#While Q!Vegetta shouldn't have placed mines around the farm Q!Bad and Dapper live at!
shadowfloofster · 1 year
People on twitter seriously doesn't know what being friends is at this point
Q!Roier thought Q!BBH likes Q!Vegetta because he keeps going to his house so they've immediately taken it as true.
They use the evidence of "I thought I liked Vagetta till he put mines around my home" (or something along those lines) when like doesn't mean a crush or love, it usually means he thought they were on good terms! He thought they were friends! He just doesn't think so anymore because of this!
(Slightly off topic but is linked to the conversation with Roier Bad had.)
While Q!Bad probably shouldn't be breaking into Q!Vegetta's home, he'd done it with Q!Foolish and Leo around, so he'd think why wouldn't it be okay? They'd have seriously told him not to if they didn't want him to right? If you don't want people using your things, don't put them somewhere people can get to easily! (This is in Q!Bad's head)
Q!Bad shows this thought process himself! Dapper's room is hidden away from the main house so is incredibly hard to get to, the farm and the main home are in the open so anyone could see it. So Q!Bad thinks this is how it works with everyone, if they really didn't want someone messing with something, they wouldn't just put it in the open in their house.
This is supported by other people! Q!Phil and Q!Missa made it so people can't break into Chayanne's home and now into the basement where Tallulah and Chayanne live. So if Q!Vegetta didn't want Q!Bad in his house and using the villagers, why wouldn't someone stop him till now?
Q!Bad might have let it go and just acted offended until Q!Vegetta put Dapper in danger around their own home by placing mines around the place, now having to be careful not to step on any while just walking around their own home! Sure it didn't damage anything important and didn't seem to want to cause damage to anything big, but they put Dapper's life (and any other egg who happened to visit his farm) in danger if they couldn't find and remove each one safely! Q!Bad then took it as a direct attack, because Q!Vegetta put every egg that could possibly go there at risk, especially Dapper! Q!Bad doesn't let endangering the eggs go easily, proven by his constant mistrust of Q!Quackity (And a bit Q!Slime but not as much due to it being just after Juanaflippa died and never seeming to try hurt them again) so that isn't going to be let go easily.
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