#Who's taht in the back? Anyone gonna pretend?
Adding to the “Velvette is the glue of the Vees” convo (and possible slightly out of character interpretation)
I feel like Vox and Valentino definitely need somebody to confide in other than a fuck-buddy y’know?
Like just a (somewhat) stable friend or business partner no sex involved
…Who they’ll sometimes cuddle on the couch with and bitch about their day to each other
I hc Velvette in all her independent girlboss glory can grow clingy towards those she’s attached herself to - that being Vox and Valentino
Say Vox and Val have an argument Velvette wasn’t around for, so they’re both pissed at each other - Velvette comes to their little shared common space, completely drained from work and drapes herself over whoever is there
Valentino; will immediately start bitching to her but also scoop her up and plop on the couch, maybe get some snacks and drinks as they both recharge
Vox; stays quiet - doesn’t like talking after an argument but will do something similar, maybe go into his office instead to stalk someone while having Velvette in his lap. Velvette is just there doom scrolling on her phone or taking a nap while Vox rubs her back
Whoever Velvette runs into first - she can sense the argument happened. So once she’s recharged and taken care of herself - she’ll text them something stupid like “Can’t sleep. Come here. Now.” without telling Vox or Valentino that the other one will be there - both of them go in her room and are - pissed lol
(Think of that Spongebob episode where Squidward tries to make Patrick and SpongeBob be friends again 💀)
But yeah uhmmm Velvette’s gonna 1. Address the issue directly 2. Force both Vox and Valentino to sleep with her bc she’s too tired to deal with them but will force them into the awkward situation cause she wants the entertainment
If scenario 2 happens Velvette is obviously sandwiched in between Vox and Valentino while they stare at each other angrily. Whoever speaks way too loud first gets punched by Velvette (happens multiple times) so they’re forced to quietly “discuss their issues” while Velvette is playing dumb and pretending to sleep - eventually things do work out and they all fall asleep
I don’t even know where I was going with this it’s incredibly disorganized I just like ranting about the Vees help - love silly Velvette headcanons where she’s the one who’s in control I guess lol
I totally agree with like half of what you've written - with the part taht Vox and Valentino both need someone to confide with. None of them has a lot of opportunities to be just comfortable with another person. Sure they have each other but romantic relatisohips are often more "loaded" than frienships and while they can grant deeper connection, they also generate greater tension. That's why lifelong frienships are way more common than lifelong romances.
But I don't find the idea of Velvette's infantilization appealing, sorry. She strikes me as a person who craves to be feared and respected, to the level that it feels almost like overcompesating for her young age (compared to other Overlords) and non-threatening form. I don't see why would she allow anyone, even her friends to treat her like a plushie. Especially when those friends are power hungry maniacs who nutoriously prey on people they see as weaker.
That doesn't mean I think your headcanon is wrong or bad. It just doesn't allign with my own interpretation. Which is perfectly fine, they can't even be compared in their accuracy in relation to canon because we barely have any canon. So please, don't take it personally - I love you have fun with your ideas, that's the most important part of fandom <3
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lightsupinthenorth · 4 years
Harringrove teachers AU part 1
I finally started writing the Harringrove teachers AU I keep talking about lmao. 
Tag list: @twoprettyboys, @inkedplume​, @marianaosborne​, @liglitterbug​, @hmg621​
If anyone wants to be added to or taken off the tag list for the (hypothetical) future posts of this AU, let me know ;)
Billy was close to vibrating out of his skin with nerves, but as Max exited her bedroom and sat down in front of him at the kitchen table, he relaxed his face into his usual indifferent mask and pretended he didn’t have a care in the world.
“What’s up, shitbird?” 
She only groaned in reply. She was still a bit mad at him for making them move from California to Indiana, but Billy hadn’t had much choice in the matter. Schools ready to hire someone like Billy as an English teacher weren’t that common. To look at the bright side, at least Neil was far away from them and wouldn’t cause any trouble. Max knew all that, hypothetically, but having to leave her friends had been tough on her.
“Slept well?”
“Fine…” She grumbled.
“Wow, aren’t you in a radiant mood on this fine morning.”
Max rolled her eyes.
He knew he should just stop needling her and leave her to sulk in peace until he had to get to his first teachers meeting to prepare the upcoming school year. However, focusing on her allowed him to not focus on himself, and that was exactly what he needed at that moment.
Max started staring at him, then, and a smile slowly spread across her face. Billy, who had been fidgeting unconsciously with his empty coffee cup, stopped moving all together, which only served to make him appear more suspicious.
“Are you nervous?” She asked, with a teasing glint in her eyes.
Of course, it took making fun of Billy to lighten her mood. Billy sighed. What had his life come to? He was being mocked by a fifteen-year-old wearing neon pink unicorn pajamas and sporting a rather severe case of bed head (that’s what she got for not asking him to braid her hair before bed).
“Pff, no.” He scoffed.
According to the way Max’s smile widened, it wasn’t a convincing answer. How could he have thought he’d be able to fool her?
Billy turned away from her to fetch the carton of orange juice from the fridge. A stray lock of hair fell in front of his eyes and he tucked it behind his ear. His day hadn’t even properly started that his bun was already falling apart.
“It’s going to be fine, you know that right?”
“Yeah. Thank you for these words of wisdom.”
Billy sounded sarcastic, but he was actually grateful that Max was trying to reassure him.
“Are you going to wear that, though?”
Billy instantly looked down at his outfit. He had put on a short-sleeved blue button-down, jeans with no hole in them, and shoes that were not sneakers. That was the best he could do with what he had in his closet.
“Yeah, why? What’s wrong with it?” He asked.
“Nothing, nothing. You look good.”
Max sounded like she was holding something back, and Billy wouldn’t have it.
“Come on, just tell me.”
“Okay fine… You sure about the short sleeves? People are gonna stare.”
She had a point. Billy had been planning on wearing long sleeves, as he had for his job interview, but it was a hot day. Scorching hot. Billy was already in danger of sweating gallons because of stress, he didn’t need the heat on top of that. Anyway, he wasn’t going to hide his tattoos all year. They might be a bit much for a first meeting, but well… at least he had taken off most of his piercings.
Billy shrugged. 
“I can deal with that.”
He regretted his misplaced confidence as soon as he got out of his car and set foot on the concrete of the Hawkins High parking lot. Max had been right, people were going to stare. Usually, he liked having people stare at him, but not in the way his new coworkers were certainly going to. He wanted to have eyes on him because he looked good… not because he looked unprofessional.
He had a jacket in the trunk of his car, but if he arrived at the meeting clad in a thick black leather jacket when it was ninety-five degrees out, people would take him for a weirdo, which was maybe worse than them taking him for a fraud. Fraud it was, then.
He stumbled upon a young woman smoking outside the main building and tried to hide his uneasiness as she appraised him.
“Hi! Are you the new teacher? William, is it?” She asked him with a bright smile. 
“Uh… yeah. Please, just call me Billy.”
She shook his extended hand.
“Heather, I teach PE”, she said as she stubbed her cigarette out, “come with me.”  
Billy followed her, glad taht she had apparently taken him under her wing. Now he didn’t have to look for the teachers lounge. It was one less thing to worry over. 
As they entered the room, Billy’s senses were assaulted by the smell of coffee and the jumble of ongoing conversations.
He’d barely known her for two minutes, but Heather was like a lifeline in this unfamiliar and overwhelming place. She pointed at someone who was reading a book in one of the chairs closest to the door.
“Here is my friend Robin.”  
As they approached her, she got up to hug Heather and then shake Billy’s hand. She looked down at his arms and stared for a few seconds. Billy braced himself for a negative comment, but what he got instead was “nice tatts”.
He was going to ask her what subject she taught, but Heather talked first.
“Is Steve not there yet?”  
“He is! Murray has just been talking his ears off ever since he got there.” Robin gestured toward the other side of the room.
“Ouch”, Heather winced, “conspiration theories again?”
“You know it”, she confirmed.
“Why haven’t you rescued the poor boy?”
Robin cackled.
“Felt like being a little mean.”  
“Well, I’m gonna help him. Because, unlike you, I’m a good friend.” Heather said, before leaving in the direction Robin had indicated.
“So, William –“
“Sorry, Billy. Is it your first year of teaching?”
“Are you nervous?”
What was it with people asking him this question today?
Billy shrugged, hoping he would be able to deceive Robin’s assessing eyes. He had a reputation to uphold… well, to build and then to uphold.
“Not particularly.”
“Cool.” She said, frowning slightly.
She seemed to doubt him. She would have been right to, but Billy found it outrageous nonetheless. He could deal with Max seeing right through his bullshit. She was his sister. Robin, on the other hand, was only a coworker. One he had met less than five minutes ago, at that..This could not fly! 
Thankfully, Heather got back to them before Robin could interrogate him any further. Billy looked behind her to greet the Steve guy they had mentioned, but he couldn’t even get a “hello” out. All the air was punched out of his lungs.
The man was so gorgeous that Billy got a little weak in the knees, even though he wasn’t easy to impress.
The guy was all prim and proper, which wasn’t usually Billy’s type. It shouldn’t have worked for him, but it did. Oh God, it did. The contrast between the guy’s preppy clothing style and his messy soft-looking hair did things to Billy.
There was a wide smile on Steve’s face, but it slowly faded into a straight line as he gave Billy a onceover. Great… he was a judgmental asshole. Just Billy’s luck. Of course, he couldn’t be that pretty and be nice too. That wouldn’t have been fair to the average person.
Billy could see Steve quickly hiding his discomfort behind a smile. He noticed how it was less bright and sincere than his earlier one, too.
“Hi… I’m Steve, nice to meet you.”
Billy considered ignoring Steve’s extended hand, but he didn’t want to get in trouble with any of his coworkers before the school year had even started, so he sucked it up. If Steve could pretend he didn’t hold Billy in contempt, Billy could pretend he didn’t think Steve was an asshole.
He’d just avoid the guy as much as he could. Teachers weren’t obligated to spend that much time together, anyway. It wouldn’t be that hard.
Would it?
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stillwooozy · 4 years
tw rape ig but no one reads this diary blog
But does anyone else.... FORGET they were raped? Like not repressed trauma/memories (i... really dont believe that to say the least.....) but just..... i push it so far away that something ovious needs to push the knowledge forward
ive been in some shitty sitautions jfc. the only reason i can type this rn is cuz im numb cuz if drugs
Anyways i was raped twice and almost raped once. well once i dont remmeber cuz i was drugged but ik i was raped. and like ... it sucks man. It really does. i acknowledge those experiences probably fucked me up more than i give them credit. A part of me does blme myself tho, which ofc isnt “right” but i cant help it. I put myself into dangerous situations knowing the full possibilties. I liked the thrill. It added excitement and made me feel imporant when i felt if everyone hated me
Like no one knows. I feel like no one understands. My choices led to my experiences, and its just humiliating. Idk why im thinking of this now
No i know. Its cuz im hypersexual and asexual at the same time. And i have no more close friends. Im lonely. And i cant keep relationships.
I feel like my experience/life is normal. And the sad part is i think it is.
I hold 0 spite towards # me-too to clarify. I dont even want ppl to address men rape cuz gay men are villianized like taht. Countless times gay men, gay fucking boys, are “canceled” for bullshit they never did cuz straight ppl are so afraid of gay guys. But its not being gay that is the problem. Its just so many men. Its a society taht treats mentally ill like trash& has a toddlers understanding of consent. Cuz to truly value consent... u have to go against a lot of the status quo
Im just angry at my younger self. Why did i purposefully put myself in danger? I know why. Its just gonna hurt for a while. Been years now .
No.. it doesnt hurt it just negatively impacts me.
And i cant fcking speak about
Or tecnically i can but come on. I am surrounded by emough shame and humilitation around me. Im mentally fucked and king of bad decisions. Even therapists get weirded out. Even good ones. Not weirded out, just.... unable to address it.
I can understand genocide more than rape. Like actual rape. Like i was held at knife point. Wish i was making up some fun story. Who tf gets pleasure from that?????? Just sign up on fetlife and find a partner and roleplay. U dont need to ruin a 16 yr old boy and take away his dignity. I hate it. There are si many other power games to play???
I like.. just push the mmeory away. I walk by the gay bar where i happened in the bathroom for the first time and i barely flinch. I pretend it was a dream ya know, like hahah so pathetic of me. Having my drink spiked was better. it was just so horrible waking up the next day in a strange apartment and the man was like... nonchallent. He didnt say ANYTGHING and it delt like i was in a horror movie cuz he coukd if killed me, he could of done snuthing, i hate jo idea what haooened ro my body and i just left. Snd somethimes i think i see him but ik its not i just can barely remmeber his face and who the FUCK does that ????? But mayeb i flirted too kuch: but why did he do that? I orobably wouldnof rucked him if he just asked. Idk. The last time i was like 17 Or 18? Idk actually i dont think younger but not odler thna 19, but i actually fought back and then just fcking ran. He had a knife tho and now i had one too and thats the moral why i alwYs have a swiss army knife in my backoack.
Its jdut fucked io, right? I mean ppl have it worse. I couldnt imagine getting abused or raped by like.... ur uncle as a CHILD. Idk.
Im sad rn. How can i be sad on so many happy pills? For some reason i feel extra disgusting cuz its been so long since anyone could use me. I dont like being used and at this point i am DONE with sex i just like attention. And letting someone fuck me is great attenrion. And man, fuck fetish jate, i love ppl w:l/ fetishes becasue its way more rhan shoving their musty dick in me. I dont have a foot fetish in the slightest - but u wany to massga emy feet and suck my toes? Go to town boy
I miss my ex. We didnt talk about this much hut thats my oroblem. She had no sinilar experience but she is very emoathetic and i trust her. Like she didnt make me feel weak or pathetic when i disclosed it ya know. I just said “i have had some unconseual sex experiences and they rly never come into play but i’ll lyk if they do” and shes was just like “omg lets talk about it when ur ready, no pressure, idk why u didnt tell me earlier but im so sorry” and it made me nut just feeling ~validated~ like that.
Well im gling to sleep. Enjoy ky tangenr. I cant type jfc thays a bad sign but hey!!!! If i dont remember writinh this, it will still exist, and i can read it weeks later and go “damn. I rly was numb yhay night if i was able to so chillly talk about some of the worst events if my life”
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cloudmonstachopper · 8 years
Chiimquisitor Shenanigans
The epic tale of GARDENING PARTNERS IN CRIMMMMMMMME (literally lmao)
So blackwall just like. Straightup. Disappeared. To go to an execution???? And Chiim is just like blackwall come baaaaack what will I do without my gARDENING PARTNER IN BEEF?????
Blackwall: I’m not blackwall! Chiim: GASP (also explains why he didn’t hear/answer the ‘calling’) BUT GASP
Chiim: *wanders by storekeeper on way to prisons* Storekeep: make your purchase quickly, please. They say you are...... disruptive. Chiim: You know, this is why I hate Orlesians, ya damn right I’ll be disruptive cause Y’ALL ARE ASSHOLES Chiim: I mean what who said that
Chiim: ....hey, blackwall Blackwall: I’m not blackwall Chiim: then how about... friend? Blackwall: I lied to you Chiim: doesn’t change the fact taht you’re my friend. I’m friends with Leliana, and Varric, too, and they lie ALL the time (to me, even!)
Blackwall: I’m a traitor and a coward and a MONSTER Chiim: the GUY WHO PLANTS GIANT TURNIPS WITH ME ISN’T A MONSTER. Unless you think I’m a monster. Which i guess you could. We can be monsters together, then. Monsters don’t have to be bad. Not always.
Blackwall: (looks at Chiim and sees how their men trust them, but also how Chiim really isn’t fond of Orlesians, the game, the lies) Blackwall: I embody all of those things you hate, how can you be so kind to me, love me as a brother???? Chiim: clearly you’re having a crisis, and as your brother in arms, it is my duty and PLEASURE to HELP YOU THROUGH IT GDI Chiim: *gently* I can’t lose my gardening partner, buddy
Josie: so, Cullen, ur gettin love letters from ladies from the ball Cullen: BURN THEM Leliana: ohooooo, no, give them to me, this sounds JUICE I mean useful to the inquisition? Cullen: LELIANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Leliana: oh hush you, just stand there and look pretty ;D Chiim: I love my family. Especially when they act like siblings. Amazing.
Chiim, adventuring with Leliana: you’ve been here before? Leliana: Yeah, it’s where I met Justinia. She was just Mother Dorothea back then Chiim: well... what are we lookin’ for? Leliana: heh, straight to business, inquisitor. That’s why I like you (she looks so charmed)
Natalia: *shows up* Chiim: SUSSPEEEEEEEECT Natalia: forgive me, my lord, for not recognizing you earlier Chiim: I’d rather not be recognized, though it’s kind of a tough gig when you’ve got horns and a glowy fade hand. Please don’t call me my lord, Inquisitor is fine. Natalia: oh, oh I see. *goes back to chatting with Leliana* Chiim: hmmm maybe she’s ok
Leliana: *opens secret passageway, immediately puts blade to natalia’s throat* Chiim: *in reality is shocked but plays along* ohoooo SHE WAS PLAYIN UUUUU THE WHOOOLE TIME AND U DIDN’T EVEN KNOW
So Chiim gives Natalia a chance to join the inquisition. Not only does she refuse (understandable) she INSULTS LELIANA (UNFORGIVABLE). You just don’t go insulting Chiim’s found family. YOU. JUST. DON’T. (those people end up dead. fast.) (Chiim is ruthless when someone insults their found family. There’s a reason they’re an assassin.)
Chiim: *returns to skyhold* people are calling me your worship again it’s so uncomfortable *ick face*
Chiim: wanna go take out a dragon? Bull: Y E S Sera: Y E S Solas: do I have to? Chiim: Yes Chiim: *going through giant area to reach dragon* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Chiim: *breaks for stealth* ahhhhhhh
Bull: So Solas. You go into the fade ON PURPOSE when you dream? just to.... hang out? Solas: yup, pretty much, exactly that.
Chiim: DRAGON KILLING TIME.... right after..... I go to the Hinterlands to buy this grenade recipe Chiim: which I’ll do... after doing some war table things.... Chiim: I also have some light gardening to tend to.... Chiim: oh yes I also have a perk to spend Chiim: oh yeah I ought to beef up these tonics too..... Chiim: ok now that we’ve done allllllllllllllll of that. We can go buy that recipe. And then beef up that grenade. And THEN fight the dragon. Sera: it’s like being dragged with your mother shopping, with the promise of candy at the end s i g h
Dorian: I thought you’d go to weishaput with Hawke, Varric? ... though Weishaput is awful, everyone’s so serious and no one can take a piss Varric: *sigh* Hawke would be there. Dorian: haha we all know how fun Hawke is Varric: no, really. Mishka’s a hoot and a half. We’d have a grand old time. Mostly taking the piss outta everyone else. It’d be amazing.
The noise Solas makes when he jumps is the MOST PATHETIC THING I HAVE EVER HEARD OKAY
Chiim: I’m gonna judge him. *steels self* I’M GONNA GET MY GARDENING PARTNER B A C K DAMMIT Blackwall: you did this!!! THROUGH CRIME!!! YOU’RE JUST AS BAD AS I AM NOW Chiim: Blackwall I was either gonna get u back by being a sneaky sneakypants or get u back by storming the castle would u r e a l l y have preferred I Killed people in this process dammit???? Blackwall: no, you should have left me there! (or gotten Josie to pull strings tho I still woulda been sour) Chiim: I DO IT BECAUSE I LOVE YOU Chiim: *offers freedom so he can redeem himself, blackwall pledges himself to the inquisition* Chiim: DAMMIT. I AM GOING TO HUG YOU. I AM GOING TO HUG YOU SO DAMN HARD. MY BELOVED GARDENING PARTNER IS BACK WHETHER HE WANTED IT OR NOT, STOP BEING SUCH AN ASSHOLE TO URSELF BLACKWALL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE LOVE YOURSELF EVEN A LITTLE BIT
Chiim @ randomass masked orlesians hangin around in the gardens: GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY PLANTS, ASSHOLES
Chiim: sup dorian Dorian: the chiimquisitor’s work is never done without me, it seems Chiim: *worried that they’re bugging dorian so much and being a burden or not self-sufficient* I.... should go.... Dorian: *winks* try not to kill anyone without me (please)! Chiim: *feeling significantly reassured* okay!
Sera really has a good friendship with Blackwall. During gardening sessions she likes to camp out up in one of the trees, eating some fruit (and pelting berries down at newcomers to the secret garden). It’s great.
The invisible market stall is now visible. The rumors aren’t sure what to make of this. Chiim just rolls with it, pretends absolutely NOTHING has changed (secretly they’re slightly perplexed but it’s coo’, it’s coo’)
Chiim: *enters great hall* Randomass orlesians: *disrespecting blackwall* Chiim: GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HALL, ASSHOLES
BLACKWALL’S NEW CARD IS BADASS also Chiim totally calls him their gardening partner in crime now. Blackwall doesn’t find it amusing. Literally everyone else does tho. (Blackwall’s secretly a little fond of it.)
Chiim: GET IN THE BOAT, KIDS Chiim: WE’RE GOING DRAGON HUNTING Bull: oh boy, today is the BEST DAY
Chiim: oh. Electricity dragon. Viv’s electricity and I brought her with me. Welp I’m just gonna charge into this dragon all reckless like. And see what happens. Chiim, literally the entire battle: FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK Vivienne: *dragon dies* Smells a bit of dead fish, don’t you think, my dear? Chiim: *panting heavily, like their life depends on it, still stabbing the corpse frantically, gasping* FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK- oh mAH GOD WE DID IT Get back to skyhold and Varric looks at them like “FUCK what happened to YOU GUYS” (they’re all limping heavily and dorian is just totally COVERED in blood. Viv mostly looks the same, except she is nOTICABLY disheveled so you KNOW shit went down) Bull: *holds giant skull aloft* WE KILLED A DRAGON AND I GET TO KEEP IT Krem: NO BULL, IT WON’T FIT IN UR ROOM Krem: not with the others already there, at least Bull: I’M STARTING UP A COLLECTION Chiim: well I mean there’s only like three dragons left so idk if you’re only starting just NOW that’s kinda sad Bull: good point, good point. Can we buid a hall for me to house my skulls in to gaze at them lovingly? Cassandra: we are NOT doing that Dorian: idk cassandra, it sounds like a delightful idea to me Chiim: I mean, I have my agrden, why can’t the boys have their hall of dragon skulls? Cassandra: I can’t believe YOU’RE the person I made the inquisitor
People in the hall: your worship Chiim: *hands over ears, screaming* STOP CALLING ME THAT AHHHHHHHHH *runs from the room*
Bull: There’s our dragon! *v proud* Sera: Oh wow, that’s a BIG one <33
Addendum: I realize, after having been shown some other things for context, that Chiim’s reaction to Blackwall was underwhelming. For that, I offer: Chiim: well. I mean. It’s WEIRD. But you’re still you???????? the person I know is cool???? so I’m keeping you. Whether you approve or not. Chiim: so get in the fuckin wagon, blackwall Chiim: We’re going GARDENING
you are welcome
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