#We killed Sarkareth and I all got was inspired to write this piece for Father's Day.
lorellaishc · 1 year
Lorellai looked at the crumpled, still form of Scalecommander Sarkareth, lying on the floor of the lowest level of Aberrus. The fight had been brutal, shadowy magics assaulting her mind even as the mad Dracthyr had tried to burn her flesh. But together, they had prevailed. His final words though, calling out to his father for guidance, left her shaken. In the wake, she'd reached out to Fatalion, who had served under Sarkareth long ago, hoping to give comfort.
"You're a good person, Lorellai. Don't stop being a good person." the Dracthyr had declared, before leaving to work through her own issues. Head swirling with questions, Lorellai activated her hearthstone.
Back in Valdrakken, she wrote her report, sliding it in an envelope to be delivered to the expedition on the morrow. It was filled with all the details she could remember, but her feelings remained in chaos. Exhaling, she went to the closet she'd filled with gizmos, and assembled her long range radio.
"This is Tinker, calling Sapper. Come in, Sapper." she intoned, twisting the dials to find the right frequency. It didn't take long for a reponse to come through.
"This is Sapper, och, it's good t' hear yer voice lass! How are yeh gettin' along out there?" her father asked, his voice loud and clear over the radio waves. Lorellai felt a rush of relief flow over her.
"It's been quite the time, Sapper. Do yeh 'ave time t' talk?" she asked, her accent already starting to reassert herself in the face of his thick brogue. Upon his assent, she began to tell him everything she'd faced in Aberrus. Helping Sabellian and Wrathion face the shade of their father, overcoming his efforts to exploit their weaknesses. How chasing the same father's approval had led Sarkareth to cause so much trouble and suffering. How she wasn't sure if killing him had been the right thing to do. When she finished, she heard the scooting of a chair over the radio.
"Och, Tinker meh girl, yeh've certainly cut yer teeth and then some. I'm so proud of yeh, facing such darkness and coming out th' other side."
"I know that, da- Sapper, I know, but I'm still not sure if we did the right thing?" she replied, her voice pleading.
"Oh my dear. It is ever th' way when heroes do what they do. Yer enemies will rarely be someone totally unworthy of sympathy. Each will have their own reasons for taking the dark paths they did, for making the harmful choices they made. But at th' end of th' day, no matter how bad he was hurting, this Sarkareth fella ignored yer efforts to help, and just kept hurting people. Men like that, yeh have to accept that they make their choice, and that yeh cannae let them continue. You saved lives today, Tinker. He cannae hurt anyone else, and those who survived him can start t' heal. That's what matters. Save lives. Stop bullies. Spare who you can, put down who you can't. If yeh stumble, get up and keep going. I know you'll do the right thing, lass. Th' fact that yer askin' this question is proof to me that you still care. I'm proud of yeh, Tinker. We all are."
Lorellai tried her best to suppress her sniff as she wiped away tears. "Thanks Sapper. It means a lot t' hear tha'. I love yeh."
"I love yeh too lass... och, yer brother's hollarin' from th' house, I'd better go. Give meh love to th' team! I love yeh lass! Sapper, out!"
The radio signal went silent, and Lorellai spent a few moments listening to the gentle static before powering down the unit. She kept her hand on it as Stroganoff gently leaned into her, and she leaned back. "Broke out of the stables again, boy?" she giggled, resting her head on the hornswog. He rumbled happily in response, and Lorellai decided maybe tonight he could sleep in her room.
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