#Whatever...I'mma go eat some peanut butter cups. -_-
someheroescarryfloss · 10 months
Season 2, Episode 6
Well, we finally know what Kris's purpose was, other than comic relief. Santapolis's whole purpose was to be a stopping point for Mad Santa where he and Olga could show the audience that they really aren't that bad, and since they obviously weren't going to be killed off (not that kind of Disney franchise!) they (or, at least, Magnus) needed another place to go. Yeah, okay. I'll buy that. Kris's purpose was to provide Magnus Antas with a new purpose. What do I think about this? Mm...it's fine. If Jack Frost can be thawed by a hug, why not?
So, when Magnus Antas put himself in the doghouse (pun intended) and said he was 'Werewolfing himself', that had me wondering if they were going to drop one of those little throw-away nuggets, like "Oh yeah, by the way, Werewolves are real. Anyway, I was a bad person, lock me up." If they're gearing up for a Christmas/Halloween crossover in Season 3 and it looks too much like a watered down version of The Hollow, I'm gonna sue! XD
Okay, seriously though, I didn't mind this episode all that much. Lots of tying up loose ends, though very little character development, and Scott finally pulled his head out of his butt and decided to be a good dad. I liked that Magnus actually helped him see where he made his mistakes. Didn't much care for the final confrontation, but it was interesting that the cocoa mug was actually the amulet. Noel is finally showing that he can be as bada$$ as his wife, which I LOVED!
The Betty/Olga fight seemed a bit forced to me, mostly because what can a toy sword do against an actual battle axe! And them fighting over the toy like...well, children. I know they look like children, but it's pretty much been established that they're adults, they can marry, they have jobs. So to be like "I want it!!!" "No, it's mine!!!" just fell a little flat to me. I much preferred what came after!
So, is the Elf/Gnome grudge all because Gnomes can't make toys, and Elves can't make useful things (like, excuse you, toys are useful, they serve a purpose!), so it's all about jealousy? Hm...interesting. You know, they could probably team up to make some pretty nice back to school stuff! Sure, it's useful, but who says it can't be fun to look at, or maybe have bells or charms hanging off it? Kids would eat that UP! Just look at all the Lisa Frank stuff that was all over the place before.
EB is normal again, and possibly a potty mouth. Love that. XD
Riley is back, and suddenly all is forgiven. Hate it.
And apparently Scott is NOT in Dutch with the Council for breaking nearly every rule in the book? This man is a Karma Houdini!
I guess Disney accomplished their goal, at least...they got us to watch and talk about it. I just wish they were more character oriented, because they sure as Hades ain't concerned about continuity!
Oh yeah, and Curtis is alive! So, why'd they call it 'Curtis-itis'? Hmmmm...
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