#What does sam even like about hunting. I have no clue. Sounding smart? Going on road trips? The exhilaration of violence?
kerryweaverlesbian · 8 months
dean, at any opportunity: i hate this life i hate hunting i wish i could do literally anything else i want a vacation if it weren't my responsibility to save people i would stop hunting immediately
sam: "I realised [hunting] IS my life. And I love it. But I can't do it without my brother."
These two......
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liopleurodean · 10 months
Season 12, Episode 6: Celebrating The Life Of Asa Fox
Oh, Canada
Rip this kid
What was she doing in Canada?
This was like. Three years before she died. Why was she hunting?
There are other hunters
He's still a hot mess, but okay
And now he's gonna start hunting
Yeah, sure
Whoa. That was abrupt
...I'm pretty sure Omaha is closer to Lebanon than Sioux Falls at that point. Like, almost 100% sure.
Sounds great
Dean, you look invested
Dude. Seriously. Not cool
Poor Dean
Sam. Privacy
She okay?
He's a hunter
Nice. Not sure how he thought he'd get away with that one
Oh, Jody...
Nah, it's their pleasure
Quite an eclectic mix of rides
Dean and I -> same brainwave
Asa's mom?
Yeah, I bet
Everyone is
He can handle himself
Thee Dean Winchester.
More like a hundred
Dude, no
Unfortunately no
The standard, I assume
I should've known
Wow. That's a deep cut
At least they get it
Not when you're living it
Please? I like them
Where'd he get an angel blade?
Makes sense
I am. Dying inside
Oh boy
Oh yeah, remember Crowley?
Oh no
Dean, stop talking
Oh boy, this'll be good
That's the word for it
I love Jody
Makes sense
She just barely missed him
Dean, come on
Not really
It wouldn't be the same
I think Dean needed the perspective
Long story
She's the one who got him into hunting
Oh boy
I don't know
That's not everything
Not really
Finally, someone says it
It's in her blood
Poor guy
Oh no
Seems to be a hunter trait
How does he know?
Asa warded the whole place
There's the clue
That's horrifying
How can they not hear him?
That's weird
Dean's not even in the house
The demon planned
She's being annoying
She is possessed
That's not good
You can't just leave Lorraine!
Neat trick
Definitely not
He's used to people not knowing things
Dang it, I should've known
No kidding
It's been awhile since we've heard that
Oh no
Girl, keep it together
Great, now the power is out
Man, that's so weird. By this point, the hunting world at large knows about angel blades, but they've never seen a demon blade. It's all backwards
It'll come
Smart Dean truthing!!!
I feel like I've heard this music before. At least, the chord progression is familiar
That'll be handy
Harder to memorize
It's in Jody. She's being suspicious
Great question
Not without proof. It's definitely Jody
Why would they do that?
It wasn't on purpose
Ooh, yikes
Oh, Jody...
Here we go
Keep it going
That was quick
Yeah, I bet
That's so stupid
He'll never have a community again
I suppose so
That's true
I don't think that's what she needed
Seriously, Billie?
Uh, no. That wasn't their fault
Take it up with Amara
That's not what she means
Is she really considering it?
There it is
Yup. Winchesters
0 notes
hoboal87 · 3 years
The Fear
Title: The Fear
Pairing: Dean x pregnant!Reader, minor Sam x Eileen
Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader
Summary: Dean comes home to find Y/N missing.
Word Count: 2300+
Warnings: angst with a happy ending, kidnapping, violence, fluff, pregnancy, non-graphic descriptions of childbirth, 15 x 20 adjacent.
A/N: my entry for @princessmisery666's #daily mix challenge combined with a Nonnie request.
Edit: I forgot to thank the lovely @lovealways-j​ for beta-reading this for me. Thanks, Sabrina!
My song is "The Fear" by The Score
My Full Masterlist
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Something’s wrong.
Dean can sense it the moment he steps into his shared room with Y/N. He looks carefully around the room, trying to find a clue as to what’s got his hunter instincts in high gear. It looks no different then when he and Sam left three days ago, and yet, every bone in his body is telling him something is off.
“Y/N?” He calls out hesitantly as he makes his way towards her old room down the hall. She’d been in the process of turning it into a nursery for the last month and had a tendency to get lost in paint samples and baby supplies. As he closes in on the room, he can feel himself becoming more on edge and instinctively reaches for his gun. “Sweetheart? You in there?”
Dean’s heart sinks further into his stomach as he reaches the newly-converted nursery. The usually meticulously organized room was in a state of disarray as if there had been some sort of struggle. Dean calls out for Y/N again, willing her to give him some kind of sign that he was overreacting to what he was seeing.
He quickly pulls out his phone dialing Y/N’s number, he and Sam should have never gone on that hunt, Y/N was due in less than a month, but she insisted that they go.
This is Y/N, sorry I can’t come to the phone, if it’s an emergency please contact Sam or Dean…
“Fuck,” Dean mutters, waiting for her message to end. “Hey sweetheart,” he does his best to keep his voice steady. “Me and Sammy just got back and I just got a feeling…” he takes a deep breath. “Call me back. Love you.”
Dean pockets his phone, before taking in the room again, trying to convince himself that it’s his new-father instincts and not his hunter instincts that have him so on edge. That’s when he sees it: under a discarded bag, a small pool of blood. Dean’s breathing grows heavier, and he scans the room again, looking for any kind of sign of what may have happened in the room.
“Sam!” Dean yells out, his breath quickening. “Sammy!”
Sam’s behind him, skidding to a stop before taking in the sight of the room before him. Even with only a cursory glance Dean knows that Sam’s thinking the same thing as him, something’s happened to Y/N.
Dean hurries down to the infirmary, Y/N had insisted that they have everything to monitor her in the final months and in the worst-case scenario anything needed to help her deliver. The simple fetal monitor is right where they’d left it three days prior, Dean insists on listening to the heartbeat of his unborn child on an almost daily basis, letting the rapid thump thump thump put him at ease.
Dean’s phone buzzes in his back pocket, and he breathes out a sigh of relief when Y/N’s picture fills the screen. He takes a minute, calming himself, she doesn’t need to know that up until this moment he was on the verge of a panic attack.
“Sweetheart,” he smiles, “y’know you had us worried for a minute.”
There’s silence on the other end of the call, save for heavy, scratchy breathing.
“I’m sorry, Dean,” Y/N whispers, choking back a sob. “I shouldn’t’ve trusted her. Now–”
“Baby, listen to me,” Dean finds Sam in the hall and mouths trace the call, Sam nods and bolts towards the library. “Are you okay? The baby?”
“That depends on you, Dean,” an unfamiliar voice replaces Y/N’s. “Now, be a good little soldier and do as I say. Only then will your precious wife and child have a chance to make it through this unharmed.” Dean can feel his blood boiling, this is why he could never not be a hunter. He and Sam have made too many enemies over the years, and now Y/N and their baby may be paying the price.
All the fear that he felt when Y/N first told him she was pregnant comes rushing back to the surface. Dean never thought he’d get married, let alone be a father, but with Rowena keeping the demons in check, and Jack limiting the angels' interaction on Earth, with the exception of Cas, life became some version of safe for the brothers.
That’s why Y/N insisted that they take the simple salt n’ burn just one state over. She knew that they were going a little stir crazy, Bobby, Jody and Donna, had started training the next generation of hunters so that boys could retire. Dean was hesitant to leave, Y/N was only a month away from her due date, but she shooed them out the door, claiming to need her own space from her overprotective husband and brother-in-law.
“Are you listening, Dean?” The voice tuts and Dean tries to clear his head of ‘if’s’ and ‘could’ve’s’ all it’s doing is driving him crazy.
“I’m listening,” Dean repeats through gritted teeth. The voice gives coordinates to a location a few hours away and before he realizes it he’s in the Impala, ready to do whatever it takes to save his wife and baby. Sam tells Dean what he’s already sure of: this is a trap and Y/N is being used as bait. He doesn’t care, he can’t lose her, lose their baby, not when she’s done nothing more than love him.
The sun is setting when they pull up to the abandoned farmhouse, original, Dean thinks. Dean wants to go bursting in, guns ablaze, but Sam stops him, reminding him that they don’t know who or what has got Y/N, and they have to be smart. He wants nothing more than to punch his brother for suggesting that they wait even a second longer to rescue Y/N, but he lets the words sink in and reluctantly agrees.
Silver bullets, holy water, dead man’s blood, witch-killing bullets and machete’s are divided between each brother, knowing that whatever has Y/N, one of these things will most likely kill it. When they enter the farmhouse Dean’s eyes lock on Y/N, who’s against a wall, two chains around her wrists.
Dean rushes towards her, the only thing on his mind is getting her and the baby out of this place and back home. Her breathing is shallow when he reaches her, and he gently inspects her body. Gingerly, he touches her face, allowing her Y/E/C eyes to meet his and she smiles lazily at him. Knew you’d come, she whispers, and Dean leans forward to place a kiss on her forehead. His free hand lands on the swell of her belly, where he can feel a slight kick against his palm.
“I love you,” Dean says softly so that only Y/N can hear him. “I’m gonna get you outta here, sweetheart, okay?” Y/N nods slightly as Dean focuses his attention on freeing her from her bonds.
There’s a grunt behind Dean, and when he turns around, Sam’s on the ground, and there’s a somewhat familiar woman standing behind him.
“Dean Winchester,” she exclaims as two large men appear and pull him to his feet. “Been too long.”
“Jenny,” he utters, remembering one of the first cases he worked with Sam. “You look good, a little dead, but, good.”
“Always the charmer, weren’t you Dean?” She takes a step towards Y/N. “I could smell you on her the second she walked past me. Women always trust other women, made her think I was a hunter; a tragic backstory here, a name drop there, and bingo, the dumb bitch is leading me into your home.”
Dean feels his anger rising as he tugs against the two men, his eyes flicker to Sam, who slowly starts reaching for the blade next to him.
“Up,” Jenny orders and when Y/N doesn’t comply she produces a blade, and presses it against her stomach. Dean’s heart stops at the threat to Y/N and their baby. “If you want to give your baby a chance to ever see the light of day, I suggest you cooperate.”
Y/N’s legs are wobbly as she stands, tears glistening in her eyes as Jenny slowly runs the blade against her. Dean’s gaze doesn’t leave her, watching as Jenny uncuffs her, and leads her slowly over to him.
Adrenaline pumps through Dean’s veins and he frees himself from his two captors; headbutting one and throwing a punch at the other as Y/N is pushed out of the way. Sam is up on his feet and in a swift move, swings the blade through Jenny’s neck, her body falling limp to the ground. For the briefest of moments, Dean relaxes, only for a vamp to be coming at him again.
Dean can barely keep track of anything, his eyes tunneling in on the large vamp in front of him. He can hear the grunts of Sam, and the familiar sound of another vamp going down. Y/N isn’t in his line of sight, and through the blood pounding in his ears, he hears Sam call his name.
It was just the distraction that the vamp needed and he barrels towards Dean, slamming him against a wooden post. He feels something pierce his side but he keeps fighting against the vamp. As the vamp is about to take his final shot, his head is gone, and Sam is quickly resheething his blade.
Y/N cries out, cradling her stomach and even from a distance he can see the pool blood between her legs. Go, Dean orders Sam who quickly obeys.
“I think she’s in labor,” Sam mutters. “I don’t think we can get her to a hospital in time.”
Dean rushes to Y/N’s side as best he can, telling her everything will be alright. Dean returns to Baby, grabbing the first aid kit, hastily patching up the wound, and retrieving a blanket from the trunk. The pain hits him all at once, but he pushes through it, his pain doesn’t matter, all that matters is that Y/N and the baby are safe.
Y/N’s screaming out in pain, begging for someone to make it stop as Sam does his best to calm her. Dean closes the distance in only a few steps, positioning himself behind her. He takes her hands in his, whispering praises in her ear as Sam orders her to push.
Within only a few minutes, Evelyn Marie Winchester is brought into the world, wailing loudly as Sam wraps her in his flannel and hands her over to Y/N. Dean offers Sam a silent thank you as he takes in the appearance of his daughter. Evie’s the perfect combination of him and Y/N.
The moment of bliss doesn’t last long, as Sam reminds them that they still need to get Y/N and Evie to a hospital. Dean moves from his place behind Y/N and winces at the pain now radiating through his body. Sam gives him a curious look, and Dean shrugs, trying to convince his brother that he’s fine.
Dean takes Evie out of Y/N’s arms, and cradles her against him as Sam helps Y/N to her feet. Dean takes a few steps before legs start to give and his vision starts to blur. The last thing Dean hears before everything going black is Y/N and Sam calling out his name.
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Five Years Later
Dean watches as Evie runs around the backyard of their new home, chasing Miracle and laughing hysterically. Y/N was right, the Bunker was no place to raise a little girl, she deserves everything that he and Sam never had, and he is determined to give it all to her. Evie will never know what it’s like to go to bed hungry or cold, or wonder when she’ll see her parents again.
The opening of the front door tears Dean’s attention away from his daughter, Sam’s voice filling the otherwise silent house. He turns to see his brother carrying a ridiculous amount of gifts followed by a very pregnant Eileen with a shaggy haired toddler attached to her hip.
“Unca De!” Little Bobby tries to squirm out of Eileen’s hold and she carefully lets him down. The toddler bolts for Dean, wrapping his arms around Dean’s leg. “S’Evie’s birfday!”
“I know, buddy!” Dean laughs at his nephew, “how ‘bout you go tell her ‘happy birthday’?” Dean opens the side door and lets Bobby out.
“You are going to spoil my daughter rotten, Sam Winchester,” Y/N appears from the back of the house. Dean’s still amazed that even after years together, Y/N can take his breath away.
“Well, if I had another niece or nephew, I could spread the love.”
“I think you’ve spread enough love, Sammy,” Dean jokes as he heads into the kitchen, Sam following behind him. “I mean, you’re basically having your kids back-to-back.”
“Three years is hardly back-to-back,” Sam reaches out to grab a beer. “You’re just mad ‘cause I one-upped you.”
“Actually,” Dean peeks into the living room. “We’ll be even. Y/N’s pregnant.”
The words have hardly left Dean’s mouth before Sam’s engulfed him in a hug. Dean’s positive that Eileen and Y/N are having a similar conversation at this very same moment, but what neither Sam or Eileen know is that they have a bet on who will crack first.
“Just found out a couple of weeks ago,” Dean continues with the ruse. “She wanted to wait until after yours was born, didn’t want to take Eileen’s thunder or something.” Sam nods, seemingly understanding.
Hours later, after the last present has been opened, and the final piece of cake has been eaten, Sam and Eileen take a very sleepy Bobby home. Evie sits at the kitchen table, listening carefully and a smile growing on her face as Dean and Y/N tell her that in six months she’ll have a little brother or sister.
“Or both,” Y/N corrects with a knowing smirk.
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Please reblog or send me an ask with your feedback!
This one-shot was requested by a nonnie, my requests are currently open, you can send me an ask or DM me if you’d like to request something. 
Buy Me a Coffee?
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
First things First | Jack Kline & Peter Parker
Summary; Peter sees his ex back in town. Last time she was with her brothers, but this time, she has another companion. His name is Jack Kline, and he is her current boyfriend.
Warnings; some angst, jealousy, a bit of trash talk, smidge of violence, one swear word
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“You’re back then.” Peter noticed, following you as you walked through the school halls, your head down as you attempted to ignore him. But however, you knew that you couldn’t pretend he wasn’t there forever, and so you softly sighed.
Last time, you hadn’t been in town too long, only a few weeks, cases were sprouting up left right and centre in Queens, and that was enough time for a relationship to briefly brew between the pair of you.
However, when the entourage of hunts came to an end, it had only been fair to cut sweet Peter loose, you hadn’t planned to return in any soon time. And here you were, a year in a half later, back in his hometown.
“You’re eyes are quite inquisitive, Parker, or do you need to ask me to put rock salt on my skin to prove that I’m not a ghost?” You barked back, which earnt yourself a confused frown.
“What?” He asked in reply, confused by your wording.
“Never mind, you wouldn’t get it.” You dismissed, having already had the intel and advice from your brothers that two different worlds didn’t mix.
Peter was but a boy, a smart one, but for all that you were aware, he lived a mundane life. He was bullied at school, but he had a couple of friends, Ned and MJ.
MJ. She had liked Peter before you had disappeared in the impala, it wouldn’t be a surprise if the pair were together now. He had wanted to forget you, for causing him so much pain, he deserved to move on, as you had.
“What I got was that you told me you loved me, and then you went with the wind, and didn’t look back, not once.” He bit back, his statement making your body feel heavy.
It was guilt, a familiar feeling for a hunter. It often came when a life was lost by the life of a monster, and this time, it had been the same. You had taken away the happiness from your own life, you were the beast that ripped out someone’s heart.
“I did, but that doesn’t matter anymore Pete, I’m in love with somebody else. There’s nothing that I am entailed from hiding from him, no secrets, I can be myself with him.” You pursed your lips, relieved that you had got that off your chest.
“You never had to have secrets! Your family business is what dragged us down in the first place, you feel the need to follow your brothers around the world, and for what? To end up alone and unloved?”
“I love her.” Jack entered the hallway, he had been at the front office, asking about the plumbing, he said he heard a noise. It was what the victim had said before he died, and so the spawn of Lucifer was now questioning it.
Sam and Dean were downtown, at some bar, it had been where the victim had been, with a fake id, before his body had been found in the school bathroom. This left the group of you spread out, and operating around the city, wanting to find the creature that had ended the boy’s life.
Jack’s voice had been friendly, as though he were informing Peter of your relationship status. Neither of them knew each other, so he found no harm in letting the public know of your intimate bond.
The nephilim was most often than not a free speaker, he found no foul in letting his mouth run. He was so innocent, so pure, and perfect, you were pleased that you hadn’t tainted him nor gained his spite like you had with Peter.
“Jack, this is Peter. I met him last time I was around here. Peter, this is Jack, my boyfriend.” It was an awkward introduction, you held your hands together, watching as Jack held out his hand for your ex to shake.
Peter hesitantly shook Jack’s hand, lightly glaring at the boy. “It’s nice to meet a friend of y/n’s, not many that she has are her age.”
“Thanks for that Jack.” You laughed lightly, holding sweetly onto his arm, as to ensure him that he had done nothing wrong.
“We’re not friends.” Peter corrected him, squinting at you. “She doesn’t like the idea of any relationship with me, so she can pass on friendship.” He gave you one last look, before he walked away.
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“Hi.” Jack saw your ‘friend’ in the hall, whilst you were questioning some other students. Peter reluctantly turned, going face to face with your boyfriend and partner in justifying crime.
“Hey.” His head briefly leant back, curious as to why the new boy was speaking to him. “Jack, right?”
“Yes, that is my name.” Jack nodded with a smile, the adorable gap in his teeth presenting itself clearly. “Have you felt any cold spots here recently, or smelt sulphur by any change?”
His question made Peter frown, he gulped and thought before he decided to answer. “I don’t know why your going around asking questions, but I also do not know why you’re dating y/n. She’ll break your heart, it’s what she does.”
“The two of you don’t sound like very good friends.” He speculated, tilting his head like a puppy dog, his bright eyes filled with curiosity.
“We weren’t just friends Jack, I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about me. Maybe there was a reason for that, you should ask her.” Peter crossed his arms, taking note of how he seemed to have angered the other boy.
The son of Lucifer was inhaling and exhaling through his nostrils, he was attempting to remain calm. But he couldn’t, his eyes seared with their golden pigment, and upon witnessing, Peter’s eyes widened and he was fast to sling webbing towards the mutant.
But it had no affect, not as Jack’s mouth opened, and a scream on another wavelength , which happened to throw the spider man backwards into the row of lockers. This was not normal, and Peter worried for the reason that you had the company of such a creature.
“What the hell are you?” Peter asked, wanting an answer so he could figure out a way to defeat him.
“I’m someone that loves y/n very much. Don’t worry, we won’t be in town much longer.” And with that, the strange and peculiar being walked away, leaving Peter stunned. For once, he wasn’t sure how he would improvise.
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“You know the boy’s toilets are for guys, right?” Peter asked later in the day, as he watched you, whom was drenched in water, leave said restroom.
“I am more than aware, thankyou for that reminder Peter.” Each footstep dripped water upon the floor. That ghost had been a bitch to send off, but to your relief, you had done so.
“What are you doing here, really?”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m going to be leaving tonight, I’ll be all out of your hair.” You spoke, trying to remain calm with your previous partner. “Have you seen Jack?”
“About that...” he noticed how you furrowed your brow with his words, and realised it would be better to get straight to the point. “He’s not normal, there’s something different about him. He’s dangerous.”
“I guess you witnessed something... supernatural?” He slowly nodded his head, thinking about how it could be considered as such. “Jack, he’s a nephilim, half angel, half human. That’s why I can’t stick around, my life is messy, and I have a duty to save people, you understand that, right?”
“Why would I understand that?” He hesitated, his voice stepping over his words in a worried stutter. “Angels?!” He repeated.
“Yeah, not every takes lightly to the news, and a bit of information; the majority are dicks.” You laughed, shoving your hands in your soggy pockets. “You really think I didn’t have a clue that I was dating a spiderman? I investigate abnormal occurrences for a living, it was quite easy to notice something was different about you.”
“So you look into things like cold spots and sulphur smells?” He remembered that was what Jack had mentioned earlier. Perhaps the possibility of angels wasn’t half crazy, the universe was expanding. It was certainly out there, but so was a talking, moving tree that enjoyed digital games and was experiencing puberty.
“Exactly.” You smiled, looking into his deep brown eyes, and finding some kind of peace between the pair of you.
“I think I saw Jack in the library.” He scratched the back of his neck, deciding to be a bigger person and give into the planet’s order.
“Thanks, see ya around Parker.” That expression you gave him shouldn’t have made him feel so giddy, he knew that this was another goodbye you were sending him. But the relief on your faces was beautiful.
You walked momentarily backwards, and he raised his hand in a signalled send off. He hoped that one day, he would see you again, maybe even with Blade as he killed vampires. Who knew?
One thing he was aware of was that you were happy with Jack, and that the two of you shared a life. You had an even amount of knowledge between you, and as much as Peter hated to admit it, you weren’t bound to leave the nephilim any time soon.
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Desperate Souls (4)
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Summary: Six years later you and Sam are still a thing.
Pairing: Sam x Reader, former Soulless!Sam x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester 
Warnings: angst, talking about prostitution, dom/sub undertones, angry Sam, hurt & comfort, vulnerable reader, soft Sam, fluff, cuddling & snuggling, jealous reader, implied smut
A/N: A short epilogue to see what happened to Sam and his girl.
<< Part 3
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“But Dean said it’s a good idea,” you argue, fighting Sam’s hold on your wrist. “He said that I should distract the Deputy, no flirt with him to distract him. This way your brother could sneak into the office and get the needed information.”
“Oh, is my brother suddenly your boyfriend?” Sam growls eyes narrowed a little. You swallow thickly, feeling your heartbeat quicken when Sam looks at you like he’s ready to devour you.
“N-no Sam but I wanted to help out,” whimpering you feel his large hands grip your upper arms to push you against the nearby wall. “Sam…please.”
“You’re my girlfriend, mine,” possessively claiming your lips Sam growls against you. “Maybe you forgot your place. Or do you want to go back to being a prostitute? Selling you so easily to someone else to get the result my brother wants sounds like prostitution to me,” hurt you look away, sniffle silently as Sam steps away from you. “I told you that your job is to do research, nothing else.”
“I didn’t let him touch me,” running out of the library you sniffle, wiping your eyes angrily. “I wanted to help out.”
For the first time since you joined the brothers on hunts, you had the feeling you did something useful to help them and now Sam is mad.
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“Sam, it was my fault. I saw the way that douche eyed your girl, and thought-“ Sam raises his hand, angrily clenching his jaw. “I get it, she’s your girl and I messed up. But don’t blame her for my mistake. Y/N only wanted to help me out.”
“Y/N could’ve gotten hurt,” Sam whispers, feeling his chest tightening at the thought he could lose you. “She’s my girlfriend and you risked her life. What if the Deputy was the guy killing all the girls? Did you think about the consequences of your doing?”
“I was with her all the time-“ Dean talks back, cursing as Sam turns his back on him, shaking his head. “Sam, I would never let anything happen to Y/N. You know that.”
“I know but we also lost people we tried to keep safe! Charlie, Bobby, Kevin and so on, Dean. Sarah Blake died right in front of us while we tried to save her,” furious Sam turns around to glare at his brother. “And don’t tell me we tried anything, I know we did but things went wrong, and she died. A mother died and we were helpless. I don’t want to lose Y/N.”
“You’re right, and I’m sorry,” nervously rubbing the back of his neck Dean sighs. “Just don’t ignore the poor girl. She longs to have your attention and love. Don’t take this away from her.”
“I know how to handle my girlfriend,” Sam growls. “I’m with her for six years and know she needs my attention and care. But,” he smirks now, something dark in his eyes, “she needs a strong hand and punishment tonight. I could see it in her eyes. Y/N needs to hear me praise and me to punish her.”
“I could’ve happily lived without knowing about your girl’s preferences in the bedroom,” Dean mutters. “Stop talking about your sex life with me.”
“It’s our dynamic, Dean. Y/N needs me to be her dominant tonight, not her caring boyfriend. I’ll make her feel good right now,” Sam walks away, leaves a shuddering Dean behind.
“Too much information, Sammy!”
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While you look around the room, unsure if Sam still wants you around you gnaw at your index finger. You’ve got no clue where you can go if Sam kicks you out of your shared home.
Dean is a friend, and you consider him family but he’s Sam’s brother and would never choose your side, even though it was his fault you got into a fight with his brother.
“Kitten, I want you on the edge of our bed, naked, hands behind your back and eyes on me in ten,” Sam walks into the room, exhaling dominance. “Kneel and show me what a good girl you can be.”
“Yes, Sir,” you immediately get off the bed to strip your clothes off. Slow to give Sam a good show. You can feel his gaze on and shiver as he hums in appreciation. All you want is for Sam to not be mad at you.
“You’re so pretty for me,” he husks, fingers sliding over your back, causing you to whimper. “Always so beautiful and warm,” his lips meet your skin, force tiny gasps out of your throat. “I changed my mind. I want you on hands and knees, face in the cushions for me.”
“Yes, Sam…Sir,” you moan feeling his slender fingers slide over your chest to pinch your nipples roughly. “All for you.”
“Good girl,” another whimper leaves your lips, and you feel warm, drifting toward the headspace you are seeking since you and Sam fought. “Now do as I said.”
“I’ll do anything to make it up to you, Sir,” you bite your lip, looking up at Sam with teary eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Baby girl,” Sam’s postures changes in a split-second. He drops the silky scarf he wanted to use to fixate your hands, to bring you in his arms. “Y/N, I’m not mad at you.” he kisses your hair softly at the same time as his large hand runs over your exposed back. “Please don’t think I’m mad at you.”
“But-and-then-and,” you sniffle, face hidden in Sam’s chest to inhale his scent. “I don’t want to lose you, Sam. You’re all I’ve got.”
“Shhh, baby,” he carefully picks you up to hold you in his arms, smiling when you wrap your body around him. “We won’t do this tonight. I only want to hold you in my arms. I was so worried something could have happened to you.”
“Dean, he protected me, but I understand you worry about me. I’m not a hunter and can barely fight you or Dean.”
“Aw, my cute girl believes she can fight me,” Sam laughs when you whip your head to meet his gaze, holding it, a pout on your lips. “What I wanted to say is, that you don’t have to defend yourself, I’ll always protect you. Promise me you’ll never risk your life again.”
“Promised,” pecking Sam’s cheek you giggle when one hand starts to wander toward your ass. “Sam, I love your hands on me.” you moan.
“Guys! Are you naked or can I come in? Uh-erm,” Dean stammers, “Jody called. She and Donna could need our help with a case. Only if you are up to it, Sammy.”
“Another case,” you gasp feeling Sam’s lips on yours to greedily kiss you. “Aw, no sex then.”
“We will have so much sex after that case you’ll walk funny for a week,” he grins, eyes drifting toward the anti-possession tattoo on your chest. His name stands next to it and he smiles, remembering the way you clawed at his hand when you got it. “Make it a month.”
“A month,” giggling you look at Sam, giving him a firm nod. “Noted, Sir.” you husk against his lips. “Now get dressed and save the day, my hero…”
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“I hate this,” you whine, looking at Dean who gives you an apologetic smile. “Why must it be Sam? Why didn’t you flirt with that woman to get information? Now he’s running late. What if he finds her more attractive, smarter, or simply desirable?”
“Sweetheart, you are more to my brother than a pretty face. You know that Y/N,” Dean tries to calm you but does the opposite. “Stop pacing around the room.”
You clasp and your hands together, groaning as you can’t get the image of Sam and the doctor out of your head. She dared to touch his bicep and now, well now you are too nervous to sit still.
“I know he loves me but-“ you bite your lower lip, suckling at it, “Sam is an extremely attractive man, a smart one. Every woman we met is whether all over you or my Sam.”
“Your Sam – huh?” Sam smirks when you look at him with wide eyes the moment he steps into the motel room. “When did you make me yours? And why didn’t I know about it?”
“It’s just you know,” trailing off you watch Sam loosen his tie. “Something people in a relationship say.”
“Good, you’re back. Sammy, never leave with another woman or Y/N will lose her mind. She was chewing my ear off,” Dean snickers when you shoot him a disapproving look. “It’s true, sweetheart. You almost murdered me for not hitting on the doctor.”
“Now you know how I felt when you flirted with that douche to get information for us. I don’t want to see you with other men either, baby girl,” Sam holds out his arms, smiling when you immediately let him wrap you in a hug. “Nothing happened, Y/N. And nothing will ever happen with another woman.”
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“That’s not fair,” you whine, snuggling into Sam’s warm chest. “You’re always so warm and I got cold feet and hands.”
“My little frostbite,” Sam pecks your hair, while one large hand caresses your back, tickling your skin. “I guess you must always stay close to me. Not just at the bunker so I can keep your warm and safe.”
“I was jealous when you went out with that doctor. She was so pretty and smart, I feared you could fall for her, Sam,” you admit, sighing when Sam pinches your ass.
“Why?” he smirks when you lift your head to meet his hazel eyes. “I got a perfect girl by my side. She’s cute, a little crazy and I can bend her to my will with my hands.” he purrs the last words, eyes three shades darker when you start to squirm on top of him.
“Sam,” you move one hand over his bare chest, and he shivers at your touch. “Do you want to scare your big brother for a lifetime? Pay him back for telling me to flirt with the Deputy, Sir?”
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SPN Forever Tags
Sam/Jared Forever Tags
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trekkiehood · 3 years
Saw your good kid paradox post and I would love to hear you rant about it
Oooh!!! I'd love too! Anon is referring to this post.
Let me start off by saying... I have no clue what this is called. I'm sure there's some psychological term for it, but I just named it something random and "Good kid paradox" sounded accurate enough for me.
This is kinda long, but I give specific points to back up my claim. So withot further ado, The Good Kid Paradox in Supernatural.
Okay, So when I say "Good kid paradox" this is what I mean:
Child A is a good kid. They do their homework. They show up to class. They have great grades. They never step out of line. They are the teachers helper. Parents say "Why can't you be more like kid A?" At least once a month. Child B is NOT a good kid. They don't do their homework. They are hit and miss to class. They don't obey. They are brats that no one wants their kids to be and are just generally not good kids. The paradox comes when kid A messes up or kid B does something good. Child A and Child B both forget their homework. Child A gets a dressing down. Child B gets an eyeroll. Child A and Child B both turn in their homework. Child A get's a checkmark on their page and the stink eye saying they better not miss another assignment or they're telling your parents. Child B get's praised in front of the entire class and an extra prize out of the prize box. Child A and Child B both talk out in class. Child A gets detention and a "you're better than this" speech. Child B get's another eyeroll and a "B, stop talking please". Child A and Child B both stay quiet in class and have good behavior. A gets nothing, maybe a smile if they are lucky. B gets a reward and the "best behaved" prize along with public praise.
So how on earth was Dean effected by this? Dean is not what we would call a "good kid". He was a player, didn't do his homework, never showed up to class. How is he the "good kid" here? We're not looking at this in aspect of normal life. We're looking at this is the aspect of the Winchesters' lives. Specifically John's expectations. So let's look at how in the messed of Winchester world, Dean would be Child A and Sam would be Child B:
Dean was John's "perfect little soldier". Dean followed orders. He started following orders at age 4. He had to if he wanted to survive. He had to if he wanted to get any approval. Dean became the perfect soldier who watched Sammy, went on hunts, didn't complain, put family in front of school, and whatever else John told him to do. Sam was the rebellious one. Sam never really liked hunting. Sam didn't follow orders. He fought his dad on everything. He complained. He hated hunting. He put school in front of his family and chose it over everything. He went against John at every turn. So in the Winchester home, Dean would have been the Good Kid (child A) and Sam would have been the Bad Kid (child B) even if in the real world it would have been the opposite. Now the couple of times we see John interact with his kids is never really.... pleasant. But from what we can gather. Sam never listened, but was the favorite. Dean always listened, yet still was without his father's approval. Sam could get away with almost anything and Dean couldn't get away with anything. Sam got praised for being the "smart one" and Dean took the scraps of approval.
Let's look at some specific examples:
Sam runs away at flagstaff - he always steps out of line, this is normal for Sam. So he get's a "dad was ticked" and moves on with his life having enjoyed his week alone. (5x16) Dean "let's" Sam run away - the good kid who never steps out of line, he should have been better than this. He get's a "and when Dad got home..." with fear shining in his eyes. (5x16) Sam walks out on his family for four years to go to college. There's a good chance that Dean got some form of injured in those four years because Sam wasn't there to watch his back. When Sam comes back, John gives him a hug and an "it's good to see you again". (1x16) Dean spends an hour or two at a video game arcade, a monster that he wouldn't have been able to defend against shows up the room and Sam almost gets hurt. He gets yelled at and "dad never looked at me the same after that." (1x18) Sam yells at his father, openly disagreeing. We don't see it happen on screen very often but we do know it happened based upon what we've been told by both Sam and Dean. Even when they meet back up Sam yells at his dad multiple times in the span of a few episodes. (1x20, 2x01) Dean disagreed with his dad as a kid and " Dad would... he would send me away when I really ticked him off." (14x12) As an adult when Dean calls out his dad for not answering the phone (after Sam disrespects John for two episodes), he's told "I'm not really crazy about this new tone of yours". (1x21) I can't think of any instances where Sam was praised by John, but we know that whenever John praised Dean, Dean realized that John was a demon. (1x22) And later when John apologized and later told Dean he was proud of him, Dean's response was "is that really you?" (2x01)
That's pretty much all I got, but if anyone wants to add anything, please feel free too! It's a strange example and not one we would think about. If anything we'd flip the two of them, but in the Winchester world, Dean would have been the one who was emotionally harmed due to his obedience while Sam was the disobedient one who could get away with anything.
John didn't need to tell Sam he didn't approve of his tone, Sam knew it and never cared. John had to tell Dean to watch his tone because he never went against him. Sam didn't get thrown out for disagreeing because he'd get thrown out every night. Dean got thrown out for disagreeing because it happened so rarely that when it did happen, he had to be severely punished for it.
Anyway, I'd love to hear peoples thoughts on this! Thanks for asking!!!
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winchesterwords · 4 years
“Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time” Dean Winchester x F!Reader
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Summary: When Sam and Dean need help on a case, they reach out to Rowena who sends you, a hunter, to help them with a ghost problem. Dean however, may have just met his match in more ways than one. 
Word Count: 5265
Warning: None
Song I Wrote To: “Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time” by Thomas Rhett
Note: Dean Winchester has my heart! Feel free to request! Also, I am not exactly sure where I set this, but it’s before the fall as Cas still has his wings.
“Of all the people we know, Sam, you called Rowena.” 
Dean looked over at his brother in the passenger seat of the Impala with narrowed eyes. Sam sighed, shaking the hair from his face. “You said we needed help and she has connections,” explained Sam. “Besides, she said she was sending someone to help, not that she was coming herself.” 
“Great so we don’t get the Head Bitch Witch, just one of her friends,” Dean said.
“Rowena said she’s a hunter, not a witch,” Sam said as he tapped away on his phone. Dean didn’t bother to respond as he turned his eyes back to the road in front of him.
The Winchesters had gotten word of a case just outside of Omaha. There had been previous witch activity in the area years before so Sam had reached out to Rowena in hopes of getting some insight. However, the woman was currently busy trying to wrangle her son and since she didn’t believe the case had anything to do with witches, she passed along the message to you, a hunter she knew that was in the area. You had told her that you were going to meet the boys at a motel off the highway and Rowena had sent the message along to the Winchesters. 
“I just don’t get it,” Dean said after a few more minutes, “why is she helping us all of a sudden?”
“When it comes to Rowena, she’s probably only doing us this favor so we have to do her one in return.” 
“What? Does she think we’ll be at her beck and call?” 
“Seems like it.” 
“Well if this goes South,” Dean said, “I’m tracking down her broomstick and making her fix it.” 
“Fair enough.” 
When the Winchesters arrived at the motel, the parking lot was nearly empty except for a dark truck in the corner. 
You leaned against it, tapping away on a cell phone. When you heard the rumble of the Impala you looked up and lifted your hand in greeting. “I really don’t like new hunters,” Dean grumbled as he pulled into a spot across from you. 
“I bet they think the same thing about us, Dean,” Sam countered. 
“No, no they don’t,” Dean said with a sly smile at his brother, “because we’re awesome.” Sam rolled his eyes as he shoved open the door and stepped out. Dean followed quickly after. Both men kept their weapons close as they approached you.
You were calm and casual as they walked over. If this was any other night, Dean would have thought you were just a normal girl waiting on a friend, not a hunter with a specialty in ghost possession. 
“Sam and Dean?” you asked. “Though, I don’t know who else would be driving a car like that.” Sam smiled first, moving forward to reach for her hand. “I’m (Y/N),” you said as Sam grasped your hand in his. 
“Nice to meet you,” Sam said pleasantly as you turned to Dean. He gripped your hand tight as well. 
“So, you’re the ghost girl?” Dean asked, trying to get a feel for you. 
“That’s one way to put it,” you said with a small laugh. “I’ve been called worse. Come on, I already got a room.” You nodded your head towards the motel room not too far where you had parked your respective vehicles. The boys followed after you and out of the corner of your eye, you could see that both were keeping their hands near their weapons. You rolled your eyes at the movement. “You know,” you said as you dug the key out of your pocket, “if I was going to kill you, I wouldn’t do it at a motel frequently visited by hunters. That would be a bit too cliche.” Looking over your shoulder you sent them both a wink. 
Dean blinked at you as Sam awkwardly coughed next to him. With another quick laugh, you pushed into the room and tossed the key on the small table by the door. “So,” Sam said as Dean closed the door behind you, “how exactly do you know Rowena?” 
“She and I worked on a problem last year,” you explained, leaning against the wall, observing the two flannel-clad hunters before you. “Rowena was helping out another witch. Some kind of dark versus light turf war, I guess.” You shrugged. “Bystanders were getting caught in the middle and it got pretty messy.” 
“I bet it did,” Dean said, crossing his arms as he stood by the garish partition. He was looking at you as if he was trying to see the tumblers of an unbreakable safe. Every move you made, he clocked. You had heard the stories of the Winchesters.
Sam and Dean, they were legendary within the hunting world. You were surprised to see that they were traveling with just each other as you had heard of a winged companion that tended to tag along at times as well. Regardless of the Angel, these two were some of the best and you were hoping to make a good first impression. As Rowena had said, “it never hurts to have a Winchester owe you one”. 
“She warned me about you,” you said to Dean as you took a seat at the table and kicked your feet up.
“Is that so?” he asked. “And what did the witch say?”  
“That you’re impulsive and have major trust issues while Sam here, is the smart one with a knack for magic and the books,” you said, recalling the last conversation you had had with the Scottish witch. “Though, I am still not sure if she was saying those things out of kindness or annoyance.”
“Knowing Rowena, it was probably the latter,” Sam said as he took a seat across from you. You nodded in agreement. 
“So, show me what you got,” you said. 
“Over the past couple of weeks there has been an increase in drownings in the area,” Sam began, digging his laptop out of his bag and placing it on the table. 
“Accidental?” you asked.
“That’s what the cops think,” Dean said, sitting down on the bed next to you and Sam. “But four people drowning in the same place like this doesn’t seem like an accident to me.” 
“Where did it happen?” 
“A local spot,” Sam said, turning the screen toward you. It showed the front page of the local newspaper. A local fishing hole that apparently had a history of its own. 
“What’s with the creepy statue?” you asked, pointing in the background of the main photo. 
“That was the first thing I noticed too,” Dean said, leaning back on his arms. Sam enlarged the photo and zoomed in. Just behind the main swimming area was an old stone statue of what looked to be an old man reaching towards the murky water. It was a bit too ominous for your liking. 
“We’re not sure,” Sam said. “Apparently it’s just always been there. Some people think it was put there by the first person to own the land, but now it’s all owned by the city.”
“And this is where everyone had been drowning?” you asked and Sam nodded. “Sounds to me like spirit doesn’t want the Living hanging out their spot. What are the details behind the deaths?”
“All strong swimmers and they just calmly walked into the lake and then didn’t come back to the surface until their bodies were discovered.” 
“Does this sound like your kind of thing, Ghost Girl?” Dean asked. You slowly looked over at him and then grinned. Digging into your pocket, you produced your fake FBI Forensic badge and showed it to him. 
“Why do you think I brought this?” 
You elected to ride with the Winchesters over to the crime scene. 
Leaning towards the front seat, you rested your head on your forearms. “Yeah... I could never do the suit,” you commented. Dean looked at you in his mirror with a brow raised. 
“You do realize you’re posing as FBI too, right?” he asked. 
“But I’m a tech,” you clarified. “All I need is my trusty windbreaker,” you said, shaking the collar of the jacket that was wrapped around your shoulders. “I have found that people tend to overlook an extra tech at the scene rather than another agent.” 
“That… is actually very smart,” Sam said, looking back at you. You winked at him and settled back into your seat. You listened to the boys talk about the case and as Dean drove, as you mulled over theories of your own.
The statue was the biggest clue, but you weren’t sure how it all fit. However, Rowena had been right when she realized this wasn’t witchcraft. If a witch wanted to kill someone, drowning wouldn’t be the way to do it. The combination of water and witches never really worked out in history so they tended to avoid it. 
You had perhaps thought it was demon possession, but then it didn’t really fit with the usual motivation behind demonic activities. Also, there weren’t any omens in the area so you were back to your comfort zone, ghosts. Ghost possession was something you had focused on after you, yourself, had become possessed at age sixteen, and then both of your parents years later. You had inked up shortly after discovering the world of hunting and now were impervious to their body jumping, but not everyone was a hunter and so you had to help clean up the messes whenever you could. 
As you went over a strategy in your head, you didn’t even realize Dean was talking to you. “Sorry, what was that?” you asked, leaning forward again. 
“I asked if you needed any weapons,” Dean repeated as he turned down the final street and pulled over by the entrance to the trail that lead to the water. 
“Oh, no, I’m good,” you said, lifting your shotgun that was placed in your bag along with salt rounds and then the iron brass knuckles you kept on an iron chain around your neck. Dean whistled low at the sight of your accessory.
“I gotta get me some of those,” he said with a charming smile and then pulled the key from the ignition and stepped out of the car. You followed after the boys, scanning the area. It was crawling with squad cars and you knew it wouldn’t be long before the press showed up.
While Sam and Dean headed to speak to whoever was in charge, you hiked your bag up on your shoulder and ducked through the branches to get to the water’s edge. Nobody gave you a second glance as you walked the shore of the swimming hole. Divers were still in the water collecting evidence as you made your way towards the statue. That is where Sam and Dean met up with you. 
“Sheriff is clueless,” Dean said as he approached you. 
“As always,” you agreed, walking around the statue, eyeing it closely. 
“A deputy thinks these are all suicides,” Sam revealed. 
“He might not be that far off…” you said as you took out your pen and dragged it along the side of the statue. When you pulled it away, black slime coated it. You held it up for the boys to see. “Ectoplasm.” 
“Great,” Dean sighed. “So spooks are doing this?” 
“Yep,” you said, shaking off the ecto. “For some reason, this ghost is possessing people and drowning them. It explains why they just walked into the water. Somebody really doesn’t want people here.” 
“What was this place before it became party central?” Dean asked, kicking an empty beer bottle. 
“Just old land,” Sam said, “there isn’t much in the county records and when I asked the cops, everyone shut up like it was taboo or something.”
“Oh, I love a good town scandal,” you said with a smile at the boys. As you went to grab your bag, your eye caught something glinting in the sun. Kneeling down, you dug it out of the mud. Holding up to the light, you turned it in your hand. 
“What is it?” Dean asked. 
“I’m not sure,” you said as you held a small locket in your hand. It looked as if someone had dropped it recently, breaking the mechanism on the side. It was tarnished and caked in dirt as if it had been underground. Popping the seal, you nearly gagged. “And I’m not sure I want to know,” you said turning to show the boys. Nestled in between the two metal sides was a tooth, the root still attached. Dean did gag at the sight. 
“Okay, that’s just wrong,” Dean said. “Oh, what are you doing?” 
“It could be evidence,” you said as you slipped into a small bag you kept in your fake forensic kit. 
“Or it could just be someone’s necklace where they keep grandpa’s final tooth,” Dean said. You stowed it away anyways. 
“Look all I know is that a ghost is drowning people and this locket may have something to do with it. Can we continue debating this or can we go get a drink?” That last sentence had Dean grinning. 
“See, Sammy, this is how you solve a case,” he said, clapping his hands and gesturing everyone back to the car.  
The three of you sat in a local dive bar, swapping war stories. 
“You really took out a fully grown skin walker on one of your first hunts?” Sam asked you as he sipped his beer. You laughed.
“Okay, don’t make me sound like some big badass,” you said, swirling the whiskey in your glass. “The guy was drunk off his ass. I just got lucky with him.”
“Still, that’s pretty damn impressive,” Dean said with a smile. You gave him one of your own. At first, you weren’t sure about Dean Winchester, but now? He was definitely one to keep an eye on. “Alright,” he said, trying to steer the conversation back to the task at hand.  “Sam, what did you find?” Sam took out his computer and fired it up. 
“I looked into the tooth locket that (Y/N) found and I think I got something,” Sam said, turning the computer so you and Dean could see. On the screen was a photo of a young woman, dressed in white, and around her neck was the same locket you had found by the statue. 
“Who was she?” you asked.
“Melinda Manns,” Sam explained. “She was the wife of Thomas Manns, the man who owned the land the swimming hole is on. And get this, her grave was recently robbed.” Sam flicked to the news article that reported on a series of grave robbings nearby. “That necklace was one of the things missing.” 
“So then who is our spook? Melinda or Thomas?” Dean asked. 
“I don’t know,” Sam said. 
“How did Melinda die?” you asked. Sam grabbed the computer and began typing away. 
“Oh,” Sam said, “she drowned under mysterious circumstances.” 
“Which in my book means murder,” you said downing the rest of your drink. “My bet? Old Man Manns killed his wife and buried her with that locket of hers. Maybe he felt remorse, maybe he didn’t, but one thing’s for sure, he didn’t want people digging her up.” 
“So, he’s drowning people out of revenge?” Dean asked. 
“Ghosts have had stranger motivation. He’s tied to the swimming hole. Doesn’t know who disturbed the grave so he’s just taking who he can get. Sometimes spirits get confused and a lot of the times they can’t help but possess people to try to get answers.” 
“Well, I scanned for EMF and didn’t get much of a steady reading at the lake,” Sam said with a sigh. 
“Don’t frett, Sammy, we’ll figure it out,” Dean said with a wink and his brother rolled his eyes. 
“Ya’ll want another round?” you asked as you stood up from your seat. 
“You guys go ahead, I’m gonna head back to the room for a bit,” Sam said as he gathered his stuff. 
“Ah, come on, man,” Dean said, but Sam shook his head. 
“I’ll see you two later,” Sam said with a slap on his brother’s shoulder. You waved to him as he slipped out of the bar. 
“What about you, Winchester? You want another beer?” you asked Dean, leaning towards him. 
“Make it a double tequila and you got yourself a deal,” he said with a wink. Shaking your head, you got up to get the next round.
Dean watched after you and he couldn’t help but think of the way you had walked around the crime scene earlier. There was something so...natural about the way you searched for the clues and how you were able to put the pieces together quickly. You were born for this life, but there was also something underneath the surface, something dark that prompted you to become a hunter in the first place. While he was curious, he knew he didn’t want to push. He knew about inner demons and he wasn’t about to force you to reveal yours. 
When you came back to the table, you had a grin on your face. “Flash a smile and a badge and look what you get, free booze!” You handed Dean his tequila and took your seat again, sipping on the smooth whiskey. You smiled as you leaned back in your chair. Dean watched you for a second before placing his drink down and leaning forward. 
“You are an odd one,” he said, narrowing his eyes a bit. 
“Is that bad?” you asked, trying to read the man before you. 
“I’m not sure yet,” he said with another grin. The night went on with many more shots and a whole lot more laughter. You and Dean exchanged more stories and soon, the two of you were leaning against one another in a booth, watching the patrons of the bar stumble around and play pool. Taking off your jacket, you relaxed further into your seat.
Stretching your arms over your head, Dean noticed something on the side of your neck. “What happened there?” he asked gently. Your hand went to the scars on your neck and covered them with your hair. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you...uh, sorry,” he stuttered. 
“It’s fine,” you said. “Just a hazard of the job. I was, uh, possessed by a ghost when I was sixteen,” you explained. “I managed to get control for a few seconds and we had this old iron tool at our farm and I don’t know how I knew to use it, but I just grabbed it and,” you mimed raking something across your neck.
“Damn,” Dean said. “What happened to the ghost?” 
“Local hunter took care of it, I guess,” you said. “Some guy showed up on my doorstep a day later with an obvious fake badge and I never had a problem with it again. Until two more possessed my parents later on. I guess I don’t have the best luck when it comes to spirits.” 
“That’s why you’re the ghost specialist,” Dean figured. 
“We all have our things,” you said. “I know yours is Angels and Demons.” 
“Well, that was not really my choice. When an Angel saves you from Hell, you sort of owe them,” he said with a shrug. 
“You’re not the only one who owes them,” you said with a small smile. Dean’s brows shot up as he caught onto your meaning. “Sorry was that way too forward?” 
“Not at all,” Dean assured you, draping his arm across the seat behind you. “Although, and this may just be the tequila talking, I wasn’t exactly sure about but you when we rolled up.” 
“Because I know Rowena?” you asked, leaning slightly into his arm. 
“She hasn’t always been the most...helpful of people,” he said. “I mean she’s a witch with the King of Hell as a son.” 
“Fair point,” you said with a small laugh, “but Rowena has helped me in the past. Not just the witch turf war, but she has looked out for me for a while. Don’t ask me why because I don’t know, but she’s never let me down. So, when she calls, I answer.”
“There seems a lot to unpack there,” Dean said.
“It’s a story for another time, Winchester,” you said with a smile as you shuffled out of his arm and threw some bills on the table as a tip. “Walk me home?” Dean rolled his eyes, but grabbed his coat and followed you out of the booth. 
You and Dean stumbled from the bar, still quite tipsy from your night of drinking. Sam had taken the Impala back, so you two began the short walk back. Dean slung his arm around your shoulders as you leaned into him. The two of you walked the dark street back towards the neon sign in the distance. He kept you tight to his side as cars rushed past on the street and you didn’t mind the feeling at all of his strong arm wrapped tight around your waist. 
When you finally got back to the room, you leaned against the side of the motel, trying to gain your bearings. Dean stood in front of you, resting his hands on either side of you. As he leaned in, you didn’t object. You smiled as Dean pressed his lips against yours. You leaned into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his chest against yours, but eventually, you pushed him back.
“Easy, Winchester,” you sighed, “we’re working and I am not sober and neither are you.” Dean smiled, but stepped back, raising his hands in surrender.
“Breakin’ my heart, Darlin’,” he said but kept his hands to himself. 
“I know, I enjoy it,” you said with a small smile. Dean laughed, running a hand through his hair. 
“Now I see it, the reason Rowena likes you so much,” he said and you pursed your lips. 
“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” you said. He winked at you and elicited another laugh from you that brought another smile to his own face. 
“Okay, since we are working, any more theories?” 
“I think it was the maid,” you said with a serious expression. 
“(Y/N), there is no maid,” he said. 
“There isn’t?” you asked, feigning confusion. It was only a few seconds before both of you began laughing. Suddenly, the door to the motel burst open and Sam came out. He stared at the two of you for a second before shaking his head. 
“We have another body,” he announced and you and Dean sobered up quickly. 
“And I was just starting to have fun,” you whined as you pushed off the wall. You approached Dean and patted him on his chest. “Rain check, Winchester,” you said. 
“(Y/N)” Sam said, “Dean and I are going to go to the Coroner’s Office. Can you check the swimming hole? We’ll meet you there in a bit.” 
“Aye, aye, captain,” you said as you headed to the Impala, sliding into the back as you waited for the boys to change into their suits and grab their badges. As soon as Sam slipped into the driver’s seat seeing as he was the only one equipped to drive at the moment, you headed out. 
Sam and Dean dropped you at the entrance to the swimming hole and you crept through the trees. 
Forensics were packing everything up and soon, you were alone with the neon yellow crime scene tape and the light from the moon above. Pulling out an EMF reader you had snagged from the trunk, you turned it on. It lit up immediately as you scanned it back and forth. “I know you’re here somewhere…” you said, slipping on your iron knuckles. Realizing you left your salt gun back at the motel, you hoped that there was actually only a single ghost and not two.
It was another half hour before you finally spotted something. It was flicker at first, but then you made out the full figure of one Thomas Manns. The spirit stood by the statue of himself, watching out over the water. Pulling out your phone, you silently dialed Dean’s number.
“What’s up? We’re on our way already,” Dean said as he answered. 
“Thomas is the ghost,” you whispered into the phone. 
“How do you know?” he asked. 
“Because I am looking right at him, genius,” you said, but then the ghost disappeared. “Dammit, I lost him.” 
“Okay, listen to me, (Y/N),” Dean said. “We finally have a connection for the victims. They’re all suspects in multiple grave robbings. Most likely Melinda’s too. That’s why he’s killing them.” Suddenly, your pocket felt very heavy. You slipped your hand into the pocket of your jeans and felt the cool metal of the locket. 
“I think I screwed up, Dean,” you said and as you spoke, your breath was very visible. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I still have the necklace. The one from Melinda’s grave.”  
“Get rid of it!” Dean yelled, but it was too late. A coldness swept through you and as you turned over your shoulder, the very angry face of Thomas Manns appeared. He lashed out at you, tossing you through the air. You hit the ground with a grunt, your phone leaving your hand as Dean yelled your name on the other end.
You scrambled for your knuckles, but they were too far from you as you struggled to get to your feet. However, Manns was faster. He took hold of you and fear entered your gut. You knew your warding protected you from being possessed, but nothing could stop him from killing you. 
You fought as Mann threw you into the water. The coldness shocked you immediately as you struggled for breath. Swimming to the surface, phantom hands pulled you back under. You kicked out at nothing as you tried your hardest to break the surface. When you finally got a breath of air, Manns was there. In his hands was a knife that you were positive he used to injure his wife before drowning her in the very lake.
Your brain struggled to remember a banishing spell Rowena had taught you, but it was too cold and the fear was overwhelming. As Manns went for you again, his hands freezing your blood, you finally heard the shouts of Sam and Dean. Manns tried to pull you down again, but Dean arrived at the shore. 
“Hey, Old McDonald!” he shouted. “Hands off!” Dean raised his shotgun and fired. The salt hit Manns and then entered your shoulder. You shouted as the ghost disappeared and then Dean was running through the murky water to get to you. You weakly met him halfway, tossing your arm around him. “I got you,” he said in your ear. 
“Ouch,” you whined as your shoulder bled. Dean hauled you back onto the shore and checked you over, pulling your jacket aside to see the wound. It wasn’t deep and the salt wouldn’t do any permanent damage. 
“Sorry,” he said, “hard to aim from that distance.” 
“Thanks for the save,” you said as Sam wrapped his blazer around your shoulders, “but next time? Let’s make sure that the salt is accompanied by tequila.” Dean smiled down at you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” 
The last thing to do was salt and burn the body of Thomas Manns. 
You leaned against a nearby tombstone as Sam and Dean dug up the grave of Manns. “Who knew grave robbing was going to bite us in the ass one day?” Dean asked, tossing his shovel down. 
“It’s technically not grave robbing when we salt and burn bones,” Sam said from inside the grave. “We’re not taking anything.”  
“Oh, well that makes me feel a whole lot better,” Dean said with a roll of his eyes. 
“Sam,” you said, gaining his attention. The younger Winchester looked at you and you tossed him Melinda’s locket. “Better safe than sorry,” you said and he tossed it into the coffin.
Sam had wrapped up your shoulder before heading to the cemetery in your respective vehicles. You watched as they soaked the bones with lighter fluid and then Dean lit the matches and dropped them into the pit. The grave was set ablaze and you finally relaxed.
Sam and Dean stood over the burning bones, watching it with the same calmness as they did with everything. Rowena had said that they were becoming numb to the idea of monsters, but you didn’t think she was right. Sam and Dean weren’t numb, they were just used to the ugliness of the world and knew how to process the emotions that came with it. 
Even in the short amount of time you had known them, you realized there was a reason Angels watched over them. The Winchesters were what the world needed and you had only wished that you had known them when your parents had died. Dean’s eyes flickered to yours over the flames and he nodded to you. You sighed, offering him a nod of your own. Whether you saw him again after this, he was going to be leaving your mind any time soon. 
You said goodbye to the boys at the entrance to the graveyard. Giving Sam a big hug, you said, “Don’t hesitate to call, big guy.” 
“I won’t,” he said, stepping out of your hug. “Tell Rowena thank you for me.”
“I will,” you promised with a smile. He squeezed your shoulder once more before heading to the Impala to wait for his brother. Dean approached you, his hands in his pockets. 
“So, this is goodbye?” 
“For now,” you said. Dean smiled, awkwardly staring down at his boots. You rolled your eyes and grabbed him by his jacket. He fell into you and didn’t waste any time in connecting his lips to yours. His hands went into your hair as you gripped him tight. You sighed into the kiss, trying to memorize every touch and caress from Dean Winchester. 
He pulled back for a second before kissing you again and then once more. You smiled up at him. “Are you gonna call me?” he asked, his thumb stroking your cheek. 
“Maybe,” you said, “only if you need my help.”
“Well, I’ll need something,” he said with a smile. You rolled your eyes but mimicked the smile. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not done with you yet, Winchester,” you said. “I’ll see you around.” You reached up and kissed him one more time, letting your lips linger on his for just a bit longer before pulling away. You waved to him as you got in your car and drove away.
Dean watched after you, feeling like you would keep your word and he would be seeing you very soon. He waited until your taillights were out of sight before joining his brother in the car. “Sammy, I think I just found my future wife.” 
Sam snorted, “Great, maybe Cas can officiate,” he joked. 
“Officiate what?” Sam and Dean jumped at the sudden voice. Turning around, Castiel was sitting in the back seat of the Impala, looking between the brothers. 
“Dammit, Cas!” Dean yelled, trying to get his heart rate down. 
“Sorry,” Cas said and then looked at Sam who just burst out laughing. “Am I missing something?” 
“I’ll fill you in on the way,” Sam said. 
“On the way where?” Castiel asked, confused. Dean revved the engine and hit the gas. 
“We’re going after a girl, I got a date.” 
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adhdeancas · 3 years
no pressure at all but i’m always a sucker for sammy’s pov/outsider pov on dean being trans if you felt like writing that sometime :)))
uh so i kinda wrote this from Sam’s POV when he was 11 and Dean comes out to him? Hope that’s okay? also-- tw for abuse mention/injuries. It’s kinda angsty but it has a good end. also tw for Sam misgendering Dean before he knows he’s trans obviously
Sam knew he had a bad childhood. But he knew Dean had a worse one, too. Not really, not in the front of his mind (Dad talked to him, Dad trusted him, Dad treated him like an adult), but if he really thought about it… 
Dean came out to him on a bad night.
7:00 pm. Summer 1994. 
Deanna came back into the motel room with a busted lip and a dislocated shoulder. 
“Dee!” Sam calls out immediately. He jumps up from the musty little couch, throwing his schoolbooks on the coffee table, and goes to his sister. She pushes him away and winces immediately. “What happened?”
“Nothing.” Deanna lies through bloody teeth. “I was a smartass. I’m fine.”
Sam tries to grab her by her other arm but she pulls away before he can, and that’s when he sees her shoulder looks off. Like the bones are twisted wrong, shoved on wrong like she’s a Barbie that’s been thrown across the room. “Dad?”
Deanna looks away and doesn’t say anything, and Sam knows that means yes. A jolt of guilt goes through him. He knows it’s because Dee probably tried to get John to stick around for a couple days, probably because Sam was whining so much about missing him. Or maybe it was about the nearly empty state of their cupboards, or the multiple calls home from teachers for Dean’s shitty attitude that were getting harder and harder to dodge or explain John’s absence away. Either way, John hadn’t followed her back into the room, which meant he’d left again. The argument had cost Sam even a glancing look at their dad while he got his clothes done at the laundromat. 
Sam stares. “It’s not right.” he whispers.  
 Deanna pushes at him again, but she doesn’t seem to be trying too hard to get him away. “It’s fine, Sam. Just let me, I can-” She pulls at the arm with her good one and cries out. 
“Deanna, stop being fucking dumb,” Sam risks cussing because Dee usually takes him more seriously when he does. Sure enough, she looks down at him with a frown. He shrugs. “Let me help you. You’d help me. Besides, I’ve never had a dislocated shoulder before. I don’t know how to fix one.” He raises his eyebrows, confident this appeal would work. Dee always caved if he could word it in a way so she was helping him, teaching him something that could keep him safe later. It’s how he’d got her to teach him how to do stitches and pick locks and learn exorcisms. 
“... fine.”
“Yes!” Sam mutters under his breath. Deanna huffs out a laugh. She climbs onto the rickety old table they have in the room and lays down with her bad shoulder laying off it. “Alright, Sammy, now just grab onto my forearm and pull straight down. Hard and fast.” She grins to herself and looks away, muttering, “That’s what she said,” 
Sam’s got no clue what that’s supposed to mean, but he grabs ahold of her forearm anyway, thinking. “Dee, he shouldn’t hit you.”
“Sam, I told you, I was being a smart ass, I had it coming this time.”
Sam grips tight. “Still. He shouldn’t. You’re not supposed to hit girls.”
“I’m not-” Sam tugs down hard, and he hears a distinct and gross pop from above him as Deanna’s shoulder slides back into place. She groans and rolls back onto the table, cradling her arm. “Motherfucker, shit, I’m not a motherfucking girl.”
Sam hits his head on the tabletop standing up. “What?” he asks, rubbing the back of his head. What’s that supposed to mean?
“You said you’re not a girl.”
“Oh, I-” Deanna sits up straight now and tumbles off the table in her hurry to get away from Sam. Sam watches with confusion. It’s like she’s more freaked out now than she was when she came in with a freshly beat up face. “I meant like- I’m not a- I’m not- I’m not a girl,” she stutters, emphasizing the last word. “Like weak. Uh, like when I call you a girl for complaining about your bookbag being heavy.”
Sam furrows his eyebrows. Deanna’s also taught him how to tell when somebody’s lying, which had the unexpected perk of knowing when she’s lying. And she’s lying. She’s also… “Are you crying?”
Deanna looks up, terrified, and raises a hand to wipe the moisture off her face. “No, I’m not fucking- Sammy, leave me alone!”
Sam crosses his arms. “What’s going on?”
“What the fuck do you mean, Sam?” she grumbles. She’s turned away to grab a towel and she wets it and wipes at her lip. Then she grabs some ice from the freezer and shakes it into the towel. People ask if a girl comes into school with a swollen, split lip, especially when it’s a loner like Deanna. 
“Why are you acting so weird?”
“I’m not. You’re acting weird.” her voice is muffled from the towel. 
Sam’s head hurts, and he really just wants to read his book. It’s a really good one, an adventure story. They’re in space. But that protagonist never gives up on a mystery, and he’s not about to either. “No, you’re acting weird about saying you aren’t a girl. Which wouldn’t be weird unless you weren’t lying about it and making it weird.” he’s thinking out loud. Deanna looks like she wants to kill him. “Dee, just tell me what’s going on.” he can hear the childish whine in his voice, but he can’t help it. He just wants to help. “Please, Dee. You can trust me.”
She sits on the table, and it rocks below her. She shakes her head. “I dunno, Sammy, I think I’m really messed up.”
Sam resists the urge to make a joke, and sits in a chair so he can look at her. “What do you mean, messed up?”
“I… Fuck, it’s super weird. You’re not allowed to tell anyone this, okay? Anyone, period. No dad, no Bobby, no weird little friends.”
Sam glares at her. “I promise.”
Deanna sighs and leans forward. “I… I wanna be a guy. Like… so bad. All the time. So bad it hurts.” she says quietly. “I can’t stop thinking about it. I don’t- I don’t like… looking like this.”
Sam stares. His thoughts are going a mile a minute, trying to figure out what that means. “You wanna be a guy?”
“... yeah.”
“But… you’re a girl.”
“Yeah, I fucking know that, Sam. Hence the ‘wanting to be a guy’ part. Fuck.” She tosses the icy towel into the sink. It makes a hollow clink, which seems to disappoint her. She sags against her own hands, holding her face up with her elbows propped on her knees. “I’ve read about it, y’know. Trying to figure out what- what’s wrong with me.”
“You’ve read about it?” Sam asks incredulously. Dee never reads anything for school, only random books with nothing to do with her classes. She says the academic wording gives her headaches. She frowns at him now. Her eyes are wet again. “What did you find out?”
“People… people are like that. Some people are. Mostly… mostly guys who wanna be girls but some… some like me too.”
“So what do they do?”
Dee blinks and looks at him surprised. Like she’d expected something different from him. “Most of ‘em got surgeries to, uh, look like how they wanted.” She hunches her shoulders over on herself. “They changed their names.”
“Well, you change your name all the time.” Sam says easily. 
“That’s different. That’s for cases.”
“Yeah, well, do it when it’s not for cases. I dunno, call yourself Dean instead. That’s a boy name, right? People wouldn’t even think it’s weird, it’s just a nickname like Dee.” Sam shrugs. 
“Sammy, anybody ever told you you’re a genius?” Dean’s voice cracks, and she sniffs and takes a deep breath before she can look at him. 
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, you. When you’re not calling me a dumbass.” Dean gets up and wraps him in a hug, only making a muffled sound when she moves the hurt shoulder. 
“Dean?” Sam tries the name out on his tongue. It sounds good, natural. Dean huffs in reply. “Does this mean you’re a ‘he’ now?”
Dean laughs. “I, uh. I guess? If that’s not too weird?”
Sam rolls his eyes again. “Dean, we hunt monsters for a living.”
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whydoyouwantmyname · 4 years
Imagine not telling the boys something important (Part 2)
Part one
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“Tell me something Ailsa?” Eve asked, her voice echoed through the walls of the motel room your mind had manifested as you laid on the queen bed, the static now replaced by the projection of the world that Eve was seeing, it looked like a truck stop.
“Why do you keep calling me that.” You groaned
“I think it is cute.”
“Of course you do, alright Eve, what is your question.”
“Out of everyone I didn’t think a 207 year old cambion would be a virgin, care to enlighten me?”
“I figured you already creeped around in my memories and found it.” You answered as you sat up, and made your way to the mini bar, which instantly restocked itself, as she replied, “Nah, I didn’t feel like digging too deep.”
“Just deep enough to figure out my whole life story?”
“Well if you must know, it is so much easier to avoid feeling, and the annoying humanity I have if I just don’t let people in romantically.”
“Which is why you never made an attempt on dating Dean, even though you two are obviously meant for each other.”
“Exactly, and honestly if you do see them, please don’t tell them, I would rather..”
“I understand, I swear not a word.”
“Thanks Eve, if you weren’t investing people with your spawns, and possessing me, I would say you were pretty cool.”
“You have no idea what Crowley is up to, do you?” She asked, her voice soft as you opened your fifth miniature and downed it with no issue.
“Not a clue, but knowing the king of hell, I am sure it is something designed to get him into a position of greater power.”
“Well he is seeking to open the doors to Purgatory, for what I am not aware, but he is killing my supernatural children’s souls and imprisoning them. Rumor has it, he is not working alone, he has an angel on his side.”
You stopped mid sip, your whole body frozen as you thought, slowly lowering your arm you asked, “An angel.”
“Do you know him?”
“I fear I might.” You whispered, reflecting on your memory as a previous conversation played in your head.
You were standing alone in the living room, a lore book in hand as you paced the room, it was a rare moment where both Winchester’s were outside, leaving you alone in a blissful silence, which was soon to be interrupted by the sounds of angel wings.
“How they ever allowed you in this house is still a foreign concept to me.” He formulated the statement as you lifted your head towards him, his blue eyes piercing your figure as you raised an eyebrow, “I haven’t the slightest idea what you mean Castiel?”
“How have you managed to hid the sins you drag around with you, suppress the screams of the souls your precious hounds have torn to shred, how do you manage not to shiver in the nippy air of earth, when the flames of hell flicker at your flesh?”
“Cas, what are you implying?”
“You are a liar, and a…”
“I would choose your next sentence extremely carefully, unless you want an angel blade driven through your chest.” You warned, his face grim as he growled, “The trap will reveal who you really are, don’t worry.”
“Oh you mean that one?” You stated, pointing to the ceiling, where a classic Singer masterpiece decorated the ceiling, the book slamming shut in your single hand before being placed on the desk, as Cas smiled, almost pleased that you were caught, until you approached him slowly, his eyes filling with confusion as you got right up in his face,”Looks like you should do your homework Castiel, before you make threats to the woman who has been traveling with the Winchester’s for three years now.” Your once filled hand extends quickly, seizing his throat in your digits before using your strength to push him into the wall, leaning in you got right up in his ear, “Unless you want to see what these red eyes can really do.”
It wasn’t until you saved his ass that he truly learned who you were as a hunter, all negative feelings drifting further away with time, until he was finally comfortable enough to call you a nickname, Angel.
“So your father is working with the man who calls you Angel?” Eve replied, almost forgetting she could also see your thoughts.
“He must, Cas is the only angel I could imagine him trusting.”
“Well you’re a smart cookie, any idea…”
“Not a clue.” You answered, glancing at the TV screen as you noticed the tv screen, her eyes set on a trucker before she pushed off the wall. As she started towards the 18 wheeler, you couldn’t help but notice that Eve glanced over at the wall, the corner of your mouth lifting.
“What are you smirking about?” Eve questioned
“Nothing at all.” You replied, before a pie magically appeared.
“Like I said fellas, I remember pulling into the truck stop, and next thing I knew I was at work. I have no idea how I ended up there, or anything that happened after I pulled in.” He stated, looking to Sam and I, my head somewhere else as he spoke.
“And where do you work?” Sam asked
“Starlight Canney. After I came to, I called home, hoping my family was there. I didn’t think anything of it when she didn’t pick up, that was…” a small sob escaped his lips as Dean looked to the other officer, “mind if I have a look at the security cameras footage?”
“Not at all, let me just pull ‘em up.” The officer answered as Dean left Sam and Bobby to question Rick.
As the other officer set Dean up, all his mind could do but wander back to a memory where she was.
“Jesse.” You pleaded, the small boy's eyes flickered towards you as you remained frozen in between Sam and Dean, neither of them could see you, but the demon possessing Julia could, and Jesse.
However Sam and Dean remember it much differently then what truly happened, they remember Sam stopping Jesse, and Julia’s demon, before driving off to the next motel. However you knew it went differently
“Don’t listen to her son, you are going to do great…” As the demon talked, you lowered your own head, as Sam and Dean’s heads suddenly fell forward as the demon laughed, “So you do still know how to use your powers.”
Looking up your eyes were completely crimson red, and glued to the demon, “I can’t wait to tell my father about what you are doing, and I hope I have the pleasure of…”
“You haven’t stepped foot in hell for over 20 years, what makes you think…”
“Do you even know who my father is?” You screamed, suddenly whatever held your body stiff slowly melted away, as your arms lowered, “You’re just like me?”
Looking from the black eyed demon to Jesse, you slowly stepped forward and crouched in front of the small boy, “Yeah, my dad is a demon just like yours.”
“Jesse, don’t listen to her.” She started forward, however she suddenly became mute, and frozen, Jesse looking towards her as it happened before turning back to you, “Did they tell you lies too?”
“No, they actually don’t know, but I know that they wanted to tell you this to protect you, because it is really scary at first to learn that you are part evil.”
“Does that mean I am going to do what she said, am I going to end the world?” You could hear the small boy’s voice quicken in fear, as you put a hand on his arm and smiled, “No, all it means is that you are going to be able to do things other kids can’t, cause even though you are different, you are still human, and that means you have good in you. Listen Jesse, I am 206 years old, and have had a lot of opportunities to do some wicked stuff, and instead of doing that, I am helping people just like you.”
“You aren’t evil.” He whispered, almost as a reassurance to himself, as you responded, “And neither are you.”
“How do I beat this?”
“Well, you are going to have to run away, here.” You reaches into your bag and pulled out a notebook you had been filling with all things to do with the life since 1981, the pages worn and the book spine was well used, and with a smile you stated, “This has everything in it that I have learned over the years, it will help protect you from both angels and demons.”
“I need protection from angels?”
“Yes darling. See the angels don’t understand that we aren’t all bad, they just see the demon side of us.”
“They’re narrow minded.” He replied as you smiled, “They are just scared. You will have to move around a lot but just lay low, here you can also use this.” You pulled out a 100 dollar bill, and handed it to him, “Do you understand?”
“What will happen to my parents?” He asked
“Well they will stay here, it is too dangerous to bring them, just because the demons and angels might try to hurt them if they know where you are.”
“Have they ever done that to you?” Your face lifted to Julia, a wicked smile on your face as you thought of all the shit the demons did to Dean while in hell, and what Ruby did to Sam. “Yeah, but the Winchesters are the two strongest men I know, and no punk ass, black eyed scumbag is going to break them, not as long as I’m around to stop it.”
Looking towards you Jesse whispered, “How do I run away?”
“Just think of yourself going to a place, and just like that…” you looked down to see him gone and heard a slight thud behind you, a smile on your face as you slowly rose and looked at Julia,who went to move but remained frozen, and mute, “I like you better as a mute statue.”
As you approached her, you monologued, “Everything I said about the Winchesters is true, and I hope you all figure it out soon that nothing you do will ever make them stop hunting the bad guys. So just drop your little obsession with these two, because you got what you wanted, Lucy is running all around creation, trying to end the world. I just hope for your sake he doesn’t turn on you like he did God.”
With a single lift of your palm you sent her back to hell, her scream echoing the empty space as you watched the black goo melt into the floor from her eyes, once she was gone you turned to see Sam and Dean had fallen to the floor, the invisible force holding them still disappearing with Jesse. You walked over to the two of them and placed your hands on their heads, filling it with false memories as you mentally called out to your father.
“I was busy.” He snapped as you lifted your head to see Crowley standing before you, his eyes lifting from you to Julia’s body, “Have I ever mentioned I love it when you get feisty with your own kind?”
“All the time, yet you only allowed me to file your paperwork. Now help me get these two idiots in the Impala.”
“Here ya go, this is the footage from that night. Not really anything exciting.” The officer told Dean, snapping him from the false memory you had planted in his head. Taking a seat in the Rollie chair he muttered a thanks and started fast forwarding through the tape, until he saw something that made him stop, looking at the camera was a pair of glowing eyes, and upon rewinding and going frame by frame he saw the way the face distorted, and the eyes clearer, along with something he was not expecting to see.
“[Y/N].” He whispered, backing up the frames to before your face distorted, a slight smile was on your face, your hair was down, and you were dressed in a tank top and skinny jeans. He couldn’t take his eyes off of your face, the way your lips smeriked up as though you were taunting the camera, like you knew they would find out you were the one doing this. With the frame still pulled up he quickly rose, the chair pushing back so quickly it hit the wall, alerting Sam and Bobby to his distress, before he stormed out of the office. Frustration filling his body as his mind stated over and over that he had failed you.
When Sam and Bobby finally came out they found Dean sitting on the hood of the impala, his eyes just staring into a void above as they approached him, “Dean?” Bobby asked
“It’s her.” His eyes never leaving the sky as his voice was gruff and soft, “whatever we are hunting is inside her head.”
“We will figure it out.” Sam whispered as Dean finally lowered his head, his eyes red rimmed, bloodshot and puffy.
“Will we?” He replied.
About an hour later Dean and Sam were sitting in the motel, milling over notebooks trying to find anything on what could be possessing [y/n], “I mean it could be a shapeshifter.” Sam offered as a possible answer as Dean knitted his fingers into his greasy hair.
“Sam you saw her face distorted on the security footage, no shapeshifter has done that before.” He sighed out as Sam lowered the book.
“Are you sure you are okay dude?” Sam asked, the sound of his own question making him feel like it was a dumb thing to say, anyone with two eyes could have been able to tell that Dean was falling apart every second, especially now that he knew that something had possessed you. Dean’s index and thumb moved from his hair to the bridge of his nose, the two digits squeezed the flesh between his eyes as he let out a sigh, “This is why hunters can never fall in love.”
“Sammy, please don’t feed me your positive outcome bullshit right now, we have no leads, no information of what is possessing her, we have nothing. As far as we know there could be no cure, it is possible that we could try everything and that thing will still be in her head.”
“And we will, don’t forget Dean, she wasn’t just your friend. She was mine and Bobby’s too, and we will save her.”
Before Dean could respond his burner was ringing, his response turned into him flipping it open and muttering, “Whatcha got Bobby?”
“I need you and Sam to get your asses down to Starlight Canney, Rufus and I will meet ya outside.”
“Rufus is with…” Dean started but he was cut off by Bobby’s like going dead, Dean looked at Sam and promptly stated, “Bobby found something, I think.”
While the boys drove to the canney, Cas was opening the doors to an abandoned warehouse, a glowing light seeped out from under it as he revealed the grey lab space that he and Crowley had built. Crowley was seated at the table, a sheet of paper before him as his hand scribbled across the page with a pen. Cas looked over the railing at him, as he stated, “Stop staring at me like you do the Winchester boy.”
“I have news.”
“Did you find me more souls?” Crowley’s head still did not lift as he spoke, it wasn’t until Cas replied that he finally became alert, “No, it is about [Y/N].”
“What about her?”
“She has been possessed, the boys are trying to track her down, but whatever is inside of her is ancient.”
“Eve.” Crowley hissed
“Why would Eve be…”
“She knows we are trying to open purgatory, and wants to stop us. Is she creating an army?”
“I won’t call it an army, but she is creating hybrids.”
“And she has my little girl on like a meat suit.” He stated more than asked, frustration clear in his brow as he slammed the pen down, “I thought the Winchesters…”
“They are looking for her right now. I can’t see her though, so I was wondering…”
“Eve will make her go dark to everyone who could have been able to find her, I can have my spies on the lookout for her, but Castiel….” He started before pausing, the reality of his next statement taking a toll on his still beating heart, “[Y/N] will die if you remove Eve.”
“Not all of her.” Cas replied before leaving, as Crowley leaned back in his chair, his heart breaking for his little girl.
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 10, Episode 20: Angel Heart
Isn't that the Novak house?
This must be a flashback
Poor Amelia
Oh no
A dream?
So the mom is alive
That's freaky
She's definitely not
One of her happiest moments
Poor guy
She's looking for mom
Fair point
She's the furthest thing from a girl scout
She never gave a last name
At least he called
Oh, Cas
Dad mode™
Sounds like fun
You were hurt!
I'm sure it was
They want to help
He did it for you, Claire
He didn't help much
Oh boy
Wait a second. Give or take, two years ago she might've been on the trail of Emmanuel.
Um. Bye Dean
Escape artist
She doesn't like you, Cas
Dean can be scary
Dean, you need to chill a little
Oh, Dean does NOT like those
I'm sure
Hah! If it was Roy, I'd laugh
And that's not concerning at all
This is weird
I don't believe him
But you're getting it anyway
Makes sense
He didn't know his mom
I'm pretty sure I've heard this out of context and I thought it was post-Amara, but he's literally just talking about time travel 😭😭😭
That wouldn't stop Sam
I'm sure
An angel?
Hey, remember when Sam ragged on Dean for credit card scams? Yeah, me too
Okay fair
What was he taking from Amelia? It almost looked like grace
And Dean was with him 😭 can you imagine Dean Winchester in a Hot Topic
It's cute!
It wasn't Dean
Slammed his face into a table, though
He didn't kill the guy, though
You've probably heard of Eric Clapton, but if you haven't, he's known for Knockin' on Heaven's Door, I Shot the Sheriff, and Layla (as part of Derek and the Dominos). Jimmy Page is the guitarist and founder of Led Zeppelin.
Nice, Dean
Angel blade, definitely
Of course
It's not that simple
He's a loose cannon
Daddy-daughter date!
Claire is more antagonistic
I mean. True.
That's true
Cas... that's a loaded question
Sam is right on this one, but it's hard
Bill Murray is awesome
Come on, Claire
How can you know if you like it or not if you haven't seen it?
He's so dramatic
Ok, boomer
Happy Gilmore.
Sylvester Stallone face
The mini-golf is rare
I love the side-by-side
That was unfortunate
Also Cas was a jerk back then
Several times over
That's good to know, I guess
I have no clue what's happening
So like... an archangel?
*insert Michael joke here*
Depends on the angel
There's Amelia
Not exactly
Oh boy
Poor girl
Dean, maybe the lore is both. They prey on some and help others
That's fantastic
Wouldn't be the evilest angel out there
No promises
Thanks, Cas
That angel was doing some messed up stuff
That's so sad
Jimmy's been gone for a long time
Speaking of Claire...
Oh, Amelia
Wake up, Sam
Dean was right!
That's horrifying
Not for the humans
There's the sword
Evidently not
You kind of screwed up there, buddy
Baby's first hunt!
Two years
Family reunion!
Protect your mom
Of course
Where did he go?
Enough with the jump scares!
Apparently not
That's suspicious
Oh no
I don't think it is
Oh no...
Cas to the rescue
This is going great
Um. Bad idea
He's mopping the floor with them
There's no saving her
Oh, Claire...
She's in her real heaven now
The light is beautiful
Oh, Jimmy...
This is so sad, but so sweet
Wayward sisters!!!
Heck yeah!
I think Jody has it handled
Aw, he got her a birthday gift!
That's sweet
Worth a shot
Dude. Throw away the wrapping paper
He's not even 40
She didn't know better
I hope so
Oh, Dean...
This is cute
Of course
Somewhere between
0 notes
jay-and-dean · 5 years
What he deserves
Tumblr media
This story had been written by @holylulusworld and @jay-and-dean together. As we can’t make one post with two autors on Tumblr, the fic is availiable on both our pages, the comments will be read by the author of the page you are on, you can go on both of course, enjoy.
Summary: Jody knows Dean is cheating, and now she’s going to tell his girlfriend.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Jody, Sam, Castiel
Warnings: angst, mention of cheating, fluff.
Want to read more ? => @holylulusworld ‘s MASTERLIST
                                  => @jay-and-dean ‘s MASTERLIST
Words : 5k
Jody's Pov (by @jay-and-dean)
           I like Y/n, and, of course, I like Dean. They are both my friends, hell I sometimes feel like I'm an aunt or a stepmother. I'm the one she calls for private things, almost like a mother, like that time her periods were late and she was freaking out... And Dean, he literally saved me, made me who I am today... I would take a bullet for any of them and that's probably why this is so hard.  
           I don't want to be the one breaking her heart, the one making their happiness shatter. Hell, I'm not even sure I want Dean to fall back into the darkness he lived in before Y/n, even if he seems to deserve it.  
But Y/n... she deserves better.  
           He never lied to her, why do it now? Why would he hide in the kitchen between dishes to answer his phone during dinner at my place? Saying things as cliché as "I can't talk to you right now, Y/n is in the next room"... Why, after he spent so much time texting, would he react like a teen when I take his phone to call Sam? Why ask me to spend the day with his girlfriend, pretending he needs time to do shopping, making me swear to not tell her? He's hiding something to her, to all of us. I hate this bastard for making me lie to her... I caught at least five or six strange behaviors like this and now I'm sure of it.  
           Dean is cheating on her.  
           I have to be absolutely sure though, because this is too serious. Y/n and Dean... It's the best thing that ever happened to the Winchester brothers, to all of us : finally seeing Dean happy, and little-orphan-Y/n bloom in his arms. Even Sam and Cas found a new balance and peace, knowing Dean is not self-destructive anymore...                
           The Impala is here, parked in front of a building, I stop my car and wait. I have to be careful, Dean is a hunter, he will feel it if he’s being followed. I stay in the car and check my phone, I tracked his, he didn’t even try to block his phone signal, what if Y/n had the same idea?  
           He finally gets out of the building and my heart drops. A pretty blond girl is with him, I was right. She laughs at something he said and he seems so relaxed, I can’t see a hint of guilt on his face. How can he do this to Y/n? She loves him so much, she sacrificed so much for him!  
           He opens the door for her, smiling like it was the best day of his life and they leave together, that girl’s ass on the spot Y/n spend so much time, following him around in his damn car, just to be close to him…  
           With shaking hands I call Y/n, I can’t tell her on the phone but she deserves to know.  
“Jody? Is everything okay ?” she answers.  
“Yeah…” I lie. “Is Dean with you ?”  
“Nope, he left before I woke up this morning, I don’t know when he will come home, he didn’t say” she states with a smile in her voice, how can she smile? Is she that naive? “Why ?”  
“I just… I’m on my way home…”  
“Okay, nice, I made a pie. Dean will be so happy when he comes back”  
Yeah, I don’t think so…  
“Y/n, just… Is everything okay between you two ?” I ask trying not to sound too sad.  
“Yes, of course, Jody” that smile again in her tone, it’s like she was smiling each time she thinks of him and it breaks my heart to know soon she’ll cry instead. “Why that question ?”  
“I’m just checking on you, you know me” I fake a smile swallowing hard.  
Meanwhile, Dean’s POV, Jody’s place… (by @holylulusworld)
I’m nervous, excited…I can’t even explain my feelings. I love Jody’s food, I really do but right now I can barely concentrate on a conversation or her food.  
I need to call her, need to be sure she will not forget our appointment, so I send her a message once again. A few moments later I receive an answer and I smile, and my smile grows when another message arrives with a picture of the thing I want the most.  
The ring, the ring for the woman I love. I want to send her best friend another message but then Jody asks me if I can borrow her my phone so she can call Sam.  
I hesitate, I would do anything for Jody, hell even risk my life. This woman is almost like a mother to me and Sam, cause my own mother never was a real mom.    
But right now, I hesitate to handle her my phone, too afraid she could read the messages I send Jennifer, Jen, my girlfriends’ best friend since high school.  
I want to surprise Y/N, she deserves perfect so only Sam knows about my plans, of course, he knows he’s my brother, the person I trust the most, well except Y/N.  
She owns my trust, my heart for years and now I want to show her how much she really means to me. I blink a few times, looking unsure at my phone and then at Jody and her look is unreadable so I handle her my phone, hoping she won’t see the picture of the ring or read my messages.  
I can’t let anyone ruin my surprise, my proposal. Y/N deserves perfect. Jody could ruin it with one word, I can’t risk it, Y/N is right next to me.  
Relieved I get my phone back, Jody only called Sam and didn’t say a thing to Y/N. I can see another message from Jen. Maybe something’s wrong with the flowers, or the ring?  
I need to call her, texting her again would make Y/N or Jody suspicious, I mean Y/N is smart. She would see through a lie; she can almost read me like a book, so I grab the plates to excuse myself to do the dishes as my phone already begins to ring.  
I look around and answer Jen’s call, whispering so no one can hear me, and it’s the right decision as I hear Jody walking toward the kitchen, maybe Y/N is on her way too so I whisper my words to tell Jen that I can’t talk to her right now as Y/N, my girlfriend is in the next room.  
Her friend giggles and assures me everything is working according to plan, but we must meet tomorrow as her boss won’t let her take the day after tomorrow off, so I tell her we meet at the shop and end the call.  
Now I got a problem, Y/N is here, and I need to meet her friend to talk to her about the ring and how to do the perfect proposal. I see Jody enter the kitchen and an idea pops up into my mind.  
“Hey, Jody can you spend the day with Y/N tomorrow? I got some shopping to do but please don’t tell her I ask you. I would’ve asked Sammy but he ain’t around.” I say hoping Jody will help me out.  
“Sure, Dean. Why not?” She answers and I smile at her. Of course, she helps me out, Jody is the best.  
I get out of the Impala and my heart beats a mile in a minute. I’m nervous as hell and I got no clue why, well I know why but this doesn’t help me taming my heart right now.  
Jen is great at her job as a wedding planner, she will know what’s the best I tell myself, as Y/N deserves the best.  
Almost running toward the jeweler, I glance over my shoulder as I got the feeling someone is watching me, imagining things might be a side effect of being in love. I shrug and enter the shop to meet with my partner in crime.  
“Finally,” Jen says smiling and I simply nod, too nervous to say anything I let her lead me toward the goal, the ring we chose together. It’s a simple one, silver, as Y/N doesn’t like gold.  
“You think this is the right one?” I ask, finally finding my voice.  
“It’s perfect Dean, you know that. Y/N will love it for sure. Look at the pretty little diamond. This one is her style. Just relax and everything will be alright.” Jen says and I calm down a bit.  
A few moments later I pay the ring with the money I spared, no fake credit cards this time. I want to give my girl something I bought with my own money. The clerk handles me the little box with the precious treasure and I smile at Jen.  
She follows me out of the store, and I lead her toward my car as she needs to help me pick the right flowers. I know Y/N loves every kind of flower, but I want to do this right.  
“Do you think she will say yes, or reject me? I mean what if I do it wrong? What if I stammer?” I ask Jen and she starts laughing.  
“Dean, she will marry you even if you mess up the whole thing.” Jen answers and I smile at her. I don’t like lying to Y/N, I lied for over two months by now, but it will worth the secretiveness, in the end, so I shove the guilt away.  
My hands are slightly shaking as I open the door for Jen, and she takes place in the passenger seat. Just one more stop and I can prepare everything, I can finally ask Y/N is she wants to be my wife…    
Jody’s Pov, the bunker (by @jay-and-dean)
Dean didn’t even come back to my house to come and pick Y/n, he just called, saying he was next to the bunker and that we should just join him… Since when Dean doesn’t pick her? I mean, they’re inseparable.  
           But Y/n didn’t react, she seems so innocent, not seeing what is happening at all. She just smiled and said “We should hit the road then, I already miss him”, and my heart broke.  
           The minute we enter the bunker she sighs, putting her bag on the glowing table of the war room, she looks around.  
“It’s good to be home,” she says, tired of the three hunts in a row they solved before visiting me. “Hey baby ?” she calls now.  
I kind of hope he’s not here, I don’t know how I am supposed to look at him in the eyes, knowing he just had sex with a pretty blond girl…  
           Then I see her face when he doesn’t answer. Like Christmas had been cancelled, like this wasn’t really home after all.  
How can he do this to her? No one has ever loved him like she does. She has seen all of him and loved each messed up part of that man; she even told him for the first time while he had the Mark of Cain. She never tried to change him but did it a little anyway, in the best way: Dean is not that self-destructive anymore, he’s not ready to sacrifice anything now, he is happier. He doesn’t drink that much, even if she never told him anything, they just drink together when they do. Smiling, I remember that night I found them beyond drunk together, laughing like crazy for no reason until Y/n needed to puke and he held her hair for hours. That’s how they are, that’s the effect she has on him.  
Y/n deserves better, but when she breaks up with him, I fear we will lose Dean for good. How I wish I just didn’t know…  
           The main door grates and her face lights up.  
“Oh great you’re here,” Dean says entering and she starts to climb the stairs to join him.  
She nestles in his chest and he kisses her forehead. Doesn’t she smell another woman on him?  
“So no kiss ?” that bastard dares with a grin.  
And she lifts her head to kiss him with passion, her hands in his hair; it’s like they’ve been together for a week… since 2014. I have to look away, I can’t stand the pain I may be about to inflict, I wish Sam was here, he would understand what I’m going through, maybe even tell me what to do.  
           Then a thought crosses my mind, what if Sam knows? He’s really smart and knows his brother by heart, there is no way he never heard or seen things like I did. It would mean he chose to stay silent… I just really don’t know what to do.  
           Then Dean hugs me and I can slightly smell a perfume on him, I could punch him right now.  
“Thank you” he whispers in my ear. “So Jody, you can have Y/n’s former bedroom,” he says loud now. “Unless she kicks me out of our bed tonight” he jokes but I can’t laugh.  
“Why would she do that, Dean ?” I say seriously, looking in his eyes.  
His wide smile fades but he seems confused.  
“I don’t know if I’m staying” I add, looking down.  
“Yes you are, there is no way you drive hours back without getting some rest, and Sammy will come back soon, I know he would love to see you” he states with that husky voice he takes when he is using authority.  
           Dinner is an ordeal, I try not to cry when I see the way she looks at him, like every word he spoke was poems. I notice everything now: the light touches and the stolen pecs on her lips, how can he be so good at lying?  
           I know Dean has always had a lot of conquests but I thought Y/n was different for him, I thought he wouldn’t need one-night stands, pornstars and slutty waitress anymore…  
           His phone rings. I look at him hesitate to answer, he is not going to do it, right? She’s right there, I mean can’t he just be with Y/n completely just tonight?  
           Y/n gets up and asks me if I want an ice-cream, I shake my head, still watching Dean stare at his phone.  
“Chocolate and cookie dough ?” she asks Dean, kissing his jaw.  
He nods and she leaves the room to get him his fucking ice-cream while he looks at the glowing screen of his damn phone.  
           Frowning, he finally answers. I can’t believe it!  
“Sammy ?” he says but I can hear a female voice answer.  
“Dean? You’re with her ?”  
“Yeah I’m eating with Y/n and Jody, is there something wrong? Tell me nothing’s wrong” he says getting up to move away from me.  
           I don’t hear the woman answer but when Y/n comes back with ice-cream and a radiant smile, putting a hand quickly on his heart while she walks past him, I make my decision: That can’t last, it’s too cruel. She deserves the truth even if I have to be the one breaking her heart.  
Meanwhile, Dean’s POV (by @holylulusworld)
I look at my watch and curse. The appointment with the florist took longer and I had to drive Jen home. Now there’s no time left to make it to Jody’s place and prepare everything for the proposal tomorrow.  
I don’t want to do it later. I want to make the proposal tomorrow, so I do the only thing I can do, I call Jody.  
She answers her phone after the second ring and I got the feeling she’s not happy to hear me. I got no clue why maybe I said something wrong? Anyways I think and ask her to drive Y/N back to the bunker. I want all the people I call my family around when I finally ask the woman, I love to become my wife so it’s two birds with one stone.  
I hate that I can’t pick her up, hate that I won’t see her for another six hours but I need to hide the ring. Need to call Jen to make sure she will bring the flowers and everything else in time.  
Finally, back at the bunker I run toward my room, no our room and put the ring into one of my socks, hiding it underneath the bed.  
Checking my messages, I can’t hide my smile. Jen wrote I shall take deep breaths; everything is under control. I could kiss her right now but I would never do so. My kisses are reserved for Y/N alone.  
I check my watch again and then I remember I need to get the champagne. Damn, now I have to leave the bunker once again to get it from the store in town. But Y/N isn’t back yet, so I can make it in time.  
Champagne in the trunk and some pie for the ‘after’ party in my cooling box I drive back into the garage. My heart beats faster as I can see Jody’s car. Y/N is already back and I can’t wait to see her.  
It was only half a day but still, I’ve missed her so much. Since we became a thing all these years ago, we were never apart for longer than a few hours. Well except during my ‘I’m a big bad demon’ time.  
I need to show her how much she means to me. That only she makes my life brighter, better…gave my life a sense.  
I see her running toward me and my heart beats faster and my smile grows.  
Jody’s Pov, the bunker (by @jay-and-dean)
           It’s time. Dean said he was going to take a shower but at this point I don’t believe him anymore. I’m sure he’s calling that girl again, or another, who knows, nothing surprises me anymore.  
           Y/n is in the kitchen, she’s cleaning I don’t know what. My heart is so heavy it hurts, I wish I didn’t know, but I do…  
“Y/n ?” I call with a shaky, unsure voice.  
“Ah Jody! Do you want coffee, tea? Anything? Only Dean isn’t allowed to drink coffee at night… I have to make sure he sleeps” she smiles lovingly.  
“Listen Y/n, I have to talk to you alone…”  
She turns, looking suddenly a little worried.  
“Is everything okay Jody ?” she asks, wiping her hands in a towel.  
“Not really…” I clear my voice. “Listen Y/n, you know that I love you, you’re family, so believe me I hate to be the one saying that but…”  
She frowns and I can see she swallows hard. I try to calm my trembling mouth.  
“… Dean is cheating on you, Y/n. I just… I thought you deserved to know.”  
Her face relaxes. I thought she would be freaking out but now I’m confused, it’s like she’s relieved that I said that. She smiles kindly.  
“No. He isn’t” she states, and I understand now that she’s in denial.  
“Yes, Y/n… Listen I’m sorry but he is” I try but she lifts her hand like she was forbidding me to talk more.  
“No, Jody, Dean is not like that. I don’t know what you think you heard or saw, but you’re mistaking” she says stern.  
Of course she’s mad at me, I’m a bird of ill omens.  
“I’m sorry…” I try but she seems mad now, her face is cold and she doesn’t let me talk.  
“Jody” she cuts me. “Dean is not a cheater. Why do you all think he is ?” her voice is a little louder now.  
“Come on, Y/n, you know I love Dean but he’s…”  
“NO !” she almost yells now.  
Taking a deep breath, she looks down.  
“I know who he is, and obviously I’m the only one really seeing through him… Listen… Dean had a lot of conquests, I mean, he is stunningly handsome and stayed single most of his life… Why is it so surprising for all of you that he would have a few one night stands? I ever heard a hunter calling him a manwhore once! My baby! Would I be a whore too if I decided to live my life as a single woman, and sometimes relieve some pressure with a nice guy ?” her voice is clear and sure, I try to open mine but she shakes her head. “Dean never cheated.”  
           I sigh and she catches my eyes, they’re sad but not scared. There is something so assured on her face that I know I have to talk to her about the girl to make her change her mind.  
“I saw him…” I try and she puts the towel down, taking a step toward me.  
“Listen to me Jody: Dean is not cheating on me. I trust him with my life and he said he would never hurt me.”  
“How can you be so sure you don’t even listen to me !” I half shout half whisper.  
“Did Dean ever cheated on a girl ?” she asks harshly. “Did he cheat on Lisa? He didn’t. He wasn’t even sure to be in love with her, he was sad and in a desperate place because Sam was gone, he drank a lot back then… I mean he could have done anything but he never cheated on her. Even when he went back to hunt with Sam he never touched another woman until they were done for long. You know why? Because Dean is not a cheater !”  
She points her finger at me and I know she is right, I never thought of it this way but now I see it, he actually never did… Still, I saw what I saw. I try to open my mouth again but she continues.  
“Did he ever lied? Huh ?” she frowns. “Did he ever got a woman by promising her something he couldn’t give? They all do that, Jody! Say they’re in love or that they want to get to know you better, only to drag you in their bed hours later and never call… He never did that! Dean always told the girl he’s been with that it was for the night. Hell Jody I know that… Remember how long I stayed in his gravity, seeing him hit on girls… I saw that dozens of times. He. Never. Lied.”  
I look down and take a deep breath. I call her name to make her listen but she cuts me again.  
“You let me finish now. Jody… He even told me. The one night thing he told me the first time! That he didn’t want me to think he could be my boyfriend… God he’s so damaged! After he told me he loved me it took me two years to make him stop thinking he didn’t deserve to be with me. TWO YEARS !”  
Tears fill up her eyes. While a single tear falls on her cheek, she bites her lower lip, then wipes it away. She looks so strong. I really hope she’s right because she’s perfect for him, tough just where he is broken.  
“Dean is the more loyal person the two of us have ever met. Every single person in his life let him down at some point, and he’s still there, trying to protect everyone from everything” she looks up and shakes her head. “He deserves better.”  
“You’re right” I finally manage to say, trying to make her listen to me. “But I saw him with another girl, and he…”  
“No” she says. “Stop Jody, listen, I really love you and I know how much you love Dean but you can’t keep accusing him, you’re mistaking. You know how he works, even when he’s done nothing wrong he convinces himself he deserves the unfair things people say about him. I’m tired of trying to convince him he is worthy of love, it breaks my heart” she pauses and stares at me. “Dean is not cheating on me. I trust him and we tell each other everything, I’m sure if I ask him who that girl is he will just tell me right away… But I won’t ask him, because other way he will know you thought so low of him, and it would hurt him. Just trust me, Jody.”  
Meanwhile, Dean’s POV  (by @holylulusworld)
The shower is refreshing and I got some time to think about all the things I have to do till tomorrow. Jen will bring flowers and decoration. Sam is on his way back with my black tuxedo and his own.  
Jody is already here and Castiel is on his way back to the bunker with Sam. I had to tell my angelic friend about my proposal this morning as he was curious about Sam’s behavior.  
Anyways, Claire will be here soon along with Donna and Alex. Hell, I even invited Garth and Bess to come around. Of course, everyone believes I want to throw a party, they don’t know about the proposal. Not yet.  
I step out of the shower with a bright smile on my face and grab my clothes. I brought the ring with me into the showers, I don’t want Y/N to find it accidentally and ruin the surprise. She deserves the best.  
One last glance I tell myself opening the box with the ring I chose, I hope she will love it as much as I love her. Closing the box I put it into the pocket of my sweats to hide it till I can bring it back to our room.  
I leave the showers and that’s when I hear it. Y/N is raising her voice while Jody almost whispers. I don’t know why my girl is upset but I know this tone. She only used it once, to defend me against Bobby.  
Rushing toward the kitchen to find out the reason for the argument I stop in my tracks when I hear Jody something I never thought is possible. “But I saw him with another girl…” Jody says, and I feel like someone just ran me over with a car.  
My hands are shaking, and I can’t find my voice. I believe Y/N will leave me now. Why should she believe me instead of Jody? I was never in a real relationship before…I can’t see anything but my girlfriend looking at Jody for a brief moment.  
I don’t hear or see Sam walking toward the noises. I can’t see the shocked face of my baby brother hearing Jody says I cheated on Y/N. I don’t see Castiel looking at Sam shaking his head. I can’t see the confidence on Sammy’s face knowing I would never cheat on her.  
I want to turn around, go to our room and break down, but then something happens…Y/N is defending me. I step closer and see the confidence all over her face. She’s defending me…she believes in me. Tears well up my eyes hearing her saying all these things about me.  
The woman I love believes in me like no one before. “Every single person in his life let him down at some point...” Y/N says and finally, I find my voice.  
“Not every person.” I choke out and Jody turns around with a hint of disgust in her eyes. But I barely recognize her as Y/N smiles at me. “You never let me down,” I add and she rushes toward me to move her arms around me.  
“Then enlighten us, Dean. Why were you meeting another girl?” Jody spats and I flinch at her harsh tone.  
“Jody, don’t. Dean can explain everything…tomorrow.” Sam tries but Jody shakes her head. Anger coloring her features she glares at me.  
“I saw you, I heard you. Care to explain?” She says and I know I got no other choice. My body is tense, and Y/N feels it so she lets go of me. I fall to my knees looking up Y/N and she seems to be confused.  
I need a minute to process my surprise just got ruined. All the preparations are wasted time by now, but I don’t care. I need to prove Y/N her faith was justified so I pull the box out of my pocket to hold it out.  
Seeing the ring box in my hand Jody falls silent immediately. Her eyes dart between me, Sam and Y/N. Finally realizing she destroyed a lovingly planned proposal she starts shaking. She wants to say something but Castiel shakes his head.  
“Y/N, this is not the way I wanted to propose to you. Jen and I planned it for weeks and she will kill someone in this room for sure, but I got no other choice. I love you; I adore you. You are the person who never gave up on me, who always believed in me. Just minutes before you proved my trust and love in you is justified. Would you Y/N, Y/L/N give me the honor of becoming my wife?” I ask with shaking hands and she looks down at me in awe.  
There’s silence for a minute as if everyone is holding their breath. I swear this moment is the hardest in my whole life. The moment before I hear her shout a loud ‘yes’.  
I try to fumble the ring out of the box and fail, but as always Y/N is there to help me with something I can’t do on my own. She places the ring on my hand so I can put it on her finger, and it matches perfectly. Just like we match perfectly fine.  
Her eyes are filled with tears, but tears of joy. I get up to move my arm around her waist to pick her up as I did it a hundred times before. Her arms wrapped around my neck she kisses me softly, a smile still on her lips.  
I hear my brother and Castiel clap their hands and then someone knocks me on my shoulder. I don’t know who as I’m too busy to process that the woman I love agreed to spend the rest of her life with me…
***Feedback is gold <3***
Forever Tags :  @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma@roonyxx@animegirlgeeky  @thefaithfulwriter@parinarain@vicariouslythruspn@emeow1496@daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld  @cocklesbelli@sandlee44 @mogaruke@masterof-agony @paradoxical--intentions
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thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
The Key
Pairing: Gabriel x reader
Summary:  Sometimes it takes more than weapons and magic to survive a hunt when things go sideways.  
Word Count: 1437
Warnings/Tags: angst, imprisonment, restraints, implied torture, realized feelings
A/N: This was inspired by all the RSJ gifs from Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders flying across my dash, so you can thank @rich-a-day for this one.  
This is also an unbeta’d drunk “drabble”, and I blame all my mistakes on the vodka.
“Gabe?”  It’s not the volume of your words that cuts through the quiet so much as your uncertainty.
He doesn’t hesitate in responding, the timbre of his voice as strong and steady as if you were both back at the bunker.  “Yeah?”
You swallow, and for a moment you almost back down from your confession.  “I’m scared.”  
His presence immediately stretches across the small dungeon, flooding it from wall to wall until there’s nothing but him surrounding you.  “It’s going to be ok, sweetheart.  I promise.”
Only he can’t promise these things, not now that he’s so powered down he’s practically human.  
“C’mere.”  He motions you over with his free hand as the other hangs level with his head, secured to the wall in enochian engraved cuffs.  
You look at him a moment.  “I can’t.”  
The rope around your wrists pulls tight as you raise them, reminding him that you, too, are a bit tied up at the moment.
He simply arches a brow.  “Since when has a little rope and metal ever stopped you?”
Any other time you would have responded with touche or an equally smartass remark, but the screams down the hall distract you, sending your heart rate into the stratosphere as another round of adrenaline courses through your veins.  
You’re going to die here.  It’s all you can think about.  Sam and Dean don’t have a clue where you are, neither you nor Gabriel know enough about your location to send any hints to Cas, and the agonizing shrieks that echo through the underground chambers never stop.  
It’s only a matter of time before your captors come for you.   
“Don’t give up on me yet.”  The command drags you back from the depths of your mind, and when his face comes back into focus he’s more serious than you’ve ever seen him.  “You’re one of the smartest people I know, and with these in play,”  metal rattles against stone as he shakes his bound hand at you,  “We need all the brain power we can get.”  
He needs you.  You.  And the revelation is enough to shake you free from your fear, if only temporarily.  
You glance up at your bindings.  The material itself seems pretty sound.  The fibers are smooth, wound tight, without signs it’s beginning to dry out or fray.  
Next, you inspect the steel eyelet that’s keeping you tethered to the wall.  It’s relatively new, hardy, without any chips or rust.  The stone it’s embedded in, however, is another story.  
There are cracks where the metal’s been hammered in, and when you run your fingers around the edges a few pieces break away and fall to the floor.  
You set to work, jamming the meat of your palms against the hook.  It hurts like hell, though eventually your hand begins to numb beneath the constant onslaught.  Your efforts pay off though, as slowly the area continues to crumble into dust and small pebbles that faintly clatter to the floor.  
“You got this, sweetheart,” Gabriel tells you, continuing to throw encouragement your way in what you suspect is an attempt to drown out the ongoing misery in the background.  
Eventually, you stand, hoping you’ve made enough headway to just pull the damn thing out.  You raise your leg, planting your foot against the wall as you brace with the other.  You steady yourself, taking a deep breath before you use every ounce of strength you have to try and pull yourself free.  
Within thirty seconds your sent tumbling to the ground, landing with a grunt as you manage to twist yourself onto your side so your arm and shoulder absorb the brunt of your impact.  
“Atta girl!”  He cheers as you push yourself up.  “Now get over here.”  
He’s close enough so you don’t bother trying to walk, awkwardly shuffling the few feet on your knees before dropping down into his outstretched arm.  
You don’t know the Gabriel from before; the trickster.  You don’t know the one who only plays games and makes snarky remarks.  There’s an echo of the archangel you’ve heard tales about, but the one you’ve met, the one who tucks your head beneath his chin and embraces you tightly is genuine in ways you’ve never expected.  
“It’s going to be ok,” he repeats, his voice a low rumble in the ear pressed against his chest.  
You smile, the gesture only partially forced.  “When you say it like, I almost believe you.”  
You allow your senses to be flooded with him, his scent filling your lungs as the heat of his body helps chase away the dampness that’s seeped beneath your skin.    
“You’re freezing,” he realizes, his hand trying to rub away the goosebumps on the bare skin of your arm.  
“Well, it’s pretty fucking cold,” you deadpan.  “And I am human.”  
It adds to your discomfort, sure, but in a way it’s not so bad.  It’s a reminder that you’re alive, and you’re happy to take as many of those as you can get.  
“I promise you, I’m going to get you out of here.”  
You can tell he wants so badly for that to be true, and that fact he’s so desperate for you to believe it makes you wonder who he’s trying to convince more.  
“Stop, Gabe.”  You swallow back on the dread forcing its way up through your chest as an eerie silence falls across the dungeon before footsteps begin to move toward your cell.  “Whatever’s gonna happen is gonna happen.  I just…”  
You can’t say the rest.  It’s a card too close to your chest to play, even now.  
By the way he deflates, all breath leaving his body, he not only knows, but feels it too.  
It shouldn’t surprise you.  Nobody wants to die alone, but the thought of someone like him being just as vulnerable as you are is as sobering as your own mortality.  
“You’re going to be ok.”  He places all the emphasis on you’re, and it takes you a few seconds to read between the lines.  
Your head pops up, pinning him beneath your stare.  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Sweetheart, for someone so smart, you really can be daft sometimes.”  The smile he gives you is soft and sad as he brushes the hair away from your face, his fingers lingering longer than necessary along your cheek.  
Your eyes widen.  “Gabriel –”
“You don’t need to say anything,” he cuts you off.  “It doesn’t change a thing.”  
Only it does.  It changes everything, no matter what the outcome might be.  
You sit up, pulling away from him just enough for his brows to pull together in concern.  
“You listen to me, feathers,” you begin, an urgent undercurrent running beneath your tone.  “Whatever you have planned right now, forget it.”  You try to pack as much into your stare as possible, willing him to grasp what it is you’re saying.  “The only way out of here is together.”
Everything gives way to a heavy sadness, as if he just can’t believe what you’re saying is possible, and you realize he doesn’t.  
Regardless of why, it breaks your heart.
“Do you understand?”  You ask, grasping his hand between yours before pressing it against your face, desperate for him to really hear what is you’re saying.  “The only way I make it out of here is with you.”  
A second passes, then another, and as the silence stretches on you start to think that he’s the daft one of this duo.  Until his features finally fall, and his brows shoot straight to his hairline.  
When he speaks, he’s so quiet you almost don’t hear him.  “Do you really mean that?”
There’s nothing you could say that would convince him.  So you don’t, at least not with your words.  Instead, you decide to put your mouth to better use.  
He’s been waiting for this moment, lips moving forward, more eager than anything to finally join yours.  The kiss is more intense than any you’ve had before, the threat of death still hanging imminently over your head, but there’s a tenderness that cuts through it all, tempering desire into something much more sweet.  
By the time you pull away, you’re out of breath, chests moving in equally erratic rhythms as you lay your forehead against his.
You never could have known it, but you had just handed him the key to your survival, one you’d had with you the entire time: a reason to live.  
“Together,” he promises, his energy spiraling outward, creating the first light you’d seen in days as the warding on his cuffs began to glow.  
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xwaywardhuntress · 5 years
Rock & Roll Mystery (Part Two)
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Summary: Round 2 of Scooby-doo featuring Y/N.
Pairings: Dean x reader,  Fred x reader
Warnings: Based on the Scooby-Doo & KISS movie.
Word Count: 1900+
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Scooby-Doo. This is fanfiction only. Please do not redistribute my writings on other sites, horrible or not. Thanks!
Part One
You took the lead as suggested by Fred, leading the group around the corner of the entrance gates. You magically took out a bolt cutter to use on the fence, cutting enough to make a new entrance. Once everyone was in, the group found themselves sneaking behind small tents that were used as food stands, games, and prizes.
Fred had kept close behind you which seemed to irritate a couple of others in the party. When Dean couldn’t take it anymore, he picked up his pace to reach both you and Fred. “Hey man, I need to talk to Y/N about something. “ He whispered as he passed by Fred, who thought nothing of it as he let the older Winchester pass.
Dean smiled forcibly, nodding his head as thanks. The older hunter honestly didn’t have anything specific to talk about with Y/N. He just wanted to be in between you and Fred.
Hearing voices nearby, you came to a stop holding out your right arm to signal for the rest to stop for a moment as well.
The voices grew louder as they drew more near. One of the voices caught Daphne’s attention as she whispered to the group, “Hey, I think one of them is the guard that wouldn’t let us through earlier.”
You signaled for everyone to hush up as you all listened in on the conversation taking place between the guard and a stranger. They were discussing the temporary closure of the park due to a witch terrorizing the park guests and park operators. The stranger is identified as the park supervisor as he expresses his desire for someone who can help them with the witch issue, but the guard is too confident that she can handle the situation by herself due to being a former government defense employee. The park supervisor disagrees as he requests for mystery solvers immediately and stomps away with the guard behind him.
As the voices leave out of hearing range, the gang walks out from behind the tents as the coast is clear.
“Sounds like we have a mystery on our hands, gang.” Fred announced.
“Great witches. I hate damn witches.” Dean muttered.
You chuckled at Dean’s comment. As much as you agreed with him, the fact that you were solving this case with Scooby Doo and the gang made it 10X better than a regular witch hunt.
While Scooby’s gang discussed the witch and her intentions, Sam pulled his brother and Y/N to the side. “Have either of you watched this episode? Nothing is ringing a bell.”
The older Winchester shook his head. “I’d remember if there was an episode with KISS and the only one I recall is where Daphne’s hot cousin was present.”
You narrowed your eyes at Dean’s description of Daphne’s relative.
Dean felt your eyes on him as he shrugged with a goofy smile.
“It’s not an episode. We’re in a movie.” You answered.
“So you’ve watched this mystery and know how it ends?” Sam asked, a bit hopeful.
You bit your bottom lip. “Not exactly. I just remember seeing it online and it was on my To-watch-list.”
“Wait a second? You weren’t going to tell me that Scooby Doo was going to have a movie with KISS?!” Dean gasped, staring at you.
You rolled your eyes. It wasn’t that you planned on not telling him, but every time you thought about it, he would bring up his last lay or be eyeing a potential future lay. At some point, you just didn’t want to bother anymore.
Before you could answer with a smart remark, Fred popped up beside you. “Hey guys, we’re going to search for clues in there. See what we can find about out about this witch.” The blonde pointed to a nearby building that looked like some kind of walkthrough.
Annoyed by the thought of Dean’s inability to not hit on any woman he sees, you hooked your arm with Fred’s arm. “Let’s go search for clues then!” You agreed as you turned him around to head towards the walkthrough, a big grin visibly on Fred’s face.
Dean’s mouth dropped at your action.
Sam snickered, using one of his hands to close his brother’s mouth. “How does it feel to be on the other side?” Sam asked as he quickly picked up his steps to follow behind you and Fred.
Dean grumbled to himself as he followed too.
When everyone reached the entrance of the walkthrough, it was obvious that Scooby and Shaggy were refusing to go in. You unhooked your arm with Fred’s, which Dean and Daphne both seemed relieved about, and headed over to the scaredy cats. “I can stay with them and make sure they don’t get into any trouble. You five go on ahead.”
Everyone but Dean nodded their head in agreement as he made his way over to you. “You call out if anything, I mean anything happens, understand?”
His attitude surprised you a bit but you nodded your head. “Roger that.” You smiled softly.
Dean nodded and then entered the walkthrough to join the others.
Shaggy and Scooby came up beside you, “Oh man, thanks for that.”
“Ra Ra” Scooby agreed.
You smiled at both of them, “No problem! Now, how about we play some of that?” Across from the walkthrough, there was a tent sent up with water guns and the faces of the KISS members. It was one of those carnival games where you shoot the water gun in the mouth of a face and compete to see who can fill up the thermometer looking container behind the face first.
“RAS!” “YES!” Scooby and Shaggy both yelled in excitement as they scurried over.
You followed after them as the three of you lined up next to each other, a water gun per person.
“Prepare to lose Scoobs!” Shaggy preached.
“Ro! You rerare to roose Rhaggy!” Scooby barked.
You shook your head chuckling, “Alright, on the count of 3…”
Scooby and Shaggy put on serious faces as they looked to their sides.
Scooby began laughing almost maniacal as everyone aimed their water gun at the open mouth.
The water blasted out of the water guns at the same time. At first, Shaggy was winning, then his arm got tired for a moment from holding the gun and the water hit the edge of the mouth slowing his pace. You took the lead with a grin. You were almost at the finish line when Scooby came out of nowhere and immediately filled the container first.
“Aw man.” Shaggy complained.
Scooby began posing with the water gun in his hand.
You just laughed, not at all disappointed in the results. Too busy laughing, you didn’t notice that someone else appeared till you heard Scooby scream, followed by Shaggy.
When you faced the direction they were facing, you saw someone on the ground with a wet red sheet over themselves. The wet part obviously from Scooby’s actions, it looked like.
The Winchesters and the rest of the Scooby gang came running out as they all had heard the screams.
“What happened?” All the men asked.
Scooby and Shaggy had found their way behind you, shaking as they pointed to the covered figure. “W-W-WITCHHH!” The two scaredy cats yelled.
The frame outlined by the red sheet was bulkier than a regular person, even a witch. At least the witches you encountered had the more normal human frame.
Dean and Fred rushed in front of you while Sam made his way to the figure sitting on the ground. The figure moaned. It sounded manly too. Sam looked at Dean and Fred signaling to be prepared to pounce on the stranger once he pulled the red cover off. Daphne and Velma had made their way beside you to witness the uncovering.
“HEY YOU KIDS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! THE PARK IS CLOSED!” the guard came out of nowhere behind the gang yelling from afar.
Scooby and Shaggy moved in front of you, trying to hide from the guard now, as they yelled, “It’s the mean-ol’ guard lady!”
“I recognize some of you…” The guard shared as she reached close enough to the group. “You were the kids with the dog that I wouldn’t let in earlier.” Her eyes landing on Scooby. “I told you, we’re closed. You need to leave.”
“But, we may have just caught the witch.” Daphne explained as she pointed to the covered stranger on the ground.
“Actually, that is not the witch.” Velma interrupted. She pressed her glasses as she walked over to Sam and the person in question. “By the shape of the upper body visible through this red sheet…” She tugged on the wet sheet. “…I mean this wet red sheet, there is a male under this, who is none other than….” She pulled off the wet red sheet.
“The Demon?!” Y/N, Dean, Daphne, Shaggy, and Scooby all gasped.
“Oh, heck yes!” Dean exclaimed.
“Guess the jig is up.” Spoke another voice from the shadow.
Like a ninja, the Demon flipped backward, joining three others as they all posed to introduce themselves. “On the drums, the Catman. On bass, you’ve met him and you’ve wet him, the Demon. Then our lead guitarists, the Spaceman and Starchild!”
Daphne grew heart eyes as Starchild was introduced. Dean grew star eyes. Everyone else but Fred, Sam, and the guard were in awe.
The guard, possibly not a KISS fan, walked over to Scooby and Shaggy. “You kids will still need to leave. Again, the park is closed.”
“Hold on there, mate. These guys are good guys.” Starchild spoke up for the gang.
“Yeah, they helped us at the Banning Junction, am I right?” Spaceman asked rhetorically.
“That’s right. And now we’re here to help solve the mystery of the witch.” Fred stood proudly as he glanced over at you.
“They’re what we need, so they’re cool to stay.” Starchild insisted.
“Ah! Perfect! Just what I wanted!” The voice from earlier was heard as a bearded man with grey hair appeared.
“And you are?” Dean asked, not in his star-struck phase anymore.
“I’m the park supervisor, Manny Goldman.” Manny walked over to KISS. “You all are here already?”
“We heard what was happening and thought we could help.” Starchild answered.
“And you’ve brought mystery solvers too!” Manny exclaimed as he went to hug Scooby Doo.
Scooby pulled away from Manny, taking his hand in his paw. “Rice to Reet you too.”
Manny smiled, shaking Scooby’s paw and then turned to his park guard, “Delilah, these people will not be leaving. With this much help, we’ll have the park up and running again in no time! Just in time for the main attraction, the KISS concert! So for now, go patrol somewhere else and stay out of their way.”
The guard didn’t seem to like what was going on and how quickly she became not the higher authority. She gritted her teeth in frustration and then turned to leave to patrol elsewhere.
Y/N, Dean, and Sam noticed her frustration and all looked at each other. They had all been thinking the same thing, that the witch could possibly be her.
“Now then, the park is open to you all to solve this witch mystery ASAP. If there is anything I can do, just let me know. KISS, if you don’t mind coming with me, Chip is back at my office and we need to talk to you four.” Manny requested.
KISS agreed and followed Manny back to his office.
“Alright gang, let’s look for clues again and split up.” Fred suggested.
Next: Part Three
R&RM Tag:
@22sarah08 @monkeymcpoopoo @shameless-danni @blackmissfrizzle @happylittlesuns @cheritzie @leahslovelylibrary  @walkerchick007
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writtingsofspn · 5 years
Nighttime Confession
Request: Cas finds out the reader has strong feelings for dean and talks to her about it
Pairings: Dean x reader
Warning: swearing
A/N: As always please let me know what you think!!! I love feedback!!!
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Dean downed his fifth drink for the night, and yes you were counting. He was telling you a story, or well Sam Cas and you a story but you seemed to constantly forget about the rest of the world as he spoke. He was fully engaged in telling the story, wide eyes, shaking his head enthusiastically, his left arm wildly gesturing, his right arm, however, was casually slung over your shoulders.
This was the only thing all night you seemed capable of focusing on. You had no idea what his story was about but loved the way he told it, loved the glee he seemed to feel from being able to tell it, but had no clue as to what was happening. You had no clue what was happening with the arm over your shoulders either. The logical part of you knew it was just because he was drunk, needed something to do with it so it was flung over your shoulder, afterall you were his best friend it wasn’t weird or anything.
But god you hoped it was more. You hoped that this was a totally purposeful action, that he craved the touch of your skin as much as you did his, that he just wanted to pull you closer to him, that you meant as much to him as he did to you.
You had thought about reaching up and lacing your fingers into his a thousand times, knowing that in this state he wouldn’t even remember you doing it the next morning let alone think twice about it in this instant. But Sam and Cas were watching you, Cas at least much too soberly.
“Fuck I have to pee”
It wasn’t Dean’s statement so much that caught your attention as the action of him pulling his arm back from around you. Without much thought you started to reach out to him as he left, your hand hovering above the leather seat he had just left vacant wanting to pull him back to you.
You looked up thankful to see Sam watching his brother stumble across the bar instead of you. The younger Winchester shaking his head with a chuckle “I should probably get him back to the room”
You wanted to protest, unsure of when he’d next be drunk enough to interact with you like that again but knew that you couldn’t. Any argument wouldn’t have much of a ground to stand on, plus at this point Dean definitely did need to be put to bed.
“Probably for the best” You forced the words out hoping they didn’t sound too weird.
Cas didn’t say anything, instead stared intently at you, a blank expression on his face, making you uneasy. You’d spent the past few months hiding your feelings well, or at least you thought so, but with how Dean had been acting tonight you were sure you had gotten sloppy. All too eager to see the older Winchester brother expressing some sort of affection towards you. Though surely Cas hadn’t caught that.
The sound of Sam’s voice broke you from your chain of thought “Hey man let’s head back to the motel room”
You looked up to see Dean standing at the table, swaying slightly on the spot.
“Alright, is Y/N coming?” He asked in what you wished was a hopeful tone.
“Actually I was hoping I could talk with Y/N for a minute” It must have been the first time Cas had spoken all night and you could feel the fear rising in your throat.
You didn’t even look at Cas when he said it, not at all surprised by the angel’s words after the looks he had just been shooting you. You watched Dean instead, happy to see him shoot the angel a death glare, as if he were fighting for your attention. “I’ll meet you there in a bit” you assured him.
Dean looked back at you apprehensively before finally nodding and allowing Sam to escort him out of the bar.
You watched them leave, waiting until the door had closed behind them before turning back to Cas who wasted no time before jumping into conversation.
“So when are you going to tell him?”
Your first inclination was to play dumb “What are you talking about?”
“Tell Dean that you’re in love with him” The angel answered bluntly surprising you.
You opened and closed your mouth several times, your brain working overtime to try and come up with a coherent thought “Well-I-uh-I don’t know if I would go that far”
“I would” He responded quickly “You display all of the classic characteristics when you interact with him”
“We’re just friends Cas” You tried to explain.
“But you want to be more” Cas shook his head “and he loves you too, so I don’t see the harm in telling him”
“Dean is not in love with me” You were quick to disagree, having spent too long hoping the opposite “we’re best friends, he doesn’t want to be more than that”
“It’s obvious that he does. Did you see the way he was acting tonight?”
“He was just drunk” You dismissed the thought quickly; your hopes were too high already.
“I saw the way you acted tonight too” Cas said slowly “You seemed happy”
You bit your tongue, you didn’t have an answer for that. You were happy, exuberant even just from a stupid arm over your shoulder. Is this really what it’s come too? An arm over your shoulder was all it took for you feel excited.
“You just have to tell him how you feel, and it can be like that all the time”
“And when he tells me he doesn’t feel the same way and I have to leave it won’t be.” You’d gone over the scenario too many times in your head. You knew how this story played out and it wasn’t exactly a happy ending.
“The Winchester’s aren’t going to make you leave because of something like that”
“Not directly” You agreed “but after a confession like that Dean and I will never be the same and I don’t think I can handle that”
Cas paused for a moment “Y/N you deserve to be happy and I think Dean could be the one to help make that happen. But even if he isn’t it if you tell him how you feel and he rejects you at least then you can move on and find the man who will…if you just keep ignoring it you’re going to be stuck feeling exactly like you do now”
“There’s nothing wrong with how I’m feeling now” It wasn’t a total lie. Things were fine. Hunts were going well, you enjoyed your time spent with the Winchesters. Everything was fine. Just fine.
“But it could be better.”
You just shook your head and stared at your hands. A part of you knew Cas was right, that it was time to put everything on the line and move on. From what you understood there were really only two options for Dean to respond with, he either accepts or rejects you. And maybe things turn out ok, you end up dating your crush of god knows how long but maybe they don’t and you end up alone hustling pool for money just to get by. In all honesty you were terrified by the second option, not just because you’d be alone you’ve been alone for most of your life that was no big deal, but because the idea that the man who you hold in the highest esteem, whom you love more than anyone you’ve ever loved before, could think nothing of you, it fucking hurt.
“Y/N you are smart, funny, and beautiful. Dean would be an idiot to reject a girl as perfect as you”
You smiled and took a deep breath before looking back up at Cas, a little surprised to see total sincerity on his face. He really was trying and surly that had to count for something. Surly that meant he saw in Dean what you sometimes swore you could see too. “Do you really think he likes me back?”
“It seemed obvious to me”
You chuckled under your breath at his words, loving the simplicity with which they came out, as if they were fact.
“I just want what’s best for you. And Dean.”
You nodded, biting your lip “I’ll try and tell him tomorrow. I make no promises though.” And you meant it. Maybe Cas was right, maybe it was time to try and go after your own happiness.
Cas nodded understandingly “That’s all I ask”
You gave him a small smile before standing up “You’re a good friend Cas. I’ll see you tomorrow” He just nodded in goodbye, giving a small awkward wave that made you laugh before you walked out of the bar and headed back towards the motel room.
The lights were off as you crept in, throwing on shorts and a t-shirt silently in the dark before slipping into bed beside Dean.
He tossed a bit as you got into bed, taking almost no time to turn around and pull you into his chest, a position you often woke up in with him whenever you shared a bed.
You took a few deep breaths, taking a few moments to mentally prepare yourself for what would come next. “Dean” You whispered, not expecting a response, in fact not really hoping for one “I love you” you tried the words out, amazed at how natural they felt coming out.
You could feel his arms around your waist tighten as he pulled you further into his chest as he nuzzled his head into your neck.
“I love you too sweetheart”
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alleiradayne · 5 years
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When Y/N Y/L/N escapes to the upper Midwest for a weekend of inspiration to begin her tenth paranormal thriller novel, she never imagined the source of that inspiration to be her own life. Between the old mansion, two peculiar men posing as antiquers, and the mysterious death of the heiress of Hill Manor one-hundred and fifty years ago, Y/N learns the truth about far more than the paranormal.
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Part IV - The Betrayal
Summary: The hunt begins! Warnings/Tags: Hunting, fluff, angst, near death experience, a poltergeist, I think it’s scary... Square filled: Author AU Characters/Pairings: Reader/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester Word Count: 4,895 A/N: For @spnfluffbingo2019, this entire series fills the Author AU square. Super giant huge thank you to @atc74 who beta’d this giant thing for me. I also had to delete and reblog this post because I made some changes that were posted to AO3 and not here.
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The door creaked on its worn hinges as Dean crossed the threshold into her room. Over his shoulder he brandished an iron fireplace poker like a baseball bat. “Alright, what have you touched in here so far?”
From behind Sam, Y/N shoved her way into her room and strode past Dean. His feeble protest sounded more like a bruised ego than an actual complaint, and so she ignored it. “Everything,” she declared as she gestured to encompass her room. “I've touched everything in this room. If you can see it, I've touched it. It's kind of hard not to.”
Sam swallowed hard as he prepared to speak. “I warned you. Last night. Why didn't you listen?”
“Yeah, like that basketball player and her reporter friend,” Dean said. “They were smart and got the hell out when I told them to.”
Wait. Sam had been right? “You… weren't trying to fold the basketball player?”
Dean turned to Sam with a flat look. “Fold? Did you tell her to say that?”
“Would you have preferred I use ‘fuck’ instead? Bang? Nail? Drill? Take your pick,” Y/N snipped. “I've got more.”
Dean stared at her for a moment before turning back to Sam. “I hate you and I'm jealous of you, but I'm damn proud of you, Sammy. That's the kinda girl you should marry.”
“Shut up,” Sam hissed. “We need to find this… thing immediately. It might not even be here. Whatever it is,” he added as he looked the room once over.
Y/N looked as well but didn't have a single clue for what it was for which she searched. “Sam, who was that woman in that book? And why do you think her spirit is still attached to this place?”
Sam withdrew the book from under his arm and opened the it to read aloud. “Y/N Hillstead…” he paused as he looked at Dean who in turn looked at her, “of Hill Manor, writing her twentieth novel at her scrivener’s desk in her room.”
Y/N nodded as she frowned. “Okay, I'm just gonna ignore the fact that we have the same first name and we're both authors. Why do you think her spirit is here?”
Sam flipped a few pages ahead as Dean prodded at various pieces of furniture with the iron poker. “Y/N died within days of publishing the novel she was writing in her portrait. Her cause of death was unknown, her body unmarred and in top physical health for the time.”
“So, she had an aneurysm and a 19th century doctor couldn’t figure that out,” Y/N said as she picked at the enameled corner the writing desk. At the edge of her vision she saw Dean squint as his hackles bared his teeth. “There has to be more to this story if you’re both convinced her spirit is here.”
Sam snapped the book shut and his flat stare bore into hers. “What this book omits, either intentionally or otherwise, is the fact that Ms. Hillstead's body was found in the mansion's cemetery lying on her back right where her future grave would be.”
Okay. That was definitely suspicious. “I still feel like there's more missing,” she stated.
“Would you just tell her the whole story?” Dean growled as he slumped into a chair, only to leap out of it after a beat.
Sam rolled his eyes as he scoffed and shook his head at Dean. When Sam turned back to her, he explained. “Ms. Hillstead's body had been found posed. At least that's what other sources say. Given the items found on her person, we suspect she had lain that way on her own.”
He neared the writing desk as his words slowed. A glance between the book and the desk served him one final check before he said, “she had all the ritual components for creating a phylactery.”
Y/N slumped onto her bed. Christ. Real magic. Subconsciously, her fingers tapped her chin as she spoke. “You’re trying to find the phylactery. Before anyone else does.”
Dean grunted his agreement. “Ms. Hillstead was a witch in every sense of the word. A powerful one, too.”
A witch? A real, honest-to-God witch? Y/N wondered what other fairytales might be true. A shake of her head cleared her thoughts, and instead she asked, “How do you know she was a witch?”
“We uh… have contacts,” Sam stuttered.
“You know a witch?!”
Dean waved her off. “She’s been a pain in our ass for the better part of a decade now. Don’t make it sound cool.”
“I would love to meet her,” Y/N started, “I bet she has amazing stories.”
“Can we focus?” Sam asked as he continued to stare at the writing table. “Whatever this phylactery is, we need to find it immediately.”
Y/N stood as Dean inched his way to the door. “Wait a minute,” she demanded. Dean froze at the door, his hand an inch shy of the handle. “Is Y/N Hillstead actually dead?”
Sam and Dean traded a look. “We’re not sure,” Sam started. “Either way, we find her phylactery and get it to the right people, they can handle it. Ideally, they could eliminate that part of her soul and find out where the rest of her is.”
“Rest… of her?” Y/N asked.
Dean bristled at that. “We dug up her grave last night hoping to burn her corpse,” he said.
“With salt, right? To force her spirit to move on.” Y/N added.
He visibility relaxed at that, a small smile quirking his lips. He regarded Sam as he agreed. “Yeah. But her coffin was empty. So, she either isn’t dead, or, if she is, something else was done with her body. We think she’s not dead. She’s a lich and split her soul in two, and put one half in a phylactery. She could be a baelnorn, but that’s highly un—”
Sam backhanded his shoulder and Dean stopped short with a clipped tongue as Y/N paced the width of her room, deep in thought. A thousand questions running through her mind, rabbit hole after rabbit hole spawning more and more questions. But given their convictions, it all boiled down to one issue. “How do you destroy a phylactery?”
Dean rolled his eyes as his chin dropped to his chest. Sam, all too proud, withdrew a decorative vial from his jean pocket. Golden amber liquid glimmered in the yellow lamplight as he spun it between his fingers. She neared him as her eyes narrowed to examine the tiny bottle of crystal-clear glass. Stoppered by a cork in golden metal neck, the liquid swirled in undulating circles far too much for Sam’s steady hand. Inches away, a sudden flash of a violent shade of green startled Y/N so, she jumped back a step. “What the fuck is that?”
“Venom,” Sam said as he returned it to his pocket. “From a basilisk.”
Basilisks, too? As Y/N’s mind raced, it dawned on her. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” she scoffed.
“We’re not,” Dean groaned. “It’s so damn ridiculous. But it works.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Alright, fine. But we still have no clue where this phylactery is, or what it is. It might not even be in this house.”
Sam glanced at her writing desk once more. “We have reason to believe it is.”
“Sam and I were up most of the night doing research after we found her coffin empty,” Dean started as he caught Sam’s look. He hefted the iron poker in his fist as he neared the desk. “The things on Y/N Hillstead’s body included several possible phylacteries. At least, there was a list of items found on her body not necessary for the ritual. We’re assuming she planned to use one of them.”
A slow step in complete synchronization neared the brothers to the desk. “One of those items was a small journal,” Sam started.
“A diamond bracelet her husband had given her,” Dean added as they continued to close in on the writing desk.
“A scroll of parchment with the end of her last novel written on it,” Sam added, eyes still glued to the writing desk.
With each of their steps, Y/N backed further into her room until the dresser met the small of her back. Dean reached the desk first and hooked into the drawer with the poker. Its contents revealed, Dean regarded Sam out of the corner of his eye, then reached in with his bare hands.
Too late, Y/N's exclamation echoed through her room unheard. Dean withdrew her leather notebook, its modern binding far too obvious among the other items in the drawn.
He discarded it on the bed before returning to the drawer. “The last item was a pen.”
“Like the one in her portrait?”
Sam withdrew a thin purple cloth from his back pocket and unfurled it with a snap of his wrist. A thick swallow stuck in her throat, and the room spun as adrenaline coursed through her veins. With rapt attention, Y/N stared as he reached into the desk, shuffled old paper aside, then froze.
Dean backed away a startled step before recovering with the iron poker bared. “Be careful.”
Y/N resisted the urge to laugh, Sam's flat glare and Dean's healthy fear of the unknown humorous in their own ways. “It's just a pen.”
“We don't know that yet,” Dean argued.
“He has a point,” Sam agreed as he searched the room, then found her empty notebook on her bed. “May I?” When Y/N nodded, he snatched it up and flipped it open to the first page and his brow furrowed. “I thought you said you started writing last night?”
“I… didn’t,” she stuttered. “There was just… too much going on. The mansion, the people. They were all…”
Sam’s bright stare locked with hers, and for a moment, the world around them ceased to exist. Dean faded to the blurry edges of her subconscious, as did the pen that Sam held. Empathy poured from him in waves, crashing over her and pulling her under. Damn his perception. Damn his emotional intelligence, too. And damn his enthralling gaze.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, will you two get a room?”
Reality returned in a rush when Dean ripped the pen and cloth from Sam’s hand and scribbled on the page of her open notebook. Y/N gasped despite not knowing what should or even could happen. And Sam nearly screamed as he bobbled the notebook into Dean's arms, where he fumbled it to the floor.
Still as stone, they froze as though that might protect them. Several seconds ticked by on the large mantle clock before Y/N opened her eyes that she had shut in a fit of terror only to find the notebook laying on the floor, unmarked by the pen.
“Piece of junk,” Dean spat as he shoved the cap on it. He tossed it back into the drawer as he handed Sam his cloth, then leaned down for the notebook and handed it back to Y/N. “Thanks. We’ll keep looking.”
“I could help,” she offered as she set her notebook on the desk.
Sam handed her the thin square of purple fabric as he said, “Use that. It’s… it has a Hoodoo barrier on it. Kinda like a… “
Dean flourished his from his pocket and grinned. “A magic condom.”
She almost felt bad for Sam. Almost. As she took the fabric from him, she looked to Dean and said, “Magic condom, hm? Does it make you look bigger when you wear it, Dean?”
The ridiculous grin on Dean's face disappeared without a trace. He looked to the door, then turned and strode out to the hallway, Sam’s cackling laughter following him as he, too, turned for the door.
He stopped in the doorway, a smile so bright on his face despite the looming danger. “Y/N?”
“What should I do?”
Damn the quake in her voice. She only needed a straight answer from Sam. Not consoling or, worse, pity.
“I'll catch up to you,” he said into the hallway.
“Sure,” she heard Dean say. His heavy boots thumped down the hallway as he said, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Y/N!”
She laughed despite Sam’s embarrassed blush. When Sam closed her door and turned back to her, she said, “He means well.”
“Yeah, he’s meant well for the better part of twenty-five years,” he said.
She sat on her bed and Sam followed, sitting so close the heat of his presence consumed her in every way possible. “Is that how long you two have been at… whatever this is?” she asked as she gestured to her room.
Of course. “Hunting,” she repeated.
“And yes. Dean's been hunting longer. My dad taught us,” he paused as his eyes glazed over, staring off into the middle distance as though reliving too many memories at once.
“Sam?” Her hand found his without thought. “Earth to Sam?”
He blinked at last, and his fingers tightened around hers when he looked to her. “Sorry. It's… a long story. One I don't think I have time to tell. Maybe I could write a book about it all someday. Although, I don't think there's enough ink in the entire world to print that monstrosity.”
The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as gooseflesh broke out along her arms. “What did you just say?”
Sam regarded his feet a moment before responding. “I should write a book about hunting. For hunters. You know, nothing I could really publish given that—”
“No, after that,” she urged as she stood.
Sam followed, his hand still held in hers. “That there isn't enough ink in the whole world to print that book.”
“Ink,” she muttered as she turned back to the writing desk. The drawer sat open a half inch and bright moonlight from the window glinted off something inside it.
“Yeah, ink,” Sam repeated. “What about it?”
“I… I'm not sure,” she sighed. Something about the pen and the mention of ink had snagged a recent memory. But far too often the last several weeks, her more intriguing thoughts fled at the first sign of scrutiny. “I thought I had an idea but, it's gone. Feels a lot like my writing these days.”
The warmth of his hands enveloped her shoulders as Sam squared her to face him. “You'll get out of this funk,” he said, “you've got a lot going on right now, especially with this bombshell of a truth dropping into your lap.”
“I know,” she groaned, “I'm just… impatient. And still so distracted.”
The second those words left her mouth she wished she could take them back. Sam parted from her with a sudden nervous shake as he said, “I'm sorry, I should go. Let you get back to work.”
Had dinner never happened? What of their walk? And the library earlier that afternoon? “I still want to help. Do you have to go?”
He checked the door over his shoulder. “I should. We really need to find this phylactery.”
The sinking sensation in her chest chilled her to her toes. “I… I understand. I'll keep looking here,” she said.
At the door, Sam paused and held up another purple cloth. “Don’t forget to use the one I gave you. And Y/N?”
“Yeah, Sam?”
“After we finish this, we’ll talk, okay?” he said with a small smile. “I promise. You deserve my complete attention and I want to give that to you when people's lives aren't at stake.”
A promise. Better than nothing. “Thanks, Sam.”
He disappeared through the door, its sharp clasp clicking against the wood as it shut behind him. For a long moment, Y/N stood in the center of her room, unsure of what to do for the first time in so many years. Though shocked, she found a sense of comfort in learning the truth, that her novels were not far from fact. Not in the least. If anything, her work demanded a review by the Winchesters. She wondered what her editor would think if she republished any of her books with corrections based on Sam and Dean’s feedback.
Shit. Too many distractions. She had intended to give Sam her phone number in case she found anything. If she moved fast enough, she might yet catch him in the hallway. From the writing desk, she retrieved her notebook. The cover flipped aside with a flick of her wrist, but when she went for her pen in the binding, it wasn’t there. The drawer of the desk came up empty but for the old fountain pen Dean and Sam had found and discarded.
The black glazed finish—wood or stone, she was unsure—glimmered in the lamplight. Thin, faint veins of gold and green shined as she twirled it between her fingers.
If Y/N Hillstead had written twenty novels with that pen, maybe Y/N could tap into that well of inspiration.
All she needed was some ink.
Her room proved fruitless as she turned it over, using the Hoodoo cloth in most cases to touch anything remotely suspicious. Not a single inkwell surfaced in any of the drawers, dressers, or cabinets that lined her over-furnished quarters. The distinct lack of an inkwell in that room, the room in which Y/N Hillstead had supposedly written her novels, struck her odd. But that faint memory, newly formed earlier that afternoon, bubbled to the surface once more and she surrendered to it completely.
Corded muscle pressed against her entire body, enveloped in his suffocating embrace. How soft his lips on hers, softer than sin as they so gently teased them apart with his tongue and the faint taste of icy spearmint gum filled her mouth again. Gun oil and leather overwhelmed her nose as she breathed in to ease the relentless onslaught of arousal pooling between her thighs. Her bedroom spun as the memory unfolded and she relived it, his hands slipping to the small of her back, smoothing over the curve of her ass, and grasping, nearly lifting her from her feet.
Had Dean not interrupted them, she knew without a doubt Sam would have taken her on that very table in the library. And she would have so willingly wrapped her legs around his hips and let him fuck her cross-eyed.
But in that last moment before the memory faded at Dean’s barking interjection, an image flashed in her mind’s eye and Y/N saw it.
Behind Sam, an inkwell sat on a shelf all by itself. And beside it on the same base stood an identical pen to the one she held, standing tall in its holder.
Her eyes snapped open as she slapped her hand on the writing desk to catch her listing body. When the room stopped spinning and her breathing steadied, Y/N set her notebook and the pen on her bed as her plans took shape. She needed a change of clothes. As Sam had mentioned earlier that afternoon, running in heels begged for a broken ankle.
While she knew Sam would be well on his way by the time she changed into her jeans, t-shirt, jacket, and Chucks, she still wanted to give the pen a shot. Her superstitions about inspiration, muses, and motivation demanded she at least try it. So, she gathered up her things, stuffed them into her messenger bag, and headed for the library.
On her way, she expected to run into other guests, if only one. But no one interrupted her quick stride, not a single soul in sight from the hallway, down the stairs, and into the halls of study in the North wing of the house. Given the hour, she expected to see folks returning from dinner but when she had passed the dining room at the bottom of the stairs, darkness oozed from the doorway.
She darted in and headed for the kitchen door on a whim. If she had learned anything from all her years of research, she needed some sort of defense. In the kitchen, the overhead lights flickered to life when she flipped the switch. Y/N scanned the countertops, then, finding them bare, started in on the cupboards. The pantry proved fruitful; a large canister of salt sat on a bottom shelf and she tossed it into her bag.
On her way out, her eye caught a gleaming object hanging on the wall near the door. A small chef’s hand-torch sat in a mount and she snatched it up to toss it into her bag as she strode from the kitchen. Through the dining room, she returned to the dark hallway and headed for the library.
Around a nearby corner, she happened upon the library entrance quicker than she had expected. Yellow lamplight flooded the room and spilled into the hallway where Y/N had skidded to a stop. Empty but for the myriad rows of shelves, the library beckoned to her, inviting her to curl up in a secluded corner with a good book and a hot cup of tea on that chilly fall night.
One foot crossed the threshold, then the other as a creeping sense of dread crawled up her spine. She paused six feet inside the library doors for a breath and scanned the room as best she could. Too many obstacles obscured the furthest corners of the room, including the table at which she had found Sam earlier that afternoon. And yet, she hesitated. What might be around those dimly lit corners, the edges of shadows through which she could hardly see?
“Oh, get it together, Y/N,” she chastised as she pressed on, willing herself to traverse the bookcases once more.
Around the last row of shelves, she found the table and approached it only to stall in the last foot. She had stood there mere hours ago, lips locked with Sam’s as he all but overpowered her with his hulking frame and palpable desire. She wanted nothing more than to relive that moment again and again until her imagination finished the job and she would, at the very least, have the perfect inspiration for a scene in her novel.
But before she moved any further, her curiosity about the pen burned a hole in thoughts. She inspected the shelving surrounding her spot until at last she found the entire case of writing supplies. Near the top the inkwell sat on its base, the twin pen beside it and surrounded by copious amounts of old parchment and quills.
As she approached the shelf, Y/N noted the base upon which the inkwell sat had a second, empty holder beside the twin pen. Made of the same material—she still couldn’t tell if it was wood or stone—she determined the set must belong together.
Eager to reunite them, Y/N grabbed the base at both ends and slid it towards her. A sharp shift jolted the base as it popped free of its decades long resting place surrounded by a thick layer of dust.
Delicate hands carried the inkwell and base to the table where she set them down near a chair and sat. The moment of truth loomed, settled in her stomach like a lead weight as she dragged her notebook from her bag. On its heels, she withdrew the pen and removed the cap, its sharp clip loud as a crack of thunder in the silent library.
Her nerves had gotten the best of her, shaking hands struggling to fill the pen. Damn fragile piece of junk. The sad part, she knew, was that it probably wasn't worth it. The pen had most likely ceased to function properly decades ago.
The nib hovered over her notebook as she imagined how to begin her novel. As a solid drop of thick black ink gathered, Y/N had a second thought to take out her Hoodoo cloth and wrap it around the pen.
Just in case.
Metal met paper and dragged a thick, broad stroke as Y/N wrote in her neatest script.
The Betrayal at The House on The Hill
The last thing Natalie wanted, let alone needed, after the untimely death of her parents was to inherit a piece of property. Least of all the cursed house on the top of the hill at the edge of town. But there she stood in the massive ballroom, surrounded by too many faces with too few names.
Each sentence flowed from Y/N without thought, without any effort at all. She continued, each idea forming and solidifying in a matter of seconds. The words found their way to the page with such perfection, Y/N tore the pen away intentionally to allow herself a moment to breathe.
As she inhaled, the chill she had felt upon entering the library returned. The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and gooseflesh pebbled the skin of her arms as a numbing sense of dread chilled her toes and fingers. Her heart thumped faster and faster, hammering against her chest, until the rush of blood past her ears drowned out all her thoughts.
Lamps in the hallways flickered once, twice, then snuffed out. Darkness threatened the library as lamps along the walls followed, their brief flickers inevitably stilled. Y/N rose to her feet and reached into her bag, her fingers wrapping around a large container of salt as the last lights sputtered and died.
An unearthly cold gripped her like a vice and threatened to squeeze the life from her lungs. Ephemeral swirls of dust and dirt churned in a gathering mass not a foot before her, taking shape in the form of a hand around her throat. Y/N dropped the pen with a gasp, her scream silent as the grave, and though she clawed at the hands on her neck, she could not grasp them.
The dim light of the moon faded beneath heavy lids, her consciousness fleeing under the unholy strength of the malevolence rapidly forming before her. Before she succumbed to that darkness, the ghastly visage of a young woman—unmistakably Y/N Hillstead—stared back at her, sunken eyes wide and boring holes into her very soul.
Y/N gasped one last breath in desperation as she flung the can of salt at the spirit. Just like in her books, it scattered in a spray of dirt and dust, and Y/N collapsed to her knees as she gasped, choking for breath.
Her reprieve lasted a second before the spirit returned, but Y/N leaped faster and grabbed the pen as she rolled for the canister of salt. A handful flung in its face bought her the one second she needed to lunge for her bag and make the last move she had.
The chef’s torch ignited in one hand and she held the pen a scant inch shy of the flame. The spirit froze, expressionless but for her wide eyes glued to the pen.
“If you move one more inch, so help me God, I'll burn it,” Y/N growled. “You need leave. This is not the place for you.”
The spirit of Y/N Hillstead opened her mouth to speak but only a thin rasp emanated from her. Rage filled her eyes as her lips thinned to nothing, pressed closed as her jaw clenched.
And then everything happened all at once. A banshee wail of a scream rent the air as the spirit threw her head back and her jaw unhinged. Y/N clamped her hands over her ears as she collapsed to her knees and the pen fell to the floor, the most excruciating pain wracking her entire body. Regret plagued her final thoughts as consciousness faded once more, darkness creeping in at the edges of her vision.
But out of that deep, dark nothing, a familiar face brightened, illuminated by a flare of eerie green light. She searched the room for the source of the light and found it on the floor, shining blindingly bright out of the body of the pen. The impulse to grasp it, to encapsulate that power, assaulted Y/N with such relentless force, no amount of her willpower could have resisted. She lunged and clamped a hand over the pen, trapping it on the floor. As though she had covered its mouth, the spirit silenced in a wisp of dust, disappearing into thin air.
Warm, golden lamplight flickered to life and flooded the library in the absence of the spirit. That familiar face returned as Sam Winchester rushed to her side. His massive arms enveloped her with such ease, Y/N blushed despite the pain. She slumped into his embrace and allowed him to scoop her up into his arms, her hands shaking as they gripped at his coat.
He carried her from the library as she finally succumbed to the darkness, heavy lids drifting closed. But before she slipped into that unconsciousness, that infinitesimal space between asleep and awake, Y/N heard a gruff voice ask, “What the fuck just happened in there?”
Sam shifted her in his arms as he strode on, Dean catching up behind him. “I don’t know, man.”
“That wasn’t a lich, Sam! Or a spirit!” Dean hissed. “That was a full-on fucking poltergeist! Why is Y/N Hillstead a poltergeist?!”
A real, honest-to-god poltergeist. That final thought followed her down into the deep, dark nothing as she succumbed to unconsciousness at last.
Son of a bitch.
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If you want to be tagged for this series specifically, send me an ask or a DM! If you want in on any of my tags (Sam/Jared, Dean/Jensen), you can ask for that, too!
The Whole Thang:
@atc74  @hannahindie @bevans87  @meganwinchester1999  @plaided-ani-on-hiatus  @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings @elfinmox @wonderfulworldofwinchester @princessofthefandomrealm  @just-another-busyfangirl @jmekitchens @81mysteriouslyme @dolphincliffs  @seenashwrite  @canadianspnhunter  @meowmeow-motherfucker @depressed-moose-78 @staycejo1 @hobby27  @pretty-fortune @mypopculturediva @fanfictionjunkie1112 @sandlee44 @4llmywr1tings @claitynroberts @maddiepants @scarletluvscas @donnaintx @blackeyedangel9805 @rainflowermoon @winchesterprincessbride  @lazinessisalliknow @the-is13 @waywardafgrandma @keymology @sister-winchesters99
Sam’s Sasstresses:
@morganas-pendragons @karouwinchester
There’s Something Strange:
@peridottea91 @amanda-teaches
26 notes · View notes
poorreputation · 5 years
SPN 1X01 Pilot Retrospective Meta
Tag list for old episodes meta! (let me know if you wanna be tagged):
@emblue-sparks @metafest @verobatto-angelxhunter @evvvissticante @dea-stiel @sudo-apt-get-destiel @wildligia (tumbler’s not letting me tag you, sorry)
Pre re-watch notes/things to touch on:
Comparing the Woman in White to John, Sam and Mary/hindsight notes.
S1 motivations vs. S14/15 endgame.
Episode Notes:
Written by: Eric Kripke
Directed by: David Nutter
A long post, so I will put it behind the cut.
Lawrence, Kansas
22 years ago
We begin our tale with Mary bringing Dean into Sam's nursery to say goodnight. John enters the room, and in a nice bit of short-hand, he's wearing a USMC (United States Marine Corps) shirt, showing John was a soldier.
There's a shot of Mary and John in a picture. We already know they're married, so why is it here?
Mary thinks it's John in the nursery, only to find him asleep in the living room in front of the TV. (again, a connection to John's past, he's fallen asleep watching a war movie)
Something that'll become a continuity issue, later in the show: Mary's many years of experience being a Hunter, only to not recognize the flickering of lights as a sign of trouble.
Of course, Mary's wearing a white gown, (white is usually seen as a pure color/ of purity, but in this instance a connection to the Woman in White/see Jess later)
Mary's dead, and everyone involved is scarred for life.
The look on John's face, as we finish the Lawrence sequence, is that of a broken man, who's seen something that will eat away at his mind.
Stanford University Present Day (2005)
Okay, the first image we see of Jess is her in a nurse's costume, white with red trimming. Jess also has medium length curly blond hair. Guys, she looks like Mary, especially in Mary's death scene (white gown, covered in blood). 
We focus in on the picture of Mary and John for visual shorthand, confirming this is a grown-up Sam.
We establish Sam is "scary" smart, has aspirations of becoming a lawyer, and has a job interview on Monday.
Jess: "Knock 'em dead on Monday." laying it on thick, Kripke.
Sam: "What would I do without you?"
Jess: "Crash and burn."
Damn you, Kripke.
Night scene, and holy shit, why do Sam and Jess have so many plants? Why doesn't future Sam have plants in the bunker, you know, something low maintenance?
Dean, why the fuck can't you use the door? Or a phone?
From the get-go, Dean's cocky, suffers from eldest sibling syndrome, and is a shameless horn-dog.
Sam: "He's on a Miller time shift." See, when I first watched the pilot, years ago, I didn't realize this was Sam implying John was a drunk. These things would just fly over my head.
Sam wants to make a point of including Jess in the conversation, of being honest. And yet, the moment Dean says John is on a hunt and hasn't returned, that honesty goes right out the window. More on that later.
Sam and Dean's exposition dump in the hallway, a part of me feels it's an odd way to catch the audience up to speed, while the other part of me knows this is how families argue when they spend most of their time biting their tongues. Sam especially seems the type to mull over his thoughts, storing away comebacks for the perfect moment when they'll be most effective (like later in the episode). Also, it's been years since the brothers have seen each other (we're told later it's been at least 2 years since Dean bothered Sam), they're so icy towards one another.
Sam: "You think Mom would've wanted this for us?" we'd find this out later in S4, but, no. Funny enough, maybe if Mary shared her knowledge of Hunting, something more could've been done (foreshadowing).
Dean: "What're you gonna do? Just live some normal, apple pie life?" Dean, if you'd only taken your own advice, we could've avoided S6.
Sam, paraphrasing John: "If you're gonna go, stay gone." Well, that's only very emotionally manipulative.It does, however, remind me of the U.S. military’s views on those dishonorably discharged, and since John raised them as "warriors", it's not a stretch to think, in a time of crisis, John treated his sons as soldiers.
Dean: "I can't do this alone."
Sam: "Yes, you can."
Dean: "Yeah, well, I don't want to."
This exchange, this vulnerability from Dean, after his initial introduction of being a cocky asshole who hits on his brother's girlfriend, shows just how much of a facade Dean's attitude is. In the end, he's a kid scared of losing his Dad.
It's this vulnerability that convinces Sam to listen.
Come the fuck on, "I can never go home." after we establish Sam left John and Dean, left Hunting behind, and was told to never come back (home). KRIPKE. YOU'RE *not* SUBTLE.
2 years, Dean says, since they last talked. Either Sam entered college late, (20 rather than 18) or Sam and Dean kept in touch even after Sam and John's blow-out fight.
Again, Jess pries for more info, and Sam changes the subject. Nope, that’s not gonna bite him in the ass, at all.
Jericho, California
(insert biblical/wrestling reference here)
We meet monster fodder, I mean, some random dude, who tells his girlfriend Amy over the phone he can't see her that night. He slows down to a stop and picks up the Woman in White.
Anyway, another example of a young woman with curly, medium length hair in a white gown/dress. I mean, her house even looks a bit like John and Mary's old place.
We get a brief, blurry shot of the Woman in White and her kids. Sorry, but if you're familiar with the legend of her/La Llorona, it's easy to see where this is going.
Oh, and whatshisface is dead.
Chips and soda. Breakfast of champions.
Sam's being a real sassy bitch about how Dean and John get their funds. I get it, world-building for the audience, bit it shows just how passive aggressive Sam is in these early seasons; Dean's clearly playing moderator between Sam and an absent John.
Sam: "Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metalica? It's the greatest hits of mullet rock." Sam, it's not Dean's fault you have poor taste. Shut your cakehole.
Sam: "Sammy's a chubby 12 year old." or, it's what a big brother says to his infant sibling to calm him down, oh wait.
Monster bait's name is Troy. Yeah, I don't care.
Dean sassing the officer and Sam stomping Dean's foot. Yep, they're brothers. This interaction is where their chemistry really starts to shine through.
Amy and her friend are peak mid-2000's goths/emos, good lord.
Dean's "I told you so" smart-ass look as the friend shares the rumors in town, he's such an older sibling.
They... they never tell Amy what happened to her asshole boyfriend, huh? Well. Sucks for Amy.
Researching on a public library computer, fucking hell. (nothing wrong with that, I’ve worked in a public library, but they’re doing super-secret Hunter’s stuff in such a public place)
Have it paused on a photo of Constance Welch, the Woman in White, and the article mentions her husband's exact line of work; associate manager who works the graveyard shift at Frontier auto salvage. Gives me shades of Bobby, who also lost his wife under tragic circumstances.
A mother leaves her child unattended, comes back to check on them, tragedy strikes. Or, so the story goes.
Dean confronts Sam about living a life of willful ignorance, and even asks if Jess knows the truth. Sam makes it clear she doesn't and he intends it to stay that way, as Dean sarcastically quips, "That's healthy".
Really, the more I think about it, the more S6 feels like the inverse of S1; Dean tries to live a normal life, Sam comes stomping in to rain on his parade. Lisa is kept largely in the dark about Dean's past, and gets hurt because of it.
Dean: "You can pretend all you want, Sammy, but sooner or later, you're gonna have to face up to who you are."
Sam: "And who's that?"
Dean: "One of us."
Sam: "No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life."
Sam thinks Dean's just talking about Hunting, but Dean means more than that, he means family. One of us, Dad and me, a Hunter and a Winchester.
Sam: "Mom's not coming back." and so on about how he doesn’t even remember Mary, doesn’t share John’s obsession. 
Dean: "No chick flick moments." Dean, dude, bro, you're the one who started this by breaking into Sam's place like a dramatic bitch, and then proceeded to give life/relationship advice. It's already a chick flick.
John's room being covered head-to-toe in case notes, only to come to the obvious conclusion it's the Woman in White. But, Sam said, because of the salt line, John was worried. Now, as far as I can remember, John was never a target of this spirit, so, I think he was paranoid about Yellow Eyes. After all, John had notes on devils/demons up, too, so maybe. I could be wrong.
There's something amusing about Sam and Dean's first duo Hunt, one without John, includes one of them getting arrested. Just, how rare that happens in the rest of the show, compared to how many laws they break daily.
Sam talks to Joseph Welch, who seems to wear the same clothes as Bobby. Also, Sam looks like a giant standing next to him.
Joseph lies to Sam's face about his and Constance's marriage, and it takes Sam a moment to work up the nerve to call him out on it. Or, it's Sam losing his temper. They're dealing with a murderous ghost, after all, and this guy wants to hide the truth.
Sam's done with lying witnesses, and now he's making fake calls to the cops. Gloves are OFF.
So, it's revealed John's purposefully leaving Sam and Dean clues, the journal, and the coordinates, but won't outright tell the truth.
Sam: "I'm not unfaithful. I've never been." See, Sam, that's only in the cheating department. You are, however, keeping Jess in the dark about dangerous stuff. Can any relationship with such big lies every be a faithful one?
Again, the imagery of the flickering lights. A standard in the show later for when a ghost's around, but considering all the visual parallels between the Woman in White and Mary, I think it's intentional.
That CGI of the ghosts vanishing was kinda shit, though. So is the sound of water swirling down a drain, I'm now just thinking of a toilet.
Dean: "I'll take you home." and there, in an episode where the ghost is afraid to go home and face the consequences of their actions, Sam too must go back to Jess.
Sam discovering Jess' body on the ceiling, as the room's engulfed in flames, never fails to give me chills. Hot damn.
Post Episode Notes:
While the pilot is a treasure trove of world building, plotting of character arcs, and chemistry between Jared and Jensen, it still doesn't make up for the fact it's bookended with 2 women getting fridged. Mary and Jess don't get to be characters, only fuel for man-pain, and argue with me all you want, but Mary's send-off in S14 is far superior to what she got in the pilot.
I remember seeing Kripke discuss how many drafts they went through while writing the pilot, and it feels like that at quite a few points. Like maybe the sheriff was to get more time, or Troy's father, who I believe is a cop, would've been more vital to the plot. And Amy, who'll spend who knows how many weeks and months putting up missing person posters for Troy.
I believe Kripke also said they'd considered killing John at the end, rather than Jess. I think, and this is pure speculation, the more they went into the lore for the Woman in White, the more they knew Jess had to die. I don't like it, wish they could've done it different, but it fits the story they wanted to tell.
The Woman in White, John, Mary and Sam, in hindsight
It's a retcon from S4, but if Mary was honest with John about her past as a Hunter, maybe they'd have a better chance with fighting Azazel. It's tragically paralleled to Sam not telling Jess about his own past, which may have prevented her death. And while you could say Heaven and Hell would still have their way, and shape Sam and Dean the way they want to, I'd like to think, given the chance, free will could prevail, And, look at how often keeping secrets is framed as one of the worst things the characters could do to each other?
Additionally, if John had been honest with Sam and Dean about what he wanted them to do, and what kind of danger they were really in, maybe Sam wouldn't have left Jess alone.
Thank you for reading this monstrosity of a meta, I hope you enjoyed/found it interesting!
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