drippinart · 1 year
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meadowl06 · 4 years
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this is Why Don’t We
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justaphangirl07 · 4 years
English Love Affair: Part 1 (Corbyn Besson)
(A/N: Just for this imagine, Corbyn isn’t dating Christina)
Monday 22nd October 2019 - Birmingham
I sigh once more, as I scroll through my Instagram whilst I stand in line
I’ve been stood in line for some meet and greet with my best friend Saskia for about 15 minutes now
We ended up being a little bit later, that Saskia would of liked and we ended up being nearly last in line
Which Saskia proceeded to tell me “could be bad because what if a fan has annoyed them and they are annoyed for the rest of the meet and greet”
Or something like that
This all started back in May...
I’m currently laying on my bed, jamming to some 5 Seconds of Summer playing through my headphones
When suddenly my music is interrupted by the sound of the facetime ringtone is coming through my ears
I see that “Sas💙 would like the facetime” has popped up on my screen
So I press accept and once it connects all I hear is screaming
“Bloody hell, 1. can you stop screaming in my ears and 2. you got meet and greet tickets to 5 seconds of summer?! I didn’t know they was going on tour!” I say
“Saskia, please stop screaming! I get it, your excited!” I tell her
“Also, that is that American band you like isn’t it?” I continue to say
Saskia rolls her eyes
“Y/N, I don’t just like them, I love them! Meeting them will be the best day of my life!” she exclaims
I sigh
“So why I am I getting dragged to meet them? I don’t even listen to them” I mumble
“Because Y/N, you are my best friend and you would do anything for me” she says with a smile
“Fine, I’ll go but what’s in it for me?” I ask knowing that I won’t be able to say no to my best friend
“How about after the concert, I take you to that new club in town and we can have a few drinks! Let’s call it a late birthday drinks for our 21st birthdays” Saskia suggests
I hum as I think about it
Saskia turns 21 in mid September, whilst I turned 21 in early October
“Alright, I’ll go but your buying my first drink and a round of shots” I tell her with a chuckle
“Done! This is going to be the best day ever!” she exclaims once again into FaceTime 
What have I signed myself up for?
That brings us back to present day
Over the now shorter like of excited fangirls, I can see 5 guys stood together stood next to each other
“I am so excited to meet them!” Saskia tells me, as I can practically see her buzzing with excitement
“I can tell” I say with a smile
The plan I have in my head is that, when Saskia goes to get her picture with them, I will just walk past and wait for her
I don’t really have a desire to meet them, as I am not really a fan of them
Not long later, it is now our turn to go and meet them
“Come on Y/N” she mumbles to me 
As she walks towards them, I split off from her and try to slip past the boys when a voice stops me
“Hey, where are you going?”
“Hey, where are you going?” I call out to a girl that is just walking past us
I saw her stood with her friend in line before her friend came and stood with us, whilst she walked away
“No offence, but I’m not a massive fan of you guys, so I am just going to let my friend get a photo with you whilst I step aside” she explains brutally
I put my hand on my chest in fake shock 
“Well now I am offended, so you better come and get in this photo with us” I say opening up my arms towards her, so she can stand next to me
She sighs before she walks back to me
I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her close to me
Daniel, Jonah and Zach wrap their arms around each others shoulders, whilst Jack wraps both his arms around the other girl tightly and hugs her
The photo is taken and soon enough the girl, that I had in my arms, is now walking away
Without so much as a bye, I sigh as I watch her walk away
I turn to see the other girls finally pulling away from her hug with Jack and follows after her friend
“You ok?” I hear a voice that I recognise to be Jonah ask
I shrug
“Yeah let’s just finish this up” I mumble before the next fans walk up to meet us
I’m kinda disappointed that she isn’t a fan of us
I let out a few deep breaths before I take a drink from my water bottle
We just finished our show in Birmingham and we just jogged back to the dressing room to burn off some of the on stage adrenaline
“That was an incredible show!” Zach exclaims
“Well the British always do go hard” Daniel chuckles
Out of the corner of my eye, I see something fall to the floor
I turn and walk to pick it up before opening the folded piece of paper in my hands
I read it before I feel a smile grown on my face
“What is it Corbs?” Jack asks
“Boys I think we found just the place to visit tonight” I tell them
Part 2 Coming Soon
(This is in honour of Why Don’t We coming back, honestly I’m so excited to see what they do next!)
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youngbloodseavey · 6 years
sleeping beauty // daniel seavey
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request: nah but i saw this pic of daniel on tumblr last night and was immediately inspired so here’s this short little fluffy thingy
pairing: daniel x reader
triggers: none
“daniel? babe, you got to get up,” you lightly shook your boyfriend, who was dead asleep on the sofa. it was already past two in the morning, and you had just got back from your night shift at the hospital that you were doing your residency in.
daniel didn’t respond to your words, instead snuggling his cheek farther into the couch cushion he was using as a pillow.
you had to admit, he looked like an angel while he was sleeping. his eyelashes fanned across the top of his cheeks, his lips turned up in a slight smile. he was at peace when he was asleep. all the worries and stresses that accumulated in him throughout the day disappeared, leaving only the soft, carefree boy that you had fallen so deeply in love with.
“c’mon babe, let’s go to bed.” you ran your hands through his hair, the strands like silk between your fingers. you leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, causing daniel to stir in his slumber.
“y/n?” his voice was soft and groggy, and his eyes slowly opened to reveal a cerulean color that was clouded with sleep. daniel slowly pushed himself upright, rubbing his cheek where it was previously pressed against the couch.
“hey there sleeping beauty,” you teased, admiring the disheveled state of your sleepy boyfriend.
his clothes were askew, the simple t-shirt and joggers that he was wearing looking completely wrinkled. his hair was nothing short of a complete mess, tangled and matted down to his forehead. the skin on his face was pink where it was pressed down into the sofa, and his eyelids drooped ever so slightly from waking up.
he was a mess, but god, he was the most beautiful mess you had ever laid your eyes on.
“when did you get here?” he mumbled, lifting his hands to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
“only a few minutes ago.” you replied, gently moving a stray strand of hair away from daniel’s face. “you were so deep in sleep that i wasn’t even sure if you were breathing,” you let out a laugh.
“wait, i fell asleep? shit,” daniel groaned, running a hand through his hair which worsened it’s state. “i wanted to stay up and wait for you, but i guess i dozed off while trying to figure out some lyrics.” he gestured to the array of papers and his guitar that was laying on the coffee table.
“i try and be romantic and this is what happens,” he grumbled to himself, causing you to let out another laugh.
“well you know how you can make it up to me?” his face lit up at your words. “if you came with me to bed and we could go to sleep.” you proposed, eliciting a light laugh from the blue eyed boy.
“deal.” he took your hand in his, standing up from his spot on the couch. he stretched, a yawn escaping his mouth before he began pulling you towards your shared bedroom.
you went to quickly change from your scrubs into your pajamas, returning to see daniel already sound asleep on the bed.
you smiled to yourself, shaking your head sightly as you slid into bed next to him. he instinctually cuddled into your side, causing your insides to melt into a puddle of mush.
“goodnight sleeping beauty.”
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lavandersposts · 5 years
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reggies-bitch · 5 years
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Thinking of turning this into a Why Don't We fan account, since 'Andi Mack' and more Specifically Tyrus is no longer giving us new episodes, so i can't keep a fan account for a ship/tv show that we no longer get content for. So yeah i'm thinking of rebranding, and turning this into a Why Don't We fan account.
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potatofantiger · 5 years
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So I made an edit....
Idk enjoy it plz
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renjunniex · 5 years
do you ever want to start a youtube channel but then think you'd be too boring for it? yeah, that's me.
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jackshappiness · 6 years
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jonah marais — christmas
merry christmas! ❤️🎄
@whydontwelovely this is the last one, i promise!
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Why Don’t We
Yes This Is my first post, i wanted to talk abt all the hate wdw has been getting. So...This fandom has been really falling apart recently 1. zach has been getting hate for being “fat”-he’s not fat guys hes muscular 2.daniel has been getting hate for his leg hair-the fact that hes getting hated  on for something that everyone has or had is NOT OK he has a choice to shave and if he doesn't want to he doesn’t have to.   
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I am going to officially start writing for Why Don’t We
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namjohfam19-blog · 6 years
Thanks for the retweet Christina 💞
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youngbloodseavey · 5 years
the last time we kissed // daniel seavey
request: can it be something where you're dating daniel but he just kind of forgets about you because of how busy he is and it just becomes really distanced?
summary: y/n is tired of being daniel’s last priority, and after he forgets their anniversary, she tells him exactly how she feels.
pairing: daniel x fem!reader
triggers: hella angst and cursing, some? alcohol
i changed the prompt a little bit but i feel like it still stays true to it at the same time?? so enjoy lol and i hope i didn’t disappoint
y/n looked down at her phone for what felt like the umpteenth time in the past few hours, seeing the same exact text splayed across her screen.
no new notifications
she groaned, resisting the temptation to chuck her phone across and room and into the wall. it had been three hours since she had last heard from him. three whole ass hours. where the hell was he?
her eyes glanced up at the clock, seeing that it was now 9 o’clock. two hours past when daniel was supposed to show up for dinner at her apartment. tears of frustration began to well up in her eyes, threatening to smudge the mascara that she had carefully applied just for this occasion a few hours prior.
she hastily wiped away the tears before they fell, restraining herself for calling her boyfriend for the twentieth time that night.
happy two year anniversary to me. she thought, rolling her eyes and getting up to grab the bottle of wine that she had placed out for dinner. it wasn’t going to be drank anytime soon, so might as well drink it now right?
she grabbed a wine glass out of the cabinet, pouring herself a generous amount of the burgundy liquid before settling back on the couch. she took a sip, breathing deeply before settling back down on the couch. y/n grabbed the remote, flipping through channels before settling on a random reality tv show. it wasn’t like she was actually going to watch it, the show was just on to momentarily distract her from the anger and hurt that was building up in her chest.
the meal that she had so carefully cooked and laid out had been left cold on the table, looking just as cold and sad as she was.
10 o’clock.
that’s when y/n heard the lock on the front door turn, and she looked over to see a tired and disheveled daniel walk through the door. he didn’t even bother greeting his girlfriend, instead beginning to trudge straight to their bedroom to go to sleep. but despite his wish to go to bed, y/n had other ideas on how to spend their glorious two year anniversary.
“where the hell have you been?” y/n’s voice was stone cold, and you could practically smell the anger radiating off her body. he barely even mustered up the energy turned around and look her in the eye.
“i was at the studio.” he deadpanned, turning back around to begin the trek to bed again.
“and you couldn’t bother to send me a quick text to tell me that? because to me it just seems that you’re completely okay with leaving me in the dark.” she crossed her arms and stared accusingly at the boy. 
“i don’t have to tell you where i am all the time y/n. you know i’ve been super busy lately, i thought you understood.” his tone began to rise, and he whipped around to give the girl an annoyed look.
“i do understand! but when you leave me wondering if you were alive or not for three hours, i feel like i have a reason to be angry.” she snapped, her face furrowing into a deep frown. daniel sighed exasperatedly, anger beginning to bubble up in his own stomach.
“you’re so damn dramatic! you need to calm the hell down and then we can talk in the morning. i’m fucking tired.” he snapped back, his normally clear eyes turning a dark, stormy blue. he turned his back on her again, succeeding in only fueling her fire.
“tell me what day it is today.” y/n said steadily, but her tone was like fire and ice all at the same time.
“what? why?” daniel’s stopped in his tracks, his previously angry tone replaced with a confused one.
“tell. me. what. day. it. is.” she narrowed her eyes at the boy, her steely tone sending shivers down his spine.
“friday?” he offered, but only seemed to make her even more furious. y/n could feel the anger in the pit of her stomach, the feeling so intense that she felt on the verge of tears.
“no. tell me the date.” daniel had never heard y/n sound so serious, and the anger he had felt merely 30 seconds ago had melted into something close to fear.
“it’s april 5th-” he paused, the realization hitting him like a train. “oh.”
“yeah, oh.” y/n snapped, taking a step closer to daniel. “happy fucking two year anniversary daniel.”
“y/n i-” he started reaching out to y/n but she took a step away.
“no. don’t even try. i sit here and wait almost every night for you, looking at my phone to see if you even bother to send a quick text that you were going to be late. it’s not just tonight, it’s every single fucking night. and i’m sick and tired of it. i get that you’re busy, i get that you have work, but that doesn’t mean you have to treat me like the dirt under your feet.” y/n became louder and more passionate with each word she uttered, the words flowing out of her mouth with ease. she had been keeping them in for so long, it was almost a relief to finally have them in the open.
“i wait here for you, but the moment you come home you immediately just go to bed. it’s almost as if i’m a ghost to you! it’s like i’m fucking invisible and i’m tired of it.” she took in a deep breath, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.
“y/n, i never wanted to make you feel that way, i-i don’t know what to say,” daniel whispered, his body filling to the brim with guilt.
“tell me the last time we had dinner together.”
“i-” daniel racked his brain, but was left speechless as he couldn’t come up with even an idea of an answer.
“or the last time we went on a date.”
“well,” god, was he this oblivious?
“or the last time we kissed.”
“i-” he sighed, casting his eyes down to the floor. “i don’t know.”
“exactly, you don’t know.” warm, salty tears began to trickle down y/n’s cheeks, but she did nothing to stop them. “the last time we ate dinner together was a month ago.” she took a few steps closer to him. “the last date we went on? over three months ago.” she took another few steps. “and the last time we kissed?” she took a final step, resulting in her being a mere foot away from daniel’s paralyzed form.
“two weeks ago.”
daniel was speechless. wow, he was such a dickhead.
“y/n, i-” she cut him off, not wanting to hear a single ounce of bullshit that was going to come out of his mouth.
“i don’t want to even hear it anymore. you lost your chance daniel. and i’m tired of being invisible to you. i’m tired of being your last priority. i’m fucking done.” she took one last look into his eyes, which had turned back to their normal, clear blue color. but this time, they had tears brimming on the edges.
y/n turned around, knowing that if she looked for one more second into those beautiful eyes that she would fall in love again. and she couldn’t. she couldn’t go back after everything she said, after everything he had done to her. she grabbed her purse off of the couch, taking a second to wipe away her tears before making her way to the front door.
“y/n, wait,” she was interrupted as her hand went to turn the door knob, and a hand was placed on her shoulder. she spun around, expecting foul words or a final insult.
but she was instead greeted with his soft, pink lips being pressed on hers, leaving her absolutely shocked. he pulled away after a second or two, a sad smile painted on his face as the tears began to roll down his cheeks.
“i wanted to make sure that the last time we kissed wasn’t two weeks ago.” daniel whispered, before reaching behind her and opening up the door. “i love you y/n, and i’m sorry i ever treated you that way. you deserve so much better than me. i’m sorry.”
y/n felt her breath caught in her throat, and it took every single ounce of strength in her body not to jump into his arms and press her lips to his.
“goodbye daniel.”
“bye y/n.”
and she walked out, closing the door behind her.
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lavandersposts · 5 years
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undecidedpostsstuff · 6 years
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burning6agony · 6 years
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