#Which go so hard in on ''ooo look how GrOsS aNd FaT this guy is!!!'' that they come out on the other side
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haha--lorge · 2 years ago
Tbh I'm so interested in what feedism looked like before the big moral panic about obesity in the 90s and 2000s, I'm willing to bet there was less humiliation involved and then it became more pronounced because of the moral panic and the whole thing with kinks where it's like "you have to get shamed for and scared of this thing now and something about that is turning you on". Like obviously fatphobia wasn't invented in the 90s but it becoming more pronounced probably caused an increase in the humiliation aspect. And maybe even an alternate increase in the rebellious "loving fat on purpose" attitude maybe? Idk but i gotta try to do some research into this stuff (if only i knew where to start)
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pinklinksandkinks · 8 years ago
Meredy Incarnation AU: Blue Pegasus
Age: 21 Dress: She tends to wear a very chic, flattering red dress with a black leather jacket and belt and heeled boots. Her headwraps tend to change with the flow of the “fashions” but are some variation of red and black to match her outfit. Her fingernails are always painted, she wears makeup to highlight her features and uses jewelry as her favorite accessory. Personality: Cheerfully cunning but overly excitable and sometimes loses her cool because of it. She does put up a Dumb Blonde front fairly often because she’s well aware she’s good looking, so she’s also mildly manipulative and extremely flirty. However, she also has a bad habit of going through guys “like tissues” according to Jenny. Relationships: Jenny is her mentor and closest friend, the Trimens are her big brothers, Ichiya is an honorary uncle and she views Master Bob as the best guildmaster in the world. When FT comes back, she re-kindles her friendship with Juvia (and Gray) instantly. Lyon is the easiest mark she’s ever seen and she can’t resist teasing him. She and Sherry are on good terms but she hates Chelia. Magic: While Meredy is part of LS, she’s registered as a non-practicing mage and doesn’t go on missions. However, while her good looks make her an excellent model, it’s her magic that makes her the perfect host. Her large, specially customized bangles cover both wrists completely and mask her magical signature. 
Amazing Art: Here and Here and Here
The prickly sensation didn’t go away, making the man feel itchy and ill-at-ease, which was not a new feeling in this guild, but it was definitely more intense since Jenny and her protege returned.
“Kindly desist,” he finally said, turning slowly, with dignity, to face the young woman leaning over the bar with her chin in her hand. Leisurely, she twirled a lock of hair on her index finger, emerald eyes sparkling with mirth and intense focus that made him squirm internally and straighten externally, “From staring.”
“Pardon?” Freed’s eyebrow went up, not expecting the answer, eyes fixating on the strange, glowing runes wrapping around his wrist. The matching set was blatantly just across from him, rotating with each twirl, lazy and sensual.
“I’m not staring; I’m studying you. You’re fascinating, Freed Justine, and I want to know more about you. Don’t you know the secret to being a good host is knowing what makes people tick?”
Finger twirling, lips pursed, she considered the offer for a long moment before breaking into a charming smile that took Cana by surprise.
“I’d love to have my fortune told!” leaning forward she added happily, “I had no idea Fairy Tail’s mages dabbled in such things!”
Brow scrunched and face darkening, Cana shuffled the deck, hard, before putting the cards out with excess flourish before ordering, “Take two.”
Face shifting from annoyance to apprehension, Cana ordered a reshuffle, and then another reshuffle, making Meredy’s face cloud over with worry.
“Ha! Now who believes in such things?” Cana smirked at the pink haired woman earning a sheepish grin and an apology.
To say the man was uncomfortable was a gross understatement, as he was backed against the wall (flat against it really) and doing his best to look unaffected by the fact a woman in a really skimpy bikini was hitting on him.
“Do you - must you - why are you in a bikini?” he finally managed to get out, nodding internally at how reasonable and calm the question sounded, ignoring the most minuscule squeak at the end as she pressed against him to get a closer look at his hidden face.
“What… oh, Jenny and I are going to that new waterpark with the guys. Do you like it? I said it makes me look fat, but Hibiki assured me that’s not the case. But I really feel like I should ask a stranger’s opinion because, well, you know how older brothers are, right? I mean, it’s so sweet, but he doesn’t look at me that way, you know? You look like a man who has a good eye…”
Jellal had two good eyes in addition to the knowledge that Ultear did as well, and there was only one safe way to answer this question.
“Hey! Come back!”
Natsu’s blank look didn’t change despite her best attempts, and frankly, Meredy had never been good at pursuit of a man who didn’t seem interested in the sale. However, no one could begrudge her a little cheating lubricant in the middle of a battle right? It was a battle…
“Okay, I give up,” she smiled flatteringly, the small, glowing circle growing on her wrist. Natsu froze mid-grin, eyes widening, before dramatically dropping to the ground clutching his stomach and howling in desolation.
Brushing off her hands, she smirked, “Guys don’t know true pain. I expected better, to be honest.”
“I don’t see why Natsu is being such a big baby about it. It’s not like she stabbed herself in the leg or anything. Now that hurt like hell. What could possibly be worse than that?” Gray grumped, leaning over the balcony railing with his chin in his hand and an unsympathetic scowl on his face.
The two older women of Team Natsu, however, had expressions of elated horror and deep sympathy, subconsciously rubbing their own bodies soothingly.
“Well Gray,” Lucy began when a particularly vicious howl emitted from the arena and Natsu thrashed forcing her to wince, “Ooo, Erza, can you imagine fighting a battle right now?”
“Indeed. It is a nearly impossible task, but I believe she has used it to her advantage quite nicely,” Erza replied before adding off-handedly, “Of course, it would not be nearly so effective on another woman.”
“What… hey, what are you two even talking about?” Gray straightened, not liking he was missing out on the joke. “What’s that chick doing to Natsu? Isn’t she just hungry or some shit?”
“Just… hungry…” the scandal that saturated Lucy’s voice made the last word rise a bit in outrage, “Just hungry, he says.”
Erza’s look never wavered but she pointed out in fairness, “It is a plausible pain for Natsu.”
Wendy looked between the three and asked, “Is that what I think it is?”
The small Dragonslayer paled and squeaked, “Oh.”
Silence fell over them as Gray digested that little bit of information, his face paling to match Wendy’s and his eyes wide. Swallowing, he ventured, “So it… hurts that much…huh.”
Down in the stadium, Natsu’s wails had finished as he fetal curled into whimpers and Meredy dusted off her hands,  “Guys don’t know true pain. I expected better, to be honest.”
“I think you’ve got something in your eye…” a slow wink, pursed lips, fluttery eyelashes, it should have been obvious what was going on yet the man looked clueless. Just how old was he that he didn’t know when someone was flirting with him? Still, she was undeterred because he was hot and surprisingly sweet, in a doofy sort of way, not to mention she liked a challenge, “Never mind, that’s just your sparkle~”
Pausing, she took a moment to appreciate that all of him sparkled, finally taking the hint and lighting up with confidence and… sparkles. Real sparkles. Reaching forward, her fingers brushed towards them wondrously, before catching herself.
“Tell me when heaven wants you back because the sky seems to be missing a twinkle~”
Puffing up, he muttered, “Well, I am a star…”
“You know,” the young woman mused, staring openly, “You are quite pretty. Oh, no, not like that! So suspicious… or is it hopeful?” Tongue-clicking playfully, she leaned up to rest her elbow on the other woman’s shoulder, “I was just admiring your hair; how silky and smooth it is.”
Kagura expression flickered with confusion at the compliments and casual touching as she tried to duck beneath the arm without much success.
“Oh, and a bit of color would rosy up your complexion nicely,” Meredy gushed with a friendly pinch to the cheek. “Jen, what do you think?”
“I think there’s enough women in Blue Pegasus without your recruitment, Dee.”
Meredy blinked, thick lashes brushing against her cheeks rapidly, at the large hand thrust beneath her pert nose.
Curiosity made her tip her chin back, way back, to look the owner in the face. Totally serious, he wiggled his fingers under her nose to remind her of the task at hand.
“Sit, sit!” she gestured flamboyantly, tugging his muscular arm and earning a dark glare from the woman in the green dress. “Give me your hand. Oh, lovely! Ever, why didn’t you say your boyfriend has such gorgeous hands? I bet they can do magical things~”
Smirking at the nose tweaking of the other woman, she went to work on Elfman’s nails with precise and practiced strokes and snips.
Gray and Natsu were hovering slightly to the side, huddled together, suspiciously shuffling their feet and muttering. Meredy ignored them, humming as she finished with a pat to the hand.
“Isn’t that like… girly?” Gray finally offered, and Meredy arched a well-manicured brow, “There’s nothing girly about good hygiene. You’re confusing it with godly, which is understandable. There is something divine about a perfect manicure, right Elfman?”
“Right, so who’s next for a man-icure? On the house, so you boys can realize what it’s like to truly slay and feel fabulous while doing it.”
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