#When You Comin' Back Red Ryder?
barry shear/ the todd killings, elliot silverstein (cat ballou, the car, the happening), the 6th day, devi snively, simonetti horror project, showgirls 2*, spider lilies, yoichi takabayashi, the telephone book, the traveling executioner, what became of jack & jill, when you comin back red ryder, you dont nomi
de martino / blood link, deep sleep (2013)
hold back tomorrow
hugo the hippo, michael kahlert (der blutige fluch), vyacheslav kotyonochkin, robert niosi
the pogles
black christmas (1st remake), a cure for wellness, feardorcom, gothika, house of wax, the initiation of sarah (remake), lake mungo, the ring, sisters, sorority row, upgrade
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peter-ash · 3 years
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peter-firth · 7 years
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             Peter Firth in “When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder?” (1979)
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theoneryderlynn · 4 years
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Self Para || Two Pieces
Location: New York, NY. 
Date: June 7th, 2020
Notes: While Ryder tries to think of the best idea of how to propose to Marley, his mind goes back to the past to remember how he felt when they started seeing each other. Just a little bit of college!Ryder.
"Marley Rose, will you…"
Ryder frowned, his eyes focused on the small box he was holding in his hands. He sighed quietly, hearing the raindrops hitting the window in their bedroom, and stretched his legs a little bit, his back leaning against the bed's frame as he made himself more comfortable on the floor.
"No, this sucks." While Marley was out for a bit, Ryder decided to make the most of this time, and think of the potential proposal plan. Even though he had a brief idea, he felt like something was missing, something special. He knew it'd be a romantic picnic, possibly on a rented rooftop, with some casual food from one of the best New York's spots. It seemed like a decent plan, but he had to come up with an addition that would bring back how they'd been feeling about each other ever since the beginning. His mind was definitely playing tricks on him, his thoughts going back to the past.
[Years earlier, Ohio]
Ryder adjusted his sunglasses, before wiping the sweat off his forehead. "He's so gonna miss." He mumbled and ran towards Nathan, one of his best friends with whom he played basketball every week. It was their tradition, which is why it made him sad that this game might've been the last one.
The brunette caught the ball right after his friend missed and dribbled, moving to the other side of the court. He wasn't the best at some fancy tricks, luckily for him, the next one worked out so well that Ryder found himself scoring seconds after. He grinned; it was one of the few times when he'd actually won. Damn right.
"He shoots. He scores. HE WINS." Ryder screamed happily when he was jogging towards Nathan, and gave him a high five as he finally approached the other one, "Awesome game, bro." The brunette patted the other's back and followed his friend outside the court where they found their bags.
"First win in weeks, dude. That was fuckin' intense." Nathan commented. Both of them sat down on the ground and found bottles of water. The day was sunny, it was really perfect basketball weather, something that did not happen very often in Ohio.
"It's so insane that you're gonna play for the NFL, man. Like literally...so amazing." Ryder said with a huge grin, he felt like he'd been smiling all the time this week, which was rare for him. Freshman year of college had been tough, it felt like things had started to work out for a change.
"I know. Movin' out next week, so this was our last game."
"Wait, you’re kidding, right? That sucks, but you'll be doing great things, so I forgive you."
"Maybe you'll make it as well."
A smile remained on Ryder's face as they spoke, and he shook his head, "Nah. I don't think football's what I'm meant to do. Don't get me wrong, it's fun. I love it. I don't think I'm a pro football material. Not sure what's my calling, but this major...business stuff is cool. My grades have been pretty decent this year, so who knows what I'll end up doing." Ryder replied with a small shrug, it was crazy that his Freshman year of college was basically done.
Nathan raised his eyebrows at Ryder's comment, "You're different today."
"Yeah." The other man responded, "You smile all the time, it's so unlike you. You don't really do that very often. I mean, yeah, you get excited about things, but I haven't seen you smile all day for a year."
Ryder remained silent. He leaned against his backpack and closed his eyes just enjoying the sun. He wasn't planning on telling his friend that he was basically having the best week of his life.
He heard Nathan clear his throat, "So, I was planning this farewell party. You know, games, pizza, maybe D&D. A good time with the team and my best friends. You're invited, of course. It's actually tonight."
Hearing that Ryder turned his head, and took off his sunglasses, 'Tonight?" He repeated, sighing quietly, feeling suddenly nervous, "I can't. Can you postpone it? You can't just tell me about a farewell party now. Come on, dude. Unfair." He tried to look offended, but he couldn't be mad at this guy for too long, "I already have plans."
"Plans? You have nothing else to do, it is known."
"I have a date," Ryder sputtered and shuffled a little bit on the ground. He noticed that Nathan had just punched the air.
"I fucking knew it." His friend grinned, "Oh, and the party's on Friday." He added casually as they spoke, genuinely proud of himself.
Ryder pouted, lifting his body a little and taking a seat on the ground. He took a small sip of his water, "You're insufferable." He nudged his friend playfully as they spoke, he couldn't quite believe that he got tricked that easily. The other man had played too many games with him, it explained why he could see the change right through him.
"It was easy to tell. You're not exactly yourself today, it's bizarre. So not used to this version of you. Don't get me wrong, it's a very cool version, just...a little bit different. First date, huh?"
Nathan chuckled, "I bet the whole campus will be relieved that you finally asked her out."
Ryder started stretching his arms a little bit, shaking his head in disbelief. He really didn't feel like talking about his love life with his friend; however, the smile remained on his face. He felt his muscles loosen up a little bit, a refreshing change.
"You've never been too excited about any of your dates, come on. Everyone knows she likes you too, you know?"
The brunette rubbed the back of his neck for a moment and looked over at his friend shyly.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." 
"Oh come on, dude. You've been in love with Marley Rose for ages. I'm glad you have finally left the "friendzone" area and have made the first step. I want you to be happy." Nathan patted Ryder's back playfully.
Ryder couldn't help but grin again.  "Wow. Does everyone really talk about my dating life?" He asked genuinely, putting his sunglasses back on, "I'm not really a fan of attention. But uh...yeah, I asked her out." He added timidly, was it really that obvious that he was utterly, completely in love right now? He thought he wasn’t that easy to see through. 
"Did you get to kiss her? How was it? Tell me everything." Nathan shuffled slightly closer to him, causing Ryder to laugh quietly. Not a chance. 
"It was pretty great." He admitted with a smile at the memories, leaving all the details to himself, "She's great. Everything just...feels right. Like, I'm alive again. Super cheesy, I know." Ryder added trying to find the right words to describe his emotions, his cheeks were probably as red as the tank top he was wearing, and it wasn't because of the weather.
"Shit, and those eyes." His bro teased with a nudge. 
Ryder blinked, still beaming. While knew Nathan was just playing with him, he couldn’t deny that. He punched the other on the arm playfully, "I'd freakin' lie if I said I wasn't into them." The brunette pointed at his friend, "I don't know...I feel like I'm ready for something serious. I know it's college, but maybe it's the right time for a normal relationship. Even though haven’t been very lucky for the past months, this is different. It feels natural." He stated honestly, happy that things were better, probably for the first time in years.
He was snapped out of his own thoughts hearing Marley's voice coming from the kitchen. Ryder almost jumped and hastily put the small box in his pocket, just in case Marley would come into their bedroom, "I'm comin', babe! Be there in a moment!" He shouted, trying to keep it calm, his head turning five times in a row to check if she wasn’t trying to check on him.
He put the box with the ring inside into his drawer. Furthermore, he tried to cover it with some of his documents and book, so Marley wouldn't be able to find it. The brunette didn't expect her to look for it, he and his girlfriend had their own spots where they kept their personal things, even if they lived together, they respected each other's privacy.
Once that was done, Ryder started walking towards the bedroom's door but stopped for a second. He knew he was doing the right thing by asking her to marry him. It was quite obvious that she’d always made him feel special, right from the start. He was planning on making their most important evening together just as wonderful.
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queen-scribbles · 6 years
Trust Exercise
@masseffectholidaycheer gift for @anunquenchableflame, Nina Ryder gives Suvi the vault exploration date she deserves. :D (I really hope I did it justice, I still haven’t played ME:A, but Nina’s great and I love Suvi, so I couldn’t resist.)
“Hey, Suvi, do you trust me?” Nina grinned as she strode into the Tempest lab, trying to look innocent despite having her hands hidden behind her back.
Suvi looked up from the data she’d been analyzing and shot Nina a skeptical look. “Right, because that question bodes well comin’ from my girlfriend.”
Nina laughed, nudging Suvi’s chair into a half spin so they were face to face.  “Humor me,” Suv. Do you trust me?”
“Y’know I do, Ryder. Why?” Even as she probed for more information, Suvi accepted the hand Nina offered and let the Pathfinder tug her to her feet.
“Because I have a surprise for you,” Nina said, squeezing Suvi’s hand affectionately before she let go. “But in order for it to stay a surprise until we get to it, I need you to wear this”--she finally brought her other hand into view, revealing a dark blue length of fabric clearly meant to be a blindfold--”and I don’t wanna ask you to do that if you’re not comfortable-”
Suvi rested a finger against Nina’s lips to cut her off. “You’re sweet to worry,” she said, taking the blindfold and tying it over her eyes. She held out her hand toward Nina. “Lead the way, Pathfinder.”
Nina chuckled at the mischief in Suvi’s voice, and gave her a peck on the cheek as she took her hand. “Well, I have to now, don’t I, Dr. Anwar?” She gently tugged Suvi into motion and Suvi complied, curiosity welling in her chest as she followed through the halls.
“So... I like surprises as much as the next girl,” Suvi began, “but why?”
“Suvi, I’m hurt,” Nina’s tone dripped with mock-injury. “Do you mean to tell me you forgot our six-month anniversary?”
“I...” She wanted to deny it, but they’d been getting so much fascinating data from Kadara and Voeld the last couple weeks, she’d rather lost track of the date. “...did. I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, no need to apologize,” Nina said breezily. “You- oh, careful around this corner, Suv--you can make it up to me later.”
That was a suspiciously easy forgiveness for her gaffe, and Suvi made a mental note to dig a little more. But right now they were passing down a hallway that resounded with clatter and chatter, and she decided to focus more on not running into anything.
They hadn’t gone too much further when Nina cautioned, “Okay, duck and high step at the same time. Try not to knee yourself in the face.”
“That would be bad,” Suvi laughed as she followed the directions. “Are we...?”
“Not even close,” Nina said apologetically. “Sit.”
Following that felt like being back in grade school and doing trust falls. But Nina guided her down to the seat and then sat next to her, still holding her hand. There was a familiar hiss of an airlock sealing and Suvi cocked her head.
“Are we on another ship?” she asked.
“Well, shuttle, but yes,” Nina replied. There was the tug of restraints as she buckled them both in. “It shouldn’t be too long...”
“You said you trust me, Suv.” Nina’s thumb rubbed over the back of her hand reassuringly.
“I do,” Suvi protested, “But a girl’s still curious, Ryder.”
Nina chuckled. “That you are. Trust me, your patience will be rewarded.”
Even with the blindfold on, there were enough clues from her other senses for Suvi to tell they’d landed at Prodromos. If those weren’t enough, hearing August Bradley hail, “Pathfinder! Dr. Anwar! Good to see you!” would have done it.
Why are we on Eos? Suvi wondered as Nina chatted with the mayor. Several possibilities presented themselves, and she latched on to her favorite, praying she was right.
Nina and August’s conversation terminated with Nina securing a loaned ATV buggy. Her grip on Suvi’s hand shifted as she turned back toward her. “We have to go for a ride for the last leg, babe. You can see for this part if you want, riding on an ATV blind’s not much fun.”
Suvi shook her head. She was invested now in this surprise staying a surprise.  “I’ll hold tight, it’ll be fine.”
Nina chuckled as she guided Suvi toward their ride. “Alright, tell me if you change your mind. Also”--her voice dipped to a husky whisper--”can I exploit this blindfold thing for kinkier purposes sometime? Since you seem so into it?”
Suvi blushed just off the likelihood they had an audience, but her tone was decidedly mischievous. “I do still owe ya an anniversary present,” she grinned,  “but first things first, eh?”
“Right, right.” Nina cleared her throat. “Your surprise first, everything else later. Uh, Suv?”
“Just peek long enough to get on the ATV. It’s gonna be way too complicated otherwise.”
“Sure.” Suvi smiled as she complied, nudging the blindfold up off one eye, so she could climb on the rear seat of the vehicle. Nina hopped up in front of her, and Suvi pulled the blindfold back down before wrapping her arms around Nina’s waist.
“Alright, hold tight,” Nina cauntioned as she started up the ATV. “It’ll be a smoother ride than my first time here, but you never know.”
“Right.” Suvi squeezed tight as she dared. “I’m ready.”
Nina gunned the engine and they were off. She took it slow to start and gradually opened it up once they were away from the colony.
Oh, please, Suvi thought fervently as another point in support of her favorite theory got checked off.
It wasn’t a long ride, five minutes tops, though doing it blind made it feel longer. Finally the buggy coasted to a stop on what felt like level ground.
Nina’s jacket creaked as she turned, anticipation in her voice. “Okay, you can look now.”
Suvi let go and tugged off the blindfold. A huge grin of nearly speechless joy spread across her face. “Ryder...”
Nina slid off the ATV and gestured grandly toward the vault entrance. “It’s all yours, Doctor.”
Suvi nearly tripped getting down, she was so busy staring in awe at the Remnant architecture and running through theories as to how it all worked. Nina caught her as she stumbled, and Suvi turned it into a tight hug of almost overwhelming gratitude. “Thank you, Ryder. You’re the best.”
“I know,” Nina joked. She pointed to a transport crate sitting near the vault entrance. “I had Liam and Peebee bring any of your equipment that seemed safely portable in case your need it.”
Suvi kissed her before letting go. “The best,” she repeated.
Nina, of course, went with her, for a variety of reasons-- “’Cause I know the way, to see your reactions, for company and protection... take your pick.”
Suvi raised an eyebrow at the last one. “Protection?” she parroted as they rode down the first gravity well. (An unnerving but fascinating experience in and of itself)
Nina shrugged. “Remnant tech is self-replicating. Just ‘cause we cleared it out on our first visit doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way.”
That was slightly worrisome, but they hit the bottom of the gravity well and Suvi was immediately distracted from her concern by the soft glow of activated tech. 
“It’s magnificent!” she gushed, stumbling slightly into Nina as their boots hit the ground. A few quick steps brought her to the display console and the holographic map hovering above it. “Are those other vaults?” she guessed, seeing the green markers on Voeld, Havarl, Kadara... There were some still red, probably dormant. “Beautiful.”
“Very.” Nina said slyly, giving Suvi a meaningful look.
She rolled her eyes and blushed. “Ryder.”
“It’s the truth and I stand by it,” Nina said with a playful wink. “Lemme show you the layout, so you know what there is to see and how to allot your time. I wish I could say take all the time you need, but I have a conference with the APEX team leads and other Pathfinders in”--a glance at her omnitool--”seven and a half hours, and I don’t wanna leave you down here alone.”
“That’s plenty of time,” Suvi assured her. “I’m just happy I get to see one of these up close. It’s an excellent anniversary gift. One I’ve no idea how I’ll match.”
“Getting to see you all lit up with wonder like a kid on Christmas is a good start,” Nina said as she pulled up the vault map on her omnitool. “We can work out the rest later.”
Suvi laughed. “Deal.” She studied the map for a minute or two, biting her lip.  “There’s another gravity well?”
“Yep.” Nina nodded. “Why?”
“Nothing, they just make me a wee bit unsettled,” Suvi admitted.
“Hey, I’ve ridden? used? this particular set multiple times and they’re fine,” Nina promised. “Besides, I’ll be with you with my trusty jump jet. Trust me, Suv, it’ll be fine. Now, c’mon, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover in six and a half hours.”
“You said seven and a half.”
“I need time to get back to the Tempest, babe,” Nina reminded her.
“Oh, right. Let’s go, then.”
Their progress was slow, as Suvi wanted to stop and look at everything, poke and prod it, take readings. She was pretty sure Nina was expecting that, however. You don’t list someone’s curiosity and passion as part of why you love them and then get surprised when they’re passionately curious. And there was so much about the Remnant they still didn’t understand and their tech was amazing and Nina seemed to be enjoying herself watching Suvi enjoy herself. She didn’t even seem to mind when their progress ground to a halt in the huge chamber just prior to the vault’s core. If the other Remnant technology was fascinating, this room was straight up mind-boggling. Suvi spent fifteen minutes just examining the first console as Nina tried different things, both curious to see what it could do. When they finally stopped playing and made their way across the room, Suvi stopped twice to scan the black pillars, curious as to the tech, the power distribution, if there was anything behind the green lines that covered the surface or if they were just for appearance’s sake.
Both women stared agape at the small but sturdy seedlings curling upward under the central light.
“How the hell.... Everything in here was dead,” Nina frowned at the plants.  “There’s no natural light or water, and everything got wiped out by the damn security cloud the first time I was down here. This is-”
“A miracle,” Suvi murmured, hopping between pillars to get closer.
“I was gonna say impossible, but that works, too,” Nina snorted as she followed.
Suvi already had her scanner up and was examining the plant buds. “Amazing the adaptations they’ve made. It appears they get everything they need from the... soil?” It felt like the wrong word; the stuff covering the platform was a different consistency than she’d ever seen. But then, what had she expected in an alien galaxy? “Are we prepared for takin’ back some samples?” she asked hopefully, running her fingers over a nearby rock.
“A few, sure, of course,” Nina nodded. “Just promise you won’t lick any of ‘em.”
“You’re never lettin’ me live that down are ya?” Suvi sighed. She gathered a handful of soil and a couple small pebbles and sealed them in the pouch Nina produced without being asked. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.” Nina gestured back toward the path(if you wanted to call it that). “There are a bunch of rooms I didn’t check before, and we only have another two hours. Just so you know where things stand. I don’t want you runnin’ out of time before you get to see everything you wanna see.”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” Suvi said with a smile. “And you’re right, we should keep moving. Can we get those doors open?”
“Dunno, didn’t check,” Nina said sheepishly. “We were kinda getting shot at by creepy Remnant robots. And then running from a killer death cloud.”
“Both of which are good excuses,” Suvi laughed, trying not to dwell on the reminder of the danger Nina walked into regularly. This trip was supposed to be fun. Had been fun so far, and she wanted to keep it that way. “Maybe we’ll have better luck.”
“Maybe,” Nina grinned. “Let’s find out.”
They did, mostly. There wasn’t much in the first couple rooms, and the third one reeked of the fluid spilled across its back half. The chemical signature matched the stuff Nina said powered the consoles. Whatever it was made Suvi’s eyes water, so they didn’t stay long. The next couple doors looked like they’d been fused shut and would require heavier equipment than the two of them had to get open. By the time they reached the power core room, there was barely an hour left of their time. Not wanting to waste a single precious minute, Suvi made notes on the structure and architectural patterns even as she gaped at the room’s beauty. She took scans of the consoles, of the plants that grew here--bigger than the others; maybe being closer to the power source accelerated their growth?--of everything. Nina helped, the two of them alternating easy small talk and comfortable silence, until her omnitool beeped.
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news, Suv, but we gotta go,” she said apologetically. “I’ll try to work it out for us to come back, but if I’m late for another conference, Kandros will never let me live it down.”
“No, it’s fine, trust me,” Suvi assured her, finishing the in-progress scan and closing down her omnitool. “I got quite a bit, and it’ll keep me nice and busy. Gettin’ to see this place at all is a treat, really. An’ we wouldn’t want Kandros lordin’ anything over ya, would we?”
Nina hugged her and kissed her forehead. “You’re the best, Suv.”
Suvi smiled and linked her fingers with Nina’s as they headed back. “You must’ve rubbed off on me, yeah?”
Nina laughed at the joke but shook her head.” I think you got there all on your own.”
Their luck held and they didn’t run into any trouble on the way out. Nina seemed to relax the further they made it without any danger manifesting, and Suvi realized just how concerned she’d been that might prove an issue. But their progress was uneventful, aside from the surprising discovery gravity wells were, somehow, fun when you were going up. Part of Suvi wondered how that made sense, but she decided not to overthink things and just enjoy herself.
The ATV ride back to Prodromos was bumpy, but that was just an excuse to hold tighter to Nina, which was fine by her. They made arrangements with Mayor Bradley to get Suvi’s gear back to the Tempest, and then boarded the shuttle. It was only after they’d buckled in and the door closed, sealing them in privacy, that Suvi let her head rest on Nina’s shoulder and slipped her hand under the Pathfinder’s to interlock their fingers.
“Nina?” she murmured, snuggling close. “Thanks.”
Nina chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “You’re very welcome. Happy six month anniversary, Suvi.”
“Happy anniversary,” she returned, giving Nina’s hand a squeeze. “Hopefully by the time you’re done your meeting, I’ll have something for you.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Nina leaned her head against Suvi’s. “Seein’ you giddy as a kid in a candy store was present enough for me.”
“Ryder...” She almost rolled her eyes.
“Hey, it may be corny, but it’s true,” Nina defended. “I’m happy, Suv.”
Suvi smiled and hummed contentedly. “Me, too.”
She still wanted to do something for Nina--maybe something involving the blindfold and those kinkier uses Nina had mentioned--but for now, cuddling with her girlfriend after a day of exploration and discovery was more than enough.
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ridethepunkhorse · 3 years
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When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder? (Milton Katselas, USA, 1979)
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pyro-hairedguy · 7 years
For the first time since my first show in theater, I am the protagonist in a show.
Next semester, I’ll be playing Stephen “Red Ryder” in When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder?
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catcasualtv · 5 years
Based on the play, When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder? is sometimes referred to as a sort of Clockwork Orange for the 70’s.
Starring Marjoe Gortner, Candy Clark, Anne Ramsey, Pat Hingle, Hal Linden, and Leon Russell’s voice as a radio preacher.
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gone2soon-rip · 5 years
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MARK MEDOFF (1940-Died April 23rd 2019,at 79.Cancer).American playwright, screenwriter, film and theatre director, actor, and professor.  His play Children of a Lesser God received both the Tony Award and the Olivier Award.  He was nominated for an Academy Award and a Writers Guild of America Best Adapted Screenplay Award for the film script of Children of a Lesser God and for a Cable ACE Award for his HBO Premiere movie, Apology.  He also received an Obie Award for his play When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?..Medoff's feature film Refuge,was released in 2010. When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder? was adapted into a film with a screenplay by Medoff in 1979. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Medoff
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peter-firth · 7 years
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           Peter Firth in “When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder?” (1979)
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newyorktheater · 5 years
Cynthia Erivo singing “Stand Up” at the Oscars, the Oscar-nominated song she co-wrote for “Harriet,” the movie for which she gave an Oscar-nominated performance. Erivo is the Tony Award winner for The Color Purple — she also won a Grammy for The Color Purple album, and an Emmy for singing from it on TV. Had she won either of the two Oscars for which she was nominated at the 92nd Academy Awards, that would have meant an EGOT for her. But the Oscars were not a night for black people, or women, or Broadway veterans.
For the fourth year in a row, the Trump budget proposes shutting down the National Endowment for the Arts, along with many other cultural agencies — the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) — all, so the proposal states, ” as part of the Administration’s plan to move the Nation towards fiscal responsibility and to redefine the proper role of the Federal Government.”
Details from the Performing Arts Alliance and what you can do about it
Week in New York Theater Reviews
Border People
Fandango for Butterflies (and Coyotes)
Two different shows about immigrants are traveling to all five boroughs
Fandango for Butterflies and Coyotes
The audience is invited to sing and dance along with the performers in an actual fandango, which is a lively, spontaneous, communal musical celebration. But that’s only after the 100 minutes of “Fandango for Butterflies (and Coyotes),” a play that depicts a fandango as practiced by immigrants from Latin America who have brought the tradition to New York.
Border People one can be forgiven for assuming that “Border People” will be about the worldwide refugee crisis, like a spate of other New York theater this season, or at least about the tension over immigration in the U.S. Some of the monologues are indeed in part spot-on commentary on these issues…If Hoyle has a political purpose in “Border People,” it’s less about piecing together a ground-level look at a specific urgent issue, as it is to undermine popular assumptions based on a range of identities. That big black guy living in the Bronx is actually a chess master. That farmer in Arizona tells us he might have been a redneck except that he’s gay.
The Confession of Lily Dare
As he’s done for close to 40 years, Charles Busch sprinkles his latest campy melodrama with Oscar Wilde wit, Barbara Stanwyck grit, Marlene Dietrich glamour and Mae West shtick: “I don’t usually meet the wives…. except in court,” Busch as Lily Dare vamps in one of her many incarnations. “The Confession of Lily Dare” offers an overlong, convoluted tale that simultaneously pays homage to and parodies a genre of early talkies …
Riddle of the Trilobites
Trilobites were actual crab-like creatures of the sea who lived on earth 150 million years before the first dinosaurs – and, like dinosaurs, are long extinct. But they remain as sturdy fossils for scientists to study….and theater artists to imagine.
“The Riddle of the Trilobites,” running at New Victory Theater through February 23, is being billed as a musical for kids about climate change. That may be the most marketable way of describing a show that is also about puppets and paleontology.and puberty.
The Week in New York Theater News
Has @theebillyporter become essential to every awards show?#Oscar2020 pic.twitter.com/SjjI7aodWV
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) February 10, 2020
The two obvious questions from #Oscars2020 1. When will Parasite be made into a Broadway musical? 2. When will any of the four Oscar-winning performers make their Broadway debuts? pic.twitter.com/9FQn3bAhWT
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) February 10, 2020
AP: “The TV ratings for this year’s Oscars ceremony were the lowest in history. The Nielsen company says the audience of 23.6 million people who saw “Parasite” win best picture was down from 29.6 million in 2019.” (The Tonys would kill for that number.)
  Thirty rush tickets (at $40) and 30 lottery ticket (at $30) will be available for every preview performance of “Six the Musical, “which begins performances Feb 13 and opens March 12 at Brooks Atkinson Theater
Finalists for this year’s Susan Smith Blackburn Prize for outstanding play by a woman dramatist
The third annual “Women’s Day on Broadway: The Decade Ahead and How Women Will Shape It” on March 10 at the New Amsterdam Theatre. Free, but make a reservation.
Jeremy Jordan will be the third Seymour in the production of Little Shop of Horror at Westside Theater March 17-May 10
Williamstown Festival summer calendar
Audra McDonald and Bobby Cannavale will star in A Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams, directed by Robert O’Hara opening the festival.
From high art to tipsy night out: has immersive theatre sold its soul? 
Theater criticism jargon, translated, by San Francisco Chronicle critic Lily Janiak: eg. Dated: “This show is painfully racist, sexist, homophobic, heteronormative and/or nationalist, and quite likely very boring in the moments when it’s not making you wince…”
Edgy: “This production was created by people who are younger than I am.”
Experimental (of a genre): “I did not know what was happening in this play.”
How Nathan Lane avoided coming out to Oprah Winfrey (but did so on The Advocate three years later)
  I am locked in the bathroom at Lincoln Center. I have been banging and yelling if you see this tweet send help!
— Lynn Nottage (@Lynnbrooklyn) February 6, 2020
    Rest in Peace
Orson Bean, 91, familiar face on TV, nine-time veteran on Broadway, who recently played a cardinal in a local California production of Bad Habits. “My secret to longevity is gratitude. The longer I live, the more grateful I become.”
Paul Ford as Harry Lambert, Maureen O’Sullivan as Edith Lambert and Orson Bean as Charlie in Never Too Late, 1962
Orson Bean, 91, was struck and killed by a car Friday night in Venice, California. The veteran of Hollywood and Broadway (Tony nominee for Subways Are for Sleeping) was still a working actor.
Kirk Douglas on Broadway in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” in 1963, opposite Joan Tetzel as Nurse Ratched. He optioned the film rights but eventually gave them to his son Michal Douglas, who produced the movie directed by Milos Forman and starring Jack Nicholson.
Kirk Douglas on Broadway
Kevin Conway, 77, memorable turns in the 1970s in the plays “When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder?” and “The Elephant Man,”
Paula Kelly, 76, movie and TV actress, an four-time Broadway veteran who made her Broadway debut as Mrs. Veloz in the 1964 musical Something More!, alongside Barbara Cook.
“Time heals everything,” Bernadette Peters sang at the Jerry Herman memorial, as she sang in the original Broadway production of his Mack and Mabel (which is getting an Encores production this month at City Center.)  Let’s hope time really does heal everything. We miss Jerry Herman and his optimism.
Killing Culture. After Oscars. Immigrants on Stage in All 5 Boroughs. #Stageworthy News of the Week For the fourth year in a row, the Trump budget proposes shutting down the National Endowment for the Arts, along with many other cultural agencies -- the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) -- all, so the proposal states, " as part of the Administration's plan to move the Nation towards fiscal responsibility and to redefine the proper role of the Federal Government."
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marilynngmesalo · 5 years
‘Children of a Lesser God’ playwright Mark Medoff dead at 79
‘Children of a Lesser God’ playwright Mark Medoff dead at 79 ‘Children of a Lesser God’ playwright Mark Medoff dead at 79 https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
Mark Medoff, a provocative playwright whose Children of a Lesser God won Tony and Olivier awards and whose screen adaptation of his play earned an Oscar nomination, has died in Las Cruces, N.M. He was 79.
Medoff died Tuesday in a hospice surrounded by family, according to his daughter, Jessica Bunchman. He had been battling both multiple myeloma, a cancer, and renal failure, she said Wednesday in a family statement.
Medoff wrote 30 plays and wrote, produced or directed 19 movies. He found his greatest success with Children of a Lesser God, the tale of a troubled love affair between a speech teacher and a deaf woman who struggle to overcome the communications gap between their two cultures.
Phyllis Frelich won a Tony in 1980 for her Broadway portrayal of Sarah Norman, the deaf woman at the heart of the play, which ran for almost 900 performances. It was later made into a movie, which won an Academy Award for actress Marlee Matlin, who co-starred opposite William Hurt.
Medoff was a caring adviser to many in the business, according to the statement.
“He had a way of making every creative heart with whom he worked feel as if their work, or their part in his work, was the single most important thing to him in the moment. In turn, hundreds of writers, actors, directors and creatives all over the world consider Mark Medoff a mentor,” the statement said.
Matlin tweeted on Wednesday: “Mark Medoff, the brilliant mind behind the Tony Award winning play, ‘Children Of A Lesser God,’ has passed at 79. He insisted and fought the studio that the role be played by a deaf actor; I would not be here as an Oscar winner if it weren’t for him. RIP Dear Mark.”
Mark Medoff, the brilliant mind behind the Tony Award winning play, “Children Of A Lesser God,” has passed at 79. He insisted and fought the studio that the role be played by a deaf actor; I would not be here as an Oscar winner if it weren’t for him. RIP Dear Mark. pic.twitter.com/wpIJJqW00x
— Marlee Matlin (@MarleeMatlin) April 24, 2019
A Broadway revival last year of Children of a Lesser God starred Joshua Jackson and Lauren Ridloff, a former Miss Deaf America who earned a Tony nomination.
Medoff’s work often tackled social issues, from animal testing and AIDS in the play Prymate, to American myths and disorders in the Obie-winning stage work When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder to poverty in India in his screenplay for the 1992 film City of Joy. His 2015 play, Marilee and Baby Lamb: The Assassination of an American Goddess, is about the last days of Marilyn Monroe.
“Everything I do probably starts more from a social-issue impulse than anything else,” the playwright told The Associated Press in 2004. “I went to a psychologist when I was 18 or 19 and he said I was the first kid he’d ever met who was rebelling against a happy childhood. So when I started writing, I began to expropriate social issues and quickly roped myself out of my angst.”
Medoff was inspired to write Children of a Lesser God after meeting Frelich and her husband, Robert Steinberg, a lighting designer. “I told him there were no roles for deaf actresses,” Frelich recalled. “He said, ‘OK, I’ll write a play for you.’ He did. He went home and wrote Children of a Lesser God. He wanted to write a good play.”
Medoff was co-founder of the American Southwest Theatre Company and head of the Department of Theatre Arts for nine years at New Mexico State University, where he taught for years. He helped form the Creative Media Institute for Film & Digital Arts in 2005.
“When the Creative Media Institute was just getting going, Mark told the faculty, ‘Look, we can sit around and talk about how to teach people to make movies, or we can just go make movies,’ which reflected his philosophy across life,” said Amy Lanasa, a friend who now heads the institute, in the family statement. “Why sit around talking about it when you can get up and take action or create something?”
Medoff’s other works include the plays The Wager, The Hand of Its Enemy, The Heart Outright, The Majestic Kid and the screenplay for the HBO movie thriller Apology. He also penned the 1978 Chuck Norris action film, Good Guys Wear Black and the black comedy Refuge starring Linda Hamilton in 2010.
His second original Broadway play was in 2004 with Prymate, which closed quickly after 23 previews and five performances, having in one week only grossed 8 % of the theatre’s capacity.
Prymate tells the story of two middle-age scientists and former lovers — an animal behaviourist and a biologist — in a tug-of-war over the fate of an aging gorilla rescued from an AIDS lab. The Associated Press review said “Medoff’s dialogue is unsubtle, often crude and, what’s worse, unbelievable.” Variety called it “ludicrous.”
Medoff was born in Mount Carmel, Ill., grew up in Miami Beach, Fla., and received his bachelor’s in English from the University of Miami in 1962. He completed graduate studies in English in 1966 at Stanford University.
Medoff is survived by his second wife, Stephanie Thorne, whom he wed in 1972, three daughters and eight grandchildren. In 1981, he also received an honorary degree from Gallaudet University for exemplary service to the deaf community.
Medoff and his family have created The Hope E. Harrison Foundation to raise awareness and finance research to end the chromosomal anomaly Trisomy 18, which afflicts his five-year old granddaughter, Hope.
Click for update news Bangla news http://bit.ly/2XEV5Xt world news
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
The Great Big Postpartum Post
Today’s blog post has been a long time coming! Well, I guess it hasn’t been brewing for that long considering Ryder is just now 8 weeks old but it has taken me a lot longer to find the time to sit down and type up everything about this postpartum period than I anticipated.
I’ve actually been working on bits and pieces of this post for weeks and thought about breaking it up but decided against it so everything is in one place. Today’s post touches on everything from Ryder and breastfeeding to newborn sleep and the transition into life with two children. Brace yourselves because you guys are getting a VERY wordy post comin’ at you today!
Oh Ryder! My sweet little boy! Ryder is such a gift in our lives and I absolutely love being his mother.
I don’t quite know how to put the way I feel about this little guy into words but he has a personality that feels almost calming to me which I know sounds crazy but there’s something about the way he locks eyes with everyone as he coos away that makes me feel like he’s going to be an introspective and thoughtful little boy. We all say he seems older than his 8 weeks somehow and I cannot wait to watch his personality develop and unfold as time goes on.
As far as babies go, he’s pretty darn easygoing and as Ryan likes to say, “He’s a good baby… but he’s still a baby,” which I think perfectly sums things up around here. It’s basically our way of saying he’s not too challenging but newborns are never a cakewalk! Ryder is admittedly an easier baby than our first (I��hate to compare but I think it’s only natural for those with two kids to admit that all babies are different and some are easier than others) and Ryder truly feels like an angel baby to me because most of the time he’s just so content.
He loves to kick and coo and look at lights and fans and faces. High-pitched baby talk works wonders with Ryder and brings about the cutest little expressions that seem to showcase 5,000 emotions in 2.5 seconds. He’ll look at us with a big, gummy smile that will morph into a skeptical look that will quickly morph into a judgmental baby face and I’m trying to soak them all up!
It’s so neat to see Ryder’s personality develop right before my eyes and the past few weeks have brought about tons of smiles, gurgles and sweet baby chirps and coos that I just adore. He loves people and will lock eyes and stare at anyone and everyone who meets him.
Ryder is out of all of his newborn clothes and into 0-3 month and some 3 month clothing already. When he was born, I thought we lucked out and would be able to reuse all of Chase’s old clothes since they both have summer birthdays but I am beginning to wonder if Ryder’s size might not make this a possibility!
I love his squishy thighs, the milky bubbles he blows, the way his gummy smile creeps into his eyes and overtakes his whole face, his fluffy mohawk and the way he’ll come off my chest after nursing and give me the cutest little flirty smiles. It melts me every time and I am so grateful for this little boy.
Breastfeeding admittedly got off to a bit of a stressful start. When we were in the hospital and I attempted to nurse Ryder for the first time, he latched well but would only take one or two powerful sucks before coming off my breast. We now realize this was likely because he couldn’t breathe well while nursing. Once he was admitted to the NICU, I spent the next few days setting alarms and exclusively pumping which resulted in some incredibly sore nipples and stressed me out because after my first pump, I was pumping next to nothing or nothing at all. I was assured that this was normal and encouraged to continue pumping.
During this experience and also in hindsight, I felt incredibly grateful that I was a second-time mom because I cannot imagine how much more stressed I would’ve felt to have to learn how to pump immediately and then try to navigate nursing for the first time. I also know I am very, very lucky that our NICU stay was relatively short and I was able to nurse Ryder after a few days. I know this is not the case for many and I will always feel so grateful for everything.
Once my milk came in and I was able to nurse Ryder, breastfeeding improved dramatically. I felt my uterus begin to cramp, my bleeding increased and my body seemed to physically respond to nursing Ryder in the most incredible way.
Nursing Ryder in the beginning was a very different experience from learning to breastfeed Chase. It’s truthfully been much, much easier this time. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that Chase had a tongue tie that resulted in bleeding, scabbing and a lot of pain and I needed to use nipple cream like it was my job. I remember dreading the moment Chase would need to latch again because it would hurt so much until he had his frenulum clipped. Another thing I believe has contributed to an easier experience this time around is the simple fact that this is my second time breastfeeding. I truly believe nursing Chase for 15 months permanently changed my nipples and paved the way for Ryder a bit. Is that weird? Unfounded? Maybe! But whatever it is, I’ll take it!
Ryder is nursing well and seems to be a very efficient eater. He rarely wants to nurse for an extended period of time but he definitely wants to nurse often. I am nursing on demand at the moment which means that some days I feel like all I do is nurse, especially when Ryder wants to snack or cluster feed all day long. Ryder will often stay latched well for several minutes but then he likes to come on and off my breast and intersperse nursing with looking at me or looking around the room and cooing. This will often result in a very messy and milky nursing experience (my breasts will often spray milk or drip milk when he breaks his latch), so we’re going through a lot of milk-soaked burp cloths and blankets over here right now.
One obstacle that surfaced for the first few weeks of Ryder’s life that was somewhat related to breastfeeding was a pretty horrible diaper rash. His poor little booty was so red and he had little bloody sores on his bottom. The pediatrician had my breast milk tested to see if Ryder might have a milk protein allergy but everything came back normal. His diaper rash cleared up dramatically around 6 weeks and I think a HUGE part of this was the fact that Ryder started pooping less and his butt finally had time to recover between poops.
In the interim, we did a lot of naked baby time to give his butt a chance to breathe in between diaper changes and tried a bunch of diaper rash remedies, creams and oils. Most diaper rash remedies didn’t work well for Ryder (even a prescription cream) but Triple Paste seemed to work the best for him and we went through that stuff like it was going out of style!
My expectations for newborn sleep were really, really low. Chase was up nearly every two hours for feedings for well over a month or two and when I looked back on my monthly update posts for Chase, I saw that he was still waking up at least two times a night at 4-5 months old. This is what I was expecting from Ryder so I cannot tell you how incredible it has been to have a child who seems to sleep well. It’s pretty darn amazing. But I say this in the same breath that I say we are doing NOTHING different this time around with Ryder so if you have a baby that is a horrible sleeper, you’re doing a GREAT job and you’re doing nothing wrong. I feel you. Chase’s sleep was rough but in the beginning I had no point of comparison and thought all babies woke up a million times a night. (In this instance my naivety as a new mom worked as a benefit for me.)
Once I started to realize some babies were, in fact, sleeping through the night when we were still up all the time with Chase, I began reading baby sleep books which mostly made me feel like a big fat failure. As a second-time mom, I now realize some babies are just better sleepers and some parents just get really lucky. That’s not to say following sleep training techniques and implementing schedules doesn’t work for babies — I think they totally DO! — but babies are so different and as someone who has had a baby who was a pretty awful sleeper and someone who has a baby who seems to be a naturally good sleeper, I just feel like that’s an important thing to say to any moms out there who might be reading this post with bags under their eyes after months of horrible sleep. You’re doing great and it will get better! That’s something I also carry with me this time around — bad sleep DOES come to an end and it happens faster than you might think. Understanding that all of the baby struggles are temporary somehow makes it easier this time, too.
In the beginning, Ryder was up every three(ish) hours in the night. Some nights were filled with more frequent feedings but as the weeks went on, the time between Ryder’s feedings stretched out more and more. Right now I typically feed him before we go to bed between 8 and 9 p.m. Ryder will then typically wake up between midnight and 2 a.m. and again around 4 or 5 a.m. The fact that I am usually getting at least one solid 4-5 hour stretch of sleep between nursing sessions feels like an incredible gift and has been a huge help when it comes to my energy level every day. We’ve even had a few nights where Ryder skips his middle-of-the-night feed and wakes up to nurse for the first time between 4 and 5 a.m. (I pretty much wanted to high-five everyone I saw the next day after those nights!)
Of course some nights are still rough around here — just last night I found myself pacing around our room and rocking him from 2:30-3:30 a.m. — and I admittedly found myself throwing a dirty diaper in the washing machine last week because I was so out of it but, on the whole, I am counting my blessings in the newborn sleep department at the moment.
Physical Recovery and Changes
My physical recovery from this pregnancy has honestly been pretty good. Labor was fast and my delivery was pretty easy (thank you, epidural) and I only needed two stitches so I wasn’t too sore for too long. I continued to bleed and experience some serious postpartum night sweats up until around 5 weeks postpartum.
I started walking for exercise (and sanity!) when Ryder was about a week and a half old. I kept my pace nice and easy and gradually worked up to walking three(ish) miles almost every day. I feel really good now and just started to return to boot camp classes this week.
I am definitely easing into fitness and currently modifying my workouts quite a bit. After I received the okay from my doctor at my 6-week postpartum checkup, I began doing some moderate strength training in our garage but only a few days and every workout left me feeling so sore!
From an aesthetic standpoint, I’m softer everywhere and the cellulite is REAL over here but I’m not really focused on that right now. I’m not weighing myself regularly (I didn’t before I got pregnant and don’t plan to start now) but I hopped on the scale for the sake of this post and saw I’m up about 12-15 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I know from my experience with Chase that the final 10-15 pounds of pregnancy weight gain took the longest to lose and it took me a solid 9 months to lose it all after my first pregnancy.
My plan for postpartum weight loss is the same this time around: I plan to focus on being as healthy as I can, work out regularly to make myself feel strong (mentally and physically) and trust that my body will do what is best. Breastfeeding is a priority for me and along with nursing comes ridiculous hunger so I feel like I’m an eating machine and I wouldn’t want to mess with anything that could effect my milk supply.
I say all of this in one breath but I don’t want to mislead anyone into thinking I’m completely confident with my postpartum body. I feel secure in my body and so grateful for what it has done but getting dressed feels awkward since I’m in a weird transition stage where maternity stuff doesn’t really work and my regular clothes all cling to my body and feel too small. I am just not dwelling on my physical appearance and I am trying to put my focus where it matters — on my two boys — and remind myself that my body just did something amazing and it should look different right now.
Despite what the media and social media portrays, I know it’s not realistic to look like I didn’t just give birth 8 weeks after our baby arrived so I’m trying my best to embrace the softness, cellulite and body changes and focus on the incredible reason my body looks different. It just produced a HUMAN and that’s pretty freaking incredible!
Transition to Two Children
In today’s post I’m focusing on how I’m personally handling the transition into life with two kids but you may read more about how big brother Chase is handling the transition in Chase’s Three Year Update. 
To be completely honest, the hardest part about this postpartum period has been the transition from one child to two. This is not because Chase is acting out or we have a colicky baby or anything dramatic but simply juggling two children is very, very different than one baby. There’s basically NO downtime and every day feels a bit chaotic right now.
When Chase was a baby, I could count on his nap time to work but now I can count on one hand the number of times Chase and Ryder’s naps have coincided which means I am constantly feeling behind on everything. I cannot blog or get work done nearly as often as I used to and our house rarely looks clean but I know this is a season and I’m trying to embrace this time as best as possible.
Possibly the biggest blessing in this postpartum transition period was having my mom here to help after Ryder was born. So many fellow moms encouraged me to accept help during this time and I’m so, so glad I did even if my first inclination was to say, “I’ve got this!”
My mom mostly helped with Chase after Ryder was born which is exactly what we wanted and needed most. Ryan got one week of paternity leave so his time off was all used up while we were still in the hospital with Ryder. Having my mom’s help during this time and right after Ryan went back to work was so incredible and absolutely helped with the transition. Her help made a huge difference to me during the first couple of weeks with two kids and I know how lucky we were to have her here!
When Ryder “woke up” (aka was no longer sleeping all day every day), I had quite a few meltdown days. Seemingly overnight, Ryder needed more attention and soothing to be content and on the days when Chase wouldn’t nap or didn’t nap well, he’d often be in a serious MOOD by 4 p.m. Let’s just say the hours from 4 p.m. until bedtime often felt (and can feel) like an eternity. This is the time of day that is still the most challenging for us and it can feel really long and draining some days since it’s typically the time of day when Ryder seems the most hands-on (they call it the “witching hour” for a reason!) and, depending on his mood, Chase can be needier and whinier than usual.
Ryan often doesn’t arrive home from work until after 7 p.m. (this isn’t a complaint, just a reality) and there have been more than a few days that he’ll arrive home to me telling him I just want to face-plant into bed. (Side note: My back often feels totally destroyed by the end of the day from all the rocking, bouncing and soothing. I don’t remember this happening with Chase but the pain I feel in my mid/upper back is killer at the end of some of the rougher days! Has this happened to any of you!?)
As far as the impact of two kids on our marriage, all is well over here but in full transparency our time to really connect as a couple feels rather limited on a daily basis. I swear an entire week can easily go by where I feel like I’ve barely talked to my husband! By the time Ryan is home from work and we tackle the bedtime routine, the only thing I want to do is go to sleep and since we both seem to fall asleep the minute Ryder goes down for the night, it can be a little challenging to get that one-on-one time to talk and connect. We’re trying our best but many times during the week our conversations feel fragmented by bursts of one child needing this or that or family playtime. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love building airplanes or playing dragons with Chase, Ryder and Ryan but playing dragons with my husband is very different from actual adult communication!
It’s more clear than ever to me that we need to be intentional in our time together as a couple and we’re slowly getting into a better rhythm. I’m not quite ready to schedule a date night and leave Ryder with a babysitter (I still need to pump and get him used to taking a bottle again) but hopefully that isn’t too far off! In the meantime, we’re doing our best to keep communication open, acknowledge our feelings and lean on each other even if we’re not getting as much couple time as usual these days! Thankfully we both seem to understand that this time with a newborn is so fleeting and we are just trying to go with the flow and be great parents and great spouses even though the parenting role admittedly — and understandably — seems to be taking the front seat at the moment.
Sooo there you have it! A bazillion words and way more than you guys all probably cared to know about this postpartum period! I will likely do a followup post to this one in the coming weeks much like I did after Chase was born to address any lingering questions, so please let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to touch on that I may have missed! And if you made it to the end of this post, thank you so much for reading about this special and crazy time in our lives!
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/the-great-big-postpartum-post/
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idle--hours · 11 years
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A couple weeks ago I found an excerpt of When You Comin' Back Red Ryder? and started reading it. I could picture Brad as Stephen in my head so clearly but Google books only had the first couple pages available and by then I was already invested in the story and wanted to read the whole thing, so I ordered a cheap used copy of the script book from Alibris. Well I just got it today and I opened up the first page and there was this cast picture. I mean, there are better stills of him from this on braddourif.org, but it was still a nice surprise. :) 
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peter-firth · 7 years
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             Peter Firth in “When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder?” (1979)
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