#While Cale's dream on the other hand... 😂
wandering-tides · 2 months
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teriri-sayes · 10 days
Reactions to The Incomprehensible's Chapter 348
Brief summary: Cale and GoD funny interaction. GoD explains what happened to Blue Wolf and gives 2 solutions. Cale also gives his own 2 solutions.
Cale and GoD's conversation today was so funny. 🤣🤣🤣
Cale: *talks rudely to GoD* GoD: Damn bastard- Cale: Should I just destroy this? Wisha: !!! Cale: If I just throw this mirror, won't it break? Wisha: !!! Everyone else: !!! Cale: *knocks the mirror on the table multiple times* Divine mirror: *shaking as if begging not to be broken* Cale: *stops knocking the mirror* GoD: …Crazy! Cale: So, stop complaining. Cale: *angry* GoD: Cale, Cale… Let's calm down. Let's talk. Okay? Cale: There is a limit to what I can endure. GoD: Yes, yes. I know you're having a hard time. I think I lost my mind for a moment. I've been working for 73 hours now. Cale: (Hmm? 73 hours? Three days of continuous work?) Cale: 73 hours without sleeping? GoD: Yeah. Haha! Cale: (Crazy…) Narrator: Cale suddenly felt like he wanted to look out for GoD as he recalled his experience of working overtime as KRS. Cale: Yeah. You're having a hard time too. GoD: Right? Cale: Yes. *takes out a handkerchief and wipes the mirror* Cale: *says sincerely* Stay strong. GoD: ...!!! *sobs as he feels moved*
Cale was angry at GoD because he did not get much from the latter. Even Aipotu's source of the world and WT tried their best to give Cale something, but GoD? On the other hand, GoD reasoned out that the chaos that GoB and GoC caused because they split the God Realm in half had made GoD super busy with work.
And upon hearing that GoD had worked for 73 hours straight, Cale's anger disappeared and he felt sorry for GoD, even cheering him up... 😂😂😂 All because he recalled his KRS's days where he worked overtime. He even thought that GoD was the most unfortunate god. 😂😂😂
Moving on to Blue Wolf, the reason why BW wouldn't enter the new divine item was because their divinity had severely weakened that they fell into a deep sleep. BW did not have enough divinity to transfer to the new divine item.
Thus, GoD proposed two solutions to increase BW's divinity:
Wait for BW's divinity to naturally fill up again
Take divinity from a divine item of another god
The first one could be done by BW's believers in Aipotu. After all, BW would soon have a temple there, and even a sanctuary. It would take decades to centuries to fill up BW's depleted divinity, but it was the safest method. GoD even offered to create a portal between the Beastkin Sanctuary and Roan Kingdom, so Lock could freely travel between the two places.
The second one had some special conditions. Each god had a unique "nature" or "attribute", so taking divinity directly from them to give to BW would be impossible. But if it came from a divine item that had not been used for a long time, which meant that the divinity contained in it had almost diluted into nothing, it would be possible.
Of course, it had bad consequences. Taking divine items from other gods would cause conflict, and might even incur the wrath of the god.
So Cale laughed when he thought of two solutions of his own.
Steal GoC's very old and unused divine items
Create a new divine item in the virtual game
GoC was an ancient god, so his unused divine items would most likely have its stored divinity almost diluted into nothing. Cale knew that GoC's saint was playing the game, so he thought GoC should have a temple in the game too. He planned to steal the divine item in GoC's temple in the game. 😂😂😂
However, Cale also had another very crazy idea. He could just create a game item classified as a divine item with the help of the game's AI... Yeah, right. A human creating a divine item. 😂 You sure you don't want to become a god, Cale? 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks
I feel sorry for both Cale and GoD. The former keeps drifting away from his slacker life dream while the latter is suffering from overwork. 😂 Next chapter will be a continuation of Cale's talk with GoD. I look forward to everyone's reactions to Cale's crazy plans. 🤣
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