#What Even Is This
lennengrad · 3 days
In y’all’s efforts to say fuck Rowling, you ppl completely fucked up the dynamics of the characters/world. Oh boo hoo, Lily, a cis white skinned woman got called a blood related slur??? Pff.. James is now poc/black/desi/whatever the fuck so called ‘potterheads’ envision, but if he got called muggle slurs for racial people in the muggle world, he probably laugh it off. Never treated seriously. Double standards. That’s why you don’t fuck with certain things! Also; being gay was tattoo in 80s(so suck it, Wolfstar shippers)🤣
just gonna leave this here! 💀
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ssl0t · 17 hours
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voidheartkisses · 3 months
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dotshaft · 1 year
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ainnur · 7 months
For Bai He I think it make lot more sense if she be more close to SWK than Macaque because they share the same trauma that is getting possessed by LBD (and because I think Macaque would be shit parent figure). But what if she be close to SWK for also other reason? What if when she was possessed by LBD, she feel like she trapped in her own body and feel like only way to be free is to be killed.....
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She need SWK to say yes so she can feel safe knowing there is way she can be free if LBD ever come back.....
(IDK if what I say makes sense or not and I'm sorry if I don't)
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redroomreflections · 1 month
How Not To Become A Tiktok Star
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Reader has a tiktok account and she decides to do the "I think you're bad in bed" prank on Natasha.
note: I really don't know what this is. I saw it on tiktok and decided to write it. if i cringed you also have to experience it.
this can be any universe really.
w/c: 1k
You and Natasha are about to head out for a drive, and you had a fun idea to capture a bit of the day for your TikTok account. You'd set up the camera before she slid into the driver's seat. You placed the phone on the dashboard, using a small, inconspicuous car mount that you’ve cleverly tucked away. The mount is just the right height to capture both of you without being too obvious. You adjust the angle, making sure the camera is aimed perfectly to catch the both of you.
"Are you recording us?"
You nod silently. "Just for memories." You inform her. You sit back into the passenger's seat and watch the scenery go by.
"So…I was thinking of going to Target later and getting us a few things for the house," Natasha tried. "I think I can get in and out without being recognized."
"Sounds good." You nodded. "If we need more detergent, I'll add that to the list."
"Ok, and maybe some new sheets. Those are getting pretty old."
"They are pretty old, aren't they?" You continue. The car ride is silent for the next few minutes and you glance at the camera to make sure it's still recording.
"You're awfully quiet today," Natasha mentions. She's so used to you talking up a storm whenever you get the chance.
"I'm just tired." You shrug. "It's been a long week."
"I feel that." Natasha nods. "Anything on your mind?"
You pause dramatically, picking at your nails before you look at her. "I need to tell you something and I kind of don't know how to say it." Your heart beats in your chest. How could you explain this? It's a prank so of course she will be clueless but you are unsure of how to go about it.
"You can tell me anything," Natasha said.
"Ok, so the truth is," You begin. "Lately, I've been feeling like you've gotten a little lazier in bed." You say.
Natasha looks over at you with a blank expression. "What?"
"Like you've been kind of boring in the bedroom." You repeat.
Natasha shakes her head in confusion. "What do you mean by that? Boring?"
"Well, last night, for example. It was your turn to go down on me and it wasn't really your best work."
"Really?" Natasha asks, surprised. "You didn't seem to have a problem."
"I was too embarrassed to tell you."
Natasha's face falls. "Wow. I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's been like that for a while and I didn't want to hurt your feelings," You reach across the console to grab her free hand. "I just want us to have fun together."
"That's what I want too." Natasha agreed.
"We used to have fun."
"Yeah." Natasha agrees.
"So much fun." You nod. "I just think maybe you can practice a bit more? Try some new techniques or something."
"Oh...well," Natasha's face turns a bit pink and she glances between the road and you. "New techniques? Where do you suggest i practice this?"
"I don't know." You shrug, keeping the smirk off your face. "Maybe start with me?"
Natasha stares straight ahead. "Oh, well, I can try. But I'm not really sure where to start. Can you give me a specific?"
"Hmm, yeah. I'll just go into more detail." You decide.
"Go ahead."
"I guess when you have sex with a woman, you just have to remember the pearl is the center of the universe," You censor yourself for Tiktok of course. "I don't know if you've forgotten where it is or..."
"No, no," Natasha shook her head. "I'm very familiar with where it is. Yours especially."
"Ok, because I'm not sure if you're aware, but when you go down on me, you don't pay enough attention to it," You tell her. "It's almost like you don't like the taste."
Natasha makes a face. "What? That's ridiculous. I love your taste."
"But you're not doing enough."
"You need to be better. Not even just licking around my pearl, but actually sucking it. Really, just doing all that. All the things that are important."
"You know, I'm very confused about where this is coming from," Natasha turned on her indicator to turn into the parking lot. "Like I said last night you were very happy with my performance. Unless you were faking it."
"Of course, I wasn't faking it," You shake your head. "I've been wanting to tell you for a while but I didn't know how. But it's not only that, there are other things too."
"What other things?" Natasha asked.
"I feel like you're not very experimental. Like, I want to have sex in more than just the bed." You say.
Natasha nods. "I guess Tony's lab wasn't experimental enough."
"Babe," You gasp. You turn to the camera and sigh. "I'm going to have to edit that out."
Natasha parks the car. "Why are you saying all this? Is something going on? Are you recording still?"
"Yes, I'm still recording," You admit. "This is for my Tiktok. It's a joke."
"A joke? I knew it had to be," Natasha shakes her head. "Are you going to upload that?"
"Oh, wow." Natasha finally gets a good look at you. "I know this wasn't one hundred percent the truth. You're always so exhausted after we finish. Also, the things you say there's no way you're not getting what you want."
"What does that mean?" You play dumb.
"Oh, baby, fuck me," Natasha pitches her voice higher. "Don't stop. Don't stop." She fake moans and pretends to be you in the moments of passion and pleasure.
"Oh, shut up." You playfully swat her. "I don't sound like that."
"Yes, you do," Natasha chuckles. "Some days I can barely get you to go multiple rounds. You practically fall asleep with me still inside of you."
"Shut up!" You laugh.
Natasha shakes her head at the absurdity of it all. "I can't believe you got me so good. I really thought we were having problems."
"You're cocky," You scoff.
"And you're the queen of the universe, baby." Natasha grins, leaning over to kiss you. "Let's get this over with so we can get home and you can show me how much I don't suck in bed."
"I can't upload this to Tiktok," You sigh.
"Well put it with the other videos that we can't upload."
"Good idea," You reached for the camera and shut it off. So much for being a tiktok star.
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tarotomorrows · 2 months
Alright #anxifear nation come get yall’s food
This is based off an artists’s twitter post of an Inside Out x Heathers AU and they had Anxiety as JD and Fear as Veronica and I thought the dynamic of it was just too priceless too not use.
And no shame to the creator either by the way I’m just so surprised by the creative minds of the internet I mean who thinks to put those two pieces of media together?! It’s actually impressive so props to your creativity lol
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s0apmactav1sh · 6 months
Its literally 4am where I am and I just had this thought.
Widowed!King!Price x Devoted!Knight!Reader.
King Price who lost his husband recently and is now going through the motion of the Royal Selection to find a suitor that's fit enough to become the kings consort of England. But Price is quickly bored of this believing he will never find anyone as loving and caring as his late husband was.
Knight!Reader who has so graciously taken the role as Prices offical guard and notices the way his king is faltering while sitting upon his throne. But he just cant have that. The man he has devoted himself to, mind body and soul, looking so defeated in a chair that hes usually so highly pearched in.
Knight!Reader who somehow convinces King!Price to rest for the night. Leading him from the throne room to the large chambers where the kings bed is perfectly made up and right in the middle of the room. Price who climbs into bed before looking over at his guard and asking the very simple question of:
"Do you have someone waiting for you in your chambers?"
King!Price who waits for an answer not knowing the mini battle of demons knight!reader is facing in his head. There was never anyone waiting for him. No wife or husband, not even a pet. How could there be? All of his devotion goes towards his king, the only man that matters because in Knight!Readers eyes his only purpose is to live and die for his king. And so it shocks Prices when his answer is:
"There is no one, your highness. My only purpose in this life is to serve you. And if it comes to it, die for you aswell"
Of course Price is fasinated with this. Not believe that his knight had never held someone, never had anyone for himself. But he cant help the small grin that comes to his face as he feels the same as him, without his husband he had no one. And in that moment he couldnt help but continue with small jabs at the poor knight who was only trying to do his job:
"So you've never had anyone? Do you not wish for it? The comfort of another, the touch of skin off skin? Why is that you have no one, tell me soldier."
Its an order to knight!reader. To reveal to his king the darkest truth about him. But to reader its an oath he lived by and under no circumstances would he ever betray it. Because betraying the oath would be like walking in the firey pits of hell as a man full of sins.
"I am bruised and burned. Scratched and scarred. Devoted to the crown and loyal to its king. There isnt a soul out there that would want a man like me. I am merely a soldier with nothing else but my title as the kings guard to live off of"
And that set of words has Price crumbling. Just knowing how devoted he truly was underneath the layers of seriousness and gruffness. It was like he had managed to pull away the toughest layer of dirt, grime and blood and reveal the mans real skin underneath. The skin of which was littered with the bruises, burns scars and scratched he spoke of. But also the skin of the man who was the perfect fit to the king.
I have no clue what this is, and if its any good but hopefully it is. I am aware this is an alex keller blog but this idea was to perfect for Price.
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raplinenthusiasts · 10 months
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my entire heart right here 💖
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billiuspendragon · 2 months
Saiki K Characters and Their Cat-like Traits
Because I am obsessed with cats.
can be won over with food
wants to sleep 2/3 of the day
beloved by all
always forgiven
perfect pretty girl (exactly what I call my cat <3)
hates water
puffs himself up to look scarier
is not a cat
he is a dog
eats grass
hunts for his own amusement
fighty bastard
pisses on the floor
won't shut up
he's just like my cat fr
Suzimiya Hii
nine lives
seriously how is she not dead yet?
I can't think of any more. If you can think of any cat-like traits for the others please leave them in the tags and I'll make a part II!
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2-rustywings-2 · 1 year
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Me and friend concluded that Gideon The Ninth is basically Among Us, but with more blood and simping
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gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
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regeditt · 7 months
james: we all know what i would do if someone hurt you but what would you do if someone hurt me
regulus: i would start by— *proceeds to list out thirty different methods of killing someone*
james: wow, i’m so relieved
regulus: i’m not done yet
james: …
regulus: *keeps going*
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
enchant - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 327
It was a relatively new thing. Being open about their feelings. So, in the spirit of honesty, James had suggested a double date. It went well enough at first. Until they all ordered, and Sirius looked around the pub, only to see a small doll left behind by some (probably upset) child. And his eyes lit up maniacally.
“Eh, Reg! Look at the doll!” Sirius pointed out, a grin covering his face.
James felt Regulus freeze next to him. “Don’t you dare, Sirius. I-”
But Sirius was already on a roll. “Moony, Prongs! Have I ever told you about the time when Reg was nine and I enchanted a doll to follow him around the house? Merlin, he was terrified. Thought it was some sort of angry ghost or-”
“Sirius, I swear,” Regulus growled, but James just threw his arm around the smaller boy and kissed him on the cheek, eyes still on Sirius, thrilled to hear stories of Regulus’s youth..
“He cried for days when I hid it under his blankets,” Sirius continued gleefully, eyes shining with the memory. “Oh! And the time I put it in the shower? He almost pissed himself.”
Frustrated, Regulus buried his head in James’s shoulder, groaning. “Jamie, save me,” he mumbled, clearly defeated.
But James was…well, James, and he had to tease just a bit. “Sirius, be a doll and stop teasing my boyfriend,” he said with a smile, earning a shove from a very disgruntled Regulus.
But when Sirius and Remus turned to each other, discussing something James didn’t even pretend to care about, he leaned down a bit and whispered into Regulus’s ear softly. “I love you, you know. I love that I��m here with you.”
And Regulus, who was still pouting about the teasing, sent him a small smile. “You say that now. Until I enchant a doll and send it to haunt you.”
And James couldn’t decide if he should laugh or be nervous about that.
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ninjadoodleduck · 5 months
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ainnur · 7 months
Video version of my last comic (?) about Possessed Buddy which Bai He asking SWK if he can kill her.....
(Yeah yeah this is shit, I know)
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