growingstories · 4 months
Bulking up
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teddybearbelly · 6 years
This story got me going in so many ways 🤤🤴🏽
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pangtasias-atelier · 3 years
Dragalia Digest
Well, I come after several months with a story for a game that I’m sure none of y’all play lmao but I am not immune to stoic green dragon man that got me desperately playing Dragalia for a few weeks lol
This was originally meant to be a short story but it just kinda got longer and longer so here’s a 4.8k story about a really, really, really big Midgardsormr. Though the fat content isn’t like the entire story cause I just do that for some damn reason lol
WARNING: This story is a fat kink story. So like, if some rando finds this and you still click on this, that’s on you~
“Uhh, were we expecting any visitors?” Careful to shield his eyes from the blazing gaze of the sun, Ranzal peers up at the sky. Looming over his much thinner and shorter companion, the built mercenary stands besides Luca.
“None whatsoever,” The blue haired bunny archer stares at the small shadowy speck in the distance. His arms remain crossed as his line of vision follows his partner’s. “And it’s just the two of us guarding today,” A grin spawns across the width of his face from his thoughts. He reaches for his quiver and delft slots an arrow into his bow. “So, we’ll shoot now, ask questions later!” His shit eating grin plastered onto his face, his tongue sticks out a fraction of an inch.
“We ain’t doing that,” Ranzal swings his open palm down onto Luca’s head.
Luca’s bow and arrow immediately plop onto the floor as he nurses his aching head. “That hurt!” Gritting his teeth, his eyes return to the ever-encroaching shadow in the sky. He continues to grumble under his breath about his pain all the while he watches.
Ranzal ignores all of Luca’s comments, his mind more concerned with the vaguely familiar approaching figure. The encroaching figure’s speed far faster than either could ever hope to achieve running, it only takes a mere extra few seconds for Ranzal’s brain to process the figure. “You almost shot at one of the Greatwyrms, you idiot!” The crisis averted regardless, Ranzal still picks a fight with Luca for his recklessness.
“You’re the idiot who doesn’t know his own strength! It would’ve all worked out regardless!” The two facing each other, Luca on his tip toes in a poor attempt of sizing himself up to somewhat compare to Ranzal, a feat that Luca has no hopes in achieving, they completely fail to ignore the complete disappearance of the day’s calm weather. Light breezes of winds pick up, the blades of grass and other fauna swaying in the sun’s light. Their shouting match more important, their focus only returns to their original issue upon the two almost losing their footing from a particularly strong torrent of wind.
Their eyes widen as the wind Greatwyrm Midgardsormr flies above them by only a few feet; their eyes only widen further as a figure jumps off said Greatwyrm.
“Looks like I finally reached my favorite descendant’s humble abode,” Alberius outstretches his arms with a cheery grin. His eyes roam across the expansive open field only to find nothing but interspaced buildings.
“Euden ain’t here right now,” Ranzal decides to clear up Alberius apparent confusion.
“They all left for some training along with all the dragons, so it’s just good ol’ Ranzal and me here guarding the place,” Luca’s chest puffs out in pride.
“A fine duo for guards indeed. Then I will gladly help defend the castle grounds. It is the least I can do during such an impromptu visit,” The sun seemingly shines directly behind Alberius, his entire radiant figure gleaming in the light as his hair flutters in the wind behind him. However, he suddenly clears his throat. “Though my partner here is in need of-” The ground trembles upon Midgardsormr’s descent. Though a crash landing is more apt, a sizable indent in the ground where he let himself fall. “Mids just needs some rest, so a room would be much appreciated,” His voice picks up in speed and pitch. Midgardsormr glares at Alberius for using his nickname.
“The place where dragons usually hang out is all empty so I can show Mids over there while Ranzal shows you to a room in the castle,” Midgardsormr’s glare towards Alberius intensifies.
“No need,” Alberius raises an open palm in the air. A small chuckle escapes him with a small grin. “If I wish to foster better relationships between dragons and humans, then what better way to show those ideals than cohabitation? I shall rest and watch over Mids,”
“If you could point us to a building that would be much appreciated,” A light strain mars Midgardsormr’s voice yet he keeps a straight face throughout his fatigue.
“It’s that group of buildings over there,” Ranzal points behind himself, large similar looking buildings not too far off in the distance.
“Thanks,” With a quick wave of goodbye, Alberius takes a quick pace ahead of the trotting Midgardsormr, the Greatwyrm keeping a speedy pace as well.
“They sure are in a hurry,” Luca huffs to himself. His brows furrow.
“They’re probably just tired from all the flying, that’s all,” Ranzal smacks Luca in the lower back. “Now, back to patrolling,”
Luca dutifully marches beside Ranzal. The duo once again all alone with their unexpected visitors resting, the two joke back and forth amongst each other, Luca regaling about possible new tricks to use on their teammates upon their return. Their patrolling turns out to be more formality than anything. Soon, the sun begins its slow descent and the two call it quits. Upon their return to their rooms, the two pause in their tracks as a quick clang rings out.
"Questions first, shooting later," Ranzal stresses with a whisper, his eyes staring daggers at Luca. Luca simply sticks his tongue out. The svelte archer nimbly makes his way towards where the noise came from as Ranzal follows behind him.
Luca immediately stops upon turning another corner. He makes no noise when Ranzal bumps into him from behind from the unexpected stop. Listening in on their intruder, Luca's ears twitch. A clear lack of concern from their intruder is evident from the turned-on lights and humming, Luca remains still. The sound of rolling wheels adding to the noise, the intruder finally steps out.
Alberius pushes out a cart chock-full of varying plates of food. With a quick flick, he turns off the lights before bustling on down the hall with a pep in his step.
"Must have company over or something," Ranzal scratches the side of his head.
"Regardless, we're following him," Luca announces, his shoulders tense.
"Luca," Ranzal outstretches his hand, the limb hanging in the air above Luca's shoulder, Ranzal not used to hearing the archer sound so serious.
"I was saving that carrot cake for a rainy day," Luca cries out, wrapping his arms around Ranzal's waist as he buries his head in Ranzal's chest. "It's not fair,"
"Dumbass," Luca clinging to him for his dear life, Ranzal simply carries Luca by his ass. Following Alberius from a distance, he follows him all the way back to the buildings the dragons sometimes reside in.
Alberius none the wiser, he even leaves the door open.
"Quit your moping. It's not that serious," Ranzal pries Luca off of him and puts him back on the ground. "They were tired when they got here, so they were probably also low on supplies,"
"But so much food? Including my carrot cake," Luca dejectedly stares at the floor.
"Well, Midgardsormr is a dragon so he probably needs to eat a lot. I'll go and buy you a carrot cake at the market another day, my treat,"
"Deal!" Luca immediately cheered up figure perks up. "I've never seen a dragon eat before, so I'm not passing up this chance," Luca drags a willing Ranzal behind him. Though the two immediately stop at the scene that awaits them.
Midgardormr’s true form no longer in sight, he currently takes advantage of his human form. The change between forms is of no shock to Ranzal or Luca, Midgardsormr having elected to use his human appearance often, his new figure is the kicker.
Dwarfing even the size of his towering, built draconic form, Midgardsormr’s human form is, for a lack of better words, fat. The rooms constructed with dragons’ large frames in mind, Midgardsormr’s lard happily occupies every available inch. So many engorged, heavy rolls make up the entirety of his bloated body. A decent sense of proportions is somehow maintained despite Midgardsormr’s elephantine figure. His stomach large enough to smother a trio of beds pushed together, the pale oceanic blubber oozes on down onto the floor. An overwhelmingly large amount of fat swaddling his body, the lower roll making up a portion of his stomach is smothered by the upper tube of fat right above it and even smothers and obscures his navel. The middle roll of fat is wider to the point that one would find it easier to grab someone by the waist than to grab its love handle. The roll of fat right above it not as massively wide, it instead rests comfortably atop the roll below it. Still rather wide as well, the extreme width of said roll’s love handle is comparable to that of Ranzal’s bicep. His chest impacted from his new size just like his crushing gut, two bulbous sagging mounds of fat reside where a chest once was. Each breast alone is larger than a person’s head. Each one larger than even Midgardsormr’s bloated face. Both tits splay out to the side, the uppermost roll of his stomach making a fine bed for his pillowy breasts as they noticeably sink into his billowing fat. Connected to his great doughy chest is his numerous amounts of neck folds and extra chins, each smooshed up against one another and the lowest one even spilling onto the upper crests of his breasts. Connected to that is his face, most of the space taken up by his blubbery over bloated cheeks sagging with fat. His face hard to make out in the vastness of his corpulence, the main indicator of his face lies with his vibrant long mop of rich green hair that cascades down in between the crevices and folds of fat lining his back. His hair flowing onto his tail, his tail is completely invisible from the front with so much fat blocking the view. Two horns stick out on top of his head, though those are no longer as prominent as they once were with fat pooling around it in all directions. Midgardsormr’s arms bulge out on both sides of his face, the two pillar-like appendages forced at an angle from the bunched-up fat from the sides of his stomach. His arms are completely useless with both being unable to budge a fraction of an inch. The upper portions of his arms surpass the width of a tire. His elbow basically absorbed in his own arm fat, his forearm is far less as wide as his arm yet is still equally swaddled in so much fat so as to be incapable of movement. His wrist follows suit, the doughy circular mass of fat affixed to his forearm while also nearly swallowing his fingers. So bloated, the sausagey fingers are basically the only portion of his body that Midgardsormr can move, albeit for short periods of time. The entirety of his arms billowing in lard, his shoulders are practically nonexistent from being buried under so much flab. His back is covered in a litany of rolls just like the rest of his body; the flabby landscape is akin to a rolling field with the numerous mountains and valleys for folds of fat. Each fold cascading and jutting out alike, none of them compare to his couch sized ass cheeks. The shapeless lard stuffed ass pools out onto the floor behind him. His tail runs down the middle of his ass, the once large tail absurdly small in comparison to the extreme width of his ass. It rises into the air like the rest of his figure, so much bad placed on top of more fat to give the appearance of rising dough. His ass jutting behind him, his immovable elephantine legs jut out on both sides of his body. His great stomach takes up as much space as needed, his legs splaying out at somewhat of an angle as a result. Bits of what could be described as his inner thighs seep underneath his stomach however, most of his legs press against the doughy sides of his gut, rolls on his thighs and rolls on his stomach intersecting to create new folds of fat that seemingly mesh together. The entire length of his barrel shaped legs presses against his stomach with his fat having nowhere else to go. His thighs caked in vast amounts of fat, the width of one thigh alone surpasses that of even the largest of doorways. His shins sink into the mass of fat that is his thighs. His feet are in the same predicament, most of them swallowed by the quicksand of fat. Every single inch of Midgardsormr packed with copious, overly exaggerated piles of fat, Midgardsormr’s mammontine body is a caricature of a caricature.
“I brought you some food Mids,” Alberius is ignorant of his two guests. Unable to wheel an entire cart up the rolling hills of fat comprising Midgardsormr’s body, he instead carries the serving platters in his hands. He carefully navigates the oceanic pile of blubber that is Midgardsormr’s body, obviously used to doing so numerous times. Trekking upwards, he perches himself atop Midgardsormr’s breast, nestling his back directly in between the folds of fat where his arm and necks and cheek meet. Alberius rests the extra serving platter on Midgardsormr’s free breast. “This’ll help you get back your energy,” Alberius pats his round chipmunk cheeks with a smile. Alberius pauses as he notices his silence and the bright red blush adorning his face. “What’s wrong? You’re usually begging for-”
“We-” Midgardsormr wheezes out in response. “have guests, “He averts his gaze away from the dumbstruck Luca and Ranzal.
Alberius whips his head around. His eyes go wide. “I’ll be right back,” Patting Midgardsormr’s arm, he climbs down. Luca and Ranzal still outside, Alberius first closes the door as he steps outside. Or at least tries to, Midgardormr’s blubbery stomach wedged in the middle of the doorway. “Hello,” Alberius starts off rather meekly, the smile on his face only half formed. “I’m sure this isn’t something you expected to see,” He gives a weak chuckle before letting out a sigh. “Look, please keep this to yourselves. Mids is rather embarrassed about the whole thing,”
“How soft is he?” Piping up, Luca completely ignores Alberius as he stares behind him.
“Huh? Well, he’s pretty soft, I guess?” Alberius fumbles his words.
“I doubt he’s more than just ‘pretty soft’,” Luca walks past Alberius, his eyes purely focused on the soft, fleshy pile of lard in front of him. His grubby little hands press down into Midgardsormr’s stomach, his entire wrist and more sinking into it. “This is way better than soft! Hey Ranzal, you gotta try this!”
“What do you think you’re doing!” Voice rising in intensity, Midgardsormr panics as Luca lets himself fall into his stomach. “Stop your ridiculousness,” Midgardsormr attempts to squirm, however he only succeeds in wobbling the entirety of his fat around, rolls of lard sloshing into one another.
“He’s even got a vibrate function,” Luca teases with a content sigh.
Ranzal still with Alberius, he merely sighs. “So, curse got him or something?” He gestures towards Midgardsormr.
“Not exactly,” Alberius hesitates, focusing on using all his brainpower for what to respond with. “He, just kinda really enjoys human food,” Alberius shrugs, awkwardly laughing.
“Oh,” Ranzal stares at Midgardsormr who is struggling against an eager Luca.
“So, you’ve been feeding him so much he got this big?” Ranzal raises a brow.
“W-well we both enjoyed it so it just kinda happened! Only his human form is affected from all his eating so we kinda reasoned it’d be fine, and it is. He looks rather dashing like this if I do say so myself,” Beginning to regain his gushing nature over Midgardsormr, Alberius gives a confident grin. His teeth gleaming, his eyes are closed as he speaks next. “So, I’d be grateful if you don’t say a word to anyone about this,” A response not given, Alberius opens his eyes. The spot in front of him devoid of another person, Alberius turns around.
“You sure do like to eat huh? Well, lucky for you, I’ve got plenty of recommendations for good stuff,” Ranzal in front of Midgardsormr’s oozing stomach, he grabs a serving platter full of meat. “Looks like you probably know way more about food than me at this point,”
“Great idea, Ranzal!” Carefully navigating himself off Midgardsormr’s overly plush and soft, cushiony stomach, Luca joins Ranzal in fetching him food. He focuses more on grabbing sweets and treats rather than the hearty filling of meat like Ranzal.
Alberius stands with his mouth slightly agape. Not expecting such a rather positive reaction from the two, his confused eyes gaze up towards Midgardsormr. His eyes gaze back down at Alberius and instead of confusion plastered all over his face, embarrassment mars the wide, doughy landscape of his cheeks.
“What do you two think you’re doing?” A bit of panic seeps into his voice as he stares wide eyed at the two overeager men. Encumbered by the mountainous pile of flab making up his body, his only hope for assistance is Alberius, the man too surprised to help him out.
“Giving you a helping hand,” Ranzal plops himself down where Alberius once was. Holding his tray with a shocking amount of delicacy, the overflowing tray manages to avoid a single spill as its holder makes itself comfortable in between the crevice of where Midgardsormr’s chins, arms and chest meet.
“Yeah! Hafta make sure you’re nice and full; you’re our guest afterall,” With an abundance of cheer and pep in his voice, Luca gladly takes a seat on the other side of Midgardsormr akin to Ranzal’s position. “Your partner sure brought you a ton of food. It must take him forever to feed it all to you. We're just speeding up the process,”
“I do not mind the time it takes for Mids’ appetite to be sated. His stomach rivals the depths of the hungry sea and I have placed it upon myself to aid him,” Alberius gloats to himself, proud of his nonsensical statement. “Though on the other hand...” Alberius turns his attention even further away from Midgardsormr’s predicament as he finds himself increasingly lost in his own thoughts.
“Alberius!” Midgardsormr shouts, a slight huff to his voice from the mere effort. “Do so-” The rest of his sentence becomes muffled nonsense as Luca shoves a forkful of his carrot cake into his mouth.
“See, he’s fine with it. Just relax already, big guy,” The serving tray resting on his lap, uca pats Midgardsormr’s tube of fat for an arm.
A generous portion of cake placed into his mouth, zero words are needed to coax the embarrassed, reluctant dragon. His hunger always creeping up on the back of his mind, he obediently chews on the mildly sweet and moist dessert. Despite the heaping helping of cake, it only takes him a few moments for it to all go down his greedy gullet. A slight chill escapes his voice as he speaks next, a clear, obvious contentment to his bashful face. “I am not-” His sentence once again ends up rendered pointless with another serving of food offered right to his mouth, this time by Ranzal.
“If ya got time to complain, then ya got time to eat,” Ranzal grins and watches Midgardsormr chew through the half portion of steak, his bulbous cheeks wobbling to and fro from the simple act of eating. Ranzal leans back into the comfort of Midgardsormr’s arms and cheeks, his bulk sinking into a fair amount of his plush body.
“I,,,,” Quickly finishing the second offering, Midgardsormr struggles to get a coherent thought out, his stomach doing most of the thinking for him. His half-lidded eyes switch between Ranzal and Luca. Even that movement is groggy and sluggish, as if any sort of movement is foreign to him. “I’m hungry,” Huffing out the words, the last portions of his embarrassment scream at him, yet his stomach thanks him as more food finds its way into his cavernous mouth.
“Happy to help, big guy,”
“All you had to do was say something,”
Midgardsormr finds himself unable to even come up with a retort to either of them, his mind simply focusing on the delectable dishes offered to him as he gobbles them all down. A generous portion of food enters his mouth only for another to be promptly stuffed inside the instant he finishes the former. Ranzal and Luca offering the barest of times in between each offering, Midgardsormr finds zero complaint in such a speedy stuffing. His oceanic gut churns as it craves more and more food, the numerous servings of food already stuffed inside him merely a start meant to whet his appetite. Human food having such an effect on him since his very first taste of the cuisine, he simply found himself unable to get enough of the food. Alberius far too eager to feed him, Midgardsormr’s appetite directly grew alongside his waistline. With two people eager to stuff him full of such delicious food, his stomach yearns for more. As when Luca finds his tray devoid of any food, Midgardsormr mentally whines at the minimal break in pace, Ranzal’s speedy stuffing still not enough. Or when Ranzal goes to fetch him more food as well upon Luca’s return, the two planning their switches to keep a steady pace of food going into his mouth at all times. And he eats it all willingly. Far too willingly, his body basically begging for every morsel they toss his way. Until the food ends up all gone, an entire cart’s worth of food able to serve as a veritable feast stuffed inside the expanse of his stomach. A bit of a huff escapes past his lips, his flushed rounded cheeks huffing and puffing for air.
Alberius remains completely ignorant to the current ongoing events. The rather loud huffs coming from Mids and the increasingly loud churning in his stomach falls on deaf ears. He merely paces around a bit as he continues to mutter to himself. “It does take me a rather long time to feed him,” He paces around a bit. “And that’s just for one feeding,” Alberius’ concentration only breaks upon hearing Midgardsormr’s needy voice.
“Alberius,” Mids whines. He breathes heavily, the entire mass of food sitting comfortably in his stomach. A tiny spackle of food smears his lips and cheeks.
“Yes,,,” Alberius stares wide eyed at Mids. He instinctively steps forward a few paces before he ends up right in front of Mids’ stomach and places a gentle hand on the upper lip of one of his many rolls.
“I’m hungry,” The statement leaves his lips as plainly as he thought of it, his aching stomach craving and wanting for me.
“No problem! I’ll serve you,,,,” Turning to the cart, he freezes mid step. His mind races as he comprehends that the entirety of the cart has been devoured.
“Don’t tell me you thought that was enough to fill him up,” Luca chides as he cheerfully lies on top of Midgardsormr.
“He’s been practically begging all this time. Seems like he’s been holding back quite some time,”
Hearing the implication, Midgardsormr goes to speak only for him to find no words, his face flushing a bright vibrant red.
“Mids,,,” Alberius elects to speak instead. His own face matches the intensity of Mids’ blush. “I’ll bring you all the food I can!” Storming off in a rush, a fervent intensity in his step.
The overall rather silent atmosphere of the night ends up disturbed a few minutes later as Alberius’ soft grunts sound out. His figure approaching, he comes with two carts this time alongside a bundle full of an assortment of bread. “This was,” Alberius takes a pause to catch his breath, his chest heaving as he takes in several gulps of air. “This was everything I could find,” A radiant smile illuminates his face before he goes to place as much food as he can on a serving tray. Upon grabbing as much as possible, he climbs up the roll ridden hill that is Midgardsormr’s body. He gently moves aside Midgardsormr’s mane of green hair before sitting on the plush rolls of back fat. Able to get a better view of Mids’ face, he peers down at him with a gentle smile. He brings a bread roll to his mouth, Mids’ devouring it whole. “You should’ve told me you haven’t been feeling full as of late. You always brushed me off when I asked about you being so tired often,”
“I’ve been eating way too much lately,” Mids takes another bread roll. “You’ve been spending so much on food just for me,”
“That’s it?” A small snicker escapes past Alberius. “Seriously?” His snickering erupts into laughter. “Mids, it’s more likely that you’ll eat everything before I run out of money,”
“You don’t have to be so blunt,” Mids murmurs.
“I’m sorry but it’s true. And if you’re worried about me spending too much, just know that your happiness is worth more than anything else,” Bubbling laughter still escaping him, Alberius reaches for more food with a renewed vigor. “Now, to make sure you actually end up full tonight,”
His fear turning out to be completely mundane, Mids holds back his remark at Alberius’ placating yet loving remarks. Both from embarrassment and from having his mouth being stuffed with food. The two’s conversation over, Ranzal and Luca get off Midgardsormr to grab some more food as well. Not having been used to two people feeding him yet adjusting to that quite well, he finds no issue in adjusting to three people impatient to stuff him. His cheeks caked in fat, the jutting mounds of flab hide the ridiculous amounts of food stuffed inside his hungry maw at all times. Barely able to keep up with the supply of food, his mouth sluggishly gives each dish a few chews before swallowing it to make room for the next batch of food coming his way. So much food packed inside, the individual flavors and textures jumble together. Yet his addiction to human food is all the same, Midgardsormr greedily devouring it all while still wanting for more. His stomach is so vastly bloated that even as he slowly begins to feel his aching hunger subside, the hill of fat appears no different than before, zero tautness in the blubbery expanse of his gut. However, before he can fully claim himself as full, Alberius’ loving face peers down at his.
“Sorry to say, but we’re fully out of food,” Both hands gripping the tip of Mids’ horns, Alberius leans down for a quick peck, his face neatly slotting itself between all of Mids’ fat. “Did you end up full at least?” Both Ranzal and Luca gone, the two having left after confirming there was no more food in the entire castle, Alberius goes to make himself comfortable. He lies down in between the jutting crevice of Mids’ chest where each moob juts out to the side. He rests his head right on Mids’ multiple folds where his chins and necks mold together.
“Almost,” Mids admits, a slight bit of sadness sounding in his voice.
“Wait, seriously!?” Alberius’ face turns a violent tinge of red. “That’s kinda hot,” He admits as his hands rub at as much of Mids’ expanse as they can reach. “Then next time I’ll make sure to get you enough food to where you’re begging me to stop feeding you,” A small yawn makes it past Alberius’ lips. The infectious yawn worms its way into Mids’ mouth before he lets one out too; the entire expanse of his body jostles and jiggles from the action, Alberius taken along for the ride as the human bed shakes beneath him.
“You better,” Mids merely replies, the overtaxing churning of his gut making him rather drowsy.
“Once we make it to Hinomoto I will,” Alberius lazily pats whatever fold of fat his hand rests on. “If we leave first thing in the morning, we should make it in a few days,”
“Deal,” Letting out one final prolonged yawn, Mids begins to snooze off, his entire body rising and falling with each breath he takes.
Come morning, the two guards find zero trace of their visitors besides a completely barren kitchen and a hefty bag of gold.
“So, what’re we gonna say happened?” Luca scratches the side of his head as he stares at the vacant room where Alberius and Midgardsormr once were.
“We go out for drinks, then we replenish the pantry,” Ranzal happily holds up the bag of gold in his hand. “Then we split the rest that’s left,”
“Deal!” The two head off on their merry way to enjoy their day, yesterday knight a pleasant experience decided to be kept as their little secret.
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mightysteelix · 4 years
And today's drabble is here! Thanks to verystrwaberryfestival for reminding me about Ban - I swear, he was my big gay awakening!
Ban yawned and stretched in bed. The captain had ordered a meeting in the morning, but few minutes wouldn't kill anybody. Most likely.
And what if Ban's greedy nature had been catching up with him? What if all the cold beers and finger-licking food had left their marks on the Fox' softening body? What if his skintight clothes had become - if possible - even tighter?
A bit of pleasure hurt nobody. So, where was the problem with a lot more? Some extra weight and bigger size of clothes were nothing compared to the felling of beer sloshing in Ban's gut.
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growingstories · 4 months
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mightysteelix · 4 years
Hey, everybody! So, this fic is for my favourite cutie form Free - Makoto. I can't be the only person to think he'd be much better chubbier, right? This was written yesterday, but I had no net due to a storm. So here it is - technically the yesterday drabble!
"Haru, I don't think I can wear this to school!" Makoto closed his eyes and sucked his belly in.
The tight uniform (no, it was tight one size ago; now it was a miracle it hadn't broken) still strained around Makoto's chubby gut. Even if he exhaled completely and forced his muscles to hold his fat back with more struggle (enough to make him sweat), he still would not button the shirt. It still didn't stop him from trying. His fingers sank in the fat while forcing the buttons together.
"Why not? You look perfect," Haru replied.
Makoto blushed scarlet.
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growingstories · 1 year
This is a story by Jamie, living in a suburban area close to London: Next to where I live is a building that houses construction workers from abroad. Most of the guys I see are from Poland living here to work for a construction company run by a Mr. Johnson. I didn’t really think much of it until Pjotr became my direct neighbor.
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Every day, I would see the rough Polish workers in the garden, their tough exterior giving away nothing but their laborious days. Dusty and unshowered, they would gather after work to smoke, drink beer, and chat until late into the night. None of them seemed to be particularly fit, most being slightly overweight. However, their dedication to their work was admirable. During vacations, they would all go back to their families in Poland and return after spending quality time with their loved ones. It was during such Summer vacation period that I bumped into someone unexpected.
As I walked down the street, lost in my own thoughts, I noticed a hot, athletic guy who appeared to be lost. Curiosity got the better of me, and I approached him to offer my help. He was looking for number 13, the house right next to mine. I excitedly told him that I lived next door, and we introduced ourselves. His name was Pjotr, and he mentioned that he was from Poland as the rest of the guys.
Pjotr had recently finished carpenter school and had come to to England pursue his dreams in the construction industry. His charming demeanor instantly struck a chord with me, and before I knew it, I had fallen head over heels in love with him.
After a week of living next to each other, Pjotr and I bumped into each other again. I asked him how he was finding his time in England so far. He confessed that work was tough and after work was a bit monotonous. The other workers would only gather to drink and never did anything particularly interesting. He expressed his struggle in connecting with his rough colleagues, who mostly talked about women and football—topics that didn't interest him much. He was happy to paths crossed have with me, as it meant having someone to talk to outside of work.
Feeling an undeniable connection, the following week, I suggested we grab some food together, and he gladly accepted. During dinner, Pjotr confided in me about his ambition to build his own dream house and start his own construction company by the time he turned 30. I found his drive and determination incredibly inspiring and showered him with praise.
Our dinners together became a regular occurrence, and soon enough, we found ourselves venturing out to clubs, enjoying the vibrant nightlife. It was during one of those late-night walks home, in the midst of a palpable tension, that Pjotr surprised me by pushing me into an alleyway and passionately kissing me. Overwhelmed by desire, I invited him up to my place, and we shared an unforgettable night together. However, we both agreed that our encounters needed to remain discreet due to the nature of our situation. On the streets, we would greet each other as neighbors, and upon entering or leaving my house, we had to ensure that no prying eyes were watching.
As time went on, our relationship deepened, and we spent almost every day together. Pjotr would sneak into my house after dinner with colleagues at 7.30 pm to share a bite with me, have amazing sex and sleep together tight and set his alarm for 4:30 am, ensuring that he made it back to his place before anyone woke up. Our secret meetings, filled with passion and desire, became the highlights of our lives. But as the months passed, I began to notice subtle changes in Pjotr's physique. Love handles appeared on his once athletic frame, accentuating his rugged charm.
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At first, it didn't bother me, but gradually, it became apparent that he was gaining weight. He confessed his struggle to me, explaining that his colleagues would cook fatty dinners every night, and the amount of beer they consumed was staggering. Despite his best efforts, the weight seemed to pile on rapidly, and he struggled to find a way out. To support him, I promised to cook lighter meals, but he would often snack on my food, turning my smaller portions into full dinners. Desserts became larger, and his belly started to grow bigger.
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Seeing him change physically didn't dampen my attraction to him; in fact, I found his size newfound incredibly appealing. I assured him that he still looked hot, hoping to boost his confidence. In response, he asked if he could my use gym, determined to shed some weight. He embarked on a rigorous workout routine, spending hours at the gym after work.
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The results were astonishing. His muscles bulked up, giving him an even more commanding presence. However, the weight he had gained remained, transforming him into an absolute beast of a man. He reveled in his newfound strength, attributing it partly to his size. Pjotr's colleagues, impressed by his determination, offered him lighter duties that didn't involve too much physical exertion, enabling him to indulge his appetite even more.
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Over the course of five years, our secret encounters continued, and Pjotr's size grew. He had saved up a considerable amount of money and shared with me his plans to leave England for good. He was eager to return to Poland and live out his dreams of building his dream house and starting his own construction company. He asked if I would join him, sharing his desire to build a life together. His family was accepting of our relationship, and I found myself seriously considering starting a new life in Poland.
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In the final months leading up to our departure, Pjotr had become simply obese. However, he appeared more relaxed and content now that his family knew about us. We made the decision to leave England behind and embrace a simpler life in Poland. I knew I could pursue my own career there as well. And so, that's where we find ourselves now—living a peaceful, joy-filled life in Poland I take. care of the love of my life, who spends his days building our dream house and establishing his own successful construction company. The days are busy, and as he constantly moves and works, he has shed some weight along the way. Nevertheless, his insatiable appetite and love for food guarantee that he will never be skinny again. But that's perfectly fine, because to me, he will always be the sexy, confident, and loving man I fell in love with—the who pursued man his ambitions, achieved his dreams, and captured my heart forever.
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growingstories · 7 months
Experiment - what do you think? More of these animations?
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571 notes · View notes
growingstories · 7 months
Experimenting - Growing construction worker
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437 notes · View notes
growingstories · 4 months
Stocky college jocks
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growingstories · 10 months
Growing up
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growingstories · 1 year
The artist
Jamie Henderson had always dreamed of becoming a successful artist. Growing up in a poor family, his ambitions were often misunderstood. But Jamie didn't let that discourage him. After graduating from art school, he took a job at a famous art gallery, hoping it would help him in his artistic journey.
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However, working in the gallery turned out to be rather dull and uninspiring. Dealing with snobby and unappreciative clients was a daily occurrence. Jamie's talent remained unrecognized and he didn't know how to lift off his career.
One day, as Jamie stood by the window, lost in his thoughts, he noticed a handsome guy walking by. Smiling, Jamie couldn't help but smile back when the guy looked his way. To his surprise, the next morning, the same guy walked by again, holding two big Starbucks cups. He offered one to Jamie, a delicious coffee with caramel and cream. This ritual continued for rest of the the week, and Jamie began to look forward to these encounters.
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It turned out that the handsome guy's name was Richard Pearson, a successful partner at an investment bank. They started talking and getting to know each other better. Jamie felt an instant connection with Richard, who was in his mid-30s. His charisma and intelligence intrigued Jamie.
Their daily meetings evolved into dates, and Richard invited Jamie to dinner at a very expensive restaurant. Jamie hesitated, knowing he couldn't afford such a luxury. But Richard insisted, assuring him that this one was on him.
The following week, Richard took Jamie on another extravagant date. This time, Richard suggested that Jamie could make a painting in return. The idea excited Jamie, and he poured his heart into creating a beautiful painting. Richard was in awe of the artwork Jamie presented him and suggested that he use the artist name "James Hampton" when displaying it in his family house in the Hamptons.
Their dating continued, and Richard consistently showered Jamie with gifts and extravagant experiences. He brought him coffee every morning, took him to expensive restaurants almost every night, and their intimacy was truly amazing. Jamie, despite his talent, felt guilty that he couldn't do anything in return for Richard's generosity.
One day, Richard proposed that they visit the Hamptons together so Jamie could create a large art piece. Eager to pursue his art free from distractions, Jamie accepted the offer. Richard let Jamie stay in his beach house for a week, ensuring he had everything he to needed create his masterpiece.
Secluded in the peaceful winter Hamptons, Jamie spent his days immersed in his art. Richard had food delivered daily indul,ging Jamie's every craving. The lack of exercise and constant indulgence took a toll on Jamie's body, and he gained a few extra pounds. He realized he had forgotten his running gear and couldn't find the motivation to work out.
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When the weekend arrived, Richard picked Jamie up, and their passion reignited. Jamie nervously showed Richard his completed artwork, and Richard was awe-struck by the beauty Jamie had created. Back in the gallery, the routine continued, with sugary coffee and lavish dinners. Jamie's weight continued to increase and he struggled to fit into his clothes. He showed Richard a tight shirt, embarrassed by his expanding waistline. In return, Richard offered to take him to an expensive tailor for new shirts and trousers.
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As months went by, Jamie's talent flourished, and his art pieces gained recognition. Richard saw great potential in his protege and proposed a life-changing opportunity. He suggested that Jamie leave the gallery and become a full-time professional artist, using Richard's Hamptons beach house as a studio. Richard would arrange gallery spaces twice a year for Jamie's pop-up exhibitions, and they would split the sales proceeds, with Richard receiving a kickback. Moreover, Richard would cover Jamie's monthly living expenses and make a financial investment to support his artistic career.
Jamie, overwhelmed by the offer, eagerly agreed. He had always dreamed of dedicating his life to art, and's proposal Richard seemed like a come dream true. The only concern Jamie had was about his weight and fitness. Richard assured him not to worry, suggesting that he should just go for runs and hit the gym on weekends.
With the support of Richard, Jamie created artwork after artwork. Each day, more delicious home-delivered meals arrived, and Jamie indulged in every bite. He asked Richard to cut down on the food deliveries, but Richard assured him that any leftovers could simply be thrown away. Fueled by constant indulgence, Jamie's weight continued to climb, and after three months, he had gained 25 kilograms.
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Surprisingly, Richard didn't seem bothered by Jamie's increasing size. He loved being Jamie's mentor and enjoyed their time together, focusing solely on Jamie's artistic development. The summer arrived, and preparations for the gallery began. Despite feeling self-conscious about his weight, Jamie worked diligently on his art. Richard, understanding Jamie's insecurities, took him to the tailor for new clothes, assuring him that his talent and art were what truly mattered.
The summer in the Hamptons was a whirlwind. Parties, lavish dinners, and Jamie's artwork received great acclaim. He had become a well-known and respected artist, even with his growing weight. Richard, proud of his protege's success, couldn't have been happier. His investments had paid off, and Jamie and Richard were a content and loving couple.
The routine of their life continued after the summer. Jamie's talent brought in more and more money, allowing him to relax and focus on his art. His revenue increased, and he raised his prices accordingly. Unfortunately, as the weeks passed, Jamie's weight continued to rise steadily, rendering most of his clothes unwearable., Richard however, loved Jamie unconditionally and cherished their life together.
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And so, the story of Jamie and Richard, their love and artistic success, went on. Jamie's body grew heavier, but his artistic abilities continued to shine. Richard treasured him more with each passing day, happy to have found a partner who understood his ambitions and supported his dreams. And so, they lived their lives passionately, showing that love and art could flourish regardless of size or appearance. The end.
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growingstories · 11 months
Construction worker
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641 notes · View notes
growingstories · 4 months
Ex-jock teachers
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growingstories · 4 days
The will
Andreas Müller was a handsome, fat, 43-year-old chef who helmed a prestigious Michelin star restaurant nestled in the mountains near Zurich. The restaurant was a family legacy; his grandfather had founded it, and though his father had shown little interest, he still owned it. Andreas, however, had turned the establishment into a roaring success, earning it two coveted Michelin stars through sheer passion and culinary brilliance.
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Every month, Andreas' father would visit the restaurant with a new girlfriend, collect an envelope of cash, and leave. Despite this strained relationship, Andreas cherished his own family—his loving wife and two beautiful children. They would eat together every evening in the restaurant before service, reinforcing their tight-knit bond.
His culinary team admired him, ensuring he tasted each dish, brewed him the finest coffees, and ate leftover meals with him after shifts. Over the years, this routine, coupled with his sedentary lifestyle, had led to significant weight gain. His favorite sport, skiing, was now a distant memory as his size made it impractical. Andreas often felt like a father figure to his leaner, more energetic team. The warmth of summer was suffocating for him, making him keenly aware of his desire to lose weight, but the cycle of indulgence persisted, and he gained a few more kilos each year.
Life took an unexpected turn when Andreas' father died suddenly. Out of respect and to arrange the funeral, Andreas closed the restaurant for a few weeks. The resulting stress and absence of excessive food intake led to a surprising few kilos lost, giving him a sense of relief. The departure of his father, while sad, brought a strange sense of freedom.
Two weeks later, just as Andreas planned to reopen the restaurant, he received an urgent call from his father's lawyer, inviting him to the will reading. The lawyer's insistence on keeping the restaurant closed until then sparked curiosity. Andreas mused about the odd request but complied. During the interim, he whisked his wife away to a luxurious spa for five rejuvenating days. They reignited their connection through healthy eating, mountain walks, and even some fitness workouts. Refreshed and lighter, Andreas beamed with newfound vigor as he walked into the lawyer's office.
At the office, Andreas was introduced to Julian, a handsome, muscular 28-year-old. The reading revealed a startling secret: Julian was his half-brother. Their father had accumulated considerable wealth through successful real estate ventures, amassing €50,000,000. The will stipulated that Andreas and Julian would each receive half the inheritance, but only after five years. Moreover, Julian would assume the role of general manager at the restaurant for that period.
Panic set in, and Andreas stormed out of the office. Yet the next morning brought a surprising turn. Julian reached out for a coffee meet-up, and Andreas, intrigued, invited him to the restaurant. They bonded over their shared experiences of an absent father and agreed to the arrangement. The future looked manageable; five years seemed like a fair trade for lifelong financial security.
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Julian immersed himself in hospitality, learning the ropes from the team. Mornings were dedicated to studying food and wine, afternoons to menu tastings, and nights to running the shift. His 16-hour workdays bore fruit; the staff valued him, and patrons were charmed by his professionalism.
To Andreas' delight, this newfound balance allowed him to focus on cooking and prepping during the day, leaving evenings to Julian. Andreas even snuck in gym sessions and skiing trips, shedding more weight and rediscovering vitality. His relationship with his wife flourished; they laughed and shared pleasures like teenagers. Meanwhile, Julian, though popular and diligent, struggled to keep his fitness in check amidst the calorie-laden environment and relentless schedule.
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As Julian's culinary journey progressed, the team adjusted their focus. They prepped meals, ensuring he tasted everything, leading to increased portions and frequent snacking. The grueling schedule left no room for the gym, and Julian's once-defined abs gave way to love handles.
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Andreas, now leaner than ever, radiated health. His marriage thrived, and with the support of his wife, he embraced a slower pace. Julian, despite his growing girth, garnered guest adoration, embodying the restaurant's charm. The stress and fulfillment of his role were addictive, and he convinced himself that cutting down on food was a goal for tomorrow.
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Desiring deeper culinary knowledge, Julian enrolled in a part-time prestigious cooking course. Here, he met Conrad, a talented young chef driven by the dream of working at Julian's renowned restaurant. Conrad showcased his skills through irresistible dishes, flirting and impressing Julian along the way.
Their chemistry was palpable, and though Julian remained professional, the allure was undeniable. After evening shifts, Conrad persistently brought more culinary creations, leading to intimate moments. Julian's confidence in his body waned, but Conrad reassured him, emphasizing that a hospitality professional needn't have a six-pack.
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Returning from a rejuvenating spa weekend, a thinner and more radiant Andreas advised Julian to moderate his dessert indulgences, a remark Julian brushed off with humor. Conrad's persistent presence and exceptional culinary talent led to an apprenticeship request, with Julian insisting on impressing the team.
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In the kitchen, Conrad faced competition from Leo, another ambitious and handsome young chef. Their rivalry birthed extravagant tryouts, pleasing the head chef. Julian, swamped by lavish meals, confided in Conrad, who nonchalantly admired his larger frame. Exhaustion often confined Julian to just laying on his back during sex, yet Conrad's admiration soothed his insecurities.
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As the five-year mark approached, Andreas' transformation captivated the media, and his newfound fitness made him a regular on cooking shows. His shifts at the restaurant dwindled, while Julian, now significantly heavier, embraced the role of the restaurant's big-hearted patriarch.
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Julian's popularity among guests soared, and Conrad and Leo secured permanent kitchen positions, curtailing their competitive tastings. Julian contemplated his future, ready to ease the pace and shed some weight with his €25,000,000 inheritance. The brothers, having navigated a unique journey, stood poised to honor their father's legacy in their own distinct ways.
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growingstories · 7 months
Drew Miller was a young man named and was the epitome of popularity in his high school, known for his charm, good looks, and his exceptional skills as a heavyweight wrestler. Drew was admired by all, and he relished the adoration he received.
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But alas, Drew's dreams were shattered when a series of injuries forced him to quit wrestling. Without the rigorous training required to maintain his previous weight, Drew began to put on pounds. However, he couldn't bring himself to start losing weight, believing he could still shed the excess pounds later on.
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Determined to move forward in life, Drew landed a job at an office. The daily routine of sitting, combined with his overindulgence in unhealthy snacks and meals, led to further weight gain. Drew's shirts grew tighter, making him feel frustrated and uncomfortable in his own skin. But instead of changing his eating habits, he found solace in food, seeking temporary relief from his mounting stresses and disappointments.
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During this time, Drew met a young guy named Patrick, who also happened to be a wrestler from their high school. Patrick was determined to bulk up for his next wrestling weight class, and Drew, eager to remain a part of the wrestling scene, decided to eat alongside him. Patrick was extremely handsome and ripped. He was much smaller than Drew but had an amazing ripped shape.
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As Andrew continued to stuff himself with food, the pounds continued to pile onto his already substantial figure. Meanwhile, Patrick achieved his desired bulk and moved up to the next weight class. Patrick loved being pushed by the bigger Drew and Drew loved the feeling of being the big one. Patrick often pushed Drew to eating more. Their sex was amazing.
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Unfortunately, Drew's eating habits began to take a toll on his fitness, leaving him increasingly unfit. Despite his struggles, the two continued to enjoy a vibrant love life filled with passion and desire. However, Drew often found himself out of breath during their intimate encounters, making him aware of his declining physical condition. Simple tasks like tying his shoes became arduous challenges, and Drew couldn't ignore the impact his weight gain was having on his daily life. Also Patrick started noticing differences in his shape. He was getting stronger by the day but all this bulking made him to start losing his knife sharp abs but also his jeans became too tight as his legs had an amazing growth spurt. Which made Drew constantly wanting to squeeze Patricks ass and getting hornier all the time.
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Patrick, faced a another battle. After a grueling lost match, he realized he needed to lose weight in order to compete in a lower weight class. Also coach advised him to either get much stronger or lose weight and thrive in a lighter weight class. Determined to achieve his goal, he embarked on a strict diet and intense training regimen. As Patrick tried to shed weight and grow stronger, Drew's eating and cooking habits remained unchanged. He continued to grow bigger, seemingly oblivious to the impact on his health and well-being. Despite his increasing size, Drew found immense joy in his life, basking in the love and acceptance he received from Patrick and others around him. But his cooking and caring for Patrick resulted in Patrick gaining more weight instead of a cut. His abs almost completely covered by a layer of fat. Realizing this he accepted his fate and decided to try to get stronger in a heavier weight class.
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And so, their intertwined journey continued - Patrick striving to achieve his wrestling dreams by making sacrifices and become big and strong and staying disciplined, while Drew found comfort in his expanding girth, deciding to embrace his current body and live life to the fullest and take care of his bulking wrestler boyfriend.
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