#Where's B**ksy?
uwmspeccoll · 2 months
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Whitewashing Lascaux, 2008. Leake Street Tunnel, Waterloo Station, London. Created for the Cans Festival, a 3-day street art street festival hosted and organized by Banksy in a tunnel under Waterloo Station.
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Happy Choppers, 2002. Hoxton, London. Produced during the "Operation Enduring Freedom" campaign in Afghanistan.
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Kissing Coppers, 2004. Originally in Trafalgar Street, Brighton, UK. In 2011, it was cut out and shipped to New York to be sold by art dealer Stephan Keszler at a 2014 auction in Miami for $575,000. A replica has replaced the original.
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Sweeping it Under the Carpet, 2006. Hoxton, London where it appeared on the side of the White Cube Gallery, but has since been buffed.
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Girl Searching Soldier, 2007. Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestine. "Whilst the image is delightfully absurd, there is also a warning for Israeli occupying forces. One day, Banksy seems to be saying, our children will be investigating you for what you have done."
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Police Sniper with Boy, 2007. Bristol, UK, but in 2012 was painted over with black paint and replaced by another work, the Queen as David Bowie, by a different street artist.
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ATM Girl, 2007. Exmouth Market, Finsbury, London. Created a few months before the biggest financial crash since the 1930s.
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Eavesdropping, 2014. Cheltenham, UK, a sleepy, conservative, quintessentially English market town in Gloucestershire, but just three miles away from the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).
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Park, 2010. Downtown Los Angeles on the side of designer Tarina Tarantino's showroom a few blocks from the Los Angeles Theatre, painted just days before the premiere of Exit Through the Gift Shop at the Theatre.
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Photographer Rat, 2005. Islington, London. "Rats are a good role model . . . they have no respect for the hierarchy of society and the have sex 50 times a day." -- Banksy.
Decorative Sunday: BANKSY
Decorative art, street art, fine art, political cartoon, all four? Where's B**ksy?, an unauthorized selection of works by the infamous street artist by street art specialist Xavier Tapies published by Gingko Press in Berkeley, California in 2016, is the first survey of Banksy's art career from 2002 to 2016. Arranged chronologically, every period has a double-spread world map showing where each of the stencils was painted, what happened to the work (destroyed/sold/auctioned/still there) as well as a summary of the direction Banksy’s art took in that period.
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There is Always Hope, 2002. East staircase leading up to Waterloo Bridge, Southbank, London.
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 4 months
2|3 – The Moon;; KSY
Word Count;; 1.7k
Genre;; Fluff, Humour(ish), (B)F2Ls
Pairing;; Hoshi x Reader
It’s Rose Day, or Yellow Day, whichever, or neither. It doesn’t matter because you’re spending the day with your three best friends. Nothing more, nothing less - just another uneventful May 14th eating singles curry. Or at least that was your plan. It seems, however, that Hoshi has a plan of his own.
None! it's pure fluff, babie! well, aside from the murder of an innocent cellular device.
Here is the third instalment of a collab I am doing with @writeformesinpie - Holidays With Seventeen. Every 14th day of the month is considered a holiday in South Korea so we’re basing the prompts off those! May 14th is Yellow Day, or Rose Day! ... dropped my phone while trying to replicate Reader's actions, call that method writing
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    “Why is he so late?” you groan, flipping your phone in the air before catching it with one hand.
    “Don’t do that."
    With a roll of the eyes you lean back against the couch. Plush cushions engulf you but do little to dampen the harsh clack of approaching footsteps. Joshua's hand slides into your peripheral before jutting out past your shoulder. His pretty fingers wiggle in expectation. Beside you, Seokmin snickers.
    "I won't do it again."
    "I don't believe you."
    And he shouldn't. Itching to throw the device back into the air, your fingers clamp around the cool glass screen. You tilt your head side to side as you decide the best way out of the lecture when a text message comes through.
Horanghae: almost there!
    You can't stop yourself from smiling. Showing the phone to each of your friends, you shake it, indifferent to its fragile nature. Consisting of a loose two finger grip, your hold on the device is precarious at best.
    "If you break another ph–"
    It wobbles about like a bobblehead before flinging free. In a glorious arc, it flies high and fast. Your mouth falls open in a strangled shout. Over the coffee table and past the lounge chairs, the phone disappears into the unknown with a sharp crack.
    Silence follows.
    You blink thrice in rapid succession. Inch by inch you turn to your couchmate. Seokmin mirrors you. His mouth is hanging open and his eyes are wide. Disbelief ties his tongue and he merely gapes at you. Brows furrowing, you shake your head. He gestures toward the scene of the crime. With a huff you slump back into the couch.
    "Unbelievable," Joshua murmurs as he traverses beyond the visible realm and into the electronic graveyard where your phone now rests. He drops behind the lounge chairs right as the front door swings open. "It's shattered."
    "I'm here!"
    "No!" you cry, head falling into your hands.
    Seokmin rubs your back. "There, there."
    "What kind of greeting is that?" Soonyoung jokes, entering the living room with several bags in tow. They crinkle with each step before he tosses them on the table.
    Joshua pops back into view with a heavy sigh. "I'll take you to buy a new one."
    "A new one? But I'm one of a kind!"
    "Thanks, Josh. You're the best."
    "Don't mention it."
    "Are you guys seriously ignoring me when I come bearing gifts?"
    "Maybe if you arrived five minutes earlier we wouldn't have witnessed another phone's untimely end," Seokmin says, shaking his head in disapproval.
    "You're right," you fake-sniffle, pointing a finger at Soonyoung, "this is his fault."
    "My fault?"
    "Did you even buy us anything?" Joshua asks while looking through Soonyoung's haul. He pulls out two matching tiger-print jackets. Instead of a warm orange they're eye-stinging yellow. "There's only two sets."
    "Why would I buy you something?"
    "Not even a hat?" Seokmin's tone is incredulous as he jumps up to help the search.
    Joshua frowns. "Not even snacks.”
    Soonyoung nudges the pair aside. He's beaming as he shoves everything back inside the now tearing bags. Joshua and Seokmin glance at one another, communicating on a level you're not quite fluent in.
    "You know what I just realised?" Joshua begins, tapping his finger against his chin. "We need food. Not it."
    "Not it!"
    All three of you shout in unison. It's impossible to tell who was last, but it definitely wasn't you. You're never last! So the fact that Seokmin is sidling up to Joshua, leaving both you and Soonyoung on the wrong side of the table, is a tell-tale sign of fraud.
    "Then it's decided. You two will go."
    It was rigged!
    "Well, if we have to!" Soonyoung says without a hint of despondency.
    "But I don't want to! Can't we make our sad little singles curry here?"
    "Host's rules,” Joshua deadpans.
    Seokmin shrugs off your pleading stare. You understand him sacrificing you (you’d do the same to him, after all) but this isn’t a full grocery run – it’s a quick stop at a curry joint. It would make more sense if you all went. Then you could just eat there!
    Joshua disappears into the kitchen before you can suggest the obvious, putting an end to the discussion. Seokmin teeters by the edge of the living room table, fingers fiddling with the plastic bags, eyes darting between you and Soonyoung.
    With a small pout on your lips you turn to Soonyoung. Considering he only just arrived he doesn’t seem put out by the fact they’re sending him onto those mean streets to battle for a seat at the best curry place in town. It’s a warzone fuelled by the hunger of middle aged office workers – no one in their right mind would smile knowing the hardships you two soon face.
    “Let’s go,” you say, a distant echo in your voice.
    You’re a mere step closer to the door when Seokmin speaks up. "It's cold out there so you'll want to wear this!"
    “Cold? But it’s May…” you trail off, attention set wholly on the man in front of you.
    The bags crinkle as Seokmin rummages. Yanking out one of the jackets, he tosses it at you. With a quick shake you hold it up in all its glory. Dandelion yellow, bee fuzz yellow, pikachu yellow – it’s so yellow. You’re no longer in control of yourself as your eyes squint and your jaw drops. Seokmin isn’t finished unveiling Soonyoung’s treasures, however. Next comes a black cap. It hits you square in the face before falling onto your outstretched arms. On the front are small paw prints which are also… yellow. Just like the curry you're being sent out to the frontlines to buy for none other than–
    "It's Yellow day!" Flabbergasted, you gawk between your three friends; Joshua is rolling his eyes in the kitchen, Seokmin is laughing so loud the sound is reverberating off the walls, and…
    Soonyoung’s eyes are crescent moons as he grins at you, his nose scrunched and his mirth palpable.
    "You want to match… with me?"
    "Of course I do!” he says, pouncing closer. “Unless you don’t want to. Then I’ll just make DK wear it.”
    “Nope, not it, never in your life.” Seokmin shakes his head to and fro before tossing the other bag at Soonyoung. “Take your stuff and go, pal. We don’t have all night.”
    Despite the hurried waving of hands trying to usher you out the door, you take your time slipping into the jacket. The inside is cool and smooth, easy to slide on, yet it warms you the second you finish zipping it up nice and snug. While the design choice is questionable (you look like a holey slice of moon cheese), the jacket itself isn’t too bad.
    “You look cute,” Soonyoung practically shouts, throat bobbing as he looks away. “Let’s go!”
    He’s at the door and flinging it open with a little too much force before you can respond. The ‘Hey, you’re pretty cute yourself,’ and ’I really like you– in that jacket!’ and ’We’re just friends… unless?’ remain unspoken, but perhaps that’s for the best. Trotting behind him like a little show puppy, you strike a pose inside the doorway.
    “Tada!” you actually shout, and he jumps back in surprise. It doesn’t last long.
    “Tada!” he reciprocates, mimicking your pose.
    “Tada!” you both say in unison while springing 180 degrees to pose for Seokmin.
    He claps then joins in with a, “Tada!” of his own, and this time the pose is dynamic as you each shoot off a finger gun.
    “Just go!” Joshua yells from the kitchen.
    The apartment vibrates with laughter. Seokmin shoots his finger guns off toward Joshua, a brilliant grin plastered on his face which soon falls into a grimace. He flops onto the couch, yelling about how he’s hit and that you should save yourselves. You don’t need to be told twice. Entwining your arm with Soonyoung’s, you skip over the threshold and shut the door behind you.
    “That was close,” you murmur, resting your head on his shoulder and wiping away nonexistent sweat from your forehead.
    Soonyoung’s free hand slips into his jacket pocket. It reemerges with a delicate yellow rose. "This is for you. If you want it."
    The soothing scent of its petals kisses your senses long before you lean in to breathe it deep. You close your eyes and indulge the gentle floral paradise. When you ground yourself back in the wondrous now, Soonyoung is watching you with a curious expression that morphs into a playful smile. He’s still holding the rose but you’re quick to remedy that.
    "Of course I do, you cute little cheesy moon!" you swoon before pressing a chaste kiss on his cheek.
    The front door swings back open and Seokmin gasps. “They’re making out out here.”
    What a tattletale!
    Joshua’s response drifts through the open door. “Tell them not to come back.”
    “Turns out we have enough to make dinner for us two here but you two will have to eat at the restaurant, together, alone, without us,” Seokmin says with a forced, exaggerated frown. “Enjoy yourselves! But not too much. Not where everyone can see.”
    “Thank you,” you groan before tugging Soonyoung down the hall.
    “Be safe! We’ll miss you but not as much as you’ll miss us probably!”
    “I always miss you, bro!” Soonyoung shouts, looking wistfully back over his shoulder one last time before you turn the corner with him.
    “That guy,” you say, your tone uneven with laughter.
    “Are you ready to have the best Yellow Day ever?!”
    His sudden excitement shocks you and you’re nodding along to his enthusiasm even while your brain catches up. “Yeah!”
    “Are you ready to have the best curry ever?!”
    “Yeah!” You pause. “But won’t it taste the same as it always does?”
    “What? No way!” he says, booping you on the nose. “This is the first time we’re getting the curry together, as a pair. Like a–”
    “So it’ll taste even more–”
    “Yeah!” he cheers, raising both hands for a double high-five.
    You complete the high-five with your own, ‘yeah!’.
    “Then what are we waiting for?” He beams at you and the whole world pauses as he repositions the cap on your head. “Onward to our date!”
   – If you enjoyed this, please consider liking, commenting, reblogging, and/or following! Thank you! ♡
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noona-clock · 6 years
Trust Me
Is it alright to request a small Hoshi x Reader with a royalty au where the reader is Hoshi’s personal musician?
Oooh this is such a fun idea, @ksys-star! I love me a royalty AU!! 
Genre: Royalty AU 
Pairing: Hoshi x You 
By Admin T
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You’d been playing for the family for as long as you can remember. Before you came along, it was your mother. And before your mother, it was your grandmother. It was an esteemed lineage of musicians that donned the presence of the royal family. So, as a twelve year old, and your first week playing at the royal feast, you were more than excited. 
But when you found that your harp was broken into pieces in the ballroom just minutes before the feast started, you’d thought you were doomed. Your eyes welled up and you were ready to panic. Your breath caught in your throat and before you knew it, someone grabbed your hand and you were pulled towards a nearby nook, away from prying eyes. 
“Wh-what...” you muttered only to see the young prince looking at you with worry. 
“I broke it,” he spat out before you could say anything else. 
You opened your mouth to shout but he’d immediately put his hand over your mouth, causing you to kick him in the shins. 
“Ouch!” he yelled, taking a step back from you. 
“You broke it?!” you muttered angrily, not caring at all that he was royalty and the heir prince to the throne. 
“We were playing catch and I accidentally -- .” 
“You tell your father!” 
“No!” he said, turning a bright red. 
“He wouldn’t believe me!” 
He shifted nervously. “B-but... Fine. I’ll do it,” he said before pausing. “But on one condition.” 
You quirked an eyebrow at him. If he weren’t the prince, you were sure you’d have kicked both of his shins already. And, yet, this position was important to you and your family. 
“I promise! Trust me?” 
You sighed and finally nodded. “Alright. What’s your condition?” 
Then, he held out his hand. “Friends after?” 
He’d always gotten on your nerves, which wasn’t a very good thing for a musician that was meant to play a calming piece on the harp. Sure, you were both friends but as time wore on and you both grew up, it was impossible to deny that you had to act a certain way around him because of who he was. So, you smiled and bowed and nodded while you also playfully punched him and teased and laughed. 
“You really need to stop making faces at me during the feast,” you said as you walked down the hallway. 
“But it’s fun!” grinned Soonyoung, his hands clasped behind his back. He looked like a prince but you knew that he was just like any other person in and outside of the castle. 
“People are going to think that you’ve gone crazy,” you teased. 
“So what if they think that?” he said, shrugging. 
You chuckled softly and shook your head. “Okay, Prince.” You two walked together quietly for a moment. “You know that the people don’t agree with your father’s new law. Why should we get taxed for something we don’t use?” You lowered your voice for a moment. It wasn’t common for a non-royal to speak to the Prince in that tone. Not that Soonyoung cared at all. He didn’t see you as anything other than you.
“Really?” he asked, glancing at you. “Tell me more. Maybe I can see what’s wrong.” 
You smiled and nodded. 
You’d thought it was just any other feast. You’ve been to so many that you’d lost track. You sat in your chair, ready to start, but there was silence as the door to the ballroom opened and she walked in. Your heart fell and you knew what this meant. 
You saw the two kings and queens greet each other. You saw him nervously introduce himself. You saw him take her hand and lead her into the dance as you sat, played your music and pretended that you weren’t there. 
You knew that voice and, yet, you turned around in surprise. He hadn’t walked with you after the feast like he always did and you knew why. 
You started to bow and he shook his head, grabbing your arm to pull you up. “I told you that you don’t need to do that with me.” 
You sighed in return and looked at him. “Memorable feast the other day that we have another one today.” It wasn’t only a day later that there was an announcement for another feast. Of course they’d ask you to come but as the musician and nothing more. 
“Right,” he nodded softly. “Make sure you stay the whole time, okay?” He turned around and started walking away. You watched him in confusion. Of course you stayed. You stayed even though it broke your heart. 
“I have an announcement,” said Soonyoung as he raised his goblet in the air, causing everyone to quiet down and pay attention to the heir prince. You paused, letting your hands fall to your lap and readying yourself for what was to come. There was no denying it. You’d somehow fell in love with the boy that broke your harp years ago and as you both grew from friends to possibly something more, you knew it wasn’t going to happen at all. 
He took a deep breath and started. “I have finally decided on my Princess, our future Queen when it is my time to become heir to the throne,” he said as he nodded at his parents. “This decision did not come easily. There is much to be expected of me but after a lot of thought and understanding, there is only one answer.” 
You pursed your lips. Why had he forced you to stay the whole time? Why would he have you sit through this? 
You froze as all eyes turned towards you. You hadn’t even noticed that he started walking towards you, his hand outstretched. 
“What are you doing?” you whispered. 
“Trust me.” 
You took his hand before he gently pulled you so that you were standing next to him. “She will be my Queen for I do not see anyone else that is worthy enough to stand next to me. I do not know who is loving enough and understanding enough that knows me. I do not know who is smart enough and kind enough to think of our people. I do not know who is brave enough to even put me in line when I am being too arrogant.” 
He gripped your hand, refusing to let go. “Except for Y/N.” He paused and looked at you while you tried to catch your breath as your mind whirled around. “If she’ll have me.” 
“If I’ll have you?!” you muttered under your breath. 
He nodded, surprising you once more. “You have a choice.” 
“But...” you said, glancing over at the current King and Queen. 
“I already talked to them. They already agreed. Quick, say something, we’ve been whispering too much and they’ll see and they’ll all start whispering and -- .” 
“Okay, okay!” 
He smiled that smile and kissed the back of your hand and announced that you’d agreed. Your heart swelled as he looked at you proudly while you did the same to him. 
“My Princess,” he murmured softly. 
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banksyartworks · 6 years
Desperately Seeking Banksy
Price: [price_with_discount](as of [price_update_date] – Details) [ad_1] Explore the geography of genius in Desperately Seeking B**ksy, a pocket-sized, smaller sibling of Wheres B**ksy that illuminates the interaction between artist and space. Where its predecessor featured in-depth analysis of each piece displayed, Desperately Seeking B**ksy offers accessibility and brevity for the more casual…
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