#When they met first in Eo's backstory it was already too late for them
emin-folly · 2 months
Eobarry because you know I gotta
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@zeroducks-2 OF COURSE IT'S YOU TWO (affectionate)
It really seems appropriate because before you guys introduced me to this wonderful, maddening, all consuming ship, I used to be a sane and normal person lol
So! Here it is~
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Yeah, I'm sorry that it's not too much different from yours but is it really any surprise? xD We all have the chronic Yellow Rat disease, both infectious and incurable ajsgdksal
On a serious note, I've recently found that I REALLY love obsessive characters, legit one of my favorite character types ever. When they love something so, SO much it robs them of their humanity and it pushes them past the brink and beyond, I eat that shit UP, I will never get enough of it, I am RAVENOUS and I NEED IT and Eobard fulfills all my check boxes
I just really wanna take Eo and study him in a lab cause he is SO captivating to me. The way he loves Barry, how he's so far gone but he's holding onto Barry with white bloody knuckles, how he's a villain but he seems to keep doing like....good deeds?? (Don't get me wrong, he absolutely has done some heinous stuff, he is Not exempt from that!), the way that he tries to actually be good but the universe punishes for it, THE WAY THAT HE ESSTENIALLY SACRIFICED HIS OWN HUMAITY TO BRING BARRY BACK TO LIFE LIKE WOW I AM NOW EATING THE CONCRETE THANK YOU BYE And then there's Barry who keeps REVIVING HIM, who became his lightning rod and he showed him forgiveness and compassion after EVERYTHING Eobard has done to him. They are both doomed by the narrative in different ways and yet they're the only ones like them in the whole of the multiverse, they are so far removed from being human and have become intrinsic and integral forces of the universe who must always have each other so there would always be balance, and y'all, if that's not one of the hero/villain ships of all time to I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS
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rahleeyah · 3 years
It’s been a few days and I’m sitting at work late still thinking about your Liv and Dodds long term secret affair post and it is canon to me now. But also thinking about the potential that backstory adds to their last scene together where he tells her “don’t worry about me, I’ll be back”
Bring him back then!! Give me Dodds showing up as the new Deputy Chief for OC after clawing his way out of his Staten Island traffic purgatory. Give me Liv at the OC office to say hi to El (newly back from undercover) or meet with Ayanna and Dodds stopping by and them running into each other
And the last time they saw each other was the last time they slept together: after her captain promotion ceremony (he stood in the back and came over that night to bring her flowers) and they shake hands like professionals but there’s something in the way they’re looking at each other that makes Ayanna smirk and Elliot glare
“I told you I’d be back, Captain” and she can’t help how much she’s smiling at hearing that from him. “We miss you over at SVU, Chief.” “Bet you never thought you’d be saying that back when we met.” And they catch up on squad news, standing close, radiating their Amicably Divorced Co-Parent Energy through the room
And Elliot’s always been jealous of the men Liv sleeps with but consistently throughout the show he’s been even more jealous of the men that she’s worked with, especially if she’s worked with them well and they have a rapport (see Porter, Ash, etc). And here’s Dodds: a man Liv has both slept with and worked well with and Elliot can tell, he can always tell, so he hates him at first sight but this is his boss’s new boss and he’s been working on that whole self control thing since he’s been back so there’s nothing he can do but grimace as if the two of them are stabbing him in the eyeballs (they kind of are)
Liv does have to get back to work though, and Dodds offers to walk her out since he only came by OC to introduce himself. And maybe he lets his hand linger against the small of her back as they head to the door, he’s not her boss anymore so it’s not technically inappropriate. And maybe she lets him because she’s pleasantly surprised by how nice it is to see him again like this. And maybe Elliot wants to eat his desk while Ayanna (who is beyond sick of this hetero drama) just pats him on the shoulder and tells him to get back to work and save being a jealous boyfriend for his own time
“I’m not her boyfriend” Elliot grumbles, almost petulantly, because they haven’t exactly had time to discuss what him being home for good now means for them, what they want it to mean (but wait maybe they already kissed once when he got pulled out but they haven’t talked about it because this is EO, so Elliot’s irritation is compounded by that). “Well it seems like someone else might be interested in the position, so if you really want it then maybe you should work on that”
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THIS!!! IS!!! EVERYTHING!!! OH!!! MY!!! GOD!!!!
Amicable exes Dodds and Liv. Her relief at having someone she cares for back in her life. Elliot eating his own liver. Every. Single. Word. Of. This.
Bestie you did that
I need this I'm gonna revisit this ask like it's a fucking fic EYE-
(I'm literally watching s18 right now and he is in her apartment and I am feeling all the things)
I want Elliot to see it so bad. To see that Liv's life is full of people he doesn't know. To see that she's not just waiting around for him, that if he doesn't make a move he will lose her, to someone brave enough to reach for her. And he can't stand the thought that maybe it's too late, that maybe he waited too long.
This is so messy and delicious I love it
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bubbleteatae · 4 years
I said in a recent post that I had a list of prompt ideas, and I would try to write some one shots when I can. However I thought lately that I would like to use them in an a fic, as I prefer the idea of an ongoing story :) If you hadn’t already guessed, my bias is Taehyung, so my first fic is going to be a Taehyung x reader!
Here’s a little preview from part 1, I hope you’re interested in reading and I can’t wait to read your comments xx
Author’s note - I don’t speak Korean (I’m trying to learn though!) so the boys will speak English in the story, but I will try and acknowledge any possible language barriers that would come up in this situation.
Also, I probably won’t delve too much into a backstory for Y/N, as the character is meant to fit the reader’s imagination, but of course they need to have a personality and story, so will add a little bit where I need to :)
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Puppy Love (Taehyung x Reader) - Preview 
I was sitting outside a cafe, sipping on a warm latte with my head in my phone, Kanna sitting nicely as always by my side.
Suddenly she started pinning and began furiously wagging her tail as a small black and brown dog appeared under our table. Neither dogs looked threatening towards each other, both seeming like they wanted to play.
“Hey there little guy, where did you come from” I asked, holding out my hand to the small dog.
I looked up as a young man appeared in front of me. I immediately noticed how well dressed he was in a grey turtle neck, hidden under a large brown coat. As if it were some form of disguise, he removed his sunglasses and black facemask, bowing his head and frantically speaking in Korean. 
“Mianhajiman hangug-eoleul jal moshaeyo. Yeong-eo.” I smiled apologetically. (I’m sorry, but I don’t speak Korean well. English.)
The young man smiled in return “Oh! I also speak a little English” his accent immediately charming me. “I am so sorry about my dog! We were walking by and he must have been interested in your dog and he jumped out of my arms before I could even react! I hope we didn’t startle you..”
“Oh no no, it’s fine! Kanna is more than happy to make new friends, she is very good” I smiled, rubbing her back as she continued to sniff at the her new friend.
“Kanna, what a sweet name. What type of dog is she?”
“She’s a Japanese Akita”
“May I?” He asked, holding his hand towards her.
“Of course! She’s very friendly”
As the young man knelt down to say hello to my dog I came to notice just how handsome he really was. His dark, wavy hair, fell around his face and framed his soft, yet masculine features. The way his ears showed from under his hair, multiple earrings catching the sunrays. His lips curving into a boxy smile that spread across his face, and the way his eyes scrunched as Kanna licked his caramel skin.
I only realised I was staring when he looked up at me laughing, and I was met with his dark brown eyes. I couldn’t help but notice how kind they were.
I was snapped back into reality when his own dog yelped out playfully.
“Yeontan, don’t be rude!” They young man laughed, ruffling the fur of his small dog.
“Aw hello Yeontan” I cooed, allowing him to sniff my hand.
“He’s a bit of an attention seeker. Especially around pretty girls” he laughed, and I couldn’t help but notice he seemed more nervous.
I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and immediately tried to change the subject. “He’s a pomeranian?”
He nodded, before raising his eyebrows “how rude of me, I haven’t even asked your name!”
“I’m Y/N” I smiled.
The young man held out his large hand, his wrist decorated with simple bracelets and two small rings on his fingers.
“I’m Taehyung”
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apex-aureate · 6 years
'Lo fellow Howler! Welcome! Can you tell us something about your faves? Btw, if u feel like talking about the RR trilogy you can find me at darrowsrising (like Darrow's Rising).💖
Heya! Always happy to talk about these sad, sad children, but it’s so hard to choose definite faves when they’re all so g o o d
So, in no particular order, here’s my top few:
1. Darrow of Lykos 
Like I said in my introduction post, I know he’s a bit of a basic pick, but still. First impression while reading RR was that Darrow is a more mature and realistic take on a typical YA protagonist. He wasn’t some spunky kid- he was a man, with responsibilities and a life. It was honestly refreshing to read about a person who had a good head on their shoulders and who didn’t immediately take to the lofty ideals of revolution. Right off the bat, his arrogance and recklessness were on full display, giving him relatable, humanizing flaws that didn’t stem from a tragic backstory and couldn’t be cured with a rousing speech or two. In fact, they aren’t really cured at all- the bravery and showmanship of his actions is often exactly what the SoA need at any given point, and it’s been really awesome to watch him recognize that about himself, harness the more negative and harmful aspects of his personality, and eventually put them to good use. He’s got so much more depth to him than a ‘tough guy with a heart of gold’ type too- Like he’s just out for blood at one point, but them his worldview is tossed around about a hundred times and he doesn’t know what to believe about the world anymore because he’s overwhelmed by the sheer size and complexity of it all. It’s such a real feeling that isn’t usually the focus of fiction like this agh
Oh, and I love that he makes mistakes ALL THE TIME. His plans don’t always work out. He kills some people he really shouldn’t have, spares some people who didn’t deserve it. He learns a lot over the course of the Institute, the Agustus-Bellona war, and the Rising through lessons that don’t feel cheap or unearned. He’s simple yet smart, deeply flawed yet totally badass, and he grows into a man worth respecting. Love ‘im.
2. Sevro Au Barca 
Another popular boyo but hey, what can you do? At first I didn’t like good ‘ol Goblin. Vulgar characters aren’t usually very high on my list and I was pretty enthralled with what a cinnamon bun Julian (RIP) was to pay attention to that weirdo upon initial meeting. I was convinced he would fill the minor antagonist role for a while (though that role went to Titus pretty early on).
Then, he saved Darrow and Cassius from the lake and we got a better look at him. Gotta say, once the Howlers got started properly, I really began to get attached to the guy. He wasn’t pretty, but the sheer earnestness and trueness of his character and his loyalty to Darrow was unseen amongst the Golds met within the Institute or in the days after. Unlike Cassius or some of the other members of House Mars, Sevro was never after power, wasn’t full of himself or deluded into believing the superiority or honorableness of his color. He was just him- gross and vulgar and crazy for all the world to see. He didn’t really become one of my favorites until Golden Son though, when Darrow realized that Sevro had figured out who he really was, and had still accepted him wholeheartedly and without judgment. I mean, damn. I cried real tears there. 10/10 best friend anyone could ever ask for.
(And he got more of an independent part in MS so that’s a win)
3. The Jackal 
 Oooohhhh man, the Jackal. I’ve already said he terrifies me.
The build up to him in the first book was so well done I-
And the scene where he cuts his hand off-
Oh and the small acts of ruthlessness and cruelty littered throughout Golden Son-
I mean I’ve seen a fair share of INTJ villains before but he’s just so brilliantly done like wow. I can’t figure out exactly what to say about him but he’s definitely one of my favorite literary villains of all time.
4. Roque Au Fabii  (Forgive me)
 Okay hear me out on this one. Of course I was angry with him in the end. He killed thousands of people in the name of pride (personal, cultural, and racial) and betrayed the friends he had fought side by side with for years on largely irrational and emotional grounds. Unlike Tactus, he didn’t show in inch of shame for any of it when the end came.
But I was completely in love with him in the first two books. He would have easily been my #1 pick if I’d been asked this about a week ago. I guess it’s the archetype he falls into as a poet, or the genuine friendship and wise, heartfelt advice he offers to counter Darrow’s driven, tunnel-vision attitude. Heck, he was even really sympathetic through most of Golden Son- from his perspective, it actually did look like Darrow was being a terrible, negligent person who took others for granted and was completely willing to sacrifice his friends in an arbitrary quest for power.
And, like Darrow, I did feel for him as he died even after he had betrayed them all for despicable cause. I know I should, but I just can’t muster up the hate a lot of other people seem to have for him. It’s not just the misunderstood artsy type that’s getting me here either- I just felt like he could’ve been better. He was a good man- among the best of the golds. And yet just like you’d expect of a Gold, he fell prey to the inevitable flaws of those at the top. Pride, entitlement, and a resistance to change all lead to his bittersweet demise. I have more thoughts on him, but I think i’ll sit on it a while longer before I really go off so don’t judge these half baked rambles as a real opinion on the matter lol
5. Eo of Lykos 
 Underrated af. I think a lot of people write her off as exactly what Darrow described her as in RR. More of a motivation, or some lost dream that was to be worshiped and held on a pedestal for the rest of the series than a standalone character. But she was as much a character as anyone else- she had real flaws and made irresponsible, selfish choices to stay true to what she believed in. She wasn’t an angel, and she didn’t end up coming back from the Vale or whatever to tell Darrow how proud she was or to stay faithful to her for life. Like Sevro, she was just a person living authentically and fearlessly for what felt inside, regardless of consequence. I can appreciate that sort of thing, especially in a female character. It’s also really interesting to have gone back and reread her chapters as Darrow’s view of his late wife develops throughout the series. You start to see past his unreliable narration of Eo’s perfection and recognize the girl behind the song.
Ye. That’s probably too many characters to count as Faves, and I haven’t even talked about Cassius yet, but I just had to say a piece about each because I have zero self control. Thanks for asking, by the way!!
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