. He denied the accusation.
Nature Steve WynnJan. 26, 2018
Chief executive, Wynn Resorts
Resigned after accusations that he harassed female employees for decades and coerced them into having sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature John CopleyJan. 29, 2018
Stage director, Metropolitan Opera
Fired after he was accused of making a sexually charged remark to a member of the chorus.
Roy Rallo
Stage director for “Semiramide”
Nature Wayne PacelleJan. 29, 2018
Chief executive of the Humane Society
Resigned after three women accused him of sexual harassment, including forcible kissing and unwanted advances. He denied the accusations.
Kitty Block
Acting president and chief executive
Nature Paul ShapiroJan. 30, 2018
Vice president at the Humane Society
Resigned after six women complained that he sexually harassed them, including by making lewd jokes and asking for sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul MarcianoJan. 31, 2018
Executive chairman of Guess, Inc.
Resigned after several women accused him of sexual harassment and assault. A company investigation found he “exercised poor judgment,” and his brother replaced him. Mr. Marciano denied the accusations.
Nature Joseph M. SoukiFeb. 1, 2018
Hawaii state representative
Resigned after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He acknowledged “inappropriate” touching and kissing.
Nature Javier PalomarezFeb. 12, 2018
Chief executive of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Stepped down amid accusations of financial impropriety and after a former staffer accused him of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Karl TemplerFeb. 16, 2018
Stylist and creative director of Interview Magazine
Left the magazine after three women accused him of unwanted touching of their breasts and crotches. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lawrence M. KraussFeb. 22, 2018
Professor at Arizona State University and director of the Origins Project
Replaced as director after a university investigation found that he had grabbed a woman’s breast at a conference. He denied the accusation.
Nature Jorge I. DomínguezFeb. 27, 2018
Professor at Harvard University and chair of the Harvard Academy
Resigned after 18 women accused him of sexual harassment and assault, including unwanted touching, spanning decades. “I do not go around making sexual advances,” he said.
Timothy J. Colton
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Melani Cammett
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Nature Jeff FranklinFeb. 28, 2018
Showrunner, “Fuller House”
Removed after accusations that he was verbally abusive and made sexually charged comments in the writers’ room and on set.
Nature Tony TookeMarch 1, 2018
Chief of the United States Forest Service
Resigned after a United States Department of Agriculture investigation into sexual misconduct. “I expect to be held to the same standards as every other Forest Service employee,” he said.
Nature Angel ArceMarch 8, 2018
Connecticut state representative
Resigned amid accusations that he sent inappropriate messages to a teenage girl. Mr. Arce’s lawyer said his client did nothing improper.
Nature Michael W. Ferro Jr.March 19, 2018
Chairman of the newspaper publisher Tronc
Stepped down hours before Fortune magazine published an article in which two women accused him of making inappropriate sexual advances. A spokesman for Mr. Ferro said that the accusations “appear to involve private conduct.”
Nature Bill HybelsMarch 22, 2018
Lead pastor of Willow Creek church
Retired after a group of former pastors and staff members accused him of sexual misconduct — accusations he initially called “flat-out lies.” He later apologized for “making people feel uncomfortable.”
Heather Larson
She left in August.
Steve Carter
He left in August.
Steve Gillen
He started in August.
Nature Eric T. SchneidermanMay 7, 2018
Attorney general of New York
Resigned hours after news reports that he assaulted four women. He denied the accusation.
Nature Howard KwaitMay 11, 2018
Principal of John Bowne High School in Queens
Was reassigned after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of inappropriate touching, discrimination and making lewd comments.
Nature Demos ParnerosJuly 3, 2018
Chief executive of Barnes & Noble
Was fired without public explanation. It was later revealed that the termination was in part because of accusations of sexual harassment by an executive assistant. He played down the interactions as “innocuous.”
Leonard Riggio
Executive chairman overseeing a team that shares the duties of the office of the chief executive
Nature Bernard UzanJuly 26, 2018
Co-director of Florida Grand Opera’s Young Artists program and co-founder of Uzan International Artists
Resigned from the opera after four female singers accused him of sexual misconduct and named his daughter to take over his agency. He has denied the accusations.
Vanessa Uzan
Managing Director of Uzan International Artists
Nature Corey J. ColemanJuly 30, 2018
Head of human resources for FEMA
Resigned amid an internal investigation that found “deeply disturbing” sexual misconduct that spanned years, according to FEMA leadership. He denied the claims, and his lawyers said that investigators relied on “rumor and innuendo.”
Bridget Bean
Acting head of human resources
Nature Nick SauerAug. 1, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned after a former girlfriend complained that he had been releasing nude photos of her on Instagram. He said his ability to work in his role would “be affected by the distraction of addressing these allegations.”
Nature Leslie MoonvesSept. 9, 2018
President, chairman and chief executive of CBS Corporation
Left CBS after a dozen women accused him of sexual misconduct and retaliating against those who rejected his advances. Mr. Moonves said he “may have made some women uncomfortable” but denied misusing his position “to harm or hinder anyone’s career.”
Joseph Ianniello
President and acting chief executive officer
The Seven Men Whose Positions Are Vacant
Several politicians left their seats vacant, but elections will fill them soon.
See also: Replaced | Not Replaced | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Jack LatvalaNov. 3, 2017
Florida state senator
Resigned after investigation into accusations of groping and sexually harassing multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature John Conyers Jr.Nov. 20, 2017
U.S. representative for Michigan
Resigned after accusations of repeated sexual advances toward female staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Patrick MeehanJan. 20, 2018
U.S. representative for Pennsylvania
Resigned after a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment complaint by a former aide. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas KettleFeb. 19, 2018
Rhode Island state senator
Resigned after being charged with extorting sex from a student page. He denied the accusations and pleaded not guilty in February.
Nature David SawyerFeb. 23, 2018
Washington State representative
Resigned as commerce committee chairman after an outside investigation found that he made unwanted romantic advances toward a co-worker, for which he apologized. He lost his primary in August.
Nature Duane HallFeb. 28, 2018
North Carolina state representative
Lost his primary after multiple people accused him of sexual innuendo and unwanted sexual advances. He denied the accusations.
Nature Dillon BatesAug. 3, 2018
Maine state representative
Denied accusations of sexual misconduct and stated his intent to serve out his term. Eventually resigned.
The 98 Men Who Have Not Been Replaced
Most lost their jobs or standing and have no clear successors, or their replacements have yet to be named or are unknown.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Andy SignoreOct. 5, 2017
Senior vice president, Defy Media
Fired after being accused of sexually assaulting one woman and harassing several others. Through a lawyer, he denied all accusations.
Nature Roman PolanskiOct. 13, 2017
Expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences after a woman who said Mr. Polanski sexually assaulted her when she was 10 years old started a petition to remove him. The Los Angeles police opened an investigation into the accusation, which Polanski denied. Polanski previously pleaded guilty to sex with a minor in 1977 and fled the country before sentencing. Over the years, he was accused by six women of sexual abuse, most when they were minors. He has continued to make films in Europe.
Nature Matt MondanileOct. 16, 2017
Founder of Ducktails and former guitarist for the band Real Estate
Plancha, a Japanese label, dropped Ducktails. A tour was canceled after accusations of “touching, kissing, and groping” women without their consent. Mr. Mondanile apologized.
Nature Scott CourtneyOct. 19, 2017
Executive vice president, Service Employees International Union
Resigned amid an investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct among leaders of a union campaign. Several people had complained that Mr. Courtney had a history of sexual relationships with young female staff members, who were later promoted.
Nature Tyler GrashamOct. 20, 2017
Agent at Agency for the Performing Arts
Fired after accusations that he sexually assaulted and harassed multiple young men in the industry, prompting one of his top clients to leave the firm.
Nature James TobackOct. 22, 2017
Director and screenwriter
Dropped by his longtime agent after 38 women accused him of sexual harassment. Mr. Toback has denied the accusations.
Nature Terry RichardsonOct. 23, 2017
Fashion photographer
Banned from working with Condé Nast after accusations of sexual harassment of models. A spokeswoman said his interactions were consensual.
Nature Leon WieseltierOct. 24, 2017
Editor at The New Republic
New magazine was canceled after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate advances by several women. He apologized.
Nature Steve JurvetsonOct. 24, 2017
Co-founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a venture capital firm
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. He has denied the allegations and started his own venture firm.
Nature Knight LandesmanOct. 25, 2017
A publisher of Artforum
Resigned as a publisher of Artforum magazine in October 2017 after nine women accused him in a lawsuit of various forms of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Ken BakerOct. 26, 2017
Journalist for the E! network
Left after two women accused him of sexual harassment.
Nature Kirt WebsterOct. 27, 2017
Music publicist
Numerous clients cut ties after accusations of sexual assault or harassment of multiple people.
Nature Jeremy PivenOct. 30, 2017
His show “Wisdom of the Crowd” was canceled after several women accused him of sexual misconduct. He said the cancellation decision “was a terrible mistake” and has denied accusations.
Nature Paul J. WhalenOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Todd F. HeathertonOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Retired after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired. He acknowledged that he “acted unprofessionally in public at conferences while intoxicated” and apologized.
Nature William M. KelleyOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Brett RatnerNov. 1, 2017
Producer and director
Lost a production and financing deal with Warner Bros. after he was accused of sexual assault or harassment by six women. A lawyer for Mr. Ratner denied the accusations.
Nature Danny MastersonNov. 2, 2017
Fired from and written out of a Netflix show, “The Ranch,” after accusations surfaced that he raped four women in the early 2000s. A fifth woman later came forward to accuse Mr. Masterson of rape. He denied the accusations.
Nature David GuillodNov. 2, 2017
Co-chief executive of Primary Wave Entertainment agency
Resigned after accusations of sexual assault from four women. The Santa Barbara County sheriff’s department opened an investigation in December. Mr. Guillod’s attorney denied any criminal conduct.
Nature Adam VenitNov. 3, 2017
Head of the motion picture group at William Morris Endeavor agency
Stepped down as head of the motion picture group and later retired after acknowledging that he groped the actor Terry Crews. Mr. Venit apologized in a letter to Mr. Crews.
Nature Michael HaffordNov. 3, 2017
Freelance writer
Banned from contributing to Vice websites after multiple women reported that he abused or raped them. He had previously written a “Male Feminist” column for the website Broadly. He did not commented on the accusations.
Nature Jeffrey TamborNov. 8, 2017
Fired from the Amazon show “Transparent” after a fellow cast member and a former assistant accused him of sexual harassment on set. He denied any deliberate harassment.
Nature Jesse LaceyNov. 9, 2017
Lead vocals and guitar for the band Brand New
Canceled a tour for his band after sexual misconduct accusations from a woman who said he had exploited her when she was a minor. In a general apology for his behavior, Mr. Lacey said that he had not “afforded women the respect, support or honesty that they deserved.”
Nature Mark SchwahnNov. 11, 2017
Showrunner of “One Tree Hill” and “The Royals”
Fired from “The Royals” after multiple women accused him of sexual harassment. He did not publicly responded to the accusations.
Nature Tom SizemoreNov. 13, 2017
Dropped as male lead from a horror film, “The Door,” after a report that he groped an 11-year-old actress on a movie set in 2003. He denied the accusation and was sued by the actress this year.
Nature Andy HenryNov. 15, 2017
Casting director, Nancy Nayor Casting
Fired after it came to light that he had been dismissed from his role as a casting employee on “C.S.I.” in 2008 after several women said that he had urged them to disrobe during auditions. He apologized. After his departure from Nancy Nayor Casting, a new team was assembled there.
Nature Jason MojicaNov. 15, 2017
Head of documentary films at Vice Media
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment. Mr. Mojica said that he was “deeply disappointed by this outcome.”
Nature Cameron MitchellNov. 17, 2017
Talent agent at Creative Arts Agency
Fired after a lawsuit accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Mitchell has said the accuser was “fabricating her story.”
Nature Russell SimmonsNov. 19, 2017
Co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and other businesses
Stepped down from his companies amid accusations of sexual assault and rape from multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Garrison KeillorNov. 29, 2017
Creator and former host of “A Prairie Home Companion”
Minnesota Public Radio severed ties with him after accusations of inappropriate behavior, later described as “sexually inappropriate incidents.” In April, it returned archived episodes of his programs, “A Prairie Home Companion” and “The Writer’s Almanac,” to its websites. Mr. Keillor recently restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast. He denied doing anything wrong.
Nature Israel HorovitzNov. 30, 2017
Playwright and founding artistic director of the Gloucester Stage theater
Fired after accusations of groping, forcibly kissing and rape. Mr. Horovitz said he recalled events differently but apologized.
Nature Justin HuffNov. 30, 2017
Broadway casting director at Telsey & Company
Fired after accusations of sexual misconduct toward actors.
Nature Shervin PishevarNov. 30, 2017
Co-founder of Sherpa Capital, a venture capital firm
Resigned after five women accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching. He said the accusations were “untruthful attacks.”
Nature Ruben KihuenDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Nevada
Decided to not seek re-election after being accused of unwanted sexual propositions. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jonathan SchwartzDec. 6, 2017
Host on WNYC, a station owned by New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Schwartz denied that he had behaved inappropriately. He now hosts a show on a website, The Jonathan Station.
Nature Leonard LopateDec. 6, 2017
Host on New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Lopate said he had “never done anything inappropriate on any level.” He now hosts a show on the New York FM station WBAI, which is carried as a podcast by the NPR affiliate Robin Hood Radio.
Nature Alex KozinskiDec. 8, 2017
Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Retired after six female subordinates accused him of sexual misconduct or inappropriate comments. He said it was never his intent to make his staff members uncomfortable.
Nature Donovan McNabbDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he sent her explicit messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Eric DavisDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he groped her and made lewd comments. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Mario BataliDec. 11, 2017
Chef, restaurant owner and co-host of ABC show, “The Chew”
Fired by ABC and was expected to divest from his restaurants after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate touching, by several employees. Two women also accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Batali has apologized for some behavior, but denied accusations of nonconsensual sex.
Nature Marshall FaulkDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network
Suspended, and will not be returning, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Faulk fondled her and pulled out his genitals while demanding oral sex. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Ryan LizzaDec. 11, 2017
Writer for The New Yorker and political analyst for CNN
Fired by The New Yorker and suspended by CNN over an accusation of “improper sexual conduct,” which he denied. He has since returned as a CNN analyst, after a CNN investigation “found no reason to continue to keep Mr. Lizza off the air.” He was hired in June by Esquire as its chief political correspondent.
Nature Heath EvansDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended and then terminated by the network after accusations of sending a co-worker sexually explicit photos. He called the accusations “false.”
Nature Ike TaylorDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended after accusations of sending a coworker “sexually inappropriate” photos and video. Eventually lost employment at the network.
Nature Ken FriedmanDec. 12, 2017
Chef and restaurateur
Took an indefinite leave of absence after 10 employees accused him of unwanted sexual advances. Mr. Friedman later dissolved his partnership with April Bloomfield and split up ownership of their restaurants.
Nature Tavis SmileyDec. 13, 2017
Host of PBS talk show, “Tavis Smiley”
PBS stopped distributing Mr. Smiley’s show after an investigation found “credible allegations” that he had sexual relationships with subordinates. Some witnesses reportedly expressed concern that their jobs were tied to continuing the relationships, which Mr. Smiley said were consensual. He filed a lawsuit against PBS, and it filed a countersuit, detailing more alleged sexual misconduct. Mr. Smiley now hosts a show on The Word Network.
Nature Brad KernDec. 14, 2017
Producer of “NCIS: New Orleans”
Fired after an investigation into accusations of misconduct including sexual harassment, discrimination and making racially insensitive comments.
Nature Morgan SpurlockDec. 14, 2017
Stepped down from his production company and said he was “part of the problem” in a social media post. He revealed that he had been accused of rape in college and had later settled a separate sexual harassment claim.
Nature Daylin LeachDec. 17, 2017
Pennsylvania state senator
Ended his campaign for Congress after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching by multiple staff members. Mr. Leach denied any inappropriate touching. He remains in the State Senate.
Nature Chuck CloseDec. 20, 2017
The National Gallery of Art canceled a planned exhibition after accusations by several women that Mr. Close sexually harassed them when they went to his studio to pose for him. He said he was sorry if he had made the women feel uncomfortable.
Nature Marcelo GomesDec. 21, 2017
Principal dancer at American Ballet Theater
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. His spokeswoman said, “This is a time of reflection for Marcelo.”
Nature James RosenDec. 22, 2017
Chief Washington correspondent, Fox News
Left after accusations of sexual harassment, including groping and attempted forcible kissing, of female colleagues.
Nature Mike GermanoDec. 23, 2017
Chief digital officer at Vice Media
Placed on leave and did not return after two women accused him of sexual harassment, including pulling one of them onto his lap. Mr. Germano has said he did “not believe that these allegations reflect the company’s culture.”
Nature Rhys JamesDec. 23, 2017
Producer at Vice Media
Vice reached a settlement in early 2017 with a co-worker who accused him of making sexist comments. In the agreement, Vice and Mr. James denied any liability. He was placed on leave in November and no longer works at the company.
Nature David DiazJan. 3, 2018
Children’s book illustrator
Resigned from the board of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators after a woman said that he had sexually harassed her in 2012. Mr. Diaz apologized to the woman and said he underwent sexual harassment training after a complaint that year. He said he felt pressured to resign.
Nature Ben VereenJan. 5, 2018
Actor and singer
A production group cut ties with him after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct, including unwanted kisses and degrading comments. He apologized.
Nature Jeremy TookerJan. 6, 2018
Founder of Four Barrel Coffee
Agreed to divest from the company after accusations of sexual assault by former employees.
Nature Andy SavageJan. 9, 2018
Memphis megachurch pastor
Resigned after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 17. He acknowledged that he engaged in a “sexual incident.”
Nature Joel KramerJan. 13, 2018
Stunt coordinator
Dropped by Worldwide Production Agency after an actress accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 12 during the filming of “True Lies.” He denied the accusation.
Nature Mario Testino Jan. 13, 2018
Fashion photographer
Companies severed ties after 13 male models accused him of sexual advances, including groping and masturbation. He has denied wrongdoing.
Nature Gordon EdelsteinJan. 22, 2018
Artistic director, Long Wharf Theater
Fired after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual contact and sexually explicit remarks. He did not publicly address the accusations.
Nature Barry LubinJan. 23, 2018
Grandma the clown at Big Apple Circus
Resigned after admitting that he pressured a teenage girl to pose for pornographic pictures.
Nature Alexander JonesJan. 25, 2018
Sunday editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment by employees, including unwanted kissing.
Nature Patrick WittyJan. 29, 2018
Deputy director of photography at National Geographic
Left in December. In January, multiple women publicly accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching and kissing. He denied the accusations but apologized for some behavior.
Nature Charlie WalkJan. 29, 2018
President of the Republic Group music label
Left after at least six women accused him of persistent sexual harassment and inappropriate touching. He denied the accusations.
Nature Vincent CirrincioneFeb. 2, 2018
Talent manager
Closed his management agency after nine women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He apologized but described the interactions as consensual.
Nature Bradley GarnerFeb. 6, 2018
Professor at New York University and promotional musician for Yamaha
The university and Yamaha both severed ties with Mr. Garner after a report that nine students and two other women had accused him of sexual misconduct when he taught at the University of Cincinnati. He denied the accusations.
Nature Daniel ZwerdlingFeb. 6, 2018
Investigative reporter at NPR
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment from six current and former interns and staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Alec KleinFeb. 7, 2018
Professor of journalism at Northwestern University
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate remarks and unwanted touching, brought by nearly 30 women. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature James DashnerFeb. 7, 2018
Author of “The Maze Runner” series
Dropped by Random House and his literary agent amid accusations of sexual misconduct. He said, “I am taking any and all criticisms and accusations very seriously, and I will seek counseling and guidance to address them.”
Nature Sean HutchisonFeb. 8, 2018
Olympic swimming coach
Banned from U.S. Olympic activities after an investigation by a governing body found that he had sexual contact with a minor. Ariana Kukors Smith, a swimmer, said he had sexually abused her when she was a teenager. He denied any abuse and said they had a consensual relationship starting when she was of legal age.
Nature Jim WalshFeb. 13, 2018
Co-founder of the political consulting firms DSPolitical and Rising Tide Interactive
Resigned from his consulting firms after a woman said he had sexually assaulted her a decade ago. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Jay AsherFeb. 14, 2018
Author of “Thirteen Reasons Why”
Dropped by his literary agent and expelled from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators amid accusations of sexual harassment. A spokeswoman for Mr. Asher said that he had not been kicked out of the society and that he denied any harassment.
Nature Greg KadelFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Victoria’s Secret suspended its work with Mr. Kadel, and Condé Nast cut ties after sexual misconduct accusations from models who said he harassed and assaulted them when they were teenagers. A spokeswoman for Mr. Kadel said he “never sexually coerced or assaulted anyone.”
Nature Patrick DemarchelierFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Condé Nast stopped working with Mr. Demarchelier after seven women accused him of unwanted sexual advances and groping. He denied the accusations.
Nature Michael FeinbergFeb. 22, 2018
Co-founder of KIPP, a chain of charter schools
Dismissed after an investigation found credible an accusation that he sexually abused a student. He denied the accusation.
Nature Richard MeierMarch 13, 2018
Took a leave from his firm and then stepped down after several former employees said he had exposed himself to them or touched them inappropriately. At first he said, “while our recollections may differ, I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended,” and then later said that he didn’t recognize the women and that “people can say whatever they want.”
Nature Mike IsabellaMarch 19, 2018
Chef and owner of Mike Isabella Concepts restaurant group
After a woman accused Mr. Isabella and his partners of sexually harassing her, he lost business with the Washington Nationals, and Know Public Relations, the firm that represented him, severed ties. He has not resigned and has denied any wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas NixonMarch 24, 2018
Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Retired amid a school investigation into accusations of inappropriate behavior. Soon after, former students accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior, including assignments to photograph genitalia. He apologized to some students, though his lawyer said the accusations were “untested and unproven.”
Nature William D. StrampelMarch 26, 2018
Former dean of Michigan State University’s osteopathic medical school
Resigned from faculty after being arrested on charges of sexual harassment of students. He denied the accusations. For years, Dr. Strampel supervised Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar, a longtime U.S.A. Gymnastics team doctor who pleaded guilty in November to molesting girls.
Nature John KricfalusiMarch 29, 2018
Creator of “The Ren & Stimpy Show”
Cartoon Network and Adult Swim do not plan on working with him in the future, after accusations that he had sexually exploited teenage girls. He denied most of the accusations, but admitted to Buzzfeed that he had had a 16-year-old girlfriend.
Nature Benton StrongApril 23, 2018
Former mayoral spokesman and adviser in Seattle’s sustainability office
Resigned after accusations that he made sexual comments and sent text messages to two women at a previous job. He said he has “made mistakes.”
Nature Justin ParishApril 24, 2018
Alaska state representative
Took mandated sexual harassment training after a woman filed a complaint of unwanted flirting, unwanted touching and inappropriate phone calls. He declined to seek re-election.
Nature Nick MiccarelliMay 5, 2018
Pennsylvania state representative
Stripped of committee assignments and decided not to run for re-election after a House investigation found accusations of sexual assault and abuse from two women to be credible. He denied the accusations.
Nature Roy FrumkesMay 8, 2018
Professor at School of Visual Arts
Removed from his position after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of making lewd comments and groping.
Nature Jonathan KaimanMay 16, 2018
Beijing bureau chief at The Los Angeles Times
Resigned after two women accused him of sexual misconduct. He disputed the accusations, calling the acts in one episode “mutually consensual.”
Nature Mohamed MuqtarMay 17, 2018
Assistant director of student services at University of California, Berkeley
Fired after multiple female athletes accused him of sexual assault and misconduct. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Robert HaufrechtMay 18, 2018
Instructor at School of Visual Arts
Was suspended and his contract was not renewed, in response to concerns raised by students, one of whom said he showed her unwanted attention, commented on her appearance and told her in class to rehearse suggestive scenarios.
Nature Nate BoultonMay 23, 2018
Iowa state senator
Suspended his campaign for governor after accusations that he touched three women inappropriately. He remains an Iowa state senator.
Nature Morgan FreemanMay 24, 2018
Actor and producer
Visa suspended a marketing campaign featuring Mr. Freeman after eight people accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. Mr. Freeman apologized, saying that he would not “intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy.”
Nature Lou LangMay 31, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned as deputy House majority leader after accusations of sexual harassment, which he called “absurdities.” Mr. Lang was later cleared by an inspector general inquiry that acknowledged he acted inappropriately. He remains a state representative.
Nature Curt AndersonJune 14, 2018
Maryland state delegate
Ordered to undergo sexual harassment training and stripped of leadership posts after an ethics committee investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct. He said the actions taken against him were “fair” and is running for re-election.
Nature Francisco J. AyalaJune 29, 2018
Professor and benefactor of the University of California, Irvine
Resigned after an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment. The university said it would remove his name from a school, fellowships and other programs. Dr. Ayala said he regretted what he thought of as “the good manners of a European gentleman.”
Nature William PreucilJuly 26, 2018
Cleveland Orchestra concertmaster and professor at Cleveland Institute of Music
The Cleveland Orchestra suspended him after accusations of sexual misconduct, and it opened an investigation that was continuing as of early October. One of four concertmasters has been stepping in to fill his role. Mr. Preucil resigned from his teaching position at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Nature Chase FinlaySept. 5, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging lewd texts and photos of female dancers; he resigned. His lawyer called the suit “nothing more than allegations that should not be taken as fact.”
Nature Zachary CatazaroSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging a lewd photo and text messages about female dancers; he was fired. He said “the intent was not to harm or embarrass anyone.”
Nature Amar RamasarSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused of exchanging lewd text messages and explicit photos of a female dancer; he was fired. His lawyer said the messages involved only his own consensual activity.
Nature Adam BerkowitzSept. 25, 2018
Co-head of television at Creative Artists Agency
Departed days after he is said to have groped a television executive at an Emmys party. He did not comment on the accusation.
The Three Women Who Lost Jobs
Over all, few women have faced accusations of misconduct in the #MeToo era, but several who did also faced employment consequences.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Not Replaced | Back to Top ↑
Nature Cristina Garcia Feb. 9, 2018
California state assemblywoman
Removed from committee posts amid sexual harassment accusations from a former legislative staff member. An investigation initially found no wrongdoing, but it was reopened after an appeal. Ms. Garcia has denied the accusations and is running for a fourth term.
Al Muratsuchi
Acting chairman of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee
Susan Talamantes Eggman
Acting chairwoman of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus
Nature Andrea RamseyDec. 15, 2017
Candidate for U.S. House seat in Kansas
Ended campaign after accusations that she had sexually harassed, and then fired, a former subordinate. She denied the accusations.
Nature Asia ArgentoAug. 19, 2018
Actress and director
Removed as a judge on “X Factor Italy” after reports that she sexually assaulted and then paid off a 17-year-old former co-star in California. She denied the accusations. CNN also pulled episodes of “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” featuring Ms. Argento from its streaming service.
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/23/us/metoo-replacements.html | Audrey Carlsen, Maya Salam, Claire Cain Miller, Denise Lu, Ash Ngu, Jugal K. Patel, Zach Wichter
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements., in 2018-10-23 11:53:42
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algarithmblognumber · 6 years
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements.
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. http://www.nature-business.com/nature-metoo-brought-down-201-powerful-men-women-are-nearly-half-of-their-replacements/
Nature 201 lost jobs or major roles
Nature 122 replacements: 53 women and 69 men
Who Was Ousted and Who Stepped In
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Nature Andy Mitchell & Milos Brajovic
Co-presidents of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
▼ View all 201 cases below
They had often gotten away with it for years, and for those they harassed, it seemed as if the perpetrators would never pay any consequences. Then came the report that detailed Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assaults and harassment, and his fall from Hollywood’s heights.
A year later, even as the #MeToo movement meets a crackling backlash, it’s possible to take some stock of how the Weinstein case has changed the corridors of power. A New York Times analysis has found that, since the publishing of the exposé (followed days later by a New Yorker investigation), at least 200 prominent men have lost their jobs after public allegations of sexual harassment. A few, including Mr. Weinstein, face criminal charges. At least 920 people were reportedly subjected to sexual misconduct by someone on the list. And nearly half of the men who have been replaced were succeeded by women.
In the year preceding the Weinstein report, by contrast, fewer than 30 high-profile people made the news for resigning or being fired after public accusations of sexual misconduct. The downfall of the Fox host Bill O’Reilly in April 2017 turned out to have been just a foreshock of the changes to come.
“We’ve never seen something like this before,” said Joan Williams, a law professor who studies gender at the University of California, Hastings. “Women have always been seen as risky, because they might do something like have a baby. But men are now being seen as more risky hires.”
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Sexual harassment has hardly been erased in the workplace. Federal law still does not fully protect huge groups of women, including those who work freelance or at companies with fewer than 15 employees. New workplace policies have little effect without deeper cultural change. And as the Supreme Court confirmation battle over Brett Kavanaugh showed, Americans disagree on how people accused of sexual misconduct should be held accountable and what the standard of evidence should be.
But the analysis shows that the #MeToo movement shook, and is still shaking, power structures in society’s most visible sectors. The Times gathered cases of prominent people who lost their main jobs, significant leadership positions or major contracts, and whose ousters were publicly covered in news reports.
Forty-three percent of their replacements were women. Of those, one-third are in news media, one-quarter in government, and one-fifth in entertainment and the arts. For example, Robin Wright replaced Kevin Spacey as lead actor on “House of Cards,” Emily Nemens replaced Lorin Stein as editor of “The Paris Review,” and Tina Smith replaced Al Franken as a senator from Minnesota.
People Replacing Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Women are starting to gain power in organizations that have been jolted by harassment, with potentially far-reaching effects.
“I find it so interesting the number of people who come up to me and say, ‘Thank you for stepping in when someone needed to step in,’” Ms. Smith said. “That’s a lot of what women do a lot of the time, right?”
Appointing a woman does not guarantee change. Women have also harassed and covered up harassment. Some women face the glass cliff — in which women are appointed to leadership in times of organizational crisis, when the chance of failure is higher. And while the share of women who have risen to power in the wake of Mr. Weinstein’s fall is significant, women are still vastly underrepresented at the top of American institutions.
Research has repeatedly shown that women tend to lead differently. In general, they create more respectful work environments, where harassment is less likely to flourish and where women feel more comfortable reporting it. Female leaders tend to hire and promote more women; pay them more equally; and make companies more profitable. Women bring their life experiences and perspectives to decision-making, and that can help in business because women make the vast majority of purchasing decisions. In government, women have been shown to be more collaborative and bipartisan, and promote more policies supporting women, children and social welfare.
That has been true in Congress, said Ms. Smith, a Democrat. In a highly polarized Senate, women tend to be unusually collegial across party lines, she said, and the 23 female senators meet for dinner monthly.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
▼ View all 201 cases below
“I believe you’re successful and you get things done if you have relationships with people,” she said. “That’s the ground for accomplishing something, certainly in the legislative world.”
One example: She and Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican from Alaska, discovered that they both worked on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in high school. The bond they built from shared experience helped them when they co-sponsored mental health legislation that was included in the opioid crisis response bill passed last month.
In news media and entertainment, many women who ascended to jobs vacated by men have changed the tone and substance of what they offer audiences — and in some cases, the fallout from #MeToo has shaped their decisions.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
▼ View all 201 cases below
Jennifer Salke, who took over for Roy Price as head of Amazon Studios, has said Amazon needed more “big, addictive shows for women.” She has announced deals with the actors Lena Waithe and Nicole Kidman, among others.
Since Tanzina Vega took over from John Hockenberry as host of “The Takeaway,” the public radio program, she has done many episodes about gender, including on masculinity, women’s anger and the intersection of gender and race — topics that she had been covering for years but that she said were now part of the national conversation.
“I don’t think that’s necessarily because I’m a woman, but it’s just that as a woman, as a Latina, I know when the conversation hasn’t been about women, and I’m deeply sensitive to that,” said Ms. Vega, who was previously a reporter at CNN and The New York Times.
Nature John HockenberryDec. 1, 2017
Host of WNYC’s “The Takeaway”
After he left “The Takeaway,” nine women accused Mr. Hockenberry of sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances. He apologized, describing his behavior as “rude, aggressive and impolite.”
▼ View all 201 cases below
Women’s personal experiences, including as mothers, can make workplaces more welcoming to other women. That’s the hope of Christine Tsai, who is chief executive of the tech investment firm 500 Startups, where she replaced Dave McClure in early 2017 after an internal investigation into his behavior toward women in the tech community.
“I’ve erred on the side as C.E.O. of being more open about it, like if one of my kids has an appointment, so hopefully it creates an environment where people don’t feel like they have to hide that they have obligations to family,” she said. “Sure, a guy can be sensitive to those things, but I think it helps having that empathy of what it’s like for moms.”
The women who have risen, however, can only make so much change — they are still operating in a male-dominated system. More than 10 percent of the ousted men have tried to make a comeback, or voiced a desire to, and many never lost financial power.
The comedian Louis C.K. recently took the stage at the Comedy Cellar in New York, raising questions of how long is long enough for people to be banished from their field, and who gets to decide. Garrison Keillor, the radio host, has restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast and reportedly received $275,000 for a deal in which Minnesota Public Radio reposted archived episodes of his programs. Jerry Richardson, the founder and former owner of the Carolina Panthers, was fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after he was accused of sexual harassment — but sold the team for at least $2.2 billion, a record amount.
When people accused of harassment return to power without making amends — or never lose it, at least financially — it limits the post-Weinstein movement’s potential to change how power is exercised in American society.
They have not experienced the same type of trauma that survivors have, said Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement, which she started in 2006 to support survivors of sexual harassment and violence (the hashtag went viral a year ago this month as women used it to tell their stories of harassment and violence). And very few have shown that they have taken responsibility for their actions or offered private apologies to those they harmed, she said.
“Where’s the self-reflection and accountability?” she said. “Perhaps if we saw some evidence of that, then we can have a more robust conversation about the road to redemption.”
In the meantime, these women say, there are more than enough qualified women ready to take their places in power.
“A bunch of us who took over these jobs got promoted because we were really good at these jobs,” said Ms. Vega, the radio host. “We have the skills, we have the experience, we have the work ethic and we have the smarts to do it, and it’s time for us to do this job.”
The 96 Men Who Were Replaced
Of the men who lost their jobs, 50 have been replaced by at least one woman in an interim or permanent capacity. The date for each entry indicates when news broke of accusations, or when a firing, resignation or other fallout was announced.
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Accused by dozens of women of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to abuse and rape. He has been criminally charged in Manhattan with sexually assaulting two women. The Weinstein Company later went bankrupt and was bought and rebranded as Lantern Entertainment. Mr. Weinstein, who was fired from his film production company, has said all of his encounters were consensual.
Andy Mitchell
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Milos Brajovic
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Lockhart SteeleOct. 12, 2017
Editorial director, Vox Media
Fired after being accused of sexual harassment of at least one person. Vox Media’s chief executive said Mr. Steele admitted to misconduct.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
Nature Chris SavinoOct. 17, 2017
Creator of Nickelodeon’s “The Loud House”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He apologized.
Michael Rubiner
Co-executive producer of “The Loud House”
Nature Cliff HiteOct. 17, 2017
Ohio state senator
Resigned after a woman filed a sexual harassment complaint against him, citing unwanted advances. He later said that he had behaved inappropriately.
Nature Robert ScobleOct. 19, 2017
Co-founder of the Transformation Group, an augmented reality company
Resigned after being accused of sexual assault or inappropriate behavior with three women. He apologized for “inappropriate” behavior.
Nature John BeshOct. 21, 2017
Chief executive, Besh Restaurant Group
Stepped down from day-to-day operations after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple employees. He apologized.
Nature Caleb JenningsOct. 24, 2017
Chicago organizer for Service Employees International Union
Fired after accusations of “sexual misconduct and abusive behavior.” Found not guilty of assault in court.
Nature Mark HalperinOct. 26, 2017
Political journalist
NBC News, Penguin Press, HBO and Showtime severed ties with Mr. Halperin after accusations of sexual harassment by former co-workers. He apologized and admitted to several years of “inappropriate” behavior.
Alex Wagner
Co-host of Showtime’s “The Circus”
Nature Rick NajeraOct. 26, 2017
Director of CBS’s Diversity Showcase
Resigned after an investigation into accusations that he made inappropriate and lewd comments to performers. In a statement, he said he was “confounded by deliberate and cruel defamations.”
Nature Kevin SpaceyOct. 29, 2017
Dropped from his Netflix show, “House of Cards,” and was replaced in the film “All the Money in the World” after he was accused of forcing himself on a minor. He apologized. More men have come forward accusing Mr. Spacey of behaving inappropriately toward them.
Robin Wright
Netflix “House of Cards” star
Christopher Plummer
J. Paul Getty in “All the Money in the World”
Nature Hamilton FishOct. 30, 2017
Publisher and president of The New Republic
Resigned after accusations of inappropriate conduct, and said he had “a lot to learn” about the treatment of women in the workplace.
Rachel Rosenfelt
Publisher and vice president of The New Republic
Nature Andy DickOct. 31, 2017
Fired from two films after accusations of sexual harassment. He pleaded not guilty to a sexual battery charge in July and denied claims of groping.
Jonathan Pessin
Oliver in “Vampire Dad”
Nature Michael OreskesOct. 31, 2017
Head of news at NPR and former New York Times editor
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment of three women. He apologized and called his behavior “wrong and inexcusable.”
Nature Ira SilversteinOct. 31, 2017
Illinois state senator
Resigned as majority caucus chairman after sexual harassment accusations, which he denied. He lost his re-election bid in a March primary.
Mattie Hunter
Majority caucus chair
Nature Jeff HooverNov. 1, 2017
Kentucky state representative and speaker of the House
Resigned as speaker after settling a sexual harassment claim made by a staffer but remains in office. Mr. Hoover said the alleged harassment, consisting of inappropriate text messages, was consensual.
David Osborne
House speaker pro tempore
Nature Kendall FellsNov. 2, 2017
Organizing director of the Service Employees International Union’s Fight for 15 campaign
Resigned amid a broad investigation into harassment and employee misconduct within the union.
Nature Sam AdamsNov. 3, 2017
Director of U.S. branch of the World Resources Institute
Left his job as the director of the U.S. branch of a think tank after a former staffer said Mr. Adams sexually harassed him when he was the mayor of Portland, Ore. Mr. Adams called the accusations false and said his decision to leave the think tank was unrelated.
Nature Ed WestwickNov. 6, 2017
Cut from the BBC show “Ordeal by Innocence” after three women accused him of sexual assault. He denied the accusations. Prosecutors in Los Angeles declined to press charges because of lack of evidence.
Christian Cooke
Mickey Argyll in “Ordeal by Innocence”
Nature Don ShooterNov. 7, 2017
Arizona state representative
Expelled by the Arizona House of Representatives for “dishonorable” behavior after an investigation found he sexually harassed multiple women, including fellow lawmakers. Mr. Shooter apologized and said he had done “stupid things,” though he raised questions about the investigation’s claims.
Nature Benjamin GenocchioNov. 8, 2017
Executive director of the Armory Show art fair
Replaced as executive director of the Armory Show, a top international art fair in New York, following accusations from several women of unwelcome touching and inappropriate sexual comments. Mr. Genocchio said he “never intentionally acted in an inappropriate manner” but apologized “to the extent my behavior was perceived as disrespectful.”
Nature Dan SchoenNov. 8, 2017
Minnesota state senator
Resigned after allegations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He denied some allegations while claiming that others were “taken far out of context.”
Nature Louis C.K.Nov. 9, 2017
Comedian and producer
Lost his production deal with FX after he admitted to multiple instances of sexual misconduct, including masturbating in front of several women. Distribution for a film he wrote and starred in was canceled, and he lost a voice role in “The Secret Life of Pets” franchise. He recently began performing again, unannounced, at comedy clubs in the New York area.
Patton Oswalt
Max in “The Secret Life of Pets 2”
Nature Tony CornishNov. 9, 2017
Minnesota state representative
Resigned after accusations that he propositioned lawmakers and lobbyists for sex. He apologized.
Nature Tony MendozaNov. 9, 2017
California state senator
Resigned after accusations that he made improper advances toward several women. He denied the accusations. A State Senate investigation found that he “more likely than not” made unwanted advances.
Nature Andrew KreisbergNov. 10, 2017
Executive producer of superhero dramas “Arrow,” “Supergirl,” and “The Flash”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact. He denied the allegations.
Greg Berlanti
Took on additional responsibilities as an executive producer of “The Flash” and “Supergirl”
Nature Eddie BerganzaNov. 10, 2017
Editor at DC Comics
Fired following accusations that he “forcibly kissed and tried to grope colleagues.”
Brian Cunningham
Group Editor of Superman titles
Marie Javins
Group Editor of Justice League titles
Nature Gary GoddardNov. 10, 2017
Founder of the Goddard Group
Stepped away from his company after accusations that he molested eight former child actors. He denied the accusations. The company was renamed “Legacy | GGE.”
Nature Brian LinderNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a pension committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He apologized for unspecified “mistakes.”
Jerry Miller
Chairman of the Public Pension Oversight Board
Nature Jim DeCesareNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of an economic development committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He said he has “done nothing to be ashamed of.”
Phillip Pratt
Chairman of the Economic Development and Workforce Investment Committee
Nature Michael MeredithNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a local government committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member.
Rob Rothenburger
Chairman of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Steve LebsockNov. 10, 2017
Colorado state representative
Expelled by the Colorado House of Representatives after accusations of sexual harassment, including discussing sexual acts, by at least five women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jeff KruseNov. 15, 2017
Oregon state senator
Resigned after an independent investigation found that he had sexually harassed and inappropriately touched multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul RosenthalNov. 15, 2017
Colorado state representative
Lost committee vice-chairmanship and re-election after accusations of groping. The complaints were dismissed by the Colorado General Assembly. Mr. Rosenthal said he was “innocent of any wrongdoing.”
Tony Exum Sr.
Vice Chair of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Wes GoodmanNov. 15, 2017
Ohio state representative
Resigned following accusations of “inappropriate behavior” inside his office. Then further allegations emerged that Mr. Goodman had for years solicited consensual sex from other men and had once groped a college student. He acknowledged the initial allegations and apologized.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
Nature David SweeneyNov. 16, 2017
Chief news editor at NPR
Left after accusations of sexual harassment from three female colleagues.
Nature Randy BaumgardnerNov. 16, 2017
Colorado state senator
Stepped down as chair of the transportation committee after being accused of sexually harassing a former legislative aide. An independent investigation found the claim credible. Mr. Baumgardner denied the accusations. The State Senate voted against expelling him.
John Cooke
Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee
Nature Stephen BittelNov. 16, 2017
Chairman, Florida Democratic Party
Resigned after six women accused him of sexually inappropriate comments and behavior.
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Fired by CBS and PBS after accusations of crude sexual advances by several women. He said he acted insensitively but that many of the allegations were inaccurate.
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
Nature Glenn ThrushNov. 20, 2017
White House reporter at The New York Times
Suspended and then reassigned to a new beat after sexual harassment accusations made by four female journalists.
Nature Raul BocanegraNov. 20, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, of at least six women. He said he was “not guilty of any such crimes,” though he was “not perfect.”
Nature John LasseterNov. 21, 2017
Chief creative officer of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation
Stepped away after accusations of unwanted workplace hugging and other inappropriate touching. He apologized. He has a consulting role until the end of the year.
Jennifer Lee
Chief creative officer, Walt Disney Animation Studios
Pete Docter
Chief creative officer, Pixar Animation Studios
Nature Matt LauerNov. 27, 2017
Television news anchor
Fired from NBC after being accused of inappropriate sexual behavior toward a fellow staffer. Others also said they were subject to unwanted advances. He apologized but said some of the accusations were untrue.
Katie Couric
Co-host for Winter Olympics
Hoda Kotb
Co-anchor, NBC’s “Today” show
Nature Johnny IuzziniNov. 29, 2017
Chef and judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching, of at least six former employees who were female. He denied some allegations, and said none of his behavior was “meant to hurt people.”
Sherry Yard
Judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Nature Blake FarentholdDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Texas
Dropped his re-election bid and later resigned amid harassment accusations and a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim brought by a former employee. He apologized for creating an “unprofessional” workplace culture.
Nature Josh ZepnickDec. 1, 2017
Wisconsin state representative
Refused to resign after two women said he kissed them against their will. He was eventually removed from legislative committee assignments.
Gary Hebl
Member of the Committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations
Nature Dean WestlakeDec. 3, 2017
Alaska state representative
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, by seven current and former aides. He apologized.
Nature James LevineDec. 3, 2017
Conductor at the Metropolitan Opera
Fired in March by the Metropolitan Opera, which said that an investigation had “uncovered credible evidence” that he had engaged in sexually abusive and harassing conduct. He is now suing the Met for breach of contract and defamation.
Nature Matt DababnehDec. 4, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment by two women, including masturbating in front of one of them. He denied the accusations.
Nature Peter MartinsDec. 4, 2017
Ballet master in chief, New York City Ballet
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment and physical and verbal abuse by multiple dancers. He denied the allegations and a company investigation did not corroborate the claims.
Nature Sam IsalyDec. 5, 2017
Managing partner of OrbiMed Advisors
Retired after multiple former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including playing pornography in the workplace. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lorin SteinDec. 6, 2017
Editor of The Paris Review
Resigned amid an internal investigation into his conduct with multiple female employees and writers. He also resigned from his at-large editorship at the publishing house Farrar Straus & Giroux. Mr. Stein apologized and said that he had “blurred the personal and the professional.”
Nature Matt ManwellerDec. 6, 2017
Washington State representative
Stripped of ranking committee membership and fired from his Central Washington University professorship after accusations of sexual harassment, which he denied. He is on the general election ballot for November but said he planned to resign if re-elected.
Gina Mosbrucker
Ranking minority member of House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee
Joyce McDonald
Assistant minority floor leader
Nature Joe AlexanderDec. 7, 2017
Chief creative officer, the Martin Agency
Left the company shortly before it announced an accusation of sexual harassment against him. A week later, he was accused of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances, by several employees. He denied the allegations.
Nature Bryan SingerDec. 7, 2017
Director and producer
Lost his executive producer credit for the TV series “Legion” after a lawsuit alleged that he sexually assaulted a 17-year-old boy in 2003. A representative for Mr. Singer said he categorically denied the allegations. Days before the lawsuit was filed, he was fired as director of the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody.” He will retain a director’s credit for the movie.
Dexter Fletcher
Director, “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Nature Trent FranksDec. 7, 2017
U.S. representative for Arizona
Resigned amid an ethics investigation over accusations that he asked two female staff members to bear his child as surrogates. He said he regretted that the conversations had “caused distress.”
Nature John MooreDec. 11, 2017
Mississippi state representative
Resigned citing health reasons. Days later, it emerged that multiple women had accused him of sexual harassment and that the Legislature was preparing an investigation into the accusations at the time of his resignation. Mr. Moore said, “I don’t know who would make a complaint, much less multiple.”
Nature Tom AshbrookDec. 11, 2017
Host of WBUR’s “On Point”
Dismissed after complaints of bullying and sexual misconduct, including unwanted touching, by current and former station employees. An investigation found Mr. Ashbrook’s conduct “was not sexual in nature.” He apologized for behavior that was “offensive and overbearing to some.”
Nature Eric WeinbergerDec. 12, 2017
President of the Bill Simmons Media Group
Suspended, and later left the company, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Mr. Weinberger had sent her lewd messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Maxwell OgdenDec. 13, 2017
Executive director of Code for Science & Society
Resigned after a former girlfriend accused him of sexual abuse. He apologized and said he would seek help.
Mathias Buus
Technical adviser at Code for Science & Society
Danielle Robinson
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Joe Hand
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Nature Jerry RichardsonDec. 15, 2017
Owner of the Carolina Panthers N.F.L. team
Fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after an investigation into sexually harassment of female employees. Mr. Richardson later sold the team for a record $2.2 billion. He did not comment on the allegations.
Tina Becker
Chief operating officer
Nature Stephen HendersonDec. 15, 2017
Editorial page editor, the Detroit Free Press
Fired after an investigation found inappropriate behavior with two female colleagues. Mr. Henderson acknowledged sexually themed conversations and unwanted advances, but said he disagreed with the decision.
Nature T.J. MillerDec. 19, 2017
A show he was working on for Comedy Central was canceled and he was dropped as the spokesman for Mucinex after a woman accused him of hitting and sexually assaulting her while in college. Mr. Miller denied the accusations.
Jason Mantzoukas
Spokesman for Mucinex
Nature Don HazenDec. 21, 2017
Executive editor, AlterNet
Resigned after being accused of sexually harassing five female employees. He denied most of the accusations, though later said he “lost track of some boundaries.”
Nature Charlie HallowellDec. 27, 2017
Chef and owner of three Oakland, Calif., restaurants
Sold two restaurants after 17 former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances and sexual comments. He apologized.
Jen Cramer
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Richard Clark
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Rico Rivera
Owner of Penrose, a restaurant
Nature H. Brandt AyersJan. 1, 2018
Chairman, Consolidated Publishing
Resigned after a former reporter said Mr. Ayers sexually assaulted her by spanking her. He admitted to once spanking a different reporter.
Nature Kevin BraunJan. 5, 2018
Editor in chief of E&E News
Left management role after accusations of sexual harassment of staff members. He apologized. He is still a co-owner of the company.
Nature Paul HaggisJan. 5, 2018
Screenwriter and director, and founder of the charity Artists for Peace and Justice
Resigned from his charity after accusations of rape and sexual assault. He denied the accusations.
Ben Stiller
Co-chairman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Susan Sarandon
Co-chairwoman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Nature Eric GreitensJan. 10, 2018
Missouri governor
Resigned after he was accused of taking an explicit photo of a woman without her consent and threatening to blackmail her. He said he had an extramarital affair but denied breaking any laws. Mr. Greitens was indicted on a charge of invasion of privacy, but it was dropped.
Nature William G. JacobyJan. 11, 2018
Editor of the American Journal of Political Science
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment from a former student. He denied the accusations.
Nature Rob MooreJan. 22, 2018
Managing editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including sexual comments.
Kristen Lee
She left in August.
Nature Zach FanslerJan. 25, 2018
Alaska state representative
Resigned after a woman said that he slapped her twice when she denied his sexual advances. He denied the accusation.
Nature Steve WynnJan. 26, 2018
Chief executive, Wynn Resorts
Resigned after accusations that he harassed female employees for decades and coerced them into having sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature John CopleyJan. 29, 2018
Stage director, Metropolitan Opera
Fired after he was accused of making a sexually charged remark to a member of the chorus.
Roy Rallo
Stage director for “Semiramide”
Nature Wayne PacelleJan. 29, 2018
Chief executive of the Humane Society
Resigned after three women accused him of sexual harassment, including forcible kissing and unwanted advances. He denied the accusations.
Kitty Block
Acting president and chief executive
Nature Paul ShapiroJan. 30, 2018
Vice president at the Humane Society
Resigned after six women complained that he sexually harassed them, including by making lewd jokes and asking for sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul MarcianoJan. 31, 2018
Executive chairman of Guess, Inc.
Resigned after several women accused him of sexual harassment and assault. A company investigation found he “exercised poor judgment,” and his brother replaced him. Mr. Marciano denied the accusations.
Nature Joseph M. SoukiFeb. 1, 2018
Hawaii state representative
Resigned after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He acknowledged “inappropriate” touching and kissing.
Nature Javier PalomarezFeb. 12, 2018
Chief executive of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Stepped down amid accusations of financial impropriety and after a former staffer accused him of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Karl TemplerFeb. 16, 2018
Stylist and creative director of Interview Magazine
Left the magazine after three women accused him of unwanted touching of their breasts and crotches. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lawrence M. KraussFeb. 22, 2018
Professor at Arizona State University and director of the Origins Project
Replaced as director after a university investigation found that he had grabbed a woman’s breast at a conference. He denied the accusation.
Nature Jorge I. DomínguezFeb. 27, 2018
Professor at Harvard University and chair of the Harvard Academy
Resigned after 18 women accused him of sexual harassment and assault, including unwanted touching, spanning decades. “I do not go around making sexual advances,” he said.
Timothy J. Colton
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Melani Cammett
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Nature Jeff FranklinFeb. 28, 2018
Showrunner, “Fuller House”
Removed after accusations that he was verbally abusive and made sexually charged comments in the writers’ room and on set.
Nature Tony TookeMarch 1, 2018
Chief of the United States Forest Service
Resigned after a United States Department of Agriculture investigation into sexual misconduct. “I expect to be held to the same standards as every other Forest Service employee,” he said.
Nature Angel ArceMarch 8, 2018
Connecticut state representative
Resigned amid accusations that he sent inappropriate messages to a teenage girl. Mr. Arce’s lawyer said his client did nothing improper.
Nature Michael W. Ferro Jr.March 19, 2018
Chairman of the newspaper publisher Tronc
Stepped down hours before Fortune magazine published an article in which two women accused him of making inappropriate sexual advances. A spokesman for Mr. Ferro said that the accusations “appear to involve private conduct.”
Nature Bill HybelsMarch 22, 2018
Lead pastor of Willow Creek church
Retired after a group of former pastors and staff members accused him of sexual misconduct — accusations he initially called “flat-out lies.” He later apologized for “making people feel uncomfortable.”
Heather Larson
She left in August.
Steve Carter
He left in August.
Steve Gillen
He started in August.
Nature Eric T. SchneidermanMay 7, 2018
Attorney general of New York
Resigned hours after news reports that he assaulted four women. He denied the accusation.
Nature Howard KwaitMay 11, 2018
Principal of John Bowne High School in Queens
Was reassigned after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of inappropriate touching, discrimination and making lewd comments.
Nature Demos ParnerosJuly 3, 2018
Chief executive of Barnes & Noble
Was fired without public explanation. It was later revealed that the termination was in part because of accusations of sexual harassment by an executive assistant. He played down the interactions as “innocuous.”
Leonard Riggio
Executive chairman overseeing a team that shares the duties of the office of the chief executive
Nature Bernard UzanJuly 26, 2018
Co-director of Florida Grand Opera’s Young Artists program and co-founder of Uzan International Artists
Resigned from the opera after four female singers accused him of sexual misconduct and named his daughter to take over his agency. He has denied the accusations.
Vanessa Uzan
Managing Director of Uzan International Artists
Nature Corey J. ColemanJuly 30, 2018
Head of human resources for FEMA
Resigned amid an internal investigation that found “deeply disturbing” sexual misconduct that spanned years, according to FEMA leadership. He denied the claims, and his lawyers said that investigators relied on “rumor and innuendo.”
Bridget Bean
Acting head of human resources
Nature Nick SauerAug. 1, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned after a former girlfriend complained that he had been releasing nude photos of her on Instagram. He said his ability to work in his role would “be affected by the distraction of addressing these allegations.”
Nature Leslie MoonvesSept. 9, 2018
President, chairman and chief executive of CBS Corporation
Left CBS after a dozen women accused him of sexual misconduct and retaliating against those who rejected his advances. Mr. Moonves said he “may have made some women uncomfortable” but denied misusing his position “to harm or hinder anyone’s career.”
Joseph Ianniello
President and acting chief executive officer
The Seven Men Whose Positions Are Vacant
Several politicians left their seats vacant, but elections will fill them soon.
See also: Replaced | Not Replaced | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Jack LatvalaNov. 3, 2017
Florida state senator
Resigned after investigation into accusations of groping and sexually harassing multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature John Conyers Jr.Nov. 20, 2017
U.S. representative for Michigan
Resigned after accusations of repeated sexual advances toward female staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Patrick MeehanJan. 20, 2018
U.S. representative for Pennsylvania
Resigned after a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment complaint by a former aide. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas KettleFeb. 19, 2018
Rhode Island state senator
Resigned after being charged with extorting sex from a student page. He denied the accusations and pleaded not guilty in February.
Nature David SawyerFeb. 23, 2018
Washington State representative
Resigned as commerce committee chairman after an outside investigation found that he made unwanted romantic advances toward a co-worker, for which he apologized. He lost his primary in August.
Nature Duane HallFeb. 28, 2018
North Carolina state representative
Lost his primary after multiple people accused him of sexual innuendo and unwanted sexual advances. He denied the accusations.
Nature Dillon BatesAug. 3, 2018
Maine state representative
Denied accusations of sexual misconduct and stated his intent to serve out his term. Eventually resigned.
The 98 Men Who Have Not Been Replaced
Most lost their jobs or standing and have no clear successors, or their replacements have yet to be named or are unknown.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Andy SignoreOct. 5, 2017
Senior vice president, Defy Media
Fired after being accused of sexually assaulting one woman and harassing several others. Through a lawyer, he denied all accusations.
Nature Roman PolanskiOct. 13, 2017
Expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences after a woman who said Mr. Polanski sexually assaulted her when she was 10 years old started a petition to remove him. The Los Angeles police opened an investigation into the accusation, which Polanski denied. Polanski previously pleaded guilty to sex with a minor in 1977 and fled the country before sentencing. Over the years, he was accused by six women of sexual abuse, most when they were minors. He has continued to make films in Europe.
Nature Matt MondanileOct. 16, 2017
Founder of Ducktails and former guitarist for the band Real Estate
Plancha, a Japanese label, dropped Ducktails. A tour was canceled after accusations of “touching, kissing, and groping” women without their consent. Mr. Mondanile apologized.
Nature Scott CourtneyOct. 19, 2017
Executive vice president, Service Employees International Union
Resigned amid an investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct among leaders of a union campaign. Several people had complained that Mr. Courtney had a history of sexual relationships with young female staff members, who were later promoted.
Nature Tyler GrashamOct. 20, 2017
Agent at Agency for the Performing Arts
Fired after accusations that he sexually assaulted and harassed multiple young men in the industry, prompting one of his top clients to leave the firm.
Nature James TobackOct. 22, 2017
Director and screenwriter
Dropped by his longtime agent after 38 women accused him of sexual harassment. Mr. Toback has denied the accusations.
Nature Terry RichardsonOct. 23, 2017
Fashion photographer
Banned from working with Condé Nast after accusations of sexual harassment of models. A spokeswoman said his interactions were consensual.
Nature Leon WieseltierOct. 24, 2017
Editor at The New Republic
New magazine was canceled after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate advances by several women. He apologized.
Nature Steve JurvetsonOct. 24, 2017
Co-founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a venture capital firm
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. He has denied the allegations and started his own venture firm.
Nature Knight LandesmanOct. 25, 2017
A publisher of Artforum
Resigned as a publisher of Artforum magazine in October 2017 after nine women accused him in a lawsuit of various forms of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Ken BakerOct. 26, 2017
Journalist for the E! network
Left after two women accused him of sexual harassment.
Nature Kirt WebsterOct. 27, 2017
Music publicist
Numerous clients cut ties after accusations of sexual assault or harassment of multiple people.
Nature Jeremy PivenOct. 30, 2017
His show “Wisdom of the Crowd” was canceled after several women accused him of sexual misconduct. He said the cancellation decision “was a terrible mistake” and has denied accusations.
Nature Paul J. WhalenOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Todd F. HeathertonOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Retired after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired. He acknowledged that he “acted unprofessionally in public at conferences while intoxicated” and apologized.
Nature William M. KelleyOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Brett RatnerNov. 1, 2017
Producer and director
Lost a production and financing deal with Warner Bros. after he was accused of sexual assault or harassment by six women. A lawyer for Mr. Ratner denied the accusations.
Nature Danny MastersonNov. 2, 2017
Fired from and written out of a Netflix show, “The Ranch,” after accusations surfaced that he raped four women in the early 2000s. A fifth woman later came forward to accuse Mr. Masterson of rape. He denied the accusations.
Nature David GuillodNov. 2, 2017
Co-chief executive of Primary Wave Entertainment agency
Resigned after accusations of sexual assault from four women. The Santa Barbara County sheriff’s department opened an investigation in December. Mr. Guillod’s attorney denied any criminal conduct.
Nature Adam VenitNov. 3, 2017
Head of the motion picture group at William Morris Endeavor agency
Stepped down as head of the motion picture group and later retired after acknowledging that he groped the actor Terry Crews. Mr. Venit apologized in a letter to Mr. Crews.
Nature Michael HaffordNov. 3, 2017
Freelance writer
Banned from contributing to Vice websites after multiple women reported that he abused or raped them. He had previously written a “Male Feminist” column for the website Broadly. He did not commented on the accusations.
Nature Jeffrey TamborNov. 8, 2017
Fired from the Amazon show “Transparent” after a fellow cast member and a former assistant accused him of sexual harassment on set. He denied any deliberate harassment.
Nature Jesse LaceyNov. 9, 2017
Lead vocals and guitar for the band Brand New
Canceled a tour for his band after sexual misconduct accusations from a woman who said he had exploited her when she was a minor. In a general apology for his behavior, Mr. Lacey said that he had not “afforded women the respect, support or honesty that they deserved.”
Nature Mark SchwahnNov. 11, 2017
Showrunner of “One Tree Hill” and “The Royals”
Fired from “The Royals” after multiple women accused him of sexual harassment. He did not publicly responded to the accusations.
Nature Tom SizemoreNov. 13, 2017
Dropped as male lead from a horror film, “The Door,” after a report that he groped an 11-year-old actress on a movie set in 2003. He denied the accusation and was sued by the actress this year.
Nature Andy HenryNov. 15, 2017
Casting director, Nancy Nayor Casting
Fired after it came to light that he had been dismissed from his role as a casting employee on “C.S.I.” in 2008 after several women said that he had urged them to disrobe during auditions. He apologized. After his departure from Nancy Nayor Casting, a new team was assembled there.
Nature Jason MojicaNov. 15, 2017
Head of documentary films at Vice Media
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment. Mr. Mojica said that he was “deeply disappointed by this outcome.”
Nature Cameron MitchellNov. 17, 2017
Talent agent at Creative Arts Agency
Fired after a lawsuit accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Mitchell has said the accuser was “fabricating her story.”
Nature Russell SimmonsNov. 19, 2017
Co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and other businesses
Stepped down from his companies amid accusations of sexual assault and rape from multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Garrison KeillorNov. 29, 2017
Creator and former host of “A Prairie Home Companion”
Minnesota Public Radio severed ties with him after accusations of inappropriate behavior, later described as “sexually inappropriate incidents.” In April, it returned archived episodes of his programs, “A Prairie Home Companion” and “The Writer’s Almanac,” to its websites. Mr. Keillor recently restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast. He denied doing anything wrong.
Nature Israel HorovitzNov. 30, 2017
Playwright and founding artistic director of the Gloucester Stage theater
Fired after accusations of groping, forcibly kissing and rape. Mr. Horovitz said he recalled events differently but apologized.
Nature Justin HuffNov. 30, 2017
Broadway casting director at Telsey & Company
Fired after accusations of sexual misconduct toward actors.
Nature Shervin PishevarNov. 30, 2017
Co-founder of Sherpa Capital, a venture capital firm
Resigned after five women accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching. He said the accusations were “untruthful attacks.”
Nature Ruben KihuenDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Nevada
Decided to not seek re-election after being accused of unwanted sexual propositions. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jonathan SchwartzDec. 6, 2017
Host on WNYC, a station owned by New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Schwartz denied that he had behaved inappropriately. He now hosts a show on a website, The Jonathan Station.
Nature Leonard LopateDec. 6, 2017
Host on New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Lopate said he had “never done anything inappropriate on any level.” He now hosts a show on the New York FM station WBAI, which is carried as a podcast by the NPR affiliate Robin Hood Radio.
Nature Alex KozinskiDec. 8, 2017
Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Retired after six female subordinates accused him of sexual misconduct or inappropriate comments. He said it was never his intent to make his staff members uncomfortable.
Nature Donovan McNabbDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he sent her explicit messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Eric DavisDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he groped her and made lewd comments. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Mario BataliDec. 11, 2017
Chef, restaurant owner and co-host of ABC show, “The Chew”
Fired by ABC and was expected to divest from his restaurants after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate touching, by several employees. Two women also accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Batali has apologized for some behavior, but denied accusations of nonconsensual sex.
Nature Marshall FaulkDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network
Suspended, and will not be returning, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Faulk fondled her and pulled out his genitals while demanding oral sex. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Ryan LizzaDec. 11, 2017
Writer for The New Yorker and political analyst for CNN
Fired by The New Yorker and suspended by CNN over an accusation of “improper sexual conduct,” which he denied. He has since returned as a CNN analyst, after a CNN investigation “found no reason to continue to keep Mr. Lizza off the air.” He was hired in June by Esquire as its chief political correspondent.
Nature Heath EvansDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended and then terminated by the network after accusations of sending a co-worker sexually explicit photos. He called the accusations “false.”
Nature Ike TaylorDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended after accusations of sending a coworker “sexually inappropriate” photos and video. Eventually lost employment at the network.
Nature Ken FriedmanDec. 12, 2017
Chef and restaurateur
Took an indefinite leave of absence after 10 employees accused him of unwanted sexual advances. Mr. Friedman later dissolved his partnership with April Bloomfield and split up ownership of their restaurants.
Nature Tavis SmileyDec. 13, 2017
Host of PBS talk show, “Tavis Smiley”
PBS stopped distributing Mr. Smiley’s show after an investigation found “credible allegations” that he had sexual relationships with subordinates. Some witnesses reportedly expressed concern that their jobs were tied to continuing the relationships, which Mr. Smiley said were consensual. He filed a lawsuit against PBS, and it filed a countersuit, detailing more alleged sexual misconduct. Mr. Smiley now hosts a show on The Word Network.
Nature Brad KernDec. 14, 2017
Producer of “NCIS: New Orleans”
Fired after an investigation into accusations of misconduct including sexual harassment, discrimination and making racially insensitive comments.
Nature Morgan SpurlockDec. 14, 2017
Stepped down from his production company and said he was “part of the problem” in a social media post. He revealed that he had been accused of rape in college and had later settled a separate sexual harassment claim.
Nature Daylin LeachDec. 17, 2017
Pennsylvania state senator
Ended his campaign for Congress after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching by multiple staff members. Mr. Leach denied any inappropriate touching. He remains in the State Senate.
Nature Chuck CloseDec. 20, 2017
The National Gallery of Art canceled a planned exhibition after accusations by several women that Mr. Close sexually harassed them when they went to his studio to pose for him. He said he was sorry if he had made the women feel uncomfortable.
Nature Marcelo GomesDec. 21, 2017
Principal dancer at American Ballet Theater
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. His spokeswoman said, “This is a time of reflection for Marcelo.”
Nature James RosenDec. 22, 2017
Chief Washington correspondent, Fox News
Left after accusations of sexual harassment, including groping and attempted forcible kissing, of female colleagues.
Nature Mike GermanoDec. 23, 2017
Chief digital officer at Vice Media
Placed on leave and did not return after two women accused him of sexual harassment, including pulling one of them onto his lap. Mr. Germano has said he did “not believe that these allegations reflect the company’s culture.”
Nature Rhys JamesDec. 23, 2017
Producer at Vice Media
Vice reached a settlement in early 2017 with a co-worker who accused him of making sexist comments. In the agreement, Vice and Mr. James denied any liability. He was placed on leave in November and no longer works at the company.
Nature David DiazJan. 3, 2018
Children’s book illustrator
Resigned from the board of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators after a woman said that he had sexually harassed her in 2012. Mr. Diaz apologized to the woman and said he underwent sexual harassment training after a complaint that year. He said he felt pressured to resign.
Nature Ben VereenJan. 5, 2018
Actor and singer
A production group cut ties with him after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct, including unwanted kisses and degrading comments. He apologized.
Nature Jeremy TookerJan. 6, 2018
Founder of Four Barrel Coffee
Agreed to divest from the company after accusations of sexual assault by former employees.
Nature Andy SavageJan. 9, 2018
Memphis megachurch pastor
Resigned after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 17. He acknowledged that he engaged in a “sexual incident.”
Nature Joel KramerJan. 13, 2018
Stunt coordinator
Dropped by Worldwide Production Agency after an actress accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 12 during the filming of “True Lies.” He denied the accusation.
Nature Mario Testino Jan. 13, 2018
Fashion photographer
Companies severed ties after 13 male models accused him of sexual advances, including groping and masturbation. He has denied wrongdoing.
Nature Gordon EdelsteinJan. 22, 2018
Artistic director, Long Wharf Theater
Fired after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual contact and sexually explicit remarks. He did not publicly address the accusations.
Nature Barry LubinJan. 23, 2018
Grandma the clown at Big Apple Circus
Resigned after admitting that he pressured a teenage girl to pose for pornographic pictures.
Nature Alexander JonesJan. 25, 2018
Sunday editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment by employees, including unwanted kissing.
Nature Patrick WittyJan. 29, 2018
Deputy director of photography at National Geographic
Left in December. In January, multiple women publicly accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching and kissing. He denied the accusations but apologized for some behavior.
Nature Charlie WalkJan. 29, 2018
President of the Republic Group music label
Left after at least six women accused him of persistent sexual harassment and inappropriate touching. He denied the accusations.
Nature Vincent CirrincioneFeb. 2, 2018
Talent manager
Closed his management agency after nine women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He apologized but described the interactions as consensual.
Nature Bradley GarnerFeb. 6, 2018
Professor at New York University and promotional musician for Yamaha
The university and Yamaha both severed ties with Mr. Garner after a report that nine students and two other women had accused him of sexual misconduct when he taught at the University of Cincinnati. He denied the accusations.
Nature Daniel ZwerdlingFeb. 6, 2018
Investigative reporter at NPR
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment from six current and former interns and staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Alec KleinFeb. 7, 2018
Professor of journalism at Northwestern University
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate remarks and unwanted touching, brought by nearly 30 women. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature James DashnerFeb. 7, 2018
Author of “The Maze Runner” series
Dropped by Random House and his literary agent amid accusations of sexual misconduct. He said, “I am taking any and all criticisms and accusations very seriously, and I will seek counseling and guidance to address them.”
Nature Sean HutchisonFeb. 8, 2018
Olympic swimming coach
Banned from U.S. Olympic activities after an investigation by a governing body found that he had sexual contact with a minor. Ariana Kukors Smith, a swimmer, said he had sexually abused her when she was a teenager. He denied any abuse and said they had a consensual relationship starting when she was of legal age.
Nature Jim WalshFeb. 13, 2018
Co-founder of the political consulting firms DSPolitical and Rising Tide Interactive
Resigned from his consulting firms after a woman said he had sexually assaulted her a decade ago. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Jay AsherFeb. 14, 2018
Author of “Thirteen Reasons Why”
Dropped by his literary agent and expelled from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators amid accusations of sexual harassment. A spokeswoman for Mr. Asher said that he had not been kicked out of the society and that he denied any harassment.
Nature Greg KadelFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Victoria’s Secret suspended its work with Mr. Kadel, and Condé Nast cut ties after sexual misconduct accusations from models who said he harassed and assaulted them when they were teenagers. A spokeswoman for Mr. Kadel said he “never sexually coerced or assaulted anyone.”
Nature Patrick DemarchelierFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Condé Nast stopped working with Mr. Demarchelier after seven women accused him of unwanted sexual advances and groping. He denied the accusations.
Nature Michael FeinbergFeb. 22, 2018
Co-founder of KIPP, a chain of charter schools
Dismissed after an investigation found credible an accusation that he sexually abused a student. He denied the accusation.
Nature Richard MeierMarch 13, 2018
Took a leave from his firm and then stepped down after several former employees said he had exposed himself to them or touched them inappropriately. At first he said, “while our recollections may differ, I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended,” and then later said that he didn’t recognize the women and that “people can say whatever they want.”
Nature Mike IsabellaMarch 19, 2018
Chef and owner of Mike Isabella Concepts restaurant group
After a woman accused Mr. Isabella and his partners of sexually harassing her, he lost business with the Washington Nationals, and Know Public Relations, the firm that represented him, severed ties. He has not resigned and has denied any wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas NixonMarch 24, 2018
Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Retired amid a school investigation into accusations of inappropriate behavior. Soon after, former students accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior, including assignments to photograph genitalia. He apologized to some students, though his lawyer said the accusations were “untested and unproven.”
Nature William D. StrampelMarch 26, 2018
Former dean of Michigan State University’s osteopathic medical school
Resigned from faculty after being arrested on charges of sexual harassment of students. He denied the accusations. For years, Dr. Strampel supervised Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar, a longtime U.S.A. Gymnastics team doctor who pleaded guilty in November to molesting girls.
Nature John KricfalusiMarch 29, 2018
Creator of “The Ren & Stimpy Show”
Cartoon Network and Adult Swim do not plan on working with him in the future, after accusations that he had sexually exploited teenage girls. He denied most of the accusations, but admitted to Buzzfeed that he had had a 16-year-old girlfriend.
Nature Benton StrongApril 23, 2018
Former mayoral spokesman and adviser in Seattle’s sustainability office
Resigned after accusations that he made sexual comments and sent text messages to two women at a previous job. He said he has “made mistakes.”
Nature Justin ParishApril 24, 2018
Alaska state representative
Took mandated sexual harassment training after a woman filed a complaint of unwanted flirting, unwanted touching and inappropriate phone calls. He declined to seek re-election.
Nature Nick MiccarelliMay 5, 2018
Pennsylvania state representative
Stripped of committee assignments and decided not to run for re-election after a House investigation found accusations of sexual assault and abuse from two women to be credible. He denied the accusations.
Nature Roy FrumkesMay 8, 2018
Professor at School of Visual Arts
Removed from his position after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of making lewd comments and groping.
Nature Jonathan KaimanMay 16, 2018
Beijing bureau chief at The Los Angeles Times
Resigned after two women accused him of sexual misconduct. He disputed the accusations, calling the acts in one episode “mutually consensual.”
Nature Mohamed MuqtarMay 17, 2018
Assistant director of student services at University of California, Berkeley
Fired after multiple female athletes accused him of sexual assault and misconduct. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Robert HaufrechtMay 18, 2018
Instructor at School of Visual Arts
Was suspended and his contract was not renewed, in response to concerns raised by students, one of whom said he showed her unwanted attention, commented on her appearance and told her in class to rehearse suggestive scenarios.
Nature Nate BoultonMay 23, 2018
Iowa state senator
Suspended his campaign for governor after accusations that he touched three women inappropriately. He remains an Iowa state senator.
Nature Morgan FreemanMay 24, 2018
Actor and producer
Visa suspended a marketing campaign featuring Mr. Freeman after eight people accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. Mr. Freeman apologized, saying that he would not “intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy.”
Nature Lou LangMay 31, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned as deputy House majority leader after accusations of sexual harassment, which he called “absurdities.” Mr. Lang was later cleared by an inspector general inquiry that acknowledged he acted inappropriately. He remains a state representative.
Nature Curt AndersonJune 14, 2018
Maryland state delegate
Ordered to undergo sexual harassment training and stripped of leadership posts after an ethics committee investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct. He said the actions taken against him were “fair” and is running for re-election.
Nature Francisco J. AyalaJune 29, 2018
Professor and benefactor of the University of California, Irvine
Resigned after an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment. The university said it would remove his name from a school, fellowships and other programs. Dr. Ayala said he regretted what he thought of as “the good manners of a European gentleman.”
Nature William PreucilJuly 26, 2018
Cleveland Orchestra concertmaster and professor at Cleveland Institute of Music
The Cleveland Orchestra suspended him after accusations of sexual misconduct, and it opened an investigation that was continuing as of early October. One of four concertmasters has been stepping in to fill his role. Mr. Preucil resigned from his teaching position at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Nature Chase FinlaySept. 5, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging lewd texts and photos of female dancers; he resigned. His lawyer called the suit “nothing more than allegations that should not be taken as fact.”
Nature Zachary CatazaroSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging a lewd photo and text messages about female dancers; he was fired. He said “the intent was not to harm or embarrass anyone.”
Nature Amar RamasarSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused of exchanging lewd text messages and explicit photos of a female dancer; he was fired. His lawyer said the messages involved only his own consensual activity.
Nature Adam BerkowitzSept. 25, 2018
Co-head of television at Creative Artists Agency
Departed days after he is said to have groped a television executive at an Emmys party. He did not comment on the accusation.
The Three Women Who Lost Jobs
Over all, few women have faced accusations of misconduct in the #MeToo era, but several who did also faced employment consequences.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Not Replaced | Back to Top ↑
Nature Cristina Garcia Feb. 9, 2018
California state assemblywoman
Removed from committee posts amid sexual harassment accusations from a former legislative staff member. An investigation initially found no wrongdoing, but it was reopened after an appeal. Ms. Garcia has denied the accusations and is running for a fourth term.
Al Muratsuchi
Acting chairman of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee
Susan Talamantes Eggman
Acting chairwoman of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus
Nature Andrea RamseyDec. 15, 2017
Candidate for U.S. House seat in Kansas
Ended campaign after accusations that she had sexually harassed, and then fired, a former subordinate. She denied the accusations.
Nature Asia ArgentoAug. 19, 2018
Actress and director
Removed as a judge on “X Factor Italy” after reports that she sexually assaulted and then paid off a 17-year-old former co-star in California. She denied the accusations. CNN also pulled episodes of “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” featuring Ms. Argento from its streaming service.
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/23/us/metoo-replacements.html | Audrey Carlsen, Maya Salam, Claire Cain Miller, Denise Lu, Ash Ngu, Jugal K. Patel, Zach Wichter
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements., in 2018-10-23 11:53:42
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internetbasic9 · 6 years
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements.
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. https://ift.tt/2NYyIa4
Nature 201 lost jobs or major roles
Nature 122 replacements: 53 women and 69 men
Who Was Ousted and Who Stepped In
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Nature Andy Mitchell & Milos Brajovic
Co-presidents of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
▼ View all 201 cases below
They had often gotten away with it for years, and for those they harassed, it seemed as if the perpetrators would never pay any consequences. Then came the report that detailed Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assaults and harassment, and his fall from Hollywood’s heights.
A year later, even as the #MeToo movement meets a crackling backlash, it’s possible to take some stock of how the Weinstein case has changed the corridors of power. A New York Times analysis has found that, since the publishing of the exposé (followed days later by a New Yorker investigation), at least 200 prominent men have lost their jobs after public allegations of sexual harassment. A few, including Mr. Weinstein, face criminal charges. At least 920 people were reportedly subjected to sexual misconduct by someone on the list. And nearly half of the men who have been replaced were succeeded by women.
In the year preceding the Weinstein report, by contrast, fewer than 30 high-profile people made the news for resigning or being fired after public accusations of sexual misconduct. The downfall of the Fox host Bill O’Reilly in April 2017 turned out to have been just a foreshock of the changes to come.
“We’ve never seen something like this before,” said Joan Williams, a law professor who studies gender at the University of California, Hastings. “Women have always been seen as risky, because they might do something like have a baby. But men are now being seen as more risky hires.”
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Sexual harassment has hardly been erased in the workplace. Federal law still does not fully protect huge groups of women, including those who work freelance or at companies with fewer than 15 employees. New workplace policies have little effect without deeper cultural change. And as the Supreme Court confirmation battle over Brett Kavanaugh showed, Americans disagree on how people accused of sexual misconduct should be held accountable and what the standard of evidence should be.
But the analysis shows that the #MeToo movement shook, and is still shaking, power structures in society’s most visible sectors. The Times gathered cases of prominent people who lost their main jobs, significant leadership positions or major contracts, and whose ousters were publicly covered in news reports.
Forty-three percent of their replacements were women. Of those, one-third are in news media, one-quarter in government, and one-fifth in entertainment and the arts. For example, Robin Wright replaced Kevin Spacey as lead actor on “House of Cards,” Emily Nemens replaced Lorin Stein as editor of “The Paris Review,” and Tina Smith replaced Al Franken as a senator from Minnesota.
People Replacing Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Women are starting to gain power in organizations that have been jolted by harassment, with potentially far-reaching effects.
“I find it so interesting the number of people who come up to me and say, ‘Thank you for stepping in when someone needed to step in,’” Ms. Smith said. “That’s a lot of what women do a lot of the time, right?”
Appointing a woman does not guarantee change. Women have also harassed and covered up harassment. Some women face the glass cliff — in which women are appointed to leadership in times of organizational crisis, when the chance of failure is higher. And while the share of women who have risen to power in the wake of Mr. Weinstein’s fall is significant, women are still vastly underrepresented at the top of American institutions.
Research has repeatedly shown that women tend to lead differently. In general, they create more respectful work environments, where harassment is less likely to flourish and where women feel more comfortable reporting it. Female leaders tend to hire and promote more women; pay them more equally; and make companies more profitable. Women bring their life experiences and perspectives to decision-making, and that can help in business because women make the vast majority of purchasing decisions. In government, women have been shown to be more collaborative and bipartisan, and promote more policies supporting women, children and social welfare.
That has been true in Congress, said Ms. Smith, a Democrat. In a highly polarized Senate, women tend to be unusually collegial across party lines, she said, and the 23 female senators meet for dinner monthly.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
▼ View all 201 cases below
“I believe you’re successful and you get things done if you have relationships with people,” she said. “That’s the ground for accomplishing something, certainly in the legislative world.”
One example: She and Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican from Alaska, discovered that they both worked on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in high school. The bond they built from shared experience helped them when they co-sponsored mental health legislation that was included in the opioid crisis response bill passed last month.
In news media and entertainment, many women who ascended to jobs vacated by men have changed the tone and substance of what they offer audiences — and in some cases, the fallout from #MeToo has shaped their decisions.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
▼ View all 201 cases below
Jennifer Salke, who took over for Roy Price as head of Amazon Studios, has said Amazon needed more “big, addictive shows for women.” She has announced deals with the actors Lena Waithe and Nicole Kidman, among others.
Since Tanzina Vega took over from John Hockenberry as host of “The Takeaway,” the public radio program, she has done many episodes about gender, including on masculinity, women’s anger and the intersection of gender and race — topics that she had been covering for years but that she said were now part of the national conversation.
“I don’t think that’s necessarily because I’m a woman, but it’s just that as a woman, as a Latina, I know when the conversation hasn’t been about women, and I’m deeply sensitive to that,” said Ms. Vega, who was previously a reporter at CNN and The New York Times.
Nature John HockenberryDec. 1, 2017
Host of WNYC’s “The Takeaway”
After he left “The Takeaway,” nine women accused Mr. Hockenberry of sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances. He apologized, describing his behavior as “rude, aggressive and impolite.”
▼ View all 201 cases below
Women’s personal experiences, including as mothers, can make workplaces more welcoming to other women. That’s the hope of Christine Tsai, who is chief executive of the tech investment firm 500 Startups, where she replaced Dave McClure in early 2017 after an internal investigation into his behavior toward women in the tech community.
“I’ve erred on the side as C.E.O. of being more open about it, like if one of my kids has an appointment, so hopefully it creates an environment where people don’t feel like they have to hide that they have obligations to family,” she said. “Sure, a guy can be sensitive to those things, but I think it helps having that empathy of what it’s like for moms.”
The women who have risen, however, can only make so much change — they are still operating in a male-dominated system. More than 10 percent of the ousted men have tried to make a comeback, or voiced a desire to, and many never lost financial power.
The comedian Louis C.K. recently took the stage at the Comedy Cellar in New York, raising questions of how long is long enough for people to be banished from their field, and who gets to decide. Garrison Keillor, the radio host, has restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast and reportedly received $275,000 for a deal in which Minnesota Public Radio reposted archived episodes of his programs. Jerry Richardson, the founder and former owner of the Carolina Panthers, was fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after he was accused of sexual harassment — but sold the team for at least $2.2 billion, a record amount.
When people accused of harassment return to power without making amends — or never lose it, at least financially — it limits the post-Weinstein movement’s potential to change how power is exercised in American society.
They have not experienced the same type of trauma that survivors have, said Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement, which she started in 2006 to support survivors of sexual harassment and violence (the hashtag went viral a year ago this month as women used it to tell their stories of harassment and violence). And very few have shown that they have taken responsibility for their actions or offered private apologies to those they harmed, she said.
“Where’s the self-reflection and accountability?” she said. “Perhaps if we saw some evidence of that, then we can have a more robust conversation about the road to redemption.”
In the meantime, these women say, there are more than enough qualified women ready to take their places in power.
“A bunch of us who took over these jobs got promoted because we were really good at these jobs,” said Ms. Vega, the radio host. “We have the skills, we have the experience, we have the work ethic and we have the smarts to do it, and it’s time for us to do this job.”
The 96 Men Who Were Replaced
Of the men who lost their jobs, 50 have been replaced by at least one woman in an interim or permanent capacity. The date for each entry indicates when news broke of accusations, or when a firing, resignation or other fallout was announced.
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Accused by dozens of women of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to abuse and rape. He has been criminally charged in Manhattan with sexually assaulting two women. The Weinstein Company later went bankrupt and was bought and rebranded as Lantern Entertainment. Mr. Weinstein, who was fired from his film production company, has said all of his encounters were consensual.
Andy Mitchell
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Milos Brajovic
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Lockhart SteeleOct. 12, 2017
Editorial director, Vox Media
Fired after being accused of sexual harassment of at least one person. Vox Media’s chief executive said Mr. Steele admitted to misconduct.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
Nature Chris SavinoOct. 17, 2017
Creator of Nickelodeon’s “The Loud House”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He apologized.
Michael Rubiner
Co-executive producer of “The Loud House”
Nature Cliff HiteOct. 17, 2017
Ohio state senator
Resigned after a woman filed a sexual harassment complaint against him, citing unwanted advances. He later said that he had behaved inappropriately.
Nature Robert ScobleOct. 19, 2017
Co-founder of the Transformation Group, an augmented reality company
Resigned after being accused of sexual assault or inappropriate behavior with three women. He apologized for “inappropriate” behavior.
Nature John BeshOct. 21, 2017
Chief executive, Besh Restaurant Group
Stepped down from day-to-day operations after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple employees. He apologized.
Nature Caleb JenningsOct. 24, 2017
Chicago organizer for Service Employees International Union
Fired after accusations of “sexual misconduct and abusive behavior.” Found not guilty of assault in court.
Nature Mark HalperinOct. 26, 2017
Political journalist
NBC News, Penguin Press, HBO and Showtime severed ties with Mr. Halperin after accusations of sexual harassment by former co-workers. He apologized and admitted to several years of “inappropriate” behavior.
Alex Wagner
Co-host of Showtime’s “The Circus”
Nature Rick NajeraOct. 26, 2017
Director of CBS’s Diversity Showcase
Resigned after an investigation into accusations that he made inappropriate and lewd comments to performers. In a statement, he said he was “confounded by deliberate and cruel defamations.”
Nature Kevin SpaceyOct. 29, 2017
Dropped from his Netflix show, “House of Cards,” and was replaced in the film “All the Money in the World” after he was accused of forcing himself on a minor. He apologized. More men have come forward accusing Mr. Spacey of behaving inappropriately toward them.
Robin Wright
Netflix “House of Cards” star
Christopher Plummer
J. Paul Getty in “All the Money in the World”
Nature Hamilton FishOct. 30, 2017
Publisher and president of The New Republic
Resigned after accusations of inappropriate conduct, and said he had “a lot to learn” about the treatment of women in the workplace.
Rachel Rosenfelt
Publisher and vice president of The New Republic
Nature Andy DickOct. 31, 2017
Fired from two films after accusations of sexual harassment. He pleaded not guilty to a sexual battery charge in July and denied claims of groping.
Jonathan Pessin
Oliver in “Vampire Dad”
Nature Michael OreskesOct. 31, 2017
Head of news at NPR and former New York Times editor
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment of three women. He apologized and called his behavior “wrong and inexcusable.”
Nature Ira SilversteinOct. 31, 2017
Illinois state senator
Resigned as majority caucus chairman after sexual harassment accusations, which he denied. He lost his re-election bid in a March primary.
Mattie Hunter
Majority caucus chair
Nature Jeff HooverNov. 1, 2017
Kentucky state representative and speaker of the House
Resigned as speaker after settling a sexual harassment claim made by a staffer but remains in office. Mr. Hoover said the alleged harassment, consisting of inappropriate text messages, was consensual.
David Osborne
House speaker pro tempore
Nature Kendall FellsNov. 2, 2017
Organizing director of the Service Employees International Union’s Fight for 15 campaign
Resigned amid a broad investigation into harassment and employee misconduct within the union.
Nature Sam AdamsNov. 3, 2017
Director of U.S. branch of the World Resources Institute
Left his job as the director of the U.S. branch of a think tank after a former staffer said Mr. Adams sexually harassed him when he was the mayor of Portland, Ore. Mr. Adams called the accusations false and said his decision to leave the think tank was unrelated.
Nature Ed WestwickNov. 6, 2017
Cut from the BBC show “Ordeal by Innocence” after three women accused him of sexual assault. He denied the accusations. Prosecutors in Los Angeles declined to press charges because of lack of evidence.
Christian Cooke
Mickey Argyll in “Ordeal by Innocence”
Nature Don ShooterNov. 7, 2017
Arizona state representative
Expelled by the Arizona House of Representatives for “dishonorable” behavior after an investigation found he sexually harassed multiple women, including fellow lawmakers. Mr. Shooter apologized and said he had done “stupid things,” though he raised questions about the investigation’s claims.
Nature Benjamin GenocchioNov. 8, 2017
Executive director of the Armory Show art fair
Replaced as executive director of the Armory Show, a top international art fair in New York, following accusations from several women of unwelcome touching and inappropriate sexual comments. Mr. Genocchio said he “never intentionally acted in an inappropriate manner” but apologized “to the extent my behavior was perceived as disrespectful.”
Nature Dan SchoenNov. 8, 2017
Minnesota state senator
Resigned after allegations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He denied some allegations while claiming that others were “taken far out of context.”
Nature Louis C.K.Nov. 9, 2017
Comedian and producer
Lost his production deal with FX after he admitted to multiple instances of sexual misconduct, including masturbating in front of several women. Distribution for a film he wrote and starred in was canceled, and he lost a voice role in “The Secret Life of Pets” franchise. He recently began performing again, unannounced, at comedy clubs in the New York area.
Patton Oswalt
Max in “The Secret Life of Pets 2”
Nature Tony CornishNov. 9, 2017
Minnesota state representative
Resigned after accusations that he propositioned lawmakers and lobbyists for sex. He apologized.
Nature Tony MendozaNov. 9, 2017
California state senator
Resigned after accusations that he made improper advances toward several women. He denied the accusations. A State Senate investigation found that he “more likely than not” made unwanted advances.
Nature Andrew KreisbergNov. 10, 2017
Executive producer of superhero dramas “Arrow,” “Supergirl,” and “The Flash”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact. He denied the allegations.
Greg Berlanti
Took on additional responsibilities as an executive producer of “The Flash” and “Supergirl”
Nature Eddie BerganzaNov. 10, 2017
Editor at DC Comics
Fired following accusations that he “forcibly kissed and tried to grope colleagues.”
Brian Cunningham
Group Editor of Superman titles
Marie Javins
Group Editor of Justice League titles
Nature Gary GoddardNov. 10, 2017
Founder of the Goddard Group
Stepped away from his company after accusations that he molested eight former child actors. He denied the accusations. The company was renamed “Legacy | GGE.”
Nature Brian LinderNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a pension committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He apologized for unspecified “mistakes.”
Jerry Miller
Chairman of the Public Pension Oversight Board
Nature Jim DeCesareNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of an economic development committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He said he has “done nothing to be ashamed of.”
Phillip Pratt
Chairman of the Economic Development and Workforce Investment Committee
Nature Michael MeredithNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a local government committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member.
Rob Rothenburger
Chairman of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Steve LebsockNov. 10, 2017
Colorado state representative
Expelled by the Colorado House of Representatives after accusations of sexual harassment, including discussing sexual acts, by at least five women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jeff KruseNov. 15, 2017
Oregon state senator
Resigned after an independent investigation found that he had sexually harassed and inappropriately touched multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul RosenthalNov. 15, 2017
Colorado state representative
Lost committee vice-chairmanship and re-election after accusations of groping. The complaints were dismissed by the Colorado General Assembly. Mr. Rosenthal said he was “innocent of any wrongdoing.”
Tony Exum Sr.
Vice Chair of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Wes GoodmanNov. 15, 2017
Ohio state representative
Resigned following accusations of “inappropriate behavior” inside his office. Then further allegations emerged that Mr. Goodman had for years solicited consensual sex from other men and had once groped a college student. He acknowledged the initial allegations and apologized.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
Nature David SweeneyNov. 16, 2017
Chief news editor at NPR
Left after accusations of sexual harassment from three female colleagues.
Nature Randy BaumgardnerNov. 16, 2017
Colorado state senator
Stepped down as chair of the transportation committee after being accused of sexually harassing a former legislative aide. An independent investigation found the claim credible. Mr. Baumgardner denied the accusations. The State Senate voted against expelling him.
John Cooke
Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee
Nature Stephen BittelNov. 16, 2017
Chairman, Florida Democratic Party
Resigned after six women accused him of sexually inappropriate comments and behavior.
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Fired by CBS and PBS after accusations of crude sexual advances by several women. He said he acted insensitively but that many of the allegations were inaccurate.
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
Nature Glenn ThrushNov. 20, 2017
White House reporter at The New York Times
Suspended and then reassigned to a new beat after sexual harassment accusations made by four female journalists.
Nature Raul BocanegraNov. 20, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, of at least six women. He said he was “not guilty of any such crimes,” though he was “not perfect.”
Nature John LasseterNov. 21, 2017
Chief creative officer of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation
Stepped away after accusations of unwanted workplace hugging and other inappropriate touching. He apologized. He has a consulting role until the end of the year.
Jennifer Lee
Chief creative officer, Walt Disney Animation Studios
Pete Docter
Chief creative officer, Pixar Animation Studios
Nature Matt LauerNov. 27, 2017
Television news anchor
Fired from NBC after being accused of inappropriate sexual behavior toward a fellow staffer. Others also said they were subject to unwanted advances. He apologized but said some of the accusations were untrue.
Katie Couric
Co-host for Winter Olympics
Hoda Kotb
Co-anchor, NBC’s “Today” show
Nature Johnny IuzziniNov. 29, 2017
Chef and judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching, of at least six former employees who were female. He denied some allegations, and said none of his behavior was “meant to hurt people.”
Sherry Yard
Judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Nature Blake FarentholdDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Texas
Dropped his re-election bid and later resigned amid harassment accusations and a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim brought by a former employee. He apologized for creating an “unprofessional” workplace culture.
Nature Josh ZepnickDec. 1, 2017
Wisconsin state representative
Refused to resign after two women said he kissed them against their will. He was eventually removed from legislative committee assignments.
Gary Hebl
Member of the Committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations
Nature Dean WestlakeDec. 3, 2017
Alaska state representative
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, by seven current and former aides. He apologized.
Nature James LevineDec. 3, 2017
Conductor at the Metropolitan Opera
Fired in March by the Metropolitan Opera, which said that an investigation had “uncovered credible evidence” that he had engaged in sexually abusive and harassing conduct. He is now suing the Met for breach of contract and defamation.
Nature Matt DababnehDec. 4, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment by two women, including masturbating in front of one of them. He denied the accusations.
Nature Peter MartinsDec. 4, 2017
Ballet master in chief, New York City Ballet
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment and physical and verbal abuse by multiple dancers. He denied the allegations and a company investigation did not corroborate the claims.
Nature Sam IsalyDec. 5, 2017
Managing partner of OrbiMed Advisors
Retired after multiple former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including playing pornography in the workplace. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lorin SteinDec. 6, 2017
Editor of The Paris Review
Resigned amid an internal investigation into his conduct with multiple female employees and writers. He also resigned from his at-large editorship at the publishing house Farrar Straus & Giroux. Mr. Stein apologized and said that he had “blurred the personal and the professional.”
Nature Matt ManwellerDec. 6, 2017
Washington State representative
Stripped of ranking committee membership and fired from his Central Washington University professorship after accusations of sexual harassment, which he denied. He is on the general election ballot for November but said he planned to resign if re-elected.
Gina Mosbrucker
Ranking minority member of House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee
Joyce McDonald
Assistant minority floor leader
Nature Joe AlexanderDec. 7, 2017
Chief creative officer, the Martin Agency
Left the company shortly before it announced an accusation of sexual harassment against him. A week later, he was accused of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances, by several employees. He denied the allegations.
Nature Bryan SingerDec. 7, 2017
Director and producer
Lost his executive producer credit for the TV series “Legion” after a lawsuit alleged that he sexually assaulted a 17-year-old boy in 2003. A representative for Mr. Singer said he categorically denied the allegations. Days before the lawsuit was filed, he was fired as director of the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody.” He will retain a director’s credit for the movie.
Dexter Fletcher
Director, “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Nature Trent FranksDec. 7, 2017
U.S. representative for Arizona
Resigned amid an ethics investigation over accusations that he asked two female staff members to bear his child as surrogates. He said he regretted that the conversations had “caused distress.”
Nature John MooreDec. 11, 2017
Mississippi state representative
Resigned citing health reasons. Days later, it emerged that multiple women had accused him of sexual harassment and that the Legislature was preparing an investigation into the accusations at the time of his resignation. Mr. Moore said, “I don’t know who would make a complaint, much less multiple.”
Nature Tom AshbrookDec. 11, 2017
Host of WBUR’s “On Point”
Dismissed after complaints of bullying and sexual misconduct, including unwanted touching, by current and former station employees. An investigation found Mr. Ashbrook’s conduct “was not sexual in nature.” He apologized for behavior that was “offensive and overbearing to some.”
Nature Eric WeinbergerDec. 12, 2017
President of the Bill Simmons Media Group
Suspended, and later left the company, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Mr. Weinberger had sent her lewd messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Maxwell OgdenDec. 13, 2017
Executive director of Code for Science & Society
Resigned after a former girlfriend accused him of sexual abuse. He apologized and said he would seek help.
Mathias Buus
Technical adviser at Code for Science & Society
Danielle Robinson
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Joe Hand
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Nature Jerry RichardsonDec. 15, 2017
Owner of the Carolina Panthers N.F.L. team
Fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after an investigation into sexually harassment of female employees. Mr. Richardson later sold the team for a record $2.2 billion. He did not comment on the allegations.
Tina Becker
Chief operating officer
Nature Stephen HendersonDec. 15, 2017
Editorial page editor, the Detroit Free Press
Fired after an investigation found inappropriate behavior with two female colleagues. Mr. Henderson acknowledged sexually themed conversations and unwanted advances, but said he disagreed with the decision.
Nature T.J. MillerDec. 19, 2017
A show he was working on for Comedy Central was canceled and he was dropped as the spokesman for Mucinex after a woman accused him of hitting and sexually assaulting her while in college. Mr. Miller denied the accusations.
Jason Mantzoukas
Spokesman for Mucinex
Nature Don HazenDec. 21, 2017
Executive editor, AlterNet
Resigned after being accused of sexually harassing five female employees. He denied most of the accusations, though later said he “lost track of some boundaries.”
Nature Charlie HallowellDec. 27, 2017
Chef and owner of three Oakland, Calif., restaurants
Sold two restaurants after 17 former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances and sexual comments. He apologized.
Jen Cramer
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Richard Clark
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Rico Rivera
Owner of Penrose, a restaurant
Nature H. Brandt AyersJan. 1, 2018
Chairman, Consolidated Publishing
Resigned after a former reporter said Mr. Ayers sexually assaulted her by spanking her. He admitted to once spanking a different reporter.
Nature Kevin BraunJan. 5, 2018
Editor in chief of E&E News
Left management role after accusations of sexual harassment of staff members. He apologized. He is still a co-owner of the company.
Nature Paul HaggisJan. 5, 2018
Screenwriter and director, and founder of the charity Artists for Peace and Justice
Resigned from his charity after accusations of rape and sexual assault. He denied the accusations.
Ben Stiller
Co-chairman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Susan Sarandon
Co-chairwoman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Nature Eric GreitensJan. 10, 2018
Missouri governor
Resigned after he was accused of taking an explicit photo of a woman without her consent and threatening to blackmail her. He said he had an extramarital affair but denied breaking any laws. Mr. Greitens was indicted on a charge of invasion of privacy, but it was dropped.
Nature William G. JacobyJan. 11, 2018
Editor of the American Journal of Political Science
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment from a former student. He denied the accusations.
Nature Rob MooreJan. 22, 2018
Managing editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including sexual comments.
Kristen Lee
She left in August.
Nature Zach FanslerJan. 25, 2018
Alaska state representative
Resigned after a woman said that he slapped her twice when she denied his sexual advances. He denied the accusation.
Nature Steve WynnJan. 26, 2018
Chief executive, Wynn Resorts
Resigned after accusations that he harassed female employees for decades and coerced them into having sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature John CopleyJan. 29, 2018
Stage director, Metropolitan Opera
Fired after he was accused of making a sexually charged remark to a member of the chorus.
Roy Rallo
Stage director for “Semiramide”
Nature Wayne PacelleJan. 29, 2018
Chief executive of the Humane Society
Resigned after three women accused him of sexual harassment, including forcible kissing and unwanted advances. He denied the accusations.
Kitty Block
Acting president and chief executive
Nature Paul ShapiroJan. 30, 2018
Vice president at the Humane Society
Resigned after six women complained that he sexually harassed them, including by making lewd jokes and asking for sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul MarcianoJan. 31, 2018
Executive chairman of Guess, Inc.
Resigned after several women accused him of sexual harassment and assault. A company investigation found he “exercised poor judgment,” and his brother replaced him. Mr. Marciano denied the accusations.
Nature Joseph M. SoukiFeb. 1, 2018
Hawaii state representative
Resigned after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He acknowledged “inappropriate” touching and kissing.
Nature Javier PalomarezFeb. 12, 2018
Chief executive of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Stepped down amid accusations of financial impropriety and after a former staffer accused him of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Karl TemplerFeb. 16, 2018
Stylist and creative director of Interview Magazine
Left the magazine after three women accused him of unwanted touching of their breasts and crotches. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lawrence M. KraussFeb. 22, 2018
Professor at Arizona State University and director of the Origins Project
Replaced as director after a university investigation found that he had grabbed a woman’s breast at a conference. He denied the accusation.
Nature Jorge I. DomínguezFeb. 27, 2018
Professor at Harvard University and chair of the Harvard Academy
Resigned after 18 women accused him of sexual harassment and assault, including unwanted touching, spanning decades. “I do not go around making sexual advances,” he said.
Timothy J. Colton
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Melani Cammett
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Nature Jeff FranklinFeb. 28, 2018
Showrunner, “Fuller House”
Removed after accusations that he was verbally abusive and made sexually charged comments in the writers’ room and on set.
Nature Tony TookeMarch 1, 2018
Chief of the United States Forest Service
Resigned after a United States Department of Agriculture investigation into sexual misconduct. “I expect to be held to the same standards as every other Forest Service employee,” he said.
Nature Angel ArceMarch 8, 2018
Connecticut state representative
Resigned amid accusations that he sent inappropriate messages to a teenage girl. Mr. Arce’s lawyer said his client did nothing improper.
Nature Michael W. Ferro Jr.March 19, 2018
Chairman of the newspaper publisher Tronc
Stepped down hours before Fortune magazine published an article in which two women accused him of making inappropriate sexual advances. A spokesman for Mr. Ferro said that the accusations “appear to involve private conduct.”
Nature Bill HybelsMarch 22, 2018
Lead pastor of Willow Creek church
Retired after a group of former pastors and staff members accused him of sexual misconduct — accusations he initially called “flat-out lies.” He later apologized for “making people feel uncomfortable.”
Heather Larson
She left in August.
Steve Carter
He left in August.
Steve Gillen
He started in August.
Nature Eric T. SchneidermanMay 7, 2018
Attorney general of New York
Resigned hours after news reports that he assaulted four women. He denied the accusation.
Nature Howard KwaitMay 11, 2018
Principal of John Bowne High School in Queens
Was reassigned after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of inappropriate touching, discrimination and making lewd comments.
Nature Demos ParnerosJuly 3, 2018
Chief executive of Barnes & Noble
Was fired without public explanation. It was later revealed that the termination was in part because of accusations of sexual harassment by an executive assistant. He played down the interactions as “innocuous.”
Leonard Riggio
Executive chairman overseeing a team that shares the duties of the office of the chief executive
Nature Bernard UzanJuly 26, 2018
Co-director of Florida Grand Opera’s Young Artists program and co-founder of Uzan International Artists
Resigned from the opera after four female singers accused him of sexual misconduct and named his daughter to take over his agency. He has denied the accusations.
Vanessa Uzan
Managing Director of Uzan International Artists
Nature Corey J. ColemanJuly 30, 2018
Head of human resources for FEMA
Resigned amid an internal investigation that found “deeply disturbing” sexual misconduct that spanned years, according to FEMA leadership. He denied the claims, and his lawyers said that investigators relied on “rumor and innuendo.”
Bridget Bean
Acting head of human resources
Nature Nick SauerAug. 1, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned after a former girlfriend complained that he had been releasing nude photos of her on Instagram. He said his ability to work in his role would “be affected by the distraction of addressing these allegations.”
Nature Leslie MoonvesSept. 9, 2018
President, chairman and chief executive of CBS Corporation
Left CBS after a dozen women accused him of sexual misconduct and retaliating against those who rejected his advances. Mr. Moonves said he “may have made some women uncomfortable” but denied misusing his position “to harm or hinder anyone’s career.”
Joseph Ianniello
President and acting chief executive officer
The Seven Men Whose Positions Are Vacant
Several politicians left their seats vacant, but elections will fill them soon.
See also: Replaced | Not Replaced | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Jack LatvalaNov. 3, 2017
Florida state senator
Resigned after investigation into accusations of groping and sexually harassing multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature John Conyers Jr.Nov. 20, 2017
U.S. representative for Michigan
Resigned after accusations of repeated sexual advances toward female staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Patrick MeehanJan. 20, 2018
U.S. representative for Pennsylvania
Resigned after a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment complaint by a former aide. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas KettleFeb. 19, 2018
Rhode Island state senator
Resigned after being charged with extorting sex from a student page. He denied the accusations and pleaded not guilty in February.
Nature David SawyerFeb. 23, 2018
Washington State representative
Resigned as commerce committee chairman after an outside investigation found that he made unwanted romantic advances toward a co-worker, for which he apologized. He lost his primary in August.
Nature Duane HallFeb. 28, 2018
North Carolina state representative
Lost his primary after multiple people accused him of sexual innuendo and unwanted sexual advances. He denied the accusations.
Nature Dillon BatesAug. 3, 2018
Maine state representative
Denied accusations of sexual misconduct and stated his intent to serve out his term. Eventually resigned.
The 98 Men Who Have Not Been Replaced
Most lost their jobs or standing and have no clear successors, or their replacements have yet to be named or are unknown.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Andy SignoreOct. 5, 2017
Senior vice president, Defy Media
Fired after being accused of sexually assaulting one woman and harassing several others. Through a lawyer, he denied all accusations.
Nature Roman PolanskiOct. 13, 2017
Expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences after a woman who said Mr. Polanski sexually assaulted her when she was 10 years old started a petition to remove him. The Los Angeles police opened an investigation into the accusation, which Polanski denied. Polanski previously pleaded guilty to sex with a minor in 1977 and fled the country before sentencing. Over the years, he was accused by six women of sexual abuse, most when they were minors. He has continued to make films in Europe.
Nature Matt MondanileOct. 16, 2017
Founder of Ducktails and former guitarist for the band Real Estate
Plancha, a Japanese label, dropped Ducktails. A tour was canceled after accusations of “touching, kissing, and groping” women without their consent. Mr. Mondanile apologized.
Nature Scott CourtneyOct. 19, 2017
Executive vice president, Service Employees International Union
Resigned amid an investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct among leaders of a union campaign. Several people had complained that Mr. Courtney had a history of sexual relationships with young female staff members, who were later promoted.
Nature Tyler GrashamOct. 20, 2017
Agent at Agency for the Performing Arts
Fired after accusations that he sexually assaulted and harassed multiple young men in the industry, prompting one of his top clients to leave the firm.
Nature James TobackOct. 22, 2017
Director and screenwriter
Dropped by his longtime agent after 38 women accused him of sexual harassment. Mr. Toback has denied the accusations.
Nature Terry RichardsonOct. 23, 2017
Fashion photographer
Banned from working with Condé Nast after accusations of sexual harassment of models. A spokeswoman said his interactions were consensual.
Nature Leon WieseltierOct. 24, 2017
Editor at The New Republic
New magazine was canceled after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate advances by several women. He apologized.
Nature Steve JurvetsonOct. 24, 2017
Co-founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a venture capital firm
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. He has denied the allegations and started his own venture firm.
Nature Knight LandesmanOct. 25, 2017
A publisher of Artforum
Resigned as a publisher of Artforum magazine in October 2017 after nine women accused him in a lawsuit of various forms of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Ken BakerOct. 26, 2017
Journalist for the E! network
Left after two women accused him of sexual harassment.
Nature Kirt WebsterOct. 27, 2017
Music publicist
Numerous clients cut ties after accusations of sexual assault or harassment of multiple people.
Nature Jeremy PivenOct. 30, 2017
His show “Wisdom of the Crowd” was canceled after several women accused him of sexual misconduct. He said the cancellation decision “was a terrible mistake” and has denied accusations.
Nature Paul J. WhalenOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Todd F. HeathertonOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Retired after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired. He acknowledged that he “acted unprofessionally in public at conferences while intoxicated” and apologized.
Nature William M. KelleyOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Brett RatnerNov. 1, 2017
Producer and director
Lost a production and financing deal with Warner Bros. after he was accused of sexual assault or harassment by six women. A lawyer for Mr. Ratner denied the accusations.
Nature Danny MastersonNov. 2, 2017
Fired from and written out of a Netflix show, “The Ranch,” after accusations surfaced that he raped four women in the early 2000s. A fifth woman later came forward to accuse Mr. Masterson of rape. He denied the accusations.
Nature David GuillodNov. 2, 2017
Co-chief executive of Primary Wave Entertainment agency
Resigned after accusations of sexual assault from four women. The Santa Barbara County sheriff’s department opened an investigation in December. Mr. Guillod’s attorney denied any criminal conduct.
Nature Adam VenitNov. 3, 2017
Head of the motion picture group at William Morris Endeavor agency
Stepped down as head of the motion picture group and later retired after acknowledging that he groped the actor Terry Crews. Mr. Venit apologized in a letter to Mr. Crews.
Nature Michael HaffordNov. 3, 2017
Freelance writer
Banned from contributing to Vice websites after multiple women reported that he abused or raped them. He had previously written a “Male Feminist” column for the website Broadly. He did not commented on the accusations.
Nature Jeffrey TamborNov. 8, 2017
Fired from the Amazon show “Transparent” after a fellow cast member and a former assistant accused him of sexual harassment on set. He denied any deliberate harassment.
Nature Jesse LaceyNov. 9, 2017
Lead vocals and guitar for the band Brand New
Canceled a tour for his band after sexual misconduct accusations from a woman who said he had exploited her when she was a minor. In a general apology for his behavior, Mr. Lacey said that he had not “afforded women the respect, support or honesty that they deserved.”
Nature Mark SchwahnNov. 11, 2017
Showrunner of “One Tree Hill” and “The Royals”
Fired from “The Royals” after multiple women accused him of sexual harassment. He did not publicly responded to the accusations.
Nature Tom SizemoreNov. 13, 2017
Dropped as male lead from a horror film, “The Door,” after a report that he groped an 11-year-old actress on a movie set in 2003. He denied the accusation and was sued by the actress this year.
Nature Andy HenryNov. 15, 2017
Casting director, Nancy Nayor Casting
Fired after it came to light that he had been dismissed from his role as a casting employee on “C.S.I.” in 2008 after several women said that he had urged them to disrobe during auditions. He apologized. After his departure from Nancy Nayor Casting, a new team was assembled there.
Nature Jason MojicaNov. 15, 2017
Head of documentary films at Vice Media
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment. Mr. Mojica said that he was “deeply disappointed by this outcome.”
Nature Cameron MitchellNov. 17, 2017
Talent agent at Creative Arts Agency
Fired after a lawsuit accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Mitchell has said the accuser was “fabricating her story.”
Nature Russell SimmonsNov. 19, 2017
Co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and other businesses
Stepped down from his companies amid accusations of sexual assault and rape from multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Garrison KeillorNov. 29, 2017
Creator and former host of “A Prairie Home Companion”
Minnesota Public Radio severed ties with him after accusations of inappropriate behavior, later described as “sexually inappropriate incidents.” In April, it returned archived episodes of his programs, “A Prairie Home Companion” and “The Writer’s Almanac,” to its websites. Mr. Keillor recently restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast. He denied doing anything wrong.
Nature Israel HorovitzNov. 30, 2017
Playwright and founding artistic director of the Gloucester Stage theater
Fired after accusations of groping, forcibly kissing and rape. Mr. Horovitz said he recalled events differently but apologized.
Nature Justin HuffNov. 30, 2017
Broadway casting director at Telsey & Company
Fired after accusations of sexual misconduct toward actors.
Nature Shervin PishevarNov. 30, 2017
Co-founder of Sherpa Capital, a venture capital firm
Resigned after five women accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching. He said the accusations were “untruthful attacks.”
Nature Ruben KihuenDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Nevada
Decided to not seek re-election after being accused of unwanted sexual propositions. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jonathan SchwartzDec. 6, 2017
Host on WNYC, a station owned by New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Schwartz denied that he had behaved inappropriately. He now hosts a show on a website, The Jonathan Station.
Nature Leonard LopateDec. 6, 2017
Host on New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Lopate said he had “never done anything inappropriate on any level.” He now hosts a show on the New York FM station WBAI, which is carried as a podcast by the NPR affiliate Robin Hood Radio.
Nature Alex KozinskiDec. 8, 2017
Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Retired after six female subordinates accused him of sexual misconduct or inappropriate comments. He said it was never his intent to make his staff members uncomfortable.
Nature Donovan McNabbDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he sent her explicit messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Eric DavisDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he groped her and made lewd comments. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Mario BataliDec. 11, 2017
Chef, restaurant owner and co-host of ABC show, “The Chew”
Fired by ABC and was expected to divest from his restaurants after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate touching, by several employees. Two women also accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Batali has apologized for some behavior, but denied accusations of nonconsensual sex.
Nature Marshall FaulkDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network
Suspended, and will not be returning, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Faulk fondled her and pulled out his genitals while demanding oral sex. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Ryan LizzaDec. 11, 2017
Writer for The New Yorker and political analyst for CNN
Fired by The New Yorker and suspended by CNN over an accusation of “improper sexual conduct,” which he denied. He has since returned as a CNN analyst, after a CNN investigation “found no reason to continue to keep Mr. Lizza off the air.” He was hired in June by Esquire as its chief political correspondent.
Nature Heath EvansDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended and then terminated by the network after accusations of sending a co-worker sexually explicit photos. He called the accusations “false.”
Nature Ike TaylorDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended after accusations of sending a coworker “sexually inappropriate” photos and video. Eventually lost employment at the network.
Nature Ken FriedmanDec. 12, 2017
Chef and restaurateur
Took an indefinite leave of absence after 10 employees accused him of unwanted sexual advances. Mr. Friedman later dissolved his partnership with April Bloomfield and split up ownership of their restaurants.
Nature Tavis SmileyDec. 13, 2017
Host of PBS talk show, “Tavis Smiley”
PBS stopped distributing Mr. Smiley’s show after an investigation found “credible allegations” that he had sexual relationships with subordinates. Some witnesses reportedly expressed concern that their jobs were tied to continuing the relationships, which Mr. Smiley said were consensual. He filed a lawsuit against PBS, and it filed a countersuit, detailing more alleged sexual misconduct. Mr. Smiley now hosts a show on The Word Network.
Nature Brad KernDec. 14, 2017
Producer of “NCIS: New Orleans”
Fired after an investigation into accusations of misconduct including sexual harassment, discrimination and making racially insensitive comments.
Nature Morgan SpurlockDec. 14, 2017
Stepped down from his production company and said he was “part of the problem” in a social media post. He revealed that he had been accused of rape in college and had later settled a separate sexual harassment claim.
Nature Daylin LeachDec. 17, 2017
Pennsylvania state senator
Ended his campaign for Congress after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching by multiple staff members. Mr. Leach denied any inappropriate touching. He remains in the State Senate.
Nature Chuck CloseDec. 20, 2017
The National Gallery of Art canceled a planned exhibition after accusations by several women that Mr. Close sexually harassed them when they went to his studio to pose for him. He said he was sorry if he had made the women feel uncomfortable.
Nature Marcelo GomesDec. 21, 2017
Principal dancer at American Ballet Theater
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. His spokeswoman said, “This is a time of reflection for Marcelo.”
Nature James RosenDec. 22, 2017
Chief Washington correspondent, Fox News
Left after accusations of sexual harassment, including groping and attempted forcible kissing, of female colleagues.
Nature Mike GermanoDec. 23, 2017
Chief digital officer at Vice Media
Placed on leave and did not return after two women accused him of sexual harassment, including pulling one of them onto his lap. Mr. Germano has said he did “not believe that these allegations reflect the company’s culture.”
Nature Rhys JamesDec. 23, 2017
Producer at Vice Media
Vice reached a settlement in early 2017 with a co-worker who accused him of making sexist comments. In the agreement, Vice and Mr. James denied any liability. He was placed on leave in November and no longer works at the company.
Nature David DiazJan. 3, 2018
Children’s book illustrator
Resigned from the board of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators after a woman said that he had sexually harassed her in 2012. Mr. Diaz apologized to the woman and said he underwent sexual harassment training after a complaint that year. He said he felt pressured to resign.
Nature Ben VereenJan. 5, 2018
Actor and singer
A production group cut ties with him after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct, including unwanted kisses and degrading comments. He apologized.
Nature Jeremy TookerJan. 6, 2018
Founder of Four Barrel Coffee
Agreed to divest from the company after accusations of sexual assault by former employees.
Nature Andy SavageJan. 9, 2018
Memphis megachurch pastor
Resigned after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 17. He acknowledged that he engaged in a “sexual incident.”
Nature Joel KramerJan. 13, 2018
Stunt coordinator
Dropped by Worldwide Production Agency after an actress accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 12 during the filming of “True Lies.” He denied the accusation.
Nature Mario Testino Jan. 13, 2018
Fashion photographer
Companies severed ties after 13 male models accused him of sexual advances, including groping and masturbation. He has denied wrongdoing.
Nature Gordon EdelsteinJan. 22, 2018
Artistic director, Long Wharf Theater
Fired after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual contact and sexually explicit remarks. He did not publicly address the accusations.
Nature Barry LubinJan. 23, 2018
Grandma the clown at Big Apple Circus
Resigned after admitting that he pressured a teenage girl to pose for pornographic pictures.
Nature Alexander JonesJan. 25, 2018
Sunday editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment by employees, including unwanted kissing.
Nature Patrick WittyJan. 29, 2018
Deputy director of photography at National Geographic
Left in December. In January, multiple women publicly accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching and kissing. He denied the accusations but apologized for some behavior.
Nature Charlie WalkJan. 29, 2018
President of the Republic Group music label
Left after at least six women accused him of persistent sexual harassment and inappropriate touching. He denied the accusations.
Nature Vincent CirrincioneFeb. 2, 2018
Talent manager
Closed his management agency after nine women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He apologized but described the interactions as consensual.
Nature Bradley GarnerFeb. 6, 2018
Professor at New York University and promotional musician for Yamaha
The university and Yamaha both severed ties with Mr. Garner after a report that nine students and two other women had accused him of sexual misconduct when he taught at the University of Cincinnati. He denied the accusations.
Nature Daniel ZwerdlingFeb. 6, 2018
Investigative reporter at NPR
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment from six current and former interns and staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Alec KleinFeb. 7, 2018
Professor of journalism at Northwestern University
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate remarks and unwanted touching, brought by nearly 30 women. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature James DashnerFeb. 7, 2018
Author of “The Maze Runner” series
Dropped by Random House and his literary agent amid accusations of sexual misconduct. He said, “I am taking any and all criticisms and accusations very seriously, and I will seek counseling and guidance to address them.”
Nature Sean HutchisonFeb. 8, 2018
Olympic swimming coach
Banned from U.S. Olympic activities after an investigation by a governing body found that he had sexual contact with a minor. Ariana Kukors Smith, a swimmer, said he had sexually abused her when she was a teenager. He denied any abuse and said they had a consensual relationship starting when she was of legal age.
Nature Jim WalshFeb. 13, 2018
Co-founder of the political consulting firms DSPolitical and Rising Tide Interactive
Resigned from his consulting firms after a woman said he had sexually assaulted her a decade ago. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Jay AsherFeb. 14, 2018
Author of “Thirteen Reasons Why”
Dropped by his literary agent and expelled from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators amid accusations of sexual harassment. A spokeswoman for Mr. Asher said that he had not been kicked out of the society and that he denied any harassment.
Nature Greg KadelFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Victoria’s Secret suspended its work with Mr. Kadel, and Condé Nast cut ties after sexual misconduct accusations from models who said he harassed and assaulted them when they were teenagers. A spokeswoman for Mr. Kadel said he “never sexually coerced or assaulted anyone.”
Nature Patrick DemarchelierFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Condé Nast stopped working with Mr. Demarchelier after seven women accused him of unwanted sexual advances and groping. He denied the accusations.
Nature Michael FeinbergFeb. 22, 2018
Co-founder of KIPP, a chain of charter schools
Dismissed after an investigation found credible an accusation that he sexually abused a student. He denied the accusation.
Nature Richard MeierMarch 13, 2018
Took a leave from his firm and then stepped down after several former employees said he had exposed himself to them or touched them inappropriately. At first he said, “while our recollections may differ, I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended,” and then later said that he didn’t recognize the women and that “people can say whatever they want.”
Nature Mike IsabellaMarch 19, 2018
Chef and owner of Mike Isabella Concepts restaurant group
After a woman accused Mr. Isabella and his partners of sexually harassing her, he lost business with the Washington Nationals, and Know Public Relations, the firm that represented him, severed ties. He has not resigned and has denied any wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas NixonMarch 24, 2018
Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Retired amid a school investigation into accusations of inappropriate behavior. Soon after, former students accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior, including assignments to photograph genitalia. He apologized to some students, though his lawyer said the accusations were “untested and unproven.”
Nature William D. StrampelMarch 26, 2018
Former dean of Michigan State University’s osteopathic medical school
Resigned from faculty after being arrested on charges of sexual harassment of students. He denied the accusations. For years, Dr. Strampel supervised Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar, a longtime U.S.A. Gymnastics team doctor who pleaded guilty in November to molesting girls.
Nature John KricfalusiMarch 29, 2018
Creator of “The Ren & Stimpy Show”
Cartoon Network and Adult Swim do not plan on working with him in the future, after accusations that he had sexually exploited teenage girls. He denied most of the accusations, but admitted to Buzzfeed that he had had a 16-year-old girlfriend.
Nature Benton StrongApril 23, 2018
Former mayoral spokesman and adviser in Seattle’s sustainability office
Resigned after accusations that he made sexual comments and sent text messages to two women at a previous job. He said he has “made mistakes.”
Nature Justin ParishApril 24, 2018
Alaska state representative
Took mandated sexual harassment training after a woman filed a complaint of unwanted flirting, unwanted touching and inappropriate phone calls. He declined to seek re-election.
Nature Nick MiccarelliMay 5, 2018
Pennsylvania state representative
Stripped of committee assignments and decided not to run for re-election after a House investigation found accusations of sexual assault and abuse from two women to be credible. He denied the accusations.
Nature Roy FrumkesMay 8, 2018
Professor at School of Visual Arts
Removed from his position after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of making lewd comments and groping.
Nature Jonathan KaimanMay 16, 2018
Beijing bureau chief at The Los Angeles Times
Resigned after two women accused him of sexual misconduct. He disputed the accusations, calling the acts in one episode “mutually consensual.”
Nature Mohamed MuqtarMay 17, 2018
Assistant director of student services at University of California, Berkeley
Fired after multiple female athletes accused him of sexual assault and misconduct. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Robert HaufrechtMay 18, 2018
Instructor at School of Visual Arts
Was suspended and his contract was not renewed, in response to concerns raised by students, one of whom said he showed her unwanted attention, commented on her appearance and told her in class to rehearse suggestive scenarios.
Nature Nate BoultonMay 23, 2018
Iowa state senator
Suspended his campaign for governor after accusations that he touched three women inappropriately. He remains an Iowa state senator.
Nature Morgan FreemanMay 24, 2018
Actor and producer
Visa suspended a marketing campaign featuring Mr. Freeman after eight people accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. Mr. Freeman apologized, saying that he would not “intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy.”
Nature Lou LangMay 31, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned as deputy House majority leader after accusations of sexual harassment, which he called “absurdities.” Mr. Lang was later cleared by an inspector general inquiry that acknowledged he acted inappropriately. He remains a state representative.
Nature Curt AndersonJune 14, 2018
Maryland state delegate
Ordered to undergo sexual harassment training and stripped of leadership posts after an ethics committee investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct. He said the actions taken against him were “fair” and is running for re-election.
Nature Francisco J. AyalaJune 29, 2018
Professor and benefactor of the University of California, Irvine
Resigned after an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment. The university said it would remove his name from a school, fellowships and other programs. Dr. Ayala said he regretted what he thought of as “the good manners of a European gentleman.”
Nature William PreucilJuly 26, 2018
Cleveland Orchestra concertmaster and professor at Cleveland Institute of Music
The Cleveland Orchestra suspended him after accusations of sexual misconduct, and it opened an investigation that was continuing as of early October. One of four concertmasters has been stepping in to fill his role. Mr. Preucil resigned from his teaching position at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Nature Chase FinlaySept. 5, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging lewd texts and photos of female dancers; he resigned. His lawyer called the suit “nothing more than allegations that should not be taken as fact.”
Nature Zachary CatazaroSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging a lewd photo and text messages about female dancers; he was fired. He said “the intent was not to harm or embarrass anyone.”
Nature Amar RamasarSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused of exchanging lewd text messages and explicit photos of a female dancer; he was fired. His lawyer said the messages involved only his own consensual activity.
Nature Adam BerkowitzSept. 25, 2018
Co-head of television at Creative Artists Agency
Departed days after he is said to have groped a television executive at an Emmys party. He did not comment on the accusation.
The Three Women Who Lost Jobs
Over all, few women have faced accusations of misconduct in the #MeToo era, but several who did also faced employment consequences.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Not Replaced | Back to Top ↑
Nature Cristina Garcia Feb. 9, 2018
California state assemblywoman
Removed from committee posts amid sexual harassment accusations from a former legislative staff member. An investigation initially found no wrongdoing, but it was reopened after an appeal. Ms. Garcia has denied the accusations and is running for a fourth term.
Al Muratsuchi
Acting chairman of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee
Susan Talamantes Eggman
Acting chairwoman of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus
Nature Andrea RamseyDec. 15, 2017
Candidate for U.S. House seat in Kansas
Ended campaign after accusations that she had sexually harassed, and then fired, a former subordinate. She denied the accusations.
Nature Asia ArgentoAug. 19, 2018
Actress and director
Removed as a judge on “X Factor Italy” after reports that she sexually assaulted and then paid off a 17-year-old former co-star in California. She denied the accusations. CNN also pulled episodes of “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” featuring Ms. Argento from its streaming service.
Read More | https://ift.tt/2q7NWjF | Audrey Carlsen, Maya Salam, Claire Cain Miller, Denise Lu, Ash Ngu, Jugal K. Patel, Zach Wichter
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements., in 2018-10-23 11:53:42
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Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements.
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. http://www.nature-business.com/nature-metoo-brought-down-201-powerful-men-women-are-nearly-half-of-their-replacements/
Nature 201 lost jobs or major roles
Nature 122 replacements: 53 women and 69 men
Who Was Ousted and Who Stepped In
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Nature Andy Mitchell & Milos Brajovic
Co-presidents of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
▼ View all 201 cases below
They had often gotten away with it for years, and for those they harassed, it seemed as if the perpetrators would never pay any consequences. Then came the report that detailed Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assaults and harassment, and his fall from Hollywood’s heights.
A year later, even as the #MeToo movement meets a crackling backlash, it’s possible to take some stock of how the Weinstein case has changed the corridors of power. A New York Times analysis has found that, since the publishing of the exposé (followed days later by a New Yorker investigation), at least 200 prominent men have lost their jobs after public allegations of sexual harassment. A few, including Mr. Weinstein, face criminal charges. At least 920 people were reportedly subjected to sexual misconduct by someone on the list. And nearly half of the men who have been replaced were succeeded by women.
In the year preceding the Weinstein report, by contrast, fewer than 30 high-profile people made the news for resigning or being fired after public accusations of sexual misconduct. The downfall of the Fox host Bill O’Reilly in April 2017 turned out to have been just a foreshock of the changes to come.
“We’ve never seen something like this before,” said Joan Williams, a law professor who studies gender at the University of California, Hastings. “Women have always been seen as risky, because they might do something like have a baby. But men are now being seen as more risky hires.”
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Sexual harassment has hardly been erased in the workplace. Federal law still does not fully protect huge groups of women, including those who work freelance or at companies with fewer than 15 employees. New workplace policies have little effect without deeper cultural change. And as the Supreme Court confirmation battle over Brett Kavanaugh showed, Americans disagree on how people accused of sexual misconduct should be held accountable and what the standard of evidence should be.
But the analysis shows that the #MeToo movement shook, and is still shaking, power structures in society’s most visible sectors. The Times gathered cases of prominent people who lost their main jobs, significant leadership positions or major contracts, and whose ousters were publicly covered in news reports.
Forty-three percent of their replacements were women. Of those, one-third are in news media, one-quarter in government, and one-fifth in entertainment and the arts. For example, Robin Wright replaced Kevin Spacey as lead actor on “House of Cards,” Emily Nemens replaced Lorin Stein as editor of “The Paris Review,” and Tina Smith replaced Al Franken as a senator from Minnesota.
People Replacing Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Women are starting to gain power in organizations that have been jolted by harassment, with potentially far-reaching effects.
“I find it so interesting the number of people who come up to me and say, ‘Thank you for stepping in when someone needed to step in,’” Ms. Smith said. “That’s a lot of what women do a lot of the time, right?”
Appointing a woman does not guarantee change. Women have also harassed and covered up harassment. Some women face the glass cliff — in which women are appointed to leadership in times of organizational crisis, when the chance of failure is higher. And while the share of women who have risen to power in the wake of Mr. Weinstein’s fall is significant, women are still vastly underrepresented at the top of American institutions.
Research has repeatedly shown that women tend to lead differently. In general, they create more respectful work environments, where harassment is less likely to flourish and where women feel more comfortable reporting it. Female leaders tend to hire and promote more women; pay them more equally; and make companies more profitable. Women bring their life experiences and perspectives to decision-making, and that can help in business because women make the vast majority of purchasing decisions. In government, women have been shown to be more collaborative and bipartisan, and promote more policies supporting women, children and social welfare.
That has been true in Congress, said Ms. Smith, a Democrat. In a highly polarized Senate, women tend to be unusually collegial across party lines, she said, and the 23 female senators meet for dinner monthly.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
▼ View all 201 cases below
“I believe you’re successful and you get things done if you have relationships with people,” she said. “That’s the ground for accomplishing something, certainly in the legislative world.”
One example: She and Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican from Alaska, discovered that they both worked on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in high school. The bond they built from shared experience helped them when they co-sponsored mental health legislation that was included in the opioid crisis response bill passed last month.
In news media and entertainment, many women who ascended to jobs vacated by men have changed the tone and substance of what they offer audiences — and in some cases, the fallout from #MeToo has shaped their decisions.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
▼ View all 201 cases below
Jennifer Salke, who took over for Roy Price as head of Amazon Studios, has said Amazon needed more “big, addictive shows for women.” She has announced deals with the actors Lena Waithe and Nicole Kidman, among others.
Since Tanzina Vega took over from John Hockenberry as host of “The Takeaway,” the public radio program, she has done many episodes about gender, including on masculinity, women’s anger and the intersection of gender and race — topics that she had been covering for years but that she said were now part of the national conversation.
“I don’t think that’s necessarily because I’m a woman, but it’s just that as a woman, as a Latina, I know when the conversation hasn’t been about women, and I’m deeply sensitive to that,” said Ms. Vega, who was previously a reporter at CNN and The New York Times.
Nature John HockenberryDec. 1, 2017
Host of WNYC’s “The Takeaway”
After he left “The Takeaway,” nine women accused Mr. Hockenberry of sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances. He apologized, describing his behavior as “rude, aggressive and impolite.”
▼ View all 201 cases below
Women’s personal experiences, including as mothers, can make workplaces more welcoming to other women. That’s the hope of Christine Tsai, who is chief executive of the tech investment firm 500 Startups, where she replaced Dave McClure in early 2017 after an internal investigation into his behavior toward women in the tech community.
“I’ve erred on the side as C.E.O. of being more open about it, like if one of my kids has an appointment, so hopefully it creates an environment where people don’t feel like they have to hide that they have obligations to family,” she said. “Sure, a guy can be sensitive to those things, but I think it helps having that empathy of what it’s like for moms.”
The women who have risen, however, can only make so much change — they are still operating in a male-dominated system. More than 10 percent of the ousted men have tried to make a comeback, or voiced a desire to, and many never lost financial power.
The comedian Louis C.K. recently took the stage at the Comedy Cellar in New York, raising questions of how long is long enough for people to be banished from their field, and who gets to decide. Garrison Keillor, the radio host, has restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast and reportedly received $275,000 for a deal in which Minnesota Public Radio reposted archived episodes of his programs. Jerry Richardson, the founder and former owner of the Carolina Panthers, was fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after he was accused of sexual harassment — but sold the team for at least $2.2 billion, a record amount.
When people accused of harassment return to power without making amends — or never lose it, at least financially — it limits the post-Weinstein movement’s potential to change how power is exercised in American society.
They have not experienced the same type of trauma that survivors have, said Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement, which she started in 2006 to support survivors of sexual harassment and violence (the hashtag went viral a year ago this month as women used it to tell their stories of harassment and violence). And very few have shown that they have taken responsibility for their actions or offered private apologies to those they harmed, she said.
“Where’s the self-reflection and accountability?” she said. “Perhaps if we saw some evidence of that, then we can have a more robust conversation about the road to redemption.”
In the meantime, these women say, there are more than enough qualified women ready to take their places in power.
“A bunch of us who took over these jobs got promoted because we were really good at these jobs,” said Ms. Vega, the radio host. “We have the skills, we have the experience, we have the work ethic and we have the smarts to do it, and it’s time for us to do this job.”
The 96 Men Who Were Replaced
Of the men who lost their jobs, 50 have been replaced by at least one woman in an interim or permanent capacity. The date for each entry indicates when news broke of accusations, or when a firing, resignation or other fallout was announced.
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Accused by dozens of women of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to abuse and rape. He has been criminally charged in Manhattan with sexually assaulting two women. The Weinstein Company later went bankrupt and was bought and rebranded as Lantern Entertainment. Mr. Weinstein, who was fired from his film production company, has said all of his encounters were consensual.
Andy Mitchell
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Milos Brajovic
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Lockhart SteeleOct. 12, 2017
Editorial director, Vox Media
Fired after being accused of sexual harassment of at least one person. Vox Media’s chief executive said Mr. Steele admitted to misconduct.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
Nature Chris SavinoOct. 17, 2017
Creator of Nickelodeon’s “The Loud House”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He apologized.
Michael Rubiner
Co-executive producer of “The Loud House”
Nature Cliff HiteOct. 17, 2017
Ohio state senator
Resigned after a woman filed a sexual harassment complaint against him, citing unwanted advances. He later said that he had behaved inappropriately.
Nature Robert ScobleOct. 19, 2017
Co-founder of the Transformation Group, an augmented reality company
Resigned after being accused of sexual assault or inappropriate behavior with three women. He apologized for “inappropriate” behavior.
Nature John BeshOct. 21, 2017
Chief executive, Besh Restaurant Group
Stepped down from day-to-day operations after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple employees. He apologized.
Nature Caleb JenningsOct. 24, 2017
Chicago organizer for Service Employees International Union
Fired after accusations of “sexual misconduct and abusive behavior.” Found not guilty of assault in court.
Nature Mark HalperinOct. 26, 2017
Political journalist
NBC News, Penguin Press, HBO and Showtime severed ties with Mr. Halperin after accusations of sexual harassment by former co-workers. He apologized and admitted to several years of “inappropriate” behavior.
Alex Wagner
Co-host of Showtime’s “The Circus”
Nature Rick NajeraOct. 26, 2017
Director of CBS’s Diversity Showcase
Resigned after an investigation into accusations that he made inappropriate and lewd comments to performers. In a statement, he said he was “confounded by deliberate and cruel defamations.”
Nature Kevin SpaceyOct. 29, 2017
Dropped from his Netflix show, “House of Cards,” and was replaced in the film “All the Money in the World” after he was accused of forcing himself on a minor. He apologized. More men have come forward accusing Mr. Spacey of behaving inappropriately toward them.
Robin Wright
Netflix “House of Cards” star
Christopher Plummer
J. Paul Getty in “All the Money in the World”
Nature Hamilton FishOct. 30, 2017
Publisher and president of The New Republic
Resigned after accusations of inappropriate conduct, and said he had “a lot to learn” about the treatment of women in the workplace.
Rachel Rosenfelt
Publisher and vice president of The New Republic
Nature Andy DickOct. 31, 2017
Fired from two films after accusations of sexual harassment. He pleaded not guilty to a sexual battery charge in July and denied claims of groping.
Jonathan Pessin
Oliver in “Vampire Dad”
Nature Michael OreskesOct. 31, 2017
Head of news at NPR and former New York Times editor
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment of three women. He apologized and called his behavior “wrong and inexcusable.”
Nature Ira SilversteinOct. 31, 2017
Illinois state senator
Resigned as majority caucus chairman after sexual harassment accusations, which he denied. He lost his re-election bid in a March primary.
Mattie Hunter
Majority caucus chair
Nature Jeff HooverNov. 1, 2017
Kentucky state representative and speaker of the House
Resigned as speaker after settling a sexual harassment claim made by a staffer but remains in office. Mr. Hoover said the alleged harassment, consisting of inappropriate text messages, was consensual.
David Osborne
House speaker pro tempore
Nature Kendall FellsNov. 2, 2017
Organizing director of the Service Employees International Union’s Fight for 15 campaign
Resigned amid a broad investigation into harassment and employee misconduct within the union.
Nature Sam AdamsNov. 3, 2017
Director of U.S. branch of the World Resources Institute
Left his job as the director of the U.S. branch of a think tank after a former staffer said Mr. Adams sexually harassed him when he was the mayor of Portland, Ore. Mr. Adams called the accusations false and said his decision to leave the think tank was unrelated.
Nature Ed WestwickNov. 6, 2017
Cut from the BBC show “Ordeal by Innocence” after three women accused him of sexual assault. He denied the accusations. Prosecutors in Los Angeles declined to press charges because of lack of evidence.
Christian Cooke
Mickey Argyll in “Ordeal by Innocence”
Nature Don ShooterNov. 7, 2017
Arizona state representative
Expelled by the Arizona House of Representatives for “dishonorable” behavior after an investigation found he sexually harassed multiple women, including fellow lawmakers. Mr. Shooter apologized and said he had done “stupid things,” though he raised questions about the investigation’s claims.
Nature Benjamin GenocchioNov. 8, 2017
Executive director of the Armory Show art fair
Replaced as executive director of the Armory Show, a top international art fair in New York, following accusations from several women of unwelcome touching and inappropriate sexual comments. Mr. Genocchio said he “never intentionally acted in an inappropriate manner” but apologized “to the extent my behavior was perceived as disrespectful.”
Nature Dan SchoenNov. 8, 2017
Minnesota state senator
Resigned after allegations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He denied some allegations while claiming that others were “taken far out of context.”
Nature Louis C.K.Nov. 9, 2017
Comedian and producer
Lost his production deal with FX after he admitted to multiple instances of sexual misconduct, including masturbating in front of several women. Distribution for a film he wrote and starred in was canceled, and he lost a voice role in “The Secret Life of Pets” franchise. He recently began performing again, unannounced, at comedy clubs in the New York area.
Patton Oswalt
Max in “The Secret Life of Pets 2”
Nature Tony CornishNov. 9, 2017
Minnesota state representative
Resigned after accusations that he propositioned lawmakers and lobbyists for sex. He apologized.
Nature Tony MendozaNov. 9, 2017
California state senator
Resigned after accusations that he made improper advances toward several women. He denied the accusations. A State Senate investigation found that he “more likely than not” made unwanted advances.
Nature Andrew KreisbergNov. 10, 2017
Executive producer of superhero dramas “Arrow,” “Supergirl,” and “The Flash”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact. He denied the allegations.
Greg Berlanti
Took on additional responsibilities as an executive producer of “The Flash” and “Supergirl”
Nature Eddie BerganzaNov. 10, 2017
Editor at DC Comics
Fired following accusations that he “forcibly kissed and tried to grope colleagues.”
Brian Cunningham
Group Editor of Superman titles
Marie Javins
Group Editor of Justice League titles
Nature Gary GoddardNov. 10, 2017
Founder of the Goddard Group
Stepped away from his company after accusations that he molested eight former child actors. He denied the accusations. The company was renamed “Legacy | GGE.”
Nature Brian LinderNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a pension committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He apologized for unspecified “mistakes.”
Jerry Miller
Chairman of the Public Pension Oversight Board
Nature Jim DeCesareNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of an economic development committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He said he has “done nothing to be ashamed of.”
Phillip Pratt
Chairman of the Economic Development and Workforce Investment Committee
Nature Michael MeredithNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a local government committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member.
Rob Rothenburger
Chairman of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Steve LebsockNov. 10, 2017
Colorado state representative
Expelled by the Colorado House of Representatives after accusations of sexual harassment, including discussing sexual acts, by at least five women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jeff KruseNov. 15, 2017
Oregon state senator
Resigned after an independent investigation found that he had sexually harassed and inappropriately touched multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul RosenthalNov. 15, 2017
Colorado state representative
Lost committee vice-chairmanship and re-election after accusations of groping. The complaints were dismissed by the Colorado General Assembly. Mr. Rosenthal said he was “innocent of any wrongdoing.”
Tony Exum Sr.
Vice Chair of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Wes GoodmanNov. 15, 2017
Ohio state representative
Resigned following accusations of “inappropriate behavior” inside his office. Then further allegations emerged that Mr. Goodman had for years solicited consensual sex from other men and had once groped a college student. He acknowledged the initial allegations and apologized.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
Nature David SweeneyNov. 16, 2017
Chief news editor at NPR
Left after accusations of sexual harassment from three female colleagues.
Nature Randy BaumgardnerNov. 16, 2017
Colorado state senator
Stepped down as chair of the transportation committee after being accused of sexually harassing a former legislative aide. An independent investigation found the claim credible. Mr. Baumgardner denied the accusations. The State Senate voted against expelling him.
John Cooke
Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee
Nature Stephen BittelNov. 16, 2017
Chairman, Florida Democratic Party
Resigned after six women accused him of sexually inappropriate comments and behavior.
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Fired by CBS and PBS after accusations of crude sexual advances by several women. He said he acted insensitively but that many of the allegations were inaccurate.
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
Nature Glenn ThrushNov. 20, 2017
White House reporter at The New York Times
Suspended and then reassigned to a new beat after sexual harassment accusations made by four female journalists.
Nature Raul BocanegraNov. 20, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, of at least six women. He said he was “not guilty of any such crimes,” though he was “not perfect.”
Nature John LasseterNov. 21, 2017
Chief creative officer of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation
Stepped away after accusations of unwanted workplace hugging and other inappropriate touching. He apologized. He has a consulting role until the end of the year.
Jennifer Lee
Chief creative officer, Walt Disney Animation Studios
Pete Docter
Chief creative officer, Pixar Animation Studios
Nature Matt LauerNov. 27, 2017
Television news anchor
Fired from NBC after being accused of inappropriate sexual behavior toward a fellow staffer. Others also said they were subject to unwanted advances. He apologized but said some of the accusations were untrue.
Katie Couric
Co-host for Winter Olympics
Hoda Kotb
Co-anchor, NBC’s “Today” show
Nature Johnny IuzziniNov. 29, 2017
Chef and judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching, of at least six former employees who were female. He denied some allegations, and said none of his behavior was “meant to hurt people.”
Sherry Yard
Judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Nature Blake FarentholdDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Texas
Dropped his re-election bid and later resigned amid harassment accusations and a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim brought by a former employee. He apologized for creating an “unprofessional” workplace culture.
Nature Josh ZepnickDec. 1, 2017
Wisconsin state representative
Refused to resign after two women said he kissed them against their will. He was eventually removed from legislative committee assignments.
Gary Hebl
Member of the Committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations
Nature Dean WestlakeDec. 3, 2017
Alaska state representative
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, by seven current and former aides. He apologized.
Nature James LevineDec. 3, 2017
Conductor at the Metropolitan Opera
Fired in March by the Metropolitan Opera, which said that an investigation had “uncovered credible evidence” that he had engaged in sexually abusive and harassing conduct. He is now suing the Met for breach of contract and defamation.
Nature Matt DababnehDec. 4, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment by two women, including masturbating in front of one of them. He denied the accusations.
Nature Peter MartinsDec. 4, 2017
Ballet master in chief, New York City Ballet
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment and physical and verbal abuse by multiple dancers. He denied the allegations and a company investigation did not corroborate the claims.
Nature Sam IsalyDec. 5, 2017
Managing partner of OrbiMed Advisors
Retired after multiple former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including playing pornography in the workplace. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lorin SteinDec. 6, 2017
Editor of The Paris Review
Resigned amid an internal investigation into his conduct with multiple female employees and writers. He also resigned from his at-large editorship at the publishing house Farrar Straus & Giroux. Mr. Stein apologized and said that he had “blurred the personal and the professional.”
Nature Matt ManwellerDec. 6, 2017
Washington State representative
Stripped of ranking committee membership and fired from his Central Washington University professorship after accusations of sexual harassment, which he denied. He is on the general election ballot for November but said he planned to resign if re-elected.
Gina Mosbrucker
Ranking minority member of House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee
Joyce McDonald
Assistant minority floor leader
Nature Joe AlexanderDec. 7, 2017
Chief creative officer, the Martin Agency
Left the company shortly before it announced an accusation of sexual harassment against him. A week later, he was accused of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances, by several employees. He denied the allegations.
Nature Bryan SingerDec. 7, 2017
Director and producer
Lost his executive producer credit for the TV series “Legion” after a lawsuit alleged that he sexually assaulted a 17-year-old boy in 2003. A representative for Mr. Singer said he categorically denied the allegations. Days before the lawsuit was filed, he was fired as director of the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody.” He will retain a director’s credit for the movie.
Dexter Fletcher
Director, “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Nature Trent FranksDec. 7, 2017
U.S. representative for Arizona
Resigned amid an ethics investigation over accusations that he asked two female staff members to bear his child as surrogates. He said he regretted that the conversations had “caused distress.”
Nature John MooreDec. 11, 2017
Mississippi state representative
Resigned citing health reasons. Days later, it emerged that multiple women had accused him of sexual harassment and that the Legislature was preparing an investigation into the accusations at the time of his resignation. Mr. Moore said, “I don’t know who would make a complaint, much less multiple.”
Nature Tom AshbrookDec. 11, 2017
Host of WBUR’s “On Point”
Dismissed after complaints of bullying and sexual misconduct, including unwanted touching, by current and former station employees. An investigation found Mr. Ashbrook’s conduct “was not sexual in nature.” He apologized for behavior that was “offensive and overbearing to some.”
Nature Eric WeinbergerDec. 12, 2017
President of the Bill Simmons Media Group
Suspended, and later left the company, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Mr. Weinberger had sent her lewd messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Maxwell OgdenDec. 13, 2017
Executive director of Code for Science & Society
Resigned after a former girlfriend accused him of sexual abuse. He apologized and said he would seek help.
Mathias Buus
Technical adviser at Code for Science & Society
Danielle Robinson
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Joe Hand
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Nature Jerry RichardsonDec. 15, 2017
Owner of the Carolina Panthers N.F.L. team
Fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after an investigation into sexually harassment of female employees. Mr. Richardson later sold the team for a record $2.2 billion. He did not comment on the allegations.
Tina Becker
Chief operating officer
Nature Stephen HendersonDec. 15, 2017
Editorial page editor, the Detroit Free Press
Fired after an investigation found inappropriate behavior with two female colleagues. Mr. Henderson acknowledged sexually themed conversations and unwanted advances, but said he disagreed with the decision.
Nature T.J. MillerDec. 19, 2017
A show he was working on for Comedy Central was canceled and he was dropped as the spokesman for Mucinex after a woman accused him of hitting and sexually assaulting her while in college. Mr. Miller denied the accusations.
Jason Mantzoukas
Spokesman for Mucinex
Nature Don HazenDec. 21, 2017
Executive editor, AlterNet
Resigned after being accused of sexually harassing five female employees. He denied most of the accusations, though later said he “lost track of some boundaries.”
Nature Charlie HallowellDec. 27, 2017
Chef and owner of three Oakland, Calif., restaurants
Sold two restaurants after 17 former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances and sexual comments. He apologized.
Jen Cramer
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Richard Clark
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Rico Rivera
Owner of Penrose, a restaurant
Nature H. Brandt AyersJan. 1, 2018
Chairman, Consolidated Publishing
Resigned after a former reporter said Mr. Ayers sexually assaulted her by spanking her. He admitted to once spanking a different reporter.
Nature Kevin BraunJan. 5, 2018
Editor in chief of E&E News
Left management role after accusations of sexual harassment of staff members. He apologized. He is still a co-owner of the company.
Nature Paul HaggisJan. 5, 2018
Screenwriter and director, and founder of the charity Artists for Peace and Justice
Resigned from his charity after accusations of rape and sexual assault. He denied the accusations.
Ben Stiller
Co-chairman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Susan Sarandon
Co-chairwoman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Nature Eric GreitensJan. 10, 2018
Missouri governor
Resigned after he was accused of taking an explicit photo of a woman without her consent and threatening to blackmail her. He said he had an extramarital affair but denied breaking any laws. Mr. Greitens was indicted on a charge of invasion of privacy, but it was dropped.
Nature William G. JacobyJan. 11, 2018
Editor of the American Journal of Political Science
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment from a former student. He denied the accusations.
Nature Rob MooreJan. 22, 2018
Managing editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including sexual comments.
Kristen Lee
She left in August.
Nature Zach FanslerJan. 25, 2018
Alaska state representative
Resigned after a woman said that he slapped her twice when she denied his sexual advances. He denied the accusation.
Nature Steve WynnJan. 26, 2018
Chief executive, Wynn Resorts
Resigned after accusations that he harassed female employees for decades and coerced them into having sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature John CopleyJan. 29, 2018
Stage director, Metropolitan Opera
Fired after he was accused of making a sexually charged remark to a member of the chorus.
Roy Rallo
Stage director for “Semiramide”
Nature Wayne PacelleJan. 29, 2018
Chief executive of the Humane Society
Resigned after three women accused him of sexual harassment, including forcible kissing and unwanted advances. He denied the accusations.
Kitty Block
Acting president and chief executive
Nature Paul ShapiroJan. 30, 2018
Vice president at the Humane Society
Resigned after six women complained that he sexually harassed them, including by making lewd jokes and asking for sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul MarcianoJan. 31, 2018
Executive chairman of Guess, Inc.
Resigned after several women accused him of sexual harassment and assault. A company investigation found he “exercised poor judgment,” and his brother replaced him. Mr. Marciano denied the accusations.
Nature Joseph M. SoukiFeb. 1, 2018
Hawaii state representative
Resigned after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He acknowledged “inappropriate” touching and kissing.
Nature Javier PalomarezFeb. 12, 2018
Chief executive of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Stepped down amid accusations of financial impropriety and after a former staffer accused him of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Karl TemplerFeb. 16, 2018
Stylist and creative director of Interview Magazine
Left the magazine after three women accused him of unwanted touching of their breasts and crotches. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lawrence M. KraussFeb. 22, 2018
Professor at Arizona State University and director of the Origins Project
Replaced as director after a university investigation found that he had grabbed a woman’s breast at a conference. He denied the accusation.
Nature Jorge I. DomínguezFeb. 27, 2018
Professor at Harvard University and chair of the Harvard Academy
Resigned after 18 women accused him of sexual harassment and assault, including unwanted touching, spanning decades. “I do not go around making sexual advances,” he said.
Timothy J. Colton
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Melani Cammett
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Nature Jeff FranklinFeb. 28, 2018
Showrunner, “Fuller House”
Removed after accusations that he was verbally abusive and made sexually charged comments in the writers’ room and on set.
Nature Tony TookeMarch 1, 2018
Chief of the United States Forest Service
Resigned after a United States Department of Agriculture investigation into sexual misconduct. “I expect to be held to the same standards as every other Forest Service employee,” he said.
Nature Angel ArceMarch 8, 2018
Connecticut state representative
Resigned amid accusations that he sent inappropriate messages to a teenage girl. Mr. Arce’s lawyer said his client did nothing improper.
Nature Michael W. Ferro Jr.March 19, 2018
Chairman of the newspaper publisher Tronc
Stepped down hours before Fortune magazine published an article in which two women accused him of making inappropriate sexual advances. A spokesman for Mr. Ferro said that the accusations “appear to involve private conduct.”
Nature Bill HybelsMarch 22, 2018
Lead pastor of Willow Creek church
Retired after a group of former pastors and staff members accused him of sexual misconduct — accusations he initially called “flat-out lies.” He later apologized for “making people feel uncomfortable.”
Heather Larson
She left in August.
Steve Carter
He left in August.
Steve Gillen
He started in August.
Nature Eric T. SchneidermanMay 7, 2018
Attorney general of New York
Resigned hours after news reports that he assaulted four women. He denied the accusation.
Nature Howard KwaitMay 11, 2018
Principal of John Bowne High School in Queens
Was reassigned after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of inappropriate touching, discrimination and making lewd comments.
Nature Demos ParnerosJuly 3, 2018
Chief executive of Barnes & Noble
Was fired without public explanation. It was later revealed that the termination was in part because of accusations of sexual harassment by an executive assistant. He played down the interactions as “innocuous.”
Leonard Riggio
Executive chairman overseeing a team that shares the duties of the office of the chief executive
Nature Bernard UzanJuly 26, 2018
Co-director of Florida Grand Opera’s Young Artists program and co-founder of Uzan International Artists
Resigned from the opera after four female singers accused him of sexual misconduct and named his daughter to take over his agency. He has denied the accusations.
Vanessa Uzan
Managing Director of Uzan International Artists
Nature Corey J. ColemanJuly 30, 2018
Head of human resources for FEMA
Resigned amid an internal investigation that found “deeply disturbing” sexual misconduct that spanned years, according to FEMA leadership. He denied the claims, and his lawyers said that investigators relied on “rumor and innuendo.”
Bridget Bean
Acting head of human resources
Nature Nick SauerAug. 1, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned after a former girlfriend complained that he had been releasing nude photos of her on Instagram. He said his ability to work in his role would “be affected by the distraction of addressing these allegations.”
Nature Leslie MoonvesSept. 9, 2018
President, chairman and chief executive of CBS Corporation
Left CBS after a dozen women accused him of sexual misconduct and retaliating against those who rejected his advances. Mr. Moonves said he “may have made some women uncomfortable” but denied misusing his position “to harm or hinder anyone’s career.”
Joseph Ianniello
President and acting chief executive officer
The Seven Men Whose Positions Are Vacant
Several politicians left their seats vacant, but elections will fill them soon.
See also: Replaced | Not Replaced | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Jack LatvalaNov. 3, 2017
Florida state senator
Resigned after investigation into accusations of groping and sexually harassing multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature John Conyers Jr.Nov. 20, 2017
U.S. representative for Michigan
Resigned after accusations of repeated sexual advances toward female staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Patrick MeehanJan. 20, 2018
U.S. representative for Pennsylvania
Resigned after a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment complaint by a former aide. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas KettleFeb. 19, 2018
Rhode Island state senator
Resigned after being charged with extorting sex from a student page. He denied the accusations and pleaded not guilty in February.
Nature David SawyerFeb. 23, 2018
Washington State representative
Resigned as commerce committee chairman after an outside investigation found that he made unwanted romantic advances toward a co-worker, for which he apologized. He lost his primary in August.
Nature Duane HallFeb. 28, 2018
North Carolina state representative
Lost his primary after multiple people accused him of sexual innuendo and unwanted sexual advances. He denied the accusations.
Nature Dillon BatesAug. 3, 2018
Maine state representative
Denied accusations of sexual misconduct and stated his intent to serve out his term. Eventually resigned.
The 98 Men Who Have Not Been Replaced
Most lost their jobs or standing and have no clear successors, or their replacements have yet to be named or are unknown.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Andy SignoreOct. 5, 2017
Senior vice president, Defy Media
Fired after being accused of sexually assaulting one woman and harassing several others. Through a lawyer, he denied all accusations.
Nature Roman PolanskiOct. 13, 2017
Expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences after a woman who said Mr. Polanski sexually assaulted her when she was 10 years old started a petition to remove him. The Los Angeles police opened an investigation into the accusation, which Polanski denied. Polanski previously pleaded guilty to sex with a minor in 1977 and fled the country before sentencing. Over the years, he was accused by six women of sexual abuse, most when they were minors. He has continued to make films in Europe.
Nature Matt MondanileOct. 16, 2017
Founder of Ducktails and former guitarist for the band Real Estate
Plancha, a Japanese label, dropped Ducktails. A tour was canceled after accusations of “touching, kissing, and groping” women without their consent. Mr. Mondanile apologized.
Nature Scott CourtneyOct. 19, 2017
Executive vice president, Service Employees International Union
Resigned amid an investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct among leaders of a union campaign. Several people had complained that Mr. Courtney had a history of sexual relationships with young female staff members, who were later promoted.
Nature Tyler GrashamOct. 20, 2017
Agent at Agency for the Performing Arts
Fired after accusations that he sexually assaulted and harassed multiple young men in the industry, prompting one of his top clients to leave the firm.
Nature James TobackOct. 22, 2017
Director and screenwriter
Dropped by his longtime agent after 38 women accused him of sexual harassment. Mr. Toback has denied the accusations.
Nature Terry RichardsonOct. 23, 2017
Fashion photographer
Banned from working with Condé Nast after accusations of sexual harassment of models. A spokeswoman said his interactions were consensual.
Nature Leon WieseltierOct. 24, 2017
Editor at The New Republic
New magazine was canceled after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate advances by several women. He apologized.
Nature Steve JurvetsonOct. 24, 2017
Co-founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a venture capital firm
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. He has denied the allegations and started his own venture firm.
Nature Knight LandesmanOct. 25, 2017
A publisher of Artforum
Resigned as a publisher of Artforum magazine in October 2017 after nine women accused him in a lawsuit of various forms of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Ken BakerOct. 26, 2017
Journalist for the E! network
Left after two women accused him of sexual harassment.
Nature Kirt WebsterOct. 27, 2017
Music publicist
Numerous clients cut ties after accusations of sexual assault or harassment of multiple people.
Nature Jeremy PivenOct. 30, 2017
His show “Wisdom of the Crowd” was canceled after several women accused him of sexual misconduct. He said the cancellation decision “was a terrible mistake” and has denied accusations.
Nature Paul J. WhalenOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Todd F. HeathertonOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Retired after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired. He acknowledged that he “acted unprofessionally in public at conferences while intoxicated” and apologized.
Nature William M. KelleyOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Brett RatnerNov. 1, 2017
Producer and director
Lost a production and financing deal with Warner Bros. after he was accused of sexual assault or harassment by six women. A lawyer for Mr. Ratner denied the accusations.
Nature Danny MastersonNov. 2, 2017
Fired from and written out of a Netflix show, “The Ranch,” after accusations surfaced that he raped four women in the early 2000s. A fifth woman later came forward to accuse Mr. Masterson of rape. He denied the accusations.
Nature David GuillodNov. 2, 2017
Co-chief executive of Primary Wave Entertainment agency
Resigned after accusations of sexual assault from four women. The Santa Barbara County sheriff’s department opened an investigation in December. Mr. Guillod’s attorney denied any criminal conduct.
Nature Adam VenitNov. 3, 2017
Head of the motion picture group at William Morris Endeavor agency
Stepped down as head of the motion picture group and later retired after acknowledging that he groped the actor Terry Crews. Mr. Venit apologized in a letter to Mr. Crews.
Nature Michael HaffordNov. 3, 2017
Freelance writer
Banned from contributing to Vice websites after multiple women reported that he abused or raped them. He had previously written a “Male Feminist” column for the website Broadly. He did not commented on the accusations.
Nature Jeffrey TamborNov. 8, 2017
Fired from the Amazon show “Transparent” after a fellow cast member and a former assistant accused him of sexual harassment on set. He denied any deliberate harassment.
Nature Jesse LaceyNov. 9, 2017
Lead vocals and guitar for the band Brand New
Canceled a tour for his band after sexual misconduct accusations from a woman who said he had exploited her when she was a minor. In a general apology for his behavior, Mr. Lacey said that he had not “afforded women the respect, support or honesty that they deserved.”
Nature Mark SchwahnNov. 11, 2017
Showrunner of “One Tree Hill” and “The Royals”
Fired from “The Royals” after multiple women accused him of sexual harassment. He did not publicly responded to the accusations.
Nature Tom SizemoreNov. 13, 2017
Dropped as male lead from a horror film, “The Door,” after a report that he groped an 11-year-old actress on a movie set in 2003. He denied the accusation and was sued by the actress this year.
Nature Andy HenryNov. 15, 2017
Casting director, Nancy Nayor Casting
Fired after it came to light that he had been dismissed from his role as a casting employee on “C.S.I.” in 2008 after several women said that he had urged them to disrobe during auditions. He apologized. After his departure from Nancy Nayor Casting, a new team was assembled there.
Nature Jason MojicaNov. 15, 2017
Head of documentary films at Vice Media
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment. Mr. Mojica said that he was “deeply disappointed by this outcome.”
Nature Cameron MitchellNov. 17, 2017
Talent agent at Creative Arts Agency
Fired after a lawsuit accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Mitchell has said the accuser was “fabricating her story.”
Nature Russell SimmonsNov. 19, 2017
Co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and other businesses
Stepped down from his companies amid accusations of sexual assault and rape from multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Garrison KeillorNov. 29, 2017
Creator and former host of “A Prairie Home Companion”
Minnesota Public Radio severed ties with him after accusations of inappropriate behavior, later described as “sexually inappropriate incidents.” In April, it returned archived episodes of his programs, “A Prairie Home Companion” and “The Writer’s Almanac,” to its websites. Mr. Keillor recently restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast. He denied doing anything wrong.
Nature Israel HorovitzNov. 30, 2017
Playwright and founding artistic director of the Gloucester Stage theater
Fired after accusations of groping, forcibly kissing and rape. Mr. Horovitz said he recalled events differently but apologized.
Nature Justin HuffNov. 30, 2017
Broadway casting director at Telsey & Company
Fired after accusations of sexual misconduct toward actors.
Nature Shervin PishevarNov. 30, 2017
Co-founder of Sherpa Capital, a venture capital firm
Resigned after five women accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching. He said the accusations were “untruthful attacks.”
Nature Ruben KihuenDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Nevada
Decided to not seek re-election after being accused of unwanted sexual propositions. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jonathan SchwartzDec. 6, 2017
Host on WNYC, a station owned by New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Schwartz denied that he had behaved inappropriately. He now hosts a show on a website, The Jonathan Station.
Nature Leonard LopateDec. 6, 2017
Host on New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Lopate said he had “never done anything inappropriate on any level.” He now hosts a show on the New York FM station WBAI, which is carried as a podcast by the NPR affiliate Robin Hood Radio.
Nature Alex KozinskiDec. 8, 2017
Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Retired after six female subordinates accused him of sexual misconduct or inappropriate comments. He said it was never his intent to make his staff members uncomfortable.
Nature Donovan McNabbDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he sent her explicit messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Eric DavisDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he groped her and made lewd comments. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Mario BataliDec. 11, 2017
Chef, restaurant owner and co-host of ABC show, “The Chew”
Fired by ABC and was expected to divest from his restaurants after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate touching, by several employees. Two women also accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Batali has apologized for some behavior, but denied accusations of nonconsensual sex.
Nature Marshall FaulkDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network
Suspended, and will not be returning, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Faulk fondled her and pulled out his genitals while demanding oral sex. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Ryan LizzaDec. 11, 2017
Writer for The New Yorker and political analyst for CNN
Fired by The New Yorker and suspended by CNN over an accusation of “improper sexual conduct,” which he denied. He has since returned as a CNN analyst, after a CNN investigation “found no reason to continue to keep Mr. Lizza off the air.” He was hired in June by Esquire as its chief political correspondent.
Nature Heath EvansDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended and then terminated by the network after accusations of sending a co-worker sexually explicit photos. He called the accusations “false.”
Nature Ike TaylorDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended after accusations of sending a coworker “sexually inappropriate” photos and video. Eventually lost employment at the network.
Nature Ken FriedmanDec. 12, 2017
Chef and restaurateur
Took an indefinite leave of absence after 10 employees accused him of unwanted sexual advances. Mr. Friedman later dissolved his partnership with April Bloomfield and split up ownership of their restaurants.
Nature Tavis SmileyDec. 13, 2017
Host of PBS talk show, “Tavis Smiley”
PBS stopped distributing Mr. Smiley’s show after an investigation found “credible allegations” that he had sexual relationships with subordinates. Some witnesses reportedly expressed concern that their jobs were tied to continuing the relationships, which Mr. Smiley said were consensual. He filed a lawsuit against PBS, and it filed a countersuit, detailing more alleged sexual misconduct. Mr. Smiley now hosts a show on The Word Network.
Nature Brad KernDec. 14, 2017
Producer of “NCIS: New Orleans”
Fired after an investigation into accusations of misconduct including sexual harassment, discrimination and making racially insensitive comments.
Nature Morgan SpurlockDec. 14, 2017
Stepped down from his production company and said he was “part of the problem” in a social media post. He revealed that he had been accused of rape in college and had later settled a separate sexual harassment claim.
Nature Daylin LeachDec. 17, 2017
Pennsylvania state senator
Ended his campaign for Congress after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching by multiple staff members. Mr. Leach denied any inappropriate touching. He remains in the State Senate.
Nature Chuck CloseDec. 20, 2017
The National Gallery of Art canceled a planned exhibition after accusations by several women that Mr. Close sexually harassed them when they went to his studio to pose for him. He said he was sorry if he had made the women feel uncomfortable.
Nature Marcelo GomesDec. 21, 2017
Principal dancer at American Ballet Theater
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. His spokeswoman said, “This is a time of reflection for Marcelo.”
Nature James RosenDec. 22, 2017
Chief Washington correspondent, Fox News
Left after accusations of sexual harassment, including groping and attempted forcible kissing, of female colleagues.
Nature Mike GermanoDec. 23, 2017
Chief digital officer at Vice Media
Placed on leave and did not return after two women accused him of sexual harassment, including pulling one of them onto his lap. Mr. Germano has said he did “not believe that these allegations reflect the company’s culture.”
Nature Rhys JamesDec. 23, 2017
Producer at Vice Media
Vice reached a settlement in early 2017 with a co-worker who accused him of making sexist comments. In the agreement, Vice and Mr. James denied any liability. He was placed on leave in November and no longer works at the company.
Nature David DiazJan. 3, 2018
Children’s book illustrator
Resigned from the board of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators after a woman said that he had sexually harassed her in 2012. Mr. Diaz apologized to the woman and said he underwent sexual harassment training after a complaint that year. He said he felt pressured to resign.
Nature Ben VereenJan. 5, 2018
Actor and singer
A production group cut ties with him after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct, including unwanted kisses and degrading comments. He apologized.
Nature Jeremy TookerJan. 6, 2018
Founder of Four Barrel Coffee
Agreed to divest from the company after accusations of sexual assault by former employees.
Nature Andy SavageJan. 9, 2018
Memphis megachurch pastor
Resigned after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 17. He acknowledged that he engaged in a “sexual incident.”
Nature Joel KramerJan. 13, 2018
Stunt coordinator
Dropped by Worldwide Production Agency after an actress accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 12 during the filming of “True Lies.” He denied the accusation.
Nature Mario Testino Jan. 13, 2018
Fashion photographer
Companies severed ties after 13 male models accused him of sexual advances, including groping and masturbation. He has denied wrongdoing.
Nature Gordon EdelsteinJan. 22, 2018
Artistic director, Long Wharf Theater
Fired after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual contact and sexually explicit remarks. He did not publicly address the accusations.
Nature Barry LubinJan. 23, 2018
Grandma the clown at Big Apple Circus
Resigned after admitting that he pressured a teenage girl to pose for pornographic pictures.
Nature Alexander JonesJan. 25, 2018
Sunday editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment by employees, including unwanted kissing.
Nature Patrick WittyJan. 29, 2018
Deputy director of photography at National Geographic
Left in December. In January, multiple women publicly accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching and kissing. He denied the accusations but apologized for some behavior.
Nature Charlie WalkJan. 29, 2018
President of the Republic Group music label
Left after at least six women accused him of persistent sexual harassment and inappropriate touching. He denied the accusations.
Nature Vincent CirrincioneFeb. 2, 2018
Talent manager
Closed his management agency after nine women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He apologized but described the interactions as consensual.
Nature Bradley GarnerFeb. 6, 2018
Professor at New York University and promotional musician for Yamaha
The university and Yamaha both severed ties with Mr. Garner after a report that nine students and two other women had accused him of sexual misconduct when he taught at the University of Cincinnati. He denied the accusations.
Nature Daniel ZwerdlingFeb. 6, 2018
Investigative reporter at NPR
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment from six current and former interns and staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Alec KleinFeb. 7, 2018
Professor of journalism at Northwestern University
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate remarks and unwanted touching, brought by nearly 30 women. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature James DashnerFeb. 7, 2018
Author of “The Maze Runner” series
Dropped by Random House and his literary agent amid accusations of sexual misconduct. He said, “I am taking any and all criticisms and accusations very seriously, and I will seek counseling and guidance to address them.”
Nature Sean HutchisonFeb. 8, 2018
Olympic swimming coach
Banned from U.S. Olympic activities after an investigation by a governing body found that he had sexual contact with a minor. Ariana Kukors Smith, a swimmer, said he had sexually abused her when she was a teenager. He denied any abuse and said they had a consensual relationship starting when she was of legal age.
Nature Jim WalshFeb. 13, 2018
Co-founder of the political consulting firms DSPolitical and Rising Tide Interactive
Resigned from his consulting firms after a woman said he had sexually assaulted her a decade ago. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Jay AsherFeb. 14, 2018
Author of “Thirteen Reasons Why”
Dropped by his literary agent and expelled from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators amid accusations of sexual harassment. A spokeswoman for Mr. Asher said that he had not been kicked out of the society and that he denied any harassment.
Nature Greg KadelFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Victoria’s Secret suspended its work with Mr. Kadel, and Condé Nast cut ties after sexual misconduct accusations from models who said he harassed and assaulted them when they were teenagers. A spokeswoman for Mr. Kadel said he “never sexually coerced or assaulted anyone.”
Nature Patrick DemarchelierFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Condé Nast stopped working with Mr. Demarchelier after seven women accused him of unwanted sexual advances and groping. He denied the accusations.
Nature Michael FeinbergFeb. 22, 2018
Co-founder of KIPP, a chain of charter schools
Dismissed after an investigation found credible an accusation that he sexually abused a student. He denied the accusation.
Nature Richard MeierMarch 13, 2018
Took a leave from his firm and then stepped down after several former employees said he had exposed himself to them or touched them inappropriately. At first he said, “while our recollections may differ, I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended,” and then later said that he didn’t recognize the women and that “people can say whatever they want.”
Nature Mike IsabellaMarch 19, 2018
Chef and owner of Mike Isabella Concepts restaurant group
After a woman accused Mr. Isabella and his partners of sexually harassing her, he lost business with the Washington Nationals, and Know Public Relations, the firm that represented him, severed ties. He has not resigned and has denied any wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas NixonMarch 24, 2018
Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Retired amid a school investigation into accusations of inappropriate behavior. Soon after, former students accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior, including assignments to photograph genitalia. He apologized to some students, though his lawyer said the accusations were “untested and unproven.”
Nature William D. StrampelMarch 26, 2018
Former dean of Michigan State University’s osteopathic medical school
Resigned from faculty after being arrested on charges of sexual harassment of students. He denied the accusations. For years, Dr. Strampel supervised Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar, a longtime U.S.A. Gymnastics team doctor who pleaded guilty in November to molesting girls.
Nature John KricfalusiMarch 29, 2018
Creator of “The Ren & Stimpy Show”
Cartoon Network and Adult Swim do not plan on working with him in the future, after accusations that he had sexually exploited teenage girls. He denied most of the accusations, but admitted to Buzzfeed that he had had a 16-year-old girlfriend.
Nature Benton StrongApril 23, 2018
Former mayoral spokesman and adviser in Seattle’s sustainability office
Resigned after accusations that he made sexual comments and sent text messages to two women at a previous job. He said he has “made mistakes.”
Nature Justin ParishApril 24, 2018
Alaska state representative
Took mandated sexual harassment training after a woman filed a complaint of unwanted flirting, unwanted touching and inappropriate phone calls. He declined to seek re-election.
Nature Nick MiccarelliMay 5, 2018
Pennsylvania state representative
Stripped of committee assignments and decided not to run for re-election after a House investigation found accusations of sexual assault and abuse from two women to be credible. He denied the accusations.
Nature Roy FrumkesMay 8, 2018
Professor at School of Visual Arts
Removed from his position after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of making lewd comments and groping.
Nature Jonathan KaimanMay 16, 2018
Beijing bureau chief at The Los Angeles Times
Resigned after two women accused him of sexual misconduct. He disputed the accusations, calling the acts in one episode “mutually consensual.”
Nature Mohamed MuqtarMay 17, 2018
Assistant director of student services at University of California, Berkeley
Fired after multiple female athletes accused him of sexual assault and misconduct. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Robert HaufrechtMay 18, 2018
Instructor at School of Visual Arts
Was suspended and his contract was not renewed, in response to concerns raised by students, one of whom said he showed her unwanted attention, commented on her appearance and told her in class to rehearse suggestive scenarios.
Nature Nate BoultonMay 23, 2018
Iowa state senator
Suspended his campaign for governor after accusations that he touched three women inappropriately. He remains an Iowa state senator.
Nature Morgan FreemanMay 24, 2018
Actor and producer
Visa suspended a marketing campaign featuring Mr. Freeman after eight people accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. Mr. Freeman apologized, saying that he would not “intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy.”
Nature Lou LangMay 31, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned as deputy House majority leader after accusations of sexual harassment, which he called “absurdities.” Mr. Lang was later cleared by an inspector general inquiry that acknowledged he acted inappropriately. He remains a state representative.
Nature Curt AndersonJune 14, 2018
Maryland state delegate
Ordered to undergo sexual harassment training and stripped of leadership posts after an ethics committee investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct. He said the actions taken against him were “fair” and is running for re-election.
Nature Francisco J. AyalaJune 29, 2018
Professor and benefactor of the University of California, Irvine
Resigned after an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment. The university said it would remove his name from a school, fellowships and other programs. Dr. Ayala said he regretted what he thought of as “the good manners of a European gentleman.”
Nature William PreucilJuly 26, 2018
Cleveland Orchestra concertmaster and professor at Cleveland Institute of Music
The Cleveland Orchestra suspended him after accusations of sexual misconduct, and it opened an investigation that was continuing as of early October. One of four concertmasters has been stepping in to fill his role. Mr. Preucil resigned from his teaching position at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Nature Chase FinlaySept. 5, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging lewd texts and photos of female dancers; he resigned. His lawyer called the suit “nothing more than allegations that should not be taken as fact.”
Nature Zachary CatazaroSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging a lewd photo and text messages about female dancers; he was fired. He said “the intent was not to harm or embarrass anyone.”
Nature Amar RamasarSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused of exchanging lewd text messages and explicit photos of a female dancer; he was fired. His lawyer said the messages involved only his own consensual activity.
Nature Adam BerkowitzSept. 25, 2018
Co-head of television at Creative Artists Agency
Departed days after he is said to have groped a television executive at an Emmys party. He did not comment on the accusation.
The Three Women Who Lost Jobs
Over all, few women have faced accusations of misconduct in the #MeToo era, but several who did also faced employment consequences.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Not Replaced | Back to Top ↑
Nature Cristina Garcia Feb. 9, 2018
California state assemblywoman
Removed from committee posts amid sexual harassment accusations from a former legislative staff member. An investigation initially found no wrongdoing, but it was reopened after an appeal. Ms. Garcia has denied the accusations and is running for a fourth term.
Al Muratsuchi
Acting chairman of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee
Susan Talamantes Eggman
Acting chairwoman of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus
Nature Andrea RamseyDec. 15, 2017
Candidate for U.S. House seat in Kansas
Ended campaign after accusations that she had sexually harassed, and then fired, a former subordinate. She denied the accusations.
Nature Asia ArgentoAug. 19, 2018
Actress and director
Removed as a judge on “X Factor Italy” after reports that she sexually assaulted and then paid off a 17-year-old former co-star in California. She denied the accusations. CNN also pulled episodes of “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” featuring Ms. Argento from its streaming service.
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/23/us/metoo-replacements.html | Audrey Carlsen, Maya Salam, Claire Cain Miller, Denise Lu, Ash Ngu, Jugal K. Patel, Zach Wichter
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements., in 2018-10-23 11:53:42
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Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements.
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements. http://www.nature-business.com/nature-metoo-brought-down-201-powerful-men-women-are-nearly-half-of-their-replacements/
Nature 201 lost jobs or major roles
Nature 122 replacements: 53 women and 69 men
Who Was Ousted and Who Stepped In
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Nature Andy Mitchell & Milos Brajovic
Co-presidents of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
▼ View all 201 cases below
They had often gotten away with it for years, and for those they harassed, it seemed as if the perpetrators would never pay any consequences. Then came the report that detailed Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assaults and harassment, and his fall from Hollywood’s heights.
A year later, even as the #MeToo movement meets a crackling backlash, it’s possible to take some stock of how the Weinstein case has changed the corridors of power. A New York Times analysis has found that, since the publishing of the exposé (followed days later by a New Yorker investigation), at least 200 prominent men have lost their jobs after public allegations of sexual harassment. A few, including Mr. Weinstein, face criminal charges. At least 920 people were reportedly subjected to sexual misconduct by someone on the list. And nearly half of the men who have been replaced were succeeded by women.
In the year preceding the Weinstein report, by contrast, fewer than 30 high-profile people made the news for resigning or being fired after public accusations of sexual misconduct. The downfall of the Fox host Bill O’Reilly in April 2017 turned out to have been just a foreshock of the changes to come.
“We’ve never seen something like this before,” said Joan Williams, a law professor who studies gender at the University of California, Hastings. “Women have always been seen as risky, because they might do something like have a baby. But men are now being seen as more risky hires.”
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Sexual harassment has hardly been erased in the workplace. Federal law still does not fully protect huge groups of women, including those who work freelance or at companies with fewer than 15 employees. New workplace policies have little effect without deeper cultural change. And as the Supreme Court confirmation battle over Brett Kavanaugh showed, Americans disagree on how people accused of sexual misconduct should be held accountable and what the standard of evidence should be.
But the analysis shows that the #MeToo movement shook, and is still shaking, power structures in society’s most visible sectors. The Times gathered cases of prominent people who lost their main jobs, significant leadership positions or major contracts, and whose ousters were publicly covered in news reports.
Forty-three percent of their replacements were women. Of those, one-third are in news media, one-quarter in government, and one-fifth in entertainment and the arts. For example, Robin Wright replaced Kevin Spacey as lead actor on “House of Cards,” Emily Nemens replaced Lorin Stein as editor of “The Paris Review,” and Tina Smith replaced Al Franken as a senator from Minnesota.
People Replacing Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Women are starting to gain power in organizations that have been jolted by harassment, with potentially far-reaching effects.
“I find it so interesting the number of people who come up to me and say, ‘Thank you for stepping in when someone needed to step in,’” Ms. Smith said. “That’s a lot of what women do a lot of the time, right?”
Appointing a woman does not guarantee change. Women have also harassed and covered up harassment. Some women face the glass cliff — in which women are appointed to leadership in times of organizational crisis, when the chance of failure is higher. And while the share of women who have risen to power in the wake of Mr. Weinstein’s fall is significant, women are still vastly underrepresented at the top of American institutions.
Research has repeatedly shown that women tend to lead differently. In general, they create more respectful work environments, where harassment is less likely to flourish and where women feel more comfortable reporting it. Female leaders tend to hire and promote more women; pay them more equally; and make companies more profitable. Women bring their life experiences and perspectives to decision-making, and that can help in business because women make the vast majority of purchasing decisions. In government, women have been shown to be more collaborative and bipartisan, and promote more policies supporting women, children and social welfare.
That has been true in Congress, said Ms. Smith, a Democrat. In a highly polarized Senate, women tend to be unusually collegial across party lines, she said, and the 23 female senators meet for dinner monthly.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
▼ View all 201 cases below
“I believe you’re successful and you get things done if you have relationships with people,” she said. “That’s the ground for accomplishing something, certainly in the legislative world.”
One example: She and Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican from Alaska, discovered that they both worked on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in high school. The bond they built from shared experience helped them when they co-sponsored mental health legislation that was included in the opioid crisis response bill passed last month.
In news media and entertainment, many women who ascended to jobs vacated by men have changed the tone and substance of what they offer audiences — and in some cases, the fallout from #MeToo has shaped their decisions.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
▼ View all 201 cases below
Jennifer Salke, who took over for Roy Price as head of Amazon Studios, has said Amazon needed more “big, addictive shows for women.” She has announced deals with the actors Lena Waithe and Nicole Kidman, among others.
Since Tanzina Vega took over from John Hockenberry as host of “The Takeaway,” the public radio program, she has done many episodes about gender, including on masculinity, women’s anger and the intersection of gender and race — topics that she had been covering for years but that she said were now part of the national conversation.
“I don’t think that’s necessarily because I’m a woman, but it’s just that as a woman, as a Latina, I know when the conversation hasn’t been about women, and I’m deeply sensitive to that,” said Ms. Vega, who was previously a reporter at CNN and The New York Times.
Nature John HockenberryDec. 1, 2017
Host of WNYC’s “The Takeaway”
After he left “The Takeaway,” nine women accused Mr. Hockenberry of sexual harassment, including unwelcome sexual advances. He apologized, describing his behavior as “rude, aggressive and impolite.”
▼ View all 201 cases below
Women’s personal experiences, including as mothers, can make workplaces more welcoming to other women. That’s the hope of Christine Tsai, who is chief executive of the tech investment firm 500 Startups, where she replaced Dave McClure in early 2017 after an internal investigation into his behavior toward women in the tech community.
“I’ve erred on the side as C.E.O. of being more open about it, like if one of my kids has an appointment, so hopefully it creates an environment where people don’t feel like they have to hide that they have obligations to family,” she said. “Sure, a guy can be sensitive to those things, but I think it helps having that empathy of what it’s like for moms.”
The women who have risen, however, can only make so much change — they are still operating in a male-dominated system. More than 10 percent of the ousted men have tried to make a comeback, or voiced a desire to, and many never lost financial power.
The comedian Louis C.K. recently took the stage at the Comedy Cellar in New York, raising questions of how long is long enough for people to be banished from their field, and who gets to decide. Garrison Keillor, the radio host, has restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast and reportedly received $275,000 for a deal in which Minnesota Public Radio reposted archived episodes of his programs. Jerry Richardson, the founder and former owner of the Carolina Panthers, was fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after he was accused of sexual harassment — but sold the team for at least $2.2 billion, a record amount.
When people accused of harassment return to power without making amends — or never lose it, at least financially — it limits the post-Weinstein movement’s potential to change how power is exercised in American society.
They have not experienced the same type of trauma that survivors have, said Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement, which she started in 2006 to support survivors of sexual harassment and violence (the hashtag went viral a year ago this month as women used it to tell their stories of harassment and violence). And very few have shown that they have taken responsibility for their actions or offered private apologies to those they harmed, she said.
“Where’s the self-reflection and accountability?” she said. “Perhaps if we saw some evidence of that, then we can have a more robust conversation about the road to redemption.”
In the meantime, these women say, there are more than enough qualified women ready to take their places in power.
“A bunch of us who took over these jobs got promoted because we were really good at these jobs,” said Ms. Vega, the radio host. “We have the skills, we have the experience, we have the work ethic and we have the smarts to do it, and it’s time for us to do this job.”
The 96 Men Who Were Replaced
Of the men who lost their jobs, 50 have been replaced by at least one woman in an interim or permanent capacity. The date for each entry indicates when news broke of accusations, or when a firing, resignation or other fallout was announced.
Nature Harvey WeinsteinOct. 5, 2017
Producer and co-founder, the Weinstein Company
Accused by dozens of women of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to abuse and rape. He has been criminally charged in Manhattan with sexually assaulting two women. The Weinstein Company later went bankrupt and was bought and rebranded as Lantern Entertainment. Mr. Weinstein, who was fired from his film production company, has said all of his encounters were consensual.
Andy Mitchell
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Milos Brajovic
Co-president of Lantern Entertainment
Nature Lockhart SteeleOct. 12, 2017
Editorial director, Vox Media
Fired after being accused of sexual harassment of at least one person. Vox Media’s chief executive said Mr. Steele admitted to misconduct.
Nature Roy PriceOct. 12, 2017
Head of Amazon Studios
Resigned after a Hollywood producer accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
Nature Chris SavinoOct. 17, 2017
Creator of Nickelodeon’s “The Loud House”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He apologized.
Michael Rubiner
Co-executive producer of “The Loud House”
Nature Cliff HiteOct. 17, 2017
Ohio state senator
Resigned after a woman filed a sexual harassment complaint against him, citing unwanted advances. He later said that he had behaved inappropriately.
Nature Robert ScobleOct. 19, 2017
Co-founder of the Transformation Group, an augmented reality company
Resigned after being accused of sexual assault or inappropriate behavior with three women. He apologized for “inappropriate” behavior.
Nature John BeshOct. 21, 2017
Chief executive, Besh Restaurant Group
Stepped down from day-to-day operations after accusations of sexual harassment from multiple employees. He apologized.
Nature Caleb JenningsOct. 24, 2017
Chicago organizer for Service Employees International Union
Fired after accusations of “sexual misconduct and abusive behavior.” Found not guilty of assault in court.
Nature Mark HalperinOct. 26, 2017
Political journalist
NBC News, Penguin Press, HBO and Showtime severed ties with Mr. Halperin after accusations of sexual harassment by former co-workers. He apologized and admitted to several years of “inappropriate” behavior.
Alex Wagner
Co-host of Showtime’s “The Circus”
Nature Rick NajeraOct. 26, 2017
Director of CBS’s Diversity Showcase
Resigned after an investigation into accusations that he made inappropriate and lewd comments to performers. In a statement, he said he was “confounded by deliberate and cruel defamations.”
Nature Kevin SpaceyOct. 29, 2017
Dropped from his Netflix show, “House of Cards,” and was replaced in the film “All the Money in the World” after he was accused of forcing himself on a minor. He apologized. More men have come forward accusing Mr. Spacey of behaving inappropriately toward them.
Robin Wright
Netflix “House of Cards” star
Christopher Plummer
J. Paul Getty in “All the Money in the World”
Nature Hamilton FishOct. 30, 2017
Publisher and president of The New Republic
Resigned after accusations of inappropriate conduct, and said he had “a lot to learn” about the treatment of women in the workplace.
Rachel Rosenfelt
Publisher and vice president of The New Republic
Nature Andy DickOct. 31, 2017
Fired from two films after accusations of sexual harassment. He pleaded not guilty to a sexual battery charge in July and denied claims of groping.
Jonathan Pessin
Oliver in “Vampire Dad”
Nature Michael OreskesOct. 31, 2017
Head of news at NPR and former New York Times editor
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment of three women. He apologized and called his behavior “wrong and inexcusable.”
Nature Ira SilversteinOct. 31, 2017
Illinois state senator
Resigned as majority caucus chairman after sexual harassment accusations, which he denied. He lost his re-election bid in a March primary.
Mattie Hunter
Majority caucus chair
Nature Jeff HooverNov. 1, 2017
Kentucky state representative and speaker of the House
Resigned as speaker after settling a sexual harassment claim made by a staffer but remains in office. Mr. Hoover said the alleged harassment, consisting of inappropriate text messages, was consensual.
David Osborne
House speaker pro tempore
Nature Kendall FellsNov. 2, 2017
Organizing director of the Service Employees International Union’s Fight for 15 campaign
Resigned amid a broad investigation into harassment and employee misconduct within the union.
Nature Sam AdamsNov. 3, 2017
Director of U.S. branch of the World Resources Institute
Left his job as the director of the U.S. branch of a think tank after a former staffer said Mr. Adams sexually harassed him when he was the mayor of Portland, Ore. Mr. Adams called the accusations false and said his decision to leave the think tank was unrelated.
Nature Ed WestwickNov. 6, 2017
Cut from the BBC show “Ordeal by Innocence” after three women accused him of sexual assault. He denied the accusations. Prosecutors in Los Angeles declined to press charges because of lack of evidence.
Christian Cooke
Mickey Argyll in “Ordeal by Innocence”
Nature Don ShooterNov. 7, 2017
Arizona state representative
Expelled by the Arizona House of Representatives for “dishonorable” behavior after an investigation found he sexually harassed multiple women, including fellow lawmakers. Mr. Shooter apologized and said he had done “stupid things,” though he raised questions about the investigation’s claims.
Nature Benjamin GenocchioNov. 8, 2017
Executive director of the Armory Show art fair
Replaced as executive director of the Armory Show, a top international art fair in New York, following accusations from several women of unwelcome touching and inappropriate sexual comments. Mr. Genocchio said he “never intentionally acted in an inappropriate manner” but apologized “to the extent my behavior was perceived as disrespectful.”
Nature Dan SchoenNov. 8, 2017
Minnesota state senator
Resigned after allegations of sexual harassment from multiple women. He denied some allegations while claiming that others were “taken far out of context.”
Nature Louis C.K.Nov. 9, 2017
Comedian and producer
Lost his production deal with FX after he admitted to multiple instances of sexual misconduct, including masturbating in front of several women. Distribution for a film he wrote and starred in was canceled, and he lost a voice role in “The Secret Life of Pets” franchise. He recently began performing again, unannounced, at comedy clubs in the New York area.
Patton Oswalt
Max in “The Secret Life of Pets 2”
Nature Tony CornishNov. 9, 2017
Minnesota state representative
Resigned after accusations that he propositioned lawmakers and lobbyists for sex. He apologized.
Nature Tony MendozaNov. 9, 2017
California state senator
Resigned after accusations that he made improper advances toward several women. He denied the accusations. A State Senate investigation found that he “more likely than not” made unwanted advances.
Nature Andrew KreisbergNov. 10, 2017
Executive producer of superhero dramas “Arrow,” “Supergirl,” and “The Flash”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact. He denied the allegations.
Greg Berlanti
Took on additional responsibilities as an executive producer of “The Flash” and “Supergirl”
Nature Eddie BerganzaNov. 10, 2017
Editor at DC Comics
Fired following accusations that he “forcibly kissed and tried to grope colleagues.”
Brian Cunningham
Group Editor of Superman titles
Marie Javins
Group Editor of Justice League titles
Nature Gary GoddardNov. 10, 2017
Founder of the Goddard Group
Stepped away from his company after accusations that he molested eight former child actors. He denied the accusations. The company was renamed “Legacy | GGE.”
Nature Brian LinderNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a pension committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He apologized for unspecified “mistakes.”
Jerry Miller
Chairman of the Public Pension Oversight Board
Nature Jim DeCesareNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of an economic development committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member. He said he has “done nothing to be ashamed of.”
Phillip Pratt
Chairman of the Economic Development and Workforce Investment Committee
Nature Michael MeredithNov. 10, 2017
Kentucky state representative
Replaced as chairman of a local government committee, after a report that he was one of four state legislators who signed a sexual harassment settlement with a staff member.
Rob Rothenburger
Chairman of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Steve LebsockNov. 10, 2017
Colorado state representative
Expelled by the Colorado House of Representatives after accusations of sexual harassment, including discussing sexual acts, by at least five women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jeff KruseNov. 15, 2017
Oregon state senator
Resigned after an independent investigation found that he had sexually harassed and inappropriately touched multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul RosenthalNov. 15, 2017
Colorado state representative
Lost committee vice-chairmanship and re-election after accusations of groping. The complaints were dismissed by the Colorado General Assembly. Mr. Rosenthal said he was “innocent of any wrongdoing.”
Tony Exum Sr.
Vice Chair of the House Local Government Committee
Nature Wes GoodmanNov. 15, 2017
Ohio state representative
Resigned following accusations of “inappropriate behavior” inside his office. Then further allegations emerged that Mr. Goodman had for years solicited consensual sex from other men and had once groped a college student. He acknowledged the initial allegations and apologized.
Nature Al FrankenNov. 16, 2017
U.S. senator for Minnesota
Resigned after accusations of groping and improper advances from at least six women. He apologized but denied many of the allegations.
Nature David SweeneyNov. 16, 2017
Chief news editor at NPR
Left after accusations of sexual harassment from three female colleagues.
Nature Randy BaumgardnerNov. 16, 2017
Colorado state senator
Stepped down as chair of the transportation committee after being accused of sexually harassing a former legislative aide. An independent investigation found the claim credible. Mr. Baumgardner denied the accusations. The State Senate voted against expelling him.
John Cooke
Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee
Nature Stephen BittelNov. 16, 2017
Chairman, Florida Democratic Party
Resigned after six women accused him of sexually inappropriate comments and behavior.
Nature Charlie RoseNov. 20, 2017
Television host
Fired by CBS and PBS after accusations of crude sexual advances by several women. He said he acted insensitively but that many of the allegations were inaccurate.
Christiane Amanpour
Host, “Amanpour & Company”
Nature Glenn ThrushNov. 20, 2017
White House reporter at The New York Times
Suspended and then reassigned to a new beat after sexual harassment accusations made by four female journalists.
Nature Raul BocanegraNov. 20, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, of at least six women. He said he was “not guilty of any such crimes,” though he was “not perfect.”
Nature John LasseterNov. 21, 2017
Chief creative officer of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation
Stepped away after accusations of unwanted workplace hugging and other inappropriate touching. He apologized. He has a consulting role until the end of the year.
Jennifer Lee
Chief creative officer, Walt Disney Animation Studios
Pete Docter
Chief creative officer, Pixar Animation Studios
Nature Matt LauerNov. 27, 2017
Television news anchor
Fired from NBC after being accused of inappropriate sexual behavior toward a fellow staffer. Others also said they were subject to unwanted advances. He apologized but said some of the accusations were untrue.
Katie Couric
Co-host for Winter Olympics
Hoda Kotb
Co-anchor, NBC’s “Today” show
Nature Johnny IuzziniNov. 29, 2017
Chef and judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching, of at least six former employees who were female. He denied some allegations, and said none of his behavior was “meant to hurt people.”
Sherry Yard
Judge on ABC’s “The Great American Baking Show”
Nature Blake FarentholdDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Texas
Dropped his re-election bid and later resigned amid harassment accusations and a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim brought by a former employee. He apologized for creating an “unprofessional” workplace culture.
Nature Josh ZepnickDec. 1, 2017
Wisconsin state representative
Refused to resign after two women said he kissed them against their will. He was eventually removed from legislative committee assignments.
Gary Hebl
Member of the Committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations
Nature Dean WestlakeDec. 3, 2017
Alaska state representative
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, including groping, by seven current and former aides. He apologized.
Nature James LevineDec. 3, 2017
Conductor at the Metropolitan Opera
Fired in March by the Metropolitan Opera, which said that an investigation had “uncovered credible evidence” that he had engaged in sexually abusive and harassing conduct. He is now suing the Met for breach of contract and defamation.
Nature Matt DababnehDec. 4, 2017
California state assemblyman
Resigned after being accused of sexual harassment by two women, including masturbating in front of one of them. He denied the accusations.
Nature Peter MartinsDec. 4, 2017
Ballet master in chief, New York City Ballet
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment and physical and verbal abuse by multiple dancers. He denied the allegations and a company investigation did not corroborate the claims.
Nature Sam IsalyDec. 5, 2017
Managing partner of OrbiMed Advisors
Retired after multiple former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including playing pornography in the workplace. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lorin SteinDec. 6, 2017
Editor of The Paris Review
Resigned amid an internal investigation into his conduct with multiple female employees and writers. He also resigned from his at-large editorship at the publishing house Farrar Straus & Giroux. Mr. Stein apologized and said that he had “blurred the personal and the professional.”
Nature Matt ManwellerDec. 6, 2017
Washington State representative
Stripped of ranking committee membership and fired from his Central Washington University professorship after accusations of sexual harassment, which he denied. He is on the general election ballot for November but said he planned to resign if re-elected.
Gina Mosbrucker
Ranking minority member of House Labor and Workplace Standards Committee
Joyce McDonald
Assistant minority floor leader
Nature Joe AlexanderDec. 7, 2017
Chief creative officer, the Martin Agency
Left the company shortly before it announced an accusation of sexual harassment against him. A week later, he was accused of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances, by several employees. He denied the allegations.
Nature Bryan SingerDec. 7, 2017
Director and producer
Lost his executive producer credit for the TV series “Legion” after a lawsuit alleged that he sexually assaulted a 17-year-old boy in 2003. A representative for Mr. Singer said he categorically denied the allegations. Days before the lawsuit was filed, he was fired as director of the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody.” He will retain a director’s credit for the movie.
Dexter Fletcher
Director, “Bohemian Rhapsody”
Nature Trent FranksDec. 7, 2017
U.S. representative for Arizona
Resigned amid an ethics investigation over accusations that he asked two female staff members to bear his child as surrogates. He said he regretted that the conversations had “caused distress.”
Nature John MooreDec. 11, 2017
Mississippi state representative
Resigned citing health reasons. Days later, it emerged that multiple women had accused him of sexual harassment and that the Legislature was preparing an investigation into the accusations at the time of his resignation. Mr. Moore said, “I don’t know who would make a complaint, much less multiple.”
Nature Tom AshbrookDec. 11, 2017
Host of WBUR’s “On Point”
Dismissed after complaints of bullying and sexual misconduct, including unwanted touching, by current and former station employees. An investigation found Mr. Ashbrook’s conduct “was not sexual in nature.” He apologized for behavior that was “offensive and overbearing to some.”
Nature Eric WeinbergerDec. 12, 2017
President of the Bill Simmons Media Group
Suspended, and later left the company, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Mr. Weinberger had sent her lewd messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Maxwell OgdenDec. 13, 2017
Executive director of Code for Science & Society
Resigned after a former girlfriend accused him of sexual abuse. He apologized and said he would seek help.
Mathias Buus
Technical adviser at Code for Science & Society
Danielle Robinson
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Joe Hand
Co-executive director at Code for Science & Society
Nature Jerry RichardsonDec. 15, 2017
Owner of the Carolina Panthers N.F.L. team
Fined $2.75 million by the N.F.L. after an investigation into sexually harassment of female employees. Mr. Richardson later sold the team for a record $2.2 billion. He did not comment on the allegations.
Tina Becker
Chief operating officer
Nature Stephen HendersonDec. 15, 2017
Editorial page editor, the Detroit Free Press
Fired after an investigation found inappropriate behavior with two female colleagues. Mr. Henderson acknowledged sexually themed conversations and unwanted advances, but said he disagreed with the decision.
Nature T.J. MillerDec. 19, 2017
A show he was working on for Comedy Central was canceled and he was dropped as the spokesman for Mucinex after a woman accused him of hitting and sexually assaulting her while in college. Mr. Miller denied the accusations.
Jason Mantzoukas
Spokesman for Mucinex
Nature Don HazenDec. 21, 2017
Executive editor, AlterNet
Resigned after being accused of sexually harassing five female employees. He denied most of the accusations, though later said he “lost track of some boundaries.”
Nature Charlie HallowellDec. 27, 2017
Chef and owner of three Oakland, Calif., restaurants
Sold two restaurants after 17 former employees accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted advances and sexual comments. He apologized.
Jen Cramer
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Richard Clark
Co-owner of Boot and Shoe Service, a restaurant
Rico Rivera
Owner of Penrose, a restaurant
Nature H. Brandt AyersJan. 1, 2018
Chairman, Consolidated Publishing
Resigned after a former reporter said Mr. Ayers sexually assaulted her by spanking her. He admitted to once spanking a different reporter.
Nature Kevin BraunJan. 5, 2018
Editor in chief of E&E News
Left management role after accusations of sexual harassment of staff members. He apologized. He is still a co-owner of the company.
Nature Paul HaggisJan. 5, 2018
Screenwriter and director, and founder of the charity Artists for Peace and Justice
Resigned from his charity after accusations of rape and sexual assault. He denied the accusations.
Ben Stiller
Co-chairman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Susan Sarandon
Co-chairwoman of the board of Artists for Peace and Justice
Nature Eric GreitensJan. 10, 2018
Missouri governor
Resigned after he was accused of taking an explicit photo of a woman without her consent and threatening to blackmail her. He said he had an extramarital affair but denied breaking any laws. Mr. Greitens was indicted on a charge of invasion of privacy, but it was dropped.
Nature William G. JacobyJan. 11, 2018
Editor of the American Journal of Political Science
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment from a former student. He denied the accusations.
Nature Rob MooreJan. 22, 2018
Managing editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment, including sexual comments.
Kristen Lee
She left in August.
Nature Zach FanslerJan. 25, 2018
Alaska state representative
Resigned after a woman said that he slapped her twice when she denied his sexual advances. He denied the accusation.
Nature Steve WynnJan. 26, 2018
Chief executive, Wynn Resorts
Resigned after accusations that he harassed female employees for decades and coerced them into having sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature John CopleyJan. 29, 2018
Stage director, Metropolitan Opera
Fired after he was accused of making a sexually charged remark to a member of the chorus.
Roy Rallo
Stage director for “Semiramide”
Nature Wayne PacelleJan. 29, 2018
Chief executive of the Humane Society
Resigned after three women accused him of sexual harassment, including forcible kissing and unwanted advances. He denied the accusations.
Kitty Block
Acting president and chief executive
Nature Paul ShapiroJan. 30, 2018
Vice president at the Humane Society
Resigned after six women complained that he sexually harassed them, including by making lewd jokes and asking for sex. He denied the accusations.
Nature Paul MarcianoJan. 31, 2018
Executive chairman of Guess, Inc.
Resigned after several women accused him of sexual harassment and assault. A company investigation found he “exercised poor judgment,” and his brother replaced him. Mr. Marciano denied the accusations.
Nature Joseph M. SoukiFeb. 1, 2018
Hawaii state representative
Resigned after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He acknowledged “inappropriate” touching and kissing.
Nature Javier PalomarezFeb. 12, 2018
Chief executive of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Stepped down amid accusations of financial impropriety and after a former staffer accused him of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Karl TemplerFeb. 16, 2018
Stylist and creative director of Interview Magazine
Left the magazine after three women accused him of unwanted touching of their breasts and crotches. He denied the accusations.
Nature Lawrence M. KraussFeb. 22, 2018
Professor at Arizona State University and director of the Origins Project
Replaced as director after a university investigation found that he had grabbed a woman’s breast at a conference. He denied the accusation.
Nature Jorge I. DomínguezFeb. 27, 2018
Professor at Harvard University and chair of the Harvard Academy
Resigned after 18 women accused him of sexual harassment and assault, including unwanted touching, spanning decades. “I do not go around making sexual advances,” he said.
Timothy J. Colton
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Melani Cammett
Chair of the Harvard Academy
Nature Jeff FranklinFeb. 28, 2018
Showrunner, “Fuller House”
Removed after accusations that he was verbally abusive and made sexually charged comments in the writers’ room and on set.
Nature Tony TookeMarch 1, 2018
Chief of the United States Forest Service
Resigned after a United States Department of Agriculture investigation into sexual misconduct. “I expect to be held to the same standards as every other Forest Service employee,” he said.
Nature Angel ArceMarch 8, 2018
Connecticut state representative
Resigned amid accusations that he sent inappropriate messages to a teenage girl. Mr. Arce’s lawyer said his client did nothing improper.
Nature Michael W. Ferro Jr.March 19, 2018
Chairman of the newspaper publisher Tronc
Stepped down hours before Fortune magazine published an article in which two women accused him of making inappropriate sexual advances. A spokesman for Mr. Ferro said that the accusations “appear to involve private conduct.”
Nature Bill HybelsMarch 22, 2018
Lead pastor of Willow Creek church
Retired after a group of former pastors and staff members accused him of sexual misconduct — accusations he initially called “flat-out lies.” He later apologized for “making people feel uncomfortable.”
Heather Larson
She left in August.
Steve Carter
He left in August.
Steve Gillen
He started in August.
Nature Eric T. SchneidermanMay 7, 2018
Attorney general of New York
Resigned hours after news reports that he assaulted four women. He denied the accusation.
Nature Howard KwaitMay 11, 2018
Principal of John Bowne High School in Queens
Was reassigned after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of inappropriate touching, discrimination and making lewd comments.
Nature Demos ParnerosJuly 3, 2018
Chief executive of Barnes & Noble
Was fired without public explanation. It was later revealed that the termination was in part because of accusations of sexual harassment by an executive assistant. He played down the interactions as “innocuous.”
Leonard Riggio
Executive chairman overseeing a team that shares the duties of the office of the chief executive
Nature Bernard UzanJuly 26, 2018
Co-director of Florida Grand Opera’s Young Artists program and co-founder of Uzan International Artists
Resigned from the opera after four female singers accused him of sexual misconduct and named his daughter to take over his agency. He has denied the accusations.
Vanessa Uzan
Managing Director of Uzan International Artists
Nature Corey J. ColemanJuly 30, 2018
Head of human resources for FEMA
Resigned amid an internal investigation that found “deeply disturbing” sexual misconduct that spanned years, according to FEMA leadership. He denied the claims, and his lawyers said that investigators relied on “rumor and innuendo.”
Bridget Bean
Acting head of human resources
Nature Nick SauerAug. 1, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned after a former girlfriend complained that he had been releasing nude photos of her on Instagram. He said his ability to work in his role would “be affected by the distraction of addressing these allegations.”
Nature Leslie MoonvesSept. 9, 2018
President, chairman and chief executive of CBS Corporation
Left CBS after a dozen women accused him of sexual misconduct and retaliating against those who rejected his advances. Mr. Moonves said he “may have made some women uncomfortable” but denied misusing his position “to harm or hinder anyone’s career.”
Joseph Ianniello
President and acting chief executive officer
The Seven Men Whose Positions Are Vacant
Several politicians left their seats vacant, but elections will fill them soon.
See also: Replaced | Not Replaced | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Jack LatvalaNov. 3, 2017
Florida state senator
Resigned after investigation into accusations of groping and sexually harassing multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature John Conyers Jr.Nov. 20, 2017
U.S. representative for Michigan
Resigned after accusations of repeated sexual advances toward female staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Patrick MeehanJan. 20, 2018
U.S. representative for Pennsylvania
Resigned after a report that he used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment complaint by a former aide. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas KettleFeb. 19, 2018
Rhode Island state senator
Resigned after being charged with extorting sex from a student page. He denied the accusations and pleaded not guilty in February.
Nature David SawyerFeb. 23, 2018
Washington State representative
Resigned as commerce committee chairman after an outside investigation found that he made unwanted romantic advances toward a co-worker, for which he apologized. He lost his primary in August.
Nature Duane HallFeb. 28, 2018
North Carolina state representative
Lost his primary after multiple people accused him of sexual innuendo and unwanted sexual advances. He denied the accusations.
Nature Dillon BatesAug. 3, 2018
Maine state representative
Denied accusations of sexual misconduct and stated his intent to serve out his term. Eventually resigned.
The 98 Men Who Have Not Been Replaced
Most lost their jobs or standing and have no clear successors, or their replacements have yet to be named or are unknown.
See also: Replaced | Vacant | Women | Back to Top ↑
Nature Andy SignoreOct. 5, 2017
Senior vice president, Defy Media
Fired after being accused of sexually assaulting one woman and harassing several others. Through a lawyer, he denied all accusations.
Nature Roman PolanskiOct. 13, 2017
Expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences after a woman who said Mr. Polanski sexually assaulted her when she was 10 years old started a petition to remove him. The Los Angeles police opened an investigation into the accusation, which Polanski denied. Polanski previously pleaded guilty to sex with a minor in 1977 and fled the country before sentencing. Over the years, he was accused by six women of sexual abuse, most when they were minors. He has continued to make films in Europe.
Nature Matt MondanileOct. 16, 2017
Founder of Ducktails and former guitarist for the band Real Estate
Plancha, a Japanese label, dropped Ducktails. A tour was canceled after accusations of “touching, kissing, and groping” women without their consent. Mr. Mondanile apologized.
Nature Scott CourtneyOct. 19, 2017
Executive vice president, Service Employees International Union
Resigned amid an investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct among leaders of a union campaign. Several people had complained that Mr. Courtney had a history of sexual relationships with young female staff members, who were later promoted.
Nature Tyler GrashamOct. 20, 2017
Agent at Agency for the Performing Arts
Fired after accusations that he sexually assaulted and harassed multiple young men in the industry, prompting one of his top clients to leave the firm.
Nature James TobackOct. 22, 2017
Director and screenwriter
Dropped by his longtime agent after 38 women accused him of sexual harassment. Mr. Toback has denied the accusations.
Nature Terry RichardsonOct. 23, 2017
Fashion photographer
Banned from working with Condé Nast after accusations of sexual harassment of models. A spokeswoman said his interactions were consensual.
Nature Leon WieseltierOct. 24, 2017
Editor at The New Republic
New magazine was canceled after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate advances by several women. He apologized.
Nature Steve JurvetsonOct. 24, 2017
Co-founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a venture capital firm
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. He has denied the allegations and started his own venture firm.
Nature Knight LandesmanOct. 25, 2017
A publisher of Artforum
Resigned as a publisher of Artforum magazine in October 2017 after nine women accused him in a lawsuit of various forms of sexual harassment. He denied the accusations.
Nature Ken BakerOct. 26, 2017
Journalist for the E! network
Left after two women accused him of sexual harassment.
Nature Kirt WebsterOct. 27, 2017
Music publicist
Numerous clients cut ties after accusations of sexual assault or harassment of multiple people.
Nature Jeremy PivenOct. 30, 2017
His show “Wisdom of the Crowd” was canceled after several women accused him of sexual misconduct. He said the cancellation decision “was a terrible mistake” and has denied accusations.
Nature Paul J. WhalenOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Todd F. HeathertonOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Retired after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired. He acknowledged that he “acted unprofessionally in public at conferences while intoxicated” and apologized.
Nature William M. KelleyOct. 31, 2017
Professor at Dartmouth College
Resigned after an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct recommended that he be fired.
Nature Brett RatnerNov. 1, 2017
Producer and director
Lost a production and financing deal with Warner Bros. after he was accused of sexual assault or harassment by six women. A lawyer for Mr. Ratner denied the accusations.
Nature Danny MastersonNov. 2, 2017
Fired from and written out of a Netflix show, “The Ranch,” after accusations surfaced that he raped four women in the early 2000s. A fifth woman later came forward to accuse Mr. Masterson of rape. He denied the accusations.
Nature David GuillodNov. 2, 2017
Co-chief executive of Primary Wave Entertainment agency
Resigned after accusations of sexual assault from four women. The Santa Barbara County sheriff’s department opened an investigation in December. Mr. Guillod’s attorney denied any criminal conduct.
Nature Adam VenitNov. 3, 2017
Head of the motion picture group at William Morris Endeavor agency
Stepped down as head of the motion picture group and later retired after acknowledging that he groped the actor Terry Crews. Mr. Venit apologized in a letter to Mr. Crews.
Nature Michael HaffordNov. 3, 2017
Freelance writer
Banned from contributing to Vice websites after multiple women reported that he abused or raped them. He had previously written a “Male Feminist” column for the website Broadly. He did not commented on the accusations.
Nature Jeffrey TamborNov. 8, 2017
Fired from the Amazon show “Transparent” after a fellow cast member and a former assistant accused him of sexual harassment on set. He denied any deliberate harassment.
Nature Jesse LaceyNov. 9, 2017
Lead vocals and guitar for the band Brand New
Canceled a tour for his band after sexual misconduct accusations from a woman who said he had exploited her when she was a minor. In a general apology for his behavior, Mr. Lacey said that he had not “afforded women the respect, support or honesty that they deserved.”
Nature Mark SchwahnNov. 11, 2017
Showrunner of “One Tree Hill” and “The Royals”
Fired from “The Royals” after multiple women accused him of sexual harassment. He did not publicly responded to the accusations.
Nature Tom SizemoreNov. 13, 2017
Dropped as male lead from a horror film, “The Door,” after a report that he groped an 11-year-old actress on a movie set in 2003. He denied the accusation and was sued by the actress this year.
Nature Andy HenryNov. 15, 2017
Casting director, Nancy Nayor Casting
Fired after it came to light that he had been dismissed from his role as a casting employee on “C.S.I.” in 2008 after several women said that he had urged them to disrobe during auditions. He apologized. After his departure from Nancy Nayor Casting, a new team was assembled there.
Nature Jason MojicaNov. 15, 2017
Head of documentary films at Vice Media
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment. Mr. Mojica said that he was “deeply disappointed by this outcome.”
Nature Cameron MitchellNov. 17, 2017
Talent agent at Creative Arts Agency
Fired after a lawsuit accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Mitchell has said the accuser was “fabricating her story.”
Nature Russell SimmonsNov. 19, 2017
Co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and other businesses
Stepped down from his companies amid accusations of sexual assault and rape from multiple women. He denied the accusations.
Nature Garrison KeillorNov. 29, 2017
Creator and former host of “A Prairie Home Companion”
Minnesota Public Radio severed ties with him after accusations of inappropriate behavior, later described as “sexually inappropriate incidents.” In April, it returned archived episodes of his programs, “A Prairie Home Companion” and “The Writer’s Almanac,” to its websites. Mr. Keillor recently restarted “The Writer’s Almanac” as a podcast. He denied doing anything wrong.
Nature Israel HorovitzNov. 30, 2017
Playwright and founding artistic director of the Gloucester Stage theater
Fired after accusations of groping, forcibly kissing and rape. Mr. Horovitz said he recalled events differently but apologized.
Nature Justin HuffNov. 30, 2017
Broadway casting director at Telsey & Company
Fired after accusations of sexual misconduct toward actors.
Nature Shervin PishevarNov. 30, 2017
Co-founder of Sherpa Capital, a venture capital firm
Resigned after five women accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching. He said the accusations were “untruthful attacks.”
Nature Ruben KihuenDec. 1, 2017
U.S. representative for Nevada
Decided to not seek re-election after being accused of unwanted sexual propositions. He denied the accusations.
Nature Jonathan SchwartzDec. 6, 2017
Host on WNYC, a station owned by New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Schwartz denied that he had behaved inappropriately. He now hosts a show on a website, The Jonathan Station.
Nature Leonard LopateDec. 6, 2017
Host on New York Public Radio
After complaints of sexual harassment, the company said he was fired for violating standards “for providing an inclusive, appropriate, and respectful work environment.” Mr. Lopate said he had “never done anything inappropriate on any level.” He now hosts a show on the New York FM station WBAI, which is carried as a podcast by the NPR affiliate Robin Hood Radio.
Nature Alex KozinskiDec. 8, 2017
Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Retired after six female subordinates accused him of sexual misconduct or inappropriate comments. He said it was never his intent to make his staff members uncomfortable.
Nature Donovan McNabbDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he sent her explicit messages. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Eric DavisDec. 11, 2017
Radio host on ESPN and former N.F.L. player
Fired by ESPN after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that he groped her and made lewd comments. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Mario BataliDec. 11, 2017
Chef, restaurant owner and co-host of ABC show, “The Chew”
Fired by ABC and was expected to divest from his restaurants after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate touching, by several employees. Two women also accused him of sexual assault. Mr. Batali has apologized for some behavior, but denied accusations of nonconsensual sex.
Nature Marshall FaulkDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network
Suspended, and will not be returning, after a former NFL Network wardrobe stylist said in a lawsuit that Faulk fondled her and pulled out his genitals while demanding oral sex. The lawsuit was settled in September.
Nature Ryan LizzaDec. 11, 2017
Writer for The New Yorker and political analyst for CNN
Fired by The New Yorker and suspended by CNN over an accusation of “improper sexual conduct,” which he denied. He has since returned as a CNN analyst, after a CNN investigation “found no reason to continue to keep Mr. Lizza off the air.” He was hired in June by Esquire as its chief political correspondent.
Nature Heath EvansDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended and then terminated by the network after accusations of sending a co-worker sexually explicit photos. He called the accusations “false.”
Nature Ike TaylorDec. 11, 2017
Analyst for NFL Network and former NFL player
Suspended after accusations of sending a coworker “sexually inappropriate” photos and video. Eventually lost employment at the network.
Nature Ken FriedmanDec. 12, 2017
Chef and restaurateur
Took an indefinite leave of absence after 10 employees accused him of unwanted sexual advances. Mr. Friedman later dissolved his partnership with April Bloomfield and split up ownership of their restaurants.
Nature Tavis SmileyDec. 13, 2017
Host of PBS talk show, “Tavis Smiley”
PBS stopped distributing Mr. Smiley’s show after an investigation found “credible allegations” that he had sexual relationships with subordinates. Some witnesses reportedly expressed concern that their jobs were tied to continuing the relationships, which Mr. Smiley said were consensual. He filed a lawsuit against PBS, and it filed a countersuit, detailing more alleged sexual misconduct. Mr. Smiley now hosts a show on The Word Network.
Nature Brad KernDec. 14, 2017
Producer of “NCIS: New Orleans”
Fired after an investigation into accusations of misconduct including sexual harassment, discrimination and making racially insensitive comments.
Nature Morgan SpurlockDec. 14, 2017
Stepped down from his production company and said he was “part of the problem” in a social media post. He revealed that he had been accused of rape in college and had later settled a separate sexual harassment claim.
Nature Daylin LeachDec. 17, 2017
Pennsylvania state senator
Ended his campaign for Congress after he was accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching by multiple staff members. Mr. Leach denied any inappropriate touching. He remains in the State Senate.
Nature Chuck CloseDec. 20, 2017
The National Gallery of Art canceled a planned exhibition after accusations by several women that Mr. Close sexually harassed them when they went to his studio to pose for him. He said he was sorry if he had made the women feel uncomfortable.
Nature Marcelo GomesDec. 21, 2017
Principal dancer at American Ballet Theater
Resigned after being accused of sexual misconduct. His spokeswoman said, “This is a time of reflection for Marcelo.”
Nature James RosenDec. 22, 2017
Chief Washington correspondent, Fox News
Left after accusations of sexual harassment, including groping and attempted forcible kissing, of female colleagues.
Nature Mike GermanoDec. 23, 2017
Chief digital officer at Vice Media
Placed on leave and did not return after two women accused him of sexual harassment, including pulling one of them onto his lap. Mr. Germano has said he did “not believe that these allegations reflect the company’s culture.”
Nature Rhys JamesDec. 23, 2017
Producer at Vice Media
Vice reached a settlement in early 2017 with a co-worker who accused him of making sexist comments. In the agreement, Vice and Mr. James denied any liability. He was placed on leave in November and no longer works at the company.
Nature David DiazJan. 3, 2018
Children’s book illustrator
Resigned from the board of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators after a woman said that he had sexually harassed her in 2012. Mr. Diaz apologized to the woman and said he underwent sexual harassment training after a complaint that year. He said he felt pressured to resign.
Nature Ben VereenJan. 5, 2018
Actor and singer
A production group cut ties with him after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct, including unwanted kisses and degrading comments. He apologized.
Nature Jeremy TookerJan. 6, 2018
Founder of Four Barrel Coffee
Agreed to divest from the company after accusations of sexual assault by former employees.
Nature Andy SavageJan. 9, 2018
Memphis megachurch pastor
Resigned after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 17. He acknowledged that he engaged in a “sexual incident.”
Nature Joel KramerJan. 13, 2018
Stunt coordinator
Dropped by Worldwide Production Agency after an actress accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 12 during the filming of “True Lies.” He denied the accusation.
Nature Mario Testino Jan. 13, 2018
Fashion photographer
Companies severed ties after 13 male models accused him of sexual advances, including groping and masturbation. He has denied wrongdoing.
Nature Gordon EdelsteinJan. 22, 2018
Artistic director, Long Wharf Theater
Fired after multiple women accused him of unwanted sexual contact and sexually explicit remarks. He did not publicly address the accusations.
Nature Barry LubinJan. 23, 2018
Grandma the clown at Big Apple Circus
Resigned after admitting that he pressured a teenage girl to pose for pornographic pictures.
Nature Alexander JonesJan. 25, 2018
Sunday editor, The New York Daily News
Fired after accusations of sexual harassment by employees, including unwanted kissing.
Nature Patrick WittyJan. 29, 2018
Deputy director of photography at National Geographic
Left in December. In January, multiple women publicly accused him of sexual harassment, including unwanted touching and kissing. He denied the accusations but apologized for some behavior.
Nature Charlie WalkJan. 29, 2018
President of the Republic Group music label
Left after at least six women accused him of persistent sexual harassment and inappropriate touching. He denied the accusations.
Nature Vincent CirrincioneFeb. 2, 2018
Talent manager
Closed his management agency after nine women accused him of unwanted sexual advances. He apologized but described the interactions as consensual.
Nature Bradley GarnerFeb. 6, 2018
Professor at New York University and promotional musician for Yamaha
The university and Yamaha both severed ties with Mr. Garner after a report that nine students and two other women had accused him of sexual misconduct when he taught at the University of Cincinnati. He denied the accusations.
Nature Daniel ZwerdlingFeb. 6, 2018
Investigative reporter at NPR
Retired after accusations of sexual harassment from six current and former interns and staff members. He denied the accusations.
Nature Alec KleinFeb. 7, 2018
Professor of journalism at Northwestern University
Resigned after accusations of sexual harassment, including inappropriate remarks and unwanted touching, brought by nearly 30 women. He denied wrongdoing.
Nature James DashnerFeb. 7, 2018
Author of “The Maze Runner” series
Dropped by Random House and his literary agent amid accusations of sexual misconduct. He said, “I am taking any and all criticisms and accusations very seriously, and I will seek counseling and guidance to address them.”
Nature Sean HutchisonFeb. 8, 2018
Olympic swimming coach
Banned from U.S. Olympic activities after an investigation by a governing body found that he had sexual contact with a minor. Ariana Kukors Smith, a swimmer, said he had sexually abused her when she was a teenager. He denied any abuse and said they had a consensual relationship starting when she was of legal age.
Nature Jim WalshFeb. 13, 2018
Co-founder of the political consulting firms DSPolitical and Rising Tide Interactive
Resigned from his consulting firms after a woman said he had sexually assaulted her a decade ago. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Jay AsherFeb. 14, 2018
Author of “Thirteen Reasons Why”
Dropped by his literary agent and expelled from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators amid accusations of sexual harassment. A spokeswoman for Mr. Asher said that he had not been kicked out of the society and that he denied any harassment.
Nature Greg KadelFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Victoria’s Secret suspended its work with Mr. Kadel, and Condé Nast cut ties after sexual misconduct accusations from models who said he harassed and assaulted them when they were teenagers. A spokeswoman for Mr. Kadel said he “never sexually coerced or assaulted anyone.”
Nature Patrick DemarchelierFeb. 16, 2018
Fashion photographer
Condé Nast stopped working with Mr. Demarchelier after seven women accused him of unwanted sexual advances and groping. He denied the accusations.
Nature Michael FeinbergFeb. 22, 2018
Co-founder of KIPP, a chain of charter schools
Dismissed after an investigation found credible an accusation that he sexually abused a student. He denied the accusation.
Nature Richard MeierMarch 13, 2018
Took a leave from his firm and then stepped down after several former employees said he had exposed himself to them or touched them inappropriately. At first he said, “while our recollections may differ, I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended,” and then later said that he didn’t recognize the women and that “people can say whatever they want.”
Nature Mike IsabellaMarch 19, 2018
Chef and owner of Mike Isabella Concepts restaurant group
After a woman accused Mr. Isabella and his partners of sexually harassing her, he lost business with the Washington Nationals, and Know Public Relations, the firm that represented him, severed ties. He has not resigned and has denied any wrongdoing.
Nature Nicholas NixonMarch 24, 2018
Professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Retired amid a school investigation into accusations of inappropriate behavior. Soon after, former students accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior, including assignments to photograph genitalia. He apologized to some students, though his lawyer said the accusations were “untested and unproven.”
Nature William D. StrampelMarch 26, 2018
Former dean of Michigan State University’s osteopathic medical school
Resigned from faculty after being arrested on charges of sexual harassment of students. He denied the accusations. For years, Dr. Strampel supervised Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar, a longtime U.S.A. Gymnastics team doctor who pleaded guilty in November to molesting girls.
Nature John KricfalusiMarch 29, 2018
Creator of “The Ren & Stimpy Show”
Cartoon Network and Adult Swim do not plan on working with him in the future, after accusations that he had sexually exploited teenage girls. He denied most of the accusations, but admitted to Buzzfeed that he had had a 16-year-old girlfriend.
Nature Benton StrongApril 23, 2018
Former mayoral spokesman and adviser in Seattle’s sustainability office
Resigned after accusations that he made sexual comments and sent text messages to two women at a previous job. He said he has “made mistakes.”
Nature Justin ParishApril 24, 2018
Alaska state representative
Took mandated sexual harassment training after a woman filed a complaint of unwanted flirting, unwanted touching and inappropriate phone calls. He declined to seek re-election.
Nature Nick MiccarelliMay 5, 2018
Pennsylvania state representative
Stripped of committee assignments and decided not to run for re-election after a House investigation found accusations of sexual assault and abuse from two women to be credible. He denied the accusations.
Nature Roy FrumkesMay 8, 2018
Professor at School of Visual Arts
Removed from his position after lawsuit settlements to four women who accused him of making lewd comments and groping.
Nature Jonathan KaimanMay 16, 2018
Beijing bureau chief at The Los Angeles Times
Resigned after two women accused him of sexual misconduct. He disputed the accusations, calling the acts in one episode “mutually consensual.”
Nature Mohamed MuqtarMay 17, 2018
Assistant director of student services at University of California, Berkeley
Fired after multiple female athletes accused him of sexual assault and misconduct. He did not comment on the accusations.
Nature Robert HaufrechtMay 18, 2018
Instructor at School of Visual Arts
Was suspended and his contract was not renewed, in response to concerns raised by students, one of whom said he showed her unwanted attention, commented on her appearance and told her in class to rehearse suggestive scenarios.
Nature Nate BoultonMay 23, 2018
Iowa state senator
Suspended his campaign for governor after accusations that he touched three women inappropriately. He remains an Iowa state senator.
Nature Morgan FreemanMay 24, 2018
Actor and producer
Visa suspended a marketing campaign featuring Mr. Freeman after eight people accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. Mr. Freeman apologized, saying that he would not “intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy.”
Nature Lou LangMay 31, 2018
Illinois state representative
Resigned as deputy House majority leader after accusations of sexual harassment, which he called “absurdities.” Mr. Lang was later cleared by an inspector general inquiry that acknowledged he acted inappropriately. He remains a state representative.
Nature Curt AndersonJune 14, 2018
Maryland state delegate
Ordered to undergo sexual harassment training and stripped of leadership posts after an ethics committee investigation into accusations of sexual misconduct. He said the actions taken against him were “fair” and is running for re-election.
Nature Francisco J. AyalaJune 29, 2018
Professor and benefactor of the University of California, Irvine
Resigned after an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment. The university said it would remove his name from a school, fellowships and other programs. Dr. Ayala said he regretted what he thought of as “the good manners of a European gentleman.”
Nature William PreucilJuly 26, 2018
Cleveland Orchestra concertmaster and professor at Cleveland Institute of Music
The Cleveland Orchestra suspended him after accusations of sexual misconduct, and it opened an investigation that was continuing as of early October. One of four concertmasters has been stepping in to fill his role. Mr. Preucil resigned from his teaching position at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Nature Chase FinlaySept. 5, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging lewd texts and photos of female dancers; he resigned. His lawyer called the suit “nothing more than allegations that should not be taken as fact.”
Nature Zachary CatazaroSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused in a lawsuit of exchanging a lewd photo and text messages about female dancers; he was fired. He said “the intent was not to harm or embarrass anyone.”
Nature Amar RamasarSept. 15, 2018
Principal dancer, New York City Ballet
Accused of exchanging lewd text messages and explicit photos of a female dancer; he was fired. His lawyer said the messages involved only his own consensual activity.
Nature Adam BerkowitzSept. 25, 2018
Co-head of television at Creative Artists Agency
Departed days after he is said to have groped a television executive at an Emmys party. He did not comment on the accusation.
The Three Women Who Lost Jobs
Over all, few women have faced accusations of misconduct in the #MeToo era, but several who did also faced employment consequences.
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Nature Cristina Garcia Feb. 9, 2018
California state assemblywoman
Removed from committee posts amid sexual harassment accusations from a former legislative staff member. An investigation initially found no wrongdoing, but it was reopened after an appeal. Ms. Garcia has denied the accusations and is running for a fourth term.
Al Muratsuchi
Acting chairman of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee
Susan Talamantes Eggman
Acting chairwoman of the California Legislative Women’s Caucus
Nature Andrea RamseyDec. 15, 2017
Candidate for U.S. House seat in Kansas
Ended campaign after accusations that she had sexually harassed, and then fired, a former subordinate. She denied the accusations.
Nature Asia ArgentoAug. 19, 2018
Actress and director
Removed as a judge on “X Factor Italy” after reports that she sexually assaulted and then paid off a 17-year-old former co-star in California. She denied the accusations. CNN also pulled episodes of “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” featuring Ms. Argento from its streaming service.
Read More | https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/23/us/metoo-replacements.html | Audrey Carlsen, Maya Salam, Claire Cain Miller, Denise Lu, Ash Ngu, Jugal K. Patel, Zach Wichter
Nature #MeToo Brought Down 201 Powerful Men. Women Are Nearly Half of Their Replacements., in 2018-10-23 11:53:42
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