#Werewolf Maxine 'Max' Mayfeild
Burn Baby Burn
I’ve got a lot of wips going at the moment, most of them for my new bingo card and it’s Wednesday so have a lil snip from my phoenix Square.
Steve’s work phone rings and despite the fact that he is currently in the middle of a park feeding the birds he answers because he is always on call. "Hello you've reached last resort cleaning service. How may I help you?" The other end of the line is quiet but Steve holds off on just hanging up. Sometimes people need a couple of seconds after he has picked up, whether to compose themselves or for the coast to be clear.
 "Um are you, are you an actual cleaning service?" The voice on the other end is nervous which is not all that unusual. What is unusual is how young they sound. "Maybe I have the wrong number." Is softly mumbled almost too low to hear, the distracted manner making it clear she is not talking to him this time.
 "How old are you?" Steve frowns flicking a seed at a particular bold pigeon that dares peck at his loafer. He is plumper than the rest, clearly used to getting what he wants and now is no different as he quickly devours the seed unfazed by the light grazing.
 "What’s that matter?" The kid practically hisses voice low.
 "I'm hanging up.” He does not clean up after messy kids who do not want to get in trouble with their parents. He does not provide that sort of service.  
"No wait! Wait please, we need help!" This time she sounds desperate, more like someone who would call him for a good reason and not just paint spilled on a fancy carpet. She sounds like his actual customers.
 There is a groan in the distances and shuffling and Steve strains his ears trying to pick up more. "How did you get my number?" His business is referral based mostly but occasionally someone finds his card just laying around.
 "Henderson. Dusting Henderson gave it to me." She says quickly another groan sounding, it is closer this time. 
 It stills his thumb from ending the call. Dustin knows better than to give his work number unless it is to a sup who might have an actual legitimate need for his help. "What do you need help with?" That pigeon is pecking at his shoe again and now it has a slightly skinnier friend bold enough to pester. He flicks his ankle watching them fly back before he grabs a fist full of bird seed and tosses it a safe distance from his shoes. They descend on it like they are starving, quickly lost in the flock as more birds swarm to the fresh seed.
 "There are hunters after us,” Steve curls his fist around the bag and closes it, no more feeding for today. “they got Billy pretty bad and Eddie's in the ground until the sun goes down. They have us pinned down." She sounds like she might start crying as she says Billy and Steve cannot help but wonder how bad the hunters got him, how safe they are at this moment. He is already moving toward his car.
 "You should have started with that. Where are you, text me the address. I'm on my way." His car is only a short distance away in the little parking lot from the park under a shady tree. He looks around the lot finding it empty for the moment and pops his truck, lifting the bottom cover and checking in his case for provisions. He should have everything he needs to dispatch a few hunters.
 "Really?" Just as wet as before but less like she might cry, like she has hope that someone is going to come. It is one of the reasons Steve does this job, that hope.
 "Yes, find a place to hide and don't come out until I give you the word Demogorgan. You got it?" Steve slams his truck closed, jogging around to the driver’s side door as his phone pings with a text.
 There is a moment of silence before she answers like maybe she forgot he cannot see her and nodded instead. "Yes, I got it."
 “Max?” A weak groaning voice calls and Steve can only guess it is the girl's name.
 “I’m here Billy, I’m here! I called for help. It's going to be okay.” She is definitely crying this time, voice sodden, words going distance as she lets the phone drop.
 "Max!” Steve raises his voice to get her attention, there is the muffle of the phone being scooped back up. “Max, what's the word?" He needs her to repeat it for him, make sure she got it.
 "Demogorgon." She tells him firm and sure.
 "Good girl, don't come out before then." Steve ends the phone call and peels out of the parking lot heading for the warehouse district. 
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Steve finds himself caring for a wolf pup, soon enough more wolves come into his life.
The Wolves’ Bunny - Chapter Three - Wolves on the Road
The Munson pack has been in a little seaside town on the east coast for a while now. Not the permanent home they have been looking for but none of the others they have tried over the years have fit either. Hunters breaking accord or another large pack already staking claim to most places they have liked enough to consider.
Eddie has always been a part of the pack, his uncle taking over the role of pack alpha after his grandfather stepped down. Wayne has practically raised him all his life. His parents both missing the lycanthrope gene, were never around much. He is not the only kid raised by his uncle and the pack, Wayne has a penchant for picking up strays.
Billy is one such stray who has been a part of the pack since Eddie came across him teary eyed and sniveling in a park. They have been nearly inseparable ever since. They share practically everything including a motor home and bed partners.
Eddie knows exactly where to find Billy when their alpha wants to see them. Finding him lifting weights in front of their motor home on a second hand bench with the shade just starting to reach him as the sun moves across the sky.
Eddie leans against a little tree, watching him do a few reps. “Wayne wants to see us.” Eddie is down wind so Billy knew as soon as he got there. He does not turn, just gives a little nod of acknowledgement. “Come on somebody’s in trouble, that's always a bit of fun."
Billy turns with a huffing laugh. “Yeah, probably us dumbass since we’ve been summoned.”
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Steve helps the supernatural in need, Max calls him looking for help with the hunters after her and Billy. 
 Burn Baby Burn - Part 04 - Two Extra Hands Are Better
Billy pushes Max off the bed when he wakes around late morning to see Steve looking the same as he was that first day. Steve is still asleep, Eddie cracking an eye open from where he is still curled lightly around him sharing a knowing look with Billy.
"Hey asshole!" Max fusses voice low enough to not wake Steve as she flashes her eyes at Billy.
"Go back to sleep on the couch." Billy tells her, already turning back toward Steve and Eddie.
"Why?” She is not curious for long, she can smell Billy’s and Eddie’s intentions. “Oh, ew." She pretends to gag.
"Scram red.” Billy mutters, Max only hears him because of her werewolf hearing already halfway out the door.
“What are you two doing?” Steve asks not opening his eyes, he woke when he felt the shift in the bed and heard Max hit the floor.
“Testing a hunch." Eddie mutters, Billy and him both pressing in closer until they are flush with Steve.
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Wip The Wolves’ Bunny Chapter Three
It’s Wip Wendsay and the next chapter probably wont be posting until next week since I’m so sick right now and can’t seem to focus on one thing much less editing the length of it. So have a little messily edited I’m sure wip
The Wolves’ Bunny - Chapter Three - Wolves on the Road
Billy is still too quiet for Eddie's taste, quieter than him always but this is not normal. Normally he would be passing teasing comments with Max over getting in trouble but even she seems to sense his mood. Billy’s scent giving away that he is caught in his own thoughts.
“Do you need another hug Billy?” Eddie asks all sweet and simpering arms held out in invitation.
Billy scoffs and glares at him, toe of his boot scuffing the dirt for a long moment before he’s launching himself at Eddie with a growl “Shut up.”
“Yeah that’s what I thought.” Billy's arms wrap around him tight and Eddie returns the gesture just as tightly with an amused smile at Max who pulls a face.
“I can’t believe I have to go to Indiana with you too.” Max pretends to gag.
Billy twists with his arms still clinging so he can shoot Max with his own unimpressed look. “Like traveling with you and your snoring is going to be some great treat shitbird.”
“I do not snore!” Max shouts drawing the eyes of several pack members for half a second before they go back to their own things.
"You sure do lil red." Eddie bites his lip as Billy teases but he cannot help but laugh at the way her face flushes nearly a match for her hair. He would not actually know if she snores not having lived under the same roof as her when he was younger like Billy. Susan and Max both came with Billy, all three of them needing to escape the same human monster.
"I'm going to kill both of you." Max hisses just making them both laugh.
"How about a hug instead." Eddie offers, catching her by the arm and dragging her between them despite the protest she tries to put up. It is useless especially when Billy starts helping and soon enough they have her sandwiched between them. "Stop it, you both smell terrible!"  She tries bracing her arms against Billy and shoving back against Eddie but neither of them budge.
"That's Billy, he was working out when I went to get him, I smell fantastic." Eddie sniffs, ignoring Billy’s eye roll as he gives his own sniff as if he is not the one soaked in sweat.
Max huffs nose crinkling as she twists to glare up at Eddie, her chin digging into his pec. "You smell like all that fay weed Argyle grows, it's gross."
Eddie just laughs. "You'll appreciate it when you're older."
"She better not!" Billy growls at the same time Max protests.
"No I won't!" Max stomps her foot, catching the toe of Billy’s booth and getting pinched for it. Soon enough she is too busy bickering and pinching Billy back to fuss over the smell of them.
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Steve helps the supernatural in need, Max calls him looking for help with the hunters after her and Billy.
 Burn Baby Burn - Part 03 - Intruders and Guests
 Steve is still about a day and a half from finishing his regrowth cycle looking like a teenager when he wakes as he feels his wards fall. The icky icy feeling a warning meant to alert him in case of such an event. He shoots up in bed, grabs his phone from the nightstand and hurries over to the closet. He pulls the panel in the back away and slides inside. He pushes the panel back into place and slides a piece of wood that is usual to the left into place to finish the spell scratched into the two pieces so the magic will activate and keep it closed. He can sense the heat of several bodies as they burst through his door, slow, careful and no doubt armed with weapons especially for him.
   Steve follows the little tunnel built behind his walls to the room that serves as a panic room/mini armory stocked for this sort of emergency. His first order of business is texting his ward witch Carol to let them know his have fallen. She is right across the hall and he knows she is going to be pissed at some coven daring to tamper with her wards and trespass into her and Robin’s territory. No witch in their coven would dare team up with hunters to come after him.
   Steve gets an angry message back almost immediately telling him they will deal with the witches, which just leaves the hunters in his home to him. He grabs a gun and loads magic laced bullets into the barrel, they never miss their mark unless of course the mark is spelled against them, which is a possibility. He presses another clip into his pajama pocket and plucks up the light proof bag hanging on a rack.
   He checks the heat signatures one last time, he should not need anything else, he might not be fully grown right now but his fire is as strong as ever. Two hunters enter his room as the heat signatures start separating searching any palace he could be now that the living room is cleared. Steve creeps back down the little hallway to the sealed entrance and breaks the magic on it, slowly sliding it out of his way.
   One hunter stands guarding the door while the other moves over to the bed, hand pressing against the rumpled sheets where the comforter has been pushed back. “It’s still warm, he can’t be far.” The man whispers to his partner.
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Steve helps the supernatural in need, Max calls him looking for help with the hunters after her and Billy.
 Burn Baby Burn - Part 02 - The Doctor Is In
 Steve takes them to a safe house he has in the area for those who need to hide for a bit, Robin is already there opening the door when he rings the buzzer. “Why is it you never bring me flowers or chocolates? It's always bloody sups in need of fixing.” She says waving them toward one of the back rooms where they have a medical room set up.
   “I think Carol brings you plenty of flowers and chocolate and this is work not a social call.” Steve points out over his shoulder as Robin locks the door behind them and activates the wards that keep regular old humans away.
   “One can never have too many flowers or chocolates. You don't bring them when it’s a social call either.” Robin follows them into the room as Steve helps Billy onto the sterile bed, Max hovering worriedly.
   “Fine, I'll bring chocolates for movie night.” Steve rolls his eyes.
   “The good stuff? From Claudia’s shop?” Robin moves around the room pulling out varying medical supplies after a glance at Billy
   “That’s what this is about? You want me to make the trip so you don’t have to.” Steve huffs, hands falling to his hips.
   “Obviously.” Robin shoots him a grin over her shoulder, only widening when he glares at her.
   “You could have just asked.”
   “Where’s the fun in that?” She shrugs, dragging a cart over, the medical equipment laid out across the top.
   “Feel like maybe you should be focusing on my injuries instead of chocolates.” Billy grumbles from the bed.
   "I got exactly what you need, you'll be fine." Robin pats his shoulder grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting his shirt right off of him revealing a mess of bullet holes and blood stained abs.
   "Oh thank the moon. I guess you get to keep being annoying for a while longer.” Max shifts seamlessly from genuine relief to teasing. Squealing a little when Billy pinches her for it, she easily could have dodged his slow movements had she been looking.
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