#Water Damage Clean Up
firstchoicerestore · 10 days
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mold-homebasehelpers · 3 months
Call 833.611.2636 for water & mold cleanup
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bowenoke · 10 months
edit: btw it is not safe to wear contacts in the shower! the option is included for accuracy, but please consider throwing on an old pair of glasses or just going blind into that wet box instead.
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lilbit-of-kizzy · 5 months
Guess who just spent 45 mins cleaning up from her over half full humidifier taking a nose dive 🙃
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teaandinanity · 1 year
ughhh the internet is failing me
anyone have advice on cleaning painted wood furniture in a way that won’t damage the paint or the underlying wood? everything I’m seeing is either about ruining antiques by painting them beige or about trying to salvage an antique that has been assaulted with paint.
in this case the paint is a) very pretty and b) also antique and I REALLY don’t want to damage it but also I would like to clean the object in question and it’s like ‘I KNOW advice for this must exist SOMEWHERE but unfortunately ruining antiques has been The Big Thing for a while now.’
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zhongli-lover-69 · 8 months
hey girl is the room flooding or are you just happy to see me
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girlscience · 10 months
being productive is drugs to me
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dawnleaf37 · 1 year
saw my life flash before my eyes
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firstchoicerestore · 17 days
Happy Father's Day!
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Happy Father’s Day from firstchoicerestore.com
Learn more about our services at firstchoicerestore.com
Contact us today at firstchoicerestore.com or call 800-370-0770 for prompt and reliable assistance.
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mold-homebasehelpers · 3 months
Call 833.611.2636 for mold and water clean up.
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maidforhome0 · 1 year
Custom Residential Cleaning Services in Natick, MA
If you are looking for custom residential cleaning services in Natick, MA region? If yes, then Maid For Home will be the right place. It's because, we provide complete residential cleaning services that include dusting, vacuuming, sanitizing all surfaces, and many more services. We offer our services at affordable prices to meet each customer’s needs and budget. Call us at (508) 474-5302 for more information.
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milfcodeddean · 2 years
I’m having a bad time rn and a hard week and unfortunately all of my irl friends are busy with important other things bc that’s adulthood so I just have to get through this crisis on my own
Sorry to put a vent post on here but I’m going to explode and some of my irl friends follow my main account and I don’t want them to feel guilty
#so the apartment above mine leaked while I was at my parents for the summer and a lot of the ceiling and some of the walls need the drywall#replaced and like the water didn’t damage my belongings bc miraculously the leaks were over empty floor#BUT bc I was across the country the workers and my landlord had to move my stuff around my apartment etc#AND now the condominium company took over the repairs and is being super slow#so my landlord company put me up in a furnished apartment so I’m not homeless or anything#but i finally went and saw my apartment yesterday and just it was upsetting to see my home like in shambles#and all of my stuff has been touched and moved and like nothing was stolen it’s just#it was necessary for my privacy to be violated yknow and like my entire bathroom sink anf vanity had to be ripped out and it’s a mess and#like there’s plaster dust everywhere and the repairs won’t be done for god idk probably more than a week#and then I’m going to have to clean so much and like go through each individual item I own and wipe off the plaster dust#and like see what is and isn’t damaged to see if it’s worth filing renters insurance#and like I’m so busy i start teaching and taking classes in two weeks and I have terrifying exams in September like I don’t have time for#this and I don’t have a car and I don’t like always asking for rides all the time and it’s just#this is such a bad time to have a crisis#and my parents live on the other side of the country#like it could be so much worse I could have to move or like I could have been robbed but it still is bad#I’m so stressed all the time#and it’s gonna cost money in general like having to replace damaged things
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goldpilot22 · 2 years
girls will get angry about rocky flats for the yet againth time
#psii.txt#im having a moment#like I do approximately twice a week#growling and snarling and biting. three mile island was NOT america's chernobyl#yes that was a nuclear reactor meltdown however it was able to be cleaned up and no one was seriously harmed#meanwhile the mothers day 1969 fire at rocky flats#you Don't fight a plutonium fire with water. that can cause a criticality aka Bad News. but the fire was so bad that they had no choice#the firefighters had to use water. and it worked. and if not for them it would have burned through the roof and released enough#enough plutonium dust to make denver look like pripyat#the mother's day fire is the closest the us has ever come to having our own chernobyl#and btw. the firefighters? didn't make it out scot free neither#one of them had his mask knocked off and he inhaled toxic radioactive fumes. it gave him lung cancer#so many rocky flats workers have similar stories and not even from the fire. ill fitting masks. damaged glove box gloves.#plutonium dust. beryllium dust. carbon tetrachloride.#you wanna talk about a nuclear disaster in the states‚ look at rocky flats#look at the workers sick and dying with cancers and lung diseases and organs failing and Still Fighting to get compensation#my great-aunt was a secretary there and she's fighting cancer and they tried to tell her the only thing she was exposed to there was 'ink'#god. I could go OFF about this for probably hours#it's just like the radium girls. history repeating itself
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crabs-but-better · 2 years
god okay i’m taking a break from what i’m doing rn just cause i’m. feeling a lot ok.
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why is tim the endangered salamander in the river of my mind
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gothedrals · 2 years
after years of searching I finally found a vintage copy of queen ii on vinyl today. feeling unstoppable
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