#Went no contact with my ex so I can't exactly ask for screenshots
69-toojay · 11 months
Back when I binged glee in covid I used to bother my then friend, now ex about all my glee opinions and stuff and we somehow made this running joke that sebastian was a brown boy because why else would someone have so little chill about a school extracurricular right?
It started as a joke, and it's little more than crack even now but the thought of a biracial seb (sebu as we called him) is still funny and it endeared him to me. Through him we'd go on to make fantastical stories about the universe in which he was half brown. I don't know if I need to mention I'm brown too but yeah
The lore went as follows Sebastian's father Arshad Smythe was a second generation south asian immigrant who studied law in France where he met Mrs. Smythe.
we made him the most run of the mill brown dad imaginable and we loved him so much because of it , he was obviously just based on our fathers and uncles and brothers. The people we loved, who loved us in return, the people whose dad jokes and overbearing old timer antics we rolled our eyes at.
Mr and Mrs Smythe alternated living between France and Ohio, where Mr. Smythes childhood home was. It was a dilapidated suburban duplex complete with ugly beige carpeting. But Mr. Smythe just couldn't bear to part with it so he never sold the house or moved out. He would buy his son the best cars and enroll him in the best schools. He'd spend on everything else but he just couldn't change anything about the house his mother had lived in.
Sebastian and his mother understood. She had been important to them too. Samantha Smythe remembered all the times she sat on the floor of this house so the older woman could rub coconut oil into her hair. Sebastian remembered the spicy pickles she cooked in her kitchen, how good they tasted. So they understood.
Burt Hummel was an old friend of Mr. Smythes. He'd babysit Sebastian every once in a while, Santana too. So Kurt, Sebastian and Santana were all friends that got upto fun shenanigans in this world.
Sebastian had a cat called Maribelle, who scratched and bit everyone except for their trio and Mr. Smythe, she was also a mafia boss and an interdimensional/ divine immortal being who had a life of crime on the weekends. He had found her as a stray and begged his dad to let him keep keep her. He did albeit begrudgingly as all dads do, and then quickly became best friends with her as all dads do. I drew cartoons of Kurt and Sebastian as preteens chilling on beach chairs with sunglasses on, in the front yard of Sebastian's grandma's house. Mr Smythe , a portly gentleman with a half bald head with borders of dark hair lining the sides, wearing thick framed glasses would yell at them about their homework to which they'd reply "It's Sunbathe Saturday, Dad!"
Mr Smythe would then grumble and pick up Maribelle who had been in the process of burying a man, unbeknownst to him.
We had so many really specific just brown people things jokes about Sebastian, like him putting 'manja', a type of liquid glass used in competitive kite racing in South Asia in the rock salt slushie. Just him in general being really excited about sharp drinks after his brown cousin back in his home country show him the ropes.
Him being the kind of typical annoying uncultured highschool boy, ' kamla', who hung around coffee shops all day.
Him challenging his father to a game of cards at age eleven by making Mr. Smythe promise if he won he would have to love him unconditionally. Just as he pulled out the last ace he yelled out 'I'm gay but you love unconditionally no take backs!" And ran up the stairs yelling "no take backs!" As santana and kurt blocked mr smythes entrance to the stairway by popping ill timed party poppers.
If Seb ever got into any scuffles with them during play time he'd fire off a flurry of mixed French and Bengali curse causing Kurtana to exchange confused glances like, did you get any of that ?
His early s3 backstory was literally Mr Smythe being a little bit of a tiger parent. But then when he breaks down because of the Dave thing his dad makes amends saying "I want you to be the best at everything seb, and that includes being a person."
The scandals fix it in this universe was Maribelle scratching Blaines eyes out when she overhears about it from kurt and seb discussing it.
I figured later that Mr Smythe must have taken his wife's name because it's hardly a brown name even in Christian circles, to which my ex had replied you only realised now?
There's really no words in English to properly translate the jokes and their cultural significance to us. Parts of brown seb universe bled into my shitposts and fics but I could never part with him fully. Because the world wasn't ready for or interested in him. Since then I've graduated college, I've lost access to the Instagram account we used to text about this world in, and I've lost my ex and I've lost that time in my life, Brown Seb only exists in my memory now. So now maybe it's time to give him to the world so he exists outside of it too. Idk if there are Desi gleeks out there who get the jokes, but til then this post is just for me to remember
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solisung · 6 years
sunshine anon i am so sorry :( but at least i screenshotted (?? is this right?) it before i deleted it. i was answering you but i forgot what i was talking about on my last answer, so i saved it as a draft and then tried to remember what it was, but tumblr still has many bugs on my device so when i entered the "sunshine anon 💘" tag and my answer (the one i was writing) appeared i thought i had "answered" you already, so i deleted the answer but your ask was gone as well 😔 im so so soooo sorry for it i really didn't mean to delete your ask but since i screenshotted (??¿) it before let's just let this pass lol
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this will be E X T R A long and im so sorry for that, really TT i hope im not a burden to you aaa
okay so let's pretend this part ahead (except the ask for obvious reasons?? lol) doesn't exist. thank you
ummm im fine i think? or getting fine, idk exactly. today was the weirdest day ever omg and of course! you always make me feel better 💕
it's so strange to live the same day everyday :( aaaand about that ... i really don't know exactly where i should start.
so, on that day, i didn't say more than 10 words at school, because i don't really have friends and i felt like i was being ignored by the entire world ?? and, later, during school break, my ex came to me and told me some things and then asked me to come back to her. she told me that she really does love me, and that after i had to break up with her she just couldn't stop crying, which is something she had never done for anyone before. or at least it's what she told me :') i can't tell exactly if what she was saying was the truth or not, because i was with her through so many crazy things and i can say: she lies sometimes just to convince people. sometimes it's really necessary (so that nothing bad will happen to that someone or etc), other times she just does. and i am almost sure that she told me these things just to get me back. idk, something just tells me that this seems a bit off and skeptical. plus, i don't think i want to come back with her, because of those lots of homophobic things *only* my mom told me on that day she came over, and i don't really want to hear what my dad, who's a lot moodier than my mom, has to say. neither my brother or my schizophrenic aunt who lives with us. i actually am the most open-minded person here in this house, if not the only one. i am broke enough after everything my mom said and she is still the only one who talked to me about it. anyways, i am worried about what they can tell her, what they can do to her, and what they can do to me, as their daughter. i am just so worried and anxious i can barely talk to her like i did before, and this is making me even more anxious because i feel that i am making her feel worse everyday and i can't help but blame myself and continue avoiding her thinking she deserves something better than this. i am a total mess, i'm sorry :(
yeah, i am okay, i just feel really bad for her. i hope you're okay as well btw! 💕
oH that's really cool! i'm currently trying to get more into ateez and the boyz as well. they are sooo talented and seem sympathetic, i like them 💗
oh, my day... as i said before, it was a pretty weird. but it's okay, i'll say what happened today ❤️
i was kinda quiet during the beginning of our classes, until our break. i met with some of my friends from another class, and i haven't talked to them in what seems like years omg. it was great and i was finally saying things other than "present", "okay" and answering our teacher's questions. bur then we had to leave again since we're all in different classes. and when it was over and i was at my class already, my ex came and she gave me some sweets. it was kinda awkward tho, but it's okay. and after that, when i was picking my material from my backpack again, i realized a girl who sits close to me had a jungkook picture on her phone case. i just went to her and said something like "..... is that jungkook" and she said "yES" and we became friends lmaoooo
moving on to when we were leaving school,my ex told me that she would be alone at home and asked me if she could come over, so that the shouldn't be alone and would have someone to be with and etcetera. i said okay, b u t there's the thing. i had decided to go mcdonald's with some other friends and my brother and i totally forgot that. (here's what we did: we went to mcdonald's some hours before my singing classes and when it was time for me to go me and my brother would leave the remaining boys decided what they would like to do after it.) aaaaand to make everything even worse, i can't contact her. she doesn't have a cellphone, neither telephone at home and i don't have any near relative's number as well. and i just remembered of her when i was heading to mcdonald's already. :(
it was pretty fun tho, we recorded some random things, we were kidding a lot, joking at many things and... IT WAS SOOOO HOT 😞 AND SUNNYYY I EVEN TOOK THIS PHOTO WHEN WE WERE THERE AHDHSJDJX
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i really liked this photo btw c:
after my singing class i can stay a bit longer (long story and this is long enough lol) so i decided to record some videos/audios (they're actually videos but the screen is just dark and there's only me singing so idk what to call that) and after i was done the both of us left and we were just talking about some random things and deciding if we would buy some sweets to eat or not. in the end we actually didn't, because in front of a store (I don't know the word in English and i can't find anything... my battery is running low so i don't have much time to search, but it's a place that they sell things for your living room, your bedroom, decorations... things such as sofas, beds and etc) we almost got assaulted by two boys near my age. we are fine, they couldn't get anything, but we're traumatized, specially my brother who was assaulted before. we entered that store to sit and rest for a while and we called our parents. my dad came to get us home along with my other aunt who lives in front of our house. when we got home i uploaded those videos on twitter and i tried to calm my brother. after that, nothing extraordinary. but still, today was definitely crazy.
anyways... how about you? how's life going? and how was/is your day going?
thank you for making me happy once again, angel. i love you i💕
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