#We all know this fic is a Zuko Angst Fest so everything about it must be centered around our boy's suffering
demaparbat-hp · 2 months
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For the Spirits—Chapter III: Keep Your Plans
At the risk of feeling dumb, check in
It's not worth the risk of losing a friend
Even if they say:
“Just keep your plans, I hope
That you never have to drop
Anything for me.”
—At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb by Twenty One Pilots
Yume had to resist the urge to sigh. She already knew how this would go. All roads led to tea, Pai Sho, and no straight answers. If she could go back in time and reach out to her younger self, she’d warn the tired face in the mirror to enjoy Iroh’s company while he still made sense.
She cursed the Crew under her breath, doing her best to give the General a smile back or, at least, keep a straight face.
Why did I even say yes to this?
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